Download - Labette Center for Mental Health Services 4th Quarter 2013 Community Newsletter

  • 7/27/2019 Labette Center for Mental Health Services 4th Quarter 2013 Community Newsletter


    Depression Education and Awareness Month

    During the month of October we recognize Depression Education and Awareness. De

    sion is the second most common mental disorders in the United States, with the rst m

    common being anxiety disorders. According to statistics presented in Mental Health F

    Aid Courses, in any given year, 6.8% of adults in the United States will have a diagno

    Major Depressive Disorder. Symptoms of depression, as listed by Mental Health Firinclude:

    If these symptoms last for at least two weeks:*

    An unusually sad mood

    Loss of enjoyment and interest in activities that used to be enjoyable

    Many times individuals suffering from depression will have feelings of despair, helple

    and hopelessness. They may feel like they are unable to accomplish tasks or complet

    correctly. They may have a feeling of not being able to do anything right. If you or s

    one you know is experiencing any of these feelings, signs or symptoms of depression

    is help available. In Labette County and the surrounding areas, individuals may call L

    Center for Mental Health Services, Inc. at 620-421-3770 or 800-303-3770 to speak wan on call therapist 24 hours a day 7 days a week. To set up an appointment, call 620-

    3770. If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide individuals can also call

    the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

    Labette Center offers Mental Health First Aid courses geared toward both ad

    and youth. These courses are designed to give individuals the tools to

    person who may be in a mental health crisis or expierencing the

    of a mental illness get the help they need. Call our ofce

    for more information on Mental Health First Aid!

    October 10th is Depression screening d

    you are unsure about whether you or so

    you know is suffering from depression, Central offers an online quiz to help som

    one determine if they should contact a m

    health specialist. Go to: http://psychcentra


    For more information about Labette Center for Mental Health Servicescall 620-421-3770, check out our website at, or followus on Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Twitter!

    Problems do not go away. They must be worked through or else theyremain, forever a barrier to the growth and development of the spirit.

    M. Scott Peck

    *Mental Health First

    First Edition

  • 7/27/2019 Labette Center for Mental Health Services 4th Quarter 2013 Community Newsletter


    Meet the Business Ofce!

    Labette Centers Business Ofce staff are here to assist with all our clients needs. The support staff assists

    in scheduling appointments, answering billing questions, answering general information questions, obtain-

    ing or sending medical records with proper releases as well as other business-related issues. With over 40

    years of combined expierence, our business ofce staff are ready and willing to help!

    The Labette Center for Mental Health Service, Inc. Foundation for Help and Hoan entity governed by a Board of Trustees, which is jointly shared with Labette ter for Mental Health Services. The foundation creates opportunity for indiviin the community and surrounding areas to be able to give to a local non-prot nization whose mission is to create hope and opportunity for life change by pring education, support, consultation, and therapeutic behavioral health servicthe people and communities of Labette County.

    The foundation enables us to grow and expand the hope and help we are abprovide. The Foundation for Help and Hope provides a tax deductible entit

    individuals or organizations to be able to donate to.

    To give to the Foundation, donations can be mailed to or dropped off at:

    Labette Center for Mental Health Service, Inc. Foundation for Help and Hopec/o Labette Center for Mental Health Services

    PO Box 258Parsons, KS 67357

    To make a donation by Credit/Debit card by phone, individuals may call:620-421-3770 or 800-303-3770

    Labette Center for Mental Health Service, Inc Foundation for Help and Hope is a 501 (c) 3. Any donations are considered


    From Left to Right:

    Backrow: Susan Robertson, Medical Department Receptionist, Lisa Morse, Admissions Clerk/Evening Receptionist, Asha

    Accounts Payable, Chevelle Chapman, Patient Accounts - Medicaid, Judy Blackburn, Receptionist.

    Front Row: Sandra Dickerson, Director of Business and Financial Services, Andrea Scott, Insurance Specialist, Melissa Ste

    Medical Records, Betty Reissig, Receptionist.

  • 7/27/2019 Labette Center for Mental Health Services 4th Quarter 2013 Community Newsletter


    Now nd us in even more places on the web! Labette Center can be found on Facebook, ter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Google Blogspot. And dont forget to check our website as

    Update and Report

    Currently there are a total of 110 families enrolled in the

    My Family Labette program. Of those families, 56% are

    ingle parent households. There has been contact made

    with over 150 children under the age of ve years old.

