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F I L B S « 0 E m \ :S i

L.U. 5 October lU» ly^o


Name and locat ion of banks and branches Class of bank Date of change

New banks

(except success ions and conversions)

West Georgia Bank & Trust Co, Carrol l ten , Ga. Ins. nonmem. 9-16-L6 East Point Commercial Bank East Point , Ga. I n s . nonmem. 9 - 3 - 1 6 Gordon Bank Gordon, Ga. Ins . nonmem. 9-1-L.6 Bank of Smyrna Smyrna, Ga. Ins . nonmem. 6-5-1+6 American State Bank Mackay, Idaho Uninsured 9-3-1+6 Capron State Bank Capron, 111. Uninsured 9-16-1+6 Bank of Rogers Park Chicago, 111. Ins. nonmem. 9-28-U6 Poplar Grove State Bank Poplar Grove, 111. Ins. nonmem. 9-lL-Lo Waltham C i t i z e n s Nat iona l Bank Waltham, Mass. National 9-5-Uo Plummer State Bank Flurmner v Minn. Ins . nonmem. 9-7-1+6 Ci t i zens State Bank Granby, Mo. Ins. nonmem. 9-H.-UC Santa Fe National Bank Santa Fe, N. I/ex. National 9-10-Z+o F i r s t S t a t e Bank Hazelwood, N. C. Ins . nonmem. 9-10-1+6 Gruver State Bank Gruver , Texas Uninsured 9-7-Ub_ Eas t End S t a t e Bank Houston, Texas Member 9-18-1+6 Peninsula State Bank Gig Harbor, Wash. Ins. nonmem. 9—l£>-l+o

Successions and conversions

Peoples Bank Blackshear, Ga. Uninsured 6-5-1+6 (Unincorporated bank)

Converted to— Peoples Bank Blackshear, Ga. Uninsured

Moline State Trust & Savings Bk. Moline, 111. Member 9-3-U6 Converted t o - -

F i r s t National Bank Moline, 111. National

Home Savings Bank Trenary, Mich. Unlnsured 9-16-1+6 (Unincorporated bank)

Converted to— Trenary State Bank Trenary, Mich. Ins. nonmem.

National Bank of Lakota Lakota, N. Dak. National 9-9-1+6 Converted to—

State Bank of Lakota Lakota, N. Dak. Ins. nonmem.

Voluntary l i q u i d a t i o n s

(except inc ident t o absorptions , succes s ions , e t c . )

Farmers & Merchants Bank Junction City* Ga. Ins . nonmem. 8-29-L6

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Nome and locat ion of banks and branches j Class of bank Date of change

Consol idat ions , a b s o r p t i o n s , e t c .

West Hartford Trust Co. West Hertford, Conn. Absorbed by- -

Eertford-Ccnnccticut Tr. Co. Hartford, Conn.

Adorns County Bank Absorbed b y - -

Idaho Firs t National Sank

F i r e t t i c n a l Bank Absorbed by—

F i r s t Secur i ty Bank of Idaho, N. A.

Council, Idaho

Boise , Idaho

I/^wiston, Idaho

Boise , Idaho

La Crosse, Kens. Di Crosse State Bank Absorbed by—

Farmers & 3^erchants State Bank La Crosse, Xans.

Clayton National Bank Clayton, Mo. S t . Louis County National "an Clayton, Mo.

These two brinks cons o i l - +- d under charter end t i t l e o f—

St . Louis County National Bank Clayton, Mo.

American Trust Co. Absorbed by—

Morristown Trust Co.

Sank of Antwerp Absorbed by—

Northern New York Trust Co.

Morristovn, N. J.

Morris tovm, N. J.

Antv;erp, N. Y.

Watertown, N. Y,

Lorain S tree t Sank F ir s t Nations! B%nk

These two banks were absorbed by- -Cleveland Trust Co. Cleveland, Ohio

Cleveland, Ohio P a i n e s v i l i e , Ohio

Bank of Bend Absorbed b y -

united States National Bank

F irs t National Bank Greenvi l le National Bank

These two banks consol idated under charter and t i t l e o f —

F i r s t National Bank

Bend, Oregon

Portland, Oregon

Greenvi l l e , Pa. Greenv i l l e , Pa.

G r e e n v i l l e , . P a .

Ins. nenmem.


Ins. noru&em.


Nation al


Ins. nonznem *

Ins. nonmon.

National National


Ins. nonmom.


Ins. nonmem.

Lie nib i -r r National

Memb er

Ins. n on mem.


