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Page 1: Laplace Transform

Laplace transform

Pierre Simon Marquis de Laplace (1749-1827): French

mathematician, who was a professor in Ecole Polytech-

nique in Paris. He developed the foundation of poten-

tial theory and made important contributions to celestial

mechanics, astronomy in general, special functions and

probability theory.

The Laplace transform method solves differential equa-

tions and corresponding initial and boundary value prob-

lems. The process of solution consists of three main steps:

1. step The given ”hard problem is transformed into a ”sim-

ple” equation (subsidiary equation)

2. step The subsidiary equation is solved by purely algebraic


3. step The solution of the subsidiary equation is transformed

back to obtain the solution of the given problem

Laplace transform reduces the problem of solving a dif-

ferential equation to an algebraic problem. This process

is made easier by tables of functions and their transforms,

whose role is similar to that of integral tables in calculus.

This switching from operations of calculus to algebraic

operations on transforms is called operational calculus.


Page 2: Laplace Transform

Operational calculus is very important area of applied

mathematics and for the engineers, the Laplace trans-

form method is practically the most important opera-

tional method. It is particularly useful in problems where

the mechanical or electrical driving force has discontinu-

ities, is impulsive or is a complicated periodic function.

The Laplace transform also has the advantage that it

solves problems directly, initial value problems without

first solving the corresponding homogeneous equation.

Laplace transform:

F (s) = L(f ) =

∫ ∞


e−stf (t)dt (1)

where t ≥ 0.

Inverse Laplace transform is inverse of F(s)

f (t) = L−1(F )

Example 1. Find Laplace transform of f (t) = 3, when

t ≥ 0

Example 2. Find Laplace transform of f (t) = eat, when

t ≥ 0, a is constant.

Example 3. Find Laplace transform of f (t) = cos(πt),

when t ≥ 0


Page 3: Laplace Transform

Example 4. Find Laplace transform of

f (t) =

{k, if 1 ≤ t ≤ 4

0, elsewhere

where k is constant.


Page 4: Laplace Transform

Linearity of Laplace transform:

The Laplace transform is a linear operator; that is for

any functions, f (t) and g(t) whose Laplace transforms

exists and any constants a and b it holds

L[af (t) + bg(t)] = aL[f (t)] + bL[g(t)] (2)

Example 5. Calculate Laplace transform of function

f (t) = cosh at =eat + e−at


If F (s) = L[f (t)] then L−1[F (s)] = f (t). Notice

that tranform tables are very useful in finding the inverse

Laplace transform L−1(F ), quite often some algebraic

manipulation is needed first.

Example 6. Laplace transform is of form

F (s) =1

(s− a)(s− b), a 6= b

What is the original function? In other words calculate

inverse Laplace transform, L−1(F ).

Note! L−1(F ) is a linear transform, because L(f ) is



Page 5: Laplace Transform

Table 1: Some functions of f(t) and their Laplace Transforms L(f). Γ is agamma function Γ(v) =



no f(t) L(f)

1 11s

2 t1s2

3 t22!s3

4 tn, (n=0,1,2,...)n!


5 ta, (a positive)Γ(a+1)sa+1

6 eat 1s−a

7 cosωts


8 sinωtω


9 coshats


10 sinhata


11 eatcosωts−a


12 eatsinωtω


Example 7. Calculate inverse Laplace transform when

a)F (s) = 5ss2−25

b)F (s) = 2s4 − 3



Page 6: Laplace Transform

First Shifting Theorem:

L[eatf (t)] = F (s− a) (3)

L−1[F (s− a)] = eatf (t) (4)

Example 8. Calculate Laplace transform for

a) t2e−3t b)5e2t sinh 2t c)t5e3t

Example 9. Calculate inverse Laplace transform for

a) 1(s+1)2

b) 3s2+6s+18


Page 7: Laplace Transform

Existence of Laplace transforms

Existence Theorem:

Let f (t) be piecewise continuous function on finite inter-

val where t ≥ 0, and f (t) satisfies

∀ t ≥ 0, | f (t) |≤ Me−kt,

where k and M are constants, then f (t):s Laplace-transform

exist for all s > k.

• Not a big practical problem in most cases because

we can check a solution of a differential equation by


• Existence in not always quaranteed because we inte-

grate over an infinite interval.

– For a fixed s the integral in∫∞

0 e−stf (t)dt will

exist if the whole integrand e−stf (t)dt goes to

zero fast enough as t → ∞ say, at least like an

exponential function with a negative exponent.

