Download - Lampiran MekTan CSL - Harry


CONSOLIDATION TEST (Time - Compression Data)Project Location Description of Soil Tested By Ring dimension Diameter Height Area Volume Weight : : : : Praktikum Mekanika Tanah Lab. Mekanika Tanah FTUI Harry Rialdi

Sample No. Depth of Sample (m) Date of Testing

: : :

(cm) (cm) (cm2) (cm3) (gr)

: : : : :

6,67 2,02 34,87 70,27 60,45

Initial Water Content Determination Wt wet soil + can (gr) : 180 Wt dry soil + can (gr) : 129,88 Wt of can : 22 Wt of moisture (gr) : 50,12 Wt of dry soil (gr) : 107,88 Water content(%) : 46,46

Settlement Data Date Load (kg) kg/cm2 0,00 0,10 0,25 0,50 1 2 4 8 15 30 60 end Unloading Calculation Initial height of soils Specific gravity Wt ring + speciment Wt of ring Wt wet soil Computed dry wt of soil Oven dry wt of soil Computed Ht of solids Initial Ht of voids Initial degree saturation Initial void ratio Final Test Data Initial Dial Reading Final Dial Reading Change in Sampel Ht Final Ht of voids Final Void Ratio 0,33 10/3/12 1 0,316 1310 1390 1392 1394 1397 1401 1405 1406 1406 1407 1410 1418 2510 11/3/12 2 0,632 1418 1458 1460 1461 1463 1465 1467 1470 1472 1476 1479 1499 2555 12/3/12 4 1,263 1499 1550 1558 1562 1568 1576 1581 1587 1594 1602 1610 1644 2654 13/3/12 8 2,526 1644 1734 1746 1756 1768 1781 1795 1810 1824 1840 1856 1899 2738 14/3/12 16 5,052 1899 2056 2066 2078 2091 2110 2153 2185 2213 2240 2262 2318 2830 15/3/12 32 10,104 2318 2518 2538 2560 2588 2622 2664 2713 2757 2799 2830 2904 2904


(Hi) (Gs)

(Wt) (Ws') (Ws) (Ho) (Hv) (Si) (e0)

: : : : : : : : : : :

2,02 2,77 169,00 60,45 108,55 74,12 72,16 0,75 1,27 82,30 1,70

cm gr gr gr gr gr cm cm %

Final Water Content Determination Wt. wet + can (gr) : Wt. dry + can (gr) : Wt. can (gr) Oven dry wt of soil Water content (%) Final degree of sat. (%) : : : :

126,80 91,81 19,65 72,16 48,49 100

(Hvf) (ef)

: : : : :

1310 2510 0,120 1,148 1,537

cm cm cm

FAKULTAS TEKNIK UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA LABORATORIUM MEKANIKA TANAH Kampus UI-Depok 16424 Telp. (021) 7270029, 78849102 Fax. (021) 7270028

KURVA t90Time (minute) 0,00 0,10 0,25 0,50 1 2 3 8 15 20 60 1440 Time 0,00 0,32 0,50 0,71 1,00 1,41 2,00 2,83 3,87 5,48 7,75 37,95 Unloading Penurunan (10-4 mm) 0.33 kg 1 kg 1310 1390 1392 1394 1397 1401 1405 1406 1406 1407 1410 1418 2510 % strain 0,00% 74,07% 75,93% 77,78% 80,56% 84,26% 87,96% 88,89% 88,89% 89,81% 92,59% 100,00% 1111,11% 2 kg 1418 1458 1460 1461 1463 1465 1467 1470 1472 1476 1479 1499 2555 % strain 0,00% 49,38% 51,85% 53,09% 55,56% 58,02% 60,49% 64,20% 66,67% 71,60% 75,31% 100,00% 1403,70% 4 kg 1499 1550 1558 1562 1568 1576 1581 1587 1594 1602 1610 1644 2654 % strain 0,00% 35,17% 40,69% 43,45% 47,59% 53,10% 56,55% 60,69% 65,52% 71,03% 76,55% 100,00% 796,55% 8 kg 1644 1734 1746 1756 1768 1781 1795 1810 1824 1840 1856 1899 2555 % strain 0,00% 35,29% 40,00% 43,92% 48,63% 53,73% 59,22% 65,10% 70,59% 76,86% 83,14% 100,00% 357,25% 16 kg 1899 2056 2066 2078 2091 2110 2153 2185 2213 2240 2262 2318 2830 % strain 0,00% 37,47% 39,86% 42,72% 45,82% 50,36% 60,62% 68,26% 74,94% 81,38% 86,63% 100,00% 222,20% 32 kg 2318 2518 2538 2560 2588 2622 2664 2713 2757 2799 2830 2904 2904 % strain 0,00% 34,13% 37,54% 41,30% 46,08% 51,88% 59,04% 67,41% 74,91% 82,08% 87,37% 100,00% 100,00%

