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tters 261 (2007) 120–

Earth and Planetary Science Le

Landscape responses to intraplate tectonism: Quantitativeconstraints from 10Be nuclide abundances

Mark Quigley a,⁎, Mike Sandiford a, L. Keith Fifield b, Abaz Alimanovic a

a School of Earth Sciences, The University of Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australiab Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Australia National University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia

Received 9 March 2007; received in revised form 13 June 2007; accepted 13 June 2007

Available on

Editor: R.D. van der Hilst

line 22 June 2007


Cosmogenic 10Be concentrations in bedrock and alluvium combined with structural studies provide a novel approach foridentifying neotectonic forcing of landscape evolution in mildly deforming continental interiors. Measured 10Be concentrations inthe Flinders Ranges indicate rapid and spatially variable rates of bedrock erosion in a catchment that has incurred at least threelarge, surface-rupturing earthquakes since ∼67 ka. 10Be-derived erosion rates are lower where late Quaternary neotectonic activityis reduced or absent, implying that 10Be concentration may act as a ‘tracer’ for disequilibrium landscapes responding to recenttectonism. Mechanisms for elevated erosion rates include (1) headward migration of fault-generated bedrock knickpoints andresultant oversteepening of stream profiles and catchment hillslopes and (2) liberation of bedrock material from catchmenthillslopes via co-seismic shaking. Despite climatic influences on sediment production and transport, this study shows thattectonism can provide a dominant control on bedrock erosion rate and relief production in unglaciated mountain belts, even inintraplate settings where rates of crustal deformation are mild and earthquake activity is episodic.© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: earthquakes; intraplate tectonics; landscape evolution; 10Be; cosmogenic; isotopes; erosion

1. Introduction

Concentrations of in situ produced cosmogenic 10Bein bedrock and alluvial sediment provide quantitativemeasures of surface exposure ages and bedrock andcatchment-averaged erosion rates (e.g., Lal, 1991;Granger et al., 1996; Bierman and Steig, 1996; Smallet al., 1997; von Blanckenburg, 2006). Spatial distribu-tions of 10Be concentrations therefore provide insightinto some of the more pressing problems in landscape

⁎ Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Quigley).

0012-821X/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.06.020

evolution, including quantitative measures of reliefdevelopment in continental landscapes and the responseof landscapes to tectonic and climatic forcing. Recentcompilations of world-wide 10Be denudation rates innon-glaciated areas (Riebe et al., 2004; von Blancken-burg, 2006) show a definitive correlation with spatialdistributions of tectonic activity, with tectonically activeregions characterized by high erosion rates (∼100–1000 m/Myr) and tectonically stable regions character-ized by low erosion rates (1–20 m/Myr Bierman andCaffee, 2001, 2002). Conversely, no obvious relation-ship appears to exist between climate (precipitation andtemperature) and 10Be erosion rates (Riebe et al., 2001a,

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2004; von Blanckenburg, 2006) although some workershave speculated that subtle variations in bedrock erosionrate (on the order of 1–3 m/Myr) may reflect variations inmean annual precipitation (Bierman and Caffe, 2002).Collectively, these studies suggest that spatial variationsin the degree of neotectonic forcing of landscapes, viaprocesses such as faulting, knickpoint formation andpropagation, and hillslope oversteepening may berecorded by significant variations in 10Be concentrationsof bedrock and alluvium derived from these landscapes,while climatic variability may have only a minimalinfluence on 10Be concentrations (e.g., Riebe et al., 2004).

Cosmogenic 10Be concentrations in bedrock surfacesexposed throughout a landscape also provide pointmeasurements of erosion that can be regionallycorrelated to assess whether relief has increased (i.e.summit surface erosion outpaced by valley incision),decreased (valley incision outpaced by summit surfaceerosion) or remained in steady state during the lateQuaternary (e.g., Small et al., 1997). The origin of highrelief within many intracontinental mountain belts iscontroversial (Zhang et al., 2001). Some workers haveattributed apparent increases in Plio–Quaternary erosionto mild intraplate deformation (Kuhlemann et al., 2001;McMillan et al., 2002; Stock et al., 2005) while othershave inferred that erosion rates were increased due to arapidly oscillating late Cenozoic climate (Zhang et al.,2001). This debate is pertinent to Australia, whererelatively high relief (up to 1000 m) apparently‘youthful’ landscapes have developed in regions sub-jected to mild rates of intraplate tectonism, with seismicstrain rates estimated at 10−16 to 10−17 s−1 (Celerieret al., 2005). The relief characterizing many ofAustralia's upland landscapes has been interpretedboth as ancient (i.e. pre-Eocene; Veevers, 1984) and asyoung (i.e. Plio–Quaternary; Callen and Tedford, 1976).In this respect, cosmogenic 10Be dating provides a novelway to distinguish between these competing hypothesesby providing a quantitative measure of whether alandscape is in a state of relief production or decay,and to reconcile this assessment with the tectonic andclimatic influences on mountain erosion. Additionally, if10Be erosion rates are combined with estimates of rockuplift from tectonic studies, estimates of surface uplift,which is of fundamental importance in resolving thedynamics of mountain ranges, may be derived (Englandand Molnar, 1990).

