Download - le: Signs that Allah Ta’ala has opened one’s · 2017-06-24 · people cannot see, he saw a person at the Multazam, (i.e. the place between the Hajr e Aswad and the noble door

Page 1: le: Signs that Allah Ta’ala has opened one’s · 2017-06-24 · people cannot see, he saw a person at the Multazam, (i.e. the place between the Hajr e Aswad and the noble door
Page 2: le: Signs that Allah Ta’ala has opened one’s · 2017-06-24 · people cannot see, he saw a person at the Multazam, (i.e. the place between the Hajr e Aswad and the noble door

Title: Signs that Allah Ta’ala has opened one’s


Compiled by: Hadrat Maulana Shah Abdul

Hamid Is’haq Sahib Dâmat Barakatuhum

First Edition: Rabi-Ul-Aakhir 1437 / January 2016

Published by: Khanqah Akhtari, Azaadville

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Page 3: le: Signs that Allah Ta’ala has opened one’s · 2017-06-24 · people cannot see, he saw a person at the Multazam, (i.e. the place between the Hajr e Aswad and the noble door

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Table of Contents

SUNNAT OF MISWAAK .............................................................. 3

NUR OF ISLAM .......................................................................... 6

THREE SIGNS ............................................................................. 7

HARD HEARTEDNESS................................................................. 9

QURAAN SHARIF ..................................................................... 10

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الذين اصطفى احلمد هلل وكفى وسالم على عباده

مث الصلوةعلى املختار ىف ......احلمد هلل منشىء اخللق من عدم القدم

حبيبك على رسولك خري اخللق كله ر ص وسل دامما اددا على اي

دشري نذير حممدادامما اددا على سل و موالي ص

طه سيد املرسلني على دامما اددا موالى ص وسل

النىب احملرتمدلغ سالمى روضة فيها

اعظمه فطا من طيبهن القاع واالك اي خري من دفنت ابلقاع

روحي الفداء لقرب انت ساكنه فيه العفاف وفيه اجلود والكرم

هو احلبيب الذي ترجى شفاعته لك هول من االهوال مقتح

اي ر دلغ ابملصطفى مقاصدان واغفر لنا ما مضى اي واسع الكرم

اما بعد فقد قال هللا تبارك وتعاىل اعوذ ابهلل من الشيطان الرجيم

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صدره للسلم ف هو على نور م ن الرحيمبسم هللا الرمحن أفمن شرح الله رهب ه ف ويل ل لقاسية ق لوب هم م ن ذكر الله أولئك ف ضلل مبي

صدق هللا العظيم

SUNNAT OF MISWAAK As per the command of our Honourable Sheikh Hadhrat Shah

Hakim Muhammad Akhtar Saheb , Hadhrat says that we

should make mention of one Sunnat before every bayaan!

Sunnats have great value, we will mention the Sunnat of the

Miswaak. It is narrated in a hadith,

الصلوة ابلسواك افضل من سبعي صلوة بدون سواك

The Salaah that is performed, having made Miswaak during

Wudhu, is superior to that Salaah performed without using the

Miswaak (during Wudhu).

Subhaanallaah! By making miswaak the value of namaaz

increases by 70! For example, all perform Esha namaaz with

jamaat, behind the same imaam having performed the same

number of rak'aats, rukus and sajdaas; but those who have

made miswaak whilst performing wudhu will have the reward of

their Salaah multiplied by 70, which means they have not made,

only 4 rakats, but rather it is multiplied by 70, which equals 280.

It is not only restricted to 280, but the words ‘afdhalu min' has

been used which means ‘more better’! Allaah alone knows

how much superior it will be! We can never imagine the

superiority just because of using the Miswaak ! This is the value

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and benefit of Sunnat. Then not only the Fardh will be

multiplied by 70 rather the Sunnats, Waajibat and Nawafil will

all be increased.

For some material gain such as receiving a small discount or

getting 2 items for the price of 1, people travel to far off

distances, spending time and petrol (which actually is a loss,

considering the extra time and petrol wasted). But for the real

gain of dunia and Aakherat, our brains don't work!

دنی ںیم وہ اہکں رم یئگ داین ںیم ریتی لقع ایک رکیئگ

What and what has not your brains achieved in dunia; why then

in the matters of Dien are your brains dead?!

