Download - Le musée des dinosaures d’Espéraza – Dinosauria ...5 Summary 1. Introduction 2. Systematic palaeontology 3. A Phylogenetic scenario for the Testudinoidea 3.1. Previous works

Page 1: Le musée des dinosaures d’Espéraza – Dinosauria ...5 Summary 1. Introduction 2. Systematic palaeontology 3. A Phylogenetic scenario for the Testudinoidea 3.1. Previous works


ORYCTOS, Vol. 5 : 3 - 45, Décembre 2004


Julien CLAUDE 1 & Haiyan TONG 2

1 Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, University of Mahasarakham, Tambon Khamriang, Kantarawichai District, 44150, THAILAND. e-mail: [email protected]

216, cour du Liégat, 75013 Paris, France. e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: The description of three Early Eocene fossil turtle species from southern France illustrates the earlyEocene radiation of the Testudinoidea, the largest group of living turtles. Two species of the geoemydid PalaeoemysSchleich,1994, P. testudiniformis (Owen, 1842) and P. hessiaca Schleich, 1994, are described on the basis of newshell material from the Ypresian (Early Eocene) locality of Saint Papoul (Aude, France). A new species belongingto the family Testudinidae, Achilemys cassouleti, is interpreted as the most primitive taxon of this family. In orderto assess their phylogenetic relationships, an evolutionary scenario is proposed mainly on the basis of newly publishedstudies in molecular phylogeny, followed by paleobiogeographical considerations, and by a reappraisal of morpho-logical character evolution.

Keywords: Early Eocene, Southern France, Testudines, Cryptodira, Testudinoidea, Palaeoemys, Achilemys,Phylogeny.

Les Tortues Testudinoïdes de l’Eocène inférieur de Saint-Papoul :nouvelles données sur l’origine des familles de testudinoïdes modernes.

Résumé : Trois espèces de tortues de l’Eocène inférieur du Sud de la France sont décrites. Ce matériel apporte denouvelles données sur la radiation des Testudinoïdes modernes, le groupe de tortues actuelles le plus diversifié.Deux espèces du geoemydidé Palaeoemys Schleich, 1994, P. testudiniformis (Owen, 1842) et P. hessiaca Schleich,1994, sont décrites sur la base d’un matériel nouveau daté de l’Yprésien (Eocène inférieur) de la localité de SaintPapoul (Aude, France). Une nouvelle espèce de Testudinidae, Achilemys cassouleti, est interprétée comme le taxonle plus primitif de la famille. Dans le but d’établir les relations de parentés de ces taxons, un scénario évolutif destestudinoïdes est proposé principalement sur la base d’études récentes en phylogénie moléculaire, de considérationspaléobiogéographiques, et enfin d’une réinterpretation de l’évolution des caractères morphologiques.

Mot clefs : Eocène inférieur, Sud de la France, Testudines, Crytpodires, Testudinoidea, Palaeoemys, Achilemys,Phylogénie.

Page 2: Le musée des dinosaures d’Espéraza – Dinosauria ...5 Summary 1. Introduction 2. Systematic palaeontology 3. A Phylogenetic scenario for the Testudinoidea 3.1. Previous works

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Table 1Baur, 1893 Lindholm, 1929 Williams, 1950Superfamily Testudinoidea Superfamily Testudinoidea Superfamily TestudinoideaFamily Emydidae* Family Chelydridae Family DermatemydidaeFamily Testudinidae Family Kinosternidae Family Chelydridae

Family Dermatemydidae Subfamily ChelydrinaeFamily Platysternidae Subfamily StaurotypinaeFamily Testudinidae Subfamily KinosterninaeSubfamily Emydinae* Family TestudinidaeSubfamily Testudininae*** Subfamily Emydinae*

Subfamily Testudininae***Subfamily Platysterninae

Gaffney, 1975 Mlynarski, 1976 Gaffney, 1984Superfamily Testudinoidea Superfamily Testudinoidea Superfamily TestudinoideaFamily Emydidae* Family Testudinidae Family EmydidaeFamily Testudinidae Family Emydidae* unamed taxa *****Family Chelydridae Subfamily Emydinae**** unamed rank / ‘Batagurinae’**

Subfamily Batagurinae** Family Testudinidae

Shaffer et al., 1997 de-Broin 2000 This studySuper family Testudinoidea Superfamily Testudinoidea Superfamily TestudinoideaFamily Lindholemydidae Family Emydidae Grade LindholmemydidaeFamily Emydidae Family Testudinidae ***** Family Emydidaeunamed rank /Testudinoidae unamed rank/ Geoemydinei ** unamed rank/ TestudinoidaeFamily Testudinidae unamed rank/ Testudininei *** Family TestudinidaeFamily Bataguridae ** Family Geoemydidae

* = Geoemydidae + Emydidae** = Geoemydidae *** = Testudinidae**** = Emydidae***** = Testudinoidae


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Summary1. Introduction2. Systematic palaeontology3. A Phylogenetic scenario for the Testudinoidea

3.1. Previous works and biogeographical considerations3.2. Characters examined and distributionof their states

3.2.1. Skull3.2.2. Appendicular skeleton3.2.3. Shell3.2.4. Chromosome data

3.3. Phylogenetic Relationshipswithin Testudinoidea

3.3.1. Basic Taxa3.3.2. Nodal Taxa

4. Conclusions5. Acknowledgments


The Saint Papoul locality is a large clay pit loca-ted about 20 km north-west of Carcassonne (Aude,France). It has yielded very abundant turtle remains,including pleurodires (Podocnemidae) (Broin, 1977;Tong, 1999) and several cryptodiran families:Geoemydidae, Testudinidae, Carettochelyidae andTrionychidae. Besides turtles, the Saint Papoul verte-brate fauna includes fishes, crocodiles, birds, andmammals. The fossils come from continental greyclays and sandstones. The mammalian fauna indi-cates an Ypresian (Early Eocene) age (Sudre et al.,1992). The material studied in this paper has beencollected by amateur palaeontologists and by theMusée des Dinosaures (Espéraza, France) during1992-1998, and is housed in the latter. This paperfocusses on the testudinoid turtles discovered in thequarry, and discusses phylogenetic relationshipswithin the Testudinoidea.

Fitzinger first used Testudinoidea as a highertaxon among turtles containing turtles of the genusTestudo (Fitzinger, 1826). Later, Baur introduced theTestudinoidea as the superfamily containing thefamilies Emydidae and Testudinidae on the basis ofskeletal anatomy (Baur, 1893). Since then, thecontents of the Testudinoidea, as well as the classifi-cation within the group, as shown in table 1, changed

according to different authors. McDowell (1964)attempted a first systematic review of the aquaticturtles of this group and divided the previousEmydinae into Batagurinae and Emydinae. Moreoverthis author suggested a close relationship between theexclusively terrestrial Testudininae and theBatagurinae. Gaffney & Meylan (1988) raised thesesubfamilies to separate families (Emydidae,Bataguridae and Testudinidae) of the superfamilyTestudinoidea, which is the currently used classifica-tion. In a recent phylogenetic analysis of Testudinoidea,McCord and co-workers replaced the family nameBataguridae with Geoemydidae (McCord et al.,2000). We follow McCord et al. (2000) sinceBataguridae Gray, 1869 is a junior synonym ofGeoemydidae Theobald, 1868 (see David (1994),p.83). Previous work has put forward the hypothesisthat the Geoemydidae may be a paraphyletic groupwith respect to the Testudinidae (Hirayama, 1984;Gaffney & Meylan 1988), but very recently, molecu-lar phylogenetic studies have shown that theTestudinidae may be considered as the sister group ofthe Geoemydidae and that the Geoemydidae aremonophyletic (Shaffer et al. 1997; Honda et al.,2002; Spinks et al., 2004) (see Yasukawa et al., 2001for a discussion on morphological features). As acrown group, the Testudinoidea include three extantfamilies: the Geoemydidae (mostly Eurasiatic), theEmydidae (mostly North American), and theTestudinidae sensu Gaffney & Meylan (1988). This isthe largest group of turtles containing more than halfof the extant turtle species. This group has diversifiedin two main environments (aquatic and terrestrial).Several subsequent authors have included a fourthfamily in the Testudinoidea: the Lindholmemydidae,known from the Early Cretaceous to the LatePalaeocene of Asia (Shaffer et al., 1997; Gaffney,1996; Hirayama et al., 2000; Sukhanov, 2000). TheLindholmemydidae is a primitive group which hasboth apomorphic features of modern Testudinoidea(i.e. well developed axillary and inguinal buttressescontacting costal bones, cervical vertebra pattern(biconvex eighth cervical with a double articulationfor the seventh cervical): Gaffney, 1996; Hirayama etal., 2000) and plesiomorphic features (persistence ofinframarginal scutes), but its monophyly remains anopen question (Hirayama et al., 2000; Sukhanov,2000).


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In summary, the classification of the Testudinoideaused here is as follows:

Superfamily Testudinoidea, Batsch, 1788Family Lindholmemydidae, Chkhikvadze, 1970Family Emydidae, Rafinesque, 1815Family Testudinidae, Batsch, 1788Family Geoemydidae, Theobald 1868(Bataguridae Gray, 1869 of some authors)Few studies have addressed the early evolution

and the origin of the families of Testudinoidea; fewerhave attempted to interpret their fossil record from aphylogenetic point of view. Only Hirayama (1984)included the Eocene taxon Echmatemys in his phylo-genetic analysis of the Bataguridae (= Geoemydidaein the present paper) and Shaffer et al. (1997) discus-sed the higher relationships in turtles incorporating theLindholmemydidae (Mongolemys and Lindholmemys).

The oldest geoemydid and testudinid turtles arerecorded from the Early Eocene of North America,Europe, and Asia (Hutchison, 1998; Holroyd et al.,2001; Lapparent de Broin, 2001). The first emydids(sensu stricto) are reported from the Late Eocene ofNorth America (Clark, 1937). However, Holroyd etal. (2001) have referred an undescribed taxon fromthe Early Eocene of North America to the Emydidae.Presumed Emydidae are also reported from the EarlyEocene of Ellesmere Island (Canada) by Estes andHutchison (1980). Emydids are considered to be thesister group of the Testudinidae plus Geoemydidae(Hirayama, 1984; Gaffney & Meylan, 1988; Shafferet al., 1997; Honda et al., 2002; Spinks et al., 2004),consequently the radiation of the modern families ofthe Testudinoidea occurred no later than the EarlyEocene. Testudinoids from Saint Papoul described inthe present paper include both geoemydid and testu-dinid turtles. Because of its stratigraphical position,the turtle fauna of Saint Papoul is of particular inter-est for our understanding of the early radiation of themodern families of the Testudinoidea. After a syste-matic paleontological description, we provide a phy-logenetic scenario of the Testudinoidea based on theresults of recent molecular phylogenetic studies, fol-lowed by paleobiogeographical considerations, andby a reappraisal of character evolution.


Order Testudines Linnaeus, 1758Suborder Cryptodira Cope, 1868Superfamily Testudinoidea Batsch, 1788 (fide Baur, 1893)Family Geoemydidae Theobald, 1868Genus Palaeoemys Schleich, 1994

Synonymy:Emys Owen, 1842: 161-163Emys Owen & Bell, 1849: 67-70, 73-74Chrysemys Lydekker, 1889: 118-119Chrysemys Woodward et Sherborn, 1890: p.217-218Emys Woodward et Sherborn, 1890: 228Ocadia Staesche, 1928: p.8-16Testudo Bergounioux, 1933: 508-520Palaeochelys Broin, 1977: 236Chrysemys Moody, 1980: 24Chrysemys Benton & Spencer, 1995: 276-279Palaeoemys Schleich, 1994: 82-87.Palaeoemys Hervet, 2003a: 620-622Juvemys Hervet, 2003a: 622-623Francellia Hervet, 2004a: 19-21, 23Owenemys Hervet, 2004a: 24-26Euroemys Hervet, 2004a: 26-29

Emended Diagnosis: Relatively low carapaceabout 20-40 cm long in the adult. Second to seventhneural plates hexagonal with shortest sides anterola-teral; narrow vertebral scutes; anterior part of the firstvertebral included in the nuchal plate; second pleuralscute in contact with the fifth, sixth, and seventh mar-ginal scutes. Carapace attached to plastron by suture,with very strong buttresses. Axillary buttress inser-ting on the lateral half of the first costal plate, and lin-ked to the first and second rib heads by a strongridge; inguinal buttress inserting on the lateral half ofboth fifth and sixth costal plates. Thick plastron withthe anterior margin straight and a swelling on the vis-ceral side of the hypoplastron linking the two ingui-nal buttresses; short gulars just or not reaching theepi-entoplastral suture on the ventral side, and for-ming a very short anterolateral lip on the visceral sideof the epiplastron; humero-pectoral sulcus placed farbehind the entoplastron; humero-pectoral and pecto-ro-abdominal sulci convex posterior and parallel toeach other. Pygal small, wider than long, only slight-ly or not intersected by the posterior sulcus of thefifth vertebral scute.

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Type species: Palaeoemys hessiaca Schleich, 1994Included species : Ocadia messeliana Staesche,1928; Emys testudiniformis Owen, 1842; Testudocorroyi Bergounioux, 1933.Distribution: Ypresian (Early Eocene) to Lutetian(Middle Eocene), Europe.Discussion: Palaeoemys is a testudinoid because ofthe presence of well developed axillary and inguinalbuttresses reaching costal plates and a deep analnotch (Hirayama, 1984; Gaffney & Meylan, 1988;Hirayama et al., 2000). It should be excluded fromLindholmemydidae, because of the absence of infra-marginal scutes (only inguinal and axillary scutes arepresent). It is a member of the Geoemydidae becauseof the musk ducts enclosed within the peripheralplates and the small pygal plate (McDowell, 1964;Hirayama, 1984; Gaffney & Meylan 1988). Moreoverit exhibits lateral keels on the carapace (at least injuvenile specimens), a feature only observed in certainGeoemydidae (e.g. Ocadia, Chinemys, Malayemys,Melanochelys, Geoemyda, Cuora) among the Testu-dinoidea. Palaeoemys retains some plesiomorphicfeatures: humero-pectoral sulcus excluded from ento-plastron, a feature found in Lindholmemydidae, inTestudinidae, in some Geoemydidae (Batagur com-plex, Orlitia, Malayemys, Geoclemys, and someGeoemyda), and in some Emydidae (Deirochelyinae);narrow vertebral scutes, a feature observed in severalLindholmemydidae (Elkemys, Lindholmemys, Grave-mys, some Mongolemys), some Echmatemys species,and some primitive Testudinidae (see below); veryshort epiplastral lip, a feature found in theLindholmemydidae and some Geoemydidae (i.e.Batagur complex, Orlitia, Malayemys, Geoclemys,Paleochelys); short gular scutes, a feature present inlindholmemydids and some Geoemydidae (Batagurcomplex, Orlitia, Malayemys, Geoclemys, and someGeoemyda). Among geoemydids, Palaeoemys differsfrom previously defined members of the Geoemydinae(Hirayama, 1984) in the neural plates with short ante-ro-lateral sides, and it differs from Batagur, Callagur,Kachuga, Hardella, and Morenia in the fourth margi-nal scute not reaching the second pleural scute (thusPalaeoemys is more primitive for this character). Weconsider Palaeoemys to be a relative of Geoclemysand Malayemys since the lateral keels are locatednear the medial margin of the pleural scutes, (for thespecies of Palaeoemys which do not exhibit lateral

keels in adult, a keel configuration similar toGeoclemys and Malayemys can be found in small andjuvenile specimens (when avaible)). In all otherthree-keeled geoemydids, the lateral keels are situa-ted more laterally. Moreover, as in Geoclemys,Malayemys, and Orlitia, the plates of Palaeoemys arevery thick, corroborating our phylogenetic interpreta-tion. Palaeoemys differs from Orlitia, Geoclemys andMalayemys by its humero-pectoral sulcus positionedfar behind the entoplastron, and by the posterior sul-cus of the 5th vertebral plate placed near or crossingthe pygal plate.

