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  • 8/13/2019 LE Templeton 0704913 Msc Project



    Molecular Phylogenetics and Phylogeographyof Neotropical Salamanders

    (Genus: Bolitoglossa ).

    Liam Templeton (0704913)

    The University of Glasgow

    August 2013

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    Plethodontid salamanders are among the most species rich families of the order Caudata .

    Further, the majority of species within this family belong to the supergenus Bolitoglossa .

    While members of this genus are found in abundance throughout tropical Central America,

    comparatively fewer species are known to occur in South America. This observation is

    somewhat paradoxical due to the greater landmass and the presence of mega-diverse habitats

    as exhibited by South America, and has led to the formation of two major hypotheses: either

    that the observed lack of species richness in South America is a result of the recent arrival of

    bolitoglossine salamanders via the Panamanian land-bridge (estimated to have formed 3-4

    million years ago); or that the real extent of species diversity is obscured by the presence of

    cryptic species. Previous attempts to quantify the distribution of genetic diversity as exhibited

    by members of this genus in Ecuador have revealed previously unsuspected levels of cryptic

    species diversity throughout the upper Amazon. Similarly, divergence time estimates have

    indicated an arrival of salamanders in South America that far precedes the completion of the

    contemporary land connection. The availability of molecular data for these species is at

    present largely restricted to the Amazon. In light of this, the purpose of this study is to

    investigate the distribution of genetic diversity of these salamanders in previously

    underrepresented coastal and Andean regions of Ecuador in an attempt to better resolve the

    existing estimates of both species richness and time of colonisation in this area. Sequence

    data from four genes (two nuclear, two mitochondrial) are used to infer phylogenetic

    relationships of coastal and Andean specimens of bolitoglossine salamander. Additionally, a

    time-calibrated phylogeny is implemented to estimate the time of arrival of salamanders into

    South America.

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    Keywords Phylogenetics; Phylogeography; Paleogeography; Herpetology; Plethodontidae;

    Bolitoglossa; Neotropics; Ecuador; Species diversity; Time calibration; Central America;

    South America; Isthmus of Panama; Andes.

    Cover - The cover image is a mosaic of four composite images, each made up of the first 100

    search results for four of the keywords associated with this project as reported by the image-

    hosting site Flikr.


    Plethodontids, or lungless salamanders (so called due to their ability to breathe through their

    skin), are by far the largest and most speciose extant family in the order Caudata

    (AmphibiaWeb, 2013); harbouring in the region of 376 species which are known to occupy a

    broad range of ecologically diverse niches and habitats. As such, they have been recognised

    for their potentially important role in monitoring biodiversity and indicating ecosystem

    integrity (Welse & Droege, 2001). The group is currently understood to have originated in

    the Appalachian Mountain range of what is now the eastern United States. It is broadly

    recognised that periods of orogenesis, and the subsequent creation of stable elevational

    gradients, are responsible for the origin and maintenance of species diversity exhibited

    among this group (Wake, 1966). This adaptation to lunglessness is thought to have been

    primarily derived as a consequence of paedomorphosis (i.e. neoteny) (Ruben & Beucot,

    1989), and is also considered to have had a significant influence on the diversification of

    species within this group (Lombard & Wake, 1986). Perhaps most notably is the development

    of highly specialised hyobranchial apparatus, which have allowed for the development of

    novel and efficient methods by which to capture prey (Wake & Elias, 1983).

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    The hypothesised northern origin of Caudates and the effects of niche conservatism in their

    early diversification have meant that the majority of higher taxonomic units within the order

    Caudata currently reside in northern temperate regions (Kozak & Weins, 2010). The largest

    and most specious genus of this family, i.e. Bolitoglossa (Wake & Lynch, 1976), is observed

    to occur mainly in neo-tropical regions of Central America. This perhaps indicates a recent

    expansion of populations into this area followed by a rapid succession of speciation events

    throughout this region. Biological phenomena including niche expansion and miniaturisation

    are thought to represent key evolutionary processes that have allowed for the seemingly

    explosive rate diversification exhibited by many other species belonging to the subfamily

    Bolitoglossinae (Hanken & Wake, 1993). Despite the massive level of species diversity

    within this group, many species are observed to exhibit extensive, by which species share a

    large number of homogeneous morphological features (Wake, 1991).

    Principally, an extensive webbing of digits has been widely observed among species of this

    group. This feature in particular is acknowledged to be a common indication of an ancestral

    adaptation to arboreal life and is considered to have evolved convergently a number of times

    within the group (Wake & Lynch, 1976). Numerous colonisation events of diverse habitats

    and the repeated independent evolution of similarly derived traits may be partly responsible

    for the wealth of species diversity exhibited by this group (Wake, 1987). Further, the

    complex geological history of Mesoamerica and the associated biogeographic processes are

    likely to have further influenced the rate and extent to which species diversification has taken

    place among Central American clades (Rovito et al., 2012).

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    Despite the massive diversity of the genus Bolitoglossa as observed in Central America,

    comparatively few species are known to inhabit in South America. This difference in

    observed diversity of this genus between the two continents is so grand, in fact, that only 28

    of the 128 described species that make up the genus Bolitoglossa are known to occur in South

    America (Amphibiaweb, 2013); all of which are now understood to belong to the subgenus

    Eladinea (Parra-Olea et al., 2004). The only other representative taxa from this group known

    to occur in South America, aside from the few members of the subgenus Eladinea, include

    only two species from the genus Oedipina (Garcia-Paris & Wake, 2000); all of which belong

    to the supergenus Bolitoglossa . This observation is at its surface somewhat paradoxical;

    being that the sheer land mass of South America is far greater than that of Central America,

    and so might be expected to accommodate a greater number of species. Further, South

    America is renowned for its mega diverse habitats and high levels of endemism, such as

    those exhibited by the Amazon and Atlantic forests, and hence one might expect a similar

    level of diversity to be exhibited among species of salamander.

    Of the few species that do occur in South America and which are currently recognised by

    science, most of them are observed to exhibit massive distributions across vast areas of dense

    tropical forest; the majority of which is likely to be largely unexplored by science. This

    observation is not consistent with the comparatively small range sizes as exhibited by most

    other Neotropical Salamanders (Rovito et al., 2012). As such, it is possible that species

    diversity has been broadly underestimated, and that the inferred distributions reported for

    these species are in fact extrapolations of encounters made in the few areas that have been

    intensively surveyed. Additionally, much of these encounters are prone to misidentification

    due to the cryptic nature of anatomical features exhibited by those animals; features such as

    subtle colouration, reduced dentition, and extensive webbing of digits (Crump, 1977); the

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    likes of which would typically be greatly informative for the purpose of species

    identification. Such characteristics might also be considered to be the cause of much of the

    difficulties faced when attempting to classify these animals using morphological features


    This phenomenon, by which species diversity in salamanders is seemingly underrepresented

    by current understanding of their systematics, has generally led to the development of two

    major hypotheses which can be expressed in terms of the following: either the lack of species

    diversity observed in South America is the result of a relatively recent arrival of species via a

    land bridge connecting Central and South American (i.e. the Isthmus of Panama) (Wake,

    2005); or that the true extent of species richness among South American species groups has

    been underestimated by current taxonomic understanding through the presence of cryptic

    species diversity (Elmer et al., 2013). In the former, it is speculated that species arriving in

    South America from Central America via the Panamanian land bridge would have limited

    time to diversify; hence the apparent lack of species diversity that has been previously noted.

