Download - Lawn Care Calendar - Jonathan Green | Grass Seed, … ·  · 2009-02-25WHAT PRODUCTS TO APPLY Lawn Care Calendar YOUR PERSONAL LAWN CARE PROGRAM


What Grass Seed should I use on my lawn?Dear Folks,

All my life, I have cared about turfgrass.I am now offering improved varieties that arethe result of years of research. Many of thesevarieties of grass offer insect, drought and disease resistance.

Introducing these varieties intoyour lawn will improve yourlawn. Listed here you willfind a grass seed mixture

for every purpose.

Please review all of myhigh quality lawncare products in thispamphlet and choosethose that best fityour lawn situation.


“A day finally comes when the wind blows gentlyfrom the south and all the shades of green return.“


Full Sun Mixture* will provide a lawn ofthe highest quality in sunny areas. Highranking Endophyte varieties assure yoursuccess.

Sun & Shade Mixture* will grow well in sun and partially shaded areas. Wideadaptability and elite varieties make thisour most popular mixture.




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Green Patch™ Lawn Repair for Sun & Shade*combines our popular Sun & Shade GrassSeed Mixture, New Seeding Fertilizer andFibermulch, to fill in bare spots quickly andeasily. This product contains 20% more grassseed than the leading brands.

Wildflower Patch quickly and easily establishesa natural landscape of marvelous beauty. Thismixture, once established, will help attract hummingbirds and butterflies to your garden.

Black Beauty™ Mixture* contains threeexceptionally dark-green turf-type tall fescues.It grows well in sunny and shady areas andin many different soil types. Black Beauty provides a more vigorous and drought/heattolerant lawn. Black Beauty hasbeen planted on thousands of acresacross the USA by leading SodGrowers! See the difference!

Dense Shade Mixture* performs well inshady areas. Improved grass seed varietiescombined in this mixture offer better resistance to drought, insects and disease.

Heavy Traffic™ Mixture* should be usedwhere children and pets play. This hardymixture of improved perennial grassesoffers good abrasion resistance and fills inbare spots fast.

Drought Tough™ Mixture* containsimproved Turf-Type Tall Fescues andhardy elite Kentucky Bluegrass. Deep-rootsystems help keep your lawn green duringhot Summer weather and reduce water andfertilizer requirements once established.

Quik-Start™ Mixture is designed to repairbare spots in the lawn or to quickly controlerosion on bare soil areas. It will germinatein 7-10 days and can be mixed or overseededwith any other grass seed blend.

Sod Maker™ Mixture establishes a new sod lawn or improves your existing lawn into “sod-like” quality. Ideal for overseeding barespots in previously laid sod.

Show Lawn™ Mixture* establishes a high quality lawn. Improved Turf-Type PerennialRyegrasses and elite Kentucky Bluegrassescombine to produce a superior lawn quickly.

Fall Magic™ Mixture* is formulated for successful Fall seeding. This mixture is good foruse on established lawns or to start new lawns.It repairs Summer damage with naturally insectresistant grasses and provides an attractivethicker, greener lawn which can tolerate wearand tear. Use in sun and shade areas.

Touch–Up™ Mixture* contains fast germinating, Turf-Type Perennial Ryegrasses.Touch-Up bare spots or overseed your wholelawn with this golf course quality mixture.

Veri-Green™ Mixture is an all purpose mixturefor quick-cover. All perennial grasses will giveyou a thicker, greener lawn.

Shady Nooks™ Mixture* is formulated to survive in damp or dry-shady areas. It contains PoaTrivialis, Hard and Tall Fescues which are well ableto thrive in the shade. This mixture is Endophyteenhanced for improved insect resistance.

Fast Grow Mixture provides a turf quickly insun and shade. Use this mixture where the fastestresults are required. Germinates in 7-14 days.

*Look for this label on mymixtures containing

Endophyte enhanced varieties that provide

natural insect resistance.

Fortified withBLACK BEAUTY

turf grass.

“The Cool Inviting Beauty of the Grass.”

