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Circular economy in France : The role of national government

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• Environmental Conference, October 2013 : a major objective : to reconcile an economic and social development of territories with an effective management of the ressources.

• Implementation conference for circular economy December 2013

Overview of circular economy in France: a voluntary policy

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• The professional commitments : in particular within the framework of the “Comité Stratégiques de filières” (CSF) = Strategic committees on particular fields, introduced by the National Council of the Industry

• The development by the regions of regional strategies of the circular economy : specific mobilization in Aquitaine, Bretagne, Rhone Alpes, Ile de France.

To establish plans of actions: Two frameworks of actions emerged:

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• To assure a better coherence on a national scale for local dynamics.

• The regions have the necessary skills to activate the different levers

The need to identify a strategic actor : The regions

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A guidebook - to give key notions to understand- to give methods to swing into action

Some elements :

• inspired & tailor-made


What IT IS : A support for reflexionGuidelines for action

What IT IS NOT : A ready-to-use strategyA ready-to-think circular economy

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What is the Institute of circular economy in France ?

• The first national French multi-stakeholders organization which aims at accelerating the transition towards circular economy.

• An innovative think tank

• 200 members including :- economic decision-makers- local authorities- political and academic personalities. - NGOs

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The build up towards establishing the Institute

• Our President, François Michel Lambert: a parliamentary from the Bouches du Rhône

• Our founding members:

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The « Pole of Eco-Industries » from Poitou-Charentes.

Among our members for example : Case approach having a spatial impact

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• Thinking

• Promoting the creation of multistakeholders projects

• Communicate and influence

What do we do ?

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What do we do ?

• Thinking : workshops and studies

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Promoting the creation of multistakeholders projects

• The NISP – France

• The platform on circular Economy

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International platform on circular economy

With the support of:

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The economic model: from public funding to budgetary autonomy

• First phase: Public fundings from the on a 3 year basis

• Second phase: advertising space for organizations respecting the principles of circular economy

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Web platform consisting of national and regional platforms

• National Platforms

• Regional Platforms

• Platforms adapted to big cities

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MAIN OBJECTIVES• Getting visibility and optimization

of strategies and initiatives• Networking of stakeholders• Follow current events • Constitution of documentary

resources• Indexing tools, skills and training


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As a member you will get be able to…• Social networking

• Submission of content

• Inform stakeholders on initiatives

• Provide feedback and study cases

• Consult technical news (legal reglementations in different countries, technologies)

• Tools (life cycle analysis, ...)

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Available in French and English

CitiesOther regions

Geneva platform of CELaunched in June, 2015; 100 members

International platform150 pré inscrits – 15 projects this day

Region Rhône-Alpes platform

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Partnerships are still open…• Launching the Dutch platform on circular economy ?

Instituut voorKringloopeconomie

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• Communicate and influence

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Project of law for energetic transition and green growth

Title IV : Fight again waste and promote the circulareconomy : from designing to recycling

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The aim to make the transition towards a circular economy

Definitions :- Circular economy- Industrial symbiosis- Planned obsolescence and penalisation of planned


What’s inside ?

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• Towards a national strategy : with a plan of identification and programming of the strategic ressources

• Non binding, but of incentive and mobilization, it will precise the role of the different actors : skills of regions, mobilization of metropoles

To give a framework and impulse action

A significant step : the national strategy for a transition towards circular economy :

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• Setting the national strategy was our first goal, it will permit to access the second step :

• Getting out of pilot projects and experimentation to engage the levers of massification permitted by the concrete implication of the national government : fiscal measures, public procurement, etc.

Our ambitions

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• Not a complete overview of circular economy• A lack of visibility for the completed actions• Still opposition between sectors and territories• Variable commitments from the stakeholders

Circular economy in France is a preoccupation but still in a dispersed order :

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How the national government can stimulate the circular economy ?

• A french particularity : the mobilization of the actors, and especially the society.

The role of the government is: - to help creating synergies amongst all these diverse

intiatives - to amplify the dynamics.

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How ?Lessons learned

• The government has to embody a strong and clear vision on circular economy : Ideally through a national strategy for circular economy, as it was made in several countries (Japan, Germany, etc). It sets targets and engage dynamics.

• Precises the role of stakeholders and specifically at the territorial level : regions and metropoles.

• Set up levers and remove barriers, through incitative but no punitive approach.

• To develop new forms of public / private partnership

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Why cities are important ?

• The main actor in France are the regions• The dynamic of cities in France is only starting, however they have an

essentiel role :- 70% of the emissions of CO2- 70% of transports- 70% of adaptation measures to climate change will be made in cities

according to the UNEP

Start made in the metropole, especially Paris, a strategy of circular economy was launched in march 2015.

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