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  • 8/3/2019 L28 - Disbelief in an End...



    Disbelief in an End

    Revealed through the Inner Voice

    to Bertha Dudde in accordance

    with the promises of

    John 14:21, 26 & 16:13, 25

    Lorens Novosel

    [email protected]

  • 8/3/2019 L28 - Disbelief in an End...


    2 Peter 3

    1 This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by wayof remembrance:2 That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of thecommandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:

    3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things

    continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and theearth standing out of the water and in the water:6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

    7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved untofire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years,and a thousand years as one day.9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering tous-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

    10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass awaywith a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are

    therein shall be burned up.11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in allholy conversation and godliness,

    12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire

    shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, whereindwelleth righteousness.14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in

    peace, without spot, and blameless.15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also

    according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be

    understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures,unto their own destruction.17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away

    with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.

    18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be gloryboth now and for ever. Amen.

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    Table of contents


    5 Bertha Dudde: Autobiography

    The end of a period of Salvation...

    7 8748 The end of a period of Salvation is assured to you....

    9 8729 The day of the end is decided for eternity.

    10 7935 You humans are approaching the end....

    11 6487 Information about the end

    12 6812 Indicating the end of an era

    People's low spiritual level makes the End indispensable...

    13 8345 New redemption period

    15 8427 People's low spiritual state

    16 3749 Irrevocable end

    17 3625 The end is determined by people themselves.... Low level.

    Predictions made by seers and prophets... Disbelief in people...

    18 6936 Statements by seers and prophets....

    19 4879 Fulfilment of predictions made by seers and prophets.

    20 4034 Announcements through seers and prophets....

    21 6106 Speedy end.... Fulfilment of the predictions.

    22 5798 Disbelief regarding the announcements....

    23 3579 Last days.... Future Present....

    24 9008 The end will come for certain.

    A huge natural catastrophe is the last warning...

    25 4020 Doubting Gods Revelations.... Elements of nature....

    26 5678a Fulfilment of predictions.... Preceding disaster....

    27 5678b Fulfilment of predictions.... Preceding disaster....

    The End will come suddenly... Godlessness will abound before the End...

    28 8876 Renewed reference to the end29 5589 Sudden end amid the ecstasy of worldly pleasure.

    30 5305 The last day will come suddenly and unexpected....

    31 3519 End of the world.... Judgment Day....

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    The End is at hand...

    32 6482 Concerning end time revelations.

    34 7549 Disbelief in an end

    35 4320 The present time will lead to the end....

    36 5797 The end will come without fail....

    37 6023 God's end-time revelation

    37 6689 (The near end should be mentioned time and again....)

    ... and that is why it is necessery to prepare for It well...

    38 5195 Admonition to prepare for the end....

    39 3753 Most difficult time of hardship before the end....

    40 4889 Reference to the end....

    41 7641 Requesting strength for the approaching time.

    42 6870 End time prophesies and admonitions....

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    At the request of many friends Bertha Dudde wrote the following biography in 1953:

    I have been writing messages, received through the inner Word since June 15, 1937. In answer to the many

    requests of my friends I will give you a picture of my earthly life, a short explanation of what I received

    spiritually, and my own feelings about all this.

    I was born April 1, 1891, the second oldest daughter of an artist of Liegnitz in Schlesien, todays Poland I

    had a normally peaceful childhood, with six sisters in our parent home. I learned the cares of life at an earlyage. The desire to make money to help my parents made me learn the trade of a seamstress. As the financial

    needs of my parents continued, so the burden, and in this way I made myself useful.

    My parents belonged to different denominations. Father was a Protestant -Mother a Catholic. We children

    were brought up in the Catholic faith, but never experienced pressure or force to follow the practices of the

    church so that each child in later years could pursue their own chosen course.

    I myself was religious, but could not accept the doctrine of the Catholic system, although I respected the

    church. I could not represent something on the outside that my inner conscience had not accepted. So I did

    not continue to attend church, heard little preaching and had no knowledge of the Bible. I did not read anyreligious books or scientific literature and did not join any other group or religious sect.

    Anyone knowing the Catholic teaching knows what a conscious struggle one finds himself in when he wants

    to loosen himself from it. I also was not spared from this. But the question as to what is the Truth, and where

    it is to be found, remained.

    Often when I prayed the Lord's prayer I would beseech the Lord to allow me to find HIS kingdom.

    This prayer was answered in June 15, 1937, as I prayed quietly and waited on the inner voice. In this

    attitude I persisted often, for a wonderful peace came over me and thoughts which came to my heart,

    not my head, gave me comfort and strength.

    Still I did not know that these thoughts were given to me, until in a strange dream I experienced something,

    which later proved to be the Truth and caused me to write down these thoughts.

    So on a certain day as I listened inwardly a stream of words came to me, which I wrote down. This was the

    first message I wrote which started like this: "In the beginning was the Word, 'a TE-DEUM' to the

    Creafor of Heaven and Earth."

    Then came doubt, .did you write this by yourself? In short, I have wrestled, prayed and gone through

    many struggles, but again and again the words came to me like a stream, a wisdom, which made me tremble.

    Then GOD HIMSELF took away my doubts. HE answered me and I acknowledged HIM as our Father, in

    HIS Word. My faith grew, doubt diminished, and I received and wrote daily.

    The contents of the writings were beyond my understanding. Phrases, which I had never heard of, or readabout, strange and scientific expressions and references continually came to me. Then came unheard of

    expressions of the Heavenly Father's Love giving refuge and providing enlightenment to all the questions oflife.

    The "Words" came to me in the following manner: After sincere prayer and a short period of composure I

    listened inwardly. Thoughts then followed coming to my mind, clearly, distinctly, and the words flowed

    smoothly always three or four, one after another, like writing a radio announcement or a weather report,

    slowly so that I could easily keep pace, writing line after line.

    Now, I write the words in shorthand as a dictation without having any constructive or intellectual part in it. I

    am in no way in a 'trance', nor do I even form the sentences, but it comes to me one word at a time, neither

    do I understand the context while I am writing the words down.

    After days, sometimes weeks, I transcribe the shorthand writings into longhand without changing or

    correcting a syllable. Each dictation takes about half an hour. I must stress that this could not happen forcibly

    or in a state of ecstasy. It all takes place simply and consciously, without any excitement or influence of my

    own will. I can interrupt myself at any time and finish the sentence after hours or days without reading the

    previous writing the dictated words continue again.

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    My will is under no compulsion, all that I desire is to serve GOD and do what HIS Will wants me to do.

    I can truthfully say that I was led into this Truth, and these concepts were, in all respect foreign to me. It wasonly after years that I found confirmation of what I received, when I came to know the writings of Jacob

    Lorber. No one can imagine my joy when I discovered the literature of Jacob Lorber; "The Great Gospel of

    John" and the "Youth of CHRIST" Then I understood that other people were given the Word of the Lord,

    that GOD had spoken to HIS children at all times and that GOD will continue to do this in HIS endless Loveand Mercy.

    I found in Lorber' s writings the same as was given to me. I often could not understand the word that came to

    me, but in HIS Love the Heavenly Father gave me the explanation. How wonderful are the innumerable

    manifestations in which the Father displays HIS exceeding great goodness.

    It became clear to me that my short education, due to lack of money and my lack of time to read good books

    or visit performances, became my advantage. I could now concentrate on my work from early morning tolate at night, and each day I received that precious spiritual Word without knowing for whom I received it.

    It is because of my ignorance of the Bible and the Catholic doctrine that I accepted the Word from Above

    without resistance. In my experience an earnest Catholic or Protestant whose knowledge is rooted in

    dogmatic theories is too much bound to their dogma to accept and embrace Divine revelations withoutresistance.

    Still there are scientists at several faculties who earnestly discuss these Divine teachings with increasing

    interest. Their interest does not only concern the irrefutable explanation of the origin of matter and the

    possibility of its dissolution, but also the principle of the wrong teachings of different religions, systems and

    confessions. In the messages I received these errors are recorded and everyone is urged to give instructions

    concerning these doctrinal errors whenever there is an opportunity.

