Download - Lasseter Lantern Vol 2 #5


8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 2 #5 1/10

" T h e L a s s e t e r L a n t e r n tThe Lasseter publications ad-

vtsors have selected new staffs

to replace the graduating senior

editors, who have held their posi-

tions for the past two years.

In the publications assembly he ld

today, the Marsetter and La5seter

Lantern editors for next year were


The 1967-66 editor-ln-chlef for

the Markaett.r yearbook is Cheryl

McDavid. Assisting her will be as.

scctate editor Toy Ann Porter,

lvlr: . from Miss Ann Henry are the sophomores who ~~~s ~;~o~,:a~~.! 'n :=~~g~P:~~

red ell on thele NEOT tests. organizations editor Malinda Bed.

~~!ie~~'r - P ~ ~ ~ t::O:r a ~ : eM~;r. Pu_blicationl Editors for nex,t year will b. Cheryl McDavid, Marksetter

tions of Sthis year's copy edi~ors. editor, and Karen OUlts, editor of the Lasseter Lantern.

The 1968 MOIrksetter's business Jean Ford will he the 1968 sports McSwain will retain her job as

manager will be Diane Stewart, and editor of the school newspaper, head typist, and photographing

the business staff will be headed and Anita Bally will fill the posi- will be done by Kay Butt and her

by Debra Cook. Linda Parks and uon of art editor. Senior news re- assistant Beverly Banks., Aiding

Carol Brent will be the photcgra- porters will be Marcia Bowen and the business editors will be the

Forty-three students in the sophomore eless of Lasseter took phers. Gayle Clance. senior business staff members

1966.67 National Edueational Development Tests. These tests arc The editorial ~taf£ of the Lu· The .Lassefer Llntarn business Beverly T..y/pr, Mlrtha Jo Young,

en to measure the student's baste intellectual skills. Although se~er Lantern WIll be headed by stail Will be headed ~y ma~ager Jackie Buffington, Ellen Slum and

;n~~"~~~r~~nth-graderS took the tests, next year it will be opened ~~~~or~~~c~~~t~~e~fo~:\\~ Tea~~~~ ~~u:a~:~I::,' ~~~dr:d~;~i~~11 a~~ CII;~I:np~I;~~t newspaper editors

Of t h e forty-three girls who registered, eleven received Certifi- will b.c Margie, Davis, and ai?ing I will. be drawn. by arti~t 0';'""1 will teach their successors during

s of Educational Development. These girls are: Ceil Baker, Lynn her will be assistant news edlt~rs Collins and assistant artists Kat. the planning of the final issue of

oker. Corliss Carr_ Vkkie Dekl •. Miry Anne Franklin, Billie Gwen Letty CarlOW.1Iand Donna Dlrlty_ Pendleton and S~ra An~ Stephens, the Lantern for 19t17. The newly

ire Diane Morlc:le AI1ne Phil,. s J kl Wate J W'II' Replacing the present feature In charge of circulation and ex· chosen editors will do much of

Diane Wood. 1 ; order to r;~e(.,;/\ I~~rtific~~t~a~r:dcn~ ::~!di~or will be >~:{~r~vEschmannian~,·c1iange·Wi}He·Sa~d"~"'AddletolJ' and'll"tht!'W?rk""'n:-thlli·'flr,t..i~i:;Stie,+,.;'",gaitfre above the 90th percentile. 'i assistants will be Janet .Bluksheare Sharon Smith respectively. Floren<:e experience for their Jobs next year.

he NEDT included tests on Eng- 1 ~nd Jackie Sparks. -

~~\i.~:r : ' ; : ; : : ; ~ : ~a n d r a G ra h a m W i n s Quill And Scrofl Honorsge, reasoning and how well

use what you know; scctat B e t t y C r o c k e r A w a r d 17 Senior Joumalisisdies Reading, ability to under-

d and interpret scientific: in- Sandra Grahllm has been namedmation: and Word Usage, ability Lasseter's 1967 Betty Cro'cker seventeen Lasseter seniors were inducted today at assembly into

understand the meaning 01 Homamaker of Tomorrow. She re- the Quill and Scroll Fraternity by Miss Mary Middlebrooks, business

rds. ceived this honor by finishing first advisor for the Lantern.

EDT measures the ability of a in a written homemaking know- The Quill and Scroll is an international Honorary Society of High

dent to use the information he ledge and att¥ude- examlnatlcn School Journalists.

accumulated up to the point I tor senior girls. To become a member, a stu- I The purpose of the Quill Ind

en he took the tests, says Mrs. i Consisting o~ generalized situa- ~cnt must have done superior work Scroll is to encourage and reward

que James, guidance counselor. Ition type questions irrvnlving home . .• . .. . III some phase of journalism orl individual achievement in [ouma-____ , management, sewing, and cooking, school publications work, such as Jism and allied fields.

the test also included a discussion writing, editing, business manage- Since its organization at the

r ..SeniorDance question whic~ expressed the stu- ~ , .~ Iment or prod~ction. The stud:nt University of Iowa on April 10,dents' own oprmona and thoughts. ~ , . ~ must also be rn the upper third 1926, the Quill and Scroll has

~JIB H Id M 73 AI; results of winning this title, ~ ''_"".. ~~lft 1of the class in general scholastic granted charters to more than

, e e oy ~~~:~~e i:t~~Wa~~ ::tto~:~t;~~OI:~l: I ~::~:r G~:~:a;e:~e::;~:s B~:~ sta;:;n~embers of the Lasseter! 7,500 high schools

he Board of Education has ship awards. ter for a cake in the home eeona- Quill and Scroll include Linda II . Ien pc~issj?n to Lasseter and Sa~dra ~as_ presented with a mtes lab. An.derson, Lantern adverfising News BriefsL1rkSmith High Schools to hold specially n1cSlgned silver charm artist; Terrie Becker, Markset~r

unior-Senior. from the sponsor of the Betty Upon receiving the news con- classes editor; Beverly Cllnce, The LaGrange College Chorus

he dance .....ll be held from Crocker Search for the American cerning the test, she said "1 was so Marksetter activities editor; Evl. will visit Lasseter on Thursday,

t u.ntil twelve in the.,Lasseter" Homemaker of Tomorrow, General surpr.Iscd! I really couldn't be - cru.mbliU, Collage editor; Janiu April 13, To present a an-minute

etorium on May 13. Dress will Mills. lieve it. I hadn't had the slightest Dix, Marksetfer business manager; program to the student body. Paul

formal for girls and coats and Living at 850 North Avenue with notion that I did well enough to I and Betsy Etheridge, Lantern Doster is the choral director.

for the boys. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph receive recognition. business manager. * ' " * ' "eetings have been taking place, W. Graham, Sandra has six "Although the test itseU wasn't Others inducted are Harriett Nathan Morgan, representative of

ween Miss Ann Henry, principal I brothers and sisters, and holds a terribly hard, I had to dig into my i HutchIngs, Merks.tter classes edl- the Balfour Jewelry Comp~ny,

Lasseter; Mr. Ed Cagle, Smith's! part time job at Warner Robins common sense. This helped me, 1 i tor; Pam Kelley, Marksetter editor; brough1 'Samples of stones and

I Ai~:~~e h:~~VOrite pastimes are :~~e:~'t :;~~~ t~::~~YIt~:~~~ j ; ~ ~ ~ ~ : : ~~~~y;'~:~~r~e~~~~~~ ~:~:~ ;~, f~~sste~:riu:~or:Wtond;~

a at Smith, Miss Janiu Norris collecting stuffed animals, swim- espectaljy with the great competi. Kitty Perhch, Lantern art editor; II clde on 01 choice of senior ring.