    Recently, the My Family Labette program has teamed up

    with the OB/GYN staff at Labette Health as well as the

    Department for Children and Families (DCF). Through

    these combined efforts there have been numerous referr

    made. The My Family Labette program has set a goal

    reaching 150 families by the end of 2013.

    For more information on Labette Centers My Fam

    Labette program, visit or call 620-42


    Mission ~ to strengthen families with young children, pnatal to ve, through a coordinated centralized system f

    cused on the delivery of evidence-based home visiting a

    other support services.

    Vision ~ Families will have the supports and knowled

    necessary to ensure their children are healthy, nurtured a

    prepared for life-long learning.

    Childrens Case ManagementTeam Lead Named

    Labette Center for MentalHealth Services (LCMHS)would like to congratulateKenisha Morton, BA, who isthe Centers new Team Leaderfor the Childrens Case Man-agement Program, otherwise

    known as Community BasedServices (CBS)

    atthew Atteberry, Executive Director ofbette Center stated, We are pleased to an-unce that Kenisha Morton has been promotedTeam Leader for Community Based Servic-

    Kenisha is a valuable asset to our organiza-n and we are excited about her enthusiasmd abilities in our childrens case managementpartment."

    orton acquired her Associates of Arts degreePsychology and Sociology in 1998 from Cof-yville Community College. In 2008, she re-ved her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology withnor is Sociology from Pittsburg State Univer-y. She began working with Labette Center as

    Navigators Aid in 2006. In 2008 she becamecase manager in the CBS program servingildren with Severe Emotional DisturbancesED). Morton enjoys listening to music, trav-ng and shopping in her spare time.

    Positive Behavior Support Treatment

    Labette Center for Mental Health Services, Increcently entered into an Evidenced Based Projeyouth with KU and the Kansas Mental Health tive Behavior Support Team. According to the KInstitute for Positive Behavior Support website, tive Behavior Support refers to a set of systems,and processes for organizing the social, educatbiomedical, physical, and logistical supports need

    help individuals across the lifespan achieve a hquality of life while reducing problem behavior

    may prevent positive outcomes for these individuals. Jessica Rawill be trained at the Intensive Level of Positive Behavior Su(PBS). Training done at this intensive level will give Ramsey theity to provide direct PBS assessment, treatment and person cenplanning to individuals Labette Center serves. Ramsey will be coming her training this fall and will then also be an internal trainer foAwareness Level of the PBS training for staff at Labette Center.goal of the awareness level training is to increase skills and toolsby staff when working with children. All full time staff in the CBNavigators program have started participation in the Awareness of training for PBS and will have it completed the end of the year. that point on, Ramsey will be able to train individuals working in departments. Labette Center has established a leadership implemtion team for PBS, which includes Misti Mustain, Director of Ccal Services, Nikkii Rosenstiel, Navigators Coordinator, Beth EnTherapist, Virginia Standley, Parent Support, and Jessica Ramsey,goal of this team is to identify the best way in which the Centeincorporate PBS and make recommendations for use of PBS withagency and community of Labette County. This project is a greportunity for LCMHS to expand and learn new ways to provide qucare for our community.

  • 7/27/2019 Labette Center for Mental Health Services 4th Quarter 2013 Community Newsletter


    Youth Mental Health First Aid Course

    December 4th, 2013

    8am - 5:30pm

    Labette Center for Mental Health Services will be holding a Youth Mental Health F

    Aid course on Wednesday December 4th, 2013 from 8:00am to 5:30pm. The course

    be held at Labette Centers main facility located at 1730 Belmont Parsons KS in the mpurpose room. To register for the Youth Mental Health First Aid Training, individuals

    visit our website at or

    620-421-3770 800-303-3770.

    This curriculum focuses on helping youth ages 12-18. It is an education program g

    toward providing Mental Health First Aid to this age group who may be expierenci

    mental health challenge or are in crisis. The course is designed for . . . adults whom r

    larly interact with adolescents. It may also be useful for older adolescents (16 and ol

    Other individuals who would benet from this program are Anyone who regularly w

    or interacts with youth teachers, athletic coaches, mentors, juvenile justice profess

    als may nd the course content

    seful. Also, please check into our Adult Mental Health First Aid Course!!!! Check us out at

    For more information about the Mental Health First Aid program, visit: http://www.mentalhealthrstaid

    Labette Center for Mental Health Services, Inc.

    PO Box 2581730 BelmontParsons, KS
