Download - Le Fevre High School · September Le Fevre High School was chosen for a visit by the Northern Territory Minister of Education Ms Eva Lawlor, Dr Susan Close, the Minister for Education

Page 1: Le Fevre High School · September Le Fevre High School was chosen for a visit by the Northern Territory Minister of Education Ms Eva Lawlor, Dr Susan Close, the Minister for Education

Le Fevre High School

Principal: Rob Shepherd Tel: (08) 8449 7004 Web: Email: [email protected]


Issue 6, September 2017

From the Principal

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Two Ministers and Two

Chief executives in one

day! On Friday 15 September Le Fevre High

School was chosen for a visit by the Northern

Territory Minister of Education Ms Eva Lawlor, Dr Susan

Close, the Minister for Education and

Child Development SA, Mr Rick Persse, Chief Executive, Department for

Education and Child Development SA and Ms Vicki Baylis, Chief Executive

Department of Education, NT.

The main purpose of the visit was to introduce Minister Lawler to the

alternative pathway programs offered by the school including:

Maritime Engineering Pathways including partnerships with the Australian

Submarine Corporation, Western

Adelaide Secondary Schools Network (WASSN) including Regional VET

Programs, the South Australian Aboriginal Sport Training Academy


The visit also incorporated a visit to the new Language Centre. Staff members

Eddie Grzeskowiak, Thierry Herman, Toni Andrew, Chris Houltby, Damien

Coulthard, Dan Slade, Sarah Craddock and a range of students including

Ambassadors Joe M and Elanya B,

SAASTA students, Maritime and Language students were all involved in

the briefing of the ministers and Chief Executives. Well done to our wonderful

staff and student teams here at Le

Fevre. Maritime Program: Winners are

Grinners! Congratulations to our Subs in Schools program led by Eddie

Grzeskowiak and Thierry Herman with

Year 9 students for their first prizes yet again this year. We had a great group of

Year 9 students involved.

Congratulations to Le Fevre High

staff member, Mr Theirry Herman, who was named the SA STEM Educator of

the year at the 2017 SA Science

Excellence Awards at the Festival Theatre on Friday 11 August. We

congratulate and thank him for his

excellent innovative, integrated approach

to student learning in STEM areas and in particular in the areas of Maritime and

Naval Engineering programs. Facilities Upgrades this October


Painting of the doors will be

completed and the interior walls of the

gym will be painted. In addition some new external cladding will be installed on

the exterior of the Admin building to match in with the Language Centre.

STEM Works Project: We are now awaiting the final commencement date

for this major Capital works project. We

have begun packing up the Science store rooms and throwing out surplus

materials. P305 is being temporarily fitted out as a double lab for the

redevelopment phase so that we can

continue teaching practical Science classes during this period.

International Activities: We had a group of 6 incoming Indonesian

Educators on a fee for service consultancy over several weeks this

term. These visitors were interested in

many aspects of the organisation, curriculum and facilities of the school

and our DECD procedures. Thank you to Ms Sarah Craddock for coordinating this

program along with the Indonesian

Languages team.

We have also had a group of Thai

educators visit Sarah Craddock as a reciprocation of her visit to Thailand

earlier this year.

The Laos Cambodia group are all set

to travel and just doing final fundraising

and organising. We will be posting updates on our school Facebook page

and website throughout our trip.

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Inside this Issue:

Principal’s Report ................ 1/2

Photo Gallery .................... …3

Concert in Oz ........................ 4

Peninsula Shield .................... 5

Numeracy at Le Fevre ......... 6/7

Subs in Schools ..................... 8

Medical Information ................ 9

Community Advertising ... 10/11

Materials and Charges ......... 12

Fri 29 Sept End of Term 3

Mon 16 Oct Beginning Term 4 Tues 24 Oct Year 12 Farewell Wed 25 Oct Parent/Teacher Night Mon 30 Oct Governing Council Mon 6-Fri 17 Nov Yr 12 Exams Mon 20-Fri 24 Nov Yr 11 Exams Fri 24 Nov Yr 11 Transition Wed 29 Nov Graduation/Prize Ceremony

Coming events:

