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For those who are not interested to invest the many years it take to develop the full potential

of Kuji-In, here is the most basic introduction that will be

an art that transforms the practitioner into a supernatural being. Yet, for everyone, this short

introduction will suffice for basic empowerment of the Kuji

meditative state, then put your hands in the suggested mudra form, and repeat the mantra for long

periods, while contemplating the short philosophical principles of each step of Kuji

you may also place your attention on the suggested chakra, if you know them. Eac

seal) must be practiced for a minimum of a few hours so that your soul may become charged with

the spiritual energies they invoke. After a few hours of practice of each set/level, you will feel or

observe changes in your daily life. You c

the meditative practice, keep in mind the short philosophy, or at least the global idea.

Much mystery has surrounded the topic of Kuji. According to legend, one who practiced the

Kuji could read and project thoughts, perform extraordinary feats of courage, heal self and others,

and even become invisible.

WNPS Dojo: Kuji-In and Kuji

Kuji-In Initiation

For those who are not interested to invest the many years it take to develop the full potential

In, here is the most basic introduction that will be sufficient for modern day life. Kuji

an art that transforms the practitioner into a supernatural being. Yet, for everyone, this short

introduction will suffice for basic empowerment of the Kuji-In. Put yourself in a relaxed or

put your hands in the suggested mudra form, and repeat the mantra for long

periods, while contemplating the short philosophical principles of each step of Kuji

you may also place your attention on the suggested chakra, if you know them. Each Ji

seal) must be practiced for a minimum of a few hours so that your soul may become charged with

the spiritual energies they invoke. After a few hours of practice of each set/level, you will feel or

observe changes in your daily life. You can repeat the mantras mentally, or with voice. While doing

the meditative practice, keep in mind the short philosophy, or at least the global idea.

Much mystery has surrounded the topic of Kuji. According to legend, one who practiced the

and project thoughts, perform extraordinary feats of courage, heal self and others,

1 In and Kuji- Kiri

For those who are not interested to invest the many years it take to develop the full potential

sufficient for modern day life. Kuji-In is

an art that transforms the practitioner into a supernatural being. Yet, for everyone, this short

In. Put yourself in a relaxed or

put your hands in the suggested mudra form, and repeat the mantra for long

periods, while contemplating the short philosophical principles of each step of Kuji-In. If you can,

h Ji-In (syllable

seal) must be practiced for a minimum of a few hours so that your soul may become charged with

the spiritual energies they invoke. After a few hours of practice of each set/level, you will feel or

an repeat the mantras mentally, or with voice. While doing

the meditative practice, keep in mind the short philosophy, or at least the global idea.

Much mystery has surrounded the topic of Kuji. According to legend, one who practiced the

and project thoughts, perform extraordinary feats of courage, heal self and others,

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2 WNPS Dojo: Kuji-In and Kuji- Kiri

The real magic of Kuji comes from the paradigm shifts achieved through controlled

experiences gained through a prolonged period of study and practice. Sparks will not fly out of your

fingertips when the hand signs are made. The real magic is in your mind.

In the following pages I will go over each hand position or mudra and the mantra or chant

associated with it. I will also include the kanji associated with each, this is important later on in our

training when we start drawing them on our mental grid, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Once

each one is practiced individually I will then go over the proper method of binding them together. A

word of caution, when practicing the Kuji one must have a pure heart and pure intentions. This is

necessary because we will be projecting our energy out into the universe and we always attract that

which we project.

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3 WNPS Dojo: Kuji-In and Kuji- Kiri

Rin - is the solitary Ancient Mudra

Rin is used to heighten your mental and physical strengths for an extended period of time, hold the

mudra above and chant the word Rin. As you speak the sound, feel it empower your mind and body.

In the early stages you may have to use more imagination, but as time goes on we will feel the effects

of this mudra and mantra on the body and mind.

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Pyo sometimes written Kyo is the great Vajra Wheel Mudra.

Pyo is used to focus your intention to a specific task. Before one embarks on a challenging task take

a few minutes to hold this mudra and chant the sound Pyo, as you do this visualize your goal, see

yourself completing the task. Feel and believe in your power to control your mind and focus your

intention on the task at hand. Not only the current task but any task life would have us undertake.