Mrs. Ann William., Lasseter mlng, and playing with her dog. tron offered by my classmates. It Candra Phillips, Marksetter copy On March 24, Mr. Morgan returned

lty members; and t.he junior Sandra also serves as president is really an honor." editor; and Marilu Pittman; Len- i to take measuremenb for the rings.

o~:~lor class officers of both ~!::II;vo:eng B~~~~:n'~h~~C~~ia?r allF~:OI~h~n ~~~~a~e:i:::~t~i~~ te;nus!~at~:.ev.~~:to~arksetter copy I :'~e~~~or~.:~r~h:I~:W;~otod:r::~

talent show was held at Las- which she is a member. Academi· ncr and a runner-up will be se - editor; Cynthia Struby, Lantern! return to Lasseter nut year or

on March 15, with students cally, Sandra admits her best and Iected. The winner wilt be granted news editor; Kathy Waters, MOIrk-,fail 10 graduate may get their

.both Smith and ~asseter parti-i most e~joyable subject is home a $1,500 college scholarship and se!t~r sports editor; and. Cynthil money refunded. The rings ~re

~io~~~~~~~ WIll go. IDWardl~gn~:I:'v:~ein;~~s~;~es that ~:n~~nner-up, a $500 educational :~~I:m~ ~~kS=~~b::,lness rna- ::';:d:fl~Ch:1 cno.:: y::r.the


E d it o r s N a m e S u c c e s s o r s

1 Sophomores Earn

Certifica tes

8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 2 #5 2/10

e 2 THE LASSETER LANTERN Monday, March 27~ 1967

our Signature Can Help

prove Library Services L S D G i v e s C l u e s

F o r M e d i c a l U s e s

Boo k R ev ie w

ss H enry Speaks

Learn At Your Leisure

8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 2 #5 3/10

nday, March 27. 1967 THE LASSETER LANTERN Pogo 3

u d e n t s t o S t u d y

M e x ic a n C o l l e g eS p e e d w a y D r i v e r D i s c u s s e s

A u to S a f e t y W i t h S tu d e n ts~e annual tour to Monterrey,

for summer study at the

ituto Tecnologico y de Estu·

Superior •• is accepting appli-

n~'/~~e~esC~~~:C!~)C~~IS19~~ Chuck Stevenson presented the; Another rule that is used by aU

10 and closes on August 19. Champion Hig"hway Salcty Program' the drivers in the Pan-American

ollege and graduate students to the students at Lasseter. This, Road Race is to "refuse to take

arn up to six semesters M program was to give information 1 chances." This sometimes preventst ransferable credi t and junior on driving to teenagers all over i many WOUld-be fa tal accidents.

enior high school students America. I "Road signs are there for our

arn a full year of credit The Champion Spark Plug Ccm.] protection if we just obey them.

transferable. "Tee" extends pany went to Indianapolis Motor I More accidents occur because of

ped;Jl welcome to teachers of Speedway and arranged for eight the failure to yield the right of

nish. veteran speedway drivers to carry way than any other reason."

l~~:l ° i ~ ~ ~ t ~ t i : e : :~ ~ L l n d a Smi~~r~~:e~ta;i~;niu;:::s~r~et Blacksheare, ::~~~ ~~s~~; t e e n a g e r s a - . "Good drivers react quickly and

he United States that is 11.c- Chuck Stevenson of Ne vvport mte.lligently

to emerge~ries." In

ited by an American accredit- M J A d Beach, California, was one of these closing, Stevenson reminded us

association. rs. ames ministers eight. In his twenty years of rae- that "the best drivers do things

addition to bein~ recognized ing experience, he has raced nine one way-the safe way."

O~~ ;~~t~~eg~;~o~:at:;na~~ Tests To Juniors, Seniors i~m~~5~n!~~~~ia~:~~~:15~~v~~~~ae;:o~Y ~~e ~~~~:~~l~;tiO:n~' Many tests for Juniors and Seniors have been givenin the past ~~: :~ l~ f !a: :~~e."'inner of the F o u r L H S S t u d e n t stutes of Higher Studies and !iiI( weeks through the Guidance office. On February 28, seventy His talk, "Highway Safety Is No

e~~~;s~tiOnal Association of ~~~a~~~k C~~~:l~~,o:~d ~~~~ :~:o~ao;:!p U:eU;ir~r~ii~a~~~:iSveJ'at~:I~

~ ~ : f ~ : s n ~ ~~!,:ai:t~ ~~Wd~~~~ I P a g e f o r R e p . D o d s o n

he academic standards are high individual scores after spring holidays. The semifinalists will be named and the prevention of accidents., . .the opportunities for the next Iall. "If you have good driving ability Three Lasseter rumors, Jackie

ertcan to learn a foreign cul- The General Aptitude Test Bat-, The test consists not only of ver- it's of no use to you unless you Spark$, Clare Eschmann,.and ~ate

under favorable circumstances tery was given to twenty-four! bal and numerical aptitude tests, have the time and room to use Pendleton, and one semor, Linda

unequaled seniors on March 8. The test was i but also includes tests measuring it." Anderton.. became pages in the

he .study pro~am is ~ntensive, administered . b y representatives j special aptitude, form perception, After his speech he showed the Georgia House ~f Representatives

f'rvI3.ed by lughly trained and from the United States Employ-: clerical perception, motor coordi- flm "Th Ch pion's W' "made on March 8. Their sponsor was Re-

rnatlonallY r ecoguized ~peclal- me~t Service. It, is ~ v~cational i nation, and finger and manual dex- alt fudian:P01i~~ast May :~~ecially prcsenta:ivc Carr ~odwn.

.:~~ai~~~~\~~e~fi~I~~:~:~~;~:e~~ :~:~~ndt~ t~~~, ;;~~:in~ :~vea~tef~~ i f~rIJ i~f~~~~e e~~~j~~~O~~e f~:e~: :. !~~~I~~:r~~: 'I :~~ ~:t~~~~t~n~\: ::~ to ;~h~n7tr~e~~~1;~~eU:~oP: :~r b~~

ned, organized and supervised. college ann who are not ~ertallll' Ious jobs. u -00 d th 0 stc 500 House building on their own.omething is planned for most about their future occupation. As part of the nvc-vcar Currtcu- po 1S:) .' an e ~ na . Points of Interest that the pages

the free time to insure familia- ,.,,~ .... - lum Study all seniors will take the He stud that racing on speed- enjoyed were the excellent mu-

with Mexican culture. This ell- L H S 8 A d Shn;ord 'Achievement Test and ways has ~anYf m~e ;~vanLa;es seum, the paintings in the rotunda,

s the. stude.t_tt t.o understand etas lien the Otis Mantal Ability Test on ~~~i~rtJ°~~~~~;~w~~s. SeOll1~":f\~e~~ and the door-beys.