(this fact motivates the inequality in existense


• The function f (t) need not be continuous. Sufficient

is so-called piecewise continuity.

• By definition, a function f (t) is piecewise continu-

ous on a finite interval a ≤ t ≤ b if f (t) is defined

on that interval and is such that the interval can


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be subdivided into finitely many intervals in each of

which f (t) is continuous and has finite limits as t

approaches either endpoints

• Finite jumps are the only discontinuities that a piece-

wise continuous function may have; these are known

as ordinary discontinuities.

Uniqueness: If the Laplace transform of a given

function exists, it is uniquely determined. Conversly, it

can be shown that if two functions have the same trans-

form, these functions cannot differ over an interval of pos-

itive length, although they may differ at various isolated

points. Since this is of no importance in applications, we

may say that the inverse of a given transform is essen-

tially unique. In particular, if two continuous functions

have the same transform, they are completely identical.

Example 10. Does the Laplace transform exist for

a) cosh t b)tn c) et2?


Page 9: Laplace Transform

Differentiation of Function

The Laplace transform is a method of solving differ-

ential equations. The crucial idea is that the Laplace

transform replaces operations of calculus by operations

of algebra on transforms. Roughly, differentiation of f (t)

is replaced by multiplication of L(f ) by s. Integration of

f (t) is replaced by division of L(f ) by s.

Theorem: Laplace transform of the deriva-

tive of f (t)

Suppose that f (t) is continuous for all t ≥ 0 satisfies the

existence theorem for some k and M , and has a deriva-

tive f ′(t) that is piecewise continuous on every finite in-

terval in the range t ≥ 0. Then the Laplace transform of

the derivative f ′(t) exists when s > k, and for the first


L(f ′) = sL(f )− f (0) (5)

when s > k.

Applying the same formula to the second derivative we

get following for f ′′(t):

L(f ′′) = sL(f ′)− f ′(0) = s[sL(f )− f (0)]− f ′(0),

in otherwords

L(f ′′) = s2L(f )− sf (0)− f ′(0). (6)

Same way we get for f ′′′(t)

L(f ′′′) = s3L(f )− s2f (0)− sf ′(0)− f ′′(0). (7)


Page 10: Laplace Transform

Let f (t) and its derivatives f ′(t), f ′′(t), ... ,f (n−1)(t)

be continuous functions for all t ≥ 0, satisfy the existence

theorem, for some k, M, and let the derivative f (n)(t) be

piecewise continuous on every finite interval in the range

t ≥ 0. Then the Laplace transform of f (n)(t) exists when

s > k and is given by

L(f (n)) = snL(f )−sn−1f (0)−sn−2f ′(0)− ...−f (n−1)(0)


Example 11. Let f (t) = 2t2. Calculate L(f (t)) using

equations for derivates and the knowledge of L(1).

As you can see from the example there can be several

ways to find Laplace transform of a function.

Example 12. Calculate L(f ) when f (t) = cos2 t by

using the derivative.

Example 13. Calculate L(f ) when f (t) = 2t cos 3t.

(using the derivative)


Page 11: Laplace Transform

Differential equations and initial value prob-


Next we go into how the Laplace transform can be used

to solve differential equations. We begin with an initial

value problem of form

y′′ + ay′ + by = r(t), y(0) = K0, y′(0) = K1, (9)

where a and b are constants. Here r(t) is an input to the

system and y(t) is systems response (output). In Laplace

method we have three steps:

1. step. We get following form for differencial equa-

tion (9) by using first and second derivative and where

Y = L(y) and R = L(r)

[s2Y − sy(0)− y′(0)] + a[sY − y(0)] + bY = R(s),

this is called subsidiary equation. By collecting Y -terms

we get

(s2 + as + b)Y = (s + a)y(0) + y′(0) + R(s).

2. step. By dividing previous equation with (s2 +

as + b) or in otherwords using so called transfer function


Q(s) =1

s2 + as + b(10)


Page 12: Laplace Transform

We get solution for subsidiary equation

Y (s) = [(s + a)y(0) + y′(0)]Q(s) + R(s)Q(s). (11)

If y(0) = y′(0) = 0. We get Y = RQ where Q is

Q =Y



(this explains Qs name). Note that Q depends on a and

b, but not from r(t) or initial conditions.

3. step. We reduce (11) (usually by partial fractions)

to sum form, where sum terms inverse transforms are

gained from the tables. We get the solution

y(t) = L−1(Y )

for differential equation (9).