Lawn Care



Your lawn through theyear with help from...

1. For maximum germination, please be sure that the grass seed is in firm contact with the loosened soil. If the lawn has not been mowed, do so before raking the ground to loosen the soil. In the case of larger areas, use of a rented, motorized, thatching machine can be helpful in the establishment of a seed bed. While raking, remove dead grass, stones, sticks, etc. from the lawn area.

2. Apply seed at proper rates listed on bag by hand or with a spreader. Do not seed too heavily.

3. Apply Jonathan Green New Seeding Fertilizer (14-28-15) and Lime if needed. In the absence of a soil test, apply 50 pounds of Lime per 1,000 square feet. Seed, Fertilizer and Lime can be applied (in any order) on the same day, and should be raked lightly into the soil.

4. Seed bed should be kept moist for a few weeks while the grass seed germinates until the lawn is mowed. Consult with your dealer and the Lawn Care Calendar for a follow up lawn maintenance program.

Successful seeding can be accomplished if theseprocedures are followed for both over-seedinglawns and establishing new lawns.


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WEED CONTROLLawn weeds are divided into two basic groups: Grassyweeds - such as Crabgrass, Goosegrass, Foxtail and Barnyardgrass that germinate each Spring and Broadleaf weeds suchas Dandelions, Chickweeds, Plantains and Clover. Followinga maintenance program including proper fertilizing, wateringand mowing helps to greatly reduce weeds.

Jonathan Green Crabgrass PreventerPlus Green-Up™ Lawn Fertilizer Preventsgrowth of Crabgrass and other Grassy weedsbefore AND after they germinate. This non-staining product also feeds your lawn

with Controlled Release Nitrogen in one easyapplication for extra greening. After applying this product,do not seed for 4 months.

Jonathan Green Crabgrass PreventerPlus New Seeding Lawn Fertilizer Use this product when you want to start a new lawn, oroverseed your lawn, and prevent Crabgrassand Grassy weeds at the same time. Provides a

complete starter fertilizer which encourages newseed establishment. Use on your whole lawn the same daythat you seed.

Jonathan Green Weed and Feed Provides 3-wayweed control of over 250 Broadleaf weeds includingDandelions, Chickweeds and Plantains. This productwill also feed desirable grasses with ControlledRelease Nitrogen, in one easy application for extragreening. Apply to moist grass. After applyingthis product, do not seed for 4 weeks.

Jonathan Green Organic Weed Control plusFertilizer An all organic - all natural granular formula of corn gluten. Provides pre-emergentweed control. This patented technology willcontrol weeds, such as crabgrass, dandelions,and 20+ other weeds. Use on lawns, landscapebeds and in vegetable gardens, yardwide

usage. Phosphorus free!

Jonathan Green Lawn Weed Control Contains 3weed killers for superior control of over 200 ofthe toughest Broadleaf weeds. For best results donot mow 2 days before, or after, application. Donot water lawn for 24 hours after application.Apply to moist grass. Do not apply if rainfall is

expected within 24 hours. After applying this product,do not seed for 4 weeks.

INTRODUCTIONMy Jonathan Green Lawn Care Program:Lawn Maintenance follows seasonal cycles. These cyclesare predictable for turf growth and the problems ofweeds, insects and fungus. My Lawn Care Calendarprovides a simple visual guide to solve your lawn problems and provide you with a thicker, greener lawn.

FERTILIZINGLawns need the proper amounts of nutrients to growthick and green throughout the year. Choose the lawncare products that best fit your needs or follow my simple “Annual Lawn Care Program with 4 Easy Steps”.Apply each fertilizer application about 8 weeks apart.

Jonathan Green Organic Lawn FertilizerContains all-organic and natural ingredientswhich stimulates grass roots, stems andleaves, promoting a healthy, thick dark-green turf over time. Helps rejuvenate tired

sick lawns. Safe where children and pets play. Can be used throughout all the Seasons.