. Spanish works in its natural ;. I April 25 and 26. The eighth and are p;raehutes t~ help stop the Later the girls were escorted

g ;:i~d:~~CX~'ave been con. Siale Convention ~~~i~::~~~a~:s~!re:~;ii~~d ~~!:ar. =; bars, hel~lets, masks, ~;~~s~~.e fJ~~~~:s::~a~~vu:e ~o~~~~

g the tow' .every summer !,-~most 3,000 Be~a members were I year. The present eighth grade goggle5, Hre proof suits, seat belts, Here they viewed the working of

e 1960 a.nd Will b~ glad to ~lllhng about the lobby of C~nven- iwill be tested again in the tenth and shoulder straps. the legislature and met many pro-

er questions froll: Interested tton Headq~arters, the Dinkler ] and the twelfth grades to measure There are three basic rules in minent Georgia personalities,

?ns: Dr. R. C_ Re\ndorp wbo Pla~a H?1el ID. A~lanta. Sh,!d~nts \ their progress. This will aid in racing, he said, "1. Courtesy. 2. Before leaving the capital, the

Chan-man of the Department waved signs, dlstrjbuted bulletins, ~making improvements in the ccurs- 1 \1 L al 11 3 Th dT . lId thel . t mad .ith

:::i~ 1I7:0~u~:; ~~ ~~~~~~:~ ~~ng:~ihe C:C~::i~asSI~::;:f ~~:; es of study Ofe~'Oa~r a:to~~sbil~." e con I Ion ~t~\'~r~~r ~;~C~I~~~~~X. e WI

(Zip Code 31201), reg is trat ion and elec tion eampaign-!

rs.. Reginald.. C... Relnclorp ing at the Georgia Bcta Club Con' F d 1 L R IC 0 0 1 D fhes Sp>ni,h" Willingh,rn ventlcn held March 10-12_ e era aw u es IVI e enseSchool in Macon and may be Attending the convention were "The primary purpose of civil

acted there or at. their home, twelve members of the Lasseter! defense is to protect life and pro-

0 Berkshire Drive 31206. Beta' Club, accompanied by their! perty in case of war or natural

r. Refndurp has been associated advisor, Mrs_ Gloria Jean Stokes.! disasters such as Iirc, tornado, or

the Summer Exchange Pro- CI(lIJdia Medley, Patty Richardson,: hurricane," commented George

at 'tee for over ten years and Terrie- Becker, Bevcrly Clance.! Hardy, the Director of the Civil

one of the founders. Valeda Murphey, and Janice Dix! Defense Operation in Macon. Civil_____ ,..._.__ were the :;',cnior members who Defense is set up under Federal

i n e s s D e p a r t m e n t ;:ntD~~~~orsK:~~~ndi~~~:~re L~~; ::\:l~d ;!:~~~'~l~o~o~f ~;~~a~it~!~

o n s o r s F i e ld T r i p :~b~~o~e~:~a o~e:~n: tf!~: rl .DebO- ~;O~~b~~~;; ' t~e~~ ~~o:a~~~~arc~

K e e b l e r C o m p a n y 10;:eeo~~:~~~n f~:el~:~d :e~al::~ ~~~llt;n~O!~isS~~~~man of the

o you have a minute? If so, Show, campaigning and election of The Civil Defense Headquarters

can watch 10,000 cookies being state officers, and a banquet and in Macon Is located on Cotton

a minute by a cutter at the dance on Saturday night. Avenue. The building which houses

ler Company Entered in the talent eompeti- the ernees Is similar to only one

n March 15, the office practice tion was a Washboard Band com- other in the United States. The Margie Davis interviews Georg. Hn·dl'. Director of the Macon CivIl

, with Miss June Emmett and posed of Lasseter Betas. Wearing other building is The Headqualers Defense Operation. Margie will be newl editor of the Lantern next

;a70:ep~~~ley, went to the ~~~~~t~~~~~~.a~~~y~~d ::~at~~ fur Ihc Colorado Ci~'il Defense and year. . . .

hey visited the rlifferent de. struments including the tub. the National Warmng System. Some of t~e defense measures Clty Will sound. Anyon.e he~rmg

enta; such as the laboratory, 5pOOllS, and the washboard. They Once 9. veer in Macon, the civil ?f the operation are to be changed that b.lll.~t shou~d turn .hJ.O. adio to

payroll department, the cost sang "Mama Don't Allow," "wyn- defense employees undergo a test m the future. ~e present pro~e· a station assoelat~d WIth the Em-

tm~nt, and the personnel de- ~ ~ 1 7 ~~)~~~l~ ~~~e~?'~i:pa~~r ~~~~ in which they remain ~t headquar- ;1 i~~e {~r t~:ot :e~~oo~ ~;:~~~ ~:d~t~ ~~f ,~enei~~;~~~~~~~ll lg System to reo

..e; ~f the machines used in ,\g~in, Paw." ters. for t.wo weeks, ~'Ith no con-: transfer the students t_a . the in- If attack comes and the sirens

various departments were the Other Macon high schools were necuon with the outside world ex-. n~rn:ost part of the building. B~- gu off, citizens are urged not to

ress.O.~raph rn!lch~ne, the ~eprc~ented at. the ~OIlYClltion also. cept by radio. Supplies. are shipped, !~:11l:b1eneXt~Y~.:~'e~1l t~t~~~en~o;;~~ panic, The best procedure is to

·o:"\ .dup~catin.g machine , llnd ,3 Sandy J.ones, a Lan~er stude~1t , was In before the test. begins. The test, within 15 mill u tes wi.1l 'be allowed grab a radio ami rush to the near-

mal!~mc (in r-ase: .~o.u don't 1candidate for, the presidency. provides information on how wel1:to do so in case of attack. Others est fallout. sheller. Most large

!i:i:~il~c)te~ii~:~~~el'thc;; ~~l~e:n~t;~~ ~~~~~di~l:n:l0~~~~~' i~ people arc able to get along when: wiII remain in achoul. stone bUildmgs. ?a"e been destg-gthruugh th~ rest of th e f~'" .nstcrs,' won first place in the forced to live together for a long; In cas,,: of at?mic attack, sirens ~ated by lhe CIVil. Defense Opera-

..kit division of the Talent Show. period of time. i located In various parts of the non as adequate shelters.

8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 2 #5 4/10

o 4

The A lm a M ater ....

ING THE ALMA MATER are authors Ellen Mc.Culiough. Jackie Martin, and



NTICALLY STUDYING THE WORDS, Janice Bu~h, Pcm Stanley, Pat Ses·

, ilnd Annetla Allen learn the alma mater SQ thilt Hwy will be prepared

pcct it for Mi$s Henry should. she pick one of them.

Monday, March 27, 1967

Lasseter Alma Mater

'.=T.h=~ . ..--I~4r+-.'

r-~~k:ruC;=:±:~i.~;;~~ .-

:4-:i;.i-·~ ~': -j ' r ; ; ~ j-,t!i>' I I I


A,lI.hail! Ali hail! Dear we love t.heeThy daughters evermore shall feel the same .

.---h--J_. .[___;''''_-~'"' ~

m~r.1.~c;Ct-""" ~ . -. . =ct=·fIE ~~1~r;:1 -c --'

, - - - - ,----

. - -+-- .~-L '~ ; jg7: '~2Ptt~13~~(=t£:::±~~*~. ~ - -- i .

The red and black shall ever beAn emblem of a tr-ust in God and love of honesty



THE PIANO, Mrs. Francis Brubaker plays the tone of tile almll prepares to seteet a stud&f1t to say the alma

r 10 her wpcrvision. inspiring the students to write 50me lyrics. mater over the Intercom.

MRS. HELEN WILSON leads the student bcdy in

the alma mater. as chorus members behind her

sing it.