Example 14. Solve initial value problem

y′′ − y = t, y(0) = 1, y′(0) = 1.

Example 15. Solve initial value problem

9y′′ − 6y′ + y = 0 y(0) = 3, y′(0) = 1

Example 16. The LRC circuit consists of a resistor R,

a capacitor C and an inductor L connected in series to-

gether with a voltage source e(t). Prior to closing the

switch at time t = 0, both the charge on the capacitor

and the resulting current in the circuit are zero. Deter-

mine the charge q(t) on the capacitor and the resulting


Page 13: Laplace Transform

current i(t) in the circuit at time t given that R = 160

ohms, L = 1 henry, C = 10−4 farad and e(t) = 20 V.

We are assuming that q(0) = q′(0) = 0.

Example 17. The mass-spring-damper system is sub-

jected to an externally applied periodic for F (t) = 4 sin 2t

at time t = 0. Determine the resulting displacement y(t)

of the mass at time t, given that y(0) = y′(0) = 0, and

spring constant k = 25, damping coefficient B = 6 and

mass m = 1.


Page 14: Laplace Transform

Laplace Transform of the Integral of a Func-


Differetiation and integration are inverse processes. Ac-

cordingly, since differentiation of a function corresponds

to the multiplication of its transform by s, we expect in-

tegration of a function to correspond to division of its

transform by s, because divison is the inverse operation

of multiplication.

Theorem:Integration of f (t)

If f (t) is piecewise continuous and satisfies the existence

theorem, then

L{∫ t


f (τ )dτ



sL{f (t)}, s > 0, s > k. (12)

k is from the existence theorem (in otherwords we are

assuming that the solution exists). Equation (12) has a

useful consequence. We define L{f (t)} = F (s), when

using the inverse transform we get



sF (s)


∫ t


f (τ )dτ. (13)

Example 18. Find f (t), when

L(f ) =1

s(s2 + ω2).


Page 15: Laplace Transform

Example 19. Find f (t), when

L(f ) =1

s2(s2 + ω2).

Example 20. Solve initial value problem

y′ + 0.2y = 0.01t, y(0) = −0.25

Example 21. Using the Laplace transform, find the

current i(t) in the LC-circuit, assuming L = 2 henry,

C = 0.5 farad, zero initial current and charge on the ca-

pacitor, and v(t) = 10 ohms. Equation for the circuit


Li′(t) +1


∫ t


i(τ )dτ = v(t)


Page 16: Laplace Transform

s-shift, t-shift and unit step function


If f (t) has Laplace transform of F (s), where s > k,

then function eatf (t) has Laplace transform F (s − a),

where s− a > k. So, if L{f (t)} = F (s), we have

L{eatf (t)

}= F (s− a). (14)

So if f (t) has a known transform F (s), for function

eatf (t) we get transform by moving of a in the s-axis, in

other words by placing s− a for s we get F (s− a).

Remark 1. By taking the inverse transform from both

sidesof (14) we get

L−1{F (s− a)} = eatf (t). (15)

Example 22. Iron ball which mass m = 2 is anchored

in elastic springs bottom while upper end is fixed to wall.

Spring constant is k = 10. Determine the displacement

y(t) of the mass from the equilibrium at time t. given that

oscillation is starting from y(0) = 2 and initial speed is

y′(0) = −4. We also assume that damping is propor-

tional to speed while damping constant is c = 4.

Initial value problem for movement is given by

y′′ + 2y′ + 5y = 0, y(0) = 2, y′(0) = −4


Page 17: Laplace Transform

Example 23 (nonhomogenic differential equation). Solve

the initial value problem

y′′ − 2y′ + y = et + t, y(0) = 1, y′(0) = 0.

t-shifting: Replacing t by t− a in f (t)

Second shifting theorem: t-shifting:

If f (t) has Laplace transform of F (s), then function

f (t) =

{0, when t < a

f (t− a), when t > a(16)

where a ≥ 0 is arbitrary has Laplace transform

L(f (t)) = e−asF (s).

According to this if Laplace transform F (s) of f (t) is

known, then Laplace transform of function (16) is gained

by multiplying F (s) with term e−as, in otherwords by

shifting f (t)s variable by a (shift along the t-axis).


Page 18: Laplace Transform

Definition 1. Unit step function u(t − a) is defined


u(t− a) =

{0, when t < a

1, when t > a, a ≥ 0. (17)

Function u has a unit jump at t = a, where its value

is left undefined.