    In the latter, it is presumed that similarly derived morphological features and convergences of

    character evolution have obscured the true level of species diversity exhibited by South

    American salamanders, as represented by traditional methods of taxonomic classification.

    Further consideration of the presence of deep divergences between Central and South

    American clades of salamanders has led to the development of additional hypotheses

    (Hanken & Wake, 1982), by which southern Central American populations may have

    undergone some form of diversification prior to the formation of the Panamanian land bridge,

    and subsequently dispersed into South America following its completion. The alternative

    being that species of salamander were able to disperse into South America much earlier than

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    was previously thought, and the observed level of divergence exhibited by existing

    populations in these areas is the result of subsequent diversification that would have occurred

    therein. In this case ancestral populations would have arrived via some form of preexisting

    land connection; the likes of which is not yet widely acknowledged to have existed.

    The low vagility and generally limited ability to disperse as exhibited by these animals

    suggests that it is unlikely that they would have been able to traverse a marine obstacle by

    any means other than via some form of land bridge. This suggests that the existing evidence

    of a divergence time between Central and South American salamanders predating the

    formation of the contemporary land bridge would also indicate the presence of a more ancient

    land bridge facilitating the exchange of biodiversity. Further, this limited capacity to disperse

    across broad geographic ranges and obstacles has also meant that these animals are ideal

    candidates for the exploration of biogeographic processes involved in the origin and

    maintenance of biological diversity. Such consideration of the observed distribution of

    genetic diversity in these taxa is therefore informative when making inference as to

    palaeographic events, which have been otherwise obscured by subsequent geological


    Presently accepted dates for the formation of the contemporary land bridge connecting

    Central and South America indicate that it was formed in the region of 4 million years ago

    (mya). The exchange in biodiversity that would have followed has since been dubbed the

    Great American Biotic Interchange (GABI), and is acknowledged to be a major

    biogeographic event in Earth history having greatly influenced the presently observed

    distribution of biodiversity throughout the Americas and beyond (Simpsons, 1940). This

    event has been well documented in the paleobiology of many mammalian groups (Marshall,

    1988; Webb, 1991); offering a seemingly comprehensive understanding of the timings of the

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    historical exchange in biodiversity. However, the antiquity and nature of the formation of the

    contemporary land bridge has in recent years been the topic of some debate. Novel evidence

    has shown that a land connection may have existed much earlier than is currently

    acknowledged, which may have facilitated the exchange of terrestrial biodiversity as early as

    23-25 mya (Farris et al., 2011; Montes et al., 2012). As it is currently understood, this prior

    event may not represent the presence of a fully formed land bridge connecting Central and

    South America; rather it is characterized by a narrowing of the seaway between the two

    continents and the presence of a shifting island complex.

    The arrival of salamanders into South America has been tested numerous times in

    concordance with the existing estimates for the formation of the Isthmus of Panama. The

    exact nature of this colonization, however, remains unclear. Early estimates suggest a

    colonization date sometime during the late Miocene to early Pliocene period (Dunn, 1926).

    Further consideration (Brame & Wake, 1963) led to the proposal that ancestral populations

    underwent multiple migrations between Central and South America throughout the Pliocene

    (~52.5 mya). An analysis of allozyme distance indicates that Central and South American

    species diverged upward of 18 mya (Hanken & Wake, 1982), and more recent analyses based

    on mitochondrial sequence data confirm reinforce the idea that salamanders were present in

    South American prior to the completion of the contemporary land bridge (Parra-Olea et al.,

    2004; Wiens et al., 2007).

    Most recently, Elmer et al (2013) used divergence time estimates and ancestral area

    reconstruction of Bolitoglossan salamanders from Ecuadorian Amazon and Andean regions

    to establish the earliest possible age of an endemic South American clade of Plethodontid

    salamander and infer a minimum time for colonisation of South America by this group. From

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    this, it is reported that the resulting estimates indicate an arrival of salamanders into South

    American some time during the early Miocene (23 - 15 MYA). Further, the evolutionary

    relationships of salamanders from these regions were also considered for the purpose of

    exploring the extent to which diversification has taken place among Ecuadorian populations

    of salamander. In doing so it was revealed that South American clades of salamander contain

    numerous deep divergences and a level of genetic diversity that was previously unsuspected.

    Sampling locations for this study, however, were focussed in upper Amazonian and eastern

    Andean regions of Ecuador; and hence there are limitations as to the inferences than can be

    made from these results with regards to the distribution of genetic diversity throughout

    further regions of South America.

    Here, the distribution of genetic diversity as exhibited by South American species of

    salamander is considered in areas of Coastal and Western Andean Ecuador; the likes of

    which have never before been studied at a molecular level. DNA Sequence information is

    generated from multiple genes (two nuclear, two mitochondrial) in an attempt to assemble a

    well resolved and informative phylogenetic reconstruction. These data are considered in such

    a way so that inference can be made as to the origin and nature of subsequent diversification

    of the included taxa. Additionally, new data are combined with existing sets of sequence

    information to further explore patterns of diversification and the distribution of genetic

    diversity on a national scale throughout areas of Ecuadorian Amazon. Finally, the observed

    extent of molecular divergence between Central and South American clades of salamander is

    time calibrated using estimated dates for the origin of the subfamily Bolitoglossinae in an

    attempt to reevaluate the currently accepted dates for the formation of the Isthmus of Panama.

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    The aims of this study are as follows:

    - To investigate the origin and distribution of genetic diversity among populations of

    bolitoglossine salamander inhabiting coastal and western Andean regions of Ecuador; either

    supporting a relatively recent arrival of individuals into these areas from Central American

    populations; or as a result of vicariance following periods of large scale Andean orogeny, in

    which case indicating a much deeper divergence between populations.

    - To assess the extent to which species richness has been previously underestimated by way

    of the identification of cryptic species diversity as represented in the genetic diversity

    exhibited amount individuals, and explore the geographical factors that may have influenced

    the observed distribution of genetic diversity such as the presence of contemporary land

    barriers and major events in geological history.