Kurva T90 untuk beban 1 kg0.00 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% %strain 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% 100.00%t90 t90 = = 2,18 4,75 min0.5 min










times squareroot

0.00 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% %strain 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00%

Kurva T90 untuk beban 2 kg1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 Times squareroot




t90 t90

= =

0,6 0,36

min0.5 min

0.00 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% %strain 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00%

Kurva T90 untuk beban 4 kg1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 Times squareroot




t90 t90

= =

0,62 0,38

min0.5 min

0.00 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% %strain 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00%

Kurva T90 untuk beban 8 kg1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 Times squareroot




t90 t90

= =

1,11 1,23

min0.5 min

0.00 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% %strain 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% 100.00%

Kurva T90 untuk beban 16 kg1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 Times squareroot




t90 t90

= =

3,1 9,61

min0.5 min

0.00 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% %strain 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% 100.00%

Kurva T90 untuk beban 32 kg1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 Times squareroot




t90 t90

= =

1,12 1,25

min0.5 min

CONSOLIDATION TEST (Computation Sheet for e and Cv)Project Location Description of Soil Tested By Sample Data Sample Volume (V) Ht of Soils (Hi) Initial Ht of voids (Hv)Def. dial Pressure (kg/cm2) (1) reading at end of loada (cm) (2)

: : : :

Praktikum Mekanika Tanah Lab. Mekanika Tanah Sample No. Depth of Sample Harry Rialdi Date of Testing

: : :

: : :Change sample ht (h) (cm) (3)

70,27 2,02 1,27Change in void ratio e=h/Ho (4) Inst void ratio e (5)

Dry Wt of Soils (Ws) Ht of Solid (Ho) Initial Void Ratio (eo)Averageb ht. for load (cm) (6) Length of drainage path, (Hc) (cm) (7)

: : :Time for 90% consol.d (min) (8)

72,16 0,75 1,70Coeff. of consol. (cv) (cm2/min) (9)

0,000 0,316 0,632 1,263 2,526 5,052 10,104 5,052 2,526 1,263 0,632 0,316

0,1310 0,1418 0,1499 0,1644 0,1899 0,2318 0,2904 0,2830 0,2738 0,2654 0,2555 0,2510

0,000 0,011 0,008 0,015 0,026 0,042 0,059 -0,007 -0,009 -0,008 -0,010 -0,005

0,000 0,014 0,011 0,019 0,034 0,056 0,078 -0,010 -0,012 -0,011 -0,013 -0,006

1,70 1,68 1,67 1,65 1,62 1,56 1,48 Unloading 1,49 1,51 1,52 1,53 1,54

2,015 2,010 2,006 1,998 1,986 1,965 1,935 1,939 1,944 1,948 1,953 1,955

1,008 1,005 1,003 0,999 0,993 0,982 0,968 0,9695 0,9718 0,9739 0,9764 0,9775

4,75 0,36 0,38 1,23 9,61 1,25

0,18 2,37 2,20 0,68 0,09 0,63


dial reading of preceding load = initial dial reading of following load ht. for load increment = Ht. at beginning of load - H

bAverage cH

= length of longest drainage path; for floating ring consolidation = average ht. for given load increment the dial reading vs log t curves


Grafik Hubungan Tekanan vs Cv3.00 2.50 Coeff. of Consol. (cm2/min) 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.100

1.000 Pressure

10.000 (kg/cm2)


FAKULTAS TEKNIK UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA LABORATORIUM MEKANIKA TANAH Kampus UI-Depok 16424 Telp. (021) 7270029, 78849102 Fax. (021) 7270028

CONSOLIDATION TEST (Determination of Pra-consolidation Pressure)

Project Location Description of Soil Tested By

: : : :

Praktikum Mekanika Tanah Lab. Mekanika Tanah

Hary Rialdi

Sample No. Depth of Sample Date of Testing

: : :

Result w Gs Sr eo

: : : :

46,46 2,77 82,30 1,70

% %

Cc Cr Po Pc OCR

: : : : :

0,26 0,04 0,15 2,97 19,225

kg/cm2 kg/cm2

Grafik Penentuan Tekanan Prakonsolidasi (Pc)



Void ratio (e)


Loading 1.55 Unloading


Pc=2,9 kg/cm2

1.45 0.100




Pressure (kg/cm2)

FAKULTAS TEKNIK UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA LABORATORIUM MEKANIKA TANAH Kampus UI-Depok 16424 Telp. (021) 7270029, 78849102 Fax. (021) 7270028