2017 Term dates:

Term 1

30th January - 13th April Term 2

1st May - 7th July Term 3

24th July - 29th September Term 4

16th October - 15th December

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Staffing: The following appointments have been


Dylan Muzyka ( currently Daily Operations/TT/

IT/Systems and School Improvements Leader at

Golden Grove High) has accepted the position as AP : Daily Operations 2018-2022

Ben Jones has accepted the position as HPE

Coordinator 2018-2020

Alastair Lupton has accepted the position as

Sciences Coordinator 2018-2020

Shona Mishra has accepted the position of Arts

Coordinator 2018

Andrea West has accepted the position of

Vocational Educator and Career Counsellor 2018

Jovana Petrov has accepted the position of

Dance teacher ongoing.

Gabi Hirsch-Brown has accepted the position of

Special Education teacher ongoing.

Congratulations to Thierry Herman and Chris

Chrisakis on their recent Advanced Skills Teacher

level 2 classification. Le Fevre High features in Interview on 5AA:

On Monday 21 August, staff members Eddie Grzeskowiak, Thierry Herman and student Deklan S

were part of a DECD media interview promoting the future opportunities that will be created for students in

the Naval Shipbuilding Program. Susan Cameron gave

an overview of the STEM skills developed through DECD, whilst the staff and student gave a hands on

account of what we are doing at Le Fevre High School to ensure our students are in the best position to

transition into these career pathways. It is an exciting

time ahead with a number of key stages commencing or being put in place, such as the building of new

infrastructure. Shortly the successful tender for the Off Shore Patrol Boats will be announced that will kick start

the Naval Shipbuilding program. Space Project: We have a group of interested

students who have made it to stage 2 of the

‘Experiment in Space’ competition. This competition is a DECD undertaking in conjunction with Neumann

Space Co who have purchased pay load on a Space shuttle to take the experiments to the International

Space Station. We wish these dedicated students from

year 11 to 9 every success in this endeavour to be at the cutting edge of technology and STEM activities. The

student’s project is entitled "Monitoring Van Allen from the ISS: Energised Particle Radiation".

Andy Thomas lecture: similarly our ‘space

enthusiasts‘ are taking up the opportunity to hear Dr Andy Thomas speak at the RGSSA lecture on 21

September. Year 11 student Deklan S is taking his interest one step further and is attending the

International Aeronautical Space Conference 25-29 September.

NAPLAN 2017: we had a much higher % of students

participate, some mean scores have moved down slightly from the much higher than average for our

school last year. The overall trend over the 3 year period is still a positive trend. One outstanding

measure for us this year is that 99% of our students

were at or above the national minimum for numeracy,

the next highest area was spelling at 88% and reading at 81% . This data allows our staff to target specific

skill development for our students. DECD Strategic plan: ‘Education for a Stronger

Future’ the latest version of the DECD strategic plan has just been released. There are 5 key elements in

the plan and these are:

Great start: Children have a strong, supportive start

to life and learning.

High achievement: We have high standards and

support all children and young people to achieve

their best.

Fairness for all: All children receive a quality

education, whatever their circumstances. We

want to close the gap in outcomes for children

and young people.

Learning in partnership: We will work towards

partnerships with families, in the community and

across the world to support our children and young


Better futures: Young people are prepared for work

and life in a transforming economy.

These are underpinned by DECD’s values

Course Counselling: the course counselling day went

very well and we are now working on the student

preferences to determine the broad outline of the courses we can offer next year.

R.I.P: Shandelle Liane Goodwin 13/7/1973-11/9/2017

Dearly loved mother of our student Aiden Maxfield

Kind regards

Rob Shepherd Principal

Vision Purpose



To build a


future for


children by





and child


nt system



To create a


future for










and child



We embrace the

values of the

South Australian

public sector:








*Honesty and


*Courage and



The Statement

on Public

Education in

South Australia

describes the

unique role of


education in

society and



we seek to preserve:



*Diversity and



on and trust



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Molly and Michael with the Governor Zad and Minister Close Ministerial visit group