The newly defined genera, Juvemys (Hervet,2003a), Euroemys, Francellia, Owenemys (Hervet,2004a) show insignificant differences with Palaeomysand we consider them as junior synonyms of the lat-ter. Indeed, the diagnoses of these genera are basedmostly on characters that are variable at the intraspe-cific level and highly related to growth and ontogeny(slight differences in development of the buttresses,wider versus narrower vertebral scute patterns, relati-ve width of the plastron, or slight difference in thedevelopment of gular lips). They are irrelevant todefine turtle species or genera.

We consider Borkenia Schleich, 1994, from theLutetian of Germany, to be closely related toPalaeoemys because they share the following charac-ters: posterior position of the humero-pectoral sulcus,small epiplastral lips, straight border of the anteriorplastral lobe, thick plates. Borkenia differs fromPalaeoemys by its wider vertebral scutes, its emargi-nate nuchal plate, the more developed epiplastral lips,its gular scute never reaching the entoplastron(although this feature may be variable in some livinggeoemydids (see Nakamura, 1934)), and the weakeraxillary and inguinal buttresses. Borkenia (containingthe species B. oschkinisi and B. germanica) might bea synonym of Palaeoemys, since the above cited fea-tures are variable at the generic level. Further studieson the variability in the two genera are needed. Inaddition, the newly described specimen of Hum-melemys ambigua Hervet 2004b (from the same loca-lity as B. germanica) is most likely a junior synonymof B. germanica, and then should belong to eitherBorkenia or Palaeoemys, pending a further revisionof these two genera.


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The genera Palaeochelys and “Ocadia”, knownfrom the Eocene to the Miocene in Europe, areknown to be polyphyletic (Schleich, 1985, 1993;Jimenez-Fuentes et al., 1990; Schleich, 1993; Broinet al., 1993; Lapparent de Broin, 2001). The type spe-cies of Palaeochelys, P. busseliensis Meyer, 1847(Meyer, 1847; Hervet & Lapparent de Broin, 2000) isdefined from a single carapace from the LateOligocene of Germany and differs from Palaeoemysin having the first vertebral scute wider than thenuchal plate and wide vertebral scutes. Bergounioux-chelys, Cucullemys, Provencemys described recentlyby Hervet (2004a), are considered here as juniorsynonyms of Palaeochelys since they are not signifi-cantly different from the latter. Cuvierichelys pari-sensis from the upper Eocene of France (Gray, 1831;revised in Hervet, 2004a) differs from Palaeoemys inhaving the first vertebral scute wider than the nuchalbone, wide vertebral scutes, a rather rounded anteriorplastral lobe, and the humero-pectoral sulcus cros-sing or located near the entoplastron.

Palaeoemys differs from Grayemys, an Eocenegeoemydid from Asia (Ckhikvadze, 1970; Flerov etal., 1974) by a narrower vertebrals, a straight anteriormargin of the anterior plastral lobe, and straightxiphiplastral lateral margins. Palaeoemys differsfrom Echmatemys, a North American geoemydid(Hay, 1908) by the shape of gulars, the presence oflateral keels, and its weak epiplastral lip. SomeAsiatic geoemydids have been attributed to the genusEchmatemys: E. orlovi Ckhikvadze, 1970; E. zaisa-nensis Ckhikvadze, 1970; E. chingaliensis Kusnetzovand Ckhikvadze, 1974; E. borisovi, Ckhikvadze,1990 (Flerov et al., 1974). However, such inferencesshould be considered with caution because of thenumerous putative cases of convergence during theEocene. Moreover all of these species are based on sopoor material that their validity is doubtful. In anycase, further material will be necessary to support, orrefute this attribution.

Some undescribed skulls from the Eocene ofGermany (Messel and Geiseltal) are known (Keller &Schaal, 1988; Gassner et al., 2001) and might bereferred to Palaeoemys or Borkenia (because they areassociated with shells similar to Ocadia messelianaor Ocadia germanica). Those skulls are reminiscentof geoemydids such as Geoclemys or Siebenrockiella,and the triturating surface seems to be similar to

Siebenrockiella. The foramen orbito-nasale is relati-vely developed and is similar in shape to that ofGeoclemys or Orlitia.

Palaeoemys testudiniformis (Owen, 1842)(Plate 1, Figure 1)

Synonymy:Emys testudiniformis Owen, 1842 Emys testudiniformis Owen & Bell, 1849Emys bicarinata Bell, 1849Chrysemys testudiniformis Lydekker, 1889Chrysemys bicarinata Lydekker, 1889Chrysemys sculptata de Stefano, 1902 Owenemys testudiniformis, Hervet, 2004aFrancellia salouagmirae, Hervet, 2004aJuvemys labarrerei, Hervet, 2003a

Referred material: two partial carapaces (MDE-sp51and MDE-sp 95), anterior plastral lobe (MDE-sp132), partial plastron (MDE-sp53), right costalplate (MDE-sp250), nuchal plates (MDE-sp40 andMDE-sp96), and more than one hundred shell frag-ments from the Ypresian of Saint Papoul, southernFrance (collection of the Musée des Dinosaures,Espéraza).Measurements: See table 2. The estimated carapacelength from MDE-sp51 is 210 mm., and the estima-ted shell width is 176 mm.Distribution: Ypresian (Lower Eocene: MP-8 to MP-10) of France and England.Diagnosis: A species of Palaeoemys with one centralkeel and two lateral continuous keels, persisting inmost mature individuals. The shell is trapezoidal incross section. The anterior part of the second verte-bral is wider than the posterior part. The pygal boneis not crossed by the posterior sulcus of the fifthvertebral scute.

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Plate 1: Palaeoemys testudiniformis, Saint Papoul (Early Eocene of Southern France) (scale bars = 2 cm)A: visceral view of the partial plastron MDE-sp53B: ventral view of the partial plastron MDE-sp53C: dorsal view of the partial carapace MDE-sp51D: dorsal view of the partial carapace MDE-sp95E: visceral view of the first right costal plate MDE-sp250 showing the well developed axillary process

G: visceral view of the anterior plastral lobe MDE-sp132H: ventral view of the anterior plastral lobe MDE-sp132I: dorsal view of the nuchal plate MDE-sp40J: dorsal view of the nuchal plate MDE-sp96Palaeoemys sp., Saint Papoul (Southern France, Early Eocene) (scale bar = 2 cm)F: dorsal view of a right small costal plate (MDE-sp252), showing the well developed lateral keel of a juvenile individual


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Table 2: Main Measurements (mm.) for the material referred to Palaeoemys testudiniformis

specimen number Maximal length Maximal widthMDE-sp51 144* 150MDE-sp95 155 148MDE-sp53 146 86**MDE-sp250 61 44MDE-sp96 45 34MDE-sp40 34 -

* Length from the nuchal plate to the fifth neural plate** width between the midline suture of hypoplastron and peripheral plate

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Description: The carapace is oval with three distinct keels.

The shell has a trapezoidal shape in cross section.The keels are weak, as in Annamemys, but conti-nuous, and placed more medially as in Geoclemys orMalayemys. In mature specimens, the median keelappears from the second or third neural plate or evenfarther posteriorly. The lateral keels are present fromthe posterior part of the first costal to the sixth costalplate, they are rather blunt and tend to form a slightknob on each pleural in juveniles. In most specimens,the ornamentation on the carapace surface consists ofgrowth annuli, especially under the vertebral andpleural scutes. The nuchal plate is hexagonal andrelatively small. Neural plates are wide and thick, theneural formula is 4,6A,6A,6A,6A,6A,6A,6 but mayhave some variation (e.g. the neural formula forMDE-sp95 is 4,6A,6A,6A,7A,5A,?,?). There are nei-ther suprapygal nor pygal plates preserved in our spe-cimens, but they are known from other specimensreferred formerly to Juvemys labarerrei (Hervet,2003a). The first costal plate is nearly as long as thesecond and third costal plates together. The anterior

peripherals are rather short, the posterior ones arelonger and can show a slight scalloping pattern as insome Trachemys. The peripherals of the bridge arerelatively high and form a lateral angle. The third andthe seventh peripherals are in contact with the axilla-ry and inguinal buttresses. There is an axillary muskduct enclosed within the third peripheral plate, and aninguinal musk duct within the seventh peripheralplate, both placed near the suture between the peri-pheral plate and the plastral buttresses.

The first vertebral scute is nearly as long as widewith the lateral margins slightly diverging anteriorlyand the anterior margin slightly convex anteriorly. Itsanterior part is included in the nuchal plate. Thesecond and third vertebral scutes are narrow, andslightly longer than they are wide. The fifth vertebralis wide posteriorly but does not reach the tenth mar-ginal scutes. The first pleural scute is longer thanwide. The second pleural scute is in contact with thefifth, sixth, and seventh marginal scutes. The anteriormarginal scutes are short. All marginal scutes are res-tricted to the peripheral plates except in the pygalregion.


Reconstructed shell of Palaeoemys testudiniformis from specimens No MDE-sp51, MDEsp-53, MDEsp-132, BMNH R4102, from the holotype of Emys bicarinata (Bell, 1849) BMNH 39450, and from the holotype BMNH 39767.Left: carapace; Right: plastron. (boldest lines represent keels, bold lines are for scute sulci, thin lines for bony sutures)

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The plastron is strongly sutured to the carapace.The buttresses are well developed. The axillary but-tress inserts on the lateral half of the first costal plate.There is a strong ridge on the visceral side of the firstcostal plate linking the axillary buttress with the firstand second dorsal rib heads. The plastron is thick(maximum thickness = 11 mm. for MDE- sp132 andMDE-sp53). The anterior margin of the plastron isstraight and truncated as in Batagur baska. The brid-ge is longer than the posterior lobe. The lateral bor-ders of the anterior and posterior lobes are roundedand thick. The epiplastra are short. The entoplastronis diamond shaped. There is a swelling on the visce-ral side of the hypoplastron linking the two inguinalbuttresses. The hypo-xiphiplastral suture is straightas in most testudinoid species.

The plastron is covered by 12 epidermal scutes.The gular scutes are very short and barely reach theanterior end of the entoplastron. They form a veryshort antero-lateral lip on the visceral side of the epi-plastron. The humeral and pectoral scutes are long.The humero-pectoral sulcus does not cross the ento-plastron, but is placed far behind it. The humero-pec-toral and pectoro-abdominal sulci are convex back-wards and parallel to each other. The femoro-analsulcus is convex anteriorly.

Comparison and discussion:The genus Palaeoemys was erected by Schleich

in 1994 on the basis of a nearly complete shell fromthe Middle Eocene of Germany (Schleich, 1994). Thetype-species, P. hessiaca Schleich, 1994, has onlyone midline keel placed on the posterior part of thecarapace which is different from the Saint Papoulspecimens. However, the specimens described abovecan be referred to the genus Palaeoemys by the follo-wing characters: posterior position of the humero-pectoral sulcus, small gular, weak epiplastral lip, nar-row vertebrals and developed buttresses.

In 1849 Bell described Emys bicarinata, fromthe London Clay (Early Eocene) of the Isle ofSheppey, which has three keels on the carapace(Owen and Bell, 1849). This species can be referredto Palaeoemys since it has narrow vertebral scutes,the first vertebral scute narrower than the nuchalplate, and the humero-pectoral sulcus placed farbehind the entoplastron. The Saint Papoul specimens,and Emys sculptata de Stefano, a carapace from the

Early Eocene of the London Clay (De Stefano, 1902),can be referred to the species Emys bicarinata Bell,1849 because of the presence of three keels on thecarapace, the slightly anteriorly divergent lateralsides of the first vertebral scute, and the anterior partof the second vertebral wider than the posterior part.The holotype of Emys testudiniformis Owen is basedon a partial shell from the Early Eocene of theLondon Clay and lacks the three keels, however itexhibits exactly the same scute and bone pattern inboth plastron and shell as in the holotype of Emysbicarinata. The keels on the carapace may vanish orbecome indistinct in adult or old specimen of somegeoemydid species (e.g. Chinemys reevesi, Ocadiasinensis). We consider Emys bicarinata to be a juniorsynonym of E. testudiniformis. Moreover, somematerial of Emys testudiniformis from the EarlyEocene of Harwich (England) housed in the NaturalHistory Museum of London provides additionalinformation concerning the posterior part of the cara-pace. R4102 exhibits three keels and has two supra-pygals, the first being trapezoidal and smaller thanthe second; the second suprapygal is wide andcontacts both the pygal and the eleventh peripheralplate with a long suture.

Juvemys labarrerei from St Papoul, definedrecently by Hervet (2003a), and Francellia salouag-mirae (Hervet, 2004a) from the Early Eocene ofRians (Var, France) do not show any significant dif-ferences with Palaeoemys testudiniformis. They aretherefore synonymized with the latter. The slight dif-ferences found on the material studied by Hervet(2003a, 2004a) can be fully understood as intraspeci-fic variations (slight differences in the developmentof the buttresses, the shape of vertebrals) or deforma-tion of the fossil material (e.g. Francellia salouagmi-rae, narrower shell outline). The lyre-shaped firstvertebral scute, used by Hervet (2004a) as the dia-gnostic feature of Francellia is in fact a case ofintraspecific variation, since similar variation can befound within the living species Emys orbicularis(Claude, J., pers. observations).

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Plate 2: Palaeoemys hessiaca, Saint Papoul (Early Eocene of Southern France) (scale bars = 2 cm)A: dorsal view of the almost complete shell MDE-spT01B: ventral view of MDE-spT01C: dorsal view of the nuchal plate MDE-sp 50, Palaeoemys sp. Saint Papoul (Southern France, Early Eocene) (scale bars = 2 cm)D: visceral view of a right epiplastron MDE-sp 251, showing the small epiplastral lipE: ventral view of MDE-sp 251.

Palaeoemys hessiaca Schleich, 1994(Plate 2, Figure 2)

Synonymy: Palaeoemys occitana Hervet, 2003a Referred material: a nearly complete shell (MDE-spT01), a nuchal plate (MDE-sp50), a partial andvery crushed carapace (MDE-sp164), and severalshell fragments (collection of the Musée desDinosaures, Espéraza).

Measurements: MDE-spT01: plastral length: 201mm, plastral width (at the suture between hyoplas-tron, hypoplastron, and peripherals): 114 mm, maxi-mum shell width: 141 mm, length from nuchal plateto the posterior end of the sixth neural: 158 mm.MDE sp 50: width: 42 mm, length 31 mm. Estimatedshell length: 250 mm.

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Type locality: Lutetian (Middle Eocene) of Stolzen-bach/ Borken (Hesse), GermanyDistribution: Early Eocene (Ypresian, MP-10) tomiddle Eocene (Lutetian, MP-13) of France andGermany.Emended Diagnosis: A species of Palaeoemys, diffe-ring from P. testudiniformis in having only a centralkeel on the carapace, extending from the sixth neuralplate to the second suprapygal in the adult; in the firstvertebral scute elongated antero-posteriorly withstrongly convex anterior margin and convex lateralmargins. Description:

MDE-spT01 consists of an almost complete shelllacking the right seventh to eighth, and left sixth toeighth costal plates, seventh to eighth neural plates,posterior peripherals, pygal, and suprapygal plates.There is no pygal or suprapygal plate in the referredmaterial, however the suprapygal pattern is knownfrom the holotype (Schleich, 1994).

This species is similar to P. testudiniformis. Theshell surface is smooth, although growth annuli arepresent in some specimens. The carapace is oval asin P. testudiniformis but lacks lateral keels. A neuralkeel is present on the sixth neural plate of MDE-spT01 and is supposed to extend on to the suprapygalas in the holotype (Schleich, 1994), although this partis missing in the specimens from St-Papoul. The nuchalemargination is small and shallow as in P. testudinifor-mis. The neural formula is 4,6A,6A,6A,6A,6A,6A,6 asin emydids and some geoemydids. The first costalplate is long as in Lindholmemys and in some geoe-mydids (Kachuga, Hardella, Malayemys, or Batagur).The peripheral plates of the bridge region form a rimon the lateral border of the carapace, but not roundedas in Orlitia or Geoclemys, they seem to be lowerthan in P. testudiniformis.

The scute sulci are deeply impressed. The verte-bral scutes are narrow (narrower than in Palaeoemystestudiniformis). The first vertebral scute is oval inshape and its anterior part is included in the nuchalplate, which contacts the first marginal scute by anoblique sulcus. The second and third vertebrals aremuch longer than wide, the second being wider ante-riorly as in Palaeoemys testudiniformis. The margi-nal scutes are restricted to the peripheral bones, andmay reach slightly the second suprapygal. The cervi-cal scute is square in shape and small.

