Download - Korean Kpop Disco PTA Event Friday 18th October€¦ · Week beginning 28/10/19 ~ Menu Week 2. Please make sure you have selected your child’s meals online at least a week in advance.

  • Monday 14th October 2019 Email: [email protected] [email protected]

    Week beginning 28/10/19 ~ Menu Week 2.

    Please make sure you have selected your child’s meals

    online at least a week in advance.

    Please remember a new menu will begin after half term.

    You can view this on Tucasi.

    This half term our Christian Value is Hope.

    The next Foodbank Friday is 18th October.

    Please add you donations to the basket in the

    porch. The Foodbank is desperate for donations

    at the moment so please help if you can.

    Diary Dates:

    16.10.19 9am Phonics session for Reception parents


    18.10.19 KPop Disco School Hall

    18.10.19 Break for half term

    20.10.19 Family Service at St Mark’s

    28.10.19 Return to school

    30.10.19 Parents’ Evening 2.30—6.30pm

    08.11.19 PTFA AGM 6pm School Hall

    15.11.19 Children in Need Pudsey Day

    20.11.19 Life Education to visit school

    29.11.19 Jolly Jars non uniform day (info to follow)

    01.12.19 Service of Light at St Mark’s Church

    06.12.19 Dolphinholme Village Christmas Fair 6pm -Village Hall

    07.12.19 11-1pm Carol Singing fundraiser for Moto (more info

    to follow)

    11.12.19 2pm and 6.30pm Infant Nativity in school

    17.12.19 Christmas Party and Jumper Day

    18.12.19 Christmas Lunch

    19.12.19 Christmas Service in St Mark’s 9.15am

    19.12.19 break up for Christmas 3.15pm

    20.12.19 School INSET Day

    Korean Kpop Disco

    PTA Event

    Friday 18th October Infants 6pm—7.10pm

    Juniors 7.30pm– 9pm

    Venue: School Hall

    Have you got your tickets?

    Sporthall Athletics

    Well done to the Athletics Team who came second in the

    first fixture of the year. They have made a great start.

    Thanks to Mrs Baines and Sam Lee for training and organising

    the team and to all parents who helped to transport the

    team to and from L&M college.

    Phonics session

    This session for Reception parents has been rescheduled for

    tomorrow morning at 9am.

    Y5/6 Isle of Man Visit

    Can we remind parents that a deposit of £70 needs to be paid

    before October 28th to secure a place on the trip. Please

    speak with Mrs Cross if this causes any problems.

    Parking in front of school on the yellow zig zags

    Please remember that it is dangerous to park on the yellow

    zig zags in front of school. The sign is clear—no stopping

    between 8am and 6pm.

    If someone new is coming to collect your child, please

    make sure they know about this restriction.

    School Council News

    The School Council held their first meeting of the year on

    Friday and are keen to get underway with business. During

    the meeting the following elections were made:

    Chair : Yituneh

    Secretary : Isabelle (with support from Eva)

    Treasurer : Elysia

    Well done to the committee and we wish all members of the

    council a very successful year.

    Parents’ Evening sign up sheets in the porch.

    Don’t forget to make an appointment.

    Half Term

    We break up at 3.15 on Friday for half term.

    Have a good one everybody. See you on

    Monday 28th October.

    Don’t forget!