We all have brains and use them too, it's just a matter of where

we use them. For example, there are some workers, no matter

how much you explain to them how to do something, you stand

over them, watching and guiding them to do it, yet they do the

work incorrectly! You even exclaim 'haven't you got brains? But

when they steal from you, you see how their brains work! You

get so astonished that you now exclaim 'what brains they got!'

So it's a matter of where we apply and use our brains, which we

all have got, and which Allaah has given us all. We might

laugh at those people who only use their brains for stealing, etc.

but perhaps we are even worse, and more laughable, that we

use our Allaah given great and valuable brains only for the

gain of this petty, inferior and temporary dunia, and when it

comes to using the brains for our eternal, everlasting Aakherat

and Dien, then they are dead.

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Ibn-e-Aabedien Shaami writes,

ان سنة السواك تذك ر كلمة الشهادة عند املوت

Verily (the blessings) of the Sunnat of miswaak is that a person

will be reminded to recite the kalema e Shahaadat at the time of


Allaahu Akbar! What a great virtue to be reminded, not only of

the kalema, which is a great bounty, but Kalema e Shahaadat,

(i.e. to swear under oath the Oneness of Allaah and the

Risaalat of Rasul !) If a family member such as the mother or

anybody passes away having recited the kalema 'Laa ilaaha

illallaah' we feel so happy that we keep mentioning it all the

time, that ‘Ma’ had recited the kalema when she passed away!

Undoubtedly it is something to bring the greatest joy to a

person that the person has died with Imaan and will be going to

Jannat forever, Insha’Allah! However by the blessings of the

miswaak, a person will not only read the kalema, but will recite

kalema e Shahaadat! This is to be thought about very carefully.

There is a great difference in reading the kalema and the kalema

e Shahaadat. Reading the kalema e shahaadat means taking an

oath on the Oneness of Allaah and the risaalat of Rasulullaah

! Reading the kalema is making a statement, which is of

course very, very meritorious; but reciting kalema e shahaadat

is saying it under oath! It is not farfetched that the person will

be blessed with the death of a Shahied! Allaahu Akbar! By the

barkat of Sunnats a person is blessed with Shahaadat! May we

keep every Sunnat close to our hearts and may we always

practise upon them. Aamien.

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NUR OF ISLAM In this Aayat (recited in the Khutbah) Allaah says, “He whose

heart Allaah has opened for Islam is on Nur from his Rabb.”

We learn from here that one is required to enter Islam or be in

Islam, as, Alhamdulillah, we all are, whether we are born

Muslims or reverts, we are in Islam, Alhamdulillah! But the

other important question and matter is that the Nur of Islam

has to enter us, in our hearts!

The Nur of Islam will enter our hearts when Allaah opens our

hearts! When we are convinced about the truthfulness of Islam

and have full conviction on every command of Dien, whether it

has to do with Aqaaid, Ibaadaat, Mu'aamalaat, Mu'aasharat,

Akhlaaq, and we make an effort to bring the whole of Dien alive

in the whole world, and our inner condition becomes such that

with complete conviction we say '

رضيت ابهلل راب وابالسلم دينا ومبحمد صل ى هللا عليه وسلم رسوال ونبيا

that I'm totally happy with Allaah as my Creator, Nourisher,

Sustainer, Controller of all my affairs, and with a complete and

perfect way of life of Islam and with Nabi Muhammed as my

Nabi, i.e. With his lifestyle, the Sunnats of Rasulullah , when

this penetrates the heart, then realise that now Islam has

entered the heart and that Allaah has opened the heart for

Islam! No doubts remain about any beliefs of Allaah , His

commands, the life of the grave and the hereafter, Jannat and

Jahannam, the Malaaikah, Taqdeer, all the heavenly scriptures

revealed by Allaah , the Quraan Sharief and all its teachings,

all the Ambiyaa , etc. He fully accepts all the commands of

Allaah 's Ibaadat and fulfills it to the best of his ability! He

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brings all his financial matters according to Shariat, his lifestyle

is according to Dien and also his character, and he desires and

makes effort that this comes alive in the whole world for all

times! Now his heart has opened for Islam and now the Nur of

Allaah has entered in his heart!

On this the Sahaabah inquired 'Hal lahu min alaamaat? Are

there signs indicating that this Nur has entered his heart? Nabi

replied in the affirmative! Our Sheikh says that this

question of the Sahaabah is a great favour upon the Ummat!

Otherwise we could have thought that a person who is fair

skinned has got Nur - light - in his heart, that's why he is fair

skinned and the person who hasn't got Nur in his heart is dark

skinned! Nabi 's answer made it clear that this has nothing to

do with the colour of the skin.