The plastron is thick. It is elongated and stronglysutured to the carapace. The axillary and inguinalbuttresses are well developed. The axillary buttressinserts on the lateral half of the first costal plate, andis linked to the first and second dorsal rib heads by astrong ridge. The inguinal buttress inserts on the late-ral half of both fifth and sixth costal plates, as in P.testudiniformis. The anterior lobe is truncated, andthe posterior lobe has a semi-circular anal notch. Thelateral margins of the anterior lobe are straight. Thelateral borders of the anterior and posterior lobes in P.hessiaca are flattened laterally as compared to P. tes-tudiniformis. The midline suture between the epiplas-tra is short (similar to Batagur baska and Geoemydaspengleri). The hypo-xiphiplastral suture is straight.

The gular scutes are short and reach only theanterior end of the entoplastron. On the visceral side,the epiplastral lip is weak, only marked laterally. Thehumero-pectoral sulcus is placed far behind the ento-plastron as in Batagur, Callagur, Kachuga andLindholmemys. The femoro-anal sulcus is convexanteriorly. The xiphiplastral lip is weakly developedon the visceral side of the xiphiplastron.

Comparisons and discussion:This species is similar to P. testudiniformis for

most plate and scute features. The lateral keels areprobably present in juvenile specimens of P. hessia-ca, since all small geoemydid from Saint Papoul havethree keels, as in many other geoemydid turtles (seediscussion). P. hessiaca differs from P. testudinifor-mis mainly by lacking the lateral keels in adults andthe shape of the first vertebral scute. P. testudinifor-mis has a wider first vertebral scute with a slightlyconvex anterior margin, whereas P. hessiaca has amore elongated and oval first vertebral scute.Moreover it differs from P. testudiniformis by moreflattened free plastral margins.

In 1849, Bell described Emys crassus on thebasis of isolated plastral fragments from the upperEocene of Hordwell (England), which are very simi-lar to some Borkenia, Palaeoemys or Cuvierichelys,in the position of the humero-pectoral sulcus and inthe swelling which links the two inguinal buttresseson the inner side of the hypoplastron. However, it isnot possible to refer these specimens to any definitegenus or species because the material is too poor.

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These specimens should be considered asGeoemydidae indet. and Emys crassus should beconsidered as nomen dubium. From the same locali-ty, Seeley (1876) described the species Emys hord-wellensis and Lyddeker described Ocadia oweni(1889). Ocadia oweni may be considered as a youn-ger synonym of Emys hordwellensis. Indeed the onlydifferences found by Hervet (2004a) between thesetwo species is the relative development of the epi-plastron, which we consider to be variable at the intra-specific level. Then the combinations Landreatochelysoweni (Hervet, 2004a) (for anteriority reasons) andCuvierochelys crassa (Hervet, 2004a) (because thetype material of this taxon is not diagnostic) shouldbe avoided. The combination Cuvierochelys hordwel-lensis may solve reasonably this problem, since thespecimens from Hordwell fit rather well in the dia-gnosis of Cuvierochelys.

The species “Ocadia” messeliana and “O.” keh-reri from the Lutetian of Messel (Staesche 1928) arereferred here to Palaeoemys because they exhibit allthe characters of the diagnosis of the genus. “O.”kehreri may be considered as the synonym of “O.”

messeliana. The slight differences in shape and sizebetween them can be interpreted as differences bet-ween younger (“Ocadia” messeliana) and older indi-viduals (“O”. kehreri). “Ocadia” messeliana exhibitsa medial keel as Palaeoemys hessiaca but differs bythe width of vertebral scutes, the shape of the firstvertebral (rounded in P. hessiaca), and margin of theplastral lobe (straight in P. hessiaca). Moreover in“O.” messeliana, the pygal pattern is known and theposterior vertebral sulcus does not cross the smallpygal plate, and the gulars are usually shorter.

“Testudo corroyi” Bergounioux, 1933 from theEarly Ypresian of Palette (France) consists of analmost complete shell. Hervet (2004a) reported newmaterial from the same locality and erected a newgenus, Owenemys. “Testudo corroyi” exhibits the dia-gnostic characters of Palaeoemys. It differs from theother species of Palaeoemys in having a narrowerstraight part of the anterior lobe, posterior lateralkeels, and a more quadrangular vertebral scute. Thesedifferences are not significant enough to erect a newgenus, we consider Owenemys as a junior synonymof Palaeoemys.

Figure 2: Reconstruction of Palaeoemys hessiaca from specimens no MDE-spT01 and from the holotype (Schleich, 1994).Left: carapace; Right: plastron. (Bold lines are for scute sulci, thin lines for bony sutures)


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? Palaeochelys sp. described and figured inGroessens Van Dyck, 1978 (photo 1), from theLutetian of Messel, may be referred to Palaeoemyshessiaca or Palaeoemys messeliensa because of themorphology of its neural keel and its short pygal, asin Geoemydidae. The holotype of Palaeoemys hes-siaca (Schleich, 1994, fig. 1) has been interpreted aslacking the cervical scutes. However this part of theshell is broken, and this interpretation may be consi-dered as doubtful.

Palaeoemys occitana defined by Hervet (2003a)from Saint Papoul, is synomimized with P. hessiacahere, since it shows few differences with the latter.Differences such as weaker buttresses, narrower ver-tebral scutes can be interpreted as allometric changesduring growth. Indeed, the holotype of P. hessiaca isbigger than the Saint Papoul specimens. Size dif-ferences can be understood as interspecific or inter-regional variation within a species.

Testudinidae Batsch, 1788Achilemys Hay, 1908

Emended diagnose: A primitive testudinid with asmall pygal plate not intersected by the posterior sul-cus of the fifth vertebral scute, an upturned posteriormargin of the carapace, and a short epiplastral lipwithout posterior thickening.Type species: Achilemys allabiata (Cope, 1872)Distribution: Early Eocene (Ypresian) of France, andEarly Middle Eocene (Bridgerian B) of Wyomming,USA.

Achilemys cassouleti nov. sp.(Plate 3, figure 3)

Derivatio nominis: from ‘cassoulet’, a traditionaldish of southwestern France cooked in a pan made ofthe clay from the Saint Papoul area.Holotype: an associated partial carapace, plastron,right humerus, and left femur (MDE-sp37, collectionof the Musée des Dinosaures, Espéraza). Referred material: a femur (MDE-sp90), and someunnumbered shell fragments. Type locality: Saint Papoul (Aude, France)Horizon: Early Eocene (Ypresian, MP-10)Diagnosis: a species of Achilemys, with elongated

second and third vertebral scutes (the third being lon-ger than the second); last pair of marginal scutes notfused; slightly undulated posterior margin; cervicalscute as long as wide. It differs from A. allabiata byits less truncated anterior plastral lobe, by the undu-lating posterior margin and by the gular excludedfrom the entoplastron. Description:

MDE-sp37 consists of an associated right hume-rus, left femur, plastron and carapace lacking the firstto ninth left peripherals, the second to fifth right per-ipherals, the fourth to sixth neural plates, the sixthand seventh right costal plates, and the fourth to sixthleft costal plates.

The estimated length of the carapace of MDE-sp37 is 370 mm, its estimated width is 260 mm. Theplastral length is 357 mm, and the plastral width (atthe suture of hyo-hypoplastral suture and peripherals)is 228 mm, the length of the bridge is 171 mm. Thetotal length of the femur from the head to the tibiaarticulation is 86 mm. The total length of the hume-rus from the head to the radius articulation is 91 mm.

“The total length of the femur (MDE-sp90) fromthe head to the tibia articulation is 81 mm.”

The carapace is disarticulated and has been res-tored. It is dome-shaped and has an oval outline indorsal view. The plates are relatively thick with asmooth surface. The nuchal emargination as restoredis very shallow and wide. Its posterior margin isundulated and upturned.

The nuchal plate is relatively wide. Although theneural series is not complete, the shape of the missingones can be made out from the shape of surroundingplates. The neural formula is 6P,4,8,4,6A,6A,6A,6.The first neural is long, having a very short suturewith the second costal plate. The costal plates aretypically testudinid in shape (Auffenberg, 1974),with the odd costals wider medially, and the evenones wider laterally. The first peripheral is quadran-gular in shape. The eleventh peripheral is roughly tri-angular in shape and is sutured with the eighth costal,the suprapygal, and the pygal plates.

The cervical scute is square in shape. The firstvertebral scute has a rounded outline, as in the lind-holmemydid Gravemys barsboldi from the LateCretaceous of Mongolia (Sukhanov & Narmandakh,1983), and contacts the first marginal, the secondvertebral and the first pleural scutes.

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Plate 3: Achilemys cassouleti nov. sp., Saint Papoul (Early Eocene of Southern France) (scale bars = 2 cm).A-E: MDE-sp37 (holotype: shell); A: Visceral view of the plastron, B: Ventral view of the plastron, C: Visceral view of the carapace, D: Dorsal view of the carapace, E: Left lateral view of the carapace. F-H: right femur (MDE-sp90); F: anterior view, G: posterior view, H: proximal view. I-N: MDE-sp37 (holotype: femur and humerus); I: left femur, anterior view, J: left femur, lateral view, K: left femur, posterior view, L: right humerus, anterior view, M: right humerus, lateral view, N: right humerus, posterior view.

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The second vertebral scute is slightly longer thanwide and the third vertebral is more elongated. Thefifth vertebral is wider than long, it contacts the ele-venth and twelfth marginal scutes. The sulcus bet-ween the pleural and marginal scutes matches thesuture between peripheral and costal plates as inother testudinids.

The carapace is sutured to the plastron. The axil-lary and inguinal buttresses are moderately develo-ped. The axillary buttress contacts the third periphe-rals and reaches the first costal plate, the inguinalbuttress contacts the seventh peripheral and probablythe distal end of the fifth costal plate.

The plastron consists of nine plates. The epiplas-tra are relatively short compared to most of the otherTestudinidae (e.g. Hadrianus, Kinixys, Gopherus…).The anterior border of the epiplastron is nearlystraight, reminiscent of the morphology of Pseudemysor Malaclemys. On the visceral side, the epiplastral lipis weak, it extends no more than half the length of theepiplastron, without posterior thickening. There are

no “epiplastral projections” as in some species of thegenera Hadrianus, Geochelone, and Gopherus. Theentoplastron is diamond shaped and large. The analnotch is large and wide.

The plastron is covered by twelve scutes. Thegulars are relatively small, wider than long and donot reach the entoplastron. The humero-pectoral sul-cus is placed posterior to the entoplastron. The pecto-ral scute is short on the midline and the abdominal islong as in most Testudinidae. The femoro-anal sulcusdoes not reach the hypo-xiphiplastral suture. On thevisceral side of the xiphiplastra, the anal scute formsa well developed lip. There is a small axillary scuteand an inguinal scute, the latter does not contact thefemoral scute.

The trochanters of the femur are coalesced. Thehumeral trochanters seem not to extend beyond thehumeral head as in Manouria or Gopherus, and thehumerus is strongly curved backward. The ectepi-condylar foramen is present as a deep groove in thedistal humeral condyle.

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Figure 3: reconstruction of Achilemys cassouleti from observations of MDE-sp37 Left: carapace; Right: plastron. (Bold lines are for scute sulci, thin lines for bony sutures)

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Comparisons and discussionThe alternating costal plate pattern of the carapa-

ce with odd costals wider medially and even oneswider laterally, and the plastron with a long abdomi-nal scute and a rather short pectoral scute seen inMDE-sp37 are characteristic of the Testudinidae,although the last character is also observed, to a les-ser extent, in some lindholmemydid species, and insome geoemydids. Moreover the coalesced femoraltrochanters are another synapomorphic character ofthe Testudinidae (Auffenberg, 1974).

The epiplastral structure (weak epiplastral lip,absence of anterior epiplastral projection, and absen-ce of posterior thickening of the epiplastron), and thepygal wider than long, differentiate the Saint Papoulspecimen from the other putative primitive forms oftestudinids: Hadrianus (Eocene of Asia, NorthAmerica, and Europe (Lapparent de Broin, 2001)),Ergilemys (Upper Eocene and Oligocene of Europeand Asia (Lapparent de Broin, 2001)), and Manouria(extant Asiatic genus). This primitive epiplastralstructure is reminiscent of some geoemydids.Cheirogaster from the Upper Eocene of Europe(Lapparent de Broin, 2001) differs from the SaintPapoul testudinid in having the more apomorphicfeatures of Testudininae: fusion of the twelfth pair ofmarginals, epiplastral excavation present, absence ofthe cervical scute (Broin, 1977; Lapparent de Broin,2001). Dithysternon Pictet & Humbert, 1855, anenigmatic member of the Testudinoidea and possiblya member of the Testudinidae (Lapparent de Broin,2001) from the Upper Eocene of Switzerland differsfrom Achilemys in having a double hinged plastron.

The genus Achilemys is known only by the typespecimen, from the Middle Eocene of Wyoming(Hay, 1908). The material is very fragmentary,consisting of a half anterior plastral lobe, two anteriorand three posterior peripherals, and a portion of lastsuprapygal and pygal (Hay, 1908). Few characterscan be pointed out on the basis of such fragmentarymaterial. However, MDE-sp37 can be attributed tothe genus Achilemys because of the small pygal platewhich is not intersected by the posterior sulcus of thefifth vertebral scute, the upturned posterior margin ofthe carapace, and the short epiplastral lip withoutbackward thickening and epiplastral excavation. Itdiffers from the type species, A. allabiata, in theslightly undulated posterior margin of the carapace,

the position of the gulo-humeral sulcus, and in thelonger anterior plastral lobe with a more roundedanterior margin.

The comparison between the Saint Papoul speci-men and both fossil and extant testudinid speciesreveals that Achilemys presents a large set of plesio-morphic characters for Testudinidae: narrow verte-brals (as in some lindhomemydids, some geoemy-dids, and Palaeoemys), pygal plate not crossed by thefifth vertebral scute (as in geoemydids and some lind-holmemydids), no fusion of the twelfth pair of mar-ginal scutes in one caudal scute (as in some primitiveTestudinidae, such as Manouria and Hadrianus), andno epiplastral excavation (this character occurring inErgilemys, and in Malacochersus, in small TheTestudinidae (Testudo hermannii, Homopus), and insome island forms such as the Dipsochelys andChelonoidis nigra complexes). The plesiomorphicepiplastral and pygal features are shared with thegeoemydids. This leads us to consider Achilemys asthe most primitive taxon of Testudinidae.


We provide here a possible phylogenetic scena-rio for testudinoids (fig. 4) with special emphasis onskeletal anatomy, particularly that of the shell sincemost Eocene and earlier testudinoids species areknown only from shell material.

Our knowledge of early testudinoids is increa-sing since a large number of fossils have been descri-bed, but no phylogenetic hypotheses incorporatingmore than one fossil genus from the key period, theEocene, have been proposed. The apomorphic andplesiomorphic conditions for morphological charac-ters are given below for each group, allowing testu-dinoid fossils to be considered in a phylogeneticcontext.


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3.1. Previous work and biogeographical conside-rations

Our phylogenetic scenario is based mostly on areinterpretation of morphological characters inregard to recent molecular phylogenies (Lamb &Lydeard, 1994; Bickham et al., 1996; Caccone et al.,1999, Shaffer et al., 1997, Wu et al., 1999b; McCordet al., 2000; Feldman & Parham, 2002; Honda et al.,2002; Van der Kuyl, 2002; Fujita et al., 2004, Spinkset al., 2004). These new data provide some consensuswhich is in disagreement with the studies based onlyon morphology (compare for example with Hirayama,1984, and Yakusawa, 2001). In their review of phylo-genetical relationships among turtles, Gaffney andMeylan (1988) noted that “the systematics within

Bataguridae is a current problem area”. It appearsstill to be true, since up to now, few clades are wellsupported morphologically, not only for Geoemydidaebut also for the whole superfamilly. Moreover,Claude et al. (2003a; in press), noted the importanceof convergent evolution in the general shape of skulland shell between Emydidae and Testudinoidae. Thuswe are not confident in the use of a parcimony analy-sis to resolve the phylogenetic relationships ofTestudinoidea, using only morphology. With theassistance of the results of molecular sequence stu-dies and palaebiogeographical data, we propose anew scenario for the morphological evolution ofTestutinoidea, in order to reinterpret the evolution ofmorphological characters and to discuss the position

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Figure 4: Hypothesised phylogenetic relationships among Testudinoidea (letters refer to nodal clades in the text).