Unit step function u(t− a) is used in many functions

and it has enlarged the use of Laplace transform in many

areas. Unit step function can be used e.g. as representing

a function f (t) in t-shift (16) in form f (t − a)u(t − a),

in otherwords

f (t− a)u(t− a) =

{0, when t < a

f (t− a), when t > a(18)

This function is similar to f (t) when t > 0, but it is

shifted as worth to the right. The unit step function is a

typical ”engineering function” made to measure for engi-

neering applications, which often involve functions (me-

chanical or electrical driving forces) that are either ”off”

or ”on”. Multiplying functions f (t) with u(t−a), we can

produce all sorts of effects.

For example equations f (t − 2)u(t − 2) = cos(t −2)u(t − 2) figure is similar to f (t) = cos t, t > 0, but it


Page 19: Laplace Transform

is shifted two units right from cos t. When t < a = 2, is

cos(t− 2)u(t− 2) = 0, because at this area u(t− 2) = 0.

By using equation (18) t-shifting theorem can be re-

framed as:

If L{f (t)} = F (s), then

L{f (t− a)u(t− a)} = e−asF (s). (19)

Remark 2. By taking inverse from both sides of (19)

we get

L−1{e−asF (s)} = f (t− a)u(t− a). (20)

In efficient use of Laplace tranforms we also need unit

step functions u(t− a) Laplace transform

L{u(t− a)} =e−as

s, s > 0. (21)

Example 24. Calculate inverse transform for function

F (s) =e−3s


Example 25. Find Laplace transform for function

f (t) =

2, when 0 < t < π

0, when π < t < 2π

sin t, when t > 2π

Example 26. Find the current i(t) in the RC-circuit

if a single square wave with voltage v0 is applied so


Page 20: Laplace Transform

that it is starting at t = a and ending at t = b. The

circuit is assumed to be quiescent before the square

wave is applied and the equation for the circuit is:

Ri(t) +q(t)

C= Ri(t) +



∫ t


i(τ )dτ = v(t)

About translation formula

The usual Laplace transform for translation on the t-

axis is

L{f (t− a)u(t− a)} = e−asF (s).

where F (s) = L(f (t)).

This formula is useful for computing inverse Laplace

transform of e−asF (s), for example. On the other hand,

as written above it is not immediately applicable to com-

puting the Laplace transform of functions having the form

u(t − a)f (t). For this you can use instead the previous


L{u(t− a)f (t)} = e−asL(f (t + a)) a > 0 (22)

Example 27. Calculate the Laplace transform of u(t−1)(t2 + 2t)


Page 21: Laplace Transform

Example 28. Find L (u(t− π

2) sin t)

Example 29. Using the Laplace transform, find the cur-

rent i(t) in the LC-circuit, assuming L = 1 henry, C = 1

farad, zero initial current and charge on the capacitor,

and v(t) = 1 if 0 < t < a and v(t) = 0 if otherwise.

Equation for the circuit is

Li′(t) +1


∫ t


i(τ )dτ = v(t)

Short impulses. Dirac’s delta function

Phenomena of an impulsive nature, such as the action

of very large forces (or voltages) over very short intervals

of time, are of great practical interest, since they arise in

various applications. This situation occurs, for instance,

when a tennis ball is hit, a system is given a blow by a

hammer, an airplane makes a hard landing, a ship is hit

by a high single wave, and so on. Next the goal is to

show how to solve problems involving short impulses by

Laplace transforms.

In mechanics, the impulse of a force f (t) over a time

interval, a ≤ t ≤ a + k, is defined to be the integral of

f (t) from a to a + k. The analog for an electric circuit

is the integral of the electromotive force applied to the

circuit, integrated from a to a + k. Of particular prac-

tical interest is the case of a very short k (and its limit


Page 22: Laplace Transform

k → 0), that is, the impulse of a force acting only for an

instant. To handle the case, we consider the function

fk(t− a) =

{1k , if a ≤ t ≤ a + k

0, otherwise(23)

The limit of fk(t−a) as k → 0 is denoted by δ(t−a),

that is

δ(t− a) = limk→0

fk(t− a) (24)

and the Laplace transform is

L[δ(t− a)] = e−as (25)

Example 30. Response of a damped vibrating system

to a single square wave and to a unit impulse.