    - The reevaluate the dates from when species are expected to have dispersed into South

    America to reinforce that which has previously been demonstrated in published examples;

    whereby estimates of divergence between Central and South American Salamanders have

    indicated an inter-continental exchange of biodiversity which predates the currently accepted

    times for the formation of the Panamanian land-bridge.

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    DNA Extraction and Amplification

    Tissue samples from 20 individuals collected from Western Andean and coastal regions of

    Ecuador were requested from the collections held at the Museo de Zoologia of the Pontifica

    Universidad Catolica de Ecuador. Samples were selected on the basis of the location from

    which it was collected. Genomic DNA was extracted from tissue using Qiagen DNeasy

    Blood & Tissue Kit, following the manufacturers instructions. The quantity and quality of

    DNA extraction products were assessed using a nanodrop spectrophotometer, the results from

    which were not used due to several suspected spurious readings. Extractions were instead

    visualised by gel electrophoresis to assess the quantity and quality of the DNA held therein.

    Samples were loaded in a 2% agarose gel using ethidium bromide as a staining agent and run

    at 100 volts and 400 milliamps for approximately 60 minutes before being imaged in a

    BioRad Gel Doc XR system.

    Once extractions products were observed to have yielded a suitable concentration of DNA,

    the following genes were amplified by way of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using a

    MJ Resarch PTC-220 DNA Engine Dyad Peltier Thermal Cycler: recombination activating

    gene 1 (RAG1); Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC); cytochrome b (CYTB); and 16S ribosomal

    RNA (16S). RAG1 was amplified using the primer set RAG1BolitoF & RAG1BolitoR as

    described by Elmer et al. (2013). POMC was amplified using the primer set

    POMC_DRV_F1 & POMC DRV_R1 as described by Vietes et al. (2007). CYTB was

    amplified using the primer set MVZ15L & MVZ16H, as described by Moritz et al. (1992).

    16S was amplified using the primer set 16Sc & 16Sd, as described by Evans et al. (2003).

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    Protocol used for amplification were as reported in the publication in which the primer was

    described, or via a personal communication. The concentration of reagents used for reactions

    were as follows:

    Reagent Concentration Volume per reaction Concentration per reaction

    H2O n/a 26.8ul n/a

    dNTPs 10mM 4ul 1mM

    Buffer 10X 4ul 1X

    MgCl2 25mM 2ul 2.5mM

    Forward Primer 10uM 0.4ul 0.1uM

    Reverse Primer 10uM 0.4ul 0.1uM

    Taq Polymerase 10U/ul 0.4ul 0.1U/ul

    Template DNA n/a 2ul n/a

    PCR products were visualised by gel electrophoresis using the same protocol as outlined

    above. Products for which genes were observed to amplify successfully were purified using a

    Machery-Nagel Gel and PCR Clean-up kit, following the manufacturers protocol to remove

    excess reagents for sequencing. Clean products were visualised by gel electrophoresis to

    determine the concentration of DNA present. Samples were diluted in water to achieve

    optimal concentration and volume (30ul at 20ng/ul) of DNA before being sequenced in both

    directions by a third-party company (DNA sequencing and services, Dundee). The results

    from which were viewed as trace files using the chromatogram viewer 4Peaks (Griekspoor &

    Groothuis, 2006) to assess the quality of the sequence.

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    Sequence Assembly and Alignment

    Sequences were subjected to a BLAST search on the nucleotide database hosted by the

    National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) to confirm the identity of the

    sequence as bolitoglossine. By this process, it was discovered that the DNA sequences

    yielded for all genes from one sample (Museum no.: QCAZ-A 45262) were consistently and

    significantly different from those yielded from other samples. Further, this specimen was not

    successfully amplified for the gene RAG1; the primers for which are specifically designed for

    bolitoglossine salamanders. As such, it was acknowledged that the sequences of this sample

    more closely resembled those of a tropical species of frog (best hit = Hypsiboas pellucens ,

    99% identity) and likely did not belong to a salamander as indicated by the museum

    collection information provided. It is not clear, however, if this anomaly was a result of a lab

    contamination during either the extraction or amplification process, or if instead it was a

    result of a mislabeling error on the part of the museum collection from which the sample was


    Forward and reverse sequences were assembled in Geneious v.5.4 (Drummond et al., 2011)

    to form consensus sequences. Sequences were aligned using Clustal Omega (Goujon et al.,

    2010) as hosted by the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) as part of the European

    Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) using the default parameters. Alignments were edited

    in MEGA in an attempt to correct any hyper-variable regions, and exported in a NEXUS

    format. Additional alignments were generated using datasets as described in previous

    publications by Elmer et al (2013) and Parra-Olea et al. (2004); one including additional

    Ecuadorian and Amazonian samples for use when investigating the distribution of genetic

    diversity on a national (see table of specimens in appendix 2), and the other including

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    representative samples of Bolitoglossa species from Central America, for use when

    investigating molecular diversification on an inter-continental scale (see table of specimens in

    appendix 3). These data were combined with the newly generated sequence for the genes cytb

    and rag1 only, being that homologous sequence data for the remaining two genes was largely

    unavailable for the existing data sets.

    Phylogenetic Inference

    The best evolutionary & site heterogeneity model and partitioning scheme of the sequence

    matrix was determined using PartitionFinder (Lanfaer et al., 2012). The reading frames of

    protein coding sequences were determined by comparing them to homologous sequences and

    amino acid translations on GenBank. The ribosomal rRNA subunit 16S was left as a single

    data block, as it is understood to contain several non-coding loop and stem regions,

    which may independently be subject to variable rates of substitution. It was acknowledged

    that it might be possible to identify these respective regions and partition them thusly,

    however this was advised against via a personal communication (Lanfear, 2013) on account

    of it being a relatively time intensive task for all that it would benefit the outcome of the best

    partitioning scheme. The program was run a number of times using different model selection

    models (AIC, AICc, BIC), favouring the run that produced the simplest partitioning scheme

    (i.e. the fewest number of data partitions).

    Phylogenetic relationships of the samples for which new sequence data was generated were

    inferred by implementing bayesian methods of phylogenetic reconstruction in BEAST v1.7.5

    using the species tree ancestral reconstruction function (*BEAST) as described by Heled &

    Drummond (2010). Sequences from a Colombian voucher specimen of Bolitoglossa sima,

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    and two Central American Bolitoglossa voucher specimen (Bolitoglossa cerroensis [Costa

    Rica], Bolitoglossa biseriata [Panama]) were grouped in used as out-groups for the purpose

    of rooting the trees (see table of specimens in appendix 1). Each taxon was allocated an

    independent species trait in order to allow inference as to the identity of previously

    unidentified specimen based on the observed topology of the tree. The parameters under sites

    were informed by the best partitioning scheme as reported by PartitionFinder. All sites were

    set with a lognormal uncorrelated relaxed clock with a fixed mean of 1.0 across all genes.