In this paper, we derive in situ bedrock andcatchment-averaged erosion rates from cosmogenic10Be concentrations in bedrock and alluvium in thesemi-arid Flinders Ranges in south-central Australia.The study area has been subjected to a number of

significant, surface-rupturing fault movements since∼80 ka (Quigley et al., 2006) and therefore provides asetting where 10Be concentrations in a region of mildneotectonic activity can be compared to 10Be concen-trations in adjacent, climatically similar settings wheresuch tectonism has not occurred or is occurring at muchreduced levels. In addition, in situ erosion rate data isused to characterize relief production and, whencombined with structural data, estimate the magnitudeof summit surface uplift in the late Quaternary. Thisallows the geomorphic imprint of intraplate tectonism tobe quantified in a continent generally regarded for itstectonic stability, low topography and ancient, slowlyeroding landforms (Twidale and Bourne, 1975; Twidale,1998; Bierman and Caffe, 2002). We suggest thatvariations in 10Be concentrations within mildly deform-ing intraplate settings are unlikely to reflect climaticvariability and may more likely provide a mechanism todistinguish between regions that have experiencedrecent tectonic activity from those which have not.

2. Study site

The Flinders Ranges are a geomorphically rugged,relatively high relief (up to 600–1000 m) uplandssystem in south-central Australia (Fig. 1). Althoughsituated more than 2000 km from the closest plateboundary, the ranges define one of the most seismicallyactive zones in Australia (Fig. 1), with hundreds of smallearthquakes recorded annually and five magnitude N5.0earthquakes recorded in the past century (Greenhalghet al., 1994). Historical earthquake focal mechanismsindicate a roughly E–W oriented maximum principlecompressive stress direction (Greenhalgh et al., 1994;Hillis and Reynolds, 2000; Clark and Leonard, 2003).The ranges are also bound by inward dipping reversefaults with Plio–Quaternary displacement histories.Investigations of these faults indicate (1) ∼E–Woriented paleo-maximum compressive stress orienta-tions consistent with historical earthquakes, (2) Plioceneto Recent slip rates of 20–150 m/Myr (Sandiford, 2003;Quigley et al., 2006), and (3) episodic fault behaviour,with most recent surface displacements ranging from∼12 ka to ≥80–100 ka (Quigley et al., 2006). Awealthof geologic evidence including fault data, regionalMiocene–Pliocene unconformities, uplifted Miocenelimestones, terminal Miocene changes in plate boundarykinematics and plate-scale numerical modelling implythat the presently active tectonic regime may beextrapolated back to at least ∼5–10 Ma and thattectonic uplift within this regime plausibly accounts formore than 50% of the present-day relief between range

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Fig. 1. Locations of earthquake epicenters in South Australia superimposed on a regional digital elevation map, showing spatial overlap of historicalseismicity with the Flinders and Mount Lofty Ranges (Celerier et al., 2005). Earthquake epicenter data courtesy of Geoscience Australia. Magnitudemeasures are based on local magnitude (ML) for Mb5.5 and surface magnitude (MS) for MN5.5. Inset shows correlation between principlecompressive stress orientations derived from historical and pre-historic (neotectonic) datasets (Quigley et al., 2006). Location of Fig. 2 as shown.

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tops and bounding piedmont surfaces (Sandiford, 2003;Sandiford et al., 2004; Quigley et al., 2006).

Several characteristics of the Flinders Ranges makethem an ideal site for studying the connections betweenintraplate tectonism, 10Be concentrations, and reliefproduction. Firstly, the ranges are small relative to manyof the world's intracontinental mountain belts, with acharacteristic width of 50 km and an average relief of500 m. Range bounding catchments have characteristi-cally small sediment fluxes characterized by transport

distances from sediment source to sink of less than10 km, an order of magnitude less than flexural length-scale of the lithosphere. Collectively these propertiesimply that any contribution of isostatic uplift of rocks inresponse to surface denudation is limited. Secondly,excellent exposures of range bounding faults andalluvial sequences permit regions subjected to youngtectonic activity to be identified and compared toregions that have remained tectonically quiescent overlate Quaternary timescales. The Wilkatana study area in

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Fig. 2. ASTER satellite image and underlying digital elevation map (3× vertical exaggeration) of the Wilkatana area, looking east-northeast (Quigleyet al., 2006). Location of 10Be sample sites, Wilkatana Fault System (WFS) and Depot Creek Fault (DCF) as shown.

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the central Flinders Ranges provides a site where well-established neotectonic gradients may be quantitativelyinvestigated using 10Be concentrations.

3. Geology of the Wilkatana area

The Wilkatana catchments are situated roughly50 km N of Port Augusta along the western flank ofthe central Flinders Ranges (Fig. 1). The catchmentscover an area of more than 60 km2 (Figs. 2 and 3). Thebedrock geology consists of a sequence of Neoproter-ozoic to Cambrian sediments, with resistant, steeply-dipping quartzite and sandstone strike-ridges formingsteep rocky ridges and limestone and shale unitsforming more rounded undulating landforms. Theregional climate is semi-arid, with mean annualprecipitation reflecting altitude, latitude and aspect,ranging from 250 mm/yr at Port Augusta to over400 mm/yr on the high ridges between Wilkatana andParachilna. Annual evaporation exceeds 2000 mmregionally and consequently catchments within theWilkatana and Parachilna areas are dry and lack anypermanent water bodies.