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To or Toh is the outer lion mudra

Toh is used to focus your internal energy through the eyes, it’s used to overwhelm and destroy the

spirits of your enemies. This is done not just through the physical eyes but through the mind’s eye or

third eye as well. There is an old saying, that says “Where ever the mind goes the energy follows”

When focusing on an enemies eyes it will almost hypnotize him and prevent him from looking away.

We then use the third eye to project thoughts or feelings into our attacker. In the weak hearted

enemy it is possible to overwhelm and destroy his fighting spirit.

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Sha is the inner lion mudra

Sha is used to focus all of your internal energy inward to destroy illness; it is also used to promote

vitality in oneself or in others. While holding this mudra chant the word sha like a long exhale and

visualize the healing energy of the universe cleansing the body, mind, and spirit.

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Kai is the outer bonds mudra

Kai is used to heighten your awareness within. It will help you to feel alert and allow you to feel any

negative intensions focused upon you. It is also said that this mudra will stop any energy from your

body being felt from the enemy when in concealment. Hold this mudra and chant the sound Kai,

again this can be aloud or concentrated upon in your mind. While doing this envisions your senses

becoming attuned with the universe, realize that all energy is connected and you can feel the energy

that is around you.

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Jin is the inner bonds mudra

Jin is used to open the mind to receive the thoughts and feel the emotions of those around you. This

mudra is used as a means of information gathering or silent communication, reaching out to touch

the minds of others. It’s important to know that we are not trapped in this physical form; our minds

are free to roam the universe and connect with other enlightened beings. Hold this mudra and chant

the sound Jin, keep the mind relaxed and allow the thoughts of others to come into your mind or

focus on a friend or loved one and send them mental messages. It’s important that your thoughts be

pure when projecting to others again because of the karma we generate.

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Retsu is the wisdom fist mudra

Retsu is used to enable the spirit to escape the confines of the body, projecting itself onto a spiritual

plane (astral plane) of existence. The intension is to take you to a realm where the limits of time and

space have no meaning, cutting through the fabric of reality that serves as a doorway to the beyond.

In this realm we can refocus on being centered, explore our deep sub-conscience, or learn from our

spirit helpers. Hold this mudra; chant the sound Retsu feel the body relax until you can no longer

feel your body, concentrate on gently floating up and away to a place of pure love and learning. It’s

important to stay relax and never let fear enter your mind or heart.

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Zai is the sun ring mudra

Zai is used to focus your deeper levels of consciousness within your mind. We use Zai to influence

the events around us, by the power of the mind alone. Scientist are just now realizing through

Quantum Physics that through our focused intentions we can actually affect particles of energy

around us. As we know everything around us living and non-living are nothing more than energy

vibrating at one speed or another. Hold this mudra and chant the sound Zai, while focusing on a

particular outcome you desire. Stay relaxed and think of it more of a deep yearning for something,

the harder you try the less likely you are to achieve what you’re focusing on. As always only use this

for good, remember thoughts, words, and actions all cause karma either negative or positive.

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Zen is the concealing form mudra

Zen is used to attain an enlightened state of mind that is free from conflict. It is used to unify all

aspects of your being and eliminate feelings of extreme stress, confusion, and anxiety. This is a

shadow form that envelopes you and allows you to fade into the background, invisible until you

choose to re-emerge. This does not mean that you will be physically invisible, but you will be able to

shut your mind off to the outside world and escape within your own mind. Hold the mudra and

chant the sound Zen, focus on emptiness, as thoughts come into the mind recognize they are there

and then let them fade away do not put any energy into them.

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12 WNPS Dojo: Kuji-In and Kuji- Kiri

Kuji Kiri

Make the nine mudra as above and chant the nine syllables. Next as in the picture below make the

sword mudra with both hands. The left hand represents the scabbard the right hand the sword.

Insert the two raised fingers of the right hand into the hole created by the ring finger and pinky of

the left hand as shown below.

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The incantation for the compassionate help of Fudo-Myo-O

“Nau ma ku san man, da ba sara dan, sen da ma, ka ro sha da so wa, ta ya un tara, ta kan man”

Chant the above three times. Next, pull out the right hand (which is the sword) the left hand mudra

remains at the waist. While chanting the nine syllables: Rin, Pyo, To, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, and

Zen. The right hand mudra makes four vertical and five horizontal cuts as in the picture below:

Next, put the right sword into the left scabbard as before, and then disperse the mudra

It is also possible to practice the Kuji-In for a meditative exercise to enhance the mind,

body, and spirit. Simply chant the nine syllables: Rin, Pyo, To, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, and Zen.