    But everyone is free to take the LORD' s Word to heart or not. But whoever understands the spirit in the

    Father's Word and does not act accordingly makes the distance between himself and the Father even greater.

    When he does not follow the warning words of Love he puts himself inevitably under the law. He will also in

    the same measure lack in Grace, disregarding GOD' s commandment of Love.

    In GOD' s Grace people are led anew to the gospel, which emphatically points out the purpose of man's

    being. For the merciful Love of GOD seeks to save all who still can be saved be fore the turning point

    comes. And it will come. The end-time of which seers and prophets have proclaimed is now here. According

    to the revelations given to me, the LORD does not differentiate between HIS children. "Come ye all to ME"

    sounds HIS call and blessed is he who hears HIS call and follows HIM. GOD Loves HIS children. HE wantsto make them all happy, even when they do not want to know HIM.

    Recorded Nov. 22, 1953


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    The end of a period of Salvation...

    B.D. 8748


    The end of a period of Salvation is assured to you....

    You are granted a specific length of time in order to attain your perfection, and that means as much as that the

    individual periods of development in My eternal plan of Salvation were fixed to last a certain time, consequently

    it means that I Myself will bring such a period of development to conclusion once the time has come to an end,

    for all My reign and activity takes place in lawful order, as was recognised by My wisdom to be good and

    successful. My decisions never change because profound wisdom and infinite love determined all events, and I

    have limitless power at My disposal in order to implement what I foresaw to be expedient. However, the

    beginning and the end of a period of development are so far apart that it is no longer possible for people to

    establish the start and thus they also deem an end impossible, therefore it simply remains a matter of faith to

    accept this teaching. And neither should a human being be forced into changing his will due to some kind of

    evidence, and for that reason a veil has to remain spread across the most profound secrets of creation.

    Nevertheless, one day the time will arrive when one period of Salvation comes to an end, and this is constantly

    pointed out to humanity through seers and prophets which I repeatedly awaken on earth in order to speak to

    people about things which cannot be explored by human intellect alone. Ever since the start of such a period

    attention has been drawn to the fact that it will also come to an end eventually, yet such references rarely metwith belief and people did not allow themselves to be influenced by it to change their way of living if the latter

    did not correspond to My will. Such prophesies seemed implausible to them, and neither was it possible to

    force them into accepting teachings of that nature.... But regardless of how much time passes, sooner or later all

    references to the end of a developmental epoch will come true, and people must take into account that a new era

    will start again, what is old will pass away and something new will arise. even if they are incapable of

    imagining such a renewal. But very few people dwell on this, and these few will delve deeper into My plan of

    Salvation and receive enlightenment from My side and therefore will also be convinced that an earthly period

    will come to an end, since due to their will for Me they also penetrate all correlations. You humans have been

    granted a period of time in which to change yourselves, to return to Me. And this path of return was infinitely

    long, since before your existence as a human being you already lived on earth in other works of creation. yet

    only in the human state are you aware of your life, you are only conscious of yourselves when you are human

    beings, whereas prior to this your self-awareness was missing and therefore you are oblivious to the time beforeyour human existence. Even so, the time granted to you would have completely sufficed for you to become the

    kind of being again which you were when you first came forth from Me.

    If, however, you have not reached your goal then it will be your own failure and you will have to accept the

    consequences, for with untiring patience and greater than great love I helped you to ascend step by step, and Ionly gave you free rein for a very short time so that you, in complete freedom, were able to turn your steps

    towards Me of yourown accord, that you voluntarily. for love. would come to meet Me in order to then

    always and forever be able to remain with Me as My child. But I had to allow you this freedom, for it was the

    basic condition which enabled living creations to become children, and it was indeed easy for you to pass

    this last test of will because you received an abundance of blessings, since I pursued you with My love and left

    no stone unturned to encourage your return to Me for good. But the time granted to you has expired now and

    the law must fulfil itself. Even if you humans dont want to believe it, the end of this period of development

    will come with absolute certainty, yet only the few which I will carry away on the last day will grasp it in its

    whole significance, in their spiritually awakened state they will understand the correlations and thus have

    become My Own on earth. The others, however, will suddenly see themselves faced by death and be utterly

    unable to judge what is happening around them, what the spiritual implications are, for in their spiritual

    blindness they neither recognised their wrong way of life nor Me as God and Creator and had been lifelesscreatures even before they fall prey to physical death. But the time I predetermined for this earth and its

    inhabitants is over, and only My Own will survive and inhabit a new earth so that the eternal plan of

    Salvation. the return for all once fallen spirits through My great creation. will continue to return some of

    the fallen beings back to Me for good again. Yet untold suffering and immense misery will always precede the

    end of a developmental period, and precisely this indication should make those people think who pay attentionto world events. But people still opposed to Me dont see the suffering, instead they only see earthlypleasures, good living standards, economic development and solely strive towards earthly possessions.... And

    these, therefore, can only be shaken up and brought to their senses through natural disasters which cause

    tremendous devastation and destroy peoples earthly commodities and possessions. Consequently, dont be

    surprised if many such disasters still come upon you, for they are the last means to galvanise those people who

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    lethargically exist in their worldly sense of security and in physical comfort and who approach a dreadful end if

    they wont change anymore, which can only be achieved through a disaster which will not be caused through

    human will but gives clear evidence of a Power which they would only need to acknowledge in order to besaved for eternity. Amen

  • 8/3/2019 L28 - Disbelief in an End...


    B.D. 872918.1.1964

    The day of the end is decided for eternity.

    Even if you inwardly resist the thought that everything around you shall perish, as it is constantly proclaimed to

    you, it will nevertheless come to pass with certainty, for My Word is truth and the end of this world in its

    present form has been decided for eternity. My plan of Salvation will proceed, for once I make a decision it

    will not change, because profound wisdom has recognised what serves My intention from the start . the return

    of all fallen spirits. and therefore I will implement what has been decided. The fact that the precise date will

    never be given to you humans is explained by your freedom of will, which would be at risk were you to know

    the exact day and hour. But the human race will never remain without warning, I will always announce what is

    to come, so that they can prepare themselves and the end need not be an end to be scared of for people. And thus

    I reiterate over and over again that the length of time the souls were granted for this salvation or earth period has

    expired. that the total transformation of the work of creation called Earth is also necessary because everything

    has become disorderly, because nothing which furthers the souls development is utilised anymore and because

    the earth shall fulfil its purpose again: to help the souls attain maturity, which, however, makes a total

    transformation of its surface unavoidable. And even if you are still granted a reprieve, you should not believethat the end has been revoked. The day will be upheld which has been preordained for eternity. You shouldmerely know that you have already reached the lowest point which entails an end, thus, according to the state of

    you souls the prerequisites for a disintegration of earth would exist already. However, My decision is

    irrevocable, and thus you may regard your remaining time as a gift of grace, for you can still change, since it is

    never too late for that. And therefore I call to you time and again: Believe that you are shortly facing the end.

    For even if a short time still passes by, it is nevertheless but a moment compared to the immense happening

    which will subsequently take place, which will conclude one period, the beginning of which you are incapableof ascertaining because the beginning and end of an earth period are so far apart that you cannot produce any

    clear evidence, nevertheless, you can be convinced that they are infinitely long periods of time.