    The Monte Carlo Marakov chain (MCMC) was set at 100,000,000 generations, sampling

    every 10,000 generations. The resulting log file was viewed in Tracer v1.5 (Rambaut &

    Drummond, 2003) to ensure sufficient effective samples size (ESS) and likelihood scores for

    the tree and coalescent model. TreeAnnotator v1.7.5 (Rambaut & Drummond, 2002) was

    then used to generate maximum clade credibility (MCC) tree from a sample of 10,000 trees,

    using a burnin of 10% and a posterior probability limit of 0.0. The resulting trees were

    visualized and processed using FigTree (Rambaut & Drummond, 2006). This method was

    repeated using data sets for each individual gene to test for congruence among gene trees.


    In order to explore the distribution of genetic diversity on an Ecuadorian scale, including that

    which is represented by new sequence data generated from Andean and coastal specimen,

    subsequent trees were inferred using the combined data set including the Amazonian data

    produced by Elmer et al. (2013). The best partitioning scheme for this data set was

    determined using PartitionFinder, and phylogenetic reconstruction was inferred using

    BEAST following the same protocol as outlined above. Further, a time calibrated phylogeny

    was created in BEAST using the combined data set which included both the Amazonian and

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    Central American data sets. The rate of molecular change along branch lengths was

    calibrated using a normally distributed basal calibration prior for the divergence of

    Bolitoglossinae and Plethodontinae, as indicated by previous research (Vietes, Min, & Wake,

    2007; Zhang & Wake, 2009; Pyron & Wiens, 2011). For this purpose, similar to that which

    was implemented by Elmer et al. (2013), a prior date of 75 million years with a standard

    deviation of 5 million years was used.

    Genetic Distance

    Inter-individual genetic distances were generated for all new sequences using MEGA 5

    (Tamura et al., 2011). Values for genetic distance between mitochondrial genes were

    generated using a Kimura two-parameter (K2P) corrected correlation to compensate for the

    elevated substitution rate of mitochondrial genes. Genetic distance for nuclear genes was

    calculated as an uncorrected p-distance due to their slower evolutionary rate. Individuals

    were then grouped as was indicated by the phylogenetic trees generated in BEAST to

    calculate between and within group genetic distance for the clades recognised in these trees.

    These data were also combined with the Amazonian data produced by Elmer et al. (2013) for

    the genes CYTB and RAG1 and grouped as was indicated by the findings in this paper to

    inform as to how well these clades are supported with regards to inferred genetic difference.

    Trees were combined with locational data for the representative taxa residing at the node tips

    in a KML file using a web-based application that was created by Professor Rod Page. This

    format allowed for trees to be projected onto an interactive three-dimensional rendering of

    the Earths surface (i.e. Google Earth) for the purpose of exploring contemporary landscape

    features in three-dimensional space. Similarly, the same locational data were plotted on to a

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    two-dimensional rendering of the Earths surface (i.e. Google Maps) using the experimental

    online application Google Fusion Tables. Individuals grouped by clade as informed by the

    resulting trees, and markers indicating the sampling location of that individual were coloured

    accordingly. This allowed for further investigation of geographical features that may have

    influenced the observed distribution of genetic diversity on a more local scale.

    Geographic Range Expansion

    In order to infer the geographic range evolution and dispersal of ancestral species of the

    genus Bolitoglossa resulting in their migration into of South America, a Dispersal,

    Extinction, Cladogenesis (DEC) model was attempted using the program lagrange and the

    methods described by Ree & Smith (2008). This analysis would make use of the time

    calibrated inter-continental phylogenetic tree compiled in a matrix of the individuals included

    in this tree formatted in such a way so as to indicate their region of origin; either Central

    American, South American, or both. However, it was discovered that the existing code

    provided for this analysis is incompatible with the latest version of Python, and as such the

    analysis could not be completed as intended.


    A full table including sampling locations from where the specimen used in this study were

    collected can be viewed as using Google Fusion Tables at the following link -

    BHe1z8y b3E

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    By selecting the Map of Latitude tab the sampling locations for each specimen can be

    viewed as projected onto Google Maps, allowing for various features to be explored at

    different levels of zoom and using different map renderings. Of the specimens represented in

    this table, included are all coastal and western Andean specimens for whom sequence data

    was generated for the purpose of this study, as well as upper Amazonian specimen used in a

    previous study by Elmer et al. (2013). Additionally, three non-Ecuadorian specimens that

    were used for the purpose of out-grouping are represented.

    Genetic Distance

    The inter-individual distance results (Tables 1 4) are variable between different taxa and

    different genes exhibit different rates of molecular change. The most highly divergent

    sequences appear to be cytochrome b (cytb) (Table 1), with a maximum difference in

    sequence identity of 17.1% between individuals QCAZ-A 22346 ( Bolitoglossa sima ,

    Esmeraldas) and QCAZ-A 39984 ( B. sp ., Carchi). These individuals are acknowledged to

    have been collected in the north of Ecuador; however, the latter from the Andean region (c.f.

    coastal). With this considered there is likely a prominent difference in altitude between their

    respective sampling sites.

    Conversely, two pairs individuals report a genetic distance of zero for this gene, indicating

    high level of genetic similarity or even that the two sequences are identical. This was

    observed between specimen numbers QCAZ-A 51911 ( B. palmata , Tungurahua) and QCAZ-

    A 52616 ( B. peruviana - Morona), and similarly QCAZ-A 52454 ( B. sp . - Tungurahua) and

    QCAZ-A 52459 ( B. sp. - Tungurahua). The latter two samples were collected from the same

    sampling site. The former, however, are reported to have been collected from sites with a

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    considerable amount of geographic distance between them. High levels of sequence

    homogeneity are also observed between those two pairs, although they are not observed to be

    entirely similar as they are to one another.

    Considerably more specimens are observed to exhibit high levels of genetic similarity and

    complete sequence homogeneity for the nuclear recombination-activating gene (rag1) (Table

    2). These patterns again typically relate to the geographic distribution of the specimens in

    question; whereby specimens with neighbouring sample sites are generally observed to

    exhibit lower inter-individual genetic distances.

    Further consideration of these observed patterns reveals that individuals represented in table

    columns 1 5 (QCAZ-A 22176, B. sp .; 22346, B. sima ; 27752, B. sp. ; 31532, B. sima -

    Esmeraldas, and 32135, B. sp. - Imbabura) 8 (QCAZ-A 40817, B. sp. - Imbabura), and 14

    (QCAZ-A 51867, B. sp. - Esmeraldas) that exhibit evolutionary distances of effectively zero

    where all collected from coastal lowland locations. Similarly, those that exhibited high levels

    of homogeneity for cytochrome b are also shown to exhibit little or no sequence divergence;

    either between or within pairs, as outlined above.