Jonathan Green Green-Up™ Lawn FertilizerProvides a thicker, greener lawn without surgegrowth. Contains Green-Meter Technology™

Controlled Release Nitrogen which feedsgently and continuously for up to 12 weeks.

Use anytime of the year. Helps reduce grass clippingsand contains Iron and Sulfur for extra greening.

Jonathan Green New Seeding Lawn FertilizerApply when starting a new lawnor reseeding an existing lawn. Helps getnew seedings off to a great start by

developing vigorous roots. Also, spread undernew sod installations.

Jonathan Green Winter Survival™ FallFertilizer A Fall and early Winter fertilizerwhich is excellent to use with a Fall seeding.Helps keep your lawn greener later into the

year while it prepares your lawn for the harsh Winterahead. Helps green-up your lawn in Spring, too. Apply1 or 2 times between Labor Day and Thanksgiving.





White Clover



Red Thread

Dollar Spot




Chinch Bug

Brown Patch

Summer Patch




Sod Webworm

Stripe Smut

Powdery Mildew

LawnWeeds - Fungus - Insects

Grub Control Timing Chart

Grub Life Cycle

Patch Products:

• Use when seeding

• Enhances germination

• Completely weed free

• Safe and biodegradable

• Helps retain moisture and controlserosion as seeds grow.

• Provides an excellent environmentfor new seedlings.

• Contains fertilizer, tackifier and mulch*Does not contain seed

INSECT CONTROLLawn Insects are most active during warm weather andfeed on desirable turfgrass from March through October.Use turfgrass mixtures containing Endophytes to helpreduce insect damage. You may seed during insect controlapplications.

Jonathan Green Summer Survival™ InsectControl Plus Lawn Fertilizer This productprovides control of 25+ of both surface and soildwelling insects including Deer Ticks, Chinch

Bugs and Grubs. It also feeds your lawn withControlled Release Nitrogen, in one easy application forextra greening.

Jonathan Green Pest Kill™ Grub Control Thisproduct offers a fast “knock-out” of Grubs in thesoil. Also controls Ants, Fleas, Deer Ticks inLawns, Gardens, Tree and Shrub beds. Reducethatch layer prior to applying and water inafter applying for improved results.

Jonathan Green Lawn and Garden Insect ControlThis product controls a wide variety of insect pestsincluding: Chinch Bugs, Ants, Deer Ticks, Fleas,Sod Webworms, Grubs and 30 more. Use in yourlawn and garden and around the house perimeter

to prevent insects from entering the home.

DISEASE CONTROLThe proper weather conditions must be present for fungus toattack. Hot, humid weather usually brings on lawn diseases. Check timing and application rates for preventativeor curative control of fungus.

Jonathan Green Lawn Fungicide This is a broadspectrum, systemic fungicide for both preventative and curative control of 10 major turfdiseases, including: Red Thread, Brown Patch,Dollar Spot, Summer Patch and more, for up to30 days. Repeat applications as needed, usually

every 30 days. You may seed when using this product.


Seed Establishment Mulch




Now is the time to get your lawn in shape with properlytimed applications of Jonathan Green Lawn Products.Follow my simple Annual Lawn Care Program, with 4 Easy Steps in the chart to the right, or have your dealercustomize a program just right for your lawn. This allowsyou to take care of your special lawn problems that mayoccur during each season. The products to consider applying in the Spring are items A through H.

A Green-Up with Green MeterTechnology gently and continuous-ly feeds your lawn for up to 12weeks. Contains Iron and Sulfurfor deep-green color.

B Prevents Crabgrass beforeAND after it starts to grow whilefertilizing your lawn. After applying this product, do not seedfor 4 months.

C Prevents Crabgrass andother Grassy weeds while gentlyfeeding your lawn. You may seedthe same day that you use thisproduct.

D Use when seeding, orfor lawn repair and sodding,to get new grass and roots offto a great start!

E Controls Dandelions andover 250 other Broadleafweeds while fertilizing yourlawn. After applying this prod-uct, do not seed for 4 weeks.

