Download - l6 End of Year Exam 2010 Paper 2 Questions


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SEK. MEN. KEB. TINGGI MELAKA(Malacca High School. Estd.1826)Ke Arah Kecemerlangan Pendidikan

Lower Six End of Year Examination2010


STRUCTURE AND ESSAY(2 hours and 30 minutes)

Instructions to candidates:

DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Answer all questions in Section A. Write your answers in the spaces provided. All

working should be shown. For calculations, relevant v alues of constants in the Data

Booklet should be used. For numerical answers, units should be quoted wherever they

are appropriate.

Answer any four questions only in Section B. Write your answers on the answer

sheets. Begin each answer on a fresh sheet of paper and arrange your answers in

numerical order. Tie your answer sheets to this question paper.

A Data Booklet is provided.

Prepared by : Verified by :

___________________ ______________ _____

Wee Choi Chiang Azmi Bin Sakmis

Ketua Panitia Fizik GPK Tingkatan 6

This question paper consists of 1 3 printed pages.



Name : _______________________________ Class : ________________

Section A : Answer all questions in this section in the question paper.

1. Quantum theory states that light consists of discrete packages of energy called photons.The energy of each photon, E depends on the speed of light in vacuum, c , thewavelength of the light , λ, and the Planck’s constant, h. The value of Planck’s constant is6.63x10-34 J s.(a) Determine the dimensions of Planck’s constant? [2]

(b) By using dimensional analysis, derive an expression for E in terms of h, c and λ.[3]

(c) Calculate the energy of one photon of a monochromatic light which has a wavelengthof 500 nm. [1]

(Assume the dimensionless constant = 1)


2. A ball is projected horizontally at 15.0 m s-1 from a point 20.0 m above a horizontalsurface. By taking g = 10.0 m s -2;

(a) find the time taken for the ball to reach the horizontal surface. [2]

(b) calculate the speed of the ball when it hits the horizontal surface. [3]


3. The figure below shows a man jumps from boat A to boat B. The two boats are stationary initially;they are identical of mass 250 kg. The mass of the man is 50 kg and the speed of his jump is 1 .00ms-1.

Find the velocity of the boat A ( VA ) and boat B ( VB ) after the man jump. [4]


4. A block of mass 20.0 kg is placed on a rough inclined plane at an angle 30o to the horizontal.A man pulls the block with a force F parallel to the inclined plane so that it moves up theplane at a constant speed of 0.400 m s-1. If the coefficient of kinetic friction of the plane is0.500,

(a) calculate the friction acting on the block. [3]

(b) calculate the power of the man. [2]



5. The diagram shows four horizontal forces acting at a point P.

Given that the forces are in equilibrium, calculate the value of T and the size of theangle θ. [4]


6. (a) Explain what is meant by gravitational field strength. [1]

(b) The mass of the Moon is 7.50x10 22 kg and its radius 1730 km. Calculate thegravitational field strength on the Moon’s surface. [2]

(c) If an athlete can jump a height of 1.50 m on the Earth ’s surface, what is the height he canjump on the Moon’s surface? [2]


7. The diagram below shows a toy car which has a flywheel of moment of inertia 0.75 kgm2 attached to the axle of its rear wheels. The flywheel is now accelerated to rotate at2.00 revolution per second and the toy car is allowed to move on a table.

(a) Calculate the kinetic energy of the flywheel. [3]

(b) If the effective decelerating force experienced by the car is 20 N, what is thedistance travelled by the car before it stops? [2]


8. The diagram below shows a disc X of moment of inertia 2.00 kg m 2 rotates freely withan initial angular velocity of 2.00 rad s-1 about a vertical axis passing through its centerand disc Y of moment of inertia 0.500 kg m 2 is held above it. After Y is dropped ontoX, both discs rotates together about the same axis.

(a) Calculate the initial angular m omentum of disc X. [2]

(b) Calculate the final angular velocity of the system. [2]

(c) Calculate the kinetic energy lost by the system. [2]


Section B: Answer any four questions from this section.