8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 2 #5 5/10


C lub N ews

Music C lubThe Beta Club Washboard Band,

organized for the purpose of play.

ing at the State Beta Convention,

performed tor Musie Club at its

most recent meeting.Delta Omega Mu Sorority's Band

has also been guests of honor at

another meeting. Their selectionsincluded "Mama Don't ~w,"

"House of the Rising Sun," "Stew-

members examine office machines at the Bibb Manufilcturlng ball," end "The Temperance Song:'

any. At another meeting, Evie Crum·

blis5 and Regina Bolden en-

I tertained the club. 'i'heir setecttons

I were "Baby, the Rain Must Fail,"

I and "A Thousand Stars in thee Lasseter FBLA club and its how the number of hours neces- ! S k y , " Diane Sanford has also

r, Mrs. J~hn Pellew, too~ a I earr to, prepare a payroll has been i been on the program, accompany- Performing for Music Club is the Beta Club Washboard Band. St~nd-

uf the Bibb i\ranUfacturl~g 1dramatically shortened through l ing 11e£5c1£ 011 her guitar. ing (I. to r.) arc Margie Davis, Karen Ouzts, Beverlv ctanee, and Patty

any on March 9, at the m - I the usc of computers. RED CROSS Richer dson, Seated are Claudia Medley, Terrie Becker, and Valeria

i :; :s e M ~ f~;:n~~p ' ~ ~ ! : t C t : 1 w~~e:et~~:~Y t ; o g ;~ : : ~ a~~~ Murphey.

e wo.rk procedures of a busi-·I Study H all T each er fixing the table in the clinic for ATHLETIC CLUB I LIBRARY .6:SSISTANTS CLUB

erganizafion. Mr, James Hale, th)e gray ladies. Members then On February third, Club rnem- Library ASSistants have been dis-

or of Public Relations, con- K 4 L began making favors for the Town ben; pll'lyed indoor recreation! cussing: errors that ar-e made :in

the tour. I nows anguages 2-'1.1 Country Convalescent Horne. games. At tbe next meeting, a! carrying out library business. On

the beautifully panelled con- Mrs. Mary Dietric:h is likely to At the next meeting, MnI_ Wal- game called "Scurno-tnutle'' was: March 10, a disc~s.sion was helds ro?m, the students were give her students a pop checkup at den read portions of a tetter that played. _ 11n the present library program.

the history of the company, any time, even tho~gh her job at was sent to the club by the Red At a recent meeting, plans f?T! ORAM~TICS CLUB

were shown many ,of Its pro- Lasseter is to teach study hall. Cross concerning a school album the Red and Black Game were dis-I At the meuttnx before the club's

'I'hcy were surprised .t~. see Originally Irom Maryvilje, Mis- that each club Is to be planning, cussed. Th:- club was re~ponsible, production of Th~. Mo~se ~h~t

~om~o11a~le .nnd attractive .the sonri, Mrs. Dietrich attended N. W. A report from the scrapbook com- fo rdeco.ratmg the goal pasts, Alter i Roere~, members divided mto .welr

g 13, WIth Il~ modern design, Missouri State College, where she mittcc was then heard, the business wa.s concluded, Mrs. I commtttees to make last minute

-wall carpeting made from btai d h B '" d . En At a recent meeting, plans for Morgan and MISS Feraro talked! plans for the play.

yarn, and soft background ~i~h·u;~d Z~~lO~Y: ~ n ~ g ~ :nive;: mailing the scrapbook to Burrus abo.u~ bowling and different C O l : l - : Y.TEENS

. . I aity of Montana where she re'l were completed. petitions open to young people I n ! Y-Tecns annual potato chip sale

ing the tourof the dlffer~nt eetved an M. A,' degree in Eng-: . CHEMISTRY CLUB that field, i wes held from 11. 1r ch 10 through

ments, sev~ral of the office Hsh. i Chemistry Club members toured F_ H. A. I March 2l.

es, including the IBM s e - I Mrs. Dietrich has taught at the'; the Procter and Gamble plant after .F__n . A. ;nemhers were enter- FT;'\ _ _ ._,the Telefax, the Teletype, Int. tt I I ·n t f St PI; school on March 2. They learned tatned by Mrs. Dykes, a profes- Sc:hools In MexI~o was tnc. title

he Xer-ox, were demonstrated ill ~~~~::~,a 1.1~~:S~t:. ~iS ~ch~~l! the process which cotton seed and slonal cake decorator. ~rs_ Dykes I Of a film which was enjoyed by

e girls, In the Data'ProcesslLIg, crtents foreigners and prepares peanut oils go through ~o make ?rought ~a mold for display and the ~lembers of F'TA at their tast

, the FBLA members lellflled them for U. S_ cltlzenshlp Here salad oil, butter, marganue, and Iced a cuke before }hc club, Morn- meeting.

:~:ig~ie~:~:uat;~lg~ :::l:h f~~~ peanut b~t~e;N~a~esCLUB ~~:n \~~~: :~\~~~O~g~t the cake .... -:....-------.

other cctmtr-ies who had just ar- French Club members were en- BETA CLUB Plumbing Heating

rived in the United States, She has tertained by slides of western In ~ebruary, Beta me~bers had

also tutored in the neighborhood Europe. Countries represented in aa the~ guest speaker Mile Lasala,

youth corps inWashington, D, C, !the slides were France, Germany, ~ I'hihpm~s exchange student 1St!

As a woman W.l!O understand. '. 1 Belgium, Holland, and Switzerland. Mercer. MIS.'; ~.asala talke~ .abo~t ;

four languages _ French, Spanish, ART C1..UB ~"stom~. edU_C<l.'~iJn,nd religion In i

~~~;iae~;:;: a ! ~ : ~ ~ : ~; : ; : : e ~ ; ~ : . ~ t l i :~~! ' c~~b ~~~~~hi~~~ai~~ er native c~~~ 'li.UB 1

i s par tic~ll rt rlY i~terested in the cul- ing." Orders for the Lasseter pill Nancy Andrews gave ~ demon- 147 Spring St.

tural, historical, and literary which th-e club Is selling have been ::;t.r:all.On on balanced diets and K. B. Hardwick 745-4452

pC'?ts, of other co~tries. sent to the co~:~~y. ~;~~::ker talked about her 4 - H I ' - : : = = = = = = = =painting, and sCWlng. 011 Febru:l.r:r tenth FilLA saw ' .. 6....... ,. • r-

and discussed slides entitled 'How Iw a S hb u rn H a r d w ar e l SPEIR 'S

~r;t~~~~ -~!lJ!~~~ ~~~~\~t;~:'The Friends We Mak"t-,,, I ARTie CIRCLEHawkins I '~~~lf'd out to the members 25 of Ma e 8

E•• C I the commonly misspelled 1701 Shurlington Plaza Spee:ia l i%ing in Barbecue

xtermlnatBng 00 ! words used m business Outing and PtcnlcsM the most recent meeting, I '

Complete Pest Control ~~~~ct : l~orS~~~: :e~l"e~ : : :h~I~~t :s~_ Fried C~~:\~iCheS Catfish

Termite Control d-ent , Dlant ' Stewart, vice presr Ed Pendletondent, Penny Jenkins, Secretary,

and Phylll, Irwin. treasurer.


Student Council is issuing a warn"

ing to smokers and is discussing

1 1 . campaign to discourage litter-

bugs, It is also making plans for

next year's Student Council or-

ricers. One of the club's projects

~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ i : , ~ t ' ~ b : " , : . : t " : ' : h ~ " : " ~ f ~ O ' ~ l l i : : ' : " : h O : ; O L ; : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~

I133 Emery Hwy, 74606236



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Jeffersonville Road



Macon, Georgi.



n e w Clod sa ;& 82rvice





1769 Jeffersonville Rd.umigations

Yard SprayingInsurance Agency

Phone 742-35032484 Ingleside Avenue

Mac:on, Georgia Macon, Georgia


American Ser. Sta.






8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 2 #5 6/10

Monday, March 27, 1967

Tommy Smith

Garage, Inc.

1829 7th Street


Steel for Every Need

Horrte DominyIn" .. 1. ShoppIngCenter

P h on e 7 42 -9 11 1


Service Station

_Moet •••

Baskin - Robbins


Ice CreamCQr. :Spring .lind Willnut St.

Amoco Tires - Batterl ••

8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 2 #5 7/10

by Llda Drinnon I tried to spring the catch. The lock

My brother and I ran up the gave wayan the third attempt.

ext fall, the GeorgI. WDman'$ ~Jjff steps to show the ring to our t and the glass door swung open

ege of Milledgeville, seventy- parents. At first Daddy couldn't i creakily and unsteadily.

, Y~.~:~s:~ni~Il.~~~~C~~S~~~~ ~o~~~Cev;~haihai~n~~d B~~t~!~n ~: I

b O ~ ~ e e ~ : :~b~:~~:a~~at~~~ Llying out p.ages for ~e Collage

students. This program was H T I I S saw the initials and, in tiny letters right end of the upper shelf, 1 II editor ~vle ~rumbh$s. Poetry

ned by the Georgia Assembly O W to e pring inside the front of the ring, the found what I knew I was supposed editor Manly Ptttmen looks oYer

fill the need for a cenlnlly inscription "wblttendon and Com- to find. There were two old, fine. her shoulder.