F Controls up to 200 Broadleaf weeds when you donot want to fertilize your lawn.After applying this product, donot seed for 4 weeks.

Jonathan Green’s Annual Lawn Care Program with 4 Easy Steps, is a simple way toachieve a beautiful lawn this year. Apply each product about 8 weeks apart. It’s thatsimple! Use my Crabgrass Preventer plus New Seeding Lawn Fertilizer (C) in placeof the 1st Step if you need to seed your lawn this Spring.

I Protects your lawn from abroad spectrum of Insectsincluding Chinch Bugs, Grubs,Deer Ticks and 25+ more, while gently feeding your lawn.

This time of the year is tough on lawns with the possibility of drought, heat, insects, weeds and fungus,too! Having a well-maintained lawn makes it more vigorous and better able to withstand Summer stresses.The products to consider applying in the Summer areitems I through R.

J Green-Up with Green MeterTechnology gently and continuous-ly feeds your lawn during theSummer months.

K Controls Dandelions andover 250 other Broadleafweeds while fertilizing yourlawn. After applying this prod-uct, do not seed for 4 weeks.

L Provides quick-action control of Grubs, Fleas, Deer Ticks, Sod Webworms and other insects in Lawns,Gardens and Landscape beds.Water in after application.

N Controls a broad spectrumof insect pests including ChinchBugs, Ants, Fleas, Deer TicksPlus 30 more. Use on Lawns, inGardens and Home perimeter.

O Use when seeding, or forlawn repair and sodding, toget new grass and roots off toa great start!

P Controls over 200 Broad-leaf weeds in your lawn. 3-wayaction for superior weed con-trol. After applying this product,do not seed for 4 weeks.

Q Use as a Preventative orCurative treatment for control ofSummer Patch, FusariumBlight, Dollar Spot, Red Threadand other diseases.

S Fertilizes for root growthwhile providing nutrients for athicker, greener, lawn. Extendsyour lawns rich, green color intoWinter.

T Use after Labor Day tothicken and green your lawn inearly Fall. Iron and sulfur keepyour lawn green longer!

U Fertilize newly seededlawns or when overseeding toencourage rapid turf estab-lish-ment. Use when layingsod lawns, too.

V Promotes a healthy, thick,dark-green turf over time. Helpsrejuvenate tired, sick lawns.Safe where children and pets play. Can be used throughout all the Seasons.

X Controls over 250 Broad-leaf weeds in the Fall whilefeeding desirable grasses.After applying this product, donot seed for 4 weeks.

Y Controls over 200Broadleaf weeds in your lawn. 3-way action for superior weedcontrol. After applying this prod-uct, do not seed for 4 weeks.

Z Provides quick-action control of Grubs, Fleas, Deer Ticks, Sod Webworms and other insects in Lawns,Gardens and Landscape beds.Water in after application.

This time of year is great for repairing damaged lawns byre-seeding or starting a new lawn. The rainfall is moreconsistent, the days are cooler and weeds and insects aregenerally less active than at other times of the year. Werecommend a second application of Winter Survival FallFertilizer for an even thicker, greener, lawn. Apply asyour last Fall application. The products to considerapplying in the Fall are items S through Z.

HELPFUL LAWN TIPSWeed Control Tips:CRABGRASS AND GRASSY WEEDS germinate in the Spring when thesoil becomes warm enough. Apply Step 1 during Spring months for thebest control. Watering lawn after application enhances control and feedingaction. After applying, refer to bag for seeding instructions.BROADLEAF WEEDS apply when weeds are actively growing throughout the year. Do not mow 2 days before OR after application.Apply to moist grass. Do not water for 1-2 days after application anddelay application if rainfall is expected within 24 hours. After applyingthis product, do not seed for 4 weeks.

Watering Tips:A total of one inch of water per week, including rainfall, is desirable.Watering deeply two or three times a week in the morning for 30-40 minutes, if necessary, is most beneficial for your lawn. Avoid frequentlywatering for short periods of time.

