Download - Languages of China Spoken Chinese Chinese is a family of closely- related but mutually unintelligible languages called dialects: In all over 1.2 billion.

Page 1: Languages of China Spoken Chinese Chinese is a family of closely- related but mutually unintelligible languages called dialects: In all over 1.2 billion.

Languages of ChinaSpoken Chinese

Chinese is a family of closely-related but mutually unintelligible languages called dialects:

In all over 1.2 billion people speak one or more varieties of Chinese.

All varieties of Chinese are tonal. For example Mandarin has 4 tones, Cantonese has between 6 and 9 and Taiwanese has 7 tones.

Most people in China and Taiwan speak Mandarin as a 2nd language

In Hong Kong and Macau many use English to communicate with people from other parts of China

Page 2: Languages of China Spoken Chinese Chinese is a family of closely- related but mutually unintelligible languages called dialects: In all over 1.2 billion.

Languages of China II.Major varieties of Chinese include:Mandarin is spoken by more people

than any other language: over 1 billion. It is the main language of government, the media and education in China and Taiwan, and Singapore.

Shanghainese: Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces and in Shanghai and Hong Kong by about 77 million people.

Cantonese is spoken by about 66 million people.

Southern Min Mĭn is in the south of Fujian province, Guangdong province, southern Hainan Island

Yŭ is spoken mainly in Shanxi province and also in Shanxi and Henan provinces by about 45 million people.

Dungan is spoken by the Muslim Hui people in China, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. There are 50,000 speakers. It is written with the Cyrillic alphabet.

Page 3: Languages of China Spoken Chinese Chinese is a family of closely- related but mutually unintelligible languages called dialects: In all over 1.2 billion.

Compare US and China

How does the size of China compare with the US?

Page 4: Languages of China Spoken Chinese Chinese is a family of closely- related but mutually unintelligible languages called dialects: In all over 1.2 billion.

Compare US and China


China 3.69 million square miles

USA 3.68 million square miles


40% of the U.S. land can be cultivated

11% of China's land is arable.


  273 million population in the U.S., less than 3% are engaged in farming

U.S. has about 80% more farmland than does China and 10 times more farmland per capita.

Page 5: Languages of China Spoken Chinese Chinese is a family of closely- related but mutually unintelligible languages called dialects: In all over 1.2 billion.

Compare US and China

China is not an urban society

311,000,000 URBAN POPULATION exceeds the actual total population of the United States.

The urban population of the U.S. is approximately 194,7000,000, some 75% of the country's total

74% of China's population is still primarily engaged in agriculture and living in rural areas

Like China, the US has a densely populated east coast. Unlike the US, however, China's farmland is not concentrated in a relatively under populated central section of the country.

Page 6: Languages of China Spoken Chinese Chinese is a family of closely- related but mutually unintelligible languages called dialects: In all over 1.2 billion.

Population Density

Like China, the US has a densely populated east coast. Unlike the US, however, China's farmland is not concentrated in a relatively under populated central section of the country

Page 7: Languages of China Spoken Chinese Chinese is a family of closely- related but mutually unintelligible languages called dialects: In all over 1.2 billion.

Population Comparison

China’s population of 1,300,000,000 nearly exceeds the COMBINED populations of

• Europe (579,700,000)• South America (311,500,000)• United States (272,573,000) • Japan (125,200,000)

By comparison, the population of the United States is equivalent to only 22% of China's population.

Page 8: Languages of China Spoken Chinese Chinese is a family of closely- related but mutually unintelligible languages called dialects: In all over 1.2 billion.

How have Chinese borders changed over time?