CE Rick Persse with Andrew Smith SAASTA state manager

students and staff with visiting Ministers

NT minister Eva Lawler being briefed by Eddie Grzeskowiak

Maritime display for ministers

Prize winning Sub

Nautilus team prizes

Woomera project

Indonesian international students

School ambassadors Thierry Herman Stem educator if the year 2017

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Michael J School Concerts in Oz Tour 2017

On August 30th all our Year 8 students, along with students from Year 10, went to

see Michael J, one of Indonesia Idol’s past winners, in concert at Concordia College. This was a fantastic afternoon of song and dance

immersed in the Indonesian culture and language. The students were encouraged to sing along with Michael,

with the lyrics readily available to them on projected

screens. Some lucky students even got to share the microphone with Michael as he moved his way through

the crowd. It was amazing to see our students and even one of our own teachers, Bu

Kylie, join Michael in singing (even when it may have been orchestrated for Michael to approach Bu Kylie).

“I really enjoyed the Micky J concert and I really liked his singing. I think other schools should watch him. I really liked when the teachers came on stage to dance. I wanted to dance but I needed to encourage my friends to walk down the stairs and then the rest of the students joined in and it was funny. I also enjoyed the quiz but didn’t win anything. I really liked how Micky J walked up to people and had them sing with him. I like that he likes soccer also. I would like to see him again and recommend more Australians learn Indonesian. “– Dylan D, Year 8

“Helps us understand other countries”

“to communicate with others and get to know new people”

What does learning a language mean to me? Responses from our Year 8 students

“travel safety”


ding s



s betw



“new perspectives, new understand-

“you can help teach someone your

language (because you know theirs)”


everyone’s culture and

“having courage to

learn something new”

“having the courage to care for others”


“having fun”

“to learn someone else’s history”

“feel like you are part of the culture

when you understand the language”

The Year 8’s were asked the below question and here are some of their responses:

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Peninsula Shield

I am very happy to announce that the Peninsula Shield at Ocean View College was won by Le Fevre High School for

the second year in a row!

It was a great day, with perfect conditions and lots of great competition. Overall, we won the day 3-2 with the following results in the sports:

Girls AFL - Le Fevre defeated OVC by 18 goals, 15 points (123 points!)

Boys AFL - OVC defeated Le Fevre by 10 points

Girls Netball - Le Fevre defeated OVC by 26 goals

Boys Soccer - OVC defeated Le Fevre 3-2 (quite a hostile game but our boys showed fantastic sportsmanship)

Mixed Basketball - Le Fevre defeated OVC by 34 points

I sincerely congratulate them on their excellent attitudes, sportsmanship and dedication in the way they represented

the school. Coming out at the end of the day as winners was just a bonus.

I'd also like to give a huge thanks to Ben Jones, Damien Coulthard and Dan Slade for helping me out on the day and in the lead up to the carnival with coaching, planning, transporting students and selecting teams. Thank you to

Margie Tilbrook who came over in her free lessons to umpire, and to Craig Bailey and Troy Barker for their support.

Jovana Petrov

Sport Coordinator Year Level Coordinator - Year 9

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Numeracy at Le Fevre High School

A lot has happened since the last newsletter. The results from the

Australian maths competition (from the Australian Mathematics Trust) were delivered in which a number of students did very well. Some

whom scored very highly.

Congratulations to the following students.

Year 8 Distinction Taylor R

Year 8 Credit Jandre B Alex J

Lucas C Emily H

Areez M Cooper C

Mitch H-J

Courtney V

Year 9 Distinction Mija C

Ky W Thomas B

Year 9 Credit Madelyn R

Amber M

Amber F Taylor J

Our year 8 classes undertook a Rates and Ratio’s task which saw them travel to the Port of Adelaide by foot

and sketch 3 maritime structures. This involved

stopping at the old Troubridge Wharf outside the TAFE and the location of the Red Light House. The

task involved selecting an appropriate scale and then drawing their structure with as much detail as

possible. In the following weeks, students could then select one of their structures to build a model from.

Matteo measuring the

length of a vessel parked

at the harbour.

The light house was chosen

by some students to create a

scale drawing.

