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GSD 2241: Landscape Representation IIIGraduate School of Design

Harvard UniversityFall 2011

Instructor: Andrea Hansen

Landform Systems: Surface as Performative Terrain Unit 1 Week 1 (09/07)

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how do surfaces perform at the scale of the landscape?

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Atlas of Novel Tectonics Reiser + Umemoto (2006)

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Atlas of Novel Tectonics Reiser + Umemoto (2006)

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[Material practices] are less concerned with what things look like and more concerned with what they can do. - Stan Allen, “Infrastructural Urbanism”

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Landform Systems: The Surface as Performative Terrain

01 Surface as Climatic Mediator How do gradations in the landform create climatic and hydrologic diversity? •  StossLU: Riverside Park, New Bedford, MA (2003) •  FOA: La Gavia Park, Madrid, Spain (2003) •  Carlos Ferrater: Barcelona Botanical Garden (1989) 02 Surface as Infrastructural Mediator How does landform help to mediate between a site and complex infrastructural systems? •  Weiss/Manfredi: Olympic Sculpture Park, Seattle, WA (2007) •  FOA: Yokohama Port Terminal, Yokohama, Japan (2002) 03 Surface as Filtration Medium How can surfaces be subdivided and modulated to filter particulates, water, and activity? •  JCFO: Downsview Park, Toronto (1999) •  JCFO and TEN Arquitectos: Busan Cinema Complex, Busan, Korea (2006) 04 Performative Surface Taxonomies How can performance typologies be classified to encourage proliferation? •  Reiser + Umemoto: Atlas of Novel Tectonics (2006) •  FOA: Phylogenesis (2004) •  StossLU: Detroit Works (2010)

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surface as climatic mediator

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01 Riverside Park New Bedford, MA StoSS Landscape Urbanism (2004)

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Mapping the Potomac Basin

Riverside Park New Bedford, MA, StoSS landscape urbanism (2004)

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Riverside Park New Bedford, MA, StoSS landscape urbanism (2004)

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Riverside Park New Bedford, MA, StoSS landscape urbanism (2004)

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Riverside Park New Bedford, MA, StoSS landscape urbanism (2004)


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Riverside Park New Bedford, MA, StoSS landscape urbanism (2004)


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Riverside Park New Bedford, MA, StoSS landscape urbanism (2004)


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Riverside Park New Bedford, MA, StoSS landscape urbanism (2004)


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Riverside Park New Bedford, MA, StoSS landscape urbanism (2004)

Pedestrian Flows

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Riverside Park New Bedford, MA, StoSS landscape urbanism (2004)

Program Surfaces

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Riverside Park New Bedford, MA, StoSS landscape urbanism (2004)

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Riverside Park New Bedford, MA, StoSS landscape urbanism (2004)


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Riverside Park New Bedford, MA, StoSS landscape urbanism (2004)


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Riverside Park New Bedford, MA, StoSS landscape urbanism (2004)


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Riverside Park New Bedford, MA, StoSS landscape urbanism (2004)


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Riverside Park New Bedford, MA, StoSS landscape urbanism (2004)


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Riverside Park New Bedford, MA, StoSS landscape urbanism (2004)


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Riverside Park New Bedford, MA, StoSS landscape urbanism (2004)

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Riverside Park New Bedford, MA, StoSS landscape urbanism (2004)

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Riverside Park New Bedford, MA, StoSS landscape urbanism (2004)

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Riverside Park New Bedford, MA, StoSS landscape urbanism (2004)

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02 Barcelona Botanical Garden Montjuic, Barcelona, Spain Carlos Ferrater Associates (1989-1999)

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Barcelona Botanical Garden Carlos Ferrater (1999)

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Barcelona Botanical Garden

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Barcelona Botanical Garden Carlos Ferrater (1999)

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Barcelona Botanical Garden Carlos Ferrater (1999)

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Barcelona Botanical Garden Carlos Ferrater (1999)

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Barcelona Botanical Garden Carlos Ferrater (1999)

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Barcelona Botanical Garden Carlos Ferrater (1999)

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Barcelona Botanical Garden Carlos Ferrater (1999)

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Barcelona Botanical Garden Carlos Ferrater (1999)

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Barcelona Botanical Garden Carlos Ferrater (1999)

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Barcelona Botanical Garden Carlos Ferrater (1999)

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Barcelona Botanical Garden Carlos Ferrater (1999)

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Barcelona Botanical Garden Carlos Ferrater (1999)

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Barcelona Botanical Garden Carlos Ferrater (1999)

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Barcelona Botanical Garden Carlos Ferrater (1999)

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Barcelona Botanical Garden Carlos Ferrater (1999)

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Barcelona Botanical Garden Carlos Ferrater (1999)

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Barcelona Botanical Garden Carlos Ferrater (1999)

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Barcelona Botanical Garden Carlos Ferrater (1999)

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03 La Gavia Park Madrid, Spain Foreign Office Architects (2003)

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La Gavia Park Madrid, Spain, Foreign Office Architects, (2003)