9. (a) State the Newton’s Laws of motion. [3]

(b) The diagram below shows a conveyor belt used to transport sand in a factory. When no sand is transported by the belt, a force of 100 N is supplied by the motor to

move the belt at constant speed of 2.00 m s -1.

(i) Calculate the power supplied by the motor to overcome the frictional force.[2]

(ii) When sand is loaded on the belt at a rate of 20.0 kg s -1, explain why the motormust supply additional force to maintain t he speed of the belt. Calculate theadditional force supplied by the motor. [3]

(iii) Calculate the additional power supplied by the motor. [2](iv) Explain the motion of the sand after it has fallen on the conveyor belt.

[2] (v) Calculate the energy lost per second due to friction between the conveyor belt and

the sand. [3]

2.00 m s-1



10. (a) (i) Explain why a centripetal force is necessary to keep an object moving round acircle with constant speed. [2](ii) State the direction of the force. [1]

(b) A motor bike can turn round a bend on a level road. Explain why the bike moving at anexceedingly high speed will easily cause accidents. [2]

(c) A small marble of mass 5 .00 g and negligible size is spinning inside a smooth conewhose sides slope at an angle of 60o to the horizontal as shown in the Figure below. Themarble is rotated steadily in a horizontal path at a height h = 5.00 cm above the vertex of thecone.

(i) What is the radius of the ci rcular path of the marble? [1](ii) Find the net force acting on the marble. [2](iii) Hence, determine the speed of the marble and the period of revolution. [3](iv) If the path is at a height h = 7 .00 cm above the vertex of the cone instead, wh at is the

increase in the kinetic energy of the sphere? [3](v) If the sphere in Fig 3.1 slowly loses energy due to friction, state what happens to the radius of path. [1]

11. (a) Define Newton’s law of Universal Gravitation. [1] (b) Derive a relationship between the period, T of a planet and its orbital radius, r.

[3] (c) A binary stars system consists of star X of mass 4.00x10 30 kg and star Y of mass

1.00x1030 kg separated at distance 4.00x10 11 m apart. Both stars are revolving around thecentre of mass of the system.

(i) Explain why both the stars are revolving around their centre of mass. [2](ii) Calculate the centre of mass of the system from star X. [2](iii) Calculate the gravitational force b etween the stars. [2](iv) Calculate the period of each star. [3](v) Discuss the motion of the stars if one of the stars has very large mass compare to theother. [2]


12. (a) Define what is meant by moment of inertia of a rigid body. [1] (b) State two factors which affect the moment of inertia of a rigid body. [2] (c) The diagram below shows a thin bike wheel of radius 0.2 00 m and mass 2.0 kg

spinning at 5.00 revs/second. A block is pushed against the top of the wheel with a forceN of 10 N. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the wheel is 0.900.

(i) Calculate the moment of inertia of the wheel. [1](i) What is the angular momentum of the wheel before the block is applied? [2](ii) What torque does the block exert on the wheel? [3]

(iii) How long does it take for the wheel to stop? [2] (iv) Calculate the number of revolution made by the wheel before it stops. [2]

(d) If the ring wheel is replaced by a disc wheel of same mass and radius, discuss whether itwill stop in a shorter time interval. [2]

(Moment of inertia of a ring wheel I = MR 2)


13. (a) State the conditions that a r igid body acted by a few coplanar forces are in staticequilibrium. [2]

(b) The diagram below shows a uniform rod of length L being acted by two forces of equalmagnitude, F but in opposite directions at its ends.

(i) What is the resultant force acting on the rod? [1](ii) Deduce an expression for the resultant torque acting on the rod. [2](iii) Explain whether the rod is in static equilibrium. [2]

(c) The diagram below shows a store sign of weight 50.0 N is hung from a uniform bar PQof weight 20.0 N and length 100 cm. The sign is suspended from a point 75.0 cm of theway from the wall. The bar is held up with a cable of length 2.00 m.

(i) Calculate the tension T in the cable? [3](ii) Calculate the magnitude of the r eaction force at P. [5]

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75 cm P Q