    Although the individual human being is apparently unimportant and tiny in the great events of the world, he is

    nevertheless a once originally created spirit whose return means a lot to Me and whom I would therefore like to

    save before this end, so that he will not have to spend infinitely long times in agony and wretchedness again,which he can avert from himself by merely paying attention to My admonitions and warnings which he will still

    receive during the last days. The remaining time of grace is only short, and every day should be regarded by you

    as a gift which can manage to achieve your inner change, it can mean turning back on the path you are

    walking. providing you believe in an end of this earth and therefore also in an end of all living beings on

    earth, as it is constantly proclaimed to you. You dont believe because one day goes by like another and nothingunusual happens, and yet I give you so many wake-up calls. you are constantly faced by different natural

    disasters, time and again different commotions bother you, which are intended to arouse you from the state of

    sleep you find so comfortable. But you dont want to accept anything as a sign from above. You continue

    with your thoughtless way of life, you smother every sense of responsibility. You live on earth and yet do not

    acquire eternal life but approach death instead. Nevertheless, you have reached the end of an earth period, and

    if you dont believe this you will be taken by surprise and will find no way out, but prior to this you can still findit if you take the path to Me, if you hand yourselves over to your God and Creator and appeal for My shelter and

    protection from all difficulties of the impending time. if only you acknowledge Me as your God Who wants to be your Father. Then you truly no longer need fear the end, for then your return to Me will have been

    accomplished and I will be able to accept you in the spiritual kingdom where you can still continue to ascend if

    you leave this earth in a low degree of maturity. Nevertheless, you will have found Me and accomplished yourreturn to Me in the last minute, you will have escaped My adversary and, while still on the old earth, have come

    to the correct realisation that you can only find salvation and beatitude in Me, and then you wont need to fear

    the end anymore either. Amen

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    B.D. 79355.7.1961

    You humans are approaching the end....

    A period of Salvation comes to an end, for the time is fulfilled. My plan of Salvation has been predetermined

    for eternity and will be carried out as decided by My love and wisdom. However, you humans cannot judge

    what the conclusion of an epoch of Salvation means, for you will never be able to envisage that a transformation

    on this earth will take place which will destroy all creatures, in which all living beings, all life, will be dissolved

    and wiped out. As no parallel has ever been experienced by humanity before, it does not believe that the earth

    is approaching its end. You humans are facing inconceivable happenings but you will not attach the right

    significance to any of them since you are ignorant of the seriousness of your situation. You are approaching

    the end.... What you see around yourselves, what exists and can be perceived by you, will cease to exist.

    Everything will be destroyed, and even you yourselves will fall prey to this destruction if you do not belong to

    My Own, whom My power and My will shall lead away, as I have proclaimed. whom I will lift up to heavenbefore the eyes of their fellow human beings because they belong to Me and I can and want to transfer them to

    the new earth once the work of transformation has taken place. The time is fulfilled. For the duration of

    every period of Salvation is limited, even if it is so infinitely long that you humans no longer know its beginningand thus also deem an end impossible. The fact that you now have to experience this end is only based on

    your own will, on your souls past and present opposition towards Me, otherwise it would be unable to go

    astray, that is, it would not have to fear the banishment into matter, into the creations of the new earth.

    Only your resistance determines your destiny, your fate after the end of this earth, for as soon as you abandon it

    you will turn to Me and then you will also belong to My Own, whom I want to save before the end arrives.

    Everything related to an end of the old earth is incomprehensible to those of you who have no spiritual bond

    whatsoever, and you will never believe that the time has come when every individual person has to make a

    decision forlife ordeath. You will have to make the decision; no-one can be spared from it. And you shouldnot assume that you are safe, that the end of this creation work earth is yet to take a long time. The end will

    come sooner than you think precisely because the time is fulfilled. And I Myself Am steadfast in My Nature,

    I Am steadfast in My reign and activity, and I Am steadfast in My Word. And so, what I have told you must

    also come to pass, that My plan will be implemented when the time has come. And the fact that it has comecan be seen by the many signs which I brought to your attention, which I pointed out every time I mentioned the

    end of this earth. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.... He who has eyes to see, let him see.... But youhumans do not want to hear and see. And thus I cannot reveal Myself more plainly in order to compel you into

    believing. But My warnings will not stop until the day has come. And blessed are those who believe My Word,

    who live their life in accordance with this belief and unite themselves with Me in love and trust. For they will

    be saved for time and eternity, I will take care of them in every earthly and spiritual adversity, and never again

    will they have to fear an end because I will remove them before the hour of horror and will indeed allow them to

    observe the process of destruction, but only in order to let them recognise My might and magnificence and to

    testify to them on the new earth, where all suffering will be over and where they will be allowed to experience

    the happiness of paradise. The time is fulfilled, and it will come to pass as it has been proclaimed, for My Word

    is and forever will remain truth. Amen

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    B.D. 6487


    Information about the end....

    In a short time one era will end and a new one will begin. You can believe these Words; because I say them

    so that you can live your life in such a way that you need not fear this end. I have no other reason, I dont

    want to trouble you without cause, I dont want to throw you into confusion about the coming event, I simply

    want you to live in accordance with My will, then the end of this era will only be to your advantage, you wont

    need to fear it but will be able to joyfully look forward to a blessed time. I dont have to inform you of this

    because no human being knows when his last day will arrive and the knowledge that a period of Salvation is

    going to end would therefore be entirely unnecessary for many. But this information can still act as

    motivation for each human being to seriously consider his soul. it can cause him to take a serious look at

    himself when he is reminded of the fleeting nature of earthly possessions and will then strive to acquire spiritual

    wealth. But he is not forced to believe.

    Nevertheless, I Am calling ever more urgently: believe these Words and do whatever you can. and it will be

    in your best interest. Because you are all in a poor psychological state, you all still have to work to improveyourselves and not much time left to do so. Dont let yourselves be taken by surprise but acquaint yourselves

    with the thought that you are visitors on this earth for only a short time to come. This thought alone will make

    you live more consciously and you will turn to Me for help if you believe in Me as your God and Creator.

    Consider your way of life up to now and question yourselves as to whether your conduct was right in My

    eyes. Because you all know My commandments and you all know that love is the first and most important

    requirement, that you can never achieve bliss without love, and if you then have to admit to yourselves that you

    had treated this commandment half-heartedly and with indifference then you can still you have

    many opportunities to act with love.

    You will see hardship around you everywhere and will be able to help, just be willing to live virtuously and just,

    and honour the commandments of love which I only gave to you for your salvation. Because you are given

    many opportunities to do kind deeds. And always remember your Redeemer Jesus Christ. Call on Him to

    guide your thoughts and give you strength to carry out the divine will. Then you will be calling Me Myselfand demonstrating that you want to come close to Me. Then you will be walking the right path, the path that

    Jesus Christ had walked before you. The end will irrevocably come and irrespective of the state of yoursouls.

    But there is still time to prepare yourselves and therefore, time and again, the warning call comes from above:

    Consider the end. My love wants to save you from destruction but it will never force you and therefore speaks

    to you in a manner such that you can believe if you want. If you are observant you would notice a lot of things

    which could make you believe. One era is coming to an end and a new one will begin. And it will merely

    come to pass what seers and prophets had always predicted. For they, too, spoke in accordance with My

    instructions and announced the same as I Am telling you now, but your will is free; and your fate shall be as

    your will is once your earthly life has come to an end. You can live in blissful happiness. or you can

    become subject to death, an endless long time of torment and darkness from which you cannot free

    yourselves. Amen

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    B.D. 681222.4.1957

    Indicating the end of an era....

    You will all enter a new stage of development, for one period of Salvation will come to an end and a new one

    will start again. It has been said to you many times already without finding credence amongst people. And yet it

    is of greatest significance that you believe in it, because you will decide for yourselves as to whether you will

    advance or regress in your development, and because you will be affected by two entirely different destinies:

    exceedingly lovely and glorious or incredibly painful. Life will no longer go on as monotonously as before.

    the upheaval approaching you will be so great that you will be unable to imagine it and thus you will live on

    indifferently although it is pointed out to you time and again. But you wont believe what My messengers

    proclaim to you and one day will bitterly regret that you did not accept and comply with the advice given to you.

    My Word is the only way to draw your attention to it, consequently I keep talking to you through a human

    mouth and only want to find enough belief so that you will become thoughtful and give account to yourselvesabout your way of life. But who listens to My Word? Who recognises it as the Fathers voice Who wants to save

    His children from ruin? Peoples spiritual pride is so great that they overestimate their own thinking, that they

    dont want to accept anything, they dont believe to need any instructions and are satisfied with dead teachingswhich have lost all sanctifying strength. And those who claim to be My representatives on earth have too little

    contact with Me themselves, otherwise they would be able to hear the same Words from Me and would let Me

    speak through their mouths, in which case they would proclaim the same to their listeners as I announce time

    and time again: that you are facing a significant turning point, earthly and spiritually.