~~~~dl~;~~:~;~; l i !~a .~ : i~~r o m W in t e r I ~:Yth!~~t~~~d~~8~~o~:h.b~~,~evde: i~-~n~~:~~~sfi~s~~O~tt~~a!a~gee;u~l~ C ollage ~romot;on

Ior the Iirat time this by go/." m ich ae l 7 11 0use '~i~pded ~~~~ t~~a~~:t's ~i~~terh~~: ~~l~~ ~~~re::ddn~~hbr~!~t ~~~r:~~~ Features Operaorimarily a ~eachers' couege, night she drowned, and that it had In intricate gold Ie tters on. the front All Lasseter students are in for

curriculum wlll be altered been buried in sand until it was the words Holy Bibl. were writ- a real tr-eat when they return to

tly to better Iulflll the needs O,ne good way ~o tell whether washed ashore and found by the ten. And, on the flyleaf, in rich school after spring holidays. Why?

all students. The objectives y~u re having s~rmg weathCl: or gull. brown ink were the names of Because April 6, the Literary Maga-

continue to emphasfse stu- ~ I n ~ _ : :eather IS to g? o~t~ide. I wore the ring on my finger Shawnet and David Maximilian. I I zi~e staff will give a promotion

setr-unoerstenctna and try to . ;vo

at once feel ~OIT~_ t.hat for the time being. It Wall the most couldn't find anything else of in-I ' skit for our C?LLAGE. .

the greatest benefit from col- JiOU 'w l~ft your ~~erc~at l~slde, beautiful one 1 had ever seen and! terest in the Bible, so I put it I T.he staff w111present a ~uslcal

experiences then most likely It s still winter. .tn_ert rt f' rt' tlv ; aside and took up the other book. entitled "How to Put out a Literary

ne of the chief aims of the ~o\'~~'er, if ~ou immedi~tc1y w~~t I ~ba~~v:nin~l~gw~~~~~t~\h:cli~: t It was small, with a lavender-grey, Magazine Without Eve~ Tr~ing."

is to promote rlem()(~racy protb~:h?f!p~~::. sweater, then Its rary to examine some old booksisoft leathe~ binding; and, ~s I.had ~:~~~rl:~ l~eth~a~:jn:'llla b~a~he~

~gn~i~~~Ys~~~e~!e gg~~ve:~:ee~\! . Another sure ~:ic~o~~:~~~~r:h~ ~~~ '::;d b~

I ~U~f~~te~; !:;::~::~!:Std;~~;: the-magaslne opera, how to put a

assemblage is vested in the I way to ~ell whe- hind. The last rays of the sun eame because I was most interested In magazine together (to music), and

nts themselves, and functions ther s~ng has thrcuzh the west bav window and the last few days of her life, in a grand finale.

gh the Student Government ~~nefl:we~ 1:: struck Shawnee's po-rtrait on the September, 1~2. However, v :hen ,--------"'1ciation. listen for birds. oppcaite wall. For the first time I came to thls part of her diary,

sides having the regular cur- Looking at the I noticed her hair had hints of I found that all the pages after

um in liberal arts, the institu- sky, sniffing the copper in it, just like mine. 1 Angust 31, 1832, had been torn PIG GL Y W IG GL Ysponsors many programs to air and thump- beld the ring UP to the portrait, out.

nce culture and amateur tal- The Author ln~ the ground to sec that the amethyst and her It bad bec?me late, so I took the Low Prices111so helns confirm the r Ival of eyes were the same color. Maybe books upstairs to my room and

nce ca~h quarter, the College spring. So do testing the <l\~nd, ex- it was just the wa~'eri~g light, ~r went to bed ' . I slept fitfully, an~ I

tre presents a student pro- uminiug the grass. and holding perhaps my imagination, but It kept dreaming the same WIld

iOJ1,.of a wen-~no:,~nJ dr~n:a: daffodils up to you~ race. (If your seemed to me that. the corners of dream.

ent~ also heal ,,)..~ P:lO Ifs chin looks. yellow, then its spring). her small mouth fhekererl upward, In it, in some crazy, mixed-up

art:st~ of both. nat.l~nli.l an~ My old grandfather mouse tells as if she were trying hard not to way, I was Shawnet and I was run-

r~a~~d~tioo~ .e;~~Ser~l me that he can tell whether spring smile. ning madly abou.t, tearing. ~ut I ' : = = = = = = = = ~t~ll~f~g speakcr: llr~ brought has come. by curli?g his tail around ] rUl.Tlmaged throu?h the. old I pages. from my .dl~ and hiding I rthe campus. Many guest lee. a da.ndelJon, closing Ius eyes, and boo~ till I found an interesting " I them In. the fanuly BIble-

s also regular) appear. tugging very hard. when the den- 1cokm::: one and ~hen I began to . At this I awo~e. I turned on my

udent ublicati:rls provide lor deliun comes loo:e, he stomps on read It. I eouldn t get very f~r! light, got the B~ble, and carefully

f O : creative writing, re- the place where Its ro?ts were. If though, b.ccause I felt Sha\~net s ' turned through It. There, between

d rt Th St the ground feels sprmgy - he eyes peenng down at me. Finally the pages of the book or Matthew,n~: a:b ~e~o es. n a~ PU~: knows it's spring. I raised my head from my book were the missing pages from Shaw-

t~~~ll~~: ~v~rnment But. the most effe~tive W8.YS I and b?gan staring at her, w ith a net's diary. Napier Square ShoppingIt contains a detailed know IS to be very still and listen stare Just as co~l and even. as he~ (See Yl)IJr next issue of the LAN.

