Download - LATIN PRONUNCIATION PRACTICELATIN PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE After studying Wheelock’s discussion of the alphabet, syllabification, and accentuation (pp. 49-56 in the iBook edition;

Page 1: LATIN PRONUNCIATION PRACTICELATIN PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE After studying Wheelock’s discussion of the alphabet, syllabification, and accentuation (pp. 49-56 in the iBook edition;


After studying Wheelock’s discussion of the alphabet, syllabification, and accentuation (pp. 49-56 in

the iBook edition; Loc. 717-866 in the Amazon Kindle edition; and pp. xxxv-xl in the hard copy edition), AND listening to the INTRODUCTION on the AUDIO FILES page at, try 1) syllabifying, 2) underlining the long syllables, and then 3) accenting each of the first several words on this list, using the blank spaces provided

(e.g., dis/cí/pu/lō, ka/lén/dae); then go through the list and practice pronouncing ALL the words; finally, bring this handout to class tomorrow, and we'll go over it.

VOWELS: amāre sedē sedēte est vīdit moneō frūctus Aegyptus CONSONANTS: bibō urbs obtineō Caesar discipulus discipula frāter cōgitō ergō sum hortus iānua Iūlus maior kalendae Latīna fīlius mōnstrum mea culpa magister magistra nōbilis sine quā nōn podium puella quid prō quō Rōma littera canīna semper fidēlis tabula nātiō salvē salvēte vēnī, vīdī, vīcī

Page 2: LATIN PRONUNCIATION PRACTICELATIN PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE After studying Wheelock’s discussion of the alphabet, syllabification, and accentuation (pp. 49-56 in the iBook edition;

DIPHTHONGS: discipulae proelium deinde cuius? audiō audītor ASPIRATES: philosophia amphitheātrum pulcher

Page 3: LATIN PRONUNCIATION PRACTICELATIN PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE After studying Wheelock’s discussion of the alphabet, syllabification, and accentuation (pp. 49-56 in the iBook edition;

Parts of Speech Practice Nōmen


Directions: Identify the parts of speech of the underlined words:

1. Although the DJ had announced that all of the free tickets for the concert had been given away,

people nevertheless were still calling the radio station.

2. If someone should find my phone, which I lost on the subway yesterday, would you please contact

me immediately concerning it?

3. The righteous king understands that the mob must be mollified quickly so that there is not an

outbreak of violence.


Directions: Please find the words requested and identify type where possible:

1. While we were sitting in the senate house, we heard Caesar saying that the republic had been saved

through the brave efforts of Cicero, who was one of the consuls.

a. conj. (3) c. prep. ph. (4)

b. verb (4) d. pronoun (3)

2. Then the conspirators viciously stabbed Caesar there numerous times in order that they might

explicitly show their extreme disapproval of his tyrannical actions.

a. noun (5) c. adv. (4)

b. adj. (4) d. conj. (1)

3. Since she was polite and happy to everyone that she met, her friends loved her and praised her


a. adj. (1) c. verb e. adv.

b. pronoun d. conj. f. noun.

Page 4: LATIN PRONUNCIATION PRACTICELATIN PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE After studying Wheelock’s discussion of the alphabet, syllabification, and accentuation (pp. 49-56 in the iBook edition;

Nōmen&& & & & & &

&Grammatica (“Grammar”)


1. The&Roman&alphabet&was&like&ours&except&that&it&lacked&the&letters&& & &and&& & ,&

and&the&letter&&& &originally&stood&for&both&the&vowel&u&and&the&consonant&w.&


2. Long&vowels&were&generally&pronounced&about&& & & &as&long&as&short&vowels.&


3. What&does&number&mean?&


4. What&does&tense&mean?&


5. Give&the&person,&number,&tense,&voice,&and&mood&for&the&following&verbs:&


we&studied&& & & ________________________________________________&

don’t&swim,&Keira& & ________________________________________________&

they&are&admonished&& ________________________________________________&

sit&here,&boys& & & ________________________________________________&

opened&the&mail& & ________________________________________________&


6. Give&the&stem&for&each&verb:&



7. Conjugate&the&following&verbs&and&translate:&


sanō,&sanāre&to#heal# #

&&&&&&&&CONJUGATION# # # # # # ###########TRANSLATION&

& Singular& Plural& & Singular& Plural&

1st&& ____________________& ____________________& 1st&& ____________________& ____________________&

2nd& ____________________& ____________________& 2nd& ____________________& ____________________&

3rd&& ____________________& ____________________& 3rd&& ____________________& ____________________&


a.&&moveō,&movēre& ______________& f.&&pareō,&parēre& ______________&

b.&&deleō,&delēre& ______________& g.&&relevō,&relevāre& ______________&

c.&&delīberō,&delīberāre& ______________& h.&&fleō,&flēre& ______________&

d.&&sanō,&sanāre& ______________& i.&&foveō,&fovēre& ______________&

e.&&sperō,&sperāre& ______________& j.&gustō,&gustāre& ______________&