    You humans plan far in advance, you create and work as if you had an infinitely long time at your disposal....

    You dont want to believe in the conclusion of an era which is nevertheless approaching you shortly. Thus you

    are tirelessly active in an earthly sense. But what are you doing for your souls? Why dont you consider it in

    the same way since you know, after all, that you will have to die one day and you cannot take any of yourearthly possessions with you into the kingdom of the beyond? But since I tell you that all peoples lives will

    come to a sudden end it should prompt you into working harder at improving your souls and make you realise

    the futility of earthly hunting and striving. But you do not believe and cannot be forced into this belief. Even

    so, you shall hear it time and again from Me through My messengers who bring you My Word. You shall not be able to say that you remained without knowledge; you shall not be able to say that you were taken by

    surprise, thus time and again people will cross your path admonishing and warning you, and the happeningssurrounding you will also contribute towards making you thoughtful. And blessed is he who takes notice of it

    and prepares himself for a change that will occur. He will truly thank Me one day that I pointed the

    forthcoming out to him. for the time granted to humanity to attain spiritual perfection has come to an end.


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    People's low spiritual level makes the End indispensable...

    B.D. 83452.12.1962

    New redemption period.

    No major spiritual advancement can be expected on this earth any longer, only a few more people will find andwalk the right path which leads to Me. back to the Fathers house. There will certainly be people

    everywhere making every effort to work for Me and My kingdom, supporting the doctrines of the various

    ecclesiastical organisations with sincere dedication for Me. They will have the good will to guide the human

    being into truth and are successful too when My spirit can work through them as soon as they preach for Me and

    My kingdom.

    But only few people take the development of their soul seriously, whose faith in Me also includes the belief that

    they have a responsibility towards Me and who therefore consciously live their earthly life. However, most

    people are and remain indifferent, even if they are confronted by the most powerful speaker. They simply

    dismiss everything spiritual with a superior smile, because people consider it a fantasy and unreal and are

    therefore not captivated by it either. But for the sake of the few the work shall still be done eagerly, because to

    have saved only one soul from its downfall, to have prevented it from a repeated progress through the earths

    creations, is such a tremendous accomplishment that no effort should be spared, since every soul will eternally

    thank its saviour to have guided it onto the right path.

    Many people apparently revert back to faith... But greater still is the number of those who fall away and

    carelessly sacrifice their faith in Me and who do not acknowledge Jesus Christs act of Salvation as an act ofatonement for the whole of humanity either. And precisely because the belief in Jesus Christ is increasingly

    declining, spiritual hardship is getting progressively worse. This will finally lead to the disintegration of the

    earth so as to prevent an even deeper descent into darkness, which shall be accomplished by releasing the spirits

    which belong to My adversary and confining them again in the material creation.

    Time and again I tell you that this earth cannot expect a spiritual change for the better, that a new period ofredemption will start and that this, at the same time, will be a spiritual as well as an earthly turning point,

    because nothing which lives and exists on, in and above the earth will remain, but everything will be

    transformed, a new earth will emerge, and this new earth will start again in lawful order, so that the

    development of all spiritual substances thereon will be safeguarded and the process of return within this lawful

    order will continue.

    My eternal plan does not depend on whether you humans believe this or not, but those of you who do not

    believe My statements will be surprised how soon the day will dawn when the first revelations fulfil themselves:

    when you may yet witness a last sign from Me which shall confirm all revelations of this nature. Especially

    those people who deem themselves intellectually superior to their fellow human beings deny such last dayrevelations and thus also doubt the truth of My Word, which is transmitted to earth directly from above.... Yet

    who else could make such a specific prediction but He Who has every power at His disposal and Who is Lord ofall the forces of heaven and earth?....

    You can indeed accept His Word to be true and certain, for I do not merely speak but also substantiate every

    event to be inflicted on you by My love, wisdom and power, because this is necessary for your souls which

    should still call for Me in the last hour before the end. My predictions are not intended to achieve anything butto stimulate your sense of responsibility, by believing that you are soon approaching the end and by asking

    yourselves whether and how you can stand before the eyes of your God and Creator. You should not believe

    those who deny an end, who want to awaken in you humans the expectation of changes for the better. for a

    spiritual renaissance on this very earth that only requires a different human generation which observes My

    will. On this earth no such human generation will be found anymore, because the decline of spirituality is

    continuing, and this alone will result in the end of this earths era.

    For the earth is meant to be a school for the spirit, but peoples thoughts are dominated by matter and therefore

    they themselves will become matter again too, which they desire above all else. By doing so they completely

    forget God Who gave them their earthly life for the sake of a specific purpose And people do not fulfil this

    purpose, even the earth itself does not fulfil this purpose any more, because divine order has been completely

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    reversed, the earth has become My adversarys kingdom who wants to prevent the higher development of all

    spiritual substances.

    And you, who still believe in humanitys spiritual turning point on this earth, are spiritually deluded, you have

    no inner enlightenment, you are merely directed by your human intellect to make accusations and to deny divine

    revelations and to portray them as an expression of the opposing spirit. Otherwise you would know yourselves

    which level humanity has arrived at, and you would do better to be quiet, if you yourselves cannot believe in anend. than to expose your lack of awareness by allegations which oppose My predictions. Because you too

    will have to be answerable for this, since you are, after all, preventing people from evaluating their failed life

    and thus from a return to Me, which will have to take place before the end if the soul is to be saved from the

    appalling fate of repeated captivity in the creations of the earth. Amen

  • 8/3/2019 L28 - Disbelief in an End...


    B.D. 84273.3.1963

    Peoples low spiritual state necessitates an end....

    Once someone has penetrated spiritual knowledge he is also entitled to make a judgment in regards to

    humanitys spiritual state, and he will realise that spiritual progress on this earth is not possible anymore. He

    will be able to observe that the commandments of love for God and ones neighbour are only very rarely lived

    up to and that the disregard of these commandments results in ever greater darkness. He will also know that

    peoples will itself is the decisive factor and that this is also misused, since it is turning increasingly more

    towards the adversary which explains why people are under his control. Salvation would certainly be possible if

    only people were willing to accept the Word of God, which He Himself conveys to earth and which truly has the

    strength to lead to a change in human thinking. Yet precisely this willingness is missing and thus humanity is

    irrevocably approaching the end, so that the unspiritual state will be brought to a halt and a new phase of

    redemption will start which will impede the endless fall into the abyss, and the being which had failed as ahuman being will be integrated into the process of return once again, in accordance with divine will. Anyone

    who has penetrated spiritual knowledge will also understand everything that is happening. he will know that

    one period of Salvation is coming to an end and that a new one is beginning, because he knows the reason forpeoples unspiritual state and also that Gods love keeps creating ever new possibilities to lead the beings, which

    had once emerged from Him, to their goal. And only those people who penetrated spiritual knowledge can offer

    a little help by passing their knowledge on to their fellow human beings. but then free will has to be prepared

    again to accept such knowledge. And peoples will is extraordinarily weakened. A person could certainly

    place himself into a state of strength and also attain a stronger will, but this requires him to live in love himself

    and to take the path to Jesus Christ Who, through His crucifixion, acquired unmeasured blessings, thus also the

    strengthening of will. Deeds of love will always grant strength to a person, and a call upon Jesus will fortify

    the will, for then the will is no longer completely averted from God, for anyone who is lovingly active also

    establishes contact with God, the Eternal Love. And anyone who calls upon Jesus Christ acknowledges Him asthe Redeemer of the world and thus also as God Himself, Who became a human being in Jesus Christ. Hence

    you all can escape this state of weakness, you are not left to your own devices in your helplessness, but strength

    is at your disposal at all times if only you desire it. And those who possess this knowledge will always

    provide you with clarification, but as long as your heart and ears are unreceptive to it their words will remainineffective, you will remain weak and unenlightened and wont live up to your purpose of life.