of the purpose. programs to yourself: Does yu~r heart feel! own. After a minute of thl~, ho w · TERN for the third, lind eonc:ludin9.

functions of the school for as though It ",:cre trying to br~ak: ~\'er, I saw that she wasn t star- part of this e~ltlng I.rlll.)

t f out of your fib cage? Then It'S' mg at me after all, but at a

~ r;h er~:"ce. 0 soetat definitely spring. Do you wish small, ornate, glass-fronted hook

~~e~~ inIlC;r~hl.::'; co~pe'tition y?U were outside when. you're I~- cas~ built into the wall directly ;- --, ; : : = = = = = = = = ~ .~~~~~~h ~~~~~~t~~tiV~ ~~u~~I:e\:er~~:r~u t~ce:p~~~~1~'i~~~l~~J ~C~ll~'~n~n~·ve.rto it and l~okcd at 2union is 0 en everv week flyaway'! And do you feel that It closely. it was d~sty 10 £r~nt

t d P k d -f . perhaps all those people you can't and the catch was Jammed with Graham E. Baileyu Ian Ion. wee ~n:J ror I~' stand aren't so bad after all? Then rust. After tugging at the handle ...

~oll~otelel:~J~~atio;~ ear~:,ur7n: thc~'e's a 10~ per cent chance that without SUCCE' .ss , I took a letter

bo!Ung, swimming, and a ~prlng has finally come. opener {rool Daddy's desk :lnd Sales Representative

i.OUSodge for .spend.the.nighl

Ies and small gathertngs. Southern Bait & Tacklether, social and recreational GARLAND PUGH FORD

OIl the campus of the 1071GRAYHIGHWAY MACON,OA.

by Georgia Milihr)1' College Phone 743.8792

e entertainment. ' - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :ith the new eo- educational I" "

y. many changes Will. have to I IHowever, it is the ai m of JERRY'S SERVICE CENTER

school to uphold Its high

of education, culture, 1894 Jeffersonville Roadrecreation. 742-91 08 , --'

~------------------~~T~H~E~L~A~S~S-ET-E~R_L~ A~ NT~ E~ R~ N ~ -

I Part 1 / : Shawnet's Diary

The Witch Bluff Portrait

llege Spot

en Attend

C .ln Sp ring


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Macon, Georgia

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8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 2 #5 8/10


s i n e s s E d u c a t i o n D e p a r tm e n t R e c e i v e s

o s t M o d e r n E q u i p m e n t A v a i l a b l eby Clare Eschmann and

Karen Ouzts

arning! During the last few

s, several men carrying arm-

s of electronic equipment In-

d rooms 315 and 313. After

s of tedious work they de-

d, but they left behind their

in the form of " I ' . ultra-

ern business lab.

ff icial ly the labora tory is cal-

the EFI WlreJals Sfenographic

rning System. It consists of a

her control unit, twentv.uve

ent receivers and 'headsets,

an antenna which completely

rcles Room 315. All antennaalso installed in Room 313.

he teaching unit is a compact,

tess instrument, which makes

1t allows the opera-

to transmit dictation to stu- Jeanette Gurlev's business students.

s through one of three adjust-

speed channels. This ishelpful for students who

been absent and have lost

because the machine pro-

for dictation at an appro-

speed for the individual pu-

hundred and fifty· three

ared are available at a

of a the teacher may


Irish Eyes Gleem March 17by Dorinda Gilmore

"Erin go brag-h." This old Irish battle cry, mean ing Erin Ior-

ever, was the phr-ase most often heard in the larger cities of thenation tile third Friday in March. One of the most colorful holidays

Mrs. . America, Saint Patrick's Day is the feast day for the. patron saint


Students, at the teacher's direc- roent because it will provide us

tion, m:ly listen through the with an ideal learning system (or

headset to one of the channels. individual or group instruction

The battery powered units arc (without ilirr-collectlug cables VJ

lightweight and portable. allow- trip the students or the instructor

them to be passed out like as she m~IVr..~about. the- room)"

at the begtnn+ng of the The students are excited about

period and collected and stored new lab, also. Pam

alter class. 'I'hcir "1 the new

Saint Patrick, born in the Bri-

tish Isles around 389 A. D" had

a very exciting youth. After

heing captured by pirates at the

age of sixteen, II C was bound into

the service of a pagan chieftain as

a shepherd. Then he made a

rtaring escape into Fr-ance where

he. entered a monastery to he-

come II monk. In

led Sucat (Patrick's

by Linda Anderson

With the coming of Spring,

Lnsscterites turn to crash diets

extra pounds

during the win to return to Ireland as a

The 5tand~-rd grape- ary where he gained

1 diet seems to be a ravontc lowing. II, has been

room. 111 this way .'th!' can check rest." eating half of a trick found lrelaml. all heathen

work and cner individual assist- Brenda Brown hopes that it will or alter your and left it all Chrtsttan.

-----; I1n~~.Mrs. Jeanette Gurley's words, ~~~ ~~~~~C~~l~~~d~P:,~d.!~l d~e:a~~~~ or course, there are various sa?n~e l ? ! t : r C ~ , ~ n ~ : ; ; ; a ~l~ :b~ ;A\...._ '·Tht.: addition of an EFI Audio 10 work individually now and CUI1· liquid diets that claim, "U you reck. Legend gays Saint Patrick

'nnrSecretary is the most exciting sfantly challenge myself. I think drink one can of Dtet-Doosia at planted the shamrock to illustrate

thing that could have happened to it will be fun." lunchtime, you can eat all you the Holy Trinity. He often gave

the Business Department. We are want at dinner." Those who arc the three- leaved stems of the wood

fortunate to be getting this equip_I;---------,1 lucky enough to get it, may thrive sorrel as reminders of God. Later, . . i A H en steak and salad 10 gel rid of the shamrock became the national

I Have appy I the excess Weight. The more root- flower of Ireland. Today, loyal

i hearty turn to starvation. Any sons of Ireland wear the shamrock

Bibb Music Center i Spring Holidays _ ~'~rfll:~:h:~thpoe~~o~<\~!e~ : e ~ ' ~ , ~ ~~II:,e~~dast~:~y ~hr~~:ii;nsn~t~~:

Musical Instruments & a long period of time could cause it to remind them of God.

.... .., i~cr~~n~~~n~a~Gagl:s~) ~~~:h~,e~~~: ~1.O~b~YSt~Ct ~ O t ~~a~o~~ tl~.

Accessories 'IJ~ Y01!r ~oc~or! I d: ~~!Jv: al~ t1Hla~:akeaS~~t ~; Ire~and~

Sam Hall and Son \\,~~~r ~;e g ~ f l ly~ ~ ~ : h ~~h~:Crll~~! He ~~C~~PLi~h~d this f ~ a !~ ~ 'in~~317 Cotton Ave, 745·6122 hulds again. By eating rich, l~'~h 0 d ~ ~n\~s so t.~ eya't

General Contractors : : \ ~ : · ~ : t i ~ O ~ ; !~~~~genp~ae~~:I~Hr~~~' s~~~eSSf~l,se:il~Ug~. w~~o_Grading Contracting 311'1a "bumps"! ~~:Jd~t~~\tnd snakes m the Em-



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Bacondl"ld Shopping C.nflr

Almost every stab" in the Union

has :~ town with an Irish name.

