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Lawyer GuidePersonal Injury & Car Accident Attorney Network

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What Do You Have to Lose?

Accepting the lowball offer the insurance company has offered you may bring your claim to a fast resolution, but it won’t satisfy your financial needs after the accident. Suppose you need additional surgeries in the future? Suppose your physical imitations make it impossible for you to work? You need compensation that befits the seriousness and severity of the suffering you’ve endured and how the incident may continue to affect you far into the future. With no fee to hire lawyers to file a claim on your behalf, what do you have to lose? It’s literally a risk free proposition.

If you, or a family member, have sustained injuries in an accident due to the reckless actions of another person or business, you need our help.


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About Us We are a network of the top personal injury attorneys pooling our experience

and resources to provide compassionate and diligent service for our clients. Since 1994, we’ve devoted our legal advocacy exclusively to personal injury law as a means to help everyday people stand up for their rights against those whose careless actions have led to serious injuries and other problems.

Our kind service has won awards, and our million-dollar verdicts and settlements have garnered the attention of the larger legal community. We’re very good at what we do.

We take great pride in the individualized attention we provide to everyone who walks through the doors of our law offices, and have built a growing client family that’s at least 5,000 strong. Whether it’s a slip-and-fall claim, car accident, medical malpractice matter, or construction accident, our legal team can provide tenacious legal representation to obtain compensation for you and your family. Achieving the best results for your accident claim requires that you make the right choice in law firms and attorneys to advocate on your behalf.

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Our Practice Areas Personal Injury General Legal Car Accident Wrongful Death Cerebral Palsy Motorcycle Accident Medical Malpractice Work Injury Brain Injury Hit-and-Run Accident Other Injuries

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What is a Lawyer’s Contingency Fee?

Many say the legal system in the United States is a privilege. Without enough money to hire attorneys, the system just doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to for everyone. When it comes to the civil justice system, our attorneys don’t believe that income plays a role in who can access it. We work on a contingency basis, which means we only take a small percentage of what we obtain for our clients at settlement or trial. If we don’t win, then there’s no fee.

Can you imagine a world where the injured had to possess vast sums of money to hold careless companies making dangerous products accountable for their behavior? Big business would run more amok than it already does, breaking safety regulations with impunity knowing only the rich could afford to pursue them. Insurance companies would love that kind of wealth-based system, denying legitimate claims left and right knowing policyholders had no recourse to stop them in court.

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