    However, force will never be exerted on you on Gods part, it will be entirely left up to your will as to how you

    deal with your fellow human beings instructions, yet they will be conveyed to you so that you can also make

    this decision yourselves. If, however, your own will rejects it and you cannot find your way out of the state of

    darkness then you are entangled in a net of lies and errors which you can no longer tear apart yourselves, since it

    keeps you constrained and was cast upon you by the adversary himself. And then the only option left is to break

    the adversarys power, that is, to remove the opportunity for him to harass people on earth, which means the

    dissolution of earth with all its creations as well as all living creatures up to the human being.... hence an end for

    you humans with a subsequent banishment into hard matter and a reshaping of all material creations for the

    purpose of sheltering the still bound spiritual substances, which likewise shall attain higher development on this

    earth. A spiritual change on this earth is impossible because people fail to muster the will for it. Yet that

    which will follow later will also demonstrate a spiritual change, for after the demise of the old earth a new earthwill arise with incomparably beautiful creations, with spiritually mature people who had passed their test of faith

    and will on this old earth and who shall be returned to the new earth as the root of the new human generation.

    For they will be spiritually awakened, they will know about Gods love and His reign and activity throughout

    the universe and they will also know that all creations only serve the once fallen spiritual beings to attain full

    maturity, they will know that divine order must be observed and that everything which leaves this order will

    require endless time in order to reach the goal again one day, to integrate with the law of eternal order and tolive a life of selfless love. And at the end of an earthly period love will have grown completely cold amongst

    people, thus profound darkness will be on earth, for only love is the light which penetrates the darkness. And

    only the one who lives in love will also penetrate spiritual knowledge, he will ignite the light within himself and

    all the terrors of darkness will be over for him. And this bright light will illuminate the new earth, and all

    people will be fully enlightened for they will live in love and walk with God, Who is Love Himself and the

    Light of eternity. Amen

  • 8/3/2019 L28 - Disbelief in an End...


    B.D. 3749


    Irrevocable end. Divine order and infringement.

    The time for the end has definitely arrived, and anyone can see that if he so wants. I do not keep My living

    creations in ignorance, I inform them of this Myself, but anyone who lacks belief in Me and My Word, anyone

    who does not reflect on the cause of the total decline and is unable to associate it with the spiritual low level,

    cannot receive additional information either. Nor can the credibility of My Word be proven to him since he

    rejects all evidence. The time of the end is making itself noticeably felt, however, anything that is earthly

    recognisable can also be explained by people in an earthly, i.e. natural, way. And yet there is a spiritual cause

    for everything which has to be observed first; people have to try to resolve the spiritual cause if the

    consequences are to be averted. But people do not make this attempt, and thus the time is irrevocably

    approaching the end, i.e. the earth is experiencing its last days in its present form. I speak to people clearly but

    they cover their ears, they cannot muster the will nor the strength to accept information which would enablethem to discover an orderliness even in the decline, in the immense misery and all events. they dont want to

    know about it and dont want to be truthfully instructed either. And time and again I send them My servants and

    messenger to guide them into the right way of thinking.

    But My plan of eternity is predetermined, My wisdom recognises the necessity of changing the existing state,

    and My love and My will carry out what is unavoidably needed in order to still save the few which want to be

    saved. Because humanitys activity has to stay within limits, and once these are exceeded the time of the end

    will also have arrived. And the fact that people are behaving in opposition to divine order can be easily seen by

    everyone. Thus, what would be more logical than to restore the order again in accordance with My will?

    Nevertheless, it cannot happen in a humanly aspired way but has to take place in keeping with My law of

    eternity. A humanly devised change on this earth would not result in any spiritual change, it would not result

    in any spiritual progress, but this is the only purpose for My living creations life on earth, and this has to takeplace; hence the necessary conditions have to be available for it too and consist of entirely new creations for the

    spiritual substances which still remain opposed to Me.

    Thus the old earth will pass away in as much as all creations on it will be destroyed, in order to be inhabitedagain by completely new creations according to My will, which signifies the start of a new earth period, the start

    of a new era of redemption in a spiritual sense. It is easy to understand that a change on earth in opposition toMy order also has to result in complete disintegration; but anyone who does not acknowledge an eternal

    Lawmaker will also refuse to acknowledge a violation of My order, since he is not living within My order

    himself in as far as he values earthly matter more than the spiritual kingdom which, however, should be the

    purpose and goal of his earthly life. A person who does not stay within My order through actions of love and

    conscious contact with Me will not have orderly thoughts either, and his knowledge is deceptive knowledge

    without lasting value. But anyone who opens his eyes and ears will recognise the spiritual decline and also know

    that the end is near. He will strive to stay within My eternal order and thus not fear the end because it is the

    beginning of a new life for him, a life of eternal bliss. Amen

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    B.D. 362511.12.1945

    The end is determined by people themselves.... Low level.

    My eternal decision included the end, and thus it will come without fail when peoples low spiritual level

    demands it. The end will therefore be preceded by a time when people distance themselves from Me of their

    own free will, so that I can no longer influence them with My strength of love because they will prevent it

    themselves. But where My strength of love stops, i.e. where it is no longer able to affect the spirit, that is where

    life. activity. will also come to an end. The spiritual being will descend into a state of solidification. This

    will be the result of insufficient strength, to which it will have shut itself off. The human being as such will still

    be in possession of vital energy, but since he will be using it in a completely wrong way during the last days,

    since he, instead of striving towards Me, will strive away from Me completely of his own free will, I will also

    have to take his vital energy away from him, which will therefore signify the physical end of countless spiritual

    beings which are embodied as human beings on earth and which, deprived of their final form of development,will subsequently completely solidify again, thus descend into weakness and darkness, until My love gives them

    a form once again in which their process of development can start anew. The spiritual being cannot live, thus be

    active, without an influx of strength, yet this strength will not flow to it against its will while it is in a state offree will. At the start of its incarnation as a human being the latter is certainly weak-willed, or his will is still

    undecided, and he can use the vital energy he is granted as a gift of grace in any way. But once people have

    reached the lowest point when they no longer make use of this vital energy in order to attain spiritual strength,

    when they consciously resist the influx of strength from Me, I will also withdraw the energy of life from

    them. They will have to repeat the process of development once more, which starts again with an utterly weak

    state in the most solid form, in hard matter, the overcoming of which takes an infinitely long time again. I

    would like to spare the spiritual beings this long captivity, and therefore all conceivable means will be used by

    My love beforehand, yet people are beyond learning.

    If My servants explain their spiritual hardship to them, if they are reminded of the serious consequences of their

    unbelief , if their attention is drawn to the shortly approaching end, they close their ears. They dont believe in

    My eternal plan of Salvation, they dont believe in Me and My never-ending love and thus they precipitate the

    end themselves. They not only remain on their low spiritual level but continue to descend ever further....Their own will hastens the dissolution of that which shelters spirits, just as their own will lets the human being

    return to that which his soul had already overcome long before. It is not My but peoples own will whichdetermines the end, yet I have foreseen this will for eternity and thus will constrain it once again because

    freedom of will is being misused. Anyone who has My Word knows about My love, he knows about My plan of

    Salvation to redeem the souls and he also foresees the end, for he recognises the spiritual hardship. Yet anyone

    who does not recognise this hardship is not imbued by My love, he is still in spiritual darkness and can hardly

    step out from this into the light of day. For he needs My Word to do so, the light which illuminates him and

    enriches his knowledge. And he will understand the physical adversity of the time, which is caused by the

    immense spiritual hardship. Anyone who has My Word will expect the end with profound faith, for everything

    will come to pass as I proclaimed in Word and Scripture. Therefore, pay attention to My Word when it is

    imparted to you through My messengers. pay attention to the Word which is conveyed to you from above,

    which guarantees you the absolute truth which originates from Me, the Giver of truth, and which I impart to you

    with all My love, so that you will find the path to Me through the Word, so that you will not be lost to Mykingdom, so that you need not go through the process of development again, which would mean indescribable

    agony for your souls. Pay attention to the Word so that you will belong to My Own, who will be spared at the

    end in order to enter the kingdom of peace, as I have promised.... Amen

  • 8/3/2019 L28 - Disbelief in an End...