Erin, North Carolina, probably

got its name rrom the shouts of

Irish workers in the taverns after

work. Afler several tankards ofate, these heal'!ty men shouted

"Erin go baugh" until it echoed

(from the mountainsides. Each

2340 Ingleside Avenue I vear on Saint Patrick's Day, the

742.4775 sons of these Ir..b worker; wear

green and march Gow n the mam


IDT:'::;b~~~!~~~~"E I i i ~ : : ~ : . ~ : : I

1343 Gray Highway Maccm, Ga. I 263 !lrold",ay MICQI'I, Ga.

PavingFor the best in clothes

Equipment RentalsEverybody knows



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8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 2 #5 9/10

onday, March 27, 1967 THE LAS SE TE R LANTE RN

T.V . P a n e l D i s c u s s e s C o l i

"ago 9

Tips of < ! 1 ~ ~ ; : :~ e q~~:~~n~f w~~:::\t~d~::l m~:~t h ~ ! ~ e~~n~c~nr:;P~~College Entrance Examination Board tasts.

..-------__! rece~t~; f:l~~i~;t~e~~.t~~t;:~~~e:':~~r j~~~Or~r:~dJ::;~~rSJ:;s,h~~:

By Karen Ourts guidance 'counselor of Lasseter. Included on the panel were seniors,

I", spring a young girl':. fancy Beverly Cla,nce and Terrie Becker who made high scores on these

rns to - well, why liml~ ollrselves tests. Karen Duds, participant of the 1966 Governor's Honor Program,

one subject? This spring's TV and Clare Eschmann a nominee for the 1M7 GHP were the junior

to turn the young girl's panelists. The discussion was lead by Mrs, James.

ncy in a vadetv of directions! Mrs. James: Did y~u Ilnd the [ Terrie: Yes, the Merit depends

· Leningrad 1:; fir~t in the spot- SAT or the Scholastic Aptitude! on what y-ou haw learned in

tonight as NBC's Moacow Test _. referred to by students I school. Pane l M&mblrs (I. to r.I Terrie Buker, Karen Oub', Mr!. Jacque Jemee,

rrespondent Kenneth Bernstein usually as the "College Boards" _ ! Mr~. James: Do you think the Beverly Clance, and Clare E.c;hmann prepare to discuss the college

rrates his network's documen- as di .£I icul t as you expected? I ability of the student would be boards.

ry 011 that city, Karen: It was I involved in her Merit scores at it is good to have it more than Karen: I think math weighs the

• Next, the viewer's attention is hard but not as I least as much us what she had just one time. meat for technical school

verted to the woman's role in . hard as [ had ex- [ studied? Terrie: I think the first time Mrs. James: Not necessarily.

ay's society. Dr. Margaret Meade pected It was i Karen: That and the ability to you take the SAT, you feel you Each college has its own formula.

'~~:::hIS3~ Woman'!" on ~:~e~i~ost~hi~~ i wO~~s~~~:e; :re~~u~~u thtnk it is ~ ~ : h \ : ~ t , s t ; a : Ju;:a~~cn ~':~y~~~ ~c~:~sWd : f ~ ~ : C : ~ . V ~ ~ ~ ;~~d:a~

- Selections Irom CQrI Sandburg's we had already I a good idea to take the SAT once couldn't help you. The next year school actually are more important.

such as "Plzzog" lire read covered. I in the junior year and once in you know It is more important to Clare: It seems that. your grades

n folksongs from his "American Karen Ouzts zrrs. James: I the senior year? get a good night's sleep before the are measures of day to day study-

ngbag" are sung on "The World believe all of you have had the All: "Yes." lest Ing.

Cm-I S;mdburg," which brightens Mcrit Scholarship Test, also Mrs. Jam e s: Mrs. James: If taking the eel- Terrie: Do they consider both

ur screen on March 31 on Chan- Which of the two did you pers- Wh~·? lege board twice is good, what do scores when you take it twice?

fl. onally find more difficult? Be v e r 1y: It you think of taking it three times? Mrs. James: Most colleges do.

o "The Gospel Accordtng to Pea- Beverly: I thought the Merit helps if 'IOU Is that even better? About one out of four students'

is explained by the creator was much harder. I don't remem- know what is Karen: I wouldn't object, but scores come down during the sen-

Charlie Brown and gang, Char- ber too much about it, but it had coming and what remember it cost $5 every time. Icr year.

s Schultz, also on Channel 8 a lot of chemistry and more ad- to expect Clare: It might cause you to Karen: It helps if you learn

arch 31. vanced things than we have had. Clare: II YOIl be too relaxed. what you learn for keeps.

· April 10 is that suspenseful Mrs. James: Did the SAl' have Beverly (lance know you have Mrs. James: U you get too reo Beverly: Understand why you

ening or the Academy Awards material in the sctence and social a second chance, you don't worry laxcd, your scores might go down; are doing what you are doing so

esentation on ABC. Among the studies area or was it just general as much. or if you get too tense, they go you will remember it.

rs you'll ~ee arc Frunk Sinatra, reading? Karen: If you only have one down. I've personally never seen Clare: Learn geometry rcrmu-

ck Ijudson.. and Rosalind Rus- 'rerrte: It gave enough Inter- chance the senior year, it might II student's score go up the third las because th,~y are important on

ll. matron in the paragraphs to an- be a bad day for you. so I think time. tests.

g~i~~~;t ofAt~~rel;ra:' le:ea~;~r~S g~:~:d p : ~ !~ ~ : e w : ~u~~g· v!~~~/ar/n~Dd es~:c;~~~

i;~~;al~~t!liU~el~~:~~ pa:s~;~::d ~w~o~er~:~~ o~h:ei~ skills.

ur. being used to standardize the next .- "1

· Herb Albert nnd tee Tijuana part of a later test. You never

ass may be seen in action in know which one.

s Angeles, New Orleans, and Do you know which part of the

exico on their CBS special April College Board the colleges con-

. sider more important for admis-

· Thc Duke of Marlborough in ~ion, the mllth or the verbal?

th century England is t h e sub-

t of the Hallmark oi Fame dra-

, "Soldier in Love." Basil Rath-

and Claire Bloom star April

· ABC ojjcrs a TV version of Taking down the panttl discussion ere (I.. to r.I Brenda Brown, Jill

arousel" on May 2. Co., ilnd Cynthia Williams.

ldJ·o~it~~~ se~;c~i::~ll~c';.r~:; SW:!rs:h;a!~~~t~~;~ld you say the I . . . . . W = - - - . - - - - . ·. . . .. . . . .X - . . . . .. . . . ,"The Crucible" w l : h r: MC.l"it test measures more what I .

n Douglas and GeorgI! C, Scott you have learned thnn the SAT

4th on CBS. does'r t h e s ta ti onai~',:.'l:re A~:ep~~~~~5 b~f ~:~~~ i o f the new generation

yne 011 ABC May 5.

On Muy 18 ABC Stage '67

ats its viewers to a "Ntght Out


· "The American Image" is re-

aled on :-JBC May 25 through E

Marshall and Ihe\-\-nitncy

!~:~~~7"~~,o he Don Taylor

7:thil~tGpU:~~:ut~Ot~m:~~ ~:~ Masonry Contractor !n't even have to exert vourself I

: t.u~~!~;u~~ : ~ e C ~ ~ : b t h egenie :- "" I

Causey Electrical I PIG 'N' WHISTLE I iSupply CO. MACON ~ ~ ~ ~ . ,~OPU LAR [

20 5th St. Macon, Ga. Go.d F.od-F,-, ••-1,. I, vt .. d M MD I. ~. • Irgulla an ac C ona u.