Year 10 Credit Kevin S

Lucy G Madison D

Charlotte T

Yi H Nathan K

Aiden W Niki C

Sheridan A Hannah B

Zachary K

Rory R Joshua W

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While sketching scale drawings at the TAFE,

Mr G was kind enough to take students upon a tour of the Maritime Facilities. This

included a tour of the workshops and a demonstration of the maritime vessel

simulator located on the upper floors of the

building. This gave students an opportunity to control a vessel in the water at a harbour

anywhere in the world under various conditions such as high wind and rain. A

very large thankyou to Mr Eddie Grzeskowiak for taking time out of his day to

show the students the facility at the Port

Adelaide TAFE.

On the maritime front, Thierry Hermann (Maritime guru and winner of

STEM educator of the year at the recent Excellence in STEM awards) has been working hard with various students continuing his work in the use of

numeracy in Naval Engineering and Science classes. In particular Mr

Hermann’s class has developed a measuring tool to measure the amount of torque applied to a submarine hull when in the water tank. This allows

the students to trace a graph of torque versus heeling angle of the submarine. This is important as it allows the students to understand the

i m p o r t a n c e o f

stability curves when applied to the design

of maritime crafts to ensure the safety of

personal on these

vessels. Students have also been using

numeracy to trace the displacement

curve of ships, in particular the Blue

Finn, the flagship of

the Australian Maritime College which allows students to determine the safe loading of such vessels.

This week’s numeracy problem

Mr and Mrs Smith invited four other couples for a party. When everyone arrived, some of the people in the room

shook hands with some others. Of course no body shook hands with their spouse or themselves and nobody shook hands with the same person twice.

After that, Mr Smith asked everyone how many times they shook someone’s hand? He received different answers

from everybody. How many times did Mrs Smith shake someone’s hand?

Nick Kyriazis

Numeracy Leader

Braedyn and Emily conducting

measurements to determine scale.

Young Will having a go on

the marine simulator, guiding

a vessel through the harbour.

Chloe using the torque measuring

device during her studies in Naval


An example of the information gained using the

torque measuring device.

Numeracy at Le Fevre High School

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Subs in Schools Competition 2018

Our students did us proud again at the annual Subs in School’s competition which was held at the Royal Adelaide

Show during show week. The competition covered a range of criteria with formal judging and scrutineering processes. Well lead by Mitchell B, the team did all that was asked of them, they interacted with show patrons and

had gifts to give away.

For the third year in a row we had the best engineered submarine and also the best watercraft. Unfortunately, we

were pipped again by St Peters Girls who won the overall prize with our team Nautilus winning first for Engineering and Sea trials.

All of the students gave up their time to manufacture and test their submarine together with the effort required to

produce supporting documentation. These amazing young students gained a great deal of knowledge about themselves and their ability to work together as a team. It was pleasing to see the growth in their confidence

around adults. Every one of them played their part and supported each other. Team members were Mitchell B,

Omar E-A, Daniel S, Drew A, Hayden J, Chloe J and Georgia W. They are enthusiastically waiting for redemption next year.

Eddie Grzeskowiak Coordinator Design and Technology/STEM

Maritime Program Leader

As Le Fevre High School’s Apprenticeship Broker I am committed in ensuring young people understand the world

of work and how School Based Apprenticeships connect to SACE.

School Based Apprenticeships enable students to undertake a nationally recognised qualification whilst completing their secondary years of schooling.

School Based Apprenticeships form an integral part of a student’s secondary education that provides SACE Credits and importantly, a head start in their career pathway that includes employment, University and TAFE.

I support students in a range of areas, including:

Discussing the range of industry areas

Ensuring students understand employer expectations

Assisting them in developing resumes and preparing for job interviews

Highlighting the importance of work experience

Supporting the VET Coordinator in promoting available Regional VET courses

I am available to meet with students, parents and caregivers every Wednesday between 12:00 and

2:00. Appointments can be made through Nicole at Students Services

Chris Houltby Mobile: 0488 584029 [email protected]

School Based Apprenticeship Pathways

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We recently welcomed Start Smart to deliver their free, financial education workshops to our Year 9 students.