    Predictions made by seers and prophets... Disbelief in people...

    B.D. 69365.10.1957

    Statements by seers and prophets....

    Listen to what the spirit of God proclaims to you: the seers and prophets are chosen by Me Myself because theyhave to fulfil a great and important task. informing people of the forthcoming Judgment of the world and

    admonishing them to prepare themselves for it. These seers and prophets dont use their own words but merely

    pass on what My spirit tells them. Thus, in a manner of speaking, you receive a direct proclamation from Me

    Myself, I merely have to use a mediator in order not to compel your thoughts and actions. You therefore can

    believe it but are not forced to do so. You will believe it if you acknowledge the gift of vision and prophesy in

    these mediators; you will reject it if you doubt their mission. But I want to make it easy for you to believe them,I will visibly emphasise their mission by allowing the announced events to happen which precede the

    Judgment. I will make sure that these announcements will be spread, that many people can be informed of

    them and that they then will experience the evidence of it, because everything will happen as I predicted through

    seers and prophets. Although I warned people.... when I lived on earth.... to beware of false Christs and false

    prophets and pointed out that My adversarys emissaries will also wreak havoc, I now caution people once again

    not to get caught in his nets of lies and to believe his intrigues, for he is active and through remarkable

    accomplishments, through physical works of wonder, is trying to awaken in people the belief that the powers of

    heaven are expressing themselves.

    But precisely his remarkable activity during the last days also gives rise to My countermeasure which consists of

    using methods that revive a weak faith again or let a lost faith arise anew. And this cannot happen in any otherway than through pure truth, which comes forth from the source of truth but must reach you humans through

    mediators because you are unable to receive it directly yourselves.

    And thus I present to people what lies ahead of them. And the people I have chosen to mediate between Myself

    and you humans can be acknowledged by you as genuine prophets whose words you should believe. I Am also

    prepared to demonstrate that they speak on My instruction and inform you of what is to come by very soonmaking the first announcements come true. For the most important task of these seers and prophets is the

    announcement of the end, which is of utmost importance for you humans and which you thus should await being

    prepared. And for this you are still granted a period of time which can suffice to save your souls from ruin.

    And so I will not hesitate much longer, I will confirm My seers and prophets mission, I will let their

    proclamations be followed by action.... Prior to this. before the end. I will shake the earth and show Myself

    to all people through a natural event which time and again has been announced according to My will. For I gave

    them the instruction Myself, they only spoke as My instruments, as My representatives on earth who should

    admonish and warn people on My behalf. You must not deem yourselves safe from events which testify to a

    higher Power, you should dread them and believe that My Word is truth, that I Myself speak and have spoken toyou through them and that you are therefore definitely approaching an extremely difficult time, if My grace will

    not call you back beforehand. You are facing the end of an era, and in this certainty you should live your lifeaccordingly. always in view of a sudden end which, however, need not be feared by anyone who consciously

    improves himself, who pays more attention to his soul than to his earthly body, for he will not lose anything but

    only gain. Amen

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    B.D. 4879


    Fulfilment of predictions made by seers and prophets.

    Very soon you will realise that My Word will fulfil itself, because the time has come I have always and forever

    announced through seers and prophets. They all proclaimed My Word, thus they only expressed what I wanted

    to tell people, and since I used the prophets as My representatives they were only able to say what I Myself

    wanted to say. Hence it is certain that these messages will fulfil themselves, because My Word is truth. The

    believers are merely unsure when My prophesies will come to pass and therefore they are not taken seriously

    either, for everyone believes that what people were foretold a long time ago will happen in the future. They

    dont know when the time will be fulfilled, but neither do they believe that they are living in the midst of this


    They believe and yet they do not believe.... They do not reject it, but they do not want to admit it is happeningnow, and therefore they have become indifferent to their psychological task. But I keep telling you that you do

    not have much time left to think about it if you do not want to be taken by surprise. You will only be on this

    earth for a very short time and it is up to you whether you, too, will belong to the inhabitants of the new earth.In that case you will have to believe firmly and resolutely that the end is near and prepare yourselves for this

    end. You have to live in accordance with My will, then you will discover for yourselves what time you live in.

    Then you will no longer waste time and also know what fate awaits humanity; and in order not to belong to

    those unfortunate people who will have to fear the end you will have to join Me and turn your back on

    everything that belongs to the world.

    But if you exist without faith you will only pay attention to the world and will not recognise the gravity of the

    hour. Then you will be hopelessly lost for an infinitely long time. I can only warn you of the end and remind

    you to love, but I cannot forcibly convey the understanding and knowledge to you. You are therefore in utmostdanger and only because you do not believe the Words, which will be repeatedly proclaimed to you through

    seers and prophets that the end is near. Yet time and again My love will cross your path in order to guide your

    thoughts to the end.... My love will let you take painful ways in order to take your eyes off the world. My love

    will speak to you through My servants, it wants to save you, nevertheless, it allows you complete freedom.Amen

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    B.D. 40342.5.1947

    Announcements through seers and prophets....

    What I proclaim to you humans through seers and prophets must be taken seriously.... Such is My will, and if

    you want to comply with My will then you should not half-heartedly and indifferently accept what My love

    gives to you. But you are indifferent if you indeed listen to My Word yet fail to arrange your life in line with My

    predictions, if you do not seriously strive for a change in your character and fulfil My commandment of love.

    With My announcements I want to warn you not to waste your life, I want to admonish you to still make use of

    the time remaining to you until the end, I want to stimulate your spiritual aspiration and guide all your thoughtsso that you fully mature while you still live on earth. But if you do not take My Word, My prophesies, seriously,

    you will let all these instructions pass your ears by unheeded and My admonitions and cautions will have been

    futile. And when the hour comes that you are called away you will only be able to claim a poor testimony, for

    you will have failed on earth by not taking hold of My loving Fatherly hand when it was offered to you. If you

    have a spiritual guardian you must also unconditionally entrust yourselves to him for he will surely guide you in

    the right direction. But now, during the time of the end, I Myself want to be your Leader and Guardian, and if

    you only grant Me a little trust you truly need no longer take care of yourselves, neither bodily nor spiritually,for I Myself will take care of you, you only have to make sure that you constantly accept strength from Me

    which guarantees you the path towards ascent. And you can only receive this strength in the form of My Word.

    So if I give you the knowledge about the forthcoming event it is a very great blessing for you, for then you will

    have the opportunity to gain My affection with your right way of life, to such an extent that I will never leaveyou again, that I will take hold of you and pull you up to the pinnacle.

    However, I now make it a matter of specific urgency, because you dont have much more time left to change

    your souls. And this is why I come close to and call you with every revelation, with every proclamation, and if

    you recognise the Fathers voice you will also respond to it, like little lost sheep you will pay attention to the

    voice of the good shepherd, you will follow His call and it will be to your greatest advantage. But anyone whodoes not take notice of My voice will hardly find contact with Me, and once the hour of the end has come he

    will be weak and not turn his eyes heavenwards because he will still be far too earthbound. And this is what I

    want to avert from you, I want to help you and therefore repeatedly send to you My Word from above and withit also the reason for My Word, so that you take it ever more seriously, so that you listen to and read it whenever

    the opportunity presents itself. Believe My Word, believe that you wont have much time left until the end, so

    that you very seriously start your psychological task, so that you still receive many blessings from it, for the

    time is gravely serious and it is urgently necessary for you to try to imagine that the end will take you by

    surprise and you will not have time anymore for your actual earthly task. Listen to Me and believe My Word

    and it will always and forever fill you with strength, I Myself will be able to take care of you as soon as you

    look for Me in thought. And you will be able to master all difficulties because it is My will that much strength

    shall be sent to those who keep their faith in My might and love, and I will help them to progress spiritually.Amen

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    B.D. 610612.11.1954

    Speedy end.... Fulfilment of the predictions.