    Similar patterns of sequence divergence are observed when considering the inter-individual

    estimates of un-corrected evolutionary distance for all coastal and western Andean specimen

    (Table 3); whereby specimen collected from sites which are closely associated geographically

    exhibit high degrees of sequence similarity. This extent to which this effect is observed for

    this gene, however, is not as dramatic as that which is observed for RAG1. Further, while

    geographical distance appears to offer some explanation for a lack of sequence divergence at

    a region level, it does not seem to be entirely supported at a local level; as some individuals

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    which are reported to have been collected from geographically associated sites (e.g. QCAZ-A

    22346, B. sima - Esmeraldas & QCAZ-A 31532, B. sima - Esmeraldas) are reported to be

    genetically more closely related to individuals from more distant sites.

    Comparatively fewer specimens are observed to exhibit genetic distance scores of zero for

    mitochondrial gene 16S (Table 4). Those that do exhibit complete sequence identity are also

    closely associated by their respective geography, and individuals are reported to have been

    collected from the same sampling location. Such observations are made for specimens

    QCAZ-A 22176 ( B. sp. Esmeraldas) & QCAZ-A 51867 ( B. sp. Esmeraldas), both of

    which are reported to have been collected from the same site, though almost 10 years apart.

    Similarly, specimen pairs QCAZ-A 52454 & QCAZ-A 52459 ( B. sp. Tungurahua) and

    QCAZ-A 51911 ( B. palmata - Tungurahua) & QCAZ-A 52616 ( B. peruviana Morona), are

    also observed to exhibit near complete sequence identity as was reported for other genes.

    All identified clades are observed to exhibit high rates of molecular divergence when

    considering between-group genetic distances for cytb (Table 5). Values range from a

    minimum of 9.2% (Upper Agua Rico vs. Altamazonica, standard deviation [] = 1.7%) to

    18.4% (Upper Equatoriana vs. Tungurahua, = 2.9%; Upper Ecuatoriana vs. Upper Agua

    Rico, = 2.7%). Values for within group mean distance are also variable, ranging from 0%

    (Upper Ecuatoriana, = 0%; Upper Agua Rico, = 0%) to 8.6% (Zamora, 1.4%).

    Between and within group un-corrected mean values of evolutionary distance for rag 1 (Table

    6) are again observed to be considerably lower in the extent to which genes have diverged

    among clades. Further, clades Upper Napo and Zamora are shown to have a genetic distance

    of 0% ( 0%). The greatest mean between-group distance is between Pichincha and Upper

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    Agua Rico, with a mean value of 2.6% ( 0.6%). Similarly, mean within group genetic

    distances are also comparably lower.

    Phylogenetic Inference

    The results of the best substitution model, site heterogeneity and partitioning scheme for the

    data matrix used for inferring phylogenetic relationships of coastal and andean specimen

    (Table 7) indicate that codon positions 1 and 2 for RAG1 and POMC should be grouped as a

    single data partition, which is best modeled by a Hasegawa, Kishino and Yano (HKY)

    substitution model with invariant sites (+I). Codon position 3 for RAG1 and POMC are also

    grouped as a single data partition, and are best modeled by a HKY substitution with a gamma

    distributed rate variation among sites (+G). Codon position 1 of cytb is partitioned in a data

    block with 16S, and is best modeled by a generalised time reversible model with gamma

    distributed rates (GTR+G). Codon positions 2 and 3 for cyt b are grouped as separate data

    blocks, where position 2 is best modeled by a HKY substitution model and position 3 a

    Tamura-Nei model with gamma distributed rates (TrN+G).

    The best substitution model, site heterogeneity and partitioning scheme for the matrix

    containing sequence data for all Ecuadorian specimens (Table 8) shows that RAG1 has the

    same partitioning scheme as with the previous coastal and western andean data set, while

    CYTB is again separated into three separated data blocks for each codon position and are

    subject to HKY+G, HKY+I, and TrN+G models respectively. For the data set that includes

    all Central and South American specimen (Table 9) codon positions 1 and 2 of RAG1 are

    partitioned as a single data block subject to a GTR+I+G model, whereas codon position 3 is

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    subject to GTR+G. All three codon positions for CYTB are partitioned as separate data

    blocks and subject to models GTR+I+G, HKI+I+G, and TrN+G respectively.

    The resulting phylogeny from the species tree analysis using the concatenated data matrix

    that includes all genes for all coastal and western Andean individuals (Figure 1) shows those

    individuals included as out-groups (MVZ 232943, B. biseriata Panama; MVZ-S 2057, B.

    sima - Colombia) to form a monophyletic group (pp = 1) with specimens collected from

    coastal regions (QCAZ-A 22176, 22346, 27752, 31532, 32135, 40817, and 51867). Further,

    these coastal specimens are also observed to form a sub-clade themselves (pp = 1);

    henceforth referred to as B. sima Esmeraldas. The remaining taxa in this analysis are also

    observed to group monophyletically with each other (pp =1), while each forming their own

    sub-clades therein.

    Within the Andean clade, specimens QCAZ-A 39984 ( B. sp. Carchi), QCAZ-A 32300 ( B.

    sp. Imbabura), and QCAZ-A 45254 ( B. sp . Pichincha) are observed to form an

    independent sub-clade (pp = 1) (Figure 1). All of these specimens are reported to have been

    collected from various locations across the western ridge of the Andean range. Additionally,

    when considering their geographic distribution, each individual is more closely associated

    with members of the coastal clade B. sima Esmeraldas than they are to one another.

    Additional groupings (pp = 1) are made (Figure 1) between specimens QCAZ-A 52454 ( B.

    sp. Tungurahua), QCAZ-A 52459 ( B. sp. Tungurahua), QCAZ-A 51911 ( B. palmata

    Tungurahua), and QCAZ-A 52616 ( B. peruviana Morona), in which QCAZ-A 52454 &

    52459 and QCAZ-A 51911 & 52616 are observed to pair with each other respectively. These

    individuals are reported to have mostly collected from the Tungurahua region in the central

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    Andes with the obvious exception of QCAZ-A 52616, whose collection site is in the Morona

    province bordering the upper Amazon.