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of fossil species. This allows some characters to beredefined and other to be identified. We are awarethat our approach is unorthodox, and we are notdefending molecular data against morphology. Wemoreover do not assert that this scenario is the trueevolution of Testudinoidea, but we use it as a wor-king hypothesis. It will be infirmed or confirmed bymore data in palaeontology, morphology, and DNA-RNA analysis in the future or by combination ofseveral information data-sets as it was recently donefor the Emydidae (Stephens and Wiens, 2003). Suchcombinations of data are interesting but are out of thescope of this paper, since most living Testudinidaehave not been sequenced yet.

From a palaeobiogeographical point of view, itseems that the modern Testudinoidea radiated fromthe stem group Lindholmemydidae. From theCretaceous to the Palaeocene, all described testudi-noids are Asiatic. There is no certain record of testu-dinoids from the Cretaceous and Palaeocene of NorthAmerica. Gyremys spectabilis from the LateCretaceous of North America, previously referred tothe Testudinoidea (Hay, 1908; Ernst et al., 1994), hasno diagnostic features of the group. The absence ofanal notch, the very wide vertebral scutes and theshort abdominal scute allow to exclude this taxonfrom the Testudinoidea. In addition, its very peculiarshell shape (wider posteriorly) is reminiscent of somebothremydids or baenids. The species Clemmys back-manni from the Palaeocene of North America is not aTestudinoidae and was later referred to theMacrobaenidae (Gaffney, 1992; Parham & Hutchison,2003). Hutchison and co-workers mentioned“Emydidae” from the Cretaceous and Palaeocene ofNorth America (Hutchison & Archibald, 1986;Hutchison, 1998) and Testudinidae from the latePalaeocene (Hutchison, 1998), but this material is notyet described. We therefore prefer to consider suchoccurrences with caution. The possible occurrence oftestudinoids at the same period in Europe should notbe excluded. Indeed, some shell fragments from thePalaeocene of Belgium (Groessens Van Dyck, 1982,1983, 1984) and France (Broin, 1977) which havebeen tentatively referred to the Platysternidae or theBaenidae are strongly reminiscent of the Lindholeme-mydidae. But on the basis of such incomplete mate-rial, it seems that a distinction between these familiesmay be difficult. Thus, the existence of the

Lindholemydidae in the Palaeocene of Europe is pos-sible but not confirmed. It seems that the Lindhol-memydidae originated in Asia, where several taxahave been described on the basis of important mate-rial (Sukhanov, 2000).

No Lindholmemydidae has been reported afterthe Palaeocene-Eocene boundary. It is interesting tonote that all described testudinoids from theCretaceous to the Palaeocene have inframarginalscutes and that similarly all testudinoids known fromthe Eocene lack them. The only Palaeocene genusreferred to the Testudinoidea which lacks infra-marginal scutes is Anhuichelys Yeh, 1974, fromChina (see also Yeh, 1983). Anhuichelys exhibits awider nuchal plate that is reminiscent of Platysternidaeor Chelydridae. On the general shape of the plastronand the shell, this genus might be referred to thePlatysternidae (small peripheral plates, emarginatedand relatively wide nuchal plate), and there is noreason a priori to consider it as testudinoid since itsbuttress morphology is unknown. Lindholmemys,from the Cretaceous of Asia (Sukhanov, 1983) andPseudochrysemys gobiensis from the Paleocene of Asia(Sukhanov and Narmandakh, 1976) are morphological-ly closest to modern Testudinoidea since their inframar-ginal scutes are reduced and their abdominal scutescontact marginal scutes.

Although the fossil record of the Testudinoidea ispoor during the Palaeocene and Cretaceous, a largenumber of species of “modern testudinoids” arereported as early as the Early Eocene (Hay, 1908;Hutchison, 1998; Lapparent de Broin, 2001; Hervet,2004a). McDowell was the first to recognise that themodern Testudinoidea was an assemblage of twowell defined geographical groups: the Emydinae(Emydidae in this paper) and Batagurinae (Geoemy-didae in this paper), and that there is a close rela-tionship between testudinids and geoemydids(McDowell, 1964). The further phylogenetic studiesof Hirayama (1984), Shaffer et al. (1997), Honda etal. (2002), and Spinks et al. (2003) strengthen thishypothesis. Two of the three families of modern tes-tudinoids have been reported from the early Eoceneof Europe: the Geoemydidae and Testudinidae(Lapparent de Broin, 2001; this study). All threefamilies (Testudinidae, Geoemydidae, Emydidae) areknown from the Early Eocene of North America:(Hutchison, et al. 1998; Holroyd, et al. 2001).


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Extant Emydidae (s.s.) are represented by exclu-sively American species except Emys, which isthought to have migrated to Europe in the LateMiocene (Lapparent de Broin, 2001). Most refe-rences to Asiatic emydids are doubtful and severalhave been assigned after reexamination to theGeoemydidae. For example, Terrapene cultulariaYeh (1961) is a synonym of Cuora flavomarginata(Sun et al., 1992). Emydids from the Eocene ofNorth America have been reported since the 1930s(Clark, 1937). Recently, Hutchison (1998) andHolroyd et al. (2001) have reported a taxon named« Emydidae P » from the Early Eocene. Estes andHutchison (1980) also reported an Emydidae fromthe Early Eocene of Ellesmere Island, but whether itbelongs to Emydidae is unclear since its inguinalbuttresses contact both the 5th and 6th costal plate, afeature never observed in other Emydidae. TheEmydidae became more diversified during theMiocene in North America with the appearance ofseveral genera: Emydoidea, Glyptemys, Terrapene,Emys (Hutchison, 1981; Holman, 1987; Holman &Fritz, 2001; Lapparent de Broin, 2001).

The Geoemydidae are known both in the earlyEocene of Europe, with the appearance ofPalaeoemys (this study), and an undescribed newspecies referred to Palaeochelys (Nel et al., 1999;Hervet, 2003b), and North America with the appea-rance of Echmatemys (Hutchison, 1998). TheGeoemydidae persisted until after the Eocene inEurope and Asia (Lapparent de Broin, 2001) butdisappeared from the fossil record in North America(Hutchison, 1998). However, geoemydids are knownin central America as early as the Miocene with theoccurrence of Rhinoclemmys (Webb & Perrigo,1984), and this may represent a relic of NorthAmerican Eocene taxa. It could be expected thatCentral America acted as a refuge for theGeoemydidae when climatic changes occurred at theEocene-Oligocene boundary. The hypothesis of aclose relationship between Rhinoclemmys andEocene North American geoemydids (McDowell,1964; Ernst, 1978; West & Hutchison, 1981) is moreparsimonious than alternative ones (e.g. Hirayama,1984) since it does not require that Geoemydidaemigrate twice from Eurasia to North America. Thisopinion is strengthened now by the molecular datawhich propose Rhinoclemmys as the sister group of

all recent Asiatic genera (McCord et al., 2000;Spinks et al., 2004). It seems then that only oneclade or a primitive grade of geoemydids evolved inNorth America. Except for Rhinoclemmys andEchmatemys, all other Geoemydidae are representedby Eurasiatic taxa, and may represent a monophyle-tic group. Indeed, Rhinoclemmys and Echmatemysshare at least one plesiomorphic feature compared toall geoemydids: the absence of lateral keels even injuvenile individuals. Most members of livingGeoemydidae exhibit three keels, at least in juve-niles. This feature is never observed in emydids, tes-tudinids or lindholmemydids, Echmatemys, andRhinoclemmys. Palaeoemys is the oldest describedGeoemydidae with three keels. It may be concludedfrom this feature, that Eurasiatic geoemydids andPalaeoemys constitute a monophyletic clade, thatevolved only in Eurasia.

The situation for the Testudinidae is more com-plicated since they appear in the early Eocene in bothEurasia and North America, and later in Africa andin South America. The Testudinidae should share aunique common ancestor with geoemydids, as attes-ted by skull features (no contact between postorbitaland squamosal bones (a character which may have abroader distribution), angular not reaching the sulcuscartilaginis meckelii) (McDowell, 1964), chromoso-mic data (52 chromosomes) (Bickham and Carr,1983), and genetic sequence data (Shaffer et al.,1997; Spinks et al., 2004).

3.2. Characters examined and distribution oftheir states

3.2.1. Skull1: Basioccipital-basisphenoid contact

Morphology: The morphology and contactsof these bones are discussed in detail in Gaffney(1979). In cryptodiran turtles, in palatal view, thebasioccipital contacts the basisphenoid along itsentire width. However, this contact is narrower inthe Emydidae (absence of batagurine process ofMcDowell (1964)).

Primitive condition: A wide anterior marginof the basioccipital (wider than the posterior mar-gin of basisphenoid) is observed in most crypto-diran turtles (with the exception of Kayentachelys,Emydidae, and some Pleurosternidae).

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The primitive condition for Testudinoidea is awide anterior margin of basioccipital, reaching thepterygoid bones.

Derived condition: Emydidae have a reducedcontact between the basioccipital and basisphe-noid (McDowell, 1964).

Homoplasy: Among Testudinoidea, the distri-bution of this character does not show homoplasy.

2: Pterygoid-basioccipital contactMorphology: The pterygoid is described in

detail in Gaffney (1979). The morphology of theposterior process of the pterygoid is discussed inMcDowell (1964) for aquatic Testudinoidea.

Primitive condition: The pterygoid does notreach the basioccipital in Proganochelys,Kayentachelys, and some Pleurosternidae.

However, in closer relatives of Testudinoideasuch as Chelydridae, Baenidae, Chelonioidea, andTrionychoidea, the pterygoid reaches the basiocci-pital, which may define the primitive condition forTestudinoidea.

Derived condition: A reduced or absentcontact of basioccipital with pterygoid is conside-red as a derived condition among Testudinoidea.This character occurs in most Emydidae with theexceptions of molluscivorous species (Graptemysand Malaclemys).

Homoplasy: A reduced or absent contact bet-ween pterygoid and basioccipital occurred onlyonce among Testudinoidea. A wider contact bet-ween basioccipital and pterygoid in emydid mol-luscivorous species (Graptemys, Malaclemys)may be considered as the result of a secondaryadaptation to a durophagous diet.

Discussion: This character is correlated withcharacter 2. However its distribution is differentbecause of the condition found in molluscivorousspecies of the Emydidae and it is thus not comple-tely redundant. We were unable to score the bata-gurine process of McDowell (1964).

3: EpipterygoidMorphology: The morphology and contacts of

the epipterygoid are discussed in Gaffney (1979).McDowell (1964) has given the morphologicalcondition for epipterygoid shape among Testudi-noidea.

Primitive condition: The epipterygoid lies recti-linearily above the pterygoid, between the processusinferior parietalis of the parietal and the dorsal sutu-re of the pterygoid. The extension of this bone islimited to the braincase surface. This condition isfound in Chelonioidea, Trionychoidea, CretaceousTestudinoidea (Mongolemys), Geoemydidae andTestudinidae.

Derived condition: The epipterygoid extendsantero-laterally and may reach ultimately the jugalin emydids and chelydrids.

Homoplasy: Among Testudinoidea, the ante-rior edge of the epipterygoid is variably developedin emydids and can be developed in some mollus-civorous geoemydids such as Malayemys,Geoclemys, and some Chinemys. Although thischaracter can show important variation, we thinkit may be informative if the derived state is consi-dered as the the anterolateral development of thisbone but not its contact with the jugal.

4: Foramen carotico-pharyngealeMorphology: The foramen carotico-pharyn-

geale is a ventral opening in the pterygoid,connecting with the canalis caroticus lateralis(Gaffney, 1979).

Primitive condition: Members of theLindholmemydidae (Sukhanov, 2000) and theEmydinae have a relatively large foramen caroti-co-pharyngeale, which may be considered as theprimitive condition for all the Testudinoidea.

Derived condition: The derived condition is areduction or an absence of the foramen carotico-pharyngeale. This is observed in most modernTestudinoidea. The Testudo complex (Testudo +Indotestudo), some geoemydids (Batagur com-plex, Rhinoclemmys), and most deirochelyinesusually have small foramina carotico pharyngeale,whereas most testudinids and most geoemydidslack them. The derived condition occurred in theEarly Eocene as attested by Echmatemys (Hay,1908).

Homoplasy: The reduction of the foramencarotico-pharyngeale occurred at least twice, inGeoemydidae + Testudinidae and in Deirochelyinae.

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5: Foramen orbito-nasaleMorphology: The foramen orbito-nasale is

described and figured in Gaffney (1979).Primitive condition: A medium-sized to large

foramen orbito-nasale is known in most cryptodi-ran turtles including the Baenidae, Plesiochelyidae,Trionychoidea, and Chelydridae. This condition isknown also in an undescribed specimen ofLindholmemydidae from the Paleocene ofMongolia (J. Claude, personal observation). TheCretaceous lindholmemydid Mongolemys exhibitsa rather small foramen orbito-nasale, but it is moredeveloped than in some modern testudinoids,which can exhibit a very small foramen orbito-nasale. The primitive condition for the Testudinoideais therefore a medium-sized to large foramen orbi-to-nasale.

Derived condition:1. The foramen orbito-nasale is minute. This

character state occurs in certain Testudinoidea.2. The foramen orbito-nasale is huge (as defi-

ned in Hirayama, 1984).Homoplasy: The foramen orbito-nasale was

reduced once in the Emydidae (Emydinae), andseveral times in the Geoemydidae (e.g.Rhinoclemmys and Melanochelys complex) and inthe Testudinidae. A huge foramen orbito-nasale ispresent only in the Batagur complex, this statewas then acquired just once in Testudinoidea. Amedium-sized foramen orbito-nasale is present inOcadia, and we interpret it as a reversal. Pyxideamouhoti exhibits a relatively large orbito-nasalforamen, which is considered as a reversion.Discussion: Because this character shows someimportant variation in Testudinoidea and shows animportant homoplasy within the group, we consi-der the first derived condition as a latent featurefor the entire group of modern testudinoids.

6: Angular extensionMorphology: The angular is described in

Gaffney (1979). Variations in its shape and rela-tions to other bones of the mandible in testudi-noids are reviewed in McDowell (1964).

Primitive condition: In the Trionychoidea,Emydidae, and Chelonioidea, the angular has along anterior extension and reaches the sulcus car-tilaginis meckelii because of the intervention of

the prearticular (see Gaffney, 1979: Fig 235G).Derived condition: The angular is reduced

and does not reach the sulcus cartilaginis meckeliiin lingual view in both Testudinidae andGeoemydidae.

Homoplasy: Not known in Testudinoidea.

7: Contact between squamosal and postorbitalMorphology: The squamosal and postorbital

are described in Gaffney (1979). The shape andcontacts of these bones are figured and describedfor Testudinoidea in McDowell (1964).

Primitive condition: In primitive cryptodiranturtles, the squamosal reaches the postorbital, thesame condition is reported in Mongolemys(Sukhanov, 2000) and in Emydidae. This conditionis considered as plesiomorphic for Testudinoidea.

Derived condition: In Testudinidae andGeoemydidae, the contact between the squamosaland the postorbital is absent.

Homoplasy: The distribution of this characteris consistent among Testudinoidea. Only Ocadiaand some Mauremys species have the postorbitaldeveloped posteriorly, reaching the squamosal,which may be considered as a reversal (which cor-roborates the molecular phylogeny of McCord etal., 2000). The condition of Ocadia and Mauremyslooks somewhat different from emydids, since inemydids the postorbital is mostly developed pos-teriorly in its ventro-lateral part, in contrast toMauremys and Ocadia where this bone is develo-ped on its whole height. It should be considered asnon homologous.

Discussion: We use this character as a syna-pomorphy for Testudinidae and Geoemydidae,although Gaffney and Meylan (1988) use it as asynapomorphy of Chelomacryptodira. Consideringrecent results of molecular phylogenies (Shaffer etal., 1997; Fujita et al., 2004), the monophyly ofChelomacryptodira is questionable, and thiscondition may have evolved in separate lineages(as it evolved independently in Cryptodira andPleurodira), such as Kinosternidae + Dermatemy-didae and Trionychia.

