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Word of the DayFinicky

\FiIN-ih-kee\ (adjective

Definition: Extremely or excessively, particular, meticulous in taste standards

Example: Pam found it challenging to come up with ideas for healthy meals that her young son a finicky eater would enjoy.

I am an extremely finicky eater because I don’t like to eat the same food the rest of my family does always different.


\fun-LA-fuh\ (noun)

Definition: A spicy mixture of ground vegetables formed into balls or patties and than fried

Example: Sandra set her alarm for 5 am so she would have enough time to make two hundred falafels for the school banquet.

The falafel store down the street is the best falafel story in the city everyone goes there its always packed but the smell makes me want more and more.


\KOO-dahss\ (noun)

Definition: Fame and renowned resulting from an act or achievement

Example: Kudos is given to the Garden City Gophers for beating the Kelvin Clippers, in the high school boys Varsity wesmen championship game.

I gave kudos to myself after looking in the mirror and seeing how beautiful I am without anyone telling me so.


\ESH-uh-lon\ (noun)

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Definition: One of a series of levels or grades in an organization or field of activity

Example: We heard stories of corruption in the higher echelon

Rebel (adjective, noun)

Rebellion or Rebellious

Definition: opposing or taking arms against a government or ruler

Example: “Hell child .. Rebel and a traitor”

As I woke up one morning sad and annoyed and lonely not being able to see my love one in almost a week, I asked my mom if I could go to his house but she yelled NO so I choice to be a rebel and told her I had dance practice and went to his house instead



Definition: Having or showing no mercy or pity

Example: The presidential candidate was merciless in his criticism of his opponents

As I was playing basketball the score was 72-33 at the start of the 4 quarter are team was merciless and kept on scoring the other ream was mad and started and swear and foul because they couldn’t handle us


\num-skul\ (noun)

Definition: A thick or muddle head a dull or stupid person

Example: “Don’t be such a numskull” my mother shouted as I slammed on the breaks “we cant afford a new car”

When girls act like numskulls to get a boy I have to remind them that they shouldn’t change to get a boy because they are amazing just the way you are.


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Definition: To see the special features of

Example: One of the important skills for judging a dog shows its ability of discriminate between dozens of breed

My friends always discriminate my boyfriend because he isn’t the best at sports or the smartest, but he knows how to make my special and treat my right and that all a girl ever wants


\EK-suh-dus\ (noun)

Definition: A mass departures: emigration

Example: when the concert ended the exodus of attendees clogged up traffic for miles

One night during my party of the year I went upstairs to get my phone, well I was upstairs everyone exodus only to see that my parent where here … damn busted


\hen-DYE-uh-dis\ (noun)

Definition: The Expression of an idea buy the use of usually two independent words connected by and (as nice and warm)

Example: Hydria liked to use the hendiadys cheap and cheerful to describe her wardrobe.

The way he always use to use to the hendiadys beautiful and nice to describe me made me die a little inside because I seemed to love him more and more

Raziel likes to use the hendiadys yummy and beautiful to describe sushi



Definition: Payment (as a tip or a bribe) to expedite service

Example: “I’m sure the fact that we got seated so quickly had nothing to do with that little baksheesh you slipped the hosted” said Erica to her dinner companion.

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I find it dumb that this girl baksheesh all her so called friends to be friends with her because at the end of the day all they want is your money and when times are hard they wont be there for you because they didn’t really care about you. Friends are also hard to keep but my giving them baksheesh won’t mean they’ll always be there for you


\kly-MAK-ter-ik\ (noun)

Definition: A major turnhinh point or critical stage

Example: Many historians have tried to pinpoint the Roman Empires climacteric that precise moment when it began its long downhill slide.

At western Canada summer games it was a tie game and the climacteric was big when I stole the ball with seconds left and got fouled and was sent to the line was all the pressure on me I made the first basket and mess the second the girl got it at half and made the half court shot but she traveled we won the game


\FLAT-foot\ (noun)

Definition Slang police officer; especially: a patrolman walking the beat

Example: In his lasted movie the actor plays an earnest flatfoot who we bested by some clever crooks

The flatfoot saw the crook steal from the bank but the flatfoot was too slow running after him since he still had his coffee and donut in his hands.


\kahn-too-MAY-shus\ (adjective)

Definition: stubbornly disobedient rebellious

Example: She sat still looking a little contumacious and very much indisposed to stir.

One day I was being contumacious when my mom said I wasn’t allowed to have a boyfriend but the next day the guy I liked asked me out ii just couldn’t say no

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\PAL-ee-ayt\ (verb)