Lawn Mowing Tips:Do not mow your grass too short. A height of 21/2 to 31/2 inches works bestfor a healthy lawn. Raise the mowing height during Summer months. Keepyour mower blade sharp so that you do not “shred” your grass. Do notmow wet grass. Do not cut more than 1/3 of the grass blade. Mow regularly, usually once a week. Clippings may be left on the lawn, providedthey do not smother the grass.

Lime and how it affects pH:Lawns grow best when pH levels are between 6.0 to 6.7. Take a soil test todetermine pH level, or apply 50 pounds of Lime per 1,000 square feet peryear. You may apply Lime at any time of year and also while applyingother lawn products. Pelletized Lime spreads fastest with less dust.

Be sure to check our website, for how-to tips!

Dear Homeowner:

“Golden sunshine,young Spring-leaves,flowers bloomingagain-happyhours...”

“Happy thoughts on a Summer’s day,strolling on the green grass.”

“The mists of morning - the golden sunshine of mid-day,the crisp air of evening - Fall is here...”

Grass Seed Recommendation

pH Scale

0 73 9 126.86.05


Ideal pH range to grow grass

G All Organic FertilizerContains Kelp, Feather, Boneand Blood meals, Amino acidsand Humic acid. Designed tohelp rejuvenate tired, sicklawns. Apply in early Spring,then every 8 to 10 weeks including late Spring, Summerand Fall.

H This corn gluten productprovides pre-emergent weedcontrol plus an organic fertilizer.It controls crabgrass and dandelions, and 20+ otherweeds. Use in spring, summerand fall on lawns, in landscapebeds, and in vegetable gardensfor all of your yardwide projects.

8 3 1

To determine how much youneed, multiply the length ofyour lawn by its width. Thisequals your total squarefootage. Deduct any non-lawnareas (house, gardens, etc.)

WHY ARE LAWNS SO IMPORTANT?Benefits of Home Lawns:

• Lawns Purify the Air: The leaves of grass plants absorb pollutants, including those associated with acid rain and the“Greenhouse Effect”. Grass plants remove carbon dioxide fromthe air and produce oxygen in return! An average lawn of 5,000square feet provides enough oxygen for eight people every day.

• Lawns Improve the Quality of Our Surroundings: The lawnaround your house cools the immediate environment, saving onair conditioning costs. Grass controls erosion and improves soil conditions by absorbing “run-off” water. A healthy lawn purifieswater, reduces noise, reduces glare, and increases your propertyvalue.

My Pledge Of SatisfactionWe have made every effort in the formulation of this productto insure that you will be satisfied with the results. If, for anyreason, you are not satisfied, please write and describe theproblem. Our lawn and turf specialists will make every effortto assure your success.

How to determine your Square footage needs


My durable Green-Meter lawn spreaders aredesigned for fast and accurate applications. They

include settings for all of my Jonathan GreenProducts. Below find how to spread

my products using the different spreader paths.

BroadcastSpreader Path

Drop Spreader Path

For best results,apply in a circular pattern starting onthe outside and working toward thecenter. A littleoverlap of productwill ensure complete coverage.

First, apply 2 borderstrips along theedge of each end ofthe lawn,overlappingslightly and shuttingoff the spreaderbefore turning asyou reach the edgeof the border strips.

M Promotes a healthy, thick,dark-green turf over time. Helpsrejuvenate tired, sick lawns.Safe where children and pets play. Can be used throughout all the Seasons.

What do the numbers on a fertilizer bag mean?

The numbers on a fertilizer bag represent the percentageof Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potash in the product which is essential to promote a healthy root system and a dark-green lawn.

Organic Lawn CareGreat For All SeasonsFamily friendly, safe to apply where children and pets play!

R This corn gluten productprovides pre-emergent weedcontrol plus an organic fertilizer. It controls crabgrassand dandelions, and 20+other weeds.

W A fall application helpsprevent weeds from appearingnext spring. Promotes ahealthy, thick, dark-green turfover time. Helps rejuvenatetired, sick lawns. Safe wherechildren and pets play.