    Specimens QCAZ-A 41724 ( B. sp. Zamora), QCAZ-A 42383 ( B. sp. Zamora), QCAZ-A

    42467 ( B. peruviana Morona), and QCAZ-A 48195 ( B. sp. Morona) are also observed to

    form a monophyletic group (pp = 1). All of these specimens are reported to have been

    collected from localities along the eastern ridge of the Andean range. QCAZ-A 51934 ( B.

    palmata , Tungurahua) does not appear to belong to any of the other groupings (Figure 1)

    from this analysis, despite being identified as B. palmata. In this analysis, it is closely

    associated the sub-clade containing the only other recorded sample of B. palmata (QCAZ-A

    51911, Tungurahua) used in this study. It is also recognized to have been collected from the

    same site as QCAZ-A 51911.

    These inferences, as to the groupings of individuals from this analysis described above, can

    be observed in relation to their geographic distribution using the map feature included in the

    Google Fusion table at the following link:


    The colours displayed the map found via the above link are intended to represent the different

    sub-clades identified above. The colour scheme loosely matches that used in Figures 1 7,

    and groupings can be defined as follows: Green = Coastal; Red = Western Andean; Blue =

    Central Andean/Upper Amazonian; Purple = Eastern Andean.

    Similarly, a KML tree file viewable in Google Earth is included as a supplementary file.

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    Additional analyses (Figures 2 - 7), by which phylogenetic inferences were made using

    individual genes and alternate gene pairings (i.e. mitochondrial vs. nuclear DNA trees), show

    that there is some incongruence with regards to the inferred relatedness and grouping of

    individuals. For example, the resulting topology of the mitochondrial tree (Figure 2) is shown

    to be mostly congruent with that as reported by the species tree (Figure 1), other than the fact

    that QCAZ-A 51934 ( B. palmata Tungurahua) is now observed to group more closely with

    the Eastern Andean sub-clade; whereas it was before shown to more closely resemble the

    Central Andean sub-clade. Additionally, rates of molecular change are observed to be greater

    than that represented in the previous tree. These patterns are observed to be consistent among

    individual gene trees for both mitochondrial genes (Figures 4 5) used in this analysis.

    Further, when considering the results of the nuclear DNA tree (Figure 2), most of the major

    sub-clades identified in the previous tree appear to be represented. Some incongruence is

    observed with regards to the Eastern Andean sub-clade, which was previously observed to

    form a monophyletic group. Now it appears as though members of this group have paired

    separately with QCAZ-A 51934 ( B. palmata Tungurahua) and the Central Andean sub-

    clade. Here, as before, the observed rate of molecular change is observed to differ from the

    previous estimate; though this time appears to be much slower. This topology is consistent

    with that observed with individual trees (Figures 6 7) for both genes used in this analysis.

    The individual gene tree for POMC (Figure 6) is unrooted due to the absence of sequence

    data for this gene for those specimens previously used as out-groups.

    Estimates of phylogenetic relationships made using sequence data for all Ecuadorian

    specimens (Figures 8 - 10) show that none of the new specimens sequenced for the purpose

    of this study group with any of the existing sub-clades as described by Elmer et al. (2013).

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    One specimen ( B. sp ., QCAZPaul_ECSanFran) that was previously an outlier in the analysis

    by Elmer et al. (2013) is shown to group (pp = 0.97) with members of the Eastern Andean

    sub-clade (Figure 8). Further, the members of the Eastern Andean sub-clade as identified in

    the analyses outlined above are more highly diverged and can be considered to consist of two

    separate sub-clades. Namely, these can be described as B. peruviana Morona (QCAZ- A

    42467 & QCAZ- A 48195), and B. sp. Zamora (QCAZ-A 41724 & 42383); the latter of

    which QCAZPaul_ECSanFran groups with.

    These patterns, as reported by the species tree analysis of these taxa (Figure 8), are also well

    supported in the single gene tree for cytb (Figure 9), though some incongruence is noticeable

    with regards to the observed relatedness between sub-clades. Specifically, the Central

    Andean and Eastern Andean sub-clades are here observed to group among the upper

    Amazonian clades described by Elmer et al. (2013), whereas the results from the species tree

    analysis for these specimens (Figure 10) shows upper Amazonian sub-clades to form a

    monophyletic group independent of the coastal and Andean groups. Further incongruences

    are observed for the analysis for which only sequence data for rag 1 was used (Figure 10).

    Time Calibration

    The time of most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) for the group Bolitoglossinae , as

    estimated by way of the time calibrated phylogeny (Figure 11) is reported to be around 44

    million years before present (mya) (Upper 95% Highest Posterior Density [HPD] = 52.554,

    Lower 95% HPD = 3.892). The split between Central and South American species is dated at

    approximately 13.5 mya. Additionally, South American clades inhabiting coastal and western

    Andean regions of Ecuador are observed to have diverged from all other major Andean and

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    Amazonian groups nearly 10 mya. 95% HPD are not given for the latter two dates, as these

    groups were not made explicit in the *BEAST input file.


    Genetic distance

    The variability observed among the amount of sequence divergence reported by analysis of

    different gene sequences can generally be accounted for by the nature of those genes.

    Mitochondrial genes are observed to report consistently greater amounts of sequence

    divergence due to the fact that they are not subject to the same selective pressures as nuclear

    genes, and as such the sequences that account for these genes are less highly conserved than

    those which code for nuclear genes. This is acknowledged to be in part due to their

    functionality, or lack thereof. For example, 16s is understood to be mostly non-coding and

    does not perform an important function in the cell. This apparent defunct nature of the gene

    then allows it to accrue a large number of silent mutations without disrupting influences the

    reproductive fitness of that organism. Genes like this are therefore highly informative when

    considering the relatedness of organisms and the geographic distribution of genetic diversity

    on a local scale (Nicholas et al., 2012).

    Some specimens, who are acknowledged to have been collected from sites that are

    geographically closely associated, are observed to exhibit greater genetic divergence between

    each other than that which they are observed to share with seemingly less closely associated

    specimens. In cases such as this it might be presumed that there are some other factors

    influencing the diversification of individuals other than simply genetic isolation by distance.

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    Altitude has previously been acknowledged to have a profound influence on the isolation and

    subsequent divergence of species within this genus (Wiens et al., 2007). Further, the effects

    of altitude as a mechanism for genetic isolation are observed to be far greater in tropical

    regions than that which has been observed in temperate regions (Kozak & Wiens, 2007). This

    is thought to be largely due to the restricted tolerance of variable environmental factors,

    which may have evolved in tropical organisms in response to the absence of seasonal

    fluctuations in temperature (Janzen, 1967). While the effect of altitude on genetic distance is

    not explicitly tested here it may be worth investigating for future studies.