Determine the response of the damped mass-spring sys-

tem governed by

y′′ + 3y′ + 2y = r(t), y(0) = 0. y′(0) = 0

a) where r(t) is the square wave r(t) = u(t−1)−u(t−2)

b) where r(t) is a unit impulse r(t) = δ(t− 1)

Differentiation and Integration of Transforms

The variety of methods for obtaining transforms or

inverse transforms and their application in solving differ-

ential equations is suprisingly large. They include


Page 23: Laplace Transform

1) direct integration

2) the use of linearity

3) shifting

4) differentiation or

5) integration of function f (t).

Next we consider differentiation and integration of trans-

form F (s) and find the corresponding operations for orig-

inal function f (t).

It can be shown that if f (t) satisfies the conditions of

the existence theorem, then the derivative F ′(s) of trans-


F (s) = L(f ) =

∫ ∞


e−stf (t)dt

with respect to s can be obtained by differentiating

under the integral sign with respect to s!; thus

F ′(s) = −∫ ∞


e−st[tf (t)]dt

Consequently, if L(f ) = F (s), then

L[tf (t)] = −F ′(s) (26)


Page 24: Laplace Transform

In practice differentiation of the transform of a func-

tion corresponds to the multiplication of the function by

(−t). Similarly

L−1[F ′(s)] = −tf (t) (27)

This property enables us to get new transforms from

the previously given ones.

Example 31. Derive following equations which are given

with original functions


(s2 + β2)2, original function:


2β3(sin βt−βt cos βt)



(s2 + β2)2, original function:


2βsin βt



(s2 + β2)2, original function:


2β(sin βt+βt cos βt)


Example 32. The mass-spring-damper system is sub-

jected to an externally applied periodic force F (t) =

4 sin ωt at time t = 0. Determine the resulting displace-

ment y(t) of the mass at time t, given that y(0) = y′(0) =


Page 25: Laplace Transform

0, and ω = 5, spring constant k = 25, mass m = 1 and

damping coefficient B = 0. Differential equation for the

system is

my′′ + By′ + ky = F (t)

Integration of Transforms

If f (t) satisfies the existence theorem and limit


f (t)


exists, then


f (t)



∫ ∞


F (s)ds, s > k, (31)

Which means in practice that integral of functions f (t)

transform corresponds to dividing f (t) by t. Similarily


{∫ ∞


F (s)ds


f (t)

t. (32)

From definition it follows∫ ∞


F (s)ds =

∫ ∞


[∫ ∞


e−stf (t)dt


and it can be shown that under previous conditions we

can change the order of integration∫ ∞


F (s)ds =

∫ ∞


[∫ ∞


e−stf (t)ds

]dt =

∫ ∞


f (t)

(∫ ∞





Page 26: Laplace Transform

Integral integrating over s is e−st/t, when s > k, so∫ ∞


F (s)ds =

∫ ∞


e−stf (t)

tdt = L

{f (t)


}, s > k.

Example 33. Find inverse transform for function


(1 +





Page 27: Laplace Transform

Differential equations with Variable Coeffi-


FromL(tf (t)) = −F ′(s) with f = y′dy/dt andL(y′) =

sY − y(0) and subsequent product differentiation we ob-


L(ty′) = − d

ds(sY − y(0)) = −Y − s



SimilarlyL(tf (t)) = −F ′(s) with f = y′′ andL(f ′′) =

s2Y − sf (0)− f ′(0)

we obtain

L(ty′′) = − d


(s2Y − sy(0)− y′(0)

)= −2sY−s2dY



Hence if a differential equation has coefficients such as

at + b, we get a first-order differential equation for Y ,

which is sometimes simpler than the given equation. But

if the latter has coefficients at2+bt+c, we get, by two ap-

plications of (1), a second-order differential equation for

Y , and this shows that the Laplace transform method

works well only for very special equations with variable

coefficients. We illustrate it for an important equation in

the following example.


Page 28: Laplace Transform

Example 34. Laquerre’s differential equation is

ty′′ + (1− t)y′ + ny = 0 (35)

We determine a solution of (35) with n = 0, 1, 2, ... From

(33) −− (35) we get

[−2sY − s2dY

ds+ y(0)


(−Y − s



)+nY = 0

Simplification gives

(s− s2)dY

ds+ (n + 1− s)Y = 0

Separating variables, using partial fractions, integrat-

ing and taking exponentials, we get


Y= −n + 1− s

s− s2ds =


s− 1− n + 1


)ds and Y =

(s− 1)n



We write In = L−1(Y ) and show that

l0 = 1 ln(t) =et



dtn(tne−t) (37)

These are polynomials because the exponential terms

cancel if we perform the indicated differentiations. They

are called Laquerre polynomials and are usually denoted

by Ln


Page 29: Laplace Transform

Convolution. Integral equations

Another important general property of the Laplace

transform has to do with product of transforms. It often

happens that we are given two transforms F (s) and G(s)

whose inverses f (t) and g(t) we know, and we would like

to calculate the inverse of the product H(s) = F (s)G(s)

from those known inverses f (t) and g(t). This inverse

h(t) is written (f ∗ g)(t), which is a standard notation,

and is called the convolution of f and g. Since the

situation and task just described arise quite often in ap-

plications, this theorem is of considerable practical im-


Convolution and related operations are found in many

applications of engineering and mathematics.