Nati cnal National




f -51-U6




9-&3-U6 9-7-Uo



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Uaiae and l o c a t i o n of banks and branches Class of bank

Conso l idat ions , absorpt ions , e t c . (Cont 'd . )

C i t i z ens r a t i o n a l Bank M i f f l i n County TJetional Bank

These two hanks conso l ida ted under char ter of M i f f l i n County National Bank and under t i t l e o f - -

Lewistown, P&-Lewis town, Pa.

F i r s t iFational Bank Lewis town, Pa.

P i t t s b u r g h , Pa. P i t t sburgh , Pa.

Mellon Netional Sank Union Trust Co.

These two banks conso l ida ted under char ter of Mellon Nat iona l Bank and under t i t l e o f —

Mellon IJ&tional Bank & Tr.Co. P i t t sburgh , Pa.

National Nat ional

Ne t i o n a l

National Member


Date of change


9 - 3 3 - 4 0

Admissions of S t a t e banks to Federal Reserve membership

Fencer? %- ? erchaats Sank C i t i z e n s E^nk F i r s t S'%4-e S t a t e Ben <~f Crri?nr.n S ta te : f ^(Torc-Pol l the n:^ S ta te ^enk F i r r t Str:t-

Brewton, Ala. S tuar t , P la , Campbell H i l l , 111. Chrisnan, 111. Sdmore, Mich, P i t t s b u r g h , Pa. P ierpont , 3. Dak.

I n s . n^r-eT. I n s . I n s . ror.r^r. Uninsured I n s . I n s . nonznem. I n s . nonnen.

9-16-1^6 9-5-I46

9 - 6 - 4 6

7'it^dravmls of S tb te banks from Federal Reserve rsemhercihip

Frorkenrnvth "Rsrik Frankennu^" Je f f ar sen ?nnk ^ Tru^t Co. S t . Louis ,

:h, I n s . continued 9-21-,4?. I n s . continued 9 -16 -

Morris Picn Bcnk Fcne c/.f-nr^d t o - -

Ci *:2 ns 3cnk

Dallf s Morris Pirn Hank rans changed t o - -

Citv Stnto Bank

Changes i n nenc or l o c a t i o n

Washington, D. C. I n s . nonnern.

Dc. l i a s , Texas Ins . nonmem


Branches e s t a b l i s h e d

( s xc lud inr o f f i c e s fit .ti l i t a r ; r e s e r v a t i o n s bub inc lud 'n^ banks cr,nv%rt d i n t o branches)

F i r / t y^Tirnr. 1 H;/k rT: nrh

(Dv nov:)

^:r:nlr^:hr.m, Al' . Not i one* i South I \ t n S t r e e t

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Name and loca t ion of brnl-iG and branches Class of be Date 01 change

Branches e s t a b l i s h e d ~ Cont'd

(excluding o f f i c o s at mi l i t ary rcsorv&tinns but including banks converted in to branches)

Securi ty Trust & Savin: s Bank Mission Bay Branch

(De novo)

San Die go* C a l i f . P a c i f i c Beach

Member 9-10~li6

Americfji Trust Co. P a c i f i c Avenue O f f i c e

(De novo)

San Francisco, C a l i f . 1906 P a c i f i c Avenue Stockton* C a l i f .

Member 9-26-L6

Bank of America* N. T. & S. A. Palmdale Branch

(De novo)

Srn F ranc i sco , C a l i f . 125 Q 8 Avenue Palmdale, C a l i f .

Nati onal 9 - 3 0 . 4 6

^r^^ord* Connecticut Trust Co. Hartford Branch

(Formerly West Hertford Trust Co.)

Hartford, Conn. '^ost Hertford, Conn.

Uninsured 9-16-/^.6

American Securi ty & Trust Co. Kavy Department Branch

(Do novo)

Washington, D. C. Member 18th S t . & Const i tut ion Avenue, N. -V.

F i r s t Securi ty Bank of Id;;ho, N .A.Boise, Idaho Lewis ton Brcnch Lewiston, Id*ho

(Fb m a r l y Pi.rst National Bank)



8 - 3 1 ^ 6

Idaho F i r s t r a t i o n a l Bank Boise, Idaho Council ^r^nc*" Council* Idaho

(Pom^rly Adams County Beak)


Bossier St t : Bank B'-rksd,' 1- P i t Id

(Dc ncvoy

Boss ie r , L r . Barksd'li P ie ld , La.

Ins . nonmem. 8 . 1 . ^ 6

Evangeline Bank & Trust Co. Mamou Brrnch

(De novo)

V i l l e P l a t t e , La. Mamou, Lr..