The Wilkatana area contains some of the youngestand most spectacular exposures of late Quaternaryfaulting in continental Australia. The anatomizing,north-trending Wilkatana Fault System defines therange front over a length of at least 14 km (Fig. 2) andis exposed at various sites within the North and SouthWilkatana Catchments where Proterozoic bedrock hasbeen thrust westward over Quaternary alluvium (Fig. 4)(Williams, 1973; Quigley et al., 2006). Using combinedstructural analysis and optically stimulated lumines-

cence dating studies of faulted and post-faultingsediment, Quigley et al. (2006) established a cumulativetotal of more than 12 m of hangingwall uplift along theWilkatana Fault System at North Wilkatana in responseto three surface-rupturing earthquakes from ∼67 to12 ka, and estimated ∼6 m of uplift along the fault atSouth Wilkatana since ∼80 ka. The Wilkatana FaultSystem is marked by a 4–5 m high scarp along the rangefront immediately south of South Wilkatana (Fig. 5a)that diminishes in offset further south over a distance ofseveral kilometers. The subsurface Depot Creek Fault(Fig. 2) appears to be a separate structure. The inferredsurface projection of the Depot Creek Fault is blanketedby unfaulted alluvium that yielded a luminescence ageof 71±7 ka, indicating that this fault has not incurred asurface rupture event since this time (Quigley et al.,2006). The magnitude and frequency of late Quaternaryreverse faulting and associated catchment uplift thusappears to decrease from north to south along theWilkatana range front (Quigley et al., 2006).

The Wilkatana range front is one of the steepest andmost linear range fronts in the Flinders Ranges (Fig. 2).Range-front slopes commonly exceed 20° betweenpiedmonts and crests and we obtained an estimate of∼1.36 for the range-front sinuosity (Bull and McFad-den, 1977). In comparison, range-front slopes in theParachilna area of the Flinders Ranges to the north(Fig. 1) range from 5 to 10° with a sinuosity estimate of2.19. Relatively unweathered and unvegetated landslidescars are present throughout the length of the rangefront, implying that landsliding plays an active andimportant role in the landscape response of this region.The most prominent and unvegetated landslide scar

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Fig. 3. Simplified geologic map of the Wilkatana alluvial fans and theirsource catchments.

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occurs between the North and South Wilkatana Catch-ments (Fig. 5b), where as much as 5 m of fracturedbedrock has been removed normal to the paleo-hillslopein the hangingwall of the Wilkatana Fault.

TheWilkatana alluvial fans are amongst the largest inAustralia (Williams, 1973), covering an area ofN120 km2 (Figs. 2 and 3). They comprise interbeddeddebris-flow deposits and clast-supported river gravels ofPliocene to Quaternary age (Williams, 1973). A 1–2 mthick calcareous paleosol capping fan surfaces is ∼25–35 ka old (Williams, 1973). The fans have beendissected at their apexes to depths of 10–15 m andsubsequently infilled by a sequence of Holocene toRecent alluvial gravels (Williams, 1973). Quigley et al.(in review) suggested that the volumetric accumulationof sediment in the Wilkatana fans relates to the focusingof neotectonic deformation in the Wilkatana area, whilethe transition from debris-flow to conglomeritic fansedimentation at ∼30 ka reflects a climatically-inducedchange from a soil-mantled to bedrock landscape in thesource catchments. Holocene aggradation and dissectionevents were interpreted to reflect recurrence intervals oflarge magnitude floods capable of episodically trans-porting course catchment-derived sediment to the rangefront.

Hillslopes within the Wilkatana catchments consist ofsteep rock-mantled slopes containing abundant landslidescars and scree-slope deposits (Fig. 5c,d). Hillslopescommonly display sharp, highly convex profiles where v-shaped valleys are steeply incised into broader, u-shaped

valley forms, developed both in resistant and non-resistantlithologies. At some locations, colluvial deposits haveencroached over top of creek beds, indicating that hillslopeprofiles are at maximum threshold steepness and aregraded at least to the present creek base level (Fig. 5d).Creek valley floors consist of boulder-strewn stream bedswith numerous bedrock strath surfaces. Bedrock flooredvalley exposures are generally restricted to quartzite andsandstone lithologies.

Late Quaternary tectonic activity appears to haveinfluenced catchment geomorphology in several ways.By generating bedrock knickpoints where faults inter-sect stream systems (Fig. 4), stream gradients andtherefore stream power have been increased as a resultof tectonic uplift. Subsequent knickpoint propagationthrough the catchments provides a mechanism toexplain ‘oversteepened’ catchment hillslopes and talusslopes that encroach onto stream beds. We alsohypothesize that co-seismic ground shaking may haveled to landsliding on catchment hillslopes, thusepisodically increasing sediment yield from hillslopesin close proximity to the earthquake region, as observedin other settings (Dadson et al., 2004). Given thatnumerous landslides are apparent both along the rangefront between the North and South Wilkatana Catch-ments and within the North Wilkatana Catchment, thelarge late Quaternary paleoseismic events documentedby Quigley et al. (2006), with moment magnitudeestimates N6.6 and likely epicentral depths of b10–20 km (Greenhalgh et al., 1994), provide a mechanismto explain these features. In order to quantify the extentto which variations in late Quaternary tectonic uplift inthe study area influenced catchment erosion rates, reliefproduction and summit surface elevations, we measured10Be concentrations in bedrock and alluvial sediment.