    Incongruence among trees

    While some incongruence can be observed between these trees it is believed that the topology

    as inferred from the mitochondrial DNA tree (figure 2) is most accurate, being that it is

    shown to exhibit the greatest overall posterior probability node support scores. The topology

    observed in this tree is mostly consistent with the species tree (figure 1) that incorporates

    sequence information from all genes sampled for the purpose of this investigation, with the

    exception of one individual (QCAZ-A 51934). Additionally, while individuals are observed

    to group similarly between these trees there is a considerable difference in the rate of

    molecular change and branch lengths as observed in those based on either mitochondrial or

    nuclear DNA. This is perhaps understandable, given that nuclear DNA is more highly

    conserved due to selective pressure for its correct function as was alluded to previously. With

    this consideration, it is accepted that the species tree (Figure 1) be considered the most

    reliable representation of the relatedness of species in terms of both the observed topology

    and rate of divergence, as it is informed by sequence of all genes.

    In spite of this apparent incongruence between mitochondrial and nuclear gene trees, most of

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    the identified sub clades appear to be well supported across all trees. This, however, does not

    appear to be the case for the sub-clade B. peruviana ; whereby the sister taxa that were

    assumed to make up this group based on the species trees and mitochondrial tree are observed

    to group more closely with neighbouring sub-clades when considering the relationships of

    these taxa as inferred from nuclear genes. Further, these branching patterns are also well

    supported, based on their posterior node scores. This observed incongruence may then be

    indicative of an extent of divergence between these sister taxa that would be otherwise

    overlooked by consideration of the species tree or mitochondrial gene trees alone; suggesting

    that the sister taxa represented therein are in fact representatives of two separate sub-clades.

    This notion is further supported by the observed patterns of relatedness among all Ecuadorian

    specimen as represented in figures 8-10.

    Inference of species identity

    Being that the majority of specimens included for the purpose of these analyses were not

    identified to species level, some inference can be made as to their identity based on the

    observed patterns of relatedness represented in the resulting phylogenetic trees. For instance,

    of those specimen acknowledged to have been collected from coastal lowland regions of

    Ecuador, only one individual (QCAZ-A 22346) is identified to species level ( Bolitoglossa

    sima - Esmeraldas). The remaining taxa in this group might then also be assumed to belong to

    this species. Mean within group p-distances for this group, however, are reported to be high

    (6.6%, = 1.1% for cytb). This might indicate the presence of further genetic diversity within

    this group that is not clearly represented in these trees.

    Further, while this coastal sub-clade is observed to group closely to the southern Central

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    American and South American out-group specimen included in this tree (MVZ 232943, B.

    biseriata Panama, and MVZ S 2057 B. sima - Colombia), members of this group are not

    observed to group explicitly with the Colombian conspecific specimen. This might represent

    some sort of diversification undergone by Ecuadorian representatives of this species and may

    represent a subspecies separate to those found in Colombia. However, further consideration

    as to the methods by which this inference was made reveals that this specimen was

    constrained as monophyletic with the Panamanian out-group specimen (MVZ 232943, B.

    biseriata ) and so the resulting patterns of relatedness from these analyses may not be accurate

    with regards to the Colombian B. sima (MVZ S 2057) and its Ecuadorian conspecifics. An

    amended analysis, for which this taxon was not constrained, was performed; the results of

    which are included as an additional file.

    None of the specimens that make up the Western Andean clade were described to a species

    level, and as such little inference can be made as to their identity. Further, when considered

    among the upper Amazonian specimens included for the Ecuadorian analysis, this group was

    not observed to closely resemble any of the sub-clades as identified by Elmer et al . (2013).

    Of those specimens observed to form the Central Andean clade described in the results, only

    two of the specimens included are identified to a species level; neither of which are observed

    to be conspecific (QCAZ-A 51911, B. palamata Tungurahua, and QCAZ-A 52616, B.

    peruviana Morona) These two individuals are also observed to pair within this group,

    despite apparently not belonging to the same species. This observation, along with

    consideration of reported genetic distance and sampling locality of these individuals, along

    with another individuals (QCAZ-A 51934, B. palmata, Tungurahua), have led to questioning

    as to whether these samples had been confused at some point during the process of this study.

    Only one of the individuals belonging to the Eastern Andean sub-clade was identified to a

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    species level (QCAZ-A 42467, B. peruviana Morona), and as such all other individuals

    within this group are assumed to share the same identity. Further consideration based on the

    analysis for all Ecuadorian specimens, in addition to the observed incongruence of gene trees

    as outline above, might indicate that this preliminary grouping might in fact represent two

    geographically separate sub-clades; namely B. sp. Zamora (QCAZ-A 41724 & 42383) and B.

    peruviana Morona (QCAZ-A 42467 & 48195). Neither of these groups is observed to group

    with any of the major sub-clades as described by Elmer et al. (2013) in the Ecuadorian

    analysis. B. sp. Zamora is shown to group with specimen QCAZ-Paul_EC_SanFran ( B. sp );

    however, this observation reveals little as to the identity of the members of the group.

    Additionally, Elmer et al. (2013) conclude that B. peruviana should be considered endemic to

    Peru. Hence, that which has been identified as B. peruviana Morona should perhaps not be

    considered to belong to this species either.

    Potential miss-identity of specimens

    From the relatedness of taxa as indicated by the phylogenetic trees and direct measures of

    genetic distance generated for each gene, samples QCAZ-A 51911 and QCAZ-A 52616

    appear to be almost identical. This could perhaps be construed as being unusual, since

    QCAZ-A 52616 was reportedly collected from a location in the Morona Santiago region,

    some distance to the South East of the site from which QCAZ-A 51911 was reportedly

    collected. Additionally, sample QCAZ-A 51934, which had previously been identified as the

    same species as QCAZ-A 51911 (i.e. Bolitoglossa palmata ) and having been collected from

    the same location in the Tungurahua province, is observed to be grouped, albeit

    inconsistently, with the Bolitoglossa peruviana clade in the Morona Santiago province to the

    South East.

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    This anomaly immediately draws question as to whether these two samples (QCAZ-A 51934

    & QCAZ-A 52616) had been confused at some point throughout the process of this project.

    Similar patterns of relatedness and distance are observed across all genes. Similarly, gene

    sequences and identities are noted to be consistent at each stage of the process (i.e. from

    chromatogram, to consensus, to alignment, to nexus etc). With this in mind it could then be

    reasoned that any confusion of the two samples would have most likely occurred either as a

    result of an error during the DNA extraction process or a labeling error on the part of the

    Museum; as it is unlikely that the two samples be constantly misidentified throughout the

    process of generating and analysing sequence data. In light of this, it is unclear whether the

    observed patterns of the distribution of genetic diversity as inferred by the placement of these

    two individuals can be trusted.