1) In statistics, a weighted moving average is a convo-


2) also the probability distribution of the sum of two

independent random variables is the convolution of

each of their distributions.

3) In optics, many kinds of ”blur” are described by con-

volutions. A shadow (e.g. the shadow on the table

when you hold your hand between the table and a

light source) is the convolution of the shape of the


Page 30: Laplace Transform

light source that is casting the shadow and the object

whose shadow is being cast. An out-of-focus photo-

graph is the convolution of the sharp image with the

shape of the iris diaphragm. The photographic term

for this is bokeh.

4) Similarly, in digital image processing, convolutional

filtering plays an important role in many important

algorithms in edge detection and related processes.

5) In linear acoustics, an echo is the convolution of the

original sound with a function representing the vari-

ous objects that are reflecting it.

6) In artificial reverberation (digital signal processing,

pro audio), convolution is used to map the impulse

response of a real room on a digital audio signal.

7) In electrical engineering and other disciplines, the

output (response) of a (stationary, or time- or space-

invariant) linear system is the convolution of the in-

put (excitation) with the system’s response to an im-

pulse or Dirac delta function.

8) In time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, the exci-

tation signal can be treated as a chain of delta pulses,

and the measured fluorescence is a sum of exponen-

tial decays from each delta pulse.

9) In physics, wherever there is a linear system with


Page 31: Laplace Transform

a ”superposition principle”, a convolution operation

makes an appearance.

10) This is the fundamental problem term in the Navier

Stokes Equations relating to the Clay Institute of

Mathematics Millennium Problem and the associ-

ated million dollar prize.

11) In digital signal processing, frequency filtering can

be simplified by convolving two functions (data with

a filter) in the time domain, which is analogous to

multiplying the data with a filter in the frequency


Definition: Let F (s) and G(s) be two transform

functions which original functions f (t) and g(t) are known.

In convolution we compute product H(s) = F (s)G(s),

where F (s) and G(s) are, inverse transforms from orig-

inal functions f (t) and g(t). This inverse transform of

H(s) is

h(t) = (f ∗ g)(t),

which is called convolution of f and g.

Convolution theorem:

We assume that f (t) and g(t) satisfies the existence the-

orem. Then their transforms F (s) = L(f ) and G(s) =

L(g) product is f (t)s and g(t)s convolution h(t) Laplace

transform H(s) = L(h), we mark it as L(f ∗g)(t), where


Page 32: Laplace Transform

h is defined by

h(t) = (f ∗ g)(t) =

∫ t


f (τ )g(t− τ )dτ. (38)

Example 35. What is the original function of the trans-

form function H(s) = 1(s2+1)2


Example 36. Define functions t and 1 convolution.

By applying definition of convolution we can show that

convolution f ∗ g has following properties

f ∗ g = g ∗ f (commutative law)

f ∗ (g1 + g2) = f ∗ g1 + f ∗ g2 (distributive law)

(f ∗ g) ∗ h = f ∗ (g ∗ h) (associative law)

f ∗ 0 = 0 ∗ f = 0

Just like in multiplication. Allthough in general

f ∗ 1 6= f,

as we can see from example 36. Another abnormality is


(f ∗ f )(t) ≥ 0

is not always true, like we can see from example 35.


Page 33: Laplace Transform

Differential equation and convolution:

Reminding that differential equation

y′′ + ay′ + by = r(t) (39)

has a subsidiary equation which solution

Y (s) = [(s + a)y(0) + y′(0)]Q(s) + R(s)Q(s) (40)

where R(s) = L(r) and

Q(s) =1

(s2 + as + b)

is transfer function. Using initial conditions y(0) = y′(0) =

0 for differential equation (39), we get for solution of y(t)

as inverse transform ofY = RQ. This solution according

to convolution theorem is

y(t) =

∫ t


q(t− τ )r(τ )dτ, q(t) = L−1(Q). (41)

Example 37 (Response of a oscillation system to a sin-

gle square wave ). Let us take a look at the model

y′′+2y = r(t), r(t) =

{1, when 0 < t < 1

0 otherwise, y(0) = y′(0) = 0.

