Download - Land O’ Lakes High independent research on a focused topic ! develop research and communication skills ! develop

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EE – The Extended Essay From the Land O’ Lakes High School IB

“Tell Me About” Series

Land O’ Lakes High School International Baccalaureate Programme

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District School Board of Pasco County Vision Our vision is to create a community which works together so all Pasco County students will reach their highest potential.

Land O’ Lakes High School Mission Land O’ Lakes High School graduates emerge prepared for lifelong learning, personal and civic responsibility, global understanding, and respect for the uniqueness of the individual.

Our Compelling Why

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•  The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

•  To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.

•  These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

IB Mission

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IB Learner Profile

•  Inquirers •  Thinker •  Principled •  Caring •  Balanced

•  Knowledgeable •  Communicators •  Open-minded •  Risk-takers •  Reflective

Extended  Essay  (EE)  Demonstrate  your  personal  capaci6es  for  authen6c,  

meaningful,  intellectual,  cri6cal  inquiry.  

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The IB Circle

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•  All course and point requirements PLUS

•  You cannot earn the IB Diploma without Theory  of  Knowledge  

Extended  Essay  and  


Earning the IB Diploma: Elements

Really,  it’s  the  8  Learner  Outcomes.  

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Essential Question

How do I select, plan, and author a high quality

Extended Essay?

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Quick Write I

List several things about which you are: •  Passionate •  Committed •  Intellectually interested •  Intrigued •  Driven to understand more deeply

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Turn and Talk

Discuss some of your thinking about these three terms:




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Putting Them Together Key Terms



Reasoned examination of an intellectual nature in which established sources of

academic merit are assessed and applied in the creation of authentic writing

- J Morgenstein

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Quick Write II

Passion  Interest  

Commitment  Intrigue  

Research  Inves6ga6on  

Academic  Inquiry  

If you could research any question in an intellectual manner, what would it be?

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EE/TOK Matrix Earn Bonus Diploma Points

Source:  IBO,  Extended  Essay  Guide  First  Examina6ons  2013    

TOK  Paper  &  Presenta6on  


ed  Essay  

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EE/TOK Matrix Earn Bonus Diploma Points

Source:  IBO,  Extended  Essay  Guide  First  Examina6ons  2013    

By doing well on both the Extended Essay and the Theory of Knowledge, students can earn 1, 2, or 3 bonus points towards the IB Diploma point total.

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EE/TOK Matrix Earn Bonus Diploma Points

Source:  IBO,  Extended  Essay  Guide  First  Examina6ons  2013    

•  Failing Condition occurs with “elementary” level performance on EE or TOK paper

•  Non-Qualification for the Diploma occurs by not submitting the EE or TOK paper

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What is the Nature of the Extended Essay?

•  Intended to promote high-level research and writing skills, intellectual discovery and creativity.

•  Provides students with an opportunity to engage in personal research in a topic of their own choice, under the guidance of a supervisor.

•  Leads to a major piece of formally presented, structured writing, in which ideas and findings are communicated in a reasoned and coherent manner, appropriate to the subject chosen.

•  Completion of the written essay is followed by a short, concluding interview, or viva voce, with the supervisor.

Source:  IBO,  Extended  Essay  Guide  First  Examina6ons  2013    

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What is the Nature of the Extended Essay?

•  Approximately 4,000 words as a result of about 40 hours of research, writing, editing

•  The aims of the extended essay are to provide students with the opportunity to:

Ø pursue independent research on a focused topic Ø develop research and communication skills Ø develop the skills of creative and critical thinking Ø engage in a systematic process of research

appropriate to the subject Ø experience the excitement of intellectual


Source:  IBO,  Extended  Essay  Guide  First  Examina6ons  2013    

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Quick Write III

What kinds of academically valid sources would help you dig really deeply into the examination you will conduct? [Hint: NOT Wikipedia]

Let’s start the list with: Scholarly articles from researchers

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Quick Write III

What kinds of academically valid sources would help you dig really deeply into the examination you will conduct?

Scholarly articles from researchers Books written on the topic Interviews with experts in the field Primary sources (documents, letters) Secondary sources Artifacts

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What is the Student’s Focus in EE?

It is required that students: •  choose a topic under one of the subjects on

the approved extended essay list •  observe the regulations relating to the

extended essay •  acknowledge all sources of information and

ideas in an approved academic manner •  meet deadlines – MANDATORY!

Source:  IBO,  Extended  Essay  Guide  First  Examina6ons  2013    

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What Advice Does IB Give the Student?

It is strongly recommended that students: •  start work early •  think very carefully about the research question for their essay •  plan how, when and where they will find material for their essay •  plan a schedule for both researching and writing the essay,

including extra time for delays and unforeseen problems •  record sources as their research progresses (rather than trying

to reconstruct a list at the end) •  have a clear structure for the essay itself before [… writing] •  check and proofread the final version carefully •  make sure that all basic requirements are met (for example, all

students should get full marks for the abstract).

Source:  IBO,  Extended  Essay  Guide  First  Examina6ons  2013    

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Quick write - IV Under what area(s) does what you’re examining fall?