4. Cosmogenic nuclide determinations of erosion rates

4.1. Methods

Bedrock samples were obtained by chiselling theuppermost few cm's of quartz-bearing lithologies offsubhorizontal bedrock outcrop surfaces. Stream sedi-ment samples were collected from active streamchannels by marking off a small (b1 m diameter) areaand obtaining ∼3–5 kg of mixed clast types and grainsize from the sample site. Sampled grain size rangedfrom b3 cm in diameter to sand-sized grains. The entiresample was then crushed and the 90 to 250 μm diameterfraction was separated and analysed. This method wasused to provide a well-mixed isotopic inventory of thecatchment material irrespective of grain size. In a

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Fig. 4. (a) Field photograph of the Wilkatana Fault, showing structural–stratigraphic relationships described in text (Quigley et al., 2006). (b) Fieldphotograph of the Knickpoint Fault, looking upstream into the North Wilkatana Catchment. Location of 10Be sample NWC 02 within incised bedrockchannel in fault hangingwall as shown. (c) Schematic cross-sectional sketch of the North Wilkatana Catchment at the range front, showing thelocation of fault exposures (a) and (b) and locations of bedrock knickpoints upstream of the knickpoint fault. Locations of stream sediment (NWF 01),valley floor (NWC02, NWF10), midslope (NWC 03) and summit surface (NWC 04) 10Be sample sites as shown. Location of summit crest sample(LS 01) is projected onto the cross-section from the actual sample site to the south.

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number of catchments, it has been shown that riversediment 10Be concentrations show an inverse relation-ship with grain size, reflecting the different physicalmechanisms responsible for generating and transportingmaterial of different sizes (Brown et al., 1995; Matmonet al., 2005). However, no grain size dependence hasbeen demonstrated in any of the arid region catchmentsmeasured so far (Granger et al., 1996; Clapp et al.,2000).

Field measurements of topographic shielding, samplethickness, and elevation were used to determine 10Beproduction rates for bedrock samples. Catchment-averaged shielding and elevations were determined forthe Wilkatana catchments from digital elevation mapsand production rates were determined following themethods of Bierman and Steig (1996) and Binnie(2004). We used a reference 10Be cosmogenic nuclideproduction rate at sea-level and high latitude of 5.1±0.3atoms g−1 yr−1 (Stone, 2000). Samples for 10Bemeasurement were prepared using standard methods(Kohl and Nishiizumi, 1992) and 10Be/9Be isotopicratios were measured by accelerator mass spectrometryon the 14UD accelerator at the Australian NationalUniversity (Appendix A).

Bedrock sample sites were selected on the basis oflocal geomorphic observations. Summit surface samples

(NWC 04, ER 02, SWC 02) were collected fromsubhorizontal bedrock surfaces displaying evidence ofcm- to mm-scale exfoliation (Fig. 5e) and granulardisintegration. NWC 01 and LS 01 were collected frombedrock outcrops at the break-in-slope between hilltopsand hillslopes. Midslope samples (LS 04, NWC 03)were collected from the top surfaces of in situ, quartzitebedrock tors extending above the surrounding hillslopecolluvium. We chose surfaces with abundant desertvarnish that showed evidence for cm-scale exfoliationfor sampling, although we were unable to find surfacesthat demonstrated the same degree of varnish andweathering as observed at summit surfaces. This isinterpreted to indicate faster rates of erosion onhillslopes. Since hillslope erosion is largely dominatedby cobble-scale spallation and transport through talusslope deposits in this area, we inferred that 10Beconcentrations in these samples reflect a combinationof steady-state cm-scale exfoliation and more sporadic,10's of cm-scale rock fall events. Fluvial strath terracesamples (NWF 10, NWC 02, 05, 06) were collectedfrom bedrock surfaces containing fluvial polish andfluted/grooved channels implying abrasion-dominatedfluvial incision. We purposely avoided strath surfaceswhere evidence for recent plucking of coarse materiallarger than 5–10 cm was observed. Sites at elevations at

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Fig. 5. (a) Field photograph of the Wilkatana Fault scarp south of the Wilkatana catchment, looking south. Location of 10Be sample site SWC 03 asshown. (b) Aerial view of the range-front landslide that was dated using 10Be analysis of sample ER01. Location of other sample sites and inferredposition of the Wilkatana Fault as shown. Photo courtesy of Google EarthTM. (c) Field photograph of the North Wilkatana Catchment, lookingupstream to the northeast. Note abundant scree deposits on hillslopes and large accumulations of boulders along stream bed. (d) Field photograph oftoe of scree deposit that has aggraded out into active stream bed. This relationship indicates scree slopes are graded to the modern stream channel andare actively contributing coarse sedimentary material into the catchment system. (e) Example of exfoliation-style weathering observed on summitsurfaces targeted for 10Be analysis. Sample SWC 02 was collected from this site.

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or above locally preserved fluvial terraces were selected,where present, to minimize the possibility that strathsunderwent complex histories of alternating burial andexposure events (Fig. 4). Stream sediment samples(NWF 01, SWF 04, SWC 01 and DCF 01) werecollected from the modern stream channels at the mouthof the Wilkatana catchments. SWF 04 was collectedfrom stream sediment adjacent to the Wilkatana fault,roughly 100 m upstream of SWC 01. 10Be concentra-tions in stream sediment reflect spatially-averagederosion rates for quartz-bearing lithologies within eachcatchment (Bierman and Steig, 1996; Granger et al.,1996).

