Download - LCLD Milestones 201 1 - · than 200 corporate chief legal officers and law firm managing partners ... S lav ery bo shd ... First black law school in

Page 1: LCLD Milestones 201 1 - · than 200 corporate chief legal officers and law firm managing partners ... S lav ery bo shd ... First black law school in

2011March: LCLD Fellowsprogram launched

June: 1L Scholars program launched

September:Washington, DCSecond Annual Meeting

The arc of themoral universeis long, but itbends towardsjustice. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.














2014March: Third Class of

LCLD Fellows graduates

May: Inaugural Leadership Summit

September: Phoenix, Arizona

Fifth Annual Meeting

2013March: Second Class ofLCLD Fellows graduates

September:Washington, DCFourth Annual Meeting

2012January:Mentoring program launched

March: First Class of LCLD Fellows graduates;Fellows Alumni formed

September: Washington, DCThird Annual Meeting

2009April 27:Founding of LCLD(Articles filed)

2008April 24-25:Scottsdale, ArizonaCall to Action Summit

The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity is an organization of morethan 200 corporate chief legal officers and law firm managing partners—the leadership of the profession—who have dedicated themselves to creating a truly diverse US legal profession. Our action programs are designed to attract, inspire, and nurture the talent in society and withinour organizations, thereby helping a new and more diverse generation of attorneys ascend to positions of leadership. By producing tangible results in the lives of talented individuals, we work to promote inclusive-ness in our institutions, our circles of influence, and our society, with the ultimate goal of building a moreopen and diverse legal profession.

Leadership Council on Legal Diversitywww.lcldnet.org2004

A Call to Action: Diversity in the Legal Professionpublished by Rick Palmore

LCLD Milestones


Washington, DCFirst Annual Meeting

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LCLD Fellows at MLK Monument

1L Scholars

Affordable Care Act Economic Downturn

Ban Lifted onWomen in Combat

DOMAStruck Down

Pelosi FirstWomanSpeaker of the House

LCLD Today


220+Fortune 500and NLJ 350



US Population Reaches

300,000,000First International

Day of Climate Action

350.orgNSA Leaks

It is onlywhenwe act that ourwords have value, validity,and valor.



Reach Lead


In the five years since ourfounding, LCLD has focused on action—building real-worldprograms that prepare the nextgeneration of diverse talent for leadership of the legal pro-fession. Our members, repre-senting major corporationsand the nation’s top law firms,are dedicated to achieving diversity through leadership,action, and results.

Ebola Outbreakin Africa

Arab Spring ShuttleProgramEnds

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WorldWar II .......................................................................................................












1776Declaration ofIndependence“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…”

1999“Diversity in the Workplace: A Statement of Principle”published(500 signatories)

2003Lawrence v. TexasInvalidates lawsagainst same-sex

activity throughoutthe United States

1990Americans with Disabilities ActOutlaws discriminationbased on disability

1981First woman justice onthe US Supreme Court

1967First black justice onthe US Supreme Court

1965Immigration and Nationality ActAbolishes the discriminatoryNational Origins Act, in place since the 1920s

1965Voting Rights Act

1954Brown v. Board of Education ofTopeka, Kansas

Overturns Plessy v. Ferguson,declaring separate education


1947Mendez v.Westminster

Federal court in Californiarules that segregation of Hispanic students in

separate “Mexican” schoolsis unconstitutional

1935League of the Physically

Handicapped formedChallenges WPA job

discrimination (forms thefoundation for the

disability rights movement)

191919th AmendmentGives women theright to vote

1896Plessy v. FergusonUS Supreme Courtendorses the principal of “separate but equal”

1880Strauder v.West Virginia

US Supreme Courtupholds right of Negroes

to serve on juries

1869Howard University Legal DepartmentPrecursor toHoward Law School

186814th AmendmentOverturns Dred Scottand protects the rights of former slaves

187015th AmendmentGives blacks the right to vote

186513th AmendmentAbolishes slavery

1863EmancipationProclamationPresident Lincoln proclaims freedomof slaves in theUnited States

1857Dred Scott v. SandfordUS Supreme Court denies freed slaves citizenship

1783Commonwealth ofMassachusetts v.

Nathaniel JennisonSlavery abolishedin Massachusetts















US Civil War WorldWar I KoreanWar

The Great DepressionLong Depression


1896-1957Jim Crow LawsEmboldened byPlessy v. Ferguson,southern states passlaws restricting blacks

John Mercer Langston

Charles Hamilton Houston

196 4Civil Rights Act

Sandra Day O’Connor

Thurgood Marshall

President Johnsonsigns the Civil RightsAct of 1964

Selma to MontgomeryMarch forVoting Rights



Revolutionary War .......................................................................................................



2008First African Americanelected president ofthe United States

Barack Obama



Statue of LibertyDedicated



Model T FordIntroduced

Moon Walk BerlinWall Falls

9 | 11

2009First Hispanic justice on the USSupreme Court

196 9Stonewall RiotsBeginning of theLGBTmovement

Sonia Sotomayor

Rosa Parks arrested in Montgomery, Alabama,

for refusing to give up her seat on the bus

1785 US Capital Moves

to WashingtonAlaska Purchasedfrom Russia

1909NAACP founded

1895WEB Du Bois at HarvardFirst African American

to receive a PhD

Edison LightCompany Founded

Gall audet University Founded

1931Accreditation of HowardUniversity Law SchoolFirst black law school inthe US to be accredited

Dred Scott

Up from Slavery published by BookerT. Washington



Atomic Bomb

“The earth is the mother ofall people, and all people should have equal rights upon it.”—Chief Joseph, Nez Perce tribe

1788US Constitution“We the people of the United States,in order to form a more perfect union,establish justice...”

1848Seneca Falls Convention

Calls for the end of discrimination against

all women 1924Indian Citizenship ActGrants citizenship toall Native Americans

. . .. .. . .. .. . .

Cell PhoneTV Spanish AmericanWar Iraq War