    Dont be misled and believe My Words, which announce the near end to you. You have not been informed of

    the day and the hour because it is not beneficial for you if you knew them. Yet none of you envisage the day of

    the end to be as near as has been determined for eternity. Each one of you still keeps his eyes so firmly on the

    world that the fact, that it should all come to a speedy end, doesnt seem possible to him. foreach one of you

    is still very earthly minded, even if he belongs to My Own and has spiritual aspirations. For you are living in the

    midst of the world and still have to do your work. And this is why your thoughts are often so far removed from

    what I have always and forever foretold. Time and again you are told that the end will come suddenly and

    unexpectedly. And you humans will not determine the time, for I will come like a thief in the night.... But

    dont mock what lies ahead of you just because you dont believe it. so that you will not have to regret it one

    day. Time and again I awaken seers and prophets in order to warn and admonish you through them to prepare

    yourselves for the inevitable. And yet I will not inform you of the day and the hour so as not to confuse you, so

    as not to restrict your thoughts and actions. And even when the day comes it will take people by surprise,

    because nothing extraordinary will happen beforehand and worldly people more than ever indulge in pleasuresand enjoy their lives. Just a few see the light but their admonitions are laughed at.... until I intervene and MyWord fulfils itself. Therefore accept everything conveyed to you through the voice of the spirit as pure

    truth. Expect the end very soon, for the time has been fulfilled. the time of the harvest has arrived. Amen

  • 8/3/2019 L28 - Disbelief in an End...


    B.D. 579829.10.1953

    Disbelief regarding the announcements....

    You humans give no credence to references regarding the end.... you live in the world and dont want to accept

    that which is readying itself outside of the material world and which will, with certainty, come to pass in the

    time designated by Me. I cannot plant the belief into you, it has to emerge in you yourselves; I can only ever

    help you by directing your eyes to the events of the time which should truly make you attentive. For I

    announced the signs of the last days through seers and prophets, who only proclaimed in My will what they saw

    happening in the last days. And even now I can only ever draw your attention to it, I can only ever admonish

    you again to take notice of what happens around you.... And then you will certainly recognise the hour you live

    in. For I will not let you experience the end without warning, it will not come upon you without being

    announced; yet as soon as you dont give credence to these proclamations it will take you by surprise, because

    My Word fulfils itself because it is the only truth. Even if progress is promised to you on the part of will not prevent the end either, and it will only become clearly apparent where no faith exists anymore, where

    only the world in which My adversary has gained the upper hand will be taken notice of. And that, too, is a sign

    of the approaching end.

    For it will be as in the time of Noah.... People will live in sin, they will only indulge themselves and try to get

    what they can out of the world . but they will pay no more attention to Me. And if only you observe peoples

    attitude towards Me, towards your God and Creator of eternity, then you will also be able to discover therein a

    sign of the last days. The reason why people no longer have faith is due to their lack of love.... Love has

    grown cold amongst people. and, therefore, faith has died away as well, for even those who call themselves

    religious, who dont entirely deny a God and Creator, have no living faith, otherwise they would prepare

    themselves for the end, otherwise they would unhesitatingly believe the indications of the end All

    admonitions and warning are in vain for those to whom they are addressed.... And even if I knock very loudlyand clearly at the door of their heart, even if I scare them through unexpected events in their lives or their

    surroundings, they will only look at them in a worldly sense and wont recognise My voice, even if it clearly

    speaks to them. And the more the end approaches the more determinedly they reject the references, the fact

    that a higher power will intervene seems ever more improbable to them . but the more ready people will befor their downfall. And everything will come to pass as I proclaimed. Amen

  • 8/3/2019 L28 - Disbelief in an End...


    B.D. 3579


    Last days.... Future Present....

    God has foretold people what will happen to earth in accordance with His eternal plan of Salvation.... He does

    not want them to experience the last day unprepared, He does not want to surprise them suddenly in their

    imperfection but give them ample opportunity beforehand to achieve perfection. He wants to urge them to

    become spiritual, He wants to warn them of the consequences if they ignore His reminders, and He wants to

    inform His Own of all events which shall come to pass during the last days in order to strengthen their faith and

    to give them hope and trust for their deliverance. He will not allow anything to happen to earth without

    informing people first, so that they should recognise Him in all forthcoming events. But He will

    never divert from His eternal plan of Salvation which He has wisely considered in knowledge of its

    effectiveness. The end may well take its time but it will irrevocably arrive, and for that reason all prophecies

    concerning earth and the signs of the last days should be taken literally. And thus the human being can expectthe end at any hour, he should always anticipate that the end could occur in the present time, and therefore

    attach great importance of improving himself, his soul, so that it can emerge unharmed and stand before God on

    Judgment Day. As soon as the human being believes the end to be in the future he becomes indifferent and slowin the work on himself.

    However, if he anticipates that Gods prophecies could fulfil themselves in the present time he takes the

    transformation of his nature seriously, and this is Gods intention from the start, and He urges people to change

    their nature. But yet one day His proclamations will become the present and shall fulfil themselves word for

    word. And just prior to the events people will least believe the prophecies and this itself will demonstrate that

    the last days have arrived. When no-one anticipates the transformation of earth any longer, when people reject

    all relevant information, when they look at all events from an entirely earthly and material point of view and

    ignore the divine Creator, i.e. when they negate every connection between humanitys fate and divine will.then the hour is not far, because then humanity has reached the degree of maturity which causes the end. And

    then Gods proclamations shall fulfil themselves literally, to the horror of those who do not believe and hence

    are completely unprepared, and to the joy and comfort of the few who are waiting for the last hour as the hour of

    deliverance from greatest earthly distress. Because one day even the future will become the present, andalthough Gods love is infinitely great, one day Gods justice will take its place and end a condition which is

    disastrous for the still imperfect spiritual substances in the universe. And for that reason people should berepeatedly reminded of the end, they should be informed of the Word of God Who uses His prophets to warn

    and remind people and hence speaks to them through mediators. The end is close at hand and blessed is he

    who believes the prophecies and prepares himself. The day will come unexpectedly and take all living beings

    from earth to lead them either into eternal life or into death, as God has proclaimed in Word and Scripture.


  • 8/3/2019 L28 - Disbelief in an End...


    B.D. 90084.7.1965

    The end will come for certain.

    Every large disaster will also be preceded by My announcements, I will warn and admonish people, therefore I

    need seers and prophets who shall spread these announcements among people. Therefore it is wrong to reject

    all prophesies or to portray them as being untrue, even if they do not immediately come to pass, for everything

    will happen at the right time, and often I have announced the coming event long in advance, but no-one granted

    these Words any credence. And therefore I also announce and always have announced the end of an earth

    period in advance, so that even My disciples expected this end during their lifetime on earth. Nevertheless, I

    have always worded My prophesies such that no specific time was given to people, that they in fact could

    always expect it, because it has indeed always been My intention to bring their near end home to them. Yet

    time does not stand still, and since My Word will inevitably come true this announced end will certainly have to

    happen one day. Anyone who knows My eternal plan of Salvation also recognises the necessity for an end of

    all spiritual substances still bound in creations. For since he is aware of the spirits constant progression of

    development, it is also clear to him that from time to time. which is infinitely long for you. a total

    transformation of the earths surface must take place so that the spiritual substance bound in hard matter mayalso have the opportunity to develop further. If people find such a huge destruction of the earths surfacequestionable then they have been left in ignorance by the world of spirits who instructed them. In that case I

    must correct such errors, for it is precisely the forthcoming end of the earth in its present form that is extremely

    significant for the whole of the human race, after all, it is in danger of entirely failing its final test of will and

    will have to endure a dreadful fate again.