SWC 03 was collected from a striated fault surface atthe base of the Wilkatana Fault System fault scarproughly 4 m below the uplifted hangingwall surface, i.e.below the cosmogenic accumulation depth (Fig. 5a).Because this surface does not appear to have beeneroded following faulting, the CN concentration in thissample reflects 10Be acquired subsequent to faulting andtherefore is interpreted as an exposure age. Finally,ER01 was collected from a steeply dipping, weaklystriated surface marking the detachment surface of themajor range-front landslide (Fig. 5b). The surface isinterpreted to have been rapidly exposed from beneaththe cosmogenic accumulation depth during a landslidethat removed several meters of bedrock. We interpret theCN concentration in this sample to reflect the 10Beacquired subsequent to landsliding, and to thereforeprovide a measure of the age of the landslide.

4.2. Results

Bedrock erosion rates at summit surfaces are relativelylow (∼5–10 m/Myr) and increase slightly towardshillslope crests (∼11–21 m/Myr) (Appendix A). Hill-slope erosion rates (∼17–79 m/Myr) and stream bottomincision rates (∼58–123 m/Myr) are significantly higher.Lowest 10Be concentrations occurred within the recentlyuplifted bedrock channels in the hangingwall of theKnickpoint Fault (NWC 02 and NWF 10; Appendix A,Fig. 4) although corrections for the significant topograph-ic shielding at these sites reduced erosion rate estimates tob100 m/Myr. 10Be concentrations at all sites areinterpreted to provide estimates of in situ denudation atgiven points in the landscape. In situ bedrock erosion rateestimates may either underestimate or overestimate long-term erosion rates (Small et al., 1997), however bysampling surfaces that show evidence for in situweathering at short length scales (i.e. cm scale exfoliationand fluvial abrasion) we have attempted to sample sitesthat have not been subjected to recent large block

spallation or plucking that might result in overestimatinglong term rates. We are therefore confident that summitand hillslope samples provide reasonable proxies forlong-term erosion rates, with the possibility that these insitu rates may even slightly underestimate long-term rates(Niemi et al., 2005). Bedrock knickpoint 10Be concentra-tions measuredwithin the NorthWilkatana Catchment aremore difficult to assess given the observed variability.Variations in knickpoint 10Be concentrations could reflecteither non-uniform knickpoint exposure histories (i.e.,some knickpoints may have incurred episodic, short-livedburial by river sediment), unrecognized recent pluckingevents that resulted in lower 10Be concentrations inexposed surfaces, or variable erosion due to slightvariations in lithology. We therefore interpret valleyfloor 10Be concentrations to provide broad constraints onthe range of stream incision rates within the NorthWilkatana Catchment, but note that these rates arenonetheless an order of magnitude higher than estimatesof summit surface erosion.

Catchment-averaged erosion rates vary significantly(from ∼6 to 49 m/Myr) between the three catchments(Appendix A). The North Wilkatana Catchment (NWF01) yields the highest rate with a value intermediatebetween in situ hilltop, hillslope and valley floor erosionrates, consistent with the assumption that the contem-porary stream sediment reflects a well-mixed spatialdistribution of catchment material and that this erosionrate estimate is robust. The South Wilkatana Catchmentyields the lowest erosion rates (SWC 01, 01R, SWF 04)with rates of ∼6–14 m/Myr. The higher rate wasobtained from the South Wilkatana streambed adjacentto the Wilkatana Fault while the lower rates wereobtained roughly 100 m downstream of this site. Wesuspect that these 10Be-derived rates provide an estimateof expected variability in 10Be concentrations withinalluvial sediment in this catchment. The Depot CreekCatchment (DCF 01) yields an intermediate rate of∼26 m/Myr. As similar sized particles of well-mixedlithologies were obtained from similar streambedlocations in each sample site, we consider it unlikelythat variations in sampled material or sample siteinduced the observed variation in erosion rate. Theobserved variability is also unlikely to reflect climaticconditions, catchment lithology or degree of vegetativecover, all of which are relatively uniform throughout thestudy area. Erosion rates also show no systematicrelationship with catchment area (Table 1). In a generalsense, the catchment displaying evidence for theyoungest and most intense neotectonic activity yieldsthe most rapid erosion rate. However the Depot Creekerosion rate is higher than the South Wilkatana erosion

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Table 1Morphologic and volumetric parameters from the Wilkatana alluvial fans and source catchments

Alluvial fan and sourcecatchment

Fan volume(km3)

Converted to rockvolume(km3)

Source catchmentarea(km2)

Source catchmentvolume(km3)

Time of fansedimentation(Myr)

Catchment erosionrate(m/Myr)

North Wilkatana 1.169 0.831 16.5 4.18 4.71 10.7South Wilkatana 0.617 0.439 8.4 2.09 4.71 11.1Depot Creek 1.424 1.013 39.5 4.22 4.71 5.4

Fan areas were measured from ASTER imagery and volumes were obtained using fan depth constraints from drillhole and geophysical datasets(Preiss and Faulkner, 1984). Fan volumes were converted to rock volumes assuming a compacted fan density of ρ=1.97 g/cm3 (Preiss and Faulkner,1984) and rock density of =2.77 g/cm3. Catchment areas and volumes were obtained using RiverToolsTM analysis of digital elevation models.Temporal constraints on fan deposition were obtained by correlating drillhole stratigraphy with comparative regional stratigraphic packages of knownor inferred age. Catchment erosion rates are defined as the average rate of bedrock mass loss integrated over the entire catchment area (Matmon et al.,2005). For these calculations, we assumed closed system behaviour for the Wilkatana Fans e.g., (Allen and Hovius, 1998).