Delivered in class to students by a facilitator, Start Smart changes the way young people learn about money. By making money management interactive, engaging and fun, our students were equipped with the confidence and

competence they need to make smart decisions about money.

Our school has proudly joined the Commonwealth Bank's Start Smart Program in its mission to improve the financial

literacy of Australia’s young people. Overall, the program proved to be a highly beneficial experience for students and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. For more information on the program and each of the workshops we encourage

you to visit


Craig Bailey Assistant Principal

Start Smart

Medical Condition Information

STUDENTS WITH A MEDICAL CONDITION REQUIRE THE FOLLOWING HEALTH CARE PLAN These are specific to the student’s medical condition ie Asthma, Epilepsy, Anaphylaxis etc. These plans are to be developed and completed by your GP or specialist. All health care plans should be monitored and reviewed every 12 months and earlier if the family has concerns or if there is any change in the support needs of the child. MEDICATION AUTHORITY Students must not administer their own medication, it should be given to Student Services in the original chemist packaging stating the child’s name and dosage information along with a Medication Authority form completed by your GP or specialist.

We kindly ask you keep the school up to date with current information ie phone numbers, emergency contacts and address. These requirements are to assist education workers, in partnership with the families and health professionals, so we can ensure we are able to respond effectively to your child in case of an emergency. We appreciate your co-operation in this matter, if you have any questions in relation to managing Medical Conditions or obtaining a copy of the mentioned forms, please contact the First Aid Officer on 84497004.

Example of the required forms:

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Community Advertising

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Community Advertising


Courts located at Largs Reserve, Woolnough Road, Largs Bay.


COACHING CLINIC: will be held during the second week of the school holidays - 9th October to 13th October.

The clinic provides 5 x 1 hour lessons 9:00am-lOam and 10:00am -11am conducted by our club coach

Kevin Swanson at a cost of $30 for the week.

Please book by contacting our Secretary Gail Pearson on 8449 4429. Rackets available if required.

Junior & Senior Competition, Social tennis and Coaching available.

$50 Government discount for children Reception to Year 7 on membership fees.

Register Now

If you are thinking about playing tennis this summer - now is the time to register your interest.

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Please be advised that the SMS phone number for advising of STUDENT ABSENCES is 0438 130 557.

SMS Systems Overdue Text/Library Books

Text and Library books are valuable school resources. We ask that families search for any overdue books and return them to the school as soon as possible.

STUDENTS WITH A MEDICAL CONDITION REQUIRE A HEALTH CARE PLAN These are specific to the student’s medical condition i.e., Asthma, Epilepsy, Anaphylaxis and so on. These Plans can be obtained from Student Services and must be completed by the parent and signed off by the doctor.

STUDENTS ON MEDICATION Students must not administer their own medication, it should be given to Student Services in the original chemist packaging stating dosage information along with written consent from the parent.

If you have any questions in relation to managing medical conditions or first aid support for your child, please contact the First Aid Officer at school.

First Aid Medical Support

2017 Materials and Services Charge

Payment of the Materials and Services Charge was due end of Term 1. Payment of school accounts can be made in cash, by cheque or by using Visa or Master Card credit facility (in person or over the phone or by completing the credit card details on the statement and returning to school with your child), by EFTPOS, B Point or Qkr. Please see our website for instructions to assist you in setting up the Qkr app. Please contact the school if you require any assistance with the payment options listed above.

2017 SCHOOL CARD GRANT SCHOOL CARD GRANT is a Commonwealth Government Grant for the purpose of paying Materials and Services Charges for eligible families. The amount of the grant in 2017 will be $305.00 for Secondary Students. Assessment for eligibility is made on taxable income for the 2015/2016 financial year. A new application for the School Card Grant must be completed and lodged each year. Please bring your Concession Card with you when making the application for the School Card Grant.



ABN 46 522 360 921


Card No: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verification:_ _ _ Expiry Date: …..../…….

Card Holder’s Name: ……………………………………………………………………………….…. Amount: $ 470.00

Signature: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Please Tick One:

Payment for: 2017 M and S CHARGE MasterCard: □

Student’s name: ……………………………………………………..…………………………………. Visa Card: □