THREE SIGNS Nabi gave 3 signs, by which, a person, can judge for himself,

whether the Nur of Allaah has entered his heart or not!

These are,

التجاىف عن دار الغرور

Disinclination from the house of deception

واالانبة اىل دار اخللود

And inclination towards the house of eternity

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واالستعداد للموت قبل نزوله

And preparation for death before death descends (upon a


What clear signs and what a wonderful prescription to live ones

life according to!

The first sign is Disinclination from the house of deception, this

does not mean that a person will not do dunia's work, he will

see to all his necessities but his heart will not be in it!

دل ایب

اکب ر ر دت

Your hands will be in their work but your heart will be with your

beloved!' A person who was blessed with the quality of Kashf, a

quality that Allaah grants to whom he wants from amongst

His friends, that is Allaah shows him things which other

people cannot see, he saw a person at the Multazam, (i.e. the

place between the Hajr e Aswad and the noble door of Kaabah

Sharief), sticking to the Ka’aba and making duas, but when he

cast his inner eyes on the heart of this person, he found him to

be fully engrossed in dunia. Outside the Haram he saw a

businessman engaged in trading, but when he cast his gaze on

his heart he saw that he was not unmindful of Allaah for a

single moment! Subhaanallah! This is what is meant and strived

to be achieved. So we will do our necessary work of Dunia, but

our hearts will be attached to Allaah , Dien and the Aakherat.

May Allaah grant this to all of us. Aamien!

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The second sign by which to know if the Nur of Islam has

entered the heart is “inclination towards the house of eternity”

a desire towards the everlasting life of the hereafter. It's quite

clear that when dunia has been referred to as the house of

deception, which is temporary and play and amusement, and

the Aakherat as the real and eternal life, then his heart will

automatically incline towards that life. By losing interest in

dunia, a person will not become lazy and leave out dunia's work,

the work of dunia will carry on as normal, but with greater

fervour and enthusiasm he will prepare for his everlasting

abode - the Aakherat!

The third sign of the Nur of Islam entering his heart is

“preparation for death before death descends (upon a person).”

That is one should see that all his matters are already clear and

up to date. As far as his Dienie matters, he should ensure that

he hasn't got any Qadhaa Salaah, fasts, zakaat, Haj, oaths, etc.

He should have any outstanding debts, if there are any, then it

must be noted and arrangements be made for it to be paid. Or,

if somebody is owing him, then similarly all necessary

arrangements must be made. That, as far as possible no rights

of Allaah or His creation is pending on him. His 'stock sheet'

should be clean and his estate can be wound up easily and


HARD HEARTEDNESS If these 3 signs are not found, then according to the Aayat in

front it is due to the hardness of the heart as a result of

negligence of the zhikr of Allaah ! The heart is in one of three

conditions with regard to zhikr, The 1st is the condition of the

non-believers, which is referred to in this Aayat, that their

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hearts are so hard that they make no zhikr of Allah and thus

do not incline to any good.

The second is that of the Munaafiqien, that is those who

remember Allaah but very little, opportunist- when it suits

them they make zhikr, when it does not they don't. They stay in

a state of unmindfulness of Allaah and in fulfilling His


The 3rd is the group of the sincere believers 'who remember

Allaah standing, sitting and reclining' 'who remember Allah in

abundance and sing His praises morning and evening. In other

words they are always busy in the zhikr of Allaah, whether it is

by tongue, mind and heart or actions!

Those that are totally unmindful of Allaah that they do not

even belief in Him, the Quraan declares that they are in open


QURAAN SHARIF To come out of this misguidance, Allaah says 'Allaah has

revealed the best of talks - the Quraan Sharief - with its great

qualities, by which the skins of those who fear Allah tremble

and then their skins and hearts become soft for Allaah , i.e. To

surrender to Him and His commands. That is the guidance of

Allaah , to whom He grants it. And whom Allaah misguides

there is no guide for him.

Then Allaah compares this first person with a person who

tries to save himself from a terrible punishment with his face.

Usually a person saves himself from harm to his face by his

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hands, but his hands are tied at the back, so he tries to save

himself by his face! How can he? And it will be said to the wrong

doers to taste of what they had done in dunia!

So we should check ourselves out, whether the 3 signs of the

Nur of Islam has entered our hearts or not? They are:

1) Disinclination to this deceptive dunia;

2) Inclination to Aakherat; and

3) Preparation for death before its time.

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