    For this reason My servants are instructed to announce this end, but not only to report the fact of the end,instead, I substantiate everything too, so that people shall not only believe blindly and be able to receive as well

    as to give a correct and truthful explanation for everything. My love belongs to all fallen spirits, not only to the

    human being. And the hour of freedom from the hardest constraint must, sooner or later, also come, especially

    for the spiritual substance still bound in matter, which has already languished for an infinitely long time, in

    order to be placed into a lighter form in which its being of service will be easier. And if you humans have

    knowledge ofanything, if the Father Himself instructs you from above, then you truly need not doubt, you canaccept everything as purest truth, even if I still prolong the time before this act of destruction of the old earth.

    Nevertheless, the day will come without fail. Sadly, there are far too many people who do not believe in a

    total transformation of the earths surface, who grant credence to accounts of people or also spiritual beings who

    lack all knowledge of My plan of Salvation. Yet I cannot do more than speak to you humans from above and

    explain what motivates My reign and activity and must leave it up to you as to how you regard My Word. Evenso, it is not easy for My servants on earth that people will accept this Word as My Word, especially when it

    concerns the correction of errors, when every person believes that they know the truth and My Word means no

    more to him than a human word or words from the spirit world. which is unverifiable until I Myself Am

    called upon for support so that you will truly only be instructed by beings of light through which the outpouring

    of My spirit can flow. In that case, however, all results will correspond; you will feel the truth. providing

    you seriously desire the truth. Amen

  • 8/3/2019 L28 - Disbelief in an End...


    A huge natural catastrophe is the last warning...

    B.D. 40209.4.1947

    Doubting Gods Revelations.... Elements of nature....

    You so urgently need to receive My Word and yet hardly ever believe it. You constantly allow yourselves to

    be beset by doubts as to whether My servants convey the truth to you. You reject that which seems unacceptable

    to you and which is nevertheless inevitable according to eternal decree. I introduce you, whose spirit is

    awakened, into My plan of Salvation so that you shall recognise the time of the end and can also draw your

    fellow human beings attention to the end. I indicate the signs to you and ever since the start of this period of

    Salvation have also predicted the consequences of the low spiritual level in order to give you the opportunity to

    prepare yourselves so that the end will be a blissful one for you.

    Yet My announcements are not taken seriously, thus I keep revealing Myself time and again, and not just

    through the Word which comes forth from Me and testifies of Me, but I also want to be recognisable to thosewho wont give credence to My Word, who do not let themselves be instructed through My servants on earth

    and who therefore also view my predictions with utter disbelief. I want to approach them in a different way, I

    want to reveal Myself to them as Lord of Creation Whom no human will can bear up against. I want to

    confront them with the Power which human will cannot break or defeat. I want to talk to them in a language

    which is loud and clear, I want to speak with a voice of thunder and the elements of nature will obey Me and

    testify to Me. And this will be the last Word of admonition I speak in order to then let events take their course

    until the end. And this last expression of My might and strength will be a blessing for all of humanity, yet it will

    only be effective for a small number of people, since anyone who does not acknowledge Me will see nothing

    unusual in the huge natural disaster but merely look at it as an act of nature even if he agrees that he has no

    control over this act. And yet, I will not deviate from My plan of eternity and will continue to announce time

    and again that I will reveal Myself through a natural disaster of an extent which the world has never beforeexperienced. Why will I do this?

    Time is pressing towards the end, people live life half-heartedly and are lethargic. they dont realise the

    gravity of the time and shall therefore be woken up, I Myself want to approach them, for in their acute physical

    distress when they are facing death the thought of the Creator will nevertheless arise and a few will still find and

    take the path to Me. And for the sake of these few what is proclaimed in Word and Scripture will be fulfilled.Countless people will indeed lose their lives and enter the kingdom of the beyond in an imperfect state, yet I will

    be a merciful Judge to them and value the last sacrifice they offer Me with their early death by providing them

    with the greatest opportunities to achieve maturity in the spiritual kingdom and granting them support in every

    way. Nevertheless, I will speak through nature without fail, and all of you will bear witness to it and be able to

    convince yourselves of the truth of My Word which comes pure and plain from above, because it is My will that

    you shall not experience something so powerful that it would have to shock everyones way of thinking if they

    just have a little faith in a Creator and Preserver of heaven and earth. But anyone who is united with Me shouldnot doubt My Word, for I express Myself through My servants on earth and want My Word to be passed on and

    accepted as pure truth and all doubt to be banished from the hearts of My Own, because I Myself speak to you

    and will never allow My Word to be passed on interspersed with error to people of good will. who want to be

    of service to Me and are therefore hired by Me as labourers in My vineyard during the last days before the

    end. Amen

  • 8/3/2019 L28 - Disbelief in an End...


    B.D. 5678a


    Fulfilment of predictions.... Preceding disaster....

    The time is fulfilled, everything points to the end.... yet only the people who strive towards Me can see the

    signs, for their eyes are turned heavenwards, and thus they also receive enlightenment from above and dont

    doubt that now will come to pass what seers and prophets have foretold on My instructions. What seems self-

    evident to them is completely implausible to the worldly person, they look at things with different eyes than

    those who only see the world and therefore also only live for the world and its pleasures, and whose spirit will

    grow progressively darker the closer it gets to the end. And for all these people an event will still happen before

    the end which certainly could change their thoughts, which could make them stop and think, if only they had a

    little good will! I still want to reveal Myself in advance, although even then they still wont have to recognise

    Me. Once again they shall lose that which they greedily aspire to, their earthly possessions shall be destroyed

    and taken away from them again, yet by a power which they cannot hold accountable for it. I want to manifest

    Myself through the elements of nature in order to save them. Where there is still a spark of faith in a person

    there is also an opportunity for salvation, for he can still turn his thoughts to Me in the last hour and call upon

    Me for help. and even if he loses his mortal life. this call will be heard and his faith will be rewarded to himin the kingdom of the beyond, where he will find help. I only want to see an acknowledging thought and Myhand will extend itself to everyone, in order to demonstrate Myself to him at last. I truly make it easy for you to

    believe in Me if only you would put it to the test by calling upon Me in spirit and in truth. And therefore I will

    make a final attempt to save them, to save those who have not yet entirely fallen prey to My adversary.

    I will let the earth tremble and every hope of earthly rescue vanish. And where no help is possible anymore I

    alone can still provide rescue, for nothing is impossible for Me. And anyone who, in utmost crisis, remembershis childlike faith, who makes this final attempt to call upon Me, will truly not regret it. He will be saved for

    time and eternity, since losing his earthly life will then only be a blessing if the soul still ascends in the spiritual

    kingdom. Although the forces of nature are not always regarded as an expression of My power and strength, yet

    mortal fear occasionally gives rise to different thoughts than the human being would otherwise have, he can

    recognise Me in an instant and therefore also call upon Me for help. Yet this never applies to the word which is

    merely voiced by the mouth, if the heart is not involved. The time is fulfilled, but prior to this will come topass what I proclaimed to you and repeatedly proclaim again. an unusual natural event, which is intended to

    remind you of the end that will follow soon afterwards. I constantly admonish and caution you to take notice of

    My Words, and I draw your attention to the signs of the time, yet I cannot force you to accept My Words as

    truth. however, commit them to your memory, so that they will remind you of the One Who speaks to you and

    Who truly only wants what is best for you, Who wants to rescue you from the abyss towards which those of you,who are completely devoid of faith, are heading. Amen

  • 8/3/2019 L28 - Disbelief in an End...


    B.D. 5678b


    Fulfilment of predictions.... Preceding disaster....

    Hence the last Judgment is preceded by a serious admonition, an indication of the near end and at the same time

    the evidence of it, because My proclamation fulfils itself and thus you human can equally assuredly expect the

    end, which not long afterwards is intended to come upon this earth and its inhabitants. Humanitys fate is an

    irrevocably deep abyss, regardless of whether they stay alive for just a short or a very long time, for they are in a

    completely dark spiritual state and do nothing of their own accord in order to remedy it. This is why I will have

    to disturb their tranquillity. Something has to happen which is so inconceivable to them, which horrifies them

    and makes their bodily death clear to them. Only death scares unbelieving people and thus I will bring death

    home to them, yet only with the intention of motivating them into calling upon Me in greatest fear, Who alone

    can keep them alive when earthly rescue no longer seems possible.