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8: Incisura columellae aurisMorphology: the quadrate is described in

Gaffney (1979). This bone usually encloses thestapes in Reptilia.

Primitive condition: The incisura columellaeauris is open in Proganochelys, in the Emydidae,Geoemydidae, and Mongolemys. This state isconsidered primitive for Testudinoidea.

Derived condition: The incisura columellaeauris is closed in Testudinidae.

Homoplasy: Not known in Testudinoidea.However this feature occurs by convergence inother turtle clades (e.g. Meiolanidae, Chelydridae,and Trionychia.).

9: Fissura ethmoidalisMorphology: The descending processes of the

prefrontals form the fissura ethmoidalis. Gaffneydescribed and reviewed this structure (Gaffney,1979).

Primitive condition: Primitively, the fissuraethmoidalis is narrow, oval or keyhole- shaped inChelonioidea, Chelydridae, Dermatemydidae,Emydidae, Geoemydidae and Mongolemys.

Derived condition: All testudinids have awide fissura ethmoidalis.

Homoplasy: This character does not showhomoplasy within Testudinoidea. However theshape of the fissura ethmoidalis varies to a certaindegree among geoemydids from keyhole-shapedto oval-shaped (Hirayama, 1984).

10: Foramen palatinum posteriusMorphology: The foramen palatinum poste-

rius is reviewed and described in Gaffney (1979).Primitive condition: Among the Testudinoidea,

the Asiatic Cretaceous genus Mongolemys is theonly lindholmemydid for which this feature isknown. In this genus, the foramen palatinum pos-terius is medium-sized. The same condition wasfound in an undescribed Lindhomemydid from thePaleocene of Mongolia (J. Claude, pers. observa-tion) and also found in some other MesozoicCryptodira (Sinemydidae, Macrobaenidae,Toxochelys), and in Chelydridae and is thus inter-preted as the primitive condition for Testudi-noidea, although it may be controversial becausethis condition is not seen in most Trionychoidea.

Derived condition: In several groups of testu-dinoids, the foramen palatinum posterius is small.

Homoplasy: A small foramen palatinum pos-terius occurs in all Testudinidae, in someGeoemydidae (Pyxidea mouhoti, Ocadia,Chinemys, Batagur complex + Orlitia +Malayemys complex), and some Emydidae(Deirochelyinae except Deirochelys). Geoemydaand Siebenrockiella exhibit an intermediate condi-tion. Pyxidea, Ocadia and Chinemys exhibit asmall foramen which can be interpreted as reversed.

11: Premaxillary-maxillary pointed cuspMorphology: The premaxilla and the maxilla

may form a pointed cusp on the labial ridge attheir suture.

Primitive condition: In most turtles (Progano-chelys, Trionychoidea, Chelonioidea, Baenidae,Pleurosternidae, Plesiochelyidae), this structure isabsent.

Derived condition: the Testudinidae evolved apair of premaxillary-maxillary pointed cusps nearor at the suture of premaxilla and maxilla (seeGaffney, 1979, fig. 267, p. 350).

Homoplasy: This character is known to occuronly once in Testudinidae. The character conditionis considered as reversed for Kinixys and Pyxis.

12: Posterior maxillary processMorphology: The maxilla presents a posterior

process in the direction of the check emargination.Primitive condition: In all turtles except

Testudinidae, the posterior maxillary process isabsent.

Derived condition: A posterior maxillary pro-cess occurs in the Testudinidae with the exceptionof Manouria and Hadrianus. This characteroccurs also in Gopherus, and to a small extent inStylemys (Hay, 1908) and may be considered as asynapomorphy uniting the Testudininae andXerobatinae.

Homoplasy: Among testudinids, this charac-ter may be reversed. The posterior maxillary pro-cess is lost in Kinixys, and is considerably reducedin Malacochersus, Homopus and Asterochelys.

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13: Labial ridge of the triturating surfaceMorphology: The labial ridge borders the tri-

turating surface laterally and is formed by the pre-maxilla anteriorly and the maxilla posteriorly. Themaxillary portion of the labial ridge may besmooth or present denticulations or serrations.The dentary may exhibit analogous structures.

Primitive condition: In most turtles, themaxillary labial ridge is smooth without serrationsor denticulations.

Derived conditions:1. Testudinidae, except Hadrianus, and

Manouria, have a maxillary labial ridge with verysmall serrations and small irregular denticulations.

2. Among Testudinoidea, some small denticu-lations may occur in some geoemydids (Cuoraamboinensis, Ocadia, some Rhinoclemmys spe-cies). However, in these species the denticulatepatterns show a considerable regularity, as compa-red to the Testudinidae, and may be considered asnon-homologous.

3. Batagur, Callagur, Kachuga, Morenia, andHardella have a maxillary labial ridge with nume-rous and middle-sized denticulations.

4. Pseudemys and Trachemys (a few speci-mens) have a dentary labial ridge with denticula-tions, but have reduced or absent denticulations onthe maxillary ridge.

Homoplasy: Although labial ridge denticula-tions or serrations are present in several testudi-noid lineages, the four different derived condi-tions are considered as non homologous.

14: Premaxillary midline ridgeMorphology: The premaxillary ridge is an

antero-posteriorly directed ridge lying on the tritu-rating surface located at the midline suture betweenthe premaxillary bones.

Primitive condition: The premaxillary ridge isabsent in all Testudinoidea except in theXerobatinae.

Derived condition: The premaxillary ridge ispresent.

Homoplasy: This character is known onlyin Xerobatinae (Gaffney & Meylan, 1988)among the Testudinoidea and does not showhomoplasy.

15: Central premaxillary cuspMorphology: The central premaxillary cusp

is a small cusp lying at the midline suture of thepremaxilla on the middle of the labial ridge.

Primitive condition: Cretaceous andPalaeocene Testudinoidea and Emydidae do nothave a central premaxillary cusp.

Derived condition: In the Testudinidae, thecentral premaxillary cusp is less developed com-pared to the premaxillary-maxillary pointed cuspin the presumed sister group of Testudininae: e.g.Xerobatinae, Manouria. This cusp is more develo-ped in Testudininae.

Homoplasy: The premaxillary central cuspoccurs in all Testudinidae and in Geoemyda. InMalacochersus this cusp is weakly developed.

16. Lingual ridgeMorphology: The triturating surface of the

maxilla may present one or two lingual ridges inturtles with or without denticulations. Gaffney(1979) reviewed this structure.

Primitive condition: Many turtle groups donot have lingual ridges. Mongolemys from theLate Cretaceous does not present any lingualridges, but some undescribed skull material fromthe Paleocene of Mongolia exhibits this character(J. Claude, pers. observation). Dermatemys,Adocus, and several Chelonioidea (Chelonia,Eretmochelys) have a well developed lingualridge. Thus the polarity of this character is contro-versial. Based on the current assumption, weconsider the absence of lingual ridge as the primi-tive condition for the Testudinoidea.

Derived conditions:1. Orlitia, Geoclemys, and Malayemys have a

triturating surface with a slight and smooth lingualridge. In Geoclemys, the lingual ridge may be veryslight or absent.

2. The acquisition of a well defined lingualridge occurs in the Emydidae (Deirochelyinaewith the exception of Deirochelys), in theGeoemydidae (independently in the Batagur com-plex, Ocadia and Hieremys), and in the Testudinidae.

3. An additional lingual ridge is present in thegeoemydid Batagur, and in some members of theTestudinidae (some species of the Geochelonecomplex)

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Homoplasy: Acquisition of a lingual ridgeoccurs independently in several clades ofTestudinoidea. Some Testudininae and Batagurhave independently evolved an additional lingualridge (Boulenger, 1889; Hirayama, 1984).Secondary loss of the lingual ridge occurred inTestudinidae (Kinixys complex) and in mollusci-vorous Deirochelyinae.

Discussion: If we consider the absence of lin-gual ridge as a derived character for testudinoids,we obtain an important homoplasy: independentloss in Testudinidae, in Melanochelys complex, inEmydinae, and in Deirochelyinae.

17: Premaxillary crenated notchMorphology: The premaxilla may be situated

in a crenated notch seen in palatine view in sometestudinids (see Gaffney, 1979; p. 342, fig. 258,bottom right).

Primitive condition: The premaxillary labialridge is in continuity with the maxillary labialridge in most turtles. There is no premaxillarynotch in the primitive condition.

Derived condition: The premaxillary notchoccurs only in Testudininae with the exception ofKinixys, Chersina, Malacochersus, Homopus, andPsammobates. This character supports a cladeconsisting of the Testudo complex and theGeochelone complex.

Homoplasy: This character is supposed to benot homoplastic.

18: Commisural ridgeMorphology: The commisural ridge is a lin-

gual ridge of the triturating surface situated at ornear the premaxillary-maxillary suture.

Primitive condition: In most turtles, the commis-sural ridge is absent. It is absent in Lindholmemydidae,Geoemydidae, Emydidae, Xerobatinae, the Testudocomplex, and the Kinixys complex.

Derived condition: The derived condition isthe presence of a commisural ridge.

Homoplasy: This character occurs only oncein the Geochelone + Pyxis complex. It is supposedto be non homoplastic.

19: Contribution of the palatine to the bony wallof the braincase.

Morphology: The contacts and structures ofthe palatine are described and figured in Gaffney(1979).

Primitive condition: In most turtles, thecontacts of the palatine are restricted to the maxil-la and pterygoid. The palatine contributes to thebony wall of the braincase in the Trionychoidea.The palatine contributes to a limited extent to thebraincase bony wall, contacting the parietal, inmost members of the Testudinoidea. Since at leastsome of the Trionychoidea are considered as thesister group of Testudinoidea (Gaffney, 1996;Hirayama et al., 2000), a contribution of the pala-tine to the bony wall of the braincase and contactto the parietal is interpreted as the primitive condi-tion for Testudinoidea.

Derived condition: The palatine does notcontact the parietal and does not contribute to thelateral wall of the braincase in some testudinidsand some geoemydids.

Homoplasy: The palatine contact is restrictedto the pterygoid and maxilla in members of theTestudo complex (Indotestudo + Testudo), inKinixys, and in some geoemydids.

3.2.2. Axial skeleton20: Eighth cervical vertebrae central articulations

Morphology: The cervical central articula-tions of living turtles are reviewed and figured inWilliams (1950), and Hoffsteter and Gasc (1969).These vertebrae may be opisthocoelous, amphi-coelous, procoelous or biconvex. The eighth cer-vical vertebra may be amphicoelous, procoelousor biconvex. The articulation of this vertebra withthe seventh cervical may be simple or double.

Primitive condition: The primitive conditionfor turtles, as seen in Proganochelys, Kayenta-chelys, and Kallokibotion, is an amphicoelouseighth vertebral centrum and a simple articulationbetween the eighth and seventh vertebrae. Theeihgth cervical is biconvex in Testudinoidea,Sinemys, Dracochelys, Ordosemys, Baptemys,Platysternon and Carettochelys. The articulationwith the seventh vertebra is single in most crypto-diran turtles and is double in the Testudinoidea,Trionychoidea, Cheloniidae, and Platysternon(Gaffney, 1996; Brinkman & Wu, 1999).

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Derived condition: All testudinoids have abiconvex eighth vertebra with a double articula-tion for the seventh vertebra. The association ofthese two character states is supposed to be one ofthe synapomorphies of the Testudinoidea(Hirayama et al., 2000). However Platysternon,Carettochelys, Baptemys, and Zangerlia haveacquired this derived pattern too (Williams, 1950;Brinkman & Wu, 1999).

3.2.3. Appendicular skeleton21: Iliac bone

Morphology: Pelvic girdles of recent turtlesare figured and described in Zug (1971), Walker(1973) and Yasukawa et al. (2001).

Primitive condition: The iliac blade is straightwith a single origin for the ilio-tibialis muscle inmost cryptodiran turtles except testudinoids.

Derived condition: Testudinoidea have aniliac blade with a double attachment for the ilio-tibialis. This condition is present in fossil generasuch as Mongolemys and Stylemys (Hirayama,pers. communication).

Homoplasy: Modern testudinoids are the onlyknown crytpodiran taxon to exhibit this characterstate. It is considered as a synapomorphic featureof Testudinoidea (Gaffney & Meylan, 1988).

Discussion: Gaffney & Meylan (1988) discus-sed the validity of this character.

22: Antero-laterally flared iliac blade (Yasukawaet al., 2001)

Morphology: see character 22.Primitive condition: In most turtles the iliac

blade is not flared anterolaterallyDerived condition: This character state was

supposed to be an exclusive apomorphic conditionfor Geoemydidae (Yasukawa et al., 2001), but asimilar condition appears in at least some speciesof Terrapene (eg. T. carolina). In most Emydidaeand Testudinidae, the iliac blade is curved lateral-ly but does not show an anterolateral flaring.

Homoplasy: This character appears indepen-dently in Geoemydidae and in some Terrapene.

23: Trochanters of the femur (Auffenberg, 1974)Morphology: The morphology of femur and

posterior limb muscle attachments are discussed

in Walker (1973). Auffenberg (1974) gives a des-cription of the shape of trochanters of the femur inthe Testudinidae.

Primitive condition: The femoral trochantersare not coalesced in most turtles and otherReptilia, which is the primitive condition

Derived condition: The trochanters of thefemur are coalesced.

Homoplasy: Among the Testudinoidea, thetrochanters of the femur are coalesced in allTestudinidae. This character occurs also in twospecies of Terrapene. A similar pattern is found inPeishanemys. This character is known also in seaturtles (Chelonioidea).

Discussion: Coalesced trochanters of thefemur occurred three times in terrestrial turtlesand also in marine turtles. Whether this fusion oftrochanters may be adaptive to both marine or ter-restrial life, the origin of this fusion seems to havea different development and functional causes interrestrial species as compared to marine species.Contrary to marine turtles, the two trochanters areof about the same size and the trochanter majordoes not extend beyond or proximally to the endof the head of the femur in terrestrial species(Walker, 1973).

3.2.4. Shell24: Fusion of the 12th Marginal scutes (caudalscute)

Morphology: Most Turtles have 12 pairs ofmarginal scutes.

Primitive condition: The presence of twelvepairs of marginal scutes is the primitive conditionfor Testudinoidea.

Derived condition: The fusion of the twelfthmarginal scute, forming the single caudal scute, isconsidered as the derived condition.

Homoplasy: In all testudinids, except Achilemys,Hadrianus, Manouria, Stylemys, and Pyxis, thetwelfth pair of marginal scutes is at least partiallyfused. The condition of Pyxis is regarded as reversed.

25: Contact between the third pleural and the sixthmarginal scutes (Hirayama, 1984)

Morphology: Among turtles, the third pleuralscute usually reaches the seventh, eighth and some-times the ninth marginal scutes.

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Primitive condition: In Trionychoidea, andPalaeocene and Cretaceous Testudinoidea (lind-holmemydids), the sixth marginal scute contactsonly the second pleural scute.

Derived condition: In some Testudinoidea,the sixth marginal scute reaches the third pleuralscute to a relatively large extent.

Homoplasy: The contact between the sixthmarginal scute and the third pleural scute occursby convergence in the Batagur complex, and in alltestudinids with the exceptions of Achilemys,Manouria, Hadrianus, Testudo, Indotestudo, andKinixys. For these three latter genera, the condi-tion is apparently reversed.

26: Contact between the second pleural and fourthmarginal scutes (Hirayama, 1984)

Morphology: The second pleural in turtlesusually contacts the fifth and sixth marginalscutes, and sometimes the seventh or the fourth.

Primitive condition: In most Testudinoidea,Dermatemydidae, and Kinosternidae, the fourthmarginal scute contact is restricted to the firstpleural scute.

Derived condition: The fourth marginal scutehas a relatively important contact with the secondpleural scute in three groups: the Batagur complexamong Geoemydidae and Xerobatinae andGeochelone elegans among the Testudinidae.

Homoplasy: This character is considered tohave occurred at least three times among theTestudinoidea.

27: Neural series Morphology: Neural plates are above the tho-

racic vertebrae in turtles. The number of neuralplates is variable among turtle families (Pritchard,1988).