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rate despite an apparent absence of post 70 kaneotectonic activity in the former. These relationshipsare explored in more detail in the Discussion.

The exposure age obtained from the Wilkatana Faultscarp indicates that this scarp formed in response to alarge earthquake at 74±10 ka (Appendix A). This isconsistent with the interpretation that a large earthquakeoccurred at the mouth of the South WilkatanaCatchment at ≤80 ka, generating ∼6 m of offset atthis time (Quigley et al., 2006). The exposure ageobtained from the landslide site indicates that landslid-ing occurred at 14±3 ka (Appendix A), coincident withlast inferred motion on the Knickpoint Fault branch ofthe Wilkatana Fault (Quigley et al., 2006) (Fig. 2). Thissuggests that neotectonic faulting triggered landslidingthat may have temporarily increased sediment input intothe Wilkatana catchments.

5. Discussion

5.1. Spatial and temporal variability of erosion

In situ bedrock and catchment-averaged 10Be erosionrates provide insight into the late Quaternary geomor-phic evolution of the Wilkatana catchments. 10Be datafrom the North Wilkatana Catchment indicate lateQuaternary increases in relief because summit surfaceerosion rates are exceeded by hillslope and valley floorerosion rates and catchment-averaged erosion rates. Thedifference between summit surface and valley floorerosion rates indicates a relief production rate of ∼47–118 m/Myr. Since in situ hillslope and valley floor datawere not obtained from the other catchments, consid-erably more caution is required in deducing reliefproduction histories for these catchments. In the DepotCreek Catchment, catchment-averaged rates exceedsummit surface lowering rates implying either lateQuaternary increases in catchment relief and/or sedi-

ment supply, albeit to a much lesser degree than in theNorth Wilkatana Catchment. Conversely, catchment-averaged erosion rates in South Wilkatana are roughlyequivalent to summit surface erosion rates. Thissuggests that the 10Be flux from this catchment is inequilibrium with summit erosion, as might be expectedfrom a ‘steady-state’ landscape undergoing uniformlowering.

Further insight into the geomorphic development ofthe Wilkatana catchments is obtained by comparing10Be catchment-averaged erosion rates with longer-termestimates of erosion obtained from mass balancecalculations of Plio–Quaternary sediment depositedwithin the Wilkatana alluvial fans (Table 1). Details ofthis method are provided in the Table 1 caption. Long-term catchment-averaged erosion rates are significantlyslower than the 10Be rates for the North Wilkatana andDepot Creek Catchments and consistent with 10Be ratesfor the South Wilkatana Catchment. This relationshipsuggests that the sediment flux from the NorthWilkatana and Depot Creek Catchments has increasedin the late Quaternary relative to longer-term rates.However, the sediment flux from the South WilkatanaCatchment suggests that 10Be release catchment iscurrently in equilibrium with the longer-term sedimentyields.

Several aspects of the North Wilkatana Catchmentmay account for the anomalously low 10Be concentra-tions relative to the other catchments. This catchmentincurred at least three surface-rupturing earthquakessince ∼67 ka, including a young event at ∼12 ka, thatwere not recognized in adjacent catchments. Fault-generated knickpoints developed in stream profiles andincreased stream gradients, thereby providing a mech-anism for increased rates of stream incision andtransport of low 10Be material through this catchmentrelative to adjacent catchments. The concentration ofneotectonic activity proximal to the North Wilkatana

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Catchment also implies that co-seismic ground shakingand resultant liberation of low 10Be material fromproximal hillslopes via landsliding would have beenmore pronounced in this catchment relative to adjacentcatchments during seismic events. Peak ground veloc-ities associated with strong, near-fault ground motionsscale, to a first approximation, with the reciprocal of thesquare root of distance from the fault plane (Mavroeidisand Papageorgiou, 2003), implying that peak groundmotions generated along the relevant ∼10 km section ofthe Wilkatana range front could vary by as much as afactor of 3 for an individual event. In support of thishypothesis, the ∼14.3±3.1 ka age of the range-frontlandslide is consistent with independent evidence for theKnickpoint Fault event at ∼12 ka, implying that thisseismic event triggered mass wasting on hillslopes. Wenote that 10Be-derived denudation rates in other settingsalso appear to increase with proximity to active faultscarps (Riebe et al., 2001a,b; von Blanckenburg, 2006)suggesting a similar relationship to that observed here.In the periods where material generated by seismicshaking on steep slopes dominates the stream sedimentflux, and in the immediate aftermath of such events,10Be concentrations will likely be significantly lowerthan the long-term average (Niemi et al., 2005). Thecharacteristic response time of the 10Be system to re-establish to the longer-term (or background) concentra-tion will be inversely proportional to the backgrounderosion rate. The contemporary sediment mass has aneffective memory of the erosion history over the timeinterval required to erode to the characteristic depth forcosmogenic production (typically about 0.6 m). Forbackground erosion rates of the order of 10 m/Myr,appropriate to the Wilkatana catchments, the sedimentcarries an effective memory of the erosion on the 10–100 kyr timescale, with a characteristic response timefollowing an episodic massive, sediment release eventestimated at ∼50 kyr. We thus conclude that the NorthWilkatana Catchment is in a state of cosmogenicdisequilibrium in response to neotectonic activity andcoeval landsliding.

