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  • 1. WRITING LANDING PAGE COPY It's finally time to put pen to paper... or fingers to keys if you prefer. You'll notice that we're intentionally avoiding a conversation about your landing page design right now. That's because what you say is much more important what it looks like.A step by step guide and worksheet.

2. Version 1.0How to use this worksheet It's finally time to put pen to paper... or fingers to keys if you prefer. You'll notice that we're intentionally avoiding a conversation about your landing page design right now. That's because what you say is much more important what it looks like. Unfortunately too many people get caught up on the look of their landing pages and don't spend enough time writing copy that really converts. You aren't going to make that mistake. You are better than that. You've already done a bunch of research so you're ready to go. Go step by step here and use the worksheet to create your first headlines and sales pitches using the research youve completed before. After youve completed this worksheet youll have great copy you could plug into just about any standard landing page design. 3. 1. Write Ten Tweetable Landing Page Headlines Write 10-15 headlines for your landing page that are less than 140 characters in length. These headlines should address the customer problems defined in the previous task. Create 3-5 each of different lengths. Start with 5 or fewer words, move up to a sentence, then up to a longer sales pitch. These variations will come in handy when you look at different designs and want to start testing against one another. 1 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 5Five or Fewer Words Easy Coming Soon Landing PagesOne Sentence Publish a coming soon landing page for your business in 60 seconds.Sales Pitch Launch right. Start collecting customer email addresses today with beautiful launching soon page you can make yourself! Over 10k served! 4. 2. Write 10 Feature (Sub) Headlines What are ten unique things, beyond the headline, you think people should take away from your landing pages. These should include customer benefits and features you believe differentiate your solution. They should be in headline form.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Feature (sub) Headline No technical skills required. 3. Write 3 variations of your call to action Most forms have boring copy that doesnt stand out. The headline will say Join our list and the button will say Submit. Thats just terrible. You can do better. Describe a concrete call to action and the button text to go along with it. 1 2 3Call to Action Get monthly tips on writing better landing pages!Button Text Send Me Tips!4. Write three incentives that you could use in order to entice a call to action. You need to provide some extra incentive to get someone to take your call to action. If, for example, you are hoping to capture customer email addresses then incentives such as the following might work: 1 2 3Incentives Receive our FREE ebook on (insert related subject here) 5. 5. Write 2 variations of a ~10 sentence sales letter This is a draft of the longer form copy that you'll use on your landing page. Rather than create variations you simply want to write 2-3 paragraphs in ~10 sentences that sell your product or back up your sub-headlines. Imagine you were emailing someone out of the blue about your product. What would your sales letter look like to them? What would you say? Pitch 12Sales Letter 6. 6. Find 10 customer quotes or other social proof points Ideally these are tweetable quotes that act as social proof for your product from other users. These quotes could come from beta testers or early adopters. I find that most happy customers will oblige you with a great quote if you just ask. If you really don't have customer quotes then you can grab quotes about your industry from trade magazines. It will look like, to the visitor on your landing page, that these quotes are about your product... but really they are just quotes related to solutions like yours. SourceQuote1Jack Source"Within 7 days our client had 1,500 signups to the service with $0 Adwords or ANY OTHER PPC spend and an very healthy conversion rate of around 35%"2Smashing Magazine3"Many start-ups were indeed able to launch to a strong following through collecting interested users, email addresses, Twitter followers well ahead of their public appearance using launch pages." 45678910 7. 6. Find 3-5 Hero Images or Videos that back up your copy Good landing page designs tend to call for a killer product shot or explainer video. Sometimes the product shot could be the landing page background image, other times it might be a rotating slide show, and sometimes its an explainer video. But youll want to have these elements in mind when you start looking at your landing page designs and your goal is that the shot re-enforces your brand and the copy thats been written so far. If you are looking for great background images or stock art this blog post may help you: 2 3 4 5Hero Shot or Video 8. 7. Create two versions of your landing page by combining elements of the copy above These will be your drafts and should each include: One headline Three to four feature bullets One of your sales letters One incentive. Three customer quotesMake sure you choose different headlines, bullets, and quotes for each draft of your landing page. Version 1 Component Headline 3-4 Feature BulletsCall to ActionOne Sales LetterOne Incentive 3 customer quotesHero ImageCopy 9. Version 2 Component Headline 3-4 Feature BulletsCall to ActionOne Sales LetterOne Incentive 3 customer quotesHero ImageCopy 10. 8. Email these variations to at least 5 customers. Find 5 people that are potential customers, to review your copy. Tell them you are going to send them two pitches and that they should tell you: Which one they liked better. What, specifically, they liked about it. What did they take away from the pitch as the main point? What was and was not convincing about the copy?Congratulations... you've conducted your first A/B test on your landing page without even touching the design. You've focused on the copy and that's the most important part.Next Steps. Design and publish your page The copy is ready to be applied to a design you can start sending traffic to. This is where you hard work now will start to pay off. Look for more worksheets and support from http://www.kickofflabs.comSend feedback on this worksheet Love it? Hated it? Found a spelling mistake? Wed love to make this better for you. Email [email protected] with your feedback so we can improve.Use KickoffLabs for your landing pages KickoffLabs helps you create and deploy landing pages that engage customers without help from your IT staff. Weve got the perfect page for your campaign. When youre ready to publish a landing page be sure to kick our tires with a free trial of ANY account type. 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