    If this observation were in fact to represent a real biological anomaly, that would then

    indicate that QCAZ-A 51934 is not accurately described as belonging to the species B.

    palmata , as is indicated by the collection data; and instead would perhaps be more accurately

    placed alongside B. peruviana . Further, in the case that the species identification be taken as

    accurate, that would then imply that B. palmata has a geographical range that far exceeds the

    Andean distribution which is currently accepted (as indicated by the IUCN redlist); one that

    extends far into lowland Amazon rainforest while exhibiting little or no genetic

    differentiation between these populations. Both of these scenarios are extremely unlikely, and

    as such it is reasonable to assume that the observed differences with regards to these isolated

    examples are not as a result of a genuine biogeographic phenomenon; nor are they a likely

    reason for any kind of taxonomic reform, but instead are most probably explained by some

    kind of lab-based or administrative error as described previously.

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    event occurred in the region of 10 million years before present (mya). This date is consistent

    with proposed dates for major periods of orogeny in the northern extent of the Andean range

    (Gregory-Wodzicki, 2000), the likes of which may have influenced the observed pattern of

    diversification represented here. Similarly, since this observed divergence is reported to have

    occurred prior to or during these periods of orogenesis it may then have facilitated a

    migration across montane habitats that would otherwise be difficult for animals that exhibit

    low vagility and a limited capacity for dispersal, such as those in question (Garcia-Paris et al.,


    This date is also commonly associated with large-scale marine incursion in the upper

    Amazon basin, which is understood to have occurred as a result of eustatic changes in sea

    level following periods of deglaciation (Lovejoy et al., 1998). Such an event would have no

    doubt created a massive geographical barrier over which these taxa would have been unable

    to disperse, and so influencing patterns of species divergence through vicariance and other

    similar divergent processes. The subsequent flooding of lowland tropical habitat throughout

    the upper Amazon might also have influenced many animals to take refuge in Andean upland

    and montane habitats, thus resulting in the observed distribution of diversity as represented in

    these analyses (Santos et al., 2009). Any subsequent re-colonisation of these areas, from

    either Andean or lower Amazonian populations, would have occurred after the marine

    incursion had retreated.

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    Time of Colonisation

    Time estimates as reported by the chronogram analysis report a colonisation of South

    America by ancestral salamander populations that is considerably later than that which was

    reported by Elmer et al. (2013). This estimate, however, still predates that which is proposed

    for the completion of the contemporary land bridge connecting Central and South America

    (i.e. the Isthmus of Panama) by almost 10 million years. This would mean that the earliest

    dispersal of Salamanders into South America occurred sometime during the middle Miocene.

    The observed later dates as reported by this analysis may be due to the inclusion of more

    specimens collected from areas that may have been inhabited much earlier by members of

    this genus, therefore improving the resolution of the estimate conducted by Elmer et al.

    (2013). The highest posterior density (HPD) values for this analysis described here, however,

    are poorly supported; and as such the results from which are likely unreliable.

    Further, despite specifying a prior date for the separation between subfamilies

    Bolitoglossinae and Plethodintinae of 75 mya ( 6 my) on which the tree was calibrated, the

    resulting chronogram estimates this split to have occurred approximately 44 mya. This seems

    to draw further question as to the reliability of these estimates. It is acknowledged that root

    ages can be manually calibrated in FigTree (Rambaut & Drummond, 2013); however, it is

    not clear how robust the resulting time estimates are. The poorly supported values for this

    estimate are understood to indicate a lack of convergence of parameters during the Bayesian

    sampling process, and would likely benefit from an increased chain-length or sampling

    frequency. This would have been difficult to accommodate given the time and computational

    constraints of this project. At any rate, it would appear as though this particular analysis

    should be repeated if a more reliable time estimate is to be realised.

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    If these estimates are considered to be accurate, then the inferred date for the colonisation of

    South America by Bolitoglossine salamanders strongly supports the existence of a land

    connection between Central and South America that predates the contemporary land bridge.

    This finding contributes to a growing number of studies that report evidence to support an

    ancient land connection that would facilitate the migration and effective colonisation of

    terrestrial organisms between Central and South America. Pinto-Sanchez et al. (2012) report

    a similar phenomenon in the frog genus Pristimantis , by which species are inferred to have

    undergone multiple colonisation events between Central and South America; many of which

    predate the formation of the Isthmus of Panama.

    This event has also been hypothesised to have a profound biogeographical effect on the

    observed distribution of marine organisms (Bermingham et al., 1997); whereby the closure of

    the Isthmus of Panama would have restricted the gene flow between populations inhabiting

    the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Estimates of the time since divergence of marine organisms

    on either side of the Isthmus of Panama generally support a more recent closure of the land

    connection (Rocha et al., 2008; Tavera et al., 2012). However, the nature of the earlier land

    connection as described previously (Farris et al., 2011; Montes et al., 2012) is such that it

    could have facilitated the effective migration of terrestrial individuals via a series of shifting

    islands while still allowing dispersal among marine organisms.

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    The findings as reported by the methods outlined in this study have shed light on the apparent

    distribution of both species and genetic diversity as exhibited by Bolitoglossine salamanders

    inhabiting coastal and Andean regions of Ecuador; the nature of which has been previously

    underrepresented by any other form of molecular study in these areas. Further, these findings

    have informed to some extent the identity of specimens that have not been otherwise

    identified to a species level largely due to the cryptic nature. The patterns revealed in the

    observed relatedness of these specimens may then be representative of species relationships

    beyond that which was considered here, as vast areas of tropical forest and montane habitat

    remain unexplored and little molecular data is available for specimen collected those areas

    that have been. Of those groups that were identified to inhabit the areas sampled for the

    purpose of this study, few were observed to group with existing species groups as described

    in previous studies, perhaps representing a level of species diversity that has been otherwise

    previously misrepresented. Similarly, those specimens identified as belonging to the species

    B. peruviana can be considered to represent at least two independent sub-species of their

    own. By the inclusion of specimen from areas that were colonised earlier (i.e. the coast), the

    revised time estimates for the colonisation of South America by members of this genus may

    represent a better resolution than those that have been previously reported. These new

    estimates, however, may be considered erroneous due to the nature of the results as reported

    by *BEAST. Regardless, these estimates suggest that the earliest possible date for the

    migration of Salamanders into South America is consistently earlier than the accepted timing

    for the formation of the contemporary land bridge connecting Central and South America (i.e.

    The Isthmus of Panama).

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    Brame, A.H., Wake, D.B. 1963. The salamanders of South America. Contributions in

    Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 69: 1-72

    Crump, M.L. 1977. Intrapopulation and interspecific variation of Standard morphological

    characters of four closely related South American salamanders ( Bolitoglossa ), with

    description of habitat preferences. Herpetologica 33: 415-426

    Dunn, E.R. 1926. The Salamanders of the Family Plethodontidae. Smith College,

    Northampton Massachusetts

    Drummond, A.J., Ashton, B., Buxton, S., Cheung, M., Cooper, A., Duran, C., Field, M.,

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