Primitive condition: A complete neural serieis usually interpreted as the primitive condition forturtles. However, in Dermatemys, someChelonioidea, some Kinosternidae, some Xinjian-chelyidae, and an Early Cretaceous testudinoidand trionychoid from Japan (Hirayama et al.,2000) the neural series is incomplete with theseventh and eighth costals having a midlinecontact.

Derived condition: Most Testudinoidea have a

complete neural series formed by eight neuralbones, reaching the suprapygal bones. As both thepresumed sister group of Testudinoidea(Kinosternidae and Dermatemydidae) and the firstoccurrences of Testudinoidea exhibit incompleteneural series, the complete neural series of mostTestudinoidea is interpreted as a derived condition.

Homoplasy: Some advanced Testudinoidea(Morenia, some hinged forms (Terrapene,Cuora)) exhibit an incomplete neural series,which may be interpreted as a reversion.

Discussion: Our assumption about the polari-ty of this character may appear not obvious sincea complete neural series is generally considered asthe primitive state for turtles. However, numerouspossible outgroups and the Cretaceous testudinoidfrom Japan exhibit an incomplete neural serieswhich can support our assumption. An alternativescenario would be that the configuration observedin the specimen from Japan is autapomorphic.

28: Neural patternsMorphology: Neural patterns and variations

among living turtles have been reviewed inPritchard (1988).

Primitive condition: Most turtles have neuralplates with short antero-lateral sides. This condi-tion is found in Emydidae and in all theCretaceous and Palaeocene Testudinoidea.

Derived conditions: Several neural morpholo-gies evolved from the primitive pattern: alterna-ting octagonal and quadrangular neurals, or neu-rals with short postero-lateral sides.

1. Neurals with short postero-lateral sidesappeared first in the Early to Middle Eocenein both Geoemydidae (Geoemyda saxonicaand Geoemyda ptychogasteroides; Hummel,1935) and Testudinidae (Hadrianus, Achi-lemys).

2. A clearly alternating pattern of octogonaland quadrangular neurals occurred in aclade of Testudinidae composed of Testudo,Indotestudo and Geochelone (s.l.).Alternating octagonal and quadrangular neu-rals are reported from the Late Eocene (e.g.Cheirogaster maurini from Europe (Broin,1977) and Geochelone ammon from Africa(Andrews, 1906)

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Homoplasy: Among testudinoids only geoe-mydids and testudinids evolved distinct neuralpatterns from the primitive condition. However, inboth groups, the neural shape presents an impor-tant variability across species (Pritchard, 1988).The phylogenetic analyses of McCord et al.(2000) and Spinks et al. (2004) support the hypo-thesis that short postero-lateral side neurals evol-ved several times in geoemydids. We interpret theimportant interspecific variability of neural shapeas a shared evolutionary process of both Testu-dinidae and Geoemydidae (presumably some kindof relaxation of a developmental constraint).

29: Costal pattern (Auffenberg, 1974)Morphology: Eight costal bones form the

carapace in most turtle species. They fuse withthoracic ribs and have an origin in the carapacialridge (Burke, 1989).

Primitive condition: Most turtles have rectan-gular costal plates with the length of the lateralend equal to that of the medial end. This conditionis found in emydids, Cretaceous and Palaeocenetestudinoids, and in geoemydids.

Derived condition: Testudinids evolved a dis-tinct alternative costal pattern consisting of oddcostals with short distal end and long medial end,and even costals with long distal end and shortmedial end. In the Testudinoidea, the derivedcondition occurs for the first time during the EarlyEocene in Achilemys and Hadrianus.

Homoplasy: This character is supposed to beunique among Testudinoidea. However inPeishanemys, Anhuichelys, and Nanhsiungchelyidaea similar alternative pattern is reached by conver-gent evolution. In nanhsiungchelyids this pattern isclearly different, since odd costals have a long dis-tal end and a short medial end.

30: Width of vertebral scutesMorphology: The shape and position of verte-

bral scutes have been discussed in Zangerl (1969).Primitive condition: Early turtles, Proganochelys,

Pleurosternidae, Baenidae, Kallokiboton, Plesiochelyidae,have wide vertebral scutes. However the sister groupof Testudinoidea (Trionychoidea) has longer thanwide vertebral scutes. All Cretaceous to EarlyEocene Testudinoidea (except the undescribed

specimen from the early Cretaceous of Japan ;Hirayama et al., 2000) have longer than wide ver-tebral scutes, which we consider as the primitivecondition for Testudinoidea.

Derived condition: The derived condition forTestudinoidea is wide vertebral scutes. Wide ver-tebral scutes among Testudinoidea appear in theEarly Eocene (e.g. Echmatemys pusilla).

Homoplasy: Among Testudinoidea, vertebralscutes that are wider than long are present in thethree modern families. This acquisition is suppo-sed to be independent occurrences since mostLindholmemydidae, early Testudinidae(e.g.Achi-lemys), and early Geoemydidae (e.g.Palaeoemys) exhibited longer than wide verte-bral scutes.

Discussion: Among Geoemydidae, severalliving taxa have elongated vertebral scutes:Kachuga, Callagur, Hardella, Malayemys,Palaeoemys, Orlitia, Morenia, and Siebenrockiella.The width of vertebral scutes shows a considerablevariation during ontogeny, juvenile turtles exhibi-ting wider vertebral horny shields.

31: Shape of the pygal boneMorphology: The pygal is the most posterior

peripheral bone.Primitive condition: A long and relatively

wide pygal plate crossed completely by the poste-rior sulcus of the fifth vertebral scute, as seen inmost primitive testudinoids from the Cretaceousto the Palaeocene and also in the Emydidae. Thisis considered as the primitive condition for theTestudinoidea.

Derived condition: The pygal plate is smalland wider than long in the Geoemydidae andAchilemys. A short pygal is found as early as theearly Eocene in Echmatemys (North America) andPalaeoemys (Europe).

Homoplasy: A short, and wider than long pygalis observed in Achilemys supporting the commonancestry of Geoemydidae and Testudinidae.Testudinids other than Achilemys exhibit a pygalplate that is as long as wide, which may be consi-dered as a reversion. However the Testudinidae aredistinct from the Lindholmemydidae and theEmydidae in having a pygal plate not intersectedby the posterior sulcus of the fifth vertebral scute.

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The character state of Testudinidae is consideredas non homologous to the plesiomorphic condition.

32: Lateral keelsMorphology: The turtle shell may present no

keel, one medial keel or one medial keel plus twolateral keels. The shape, position, and extent ofkeels is variable among species.

Primitive condition: Within the Testudinoidea,the Lindholemydidae, Emydidae, and Geoemydidaehave one central keel at least in juveniles. Only cer-tain geoemydids have a three-keeled carapace, atleast in juveniles. The primitive condition isconsidered to be the presence of a central keel, atleast in juveniles.

Derived conditions: 1. Testudinidae have no medial or lateral

keels, even in juveniles. 2. Most geoemydids, except the two American

genera Rhinoclemmys and Echmatemys, have threekeels at least in juveniles.

2bis. Palaeoemys, Geoclemys, Malayemyshave three distinct keels on the carapace with late-ral keels situated near the vertebral scutes. Thiscase is a special case of character 2, that is why werefer it to 2bis.

Homoplasy: Lateral keels are absent inOrlitia, in the Batagur complex, in Sacalia, Cuoragalbinifrons, which might be interpreted as areversal, but we have not seen very young indivi-duals for these species.

Discussion: The presence of keels is stronglyrelated to ontogeny. Old individuals tend to haveweaker keels or to loose them. Then the presenceor absence of this character is mostly based on theobservation of juvenile and small individuals,when observations on adults are not obvious. Inthe Testudinoidea, carapaces with three keels areknown since the Early Eocene of Europe(Palaeoemys) and unpublished material of a newtaxon from the early Eocene of France (Hervet,2003b).

33: Cervical scuteMorphology: The cervical scute is a small

unpaired scute lying on the midline of the anterioredge of the nuchal plate.

Primitive condition: The cervical scute is

present in most cryptodiran turtles. It is square inTrionychoidea with dermal scutes, and Chelydridae;and wider than long or square in Chelonioidea. Theprimitive condition is the presence of a squarecervical scute.

Derived conditions: 1. The cervical scute may be absent in some

Testudinidae.2. The cervical scute may be antero-posterior-

ly elongated and narrow in some Emydidae,Testudinidae, and Geoemydidae.

Homoplasy:The cervical scute is absent in two indepen-

dent clades among Testudinidae: some Kinixys,and in Chelonoidis + Geochelone.

The cervical is much longer than wide inseveral extant taxa of modern Testudinoidea :Deirochelyinae (but not Graptemys andMalaclemys), some Terrapene (Emydinae),Cuora, Cistoclemmys (Geoemydidae), and mostTestudininae.

34: Inguinal buttressMorphology: Inguinal buttress is formed by

the hypoplastron and sutures the plastron to thecarapace. The inguinal buttress is developed dor-sally and reaches the costal plates inTestudinoidea. We separate the inguinal buttressand the axillary one, since the distribution of cha-racter states is different for the posterior and ante-rior buttresses.

Primitive condition: The inguinal buttressdoes not reach the costal plate in Proganochelysand most cryptodiran turtles.

Derived condition: All testudinoids, excepthinged forms, have a dorsally developed inguinalbuttresses meeting the costal plates.

Homoplasy: The inguinal buttress is develo-ped dorsally and reaches the costal plates severaltimes in turtle evolution: in Testudinoidea, inPleurosternidae, in Plesiochelyidae, in Bothremy-didae, and in Baenidae (Gaffney & Meylan, 1988;Gaffney, 1996; Hirayama et al., 2000). InTestudinoidea, the inguinal buttress is reduced inthe species with hinged plastron, which is consi-dered as a reversed condition.

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35: Contact between inguinal buttress and costalplates

Morphology: See character 34. When present,the contact of the inguinal buttress with costalplates may concern both fifth and sixth costalplates or be restricted to the fifth one.

Primitive condition: Within cryptodiranturtles, only the Testudinoidea, Baenidae, somePlesiochelyidae, and Pleurosternidae have strongplastral buttresses contacting the costal plates. Inthe Pleurosternidae, Baenidae, and Cretaceous toPalaeocene Testudinoidea, the inguinal buttresscontacts the fifth and sixth costal plates, which isconsidered as the primitive condition.

Derived condition: The costal-inguinal but-tress contact, when present, is restricted to thefifth costal plate.

Homoplasy: The restriction of the inguinalbuttress to the fifth costal plate occurred severaltimes in the Testudinoidea: in the Emydidae and inseveral clades of the Geoemydidae (e.g.Rhinoclemmys, Geoemyda, Heosemys, Mauremys).

Discussion: The condition of Ocadia andsome Mauremys (e.g. Mauremys mutica), is pri-mitive, however, following a recent molecularphylogeny (McCord et al., 2000), this group evol-ved from a group with a contact limited to the fifthcostal plate. We interpreted the condition of Ocadiaand some Mauremys as a reversal.

36: Musk duct foramina (Hirayama, 1984;Yasukawa et al., 2001)

Morphology: the morphology of musk ductforamina in geoemydids is reviewed in detail inYasukawa et al. (2001).

Primitive condition: Discrete and well defi-ned musk duct foramina penetrating in the thora-cic cavity (behind axillary buttress and besideinguinal buttress) are absent in Trionychoidea,Chelydridae, in Cretaceous and PalaeoceneTestudinoidea (except maybe Tsaotemys(Ckhikvadze, 1987)), in Emydidae, and inTestudinidae.

Derived condition: Axillary and inguinalmusk duct foramina penetrating the thoracicchamber are present only in Geoemydidae withthe exception of Morenia (Yasukawa et al., 2001).This character occurred at least first in the Early

Eocene (Palaeoemys and Echmatemys). Homoplasy: The condition of Morenia is

interpreted as a reversion. In geoemydid boxturtles, the foramina are absent, but a canal isvisible on the visceral side of peripheral plates,which is interpreted as homologous to the muskduct foramina structure of Geoemydidae. Muskduct foramina are also present in other turtle fami-lies (Gaffney and Meylan, 1988), but they arequite different from the condition found in geoe-mydids in their position and definition (seeYakusawa et al., 2001).

37: Loss of extragular scutes (Hutchison &Bramble, 1981)

Morphology: Hutchison & Bramble (1981)discussed the shape and the homology of plastralscutes. They propose seven pairs of plastral scutesfor ancestral types. This pattern is found inKayentachelys, Pleurosternidae, Adocidae, Plesio-chelyidae, Baenidae and Meiolaniidae. AllTestudinoidea, except the Early Cretaceous testu-dinoid from Japan (Hirayama et al., 2000), exhibitsix pairs of plastral scutes (gulars, humerals, pec-torals, abdominals, femorals, anals) and have lostthe extragular scutes (the “second scute” in thenomenclature of Hutchison & Bramble (1981).

Primitive condition: The primitive conditionfor Testudinoidea is seven pairs of plastral scutes,as seen in the undescribed Testudinoidea(Lindholmemydidae) from the Early Cretaceousof Japan (Hirayama et al., 2000).

Derived condition: The derived condition isthe loss of the extragular scutes.

Homoplasy: This character is supposed to benot homoplastic among Testudinoidea. However,some Chelydridae (Platysternon) and someMacrobaenidae (e.g. Hangaiemys) present thesame plastral scute composition as Testudinoidea,which may be considered as a convergence.

38: Inframarginal scutes and development ofcontacts between plastral scutes and marginalscutes (Gaffney & Meylan, 1988)

Morphology: Inframarginal scutes occurred inmost cryptodiran turtles and are located at or nearthe suture between the plastron and the carapace.They prevent the plastral scutes from contacting

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the marginal scutes of the bridge. Their number isvariable among cryptodiran families.

Primitive condition: The primitive conditionis the presence of a well developed row of infra-marginal scutes preventing plastral scutes fromcontacting marginal scutes.

Derived conditions: 1. The inframarginal scutes are reduced, and

short contacts between plastral scutes andmarginal scutes may occur. The LateCretaceous taxa Lindholmemys has threeinframarginal scutes and a contact betweenmarginal and plastral scutes, which is consi-dered as an intermediate condition betweenmost Cretaceous and Palaeocene Lindhol-memydidae and modern families of Testu-dinoidea.

2. The inframarginal scutes are much morereduced and the contact between plastraland marginal scutes is longer than inLindholmemys. The Paleocene taxaPseudochrysemys has three inframarginalscutes and rather long contacts betweenmarginal and plastral scutes, which is consi-dered as an intermediate condition betweenLindholmemys and modern families ofTestudinoidea.

3. All known post-Palaeocene Testudinoidealack inframarginal scutes, and have a broadcontact between plastral scutes and margi-nal scutes which is considered as the morederived condition.

Homoplasy: This character is considered as nothomoplastic among Testudinoidea.

39: Elongated gular scuteMorphology: The gular scute corresponds to

the plastral scute 1 of Hutchison & Bramble(1981).

Primitive condition: With few exceptions(Pseudochrysemys and Gravemys barsboldi),most Cretaceous and Palaeocene Testudinoideahave a short gular scute, reaching barely or not atall the entoplastron. The gulo-humeral sulcus isparallel to the humero-pectoral sulcus.

Derived condition: The midline sulcus ofgular scutes is long and clearly overlaps the ento-plastron, and the humero-pectoral sulcus and the

gulo-humeral sulcus are no longer parallel.Homoplasy: In several groups of modern tes-

tudinoids, the gulo-humeral sulcus becomesoblique and is no longer parallel to the humero-pectoral sulcus. The Emydidae, Testudinidae, andsome Geoemydidae may have independentlyevolved this pattern (Geoclemys, Echmatemys +Rhinoclemmys, Melanochelys complex).

40: Epiplastral lipMorphology: The gular scutes may extend

backward on the visceral surface of the epiplas-tron and produce an epiplastral lip. Below thishorny shield the epiplastra may be swollen or evenproduce a posterior excavation (epiplastral exca-vation).

Primitive condition: The epiplastral lip isweak or reduced in most cryptodiran turtles, andin Cretaceous Testudinoidea.

Derived conditions: 1. Among crytpodirans, an elongated epiplas-

tral lip is a unique feature observed in manyTestudinoidea, especially in modern fami-lies. It appears first in species which maybelong to Lindholmemydidae:Pseudochrysemys gobiensis and probablyElkemys from the Palaeocene of Asia(Chkhikvadze, 1987).