I Stationery and Books

'Bil1_AJ,.,. .. ,.J..L _ ,_. I !I

, , ~ ~ < . . < " ' A ' _ 1 ! . _ _ 1_8_3_S_p_"_ng_S_t .__! ~W_E_ST_G_A_T_E_ -_T_O_W_N_&_C_O_U_N_T_R_ •.p f lo t o g ra . P h : r l '37 WALNU T S TRE E T 742 .2055

M akers o f

Keebler CompanyD IPPE R D AN

Ice Creom

S TR IE TM AN N PR ODU C TSShurlington Plaza

Shurlington Plan

746-3219 "'586 SHOP"



Alexander Frame

L.dybusr· Gant • Country Jr.





8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 2 #5 10/10

e 10 Monday, March 27, 1967

Black D efea t Redsm p e t e i n P i n g P o n g B 5 Of 120uring two weeks of the last six y core _ks g"ding period, Mi" Jane

ard's eighth grade gym classes Bob McDavid led the Mark Smith Black team to a 12·0 victory

Miss Lynda Jones' tenth grade over lhe Reds, by scoring hoth touchdowns. McDavid streaked 38 yards

ses engaged in recreational before the half for the first TD, and picked off a 75 yard pass from

es including ping pong, bad min- Billy Kilgore in the third period to strike again.

~ i ~ ; ~ ~ t ~ n n dO ~ : : : ~ O c ~ i dO~;'~,dC~CD:~~~in!'asb ~ ~ :et;~i~~ I R e ~ : ~ ! ~ m~ ; ~ ~ ~ sy i ~ = ~ e P t i ~held in each class in ping rusher of the game with 62 yards n Dupree aerial and returning it

g, and Miss Howard's third in 16 carrtes, although Ellgcre to the Black 25.

od class held a badminton tramped 58 yards in 11 attempts. 1----------nament. All of the girls in the John Dupree at quarterback for

classes participated. the Reus, picked up 132 yard", 113

of the eighth grade ping in the air, and 19 on the ground

<tournaments were Sandra in 11 carrtes. Dirk Thomas led the

rnum. first period; Jo Ann Ab. Faculty team memblofS take a break. during student.faculty volleyball losers in ground yardage with 34

, second period: Tonya Tatum, gam&, They are (I, to r.) Miss Ann Henry, Mrs. Judith Grandy, Mi~ yards in 11 attempts. Lasseter's and Mark Smith's

period; Delia Harvey, fourth June Emmett, Miss Mary MiddlebroQks, Mis~ Lynda Jones lind Mrs. The Blacks first threatened in spirit soared as the two schools

od; M~la~ie T~el, fifth period; Beth Brooks. the first period starting on their met for their first joint volleyball

Pilttj Harm~", slxth period, In S d S own 20 and reaching the seven- game.

badm..inton tournament held by tu ents mear Faculty. yard line, when Julius Mullis, a Certain regulations were placed

period Tonya Tatum was the , Red tackle, leaped on a fumble. on the boys so that the game

Volle ball Se E d McDavid scored his first touch- would be more evenly matched.he'tenth grade table tennis y ason n 5 down by breaking through the left Lasseter was given two points for

ners Included: first period, side of tile line and running 38 each point they scored to one

~1;\71;; £~~ ~~ h}~ . Ih~:a~~~ey!~ S ~ ; ~ : " I S ~ O ~ W ; :"R~~~, ~ r t i ~ : ,~~~~~"~oc~e;:~, v ~ : ~ ~ : ~ sn~~~ge~~eZO~~s~~e f~~a~~~ ~~~~t z : t~~tn:Al~v~~' t~ndsp~~:lcy Love, 21·13, fifth period ended With a surprrsmg VIctory I us win 01 vou will rsn. extra point, but the play feu. the ball directly on the girls. Thee Harvey. 21·13, sixth period, over the faculty Although the short The half ended with the Hrst game ended with Mark Smith

ie Shephard, 277 faculty ~ut up a good fight, the Blacks leading 6-0. winning 15-2. But the Lassies did

hese tournaments provided fun, students experience from previous The Reds threatened only once not give up easily, and the final

and competition for Wins helped them WIth their VIC secioualy when Dirk Thomas pick- two games were counted in their

gIrl!! and helped them to at tory Congratulations to the raoul I ed off a Kilgore pass and returned rever by scores of 16·5 and 22·18.

good apnrtmanshlp wltA their ty on Jettmg tne students win!' i it to the Black 35. They moved til Lasseter was represented by

A red F on t~e. bac~ of each the Black eight-yard line but lost Wynelle Glendenning, Penny Woot-

~----.-CC-=----aculty me~ber dlSti?gUlshed them the ball on downs. en, MirY Ann Berg, Pam Kelly,

from the .glrls". various mcmb~l"s The second touchdown of the Margaret Stallings, Teresa Adams,

ro~r~hed~~~:~~on~ CI~~ui~u~lol1:~t.~~ Kathy Wa1·ers. and Terry Nethken.

blue jeans and tennis shoes, Las-

seter's principal, Miss Ann Henry,

proved to be a faithful splicer

from the first r ow.Miss Jane Howard, on e of out

prominent gym teachers, could

eaelly be spied with her black

tights, purple bloomers, and purple

garters. Mrs. Judith Grandy, L a S - Isctcr's art instructor ap.peared in

a sailor suit, while mss Janice Illdog Corner Norris pr-oved to be unforgettable Ir'T~~~!""':~~~rCT"""':"'"':'~::-T::T"

in her blue Daisy Mae shorts and Iveryone at Mark Smith was blue checked shirt. !keyed up for the Spirit Week, Others members of the team;

~h f~!-l:~c~ndaeyve;~t;·al\~O~dh~ ~ne~l~i~~~:::r'th~rif~jn~i~;id!~d~~~~

g a poster contest In which team, Miss June Brumett, Mrs.

supervision tried to make the Beth Brooks, Mi~s Rae Coleman,

poster about the Red and Miss Lynda Jones, Mrs. Bren~a

game. Tuesday was the big Thomas, Mrs. Laura Taylor, )11~S

eyball game between th e Mark Sandra Young, Mrs. Norma PhIl·

th team and the Lasseter team. lips, and Miss Mary Middlebrooks.

nesday night there was a 10' Mrs. patrlcta Matthews spirited

show. Thursday was field day the team on with cheers she had

the supervisions competing planned especially for the game.

rious events. On Friday every- :---------;

wore [erseys and the week was.

axed with a joint pep rally

Lasseter for the Red and

k game that night.

the intramural basketball

petition, Superclslon 4.01 won

chemptcnsblp. Upcoming in the

future will be a volleyball

ament, with softball to follow.

competition generates a lot 4091 Houston Ave 788-7312

~~~iO~~IO~E~~a~;!S o:Ol~~~ 1124 Riv.erslde Ave. 743·5002

the Mark Smith 1el&tar.)

t h , T e n th G r a d e s

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l a s s e t e r B e a t s D o g s

I n V o l l e y b a ll M a tc h

J. W. McKinnie recovered !L

Black fumble in the fourth period,

and Dupree hit Terry Groover

with an 18 yard pass to the 14.

Two passes fell incomplete, but

the Reds were given a first down 1 . .. - -- -- -- -- ,

at the seven by a pass Interter-

ence call.




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