We solve this by using convolution so that we can see how

it works for inputs which are effecting the system.


Page 34: Laplace Transform

Example 38 (Response of a damped system to a single

square wave). Reconsider the model

y′′+3y′+2y = r(t), r(t) =

{1, when 1 < t < 2

0 otherwise,

when y(0) = y′(0) = 0 and solve it using the convolu-

tion technique.


Page 35: Laplace Transform

Integral equations

Convolution can be also used to solve such integral

equations where unkown function y(t) is inside the in-

tegral. This applies to integral equations which are of

convolution form.

Example 39. Solve integral equation

y(t) = t +

∫ t


y(τ ) sin(t− τ )dτ.

Example 40. Sometimes the convolution theorem can

be used to solve quite general initial value problems. As

illustration, consider the problem

y′′ − 2y′ − 8y = f (t), quady(0) = 1, y′(0) = 0


Page 36: Laplace Transform

Partial fractions, differential equations

The solution Y (s) of a subsidiary equation of a differ-

ential equation usually comes out as a quotient of two


Y (s) =F (s)


Hence we can determine its inverse by writing Y (s) as

a sum of partial fractions and obtain the inverse of

the latter from a table and the first shifting theorem. In

context of Laplace transforms, partial fraction represen-

tations and their inverse transforms are sometimes called

Heaviside expansions. The form of the partial fractions

depends on the kind of factors in the product form of


Case 1 Unrepeated factors s− a

Case 2 Repeated factors (s− a)m

Case 3 Complex factors (s− a)(s− a)

Case 4 Repeated complex factors [(s− a)(s− a)]m

Unrepeated factors (s − a)(s − b), etc require partial

fractions A1s−a + A2

s−b, etc.

Example 41 (Case unrepeated factors). Solve the ini-

tial value problem


Page 37: Laplace Transform

y′′ + y′ − 6y = 1 y(0) = 0, y′(0) = 1

Repeated factors e.g. (s− a)3 require partial fractionsA1

(s−a)3+ A2

(s−a)2+ A3

(s−a), respectively

Example 42. Using the Laplace transform solve the

differential equation

y′′ + y′ − 6y = e−3t (42)

with initial conditions y(0) = y′(0) = 0.

Example 43 (Case repeated factors). Solve the differ-

ential equation using the Laplace transform

y′′ − 3y′ + 2y = 4t, y(0) = 1, y′(0) = −1

Unrepeated complex factors. Such factors occur for

instance in connection with vibration. IF s − a with

complex a = a1 + ib1 is factor of G(s), so is s − a,

with a = a1 − ib1 the conjugate. To (s − a)(s − a)(=

(s − a1)2 + b2

1) there corresponds the partial fractionAs+B

(s−a)(s−a) or As+B(s−a1)2+b21


Unrepeated complex factors can occur e.g. in damping

vibrating systems in mechanics.

Example 44 (Case unrepeated complex factors, Damped

forced vibrations). Solve the initial value problem


Page 38: Laplace Transform

y′′+2y′+2y = r(t), r(t) =

{10 sin 2t, if 0 < t < π

0 otherwise,

Example 45 (Case unrepeated complex factors, LC–

circuit). Using the Laplace transform, find the current

i(t) in following LC-circuit assuming L = 1 henry, C = 1

farad, zero initial current and charge on the capacitor and

v(t) = t if 0 < t < 1 and v(t) = 1 if t > 1

Li′ +1


∫ t


i(τ )dτ = v(t)

Example 46. Using the Laplace transform solve the

differential equation

y′′ + 6y′ + 13y = 0

with boundary conditions y(0) = 0 and y′(0) = 1.

Repeated complex factors. [(s − a)(s − a)]2. In this

case the partial fractions are of the formAs+B

[(s−a)(s−a)]2+ Ms+N


Repeated complex factors often occur e.g. in cases

where resonance is involved (cases where there is no damp-

ing like in previous example) or from electrical systems

in LC-circuits.

Example 47. In an undamped mass-spring system, res-

onance occurs if the frequency of the driving force equals

the natural frequency of the system. Then the model is


Page 39: Laplace Transform

y′′ + ω20y = K sin ω0t

Solve this differential equation with initial values y(0) =

y′(0) = 0.


