Download - L’industrie4.0 - Digital Fast track | Digital Fasttrack...DCFR/CDO, -/MKT | 19/03/2019 © Bosch Rexroth AG 2019. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,

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L’industrie 4.0 : Comment propulserun groupe industriel dans l’èredu 4.0 ?

DCFR/CDO, -/MKT | 19/03/2019

© Bosch Rexroth AG 2019. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, aswell as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.1


Bosch Rexroth [email protected]+33 6 07 48 60 91

Vision, stratégie, déploiement et exemplesconcrets

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DCFR/CDO, -/MKT | 19/03/2019

© Bosch Rexroth AG 2019. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.2

L e groupe Bosch: chiffres clés

405 000collaborateurs

> 8 Mrd €investi en R&D

en 2018

Chiffre d’affaires 78 Mrd €

440 filiales et sociétés

régionales dans 60 pays

Siège social: Stuttgart

> 270Usines

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DCFR/CDO, -/MKT | 19/03/2019

© Bosch Rexroth AG 2019. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.3

Solutions pour

la mobilité

Techniques Industrielles

Techniques pour

les énergies et

les bâtiments

Biens de


4 secteurs d’activité. Des problématiques industrielles différentes

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DCFR/CDO, -/MKT | 19/03/2019

© Bosch Rexroth AG 2019. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.4

Exemple concret : Petite usine / petite série

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DCFR/CDO, -/MKT | 19/03/2019

© Bosch Rexroth AG 2019. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, aswell as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.5

Notre initiative“Usine

et produit

du futur”



L’usine de Venissieux

Usine du futur : Oui ! Maiscomment ?

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DCFR/CDO, -/MKT | 19/03/2019

© Bosch Rexroth AG 2019. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, aswell as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.6

Usine du futur : Oui ! Maisavec qui?

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DCFR/CDO, -/MKT | 19/03/2019

© Bosch Rexroth AG 2019. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.7

Workshop : I4.0@VxP

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DCFR/CDO, -/MKT | 19/03/2019

© Bosch Rexroth AG 2019. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.8


Qualité Innovation

Initiative“Usine et produit du futur”

Nos clientsNotre siteNotre groupe

L a stratégie du groupe appliquée à notre usine

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DCFR/CDO, -/MKT | 19/03/2019

© Bosch Rexroth AG 2019. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.9



Gestion de projet “frugal

et agile”

Process incubation:de l’idée à l’idée de


sponsors d’idéeRéunion Hebdo des sponsors

P roc ess detection des idées10 idées retenues

Start: 04/2015………………………………………………………………………………………………............……. 18 months later

GO L IVE < 12 Months

ROI < 18 Months

5 applications

2 projects in progress

3 ideas remain

23 meetings

10 ideas

Une méthode : de l’idéation à la concrétisation

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DCFR/CDO, -/MKT | 19/03/2019

© Bosch Rexroth AG 2019. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, aswell as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.10

ActiveCokpit: usine sans papier

Project: 2 monthsHome madeApp

ROI: 7 Months

like an “activecockpit” low cost

Automatic KPIs generation in prod.

Test Bench


Project: 4 monthsHome madeApp

ROI: 12 Months


Home made App using smart glassto optimize quality control on assembly line

Award 2015“Entreprise du future”

Award 2016“Transformation numérique”

Project : 6 months – Invention patentBusiness model done to sale outside Bosch

3D Printing

Cost: < 2k€Already produced-Spare parts for plant maintenance-Specific box instead of ext. purchasing-On study : prototype for Joystick

Expected ROI : < 6 monthsSavings : 35 k€ in 18 months


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DCFR/CDO, -/MKT | 19/03/2019

© Bosch Rexroth AG 2019. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, aswell as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.11

Luncheyes: Measuring wait time@restaurant

A Bosch security system camera and a web apps.Analyse the picturen, make an wait time estimation beforehaving lunch, display the information,Web apps available on all PC.

Wait timeestimation by analyzing the


Direct access to the MENU

People who are going to in the

last 5 mn

Tools warehouse management

Internal development with asp code and Databaseto manage our stock

Cost : one trainee during6 months.Savings: production availability,

emergency orders.

Active AssemblyAssembly software with local supplier with RFID for the productstraceability

Benefit :Autonomy for evolution.

Active Assist

Benefit :Quality improvemrntErgonomyFlexibity.

Benefit :Autonomy for evolution.

Smart Workstationfrom Bosch Rexrothoperator isassistedin every task

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DCFR/CDO, -/MKT | 19/03/2019

© Bosch Rexroth AG 2019. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, aswell as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.12

Et le future c’est quoi ?

• Utilisation de l’IA au service de nos clients• Multiplication des moyens d’impression additive• Déploiement de solution RPA (Robotics Process Automation)• Déploiement de solution de Business Process Modelling

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Merc i !

DCFR/CDO, -/MKT | 19/03/2019

© Bosch Rexroth AG 2019. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.13