The right hand mudra makes four vertical and five horizontal cuts. Once the grid is complete draw

in the air inside the grid the kanji that represents the element you wish to focus on, as below.

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14 WNPS Dojo: Kuji-In and Kuji- Kiri

The RIN set is used to strengthen your mind and body. This Kuji-in set must be performed before

any other Kuji-in sets can truly be effective. The RIN Kuji acts as a sort of hook-up to the Ultimate

Source of all Power. By connecting you with this Divine energy, the RIN Kuji strengthens your

mind and body, especially in collaboration with the other practices of the Kuji-In. A stronger

connection to the Divine energy source will make you stronger at every level. Please be aware that

this set may elevate your body temperature.

KYO activates the flow of energy within your body and outside of you, in your environment. This

Kuji will help you learn to direct energy throughout your body, and eventually outside your body, so

you can manifest your desires in the objective world. Although willpower directs energy, you must

not push too hard with your willpower. Willpower that is used to direct energy should be rather like

“wanting something a lot” but not like “getting a stranglehold on something, or pushing with a

crippling force”. Even when you apply your willpower to attain something you desire, you must

always be at peace and relaxed.

By practicing TOH, you will develop your relationship with your immediate environment, and

eventually with the entire universe. As you practice, begin by filling yourself with energy and then

surround yourself with this energy. (This is accomplished by visualizing that it is so). This is the Kuji

of harmony. It teaches you to accept the outside events of life while remaining at peace inside.

Always breathe deeply inside your abdomen, naturally, without strain.

Sha, with this Kuji, the healing ability of your body is increased. As you practice this set, your body

will become more efficient in its daily rebuilding, healing and reconstruction. This increased healing

efficiency is the result of the higher levels of energy passing through your energy channels

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(Meridians) and your solar plexus. This healing vibration will eventually radiate around you, causing

other people to heal as you spend time with them.

Kai, this Kuji will raise your awareness and help you to develop your intuition. The mudra is called

“The outer bonds”. The outer bonds are the energy currents that precede every event, if only for an

instant. They are the specific influence from the outside world that produces every one of your

experiences. Intuition is a powerful ally; it is the way you perceive what your senses register from

your contact with the environment, and from the people surrounding you. This set will increase your

intuition and will help you to learn to love yourself and others.

Jin, the “inner bonds” are the energy currents inside you that connect you with your True Self. We

have the ability to know what others are thinking. By reaching deep inside you, into the place with

no words, you may get in contact with this same place in others. When you make this connection

you may hear the other person’s thoughts without words, or you may learn to communicate by

thought concepts; this is commonly called telepathy.

Retsu, After practicing the Kuji-In exercises for some time, they will alter your perception of gross

matter so you will be able to perceive the different flows of energy composing our space-time multi-

dimensional universe. Per the theory of relativity, as mass accelerates, time slows, thus if your energy

is flowing, and you apply your willpower, your mass accelerates, time slows for you and you can

simply change (or direct) the flow/ or motion of your body through space.

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Zai, by practicing with this set, you will establish a relationship with the Universal components of

creation: the elements. These elements are not only physical, they are also spiritual. This Kuji

practice is a basis for the power of manifestation. Visualize being in harmony with nature. Visualize

the flow of Qi from nature to you and from you to nature. After a while, notice your increasing

awareness that nature is alive, and that you can communicate with it. Nature will interact with you

within the limits of natural law. Eventually, as you improve your sensitivity to nature, you might

develop the ability to call forth an elemental manifestation, when mastered.

Zen, illumination is the highest state of mind. Illumination is a kind of Completeness, accomplished

by Meditation. By using this practice, you can eventually disappear from the common mind. You are

still there, of course, but others in the common mind cannot register your presence, because your

vibration is higher than what their minds can recognize or interpret as real. To practice, imagine

simple emptiness, calm white light everywhere; then visualize melding with the white light. It is

believed that to the average person you might become invisible. Many hours of practice are required

to elevate your vibration level enough to manifest the side-effects, like suggestive invisibility that

block your presence from other people’s mind.

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