Page 40: Laplace Transform

Systems of Differential Equations

The Laplace transform can be used to solve systems of

differential equations.

For a first order linear system:

y′1 = a11y1 + a12y2 + g1(t)

y′2 = a21y1 + a22y2 + g2(t)


writing Y1 = L[y1], Y2 = L[y2], G1 = L[g1], G2 =

L[g2], we obtain the subsidiary equations

sY1 − y1(0) = a11Y1 + a12Y2 + G1(s)

sY2 − y2(0) = a21Y1 + a22Y2 + G2(s)(44)

or, by collecting the Y1- and Y2-terms,

(s− a11)Y1 − a12Y2 = y1(0) + G1(s)

−a21Y1 + (s− a22)Y2 = y2(0) + G2(s)(45)

This must be solved algebraically for Y1(s) and Y2(s).

There is of course several ways to do this and next only

one is described:


Page 41: Laplace Transform

By matrix calculus:

Compute the determinant:

∆ =

∣∣∣∣(s− a11) −a12

−a21 (s− a22)

∣∣∣∣Solution for Y1(s) is:

Y1 =1

∣∣∣∣(y1(0) + G1(s)) −a12

(y2(0) + G2(s)) (s− a22)

∣∣∣∣and solution for Y2(s) is:

Y2 =1

∣∣∣∣(s− a11) (y1(0) + G1(s))

−a21 (y2(0) + G2(s))

∣∣∣∣The solution of the given system is then obtained by

taking the inverse of y1 = L−1(Y1) and y2 = L−1(Y2).

Same procedure can be used to solve second order lin-

ear systems.

Example 48. Mixing problem involving two tanks

Tank T1 contains initially 100 gal of pure water. Tank

T2 contains initially 100 gal of water in which 150 lb of

salt are dissolved. The inflow into T1 is 2 gal/min from

T2 and 6 gal/min containing 6 lb of salt from the outside.


Page 42: Laplace Transform

The inflow into T2 is 8 gal/min from T1. The outflow from

T2 is 2 + 6 = 8 gal/min. The mixtures are kept uniform

by stirring. Find the salt contents y1(t) and y2(t) in T1

and T2 respectively.

Example 49. Using laplace transform method, find the

currents i1(t) and i2(t) in electrical network which is gov-

erned by following differential equation system

L1i′1 + R1(i1 − i2) + R2i1 = v(t)

L2i′2 + R1(i2 − i1) = 0

where L1 = 0.8 H, L2 = 1 H , R1 = 1 ohms, R2 = 1.4

ohms, v(t) = 100 volts if 0 < t < 0.5 and 0 thereafter

and i1(0) = 0, i2(0) = 0.

Example 50. Secondary circuit with mutual induction:

A voltage e(t) is applied to the primary circuit at time

t = 0, and mutual induction M drives the current i2 in

the secondary circuit. If prior to closing the switch, the

currents in both circuits are zero, determine the induced

current i2 in the secondary circuit at time t when R1 = 4

ohms, R2 = 10 ohms, L1 = 2 H, L2 = 8 H, M = 2 H,

and e(t) = 28 sin 2t V. System of differential equations

for this network is

R1i1 + L1ddti1 + M d

dti2 = e(t)

R2i2 + L2ddti2 + M d

dti1 = 0


Page 43: Laplace Transform

Laplace transform of a periodic function

If f (t) is a periodic function with period a we have

f (t + a) = f (t). The Laplace transform of f (t) can be

found by integrating over only one period:

L(f ) =1

1− e−as

∫ a


f (t)e−stdt (46)

This equation can be derived as follows:

L(f ) =

∫ ∞


f (t)e−stdt


∫ a


f (t)e−stdt +

∫ 2a


f (t)e−stdt + ...



∫ (n+1)a


f (t)e−stdt

Next we integrate one term of the sum using the change

of variable t′ = t− na:

∫ (n+1)a


f (t)e−stdt =

∫ a


f (t′ + na)e−st′−nasdt′

Hence, dropping the prime on t we get

L(f ) =

( ∞∑n=0


)∫ a


f (t)e−stdt


Page 44: Laplace Transform

using the sum formula for geometric series we get


xn =1

1− x

to make the replacement


e−san =1

1− e−sa

Proving the formula.

Example 51. a) Find the Laplace transform of the saw

tooth function

f (t) =

{t < 0 ≤ t < 1

0 t ≥ 1

b) Find the Laplace transform of the periodic saw tooth

function with period one given by

f (t) = t 0 ≤ t < 1

f (t + 1) = f (t)