Group  1  English  Literature  English  Language  Compara6ve  Literature    Group  2§  Spanish  Literature  Spanish  Language  Spanish  Culture  &  Society  

Group  3  History  Social  &  Cultural                          Anthropology  Geography  Human  Rights  Poli6cs  Economics  Peace  &  Conflict  Studies  Environmental  Systems                  &  Socie6es  Philosophy  Psychology  

Group  4*  Biology  Chemistry  Physics  Environmental  Systems    

Group  5  Mathema6cs  Informa6on  Tech  in  a                  Global  Society    

Group  6  Theatre  Music    /    Dance  Film  World  Studies  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________  

§  If  choosing  Group  2,  your  work  must  be  in  Spanish.  *  If  choosing  Group  4,  your  work  must  be  experimental  in  nature.  

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What is the role of the EE advisor?

•  Provides the student with advice and guidance in the skills of undertaking research

•  Discusses the choice of topic with the student and, in particular, helps to formulate a well-focused research question

•  Monitors the progress of the extended essay to offer guidance and to ensure that the essay is the student’s own work

•  Reads and comments on one completed edition only of the extended essay (but does not edit the edition)

Source:  IBO,  Extended  Essay  Guide  First  Examina6ons  2013    

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What is the role of the EE advisor?

•  Reads the final version to confirm its authenticity •  Completes the supervisor’s report (if the

extended essay cover is not signed by both the student and the supervisor, the essay will not be accepted for assessment and may be returned to the school)

•  Writes a report and presents it to the school’s Diploma Programme Coordinator if malpractice, such as plagiarism, is suspected in the final edition.

Source:  IBO,  Extended  Essay  Guide  First  Examina6ons  2013    

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Meetings Between Student and Advisor

•  The  student  MUST  meet  and  confer  with  the  advisor  throughout  the  EE  process.    This  is  REQUIRED.  (See  EE  Timeline.)  

•  No  EE  shall  be  authen6cated  as  the  student’s  original,  honest  work  without  the  mandated  interac6on  with  the  advisor.  (See  EE  Timeline.)  

•  Unauthen6cated  work  will  be  reported  to  IB  and  places  the  student  in  a  Non-­‐Qualifying  for  Diploma  condi6on.  

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What are the Parts of an Extended Essay?

•  Title page •  Abstract •  Contents page •  Introduction •  Body (development/

methods/results) •  Conclusion •  References and bibliography •  Appendices

Source:  IBO,  Extended  Essay  Guide  First  Examina6ons  2013    

(4,000  words  max.)  

(300  words  max.)  

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Abstract? What’s an Abstract?

The abstract causes us to examine the process of inquiry and the development of an argument. It is the reader’s preview to the EE. •  The research question being investigated •  The scope of the investigation •  The conclusion(s) of the extended essay •  No more than 300 words (does not get

included in the 4,000 word EE word count)

Source:  IBO,  Extended  Essay  Guide  First  Examina6ons  2013    

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How is my EE evaluated?

þ A Work of an excellent standard þ B Work of a good standard þ C Work of a satisfactory standard þ D Work of a mediocre standard ý E Work of an elementary standard

Source:  IBO,  Extended  Essay  Guide  First  Examina6ons  2013    

•  The  IB  Examiner  uses  a  rubric  –  just  like  you  will    •  Points  assigned  on  11  criteria  •  Refer  to  the  Assessment  Criteria  document  and  

podcast  on  ManageBac  for  insight  into  each  •  Use  the  Student  Reflec6on  Instrument  to  gauge  your  


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What is Our Timeline?

See   the   Extended   Essay  Timeline   document   in   the  Files   area   on   ManageBac    to   download   a   copy   of   the  current  6meline  to  be  used  to   guide   your   submissions    and  serve  as  a  checklist.    

*Most   current   version  will   be   found  on  ManageBac.  

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A Note on the Concept of a Draft

This  applies  to  “drags”  in  all  your  work  for  EE,  IAs  and  coursework.        “Drag”   is   a   poorly   understood   word.   Your  teachers   and   advisors   expect   that   you   will  submit  a  solid  version  of  your  work.  It  is  well-­‐formed   and   ready   for   review,   cri6que,  feedback,   and   finaliza6on.   I   prefer   “edi6on”  to  help  you  understand  that  your  work  should  be  solid  –  on  the  cusp  of  outstanding.    

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ManageBac •  Students and Advisors are on ManageBac •  Students will input their EE topic and plan

of action on ManageBac •  Various help files and other information will

be uploaded to the Files area on ManageBac

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Where Do I Find Out More About EE?

•  Your EE Advisor – YOU MUST MEET REGULARLY •  Your TOK teacher(s) •  Mr. Morgenstein •  ManageBac – Under Files

•  Preparatory Assignment and Resources •  EE Guide Where to Look document •  EE Guide from IBO – See pages to which directed •  EE Assessment Criteria – Document and podcast •  EE Assessment Rubric: Student Reflection Instrument •  EE Timeline (Deadlines) document

•  ManageBac – Under Messages (as inquiries come up and are answered)

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Essential Question

How do I select, plan, and author a high quality

Extended Essay?

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Source:  Keepcalm-­‐o-­‐m  

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Land O’ Lakes High School Continuing A Legacy of Excellence

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Produced with thanks to the International Baccalaureate Organization and R. Gleaton, S. Hydes, C. McDermott,

H. Rockhill, and the students and teachers of the Land O’ Lakes High School IB Programme.

Revised: February 2014 J. Morgenstein