The significantly higher 10Be concentrations inSouth Wilkatana alluvium suggest that either theprocesses that led to an increased abundance of low10Be material in the North Wilkatana Catchment wereless pervasive, or that the South Wilkatana Catchmentre-equilibrated to background erosional conditions morerapidly. We are unable to quantitatively distinguishbetween these hypotheses, but note that many hillslopeswithin the South Wilkatana Catchment are dominatedby in situ bedrock and contain fewer talus deposits andlandslide scars than North Wilkatana. This suggests that

co-seismic shaking and input of low 10Be material intothis catchment was less pervasive than in the NorthWilkatana Catchment. We suggest that an increaseddistance from neotectonic epicenters, and perhapsunrecognized lithologic variability, provide plausibleexplanations to explain this relationship.

The Depot Creek Catchment is farthest away fromthe concentrated neotectonic activity exposed in NorthWilkatana. In addition the Depot Creek Fault appears tohave been inactive since ∼74 ka. This suggests that co-seismic ground motion in this catchment is likely tohave been less pervasive than in the North and SouthWilkatana Catchments. We offer two explanations forwhy the Depot Creek alluvium yields lower 10Beconcentrations than South Wilkatana. Firstly, as thelargest and most lithologically variable catchment, it isplausible that tectonic knickpoints generated from pre74 ka faulting have propagated farther into the DepotCreek Catchment than in South Wilkatana. This couldresult in more pervasive hillslope over-steepening andincreased susceptibility of hillslopes to mass wastingdespite similar or lesser magnitudes of co-seismicground shaking, particularly in less resistant lithologies.Secondly, it is possible that low 10Be hillslope materialhas been more effectively stored within the Depot CreekCatchment relative to the small, steep South WilkatanaCatchment. In this scenario, modern flood eventscontinue to transport remnants of low 10Be masswasting deposits from the Depot Creek Catchmentwhile similar deposits have already been effectivelyflushed from the smaller South Wilkatana Catchment.

5.2. Constraining surface uplift

10Be point measurements of bedrock erosion rate canbe combined with estimates of post ∼80 ka bedrocktectonic uplift along the Wilkatana Fault to quantify thevertical displacement of bedrock surfaces relative to ahorizontal datum, in this case, the piedmont surfaces thatbound the range front. Using the relation that surfaceuplift of ranges relative to piedmont is given by thetectonic uplift of bedrock relative to piedmont minus thebedrock erosion (e.g., England and Molnar, 1990) weconverted 10Be erosion rates into erosion magnitudes inorder to quantify the amount of bedrock erosion since∼80 ka, and assumed that sub-horizontal summitsurfaces throughout the study area erode at the rangeof rates indicated from the 10Be data. These calculationsindicate that summits may have been uplifted by N11 mrelative to the bounding piedmont in the NorthWilkatana Catchment since ∼80 ka due to movementalong the Wilkatana Fault (Table 2). Conversely, summit

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Table 2Estimates of post 80 ka surface uplift in the Wilkatana area

Catchment Bedrock uplift(m)

Summit erosion(m)

Valley incision(m)

Summit surface displacement(m)

Valley floor displacement(m)


≥12.0 0.4–0.8 4.7–9.8 11.2–11.6 2.2–7.3


≥6.0 0.4–0.8 – 5.2–5.6 –

Depot Creek 0–6.0 0.4–0.8 – −0.8–5.6 –

130 M. Quigley et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 261 (2007) 120–133

surfaces may have experienced a net lowering of b1 mrelative to the bounding piedmont in the Depot CreekCatchment over this time, since no evidence for post∼80 ka tectonic uplift was observed there. Statedsimply, these data indicate that late Quaternary tecto-nism led to mountain surface uplift in parts of theFlinders Ranges because tectonic uplift outpacedsummit surface erosion at these sites.

Measurements of bedrock incision rate were alsocombined with tectonic uplift magnitudes to track thevertical path of valley floors in the North WilkatanaCatchment (Table 2). The data indicate that valley floorshave incised a similar, but slightly lesser magnitude thantectonic uplift and therefore have been verticallyuplifted ∼2–7 m relative to bounding piedmonts. Weinterpret this data, together with field observations, to

Table 3Summary of 10Be erosion rate estimates and climate data from other Austra

Location Reference Sample type(# analyses)

Eyre Peninsula Bierman and Caffe (2002) Bedrock insNorthern Territory Bierman and Caffe (2002) Bedrock insDavenport Ranges Belton et al. (2004) Bedrock surNorthern Territory Nott and Roberts (1996) Contempora

sediment b


Heimsath et al. (2001) Contemporasediment(2)


Heimsath et al. (2001) Bedrock flu


Heimsath et al. (2001) Bedrock tor


Heimsath et al. (2001) Bedrock sur

Northern FlindersRanges

Quigley et al. (2007) Bedrock sum

Northern FlindersRanges

Quigley et al. (2007) Bedrock hil

Northern FlindersRanges

Quigley et al. (2007) Alluvium (1

Brachina area Bierman et al. (1998) Bedrock surBrachina area Bierman et al. (2002) Piedmont suParachilna area Heimsath and Chappell, person commun Bedrock sura Average rate and error for given sample numbers.b # analyses, 10Be production rate not reported.

indicate that the North Wilkatana Catchment is presentlyin a state of geomorphic disequilibrium as it attemptsto respond to late Quaternary tectonic activity via in-creased rates of valley incision.