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La Gavia Park Madrid, Spain, Foreign Office Architects, (2003)

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La Gavia Park Madrid, Spain, Foreign Office Architects, (2003)

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La Gavia Park Madrid, Spain, Foreign Office Architects, (2003)

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La Gavia Park Madrid, Spain, Foreign Office Architects, (2003)

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surface as infrastructural mediator

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04 Olympic Sculpture Park Seattle, Washington Weiss/Manfredi (2007)

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Olympic Sculpture Park Seattle, WA, Weiss/Manfredi (2007)

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Olympic Sculpture Park Seattle, WA, Weiss/Manfredi (2007)

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Olympic Sculpture Park Seattle, WA, Weiss/Manfredi (2007)

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Olympic Sculpture Park Seattle, WA, Weiss/Manfredi (2007)

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Olympic Sculpture Park Seattle, WA, Weiss/Manfredi (2007)

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Olympic Sculpture Park Seattle, WA, Weiss/Manfredi (2007)

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Olympic Sculpture Park Seattle, WA, Weiss/Manfredi (2007)

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Olympic Sculpture Park Seattle, WA, Weiss/Manfredi (2007)

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Olympic Sculpture Park Seattle, WA, Weiss/Manfredi (2007)

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Olympic Sculpture Park Seattle, WA, Weiss/Manfredi (2007)

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Olympic Sculpture Park Seattle, WA, Weiss/Manfredi (2007)

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05 Yokohama Port Terminal Yokohama, Japan Foreign Office Architects (2002)

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Yokohama Port Terminal Yokohama, Japan, Foreign Office Architects (2002)

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Yokohama Port Terminal Yokohama, Japan, Foreign Office Architects (2002)

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Yokohama Port Terminal Yokohama, Japan, Foreign Office Architects (2002)

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Yokohama Port Terminal Yokohama, Japan, Foreign Office Architects (2002)

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Yokohama Port Terminal Yokohama, Japan, Foreign Office Architects (2002)

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Yokohama Port Terminal Yokohama, Japan, Foreign Office Architects (2002)

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Yokohama Port Terminal Yokohama, Japan, FOA (2002)

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surface as filtration medium

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06 Busan Cinema Complex Design Competition Busan, Korea James Corner Field Operations and Ten Arquitectos (2006)

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Busan Cinema Complex Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea, TEN arquitectos & Field Operations (2006)


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Busan Cinema Complex Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea, TEN arquitectos & Field Operations (2006)


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Busan Cinema Complex Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea, TEN arquitectos & Field Operations (2006)

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Busan Cinema Complex Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea, TEN arquitectos & Field Operations (2006)

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Surface Layers

Busan Cinema Complex Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea, TEN arquitectos & Field Operations (2006)

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Surface Layers

Busan Cinema Complex Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea, TEN arquitectos & Field Operations (2006)

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Surface Layers

Busan Cinema Complex Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea, TEN arquitectos & Field Operations (2006)

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Surface Layers

Busan Cinema Complex Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea, TEN arquitectos & Field Operations (2006)

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Surface Layers

Busan Cinema Complex Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea, TEN arquitectos & Field Operations (2006)

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Surface Modeling

Busan Cinema Complex Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea, TEN arquitectos & Field Operations (2006)

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Surface Modeling

Busan Cinema Complex Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea, TEN arquitectos & Field Operations (2006)

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Busan Cinema Complex Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea, TEN arquitectos & Field Operations (2006)

Surface Modeling

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Busan Cinema Complex Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea, TEN arquitectos & Field Operations (2006)

Surface Modeling

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Busan Cinema Complex Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea, TEN arquitectos & Field Operations (2006)

Surface Modeling

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Busan Cinema Complex Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea, TEN arquitectos & Field Operations (2006)

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Busan Cinema Complex Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea, TEN arquitectos & Field Operations (2006)

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07 Downsview Park Toronto, Canada James Corner Field Operations (1999)

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Downsview Park Toronto, Ontario, Canada, James Corner Field Operations (1999)

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Downsview Park Toronto, Ontario, Canada, James Corner Field Operations (1999)

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Downsview Park Toronto, Ontario, Canada, James Corner Field Operations (1999)

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Downsview Park Toronto, Ontario, Canada, James Corner Field Operations (1999)

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performative surface taxonomies

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Atlas of Novel Tectonics Reiser + Umemoto (2006)

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Atlas of Novel Tectonics Reiser + Umemoto (2006)

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Phylogenesis (Book) Foreign Office Architects (2004)

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Phylogenesis (Book) Foreign Office Architects (2004)

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Phylogenesis (Book) Foreign Office Architects (2004)

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Phylogenesis (Book) Foreign Office Architects (2004)

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Phylogenesis (Book) Foreign Office Architects (2004)

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Detroit Works StoSS LU (2010)

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Detroit Works StoSS LU (2010)

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Detroit Works StoSS LU (2010)

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Detroit Works StoSS LU (2010)

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Detroit Works StoSS LU (2010)

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from our representation blog

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