2. An epiplastral excavation occurs only insome Testudinidae. The first appearance ofthis feature is attested from the Late Eocene(Cheirogaster (Broin, 1977), Geocheloneammon (Andrews, 1906)). This characterstate is thought to have evolved from anelongated epiplastral lip which allows aswelling in this region. Epiplastral excava-tion, therefore, should be considered as amore derived condition.

Homoplasy: 1. A long epiplastral lip may have evolved

twice or thrice in each of the three families:Testudinidae, Geoemydidae, and Emydidae.

2. The epiplastral excavation is absent in somesmall Testudinidae (Homopus, Testudo her-mannii) and in insular giant species(Chelonoidis nigra and Aldabrachelys ele-phantopus), which is considered as a rever-sal (Gaffney & Meylan, 1988).


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Discussion: Among the Geoemydidae, onlythe Batagur complex + the Malayemys complex +Palaeoemys and Orlitia, have a small or absentepiplastral lip which may be considered as primi-tive. Achilemys is interpreted as the most primiti-ve Testudinidae for this feature since it exhibits along epiplastral lip without either swelling orexcavation. This character can show some intras-pecific variation, but we consider that our catego-ries are far above the level of intraspecific varia-bility.

41: Position of the humero-pectoral sulcus relati-ve to entoplastron

Morphology: The humero-pectoral sulcuscorresponds to the contact of the pectoral andhumeral scutes.

Primitive condition: The humero-pectoral sul-cus does not cross the entoplastron in someDermatemydidae, Plesiochelyidae, Baenidae,Pleurosternidae, Chelonioidea, and Cretaceous toPalaeocene Testudinoidea. This is considered asthe primitive condition for Testudinoidea.

Derived condition: The humero-pectoral sul-cus crosses the entoplastron. Among the Testu-dinoidea, this character appears first in theGeoemydidae Echmatemys from the Early Eoceneof North America (Hay, 1908).

Homoplasy: The derived condition appearsindependently in some Geoemydidae, in someEmydidae, and in one Lindholmemydidae(Elkemys) (Ckhikvadze, 1987). Geoemyda sylvati-ca is variable for this character. In Malayemys,Orlitia and Geoclemys, the humero-pectoral sul-cus is just behind the entoplastron, and can reachit barely in some specimens.

42: Shape of the anterior plastral lobe Morphology: The anterior plastral lobe, for-

med by epiplastron, entoplastron and the anteriorpart of the hyoplastrons is variable in shapeamong cryptodiran turtles. Its anterior margin maybe straight (and then have a truncated appearance)or rounded.

Primitive condition: Most Cretaceous Testu-dinoidea and some Adocidae have a truncatedanterior plastral lobe. This condition is consideredto be the primitive condition for Testudinoidea.

Derived condition: the anterior plastral lobe isrelatively rounded in shape. The first appearanceof this condition is attested with the genusElkemys from the Palaeocene of Asia(Ckhikvadze, 1987).

Homoplasy: The anterior plastral lobe becamerounded independently in Emydidae, Geoemydidae,Lindholmemydidae, and Testudinidae.

43: Epiplastral projectionsMorphology: The anterior lobe of the plastron

may present one or two forward projectionsproduced by the epiplastron in some Testudinidae.

Primitive condition: Most turtles lack theepiplastral forward projection, which is conside-red as the primitive condition.

Derived condition: Epiplastral forward pro-jections appear in some Testudinidae. This charac-ter is especially evident in large Testudinidae.

Homoplasy: Among Testudinoidea, Testu-dinidae are the only group having evolved epi-plastral projections. Epiplastral projections arerelatively short in small species but more develo-ped in large species such as Geochelone sulcata orAstrochelys. These projections were acquiredindependently in the trionychoid genus Basilemys.

Discussion: The development of epiplastralprojections is related to size and is subject tosexual dimorphism (male with longer epiplastralprojections).

3.2.5. Chromosome data44: Number of chromosomes (Bickham, 1981;Bickham and Carr, 1983).

Morphology: Bickham (1981) and Bickhamand Carr (1983) have commented the morphologyand number of chromosomes among cryptodiranturtles. The number of chromosomes of Testu-dinoidea is the lowest among cryptodirans and isconstant within each clade. Among Testudinoidea,Emydidae have 50 chromosomes, and Geoemy-didae + Testudinidae have 52 chromosomes (withthe exception of some Rhinoclemmys specieshaving 56 chromosomes).

Primitive condition: Other cryptodiran turtleshave more chromosomes. Thus, the primitivecondition is likely at least 54 or 56 chromosomes,the karyotypic formula found in Kinosternidae.

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Derived conditions: The number of chromo-somes decreased to 52 chromosomes in Testu-dinoidea as seen in Testudinidae and Geoemydidaeand to 50 chromosomes in Emydidae.

Homoplasy: Chelydridae (Chelydra andMacroclemmys) have 52 chromosomes but thisarrangement is obviously convergent, since thenumbers of macrochromosomes and microchro-mosomes is different from Testudinoidea.

Discussion: The 56 chromosomes ofRhinoclemmys punctularia and the chromosomicarrangement of Rhinoclemmys funerea may beconsidered as derived conditions from the ances-tral condition of the Geoemydidae because of thedistribution of macrochromosomes and micro-chromosomes in these species (see Bickham andCarr, 1983; Hirayama, 1984). Geoemydidae andTestudinidae differ from Emydidae by one lessmetacentric to submetacentric macrochromosome.

3.3. Phylogenetic Relationships withinTestudinoidea

The phylogenetic relationships of Testudinoideaproposed here are based on molecular data, palaeo-biogeographical arguments, and morphological fea-tures (fig. 4). The morphological apomorphies aregiven for each clade.

Basic taxa

Unnamed Testudinoidea from the Neocomian ofJapan

Hirayama et al. (2000) described a testudinoidshell from the Neocomian of Japan, and referred it toLindholmemydidae. This specimen is the oldestknown testudinoid. This is mostly evidenced by thecontact between inguinal buttress and costal plates,and the presence of an anal notch. The reconstruction(Hirayama et al., 2000, fig.11) shows extragularscutes, a plesiomorphic feature for the group. It alsoexhibits an incomplete neural series, that we interpretas primitive for the Testudinoidea. Compared to otherlindholmemydids, unusual features such as wide ver-tebral scutes are present. Hirayama et al. (2000)interpret the latter character as plesiomorphic forLindholmemydidae, but we interpret it as derived formodern testudinoids, since most of their stem groups

exhibit narrow vertebral scutes. Non exclusive autapomorphy within Testudinoidea:

character 30.

Lindholmemys (Riabinin, 1935)Lindholmemys is a Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian-

Santonian) Asiatic genus of the Testudinoidea. Thisgenus is characterized by narrow inframarginalscutes and a small contact between plastral scutes andmarginal scutes. Several species have been attributedto this genus (L. elegans, L. gravis, L. martisoni). Thelatter species, L. martisoni, has been assigned to anew genus, Hongilemys (Sukhanov, 2000). HoweverHongilemys (Sukhanov, 2000), is similar toLindholmemys for the character states analysed in ourstudy (character 24 to 44). We consider that these twogenera constitute a monophyletic group.

Mongolemys (Khozatskii and Mlynarski, 1971)Mongolemys is an Asiatic genus of testudinoids

known from the Late Cretaceous to the Palaeocene ofAsia. Several species have been attributed to thisgenus (M. occidentalis, M. elegans, M. tatarinovi, M.reshetovi, M. turfanensis, M. barsboldi, M. austra-lis). The two latter ones have been attributed to twodistinct genera, Gravemys and Elkemys, of uncertainaffinities (Sukhanov & Narmandakh, 1976;Sukhanov & Narmandakh, 1983, see also Danilov,2003 for a revision of Gravemys). Mongolemys isknown and figured by a complete skull from the LateCretaceous (Sukhanov, 2000).

Hokouchelys from the Palaeocene of China (Yeh,1974; Sun et al., 1992) presents important similari-ties with Mongolemys and probably belongs to thesame clade.

Pseudochrysemys gobiensis(Sukhanov et Narmandakh, 1976)

Pseudochrysemys is a Palaeocene Asiatic genusof the Testudinoidea. It is characterised by narrowinframarginal scutes and a longer contact betweenplastral and marginal scutes than in Lindholmemys.No character allows it to be included in the Emydidaeas was suggested by some authors (Sukhanov &Narmandakh, 1976; Chkhikvadze, 1987). It is aLindholmemydidae, mainly because it retains threeinframarginal scutes and a contact between the ingui-nal buttress and the 5th and 6th costal plates.


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However, it shows a rather developed epiplastrallip, a derived and unusual feature among Palaeoceneand Mesozoic Testudinoidea (Sukhanov et Narmandakh,1976).

Subfamily Deirochelyinae (Agassiz, 1857)Deirochelyinae is a subfamily of Emydidae.

Molecular and morphological characters (Gaffney &Meylan, 1988; Bickham et al., 1996 ; Stephens &Wiens, 2003) attest the monophyly of this group. Thefirst Deirochelyinae are reported from the LateEocene of North America (Clark, 1937).

Non exclusive autapomorphies within Testu-dinoidea: characters 4, 10, 16(2) (for the latter cha-racter Deirochelys and molluscivorous species areexceptions, we consider Deirochelys as a primitivemember of the group and molluscivorous species tohave acquired secondary adaptations and the disap-pearance of the lingual ridge).

Subfamily Emydinae (Rafinesque, 1815)Emydinae is a subfamily of Emydidae. Molecular

and morphological characters attest the monophyly ofthis group (Gaffney & Meylan, 1988; Bickham et al.,1996; Lenk et al., 1999; Feldman & Parham, 2002 ;Stephens & Wiens, 2003). The first Emydinae arereported from the Miocene of North America(Hutchison, 1981; Holman, 1987; Holman & Fritz,2001). Non exclusive autapomorphies within Testu-dinoidea: characters 5 and 16.

Achilemys (Hay, 1908)Achilemys is a genus represented by two species

from the Eocene of Europe and North America (seeabove).

Manouria (Gray, 1854)Manouria is an extant genus of testudinids from

South Asia consisting of two species. Some authorshave referred the fossil genus Hadrianus toManouria because of their morphological similarity(Auffenberg, 1974). Although Manouria is an extantAsiatic genus, Hadrianus is known from the EarlyEocene of both Europe and North America(Hutchison, 1998; Lapparent de Broin, 2001).

Subfamily Xerobatinae (Gray, 1873)The Xerobatinae is a subfamily of Testudinidae

containing the genera Gopherus (s.l.), and Stylemys.Monophyly of the Xerobatinae is attested by molecu-lar and morphological data (Crumly, 1984; Gaffney& Meylan, 1988; Lamb & Lydeard, 1994; Spinks etal., 2004). However, a molecular study (Lamb &Lydeard, 1994) is in disagreement with others on themonophyly of Xerobatinae + Manouria + Hadrianus.

Gopherus and Stylemys share the presence of apremaxillary ridge, a feature unique among Testu-dinoidea, which we consider as a good support forthe monophyly of Xerobatinae. (see Meylan &Sterrer (2000) for an alternative interpretation ofStylemys).

Exclusive autapomorphy: character 14.Non exclusive autapomorphy: character 26.

Testudo complex: Testudo, IndotestudoThis complex belongs to the subfamily Testu-

dininae, the monophyly of Testudo and Indotestudohas recently been attested by molecular phylogene-tics (Van der Kuyl et al., 2002).

Morphologically, Indotestudo and Testudo shareat least two apomorphic features: the palatine bonedoes not contribute to the parietal wall (convergent inKinixys), and small caroticopharyngeal foramina arepresent on the pterygoid bones (convergent in Pyxis).

Non exclusive synapomorphies within Testu-dinoidea: characters 4 and 19.

Geochelone complex: Geochelone (s.l.), PyxisGeochelone and Pyxis are considered as a mono-

phyletic group as shown by the molecular study ofCaccone et al. (1999).

This interpretation is new and refutes morpholo-gical studies (Crumly, 1984; Gaffney & Meylan,1988; Meylan & Sterrer, 2000). First fossil occurren-ce for this group may be Late Eocene withCheirogaster (absence of cervical scute, and presen-ce of an epiplastral excavation) (Broin, 1977).

Exclusive synapomorphy within Testudinoidea:character 18.

Kinixys complex: Kinixys, Chersina, Homopus,Psammobates

This clade was never studied by molecularsequence analysis. However, this clade is supportedby at least three derived features for Testudininae:

1: premaxillary central cusp developed as compared

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to lateral cusps situated at the suture between maxil-la and premaxilla (convergent in T. horsfieldi andPyxis).

2: reduction of maxillary process. 3: secondary loss of the lingual ridge on the

maxillary triturating surface (reversed in Chersinaand Malacochersus, convergent in Pyxis). Althoughthe phylogenetic hypothesis of Meylan & Sterrer(2000) is more parsimonious (in considering Pyxiswithin this clade), we follow the well supported ana-lysis of Caccone et al. (1999).

First fossil occurrence for this group is conside-red to be Early Miocene (Meylan & Auffenberg,1987; Lapparent de Broin, 2000).

Non exclusive autapomorphies within Testu-dinoidea: characters 15 and 16.

Rhinoclemmys (Fitzinger, 1835)Rhinoclemmys is a Geoemydidae from South and

Central America. It was supposed to be paraphyletic(Hirayama, 1984; Yasukawa et al., 2001), althoughMcCord et al. (2000) and Spinks et al. (2004) consi-der this genus as a monophyletic clade based onmolecular data. Some authors include Echmatemyspusilla and E. terrestris within the genus Rhinoclem-mys (McDowell, 1964; West & Hutchison, 1981),putting forward the idea of a phylogenetic relation-ship between Rhinoclemmys and Echmatemys.Moreover Rhinoclemmys and Echmatemys are theonly known New World Geoemydidae. Rhinoclem-mys is recorded from the Eocene of North Americaand the Miocene of Central America (Webb &Perrigo, 1984). It could constitute either a clade or agrade with Echmatemys but these two genera are notunited by any synapomorphy. They are considered asa basal multichotomy with three keeled Geoemydi-dae in our phylogenetic scenario.

Non exclusive autapomorphies within Testu-dinoidea: characters 28(1), 30, 35, and 39.

Echmatemys (Hay, 1906)Echmatemys is represented by at least 20 species

in the Eocene of North America, the status of thegenus Echmatemys and referred species merits a sys-tematic revision in the future. Following Hirayama(1984), we consider that Echmatemys might be apolyphyletic plesion, including both Echmatemyspussilla and Echmatemys terrestris. Echmatemys is

known since the Early Eocene (Huchison, 1998).

Batagur complex: Batagur, Callagur, Kachuga,Morenia, Hardella

The monophyly of this group has been shown byboth molecular and morphological studies (Hiraya-ma, 1984; Gaffney & Meylan, 1988; McCord et al.,2000; Spinks et al., 2004). The earliest members ofthis group are described from the Siwalik Hills ofAsia (Miocene to Pliocene) (West et al., 1991). Thisgroup has the following synapomorphies: both labialridges of maxillary and dentary serrated, foramenpraepalatinum concealed by secondary palate(Gaffney & Meylan, 1988), and a huge foramen orbi-to-nasale.

Exclusive autapomorphies within Testudinoidea:characters 5(2) and 13(3).

Non exclusive autapomorphy for this group:character 25.

Orlitia (Gray, 1873)Orlitia is known from a unique extant South

Asiatic species, Orlitia borneensis. Its fossil record isunknown. We do not consider Orlitia as a sister taxonof Siebenrockiella in our scenario. This clade wasprincipally supported by the narrow vertebral plateswhich is a primitive character for Geoemydidae. Therecent molecular phylogenies of Wu et al. (1999b)and Spinks et al. (2004) do not support the mono-phyly of the group. This can be supported by a rein-terpretation of the morphologies of Orlitia andSiebenrockiella. Indeed these two species can be dis-tinguished by the differences in the position of thehumero-pectoral sulcus, the morphologies of the tri-turating surface and the relative development of theforamen orbito-nasale and foramen palatinum poste-rius. These four morphological features are in agree-ment with the molecular phylogenies, and thus allowto define morphologically a phylogenetic relationshipof Orlitia with the Batagur + Malayemys complexesand a phylogenetic relationship of Siebenrockiellawith the Melanochelys complex.

