Download - Latin Inscriptions in St. Petersburg Annual Euroclassica Conference 19 September 2007 (St. Petersburg, Russia)


Latin Inscriptions in St. Petersburg Annual Euroclassica Conference 19 September 2007 (St. Petersburg, Russia) Monument to Peter I E.-M. Falconet ( ) Monument to I. F. Krusenstern ( ) Spe fretus Mange of the House Guards Regiment G. Guarenghi ( ) Dioscuri The Lobanov-Rostovsky House A. Montferrand ( ) St. Isaacs Cathedral An illustration to The Bronze Horseman by A. Benois Monument to the first architects of St. Petersburg St. Samponys Cathedral P. M. Yeropkin (ca 16891740) Ice Palace (2006) The Narva Triumphal Arch V. P. Stasov ( ) The Moscow Triumphal Arch Roman-Catholic Church of St. Catherine A.Rinaldi ( ) Roman-Catholic Church of St. Stanislav Archbishop S. Bogush-Sestrentsevich ( ) St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy Monument to S. Botkin Bolshaya Pushkarskaya ul., 24 Ul. Kujbysheva, 10 Litejny pr., 46 Dies diem docet Domus propria domus optima Ora et labora The Sheremetev Palace A. A. Akhmatova ( ) Heraldic devices (Count Sheremetev) Deus conservat omnia Heraldic devices ( Duke Mecklenburg-Strelitzky ) Fuimus et sumus Heraldic devices ( Count Branitsky) Pro fide et patria