Download - Laminaat vloeren houtenvloeren 20th july 2015

Page 1: Laminaat vloeren houtenvloeren 20th july 2015

Brief History of Wooden Houses and Usage of Wooden Flooring

Wood is undoubtedly one of the most prominent materials that have been used till date

to make the houses. It was started being used in making the houses in the Bronze Age.

A number of civilizations used to make the wooden houses.

Some Civilizations That Would Use Wooden Houses

The Egyptian civilization is the perfect example in this regard. They would use wooden

head rests to build the houses. The Persians can be taken as other instances. The rich

Persians used to live in the palaces made up of different materials such as timber,

bricks and stone. Besides, the Saxon people would also live in the wooden huts with

thatched roofs. The peasants’ homes in several areas in Europe were also made

through the timber. The Normans also used timber to make their castles. Aztec, the

popular Native American civilization, has also used a lot of timber in making their

abodes. Another American civilization, Mayan has also used lumber for making their

places of habitation. The ordinary people of 17th century England also used to live in the

dwellings of wooden materials.

Features of Wooden Houses

The wooden apartments have been the favorite of a large number of people for ancient

times. Today also, there are a plenty of places, where timber is used to make the

homes. These houses consist of a number of special traits that have attracted the

individuals towards these abodes. The wooden floors (houtenvloeren) in these

houses have provided a great enticement to a large number of individuals without any

doubt. The floors were made in different varieties, and today also a number of flooring

types are available in the market. This is one of the aspects of flooring that has captured

the market and people like to find out from a huge variety in order to make their houses

more beautiful.

Variety of Floors Available Today

A wide variety of floors can be witnessed in the present scenario. Some of the flooring

types that are widely popular in the market can be read below:

Laminate Floors: The laminate floors (laminaat vloeren) are the multi-layered

synthetic floors that are fused together through laminate process. Such flooring types

have gained a widespread popularity in different nations.

Smoked Wood Floors: The smoked wood flooring is made with an agent, which reacts

with a tannic acid, in a natural way occurring in an oak wood.

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Traditional Floors: The traditional floors are the types that are available in the

conventional styles of distinct countries.

American Floors: These types of flooring come available in the American styles, but

are admired by thousands of people in every part of the world.

European Floors: Similarly, the patterns of European styles can also be acquired from

the market.

Buying these floors is not an arduous task in the present scenario due to the availability

of the online options. A number of firms are offering these floors at their websites. You

can see the patterns of the floors on these websites and can select one according to

your choice. Besides, you can also ask for samples to the sellers.