Malayemys complex: Palaeoemys, Geoclemys,Malayemys, (Borkenia?)

These three taxa show many similarities (inguinalbuttresses, thick bones, position of the humero-pecto-ral sulcus, developed triturating surfaces…).


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The monophyly of this group is supported by thepresence of two lateral keels placed near the verte-bro-pleural sulcus. This apomorphic feature is uniqueamong Testudinoidea. This group occurred first in theEarly Eocene (see above). Borkenia probablybelongs to this group, considering its resemblance toPalaeoemys (see above).

Exclusive autapomorphy within Testudinoidea:character 32(2bis).

Melanochelys complex: Mauremys, Sacalia, Cuora,Cistoclemmys, Notochelys, Heosemys, Hieremys,Cyclemys, Leucocephalon, Ocadia, Chinemys,Palaeochelys, Siebenrockiella?, Geoemyda?.

The monophyly of this group remains unclearaccording to genetic sequences, principally becauseof the inclusion of Siebenrockiella and Geoemyda inthis clade. It is supported by some studies (McCord etal., 2000) but not by others (Honda et al., 2002b;Spinks et al., 2004). We follow the hypothesis ofMcCord et al.(2000) for the position of Geoemydasince it reduces the number of iterative evolutionevents in neural morphology, and because Geoemydaexhibits small orbito-nasale foramina, a derived cha-racter state never found in Orlitia, Malayemys, orBatagur group. For the same reason we considerSiebenrockiella to belong to this group (followingWu et al., 1999b and McCord et al., 2000), althoughits position is variable according to other molecularstudies (Spinks et al., 2004).

This unique group of Geoemydidae evolvednumerous lineages with hinged plastrons (Yasukawa,2001; Honda et al., 2002) and is composed of speciesexhibiting very different skull and shell shapes.Phylogenetic hypotheses within this group varyconsiderably from one author to another, suggestingthat homoplasy is rampant in this group (compare forexample Hirayama, 1984, McCord et al., 2000,Yasukawa et al., 2001, Honda et al., 2002, Spinks etal., in press).

The oldest species of this group may be“Geoemyda” ptychogasteroides from the middleEocene of Germany (Hummel, 1935) or “Cuviero-chelys” parisiensis from the middle Eocene ofFrance (Botez, 1921; Hervet, 2004a). An unpublishednew genus, formerly referred to Palaeochelys (Nel etal., 1999) from the Early Eocene of France may be anolder member of this family (Hervet, 2003b).

Non exclusive autapomorphies within Testu-dinoidea: characters 5, 39, 40(1), and 41.

Nodal Taxa (letters refer to the nodes of fig. 4)

A: Super family Testudinoidea Batsh, 1788 (as a stemgroup)

This taxon is attested by phylogenetic studies onboth morphological and molecular data (Hirayama,1984; Shaffer et al., 1997).

Synapomorphies: characters 20, 21, and 25. The first known Testudinoidea occurs in the

Early Cretaceous of Asia (Hirayama et al., 2000;Sukhanov, 2000)

B: Unamed taxonExclusive synapomorphies within Testudinoidea:

characters 27 and 37. The oldest species belonging to this clade,

Khodzhakulemys occidentalis, is reported from thelower Cenomanian of Asia (Danilov & Sukhanov,2000).

C: Unamed taxonExclusive synapomorphy within Testudinoidea:

character 38(1)The oldest taxon belonging to this clade is

Lindholmemys martinsoni from the Late Cretaceous(Turonian-Santonian) of Asia (Danilov, 1999;Danilov & Sukhanov, 2001).

D: Unamed taxonExclusive synapomorphy within Testudinoidea:

character 38(2)The oldest taxon belonging to this assumed clade

is Pseuchrysemys gobiensis from the Paleocene ofAsia (Sukhanov and Narmandakh, 1976).

E: Testudinoidea (as a crown group) = modernTestudinoidea

The monophyly of modern Testudinoidea isattested by morphological and molecular analyses(Shaffer et al., 1997; Wu et al., 1999b; Honda et al.,2002).

Exclusive synapomorphy within Testudinoidea:character 38(3).

The oldest modern Testudinoidea are known byseveral species in the Early Eocene (see introduction).

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F: Family Emydidae Rafinesque, 1815The monophyly of this clade is attested by both

molecular and morphological data (McDowell, 1964;Bickham et al., 1996; Shaffer et al., 1997; Wu et al.,1999a; Wu et al., 1999b; Honda et al., 2002)

Exclusive synapomorphies within Testudinoidea:characters 1, 2, 3, and 44.

Non exclusive synapomorphies within Testu-dinoidea: characters 30, 33(2), 35, 39, 40(1), and 42.

The oldest Emydidae are reported from theEocene (see introduction).

G: Testudinoidae (fide Shaffer et al., 1997)The monophyly of this group is attested by mor-

phological and molecular studies (Hirayama, 1984;Shaffer et al., 1997; Wu et al., 1999b; Yasukawa etal., 2001; Honda et al., 2002).

Exclusive synapomorphies within Testudinoidea:characters 6, 7, 31, and 44.

Non exclusive synapomorphy within Testu-dinoidea: character 4.

The oldest Testudinoidae are known from theEarly Eocene of Asia, Europe, and North America(see introduction).

H: Testudinidae (Batsch, 1788)The monophyly of Testudinidae is attested by

morphological and molecular data (Auffenberg,1974; Crumly,1984; Gaffney & Meylan, 1988; Lamb& Lydeard, 1994; Shaffer et al., 1997; Van der Kuylet al., 2002).

Exlusive synapomorphies within Testudinoidea:characters 8, 9, 11, and 29

Non exclusive synapomorphies within Testu-dinoidea: characters 5, 10, 15, 23, 28(1&2), 32(1),and 40(1).

The oldest Testudinidae is known from the EarlyEocene (see introduction).

I: Unamed Taxon: Testudinidae without AchilemysNon exclusive synapomorphies within Testu-

dinoidea: characters 30, 31, 39, 40 (intermediatestate), 42, and 43.

The oldest species of this clade are known withthe occurrence of the genus Hadrianus from theEarly Eocene of Europe, North America, and Asia(Auffenberg, 1974; Broin, 1977; Hutchison, 1998;Lapparent de Broin, 2001)

J: Unamed Taxon: subfamily Testudininae + subfa-mily Xerobatinae

The monophyly of this taxon is supported bymorphological studies (Crumly, 1984; Gaffney, 1988;Meylan & Sterrer, 2000), but not by some molecularphylogenetic works (Lamb & Lydeard, 1994).

Exclusive synapomorphies within Testudinoidea:characters 12 and 24.

Non exclusive synapomorphies within Testu-dinoidea: characters 13, 16(2), and 25.

The oldest taxa of this clade occurred in the LateEocene of Europe and Africa with the generaCheirogaster and Geochelone (Andrews, 1906;Lapparent de Broin, 2001).

K: Subfamily Testudininae (Batsch, 1788)This clade is supported by both molecular and

morphological studies (Crumly, 1984; Lamb &Lydeard, 1994; Meylan & Sterrer, 2000, Takahashi etal., 2003).

Exclusive synapomorphies within Testudinoidea:character 15, and 40(2).

Non exclusive synapomorphy within Testu-dinoidea: character 33.

The first Testudininae occurs in Late Eocene (seenode H).

L: Unamed Taxon: Geochelone complex + Testudocomplex

Exclusive synapomorphy within Testudinoidea:character 17.

Non exclusive synapomorphy within Testu-dinoidea: character 28(2).

The oldest fossil of this group is known from theLate Eocene (see node I).

M: Family Geoemydidae (Theobald, 1868)The monophyly of Geoemydidae is attested by

both morphological and molecular studies (Shaffer etal., 1997; McCord et al., 2000; Yasukawa et al.,2001; Honda et al., 2002).

Exclusive synapomorphy within Testudinoidea:character 22.

Non exclusive synapomorphy: character 36.The oldest Geoemydidae are known from the

Early Eocene with the genera Palaeoemys in Europeand Echmatemys in North America.


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N: Three-keeled GeoemydidaeThis group is attested by molecular data

(McCord et al., 2000 ; Spinks et al., 2004).Exclusive synapomorphy within Testudinoidea:

character 32 (2).The oldest three-keeled Geoemydidae are known

from the Early Eocene of Europe with the genusPalaeoemys (see above).

O: Malayemys complex + Batagur complex + OrlitiaThis group is monophyletic owing the study of

Spinks et al. (2004). McCord and co-workers (2000)do not mention the systematic position of Malayemysand Orlitia, however the molecular study of Wu et al.(1999b) suggests that Malayemys, Orlitia, andMorenia (a species from the Batagur complex) maybe related. The study by Spinks et al. (2004) consi-ders Orlitia, Malayemys and Geocle-mys as forminga basal grade in this group.

Non exclusive synapomorphy within Testu-dinoidea: character 10.

Palaeoemys from the Early Eocene is the oldestspecies belonging to this clade.

P: Malayemys complex + OrlitiaAlthough Geoclemys appears near the Malaye-

mys-Orlitia group in a recent molecular phylogeny(Spinks et al., 2004), its inclusion in this group is notyet well supported by these molecular data. We consi-der that the morphological similarity and possiblesynapomorphies (see below) are strong enough to sup-port a possible inclusion of Geoclemys in this group.

Exclusive synapomorphy within Testudinoidea:character 16(1).

This group shares also very thick bony plates, evenif the definition of this character is rather subjective.

The oldest known species from this group isPalaeoemys.


As the dominant component of the turtle remainsfrom the Early Eocene Saint Papoul locality, theTestudinoidea include two fresh-water geoemydidsand a terrestrial testudinid. Palaeoemys is the earliestknown tricarinate Geoemydidae and is closely relatedto the Malayemys group, an extant assemblage livingin Southeast Asia. Achilemys is the most primitive

representative of the family Testudinidae. Theapomorphic features of Testudinidae observed inAchilemys, such as the high domed shell, the patternof costal plates, and the coalesced femoral trochan-ters, suggest a terrestrial mode of life for this taxon(see Claude et al., 2003a for an appraisal of shell fea-tures adaptive to terrestriality in testudinoid turtles).

The study of the Saint Papoul testudinoids bringsnew insights for understanding the early radiation ofthe modern Testudinoidea. In our study, the familyLindholmemydidae is considered as a grade ratherthan a clade. The grade Lindholmemydidae is hither-to recorded exclusively from Asia. Pseudochrysemysis supposed to be the sister taxon of all modernTestudinoidea. Since Lindholmemydidae are onlyknown from Asia, the origin of modern Testudinoideaseems to be Asiatic. Consisting of the familiesTestudinidae, Geoemydidae, and Emydidae, themonophyletic clade of modern Testudinoidea is themost widespread and diverse group, occurring late inthe turtle fossil record, in the Early Eocene or justbefore. No Palaeocene “modern Testudinoidea” havebeen described with certainty whereas a large numberof species of this group are reported as early as theEarly Eocene (Hay, 1908; Hutchison, 1998;Lapparent de Broin, 2001). Thus, it seems that theEarly Eocene is a key period for a rapid radiation ofmodern Testudinoidea, although it must be kept inmind that the turtle fossil record from the Palaeoceneis still scanty.

During the Early Eocene or earlier, Testudinoideaunderwent an important radiation, with the appearan-ce of the three modern families: the Geoemydidae,Emydidae, and Testudinidae. By that time, the migra-tions of turtle faunas between Eurasia and NorthAmerica had occurred. After these events, severalgroups evolved independently in North America(Echmatemys + Rhinoclemmys, Xerobatiinae, Emy-didae) and in Eurasia (three-keeled Geoemydidaeand Testudininae) (Hutchison, 1998; Lapparent deBroin, 2001). The Emydidae have evolved from thegrade Lindholmemydidae and were restricted toNorth America from the Eocene to today, exceptEmys which migrated to Europe during the Mioceneor earlier (Lapparent de Broin, 2001), andTrachemys, which spread to South America duringthe Pleistocene. Nevertheless, the Emydidae seem toradiate later than the two other families and only in

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North America. This radiation probably occurredduring the Early Miocene, when both Deirochelyinaeand Emydinae are recorded (Holman, 1987; Holman& Fritz, 2001), but a few fossils from the Eocene andOligocene have been attributed to the Emydidae. Onthe other hand, the Geoemydidae, known from nume-rous taxa from the Early Eocene to the Late Eoceneof North America (Hutchison, 1998; Holroyd et al.,2001), may have been in competition with emydids.This may explain the late radiation of the Emydidae.As attested by molecular, morphological and chro-mosome data, Geoemydidae form a monophyleticgroup, mostly Eurasiatic, with the exception ofRhinoclemmys and Echmatemys, and some formspresent in North Africa (e.g. the extant Mauremysleprosa, and other related fossils from the Miocene ofAbu Dhabi (Lapparent de Broin & Van Dick, 1999)).Rhinoclemmys and Echmatemys are considered toconstitute an American endemic clade or grade that isthe sister group or the stem group of three-keeledGeoemydidae. Most of the broad taxonomic diversi-ty of Geoemydidae was already in existence beforethe end of the Eocene (Claude et al., 2003b, thisstudy). The Testudinidae share a common ancestorwith the Geoemydidae and may have originated inAsia. Achilemys exhibits the most plesiomorphic fea-tures for the testudinids, and its morphology shedslight on the close relationships of the Testudinidaeand Geoemydidae. The Testudinidae expanded rapid-ly for the first time in North America. Probably later,the Testudininae had a radiation in Africa(Geochelone complex, Kinixys complex) (at leastbefore the end of the Late Eocene (Andrews, 1906;Lapparent de Broin, 2000)), and in South and CentralAmerica at least before the end of the EarlyOligocene with the genus Chelonoidis (Broin, 1991).The arrival of the Testudinidae in Europe is docu-mented later than that of the aquatic Geoemydidae(MP 9-10 for Testudinidae with Achilemys from SaintPapoul (Sudre et al., 1992), and MP-7 for aquaticGeoemydidae with Palaeoemys corroyi from Palette(Godinot et al., 1987; Biochro’M, 1997)) and a newunpublished genus from the Early Eocene of France(Nel et al., 1999, Hervet, 2003b). This suggests seve-ral migrations of testudinoids from Asia or NorthAmerica to Europe.

Saint Papoul has yielded other aquatic turtles(Carettochelyids, trionychids and podocnemidids).

Most of this fauna is unknown from the Cretaceousor Palaeocene of Europe and it is more diversifiedthan at previous periods. The Late PalaeoceneThermal Maximum (LPTM) and the Early Eoceneglobal warming (CGCO) probably resulted in impor-tant northward migrations of turtle faunas (Berggrenet al., 1998), thus facilitating the passage betweenAsia, North America and Europe, and enhancing therapid radiation of the Testudinoidea. This event isprobably also correlated with the global turtle faunalturnover (Hutchison, 1998). The ecological condi-tions that allowed movements between continentsduring the Early Eocene seem to have played animportant role in the early diversification ofTestudinoidea since both aquatic and terrestrial speciesare now known from the Early Eocene of NorthAmerica and Eurasia.


This study was supported by the Bio-Source pro-gramme. We thank Guy Le Roux, Anne-MarieCombes, Jean-Marc Veyssières, and the team fromthe Musée des Dinosaures, Espéraza, Yves Laurent,who collected the fossils described in the presentpaper and made them available to us, and J. LeLoeuff for accessing the fossil material, F. Renout forthe testudinoid osteological collections at theMuséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris), PeterPritchard for access to the collections of theChelonian Research Institute, Sandra Chapman andAngela Milner for access to the collections of theNatural History Museum of London, Igor Danilovand Vladimir Sukhanov for access to the collectionsand undescribed material of the PaleontologicalInstitute (Moscow) and the Zoological Institute (St.Petersburg). We thank E. Paradis for corrections ofearlier versions of the manuscript and E.S. Gaffneyfor a review of an earlier version of this manuscript.Y. Yasukawa and J.F. Parham gave important remarksand unpublished data concerning the molecular phy-logeny of Testudinoidea during the redaction of thepaper. We thank Jean Sudre for discussions about theage of Early Eocene European localities. We areespecially grateful to the corrections and suggestionsby R. Hirayama and P.A. Meylan, who reviewed thispaper.


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