I ns nonmen. 8- 1-L6

Union Trust Co. of %rylcnd Fanover S tree t Brrach

(De novo)

Baltimore, lid. 35)0 Hanover Strer

bomber 9-3-^6

Harvard Trust Co. Waverly Brench

(De novo)

dge, ' — . Member * V-!f91 lo Road Wavorly T ont ,

9 -3-^6

Scorse - I inco ln Park Branch Allen Park Branch

(De novo)

3corso , Mich. Allen Park, Mich.

Me:abe r

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Name end locat ion of banks and branches Class o f bcnk Df te of


Breaches r s tcbl i shod - Cont 'd

(excluding o f f i c e s at mi l i tary reservat ions but inc luding banks converted in to branches)

#cyne Oakland Bank Berklsy Branch

(Do novo)

Royal Oak, Mich. Berkley, Mich.

Morristo?# Trust Co. South Straet O f f i c e

(Formerly ^m^rican Trust Co.)

Morris town* J. ) South Stroot

Ins . nonmem.

Momh jr

Syn'.cufo Trust Co. Un: rr r s i ty Bra n c h

(D; novo)

Northern New fork Trust Co. Antv%,rp Brrnch

(Formerly Brnk of Antwerp)

Commercial State Bank Wa&ran Branch


Chatham Bank GoIdston Branch

(De novo)

Syracuse, N. Y. Member 707-709 South Crouso Avo.

^atertevrn^ N* Y. Antvzerp* N. Y.

Laurel H i l l , N. C. Ingram, N, C.

S i l o r City, N. C# Goldston, N. C.

Cleveland Trust Co. Lorain-Fulton Branch

(Formerly Lorain S tree t Bank)

United S ta te s National Bank Bend Branch

(Formerly Bank of Bend)

Cleveland, Ohio Lorain St . & Fulton


Portland, Oregon N.W. corner Bond &

Oregon S t r e e t s , Bond, Oregon


Ins . nonmem.

Ins . nonmem.



Benef ic ia l Savings Fund Soc ie ty Phi ladelphia , Pa. Ins . nonmen. Olr.ey Branch

(3e n^vo) 5700 Forth Broad S t r e e t

Mellon National Bank & Trust Co. Pi t tsburgh, Pa. Union Trust 'Building Branch ^ 9 F i f t h Avenue

(Formerly Union Trust Conpany)



9-lit- '+6









^ t" nal Bank & Trust Co. *t Snd Branch \Do novo)

C h a r l o t t e s v i l l e , Va. National 1)29 % s t Main S t r e e t 9-18-^6

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Name find l o c a t i o n o f banks and branches Class of bonk Date ox ch&ngo

Branches acqu i red by a b s o r p t i o n or purchase

F i r s t Securi ty Bank of Idaho,1^.A. Boise , Idaho Craigmont Branch Craigmont, Idaho Genesee Branch Genesee, Idaho Grangevil le Branch Grangevi l le , Idaho

(Formerly branches of F i r s t National Bank, Lewis ton, Idaho, which was absorbed by F i r s t Securi ty Ban}: o f Idaho,R. A.

National 8 - ) l ~ 4 6 b — 31 "* 6-31

Cleveland Trust Co. Lorain - l )Cth Branch Detroit-Cock Branch

Cleveland, Ohio 1)021-2S Lorain S t .

U4B2U-26 Detro i t Avenue s Lakowood, Ohio

(Formerly branches of Lorain S tree t Rank, which was absorbed by Cl^v&bind Trust Co.)

Member 9 - 2 ^ 4 6 9 - 2 5 - \ 6

Mellon National Bank & Trust Co. Pi t t sburgh, Pa. Ernst Liberty Branch 6112 Penn Avenue Frlck Ruilding Branch 2*2)~W^1 Grant S t r e e t

(Formerly branchas of Union Trust Co., which consol idated with Mellon National Bank under t i t l e of —

Msllen National Sank & Trust Co.)

Nati onal 9-^3-1*6 9-?3-i i6

Branches or 0 f f 1 ces at m i l l t a r y reservat ions d i s c o n t i n u e d

City Bank c 1 igton, D. C. Member Washington Havy Yard '^*"iington, D. C.

Union National Sank S p r i n g f i e l d , Mo. National O'Rei l ly General Hospital S p r i n g f i e l d , Mo. 9-30-^6

Changes i n name o r 1 oc a ta on of b ran che 5

Cleveland Trust Co. Cleveland, Ohio Member P a i n t s v i l i e Branch 9-9-1:6

Tcved from ll&? Main S t r e e t T cvcd to 10$ Main S t r e e t

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