5.3. 10Be concentrations, intraplate tectonism and climatechange

Fault behaviour in mildly deforming intraplatesettings is commonly episodic on both the temporaland spatial scale (Crone et al., 1997, 2003). Thissuggests that continental plate interiors are comprised ofa mosaic of landscapes in varying states of response totectonism, with some landscapes responding to recent(even historical) tectonic activity and other landscapesremoved from tectonic events for ≥100 k.y. In the

lian sites

Average 10Be erosion rate(m/Myr) a

Mean annual rainfall(mm)

elbergs (68) 1.3±0.2 325elbergs (19) 2.2±0.3 1128faces (10) 2.1±0.3 316ry stream 3.6±1.4 1128

ry stream 15.9±1.2 500–700

vial straths (4) 9.9±0.7 500–700

rs (10) 10.0±0.8 500–700

faces (2) 22.6±1.7 500–700

mit surfaces (2) 14.2±1.4 254

lslope surfaces (4) 22.7±3.0 254

) 22.8±2.8 254

faces (2) 3.0±1.0 313rfaces (3) 2.7±0.9 313faces (2) 10.0±5.0 313

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absence of neotectonic fault exposures, it may bedifficult to determine which parts of landscapes havebeen influenced by recent tectonism and which havenot. In this study, we conclude that anomalously low10Be concentrations in hillslope and valley floorbedrock samples and alluvial sediment in the NorthWilkatana Catchment reflect recent (i.e. last ∼50 k.y.)neotectonic forcing of landscape evolution with catch-ment-scale spatial variability. 10Be concentrations fromthe North Wilkatana Catchment yield the highestrecorded bedrock erosion rates in Australia. Thissuggests that anomalously low 10Be concentrationsmay serve as a ‘tracer’ for neotectonic activity in otherunglaciated mountain belts, including intraplate andplate boundary settings.

Our dataset is also pertinent to the debate over the rolesof tectonics and climate in mountain erosion and reliefproduction. If climate was the dominant control of alluvial10Be concentrations in the study area, we would expectthat catchment erosion rates should be relatively constantwithin the region, given the lack of a climatic gradientbetween the proximal catchments. Given that the lowestalluvial 10Be concentration occurs within the catchmentmost affected by recent neotectonic activity, we infer thatrecent tectonism led to an influx of low 10Be concentra-tion into this catchment. Other lines of evidence alsosuggest a minimal climatic influence on the rates ofmountain erosion in this region. In the arid northernFlinders Ranges, where neotectonic activity has beendemonstrated, 10Be concentrations in subhorizontalgranite bedrock summit surfaces indicate erosion ratesof ∼14 m/Myr (Table 3) (Quigley et al., 2007). In thehumid Northern Territory of northern Australia, whereneotectonic activity is sparse, 10Be concentrations insubhorizontal granite bedrock surfaces indicate erosionrates of 2–4 m/Myr (Table 3). In the semi-arid DavenportRange, where neotectonic activity has not been recog-nized, 10Be concentrations in quartzite bedrock surfacesindicate erosion rates of 0.3 m/Myr (Table 3) (Beltonet al., 2004). The lack of a correlation between bare rockerosion rate and precipitation and positive correlationbetween bedrock erosion and neotectonic activity impliesa tectonic, as opposed to climatic, influence on bedrockerosion rate. Furthermore, late Quaternary fluvial incisionrates in the Flinders Ranges (50–220 m/Myr (reportedherein and Quigley et al., 2007), are dramatically fasterthan ∼9 m/Myr incision rates indicated from 10Beconcentrations in bedrock straths in the Bredbo River inthe southeastern Australian Highlands (Table 3) (Heim-sath et al., 2001). No evidence for late Quaternary surfacerupturing is present in the latter region, implying that thestream incision rates acquired by (Heimsath et al., 2001)

provide reasonable proxy incision rates for a transientlandscape not subject to recent tectonic forcing. Wetherefore infer that rates of bedrock river incision in theWilkatana catchment have been strongly influenced byneotectonic processes such as knickpoint formation andmigration, confirming the link between neotectonism,fluvial incision and relief production (e.g., Stock et al.,2005). Obviously, sediment transport in ephemeralstreams such as in the Wilkatana catchments dependsupon the recurrence of flood events with sufficient streampower to transport coarse bedload, however the recur-rence of these events is relatively short (∼1/1500 yr)compared to the timescale of 10Be accumulation.

Our results provide quantitative support for ayouthful component to relief production in an intraplatemountain belt for which the age of relief is frequentlydebated. While it is uncertain how the rates apply tolonger geologic timescales, the recognition that mildlydeforming continental interiors may be subject to briefperiods of tectonic rejuvenation, and that this signalmay be detected using 10Be is widely applicable tointraplate mountain belts around the world. This isparticularly the case for continents such as Australia,which are commonly regarded as geomorphically andtectonically quiescent.


We thank Paul Bierman, Tom Gardner and severalanonymous reviewers for their detailed and instructivecomments on earlier drafts of this manuscript. ArjunHeimsath and John Chappell are thanked for access tounpublished data. This work has been supported by ARCDiscovery grants DP0558705 and DP556133.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data associated with this articlecan be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.06.020.


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