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How To Manage

Your ParenTs

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final exaMinaTion

askia H. BasHir

Marketing Sample

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1. The first obligation or priority of your parents is which of the following. p. 63

a. To earn enough to take care of you. b. Obligation is to each other. c. To make every member of the family happy. d. To provide you with an allowance for

extra curricular activity. 2. In managing your parents, the benefits and re-

wards are plentiful if you are, p. 71 a. Positive. b. Proactive. c. Productive. d. All of the above. 3. Emphatic agreement is the first crucial step to, p.

72 a Getting a favorable response. b. Parents understanding your position. c. Disarming and minimizing resistance

and objection. d. Causing your parents to become more

agreeable to your concerns. 4. To improve the quality of others, you must do

what first, p. 79 a. Find out their particular needs. b. Do what you think is best for them. c. Give more of yourself to help them. d. Improve the quality of self. 5. What percent of the general population are skill-

ful at setting and achieving goals? p. 87 a. 10% b. 3% c. 55% d. None of the above. 6. To attain your goal, it must be, p. 89 a. Favorable. b. Realistic. c. Impossible. d. Easy to achieve..

Directions: Circle the letter that gives the correct or best answer. Content Test Master

7. Good managers know to, p. 100 a. Let others do as they please. b. Let people see you doing the right thing. c. Do what others fail to do. d. None of the above. 8. Being extra-polite and courteous to your parents

will bring about, p. 104 a. Constant change in your life. b. Getting you everything you want. c. Favorable rewards. d. Make them become aware that something

is wrong. 9. You lose credibility with your parents when you,

p. 106 a. Keep shared information confidential. b. Do a thing when you are supposed to do

it. c. Say one thing and do another. d. None of the above.10. Which of the following are negative approaches

that can destroy relationships? pp. 108, 109 a. Criticizing others. b. Making insensitive remarks. c. Being rude and inconsiderate. d. Belittling and insulting others. e. All of the above. 11. A proactive person is one who, p. 17 a. Is responsive after something has happened. b. Has vision and anticipates circumstances and

consequences. c. Likes to see good things happen. d. All of the above.12. The best attitude is one in which you are, p. 17 a. Aggressive. b. Confrontational. c. Agreeable. d. Proactive. e. None of the above.

Marketing Sample