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Page 1: Kontakti 2010 English Summary

Customer Magazine of Kiilto Oy and KiiltoClean Oy 2010

KiiltoClean and Farmos joined forces to be a leading Finnish company in the cleaning businessPage 7

Finnish adhesive used in Swedish window componentsPage 22

Page 2: Kontakti 2010 English Summary

“The most important is to love what you do. You have to have passion

over your work, and plunge into it.” This is how Eeva Solja, member of the

board of the Kiilto family -companies, described the role of work in life in the

Perheyritys-magazine. This philosophy she has learned and inherited from

her family, which has strong entrepreneurial tradition. Eeva and Ville Solja, on behalf of Kiilto Family -companies, accepted “The family firm of the year

2010” -prize granted by the Finnish Family Firms Association in April 2010.

According to the jury, Kiilto Family -companies was awarded first and

foremost for being a firm with faces and for doing sustained business.

Kiilto’s strong investments in domestic production and international expan-

sion, as well as strong commitment to family business were highly thanked

by the jury.

– Kiilto Family -companies has favourable prospects to future success,

since its focus is strongly on innovativeness and sustainability, said the jury.

Kiilto was named as ”The family firm of the year 2010”

Farmos makes KiiltoClean stronger

In August 2010 KiiltoClean and Farmos joined forces to be a leading Finnish company in the cleaning business. As of the beginning of 2011 the name of the integrated company will be KiiltoClean Oy. We talked to CEO Juha Saarinen and Commercial Director (Finland) Vesa Nurminen and asked about company’s future plans.

Kiilto is strengthening its foothold in the Russian

market when the production in the Dry Mix plant in

Kaluga starts.

– The plant is ready for start-up and workers are

well trained and instructed. Produced volumes will be

gradually raised after the start-up, says country director

Arto Kasanen.

– Our target is to be a significant producer in our own

product sector Middle and North Western Russia in

three years time.

The dry mix plant in Kaluga produces dry mix prod-

ucts under Kesto-brand. In addition, a separate produc-

tion line packs Kesto-joint mortars in environmentally

friendly soft packages. In the starting phase the plant

employs ca. 30 people.

Kiilto’s another production plant in Russia, in a city of

Ramenskoye, has operated since 2008 and manufac-

tures adhesives for construction, wood and packaging


– The sales have exceeded our expectations, and

the plant operates now in full capacity in two shifts,

tells Kasanen.

Production volumes are strongly growing in Russia













Package: 290 ml cartridge•

Coverage: ca. 12 m joint measuring 5 x 5 / cartridge•

…for wallpapering

Kiilto Combi is a universal wall adhesive for paper,

paperbacked vinyl and dimension stabile non-woven

wallpaper as well as paintable wallpaper. Kiilto Combi is

starch-based and easy to apply. Wallpapers fixed with

Kiilto Combi are easy to remove e.g. with Kiilto Tapetin-

poisto (agent for removing wallpaper).

Classification: M1•

Package size: 1, 5 and 10 litres •

...and for industry:

Akvatex 226 is a two-component, watedbased con-

tact adhesive for furniture upholstering. It is applied

with a purpose-built spraying machinery.

Kestopur A2 V/3 SPF is a two-component, solvent-

free, strong foaming PU-adhesive. Kestopur gives

a strong yet elastic bond. It is suitable for gluing of

A2-classified elements.

Sitol 7000E is a starch-based adhesive for labelling

glassbottles in automatic filling lines. suitable also for

gluing labels on metal. Adhesive has good wet tack

and resistance to condense water. Maximum line

speed: 60 000 bottles per hour.

New and upgraded products

for fixing and sealing

KiiltoFix Clear is a clear sealant for bonding and

sealing outdoors and indoors.

It is packed in a cartridge and used for sealing of

kitchen sinks, toilet seats and other bathroom fixtures,

fixing of glass tiles and mirrors and jointing of nature

stone, soap rock and marble. KiiltoFix Clear can also

be used for sealing and gluing of boats, but not for

elements under waterline.

Package: 290 ml cartridge•

Coverage: ca. 12 m joint measuring 5 x 5 / cartridge•

Masa Liimamassa -cartridge has gone through a

facelift. The new name of the product is KiiltoFix Masa.

The cartridge is green as before and the product

available in five colours: white, grey, black, brown and

beige. New coloured nozzles and caps help in finding

the right colour. KiiltoFix Masa can be used for all kinds

of gluing and sealing purposes indoors and outdoors.

It is fast-curing, elastic and has excellent initial tack.

The joining of KiiltoClean and Farmos is a very positive

thing to both of the firms. Technochemical sector is

going through radical changes, and for a market leader

it is easier cope with the prevailing situation and make

plans for the future. What could be a more inspiring

place to work in than a future-oriented company, sums

up CEO Juha saarinen. Both saarinen and Nurminen

agree that the biggest winner in this company integra-

tion is definitely the customer.

– As before, our customers can rely upon us provid-

ing products servicing the Finnish consumer and her/

his needs and the Finnish environment. Trading sector

knows that we are a strong player and we really listen

to our customers, describes Nurminen.

Until 2011 KiiltoClean and Farmos will serve its cus-

tomers as before the integration. From the beginning

of 2011 a wider, combined product selection is available

for the customer provided that all company data and

logistics are merged successfully.

– We will actively keep in touch with our customers

during the integration process and they will get all the

information they need, ensures saarinen.

Familiar products will remain the sameFarmos’s and KiiltoClean’s product ranges supplement

nicely each other: both have a wide selection of profes-

sional products and tools for cleaning. From retail

sector’s perspective Farmos has more products for

personal and textile hygiene than KiiltoClean, whereas

KiiltoClean has more products for surface cleaning. In

future, some of the existing Farmos’s brand logos will

be changed into blue Kiilto-logo, but products and their

formulations will remain the same.

The new integrated company will be a strong opera-

tor also outside the Finnish borders. Farmos is the only

western company in the cleaning sector that has pro-

duction in Russia. - We will surely find synergy benefits

within Kiilto Family -companies as far as our export to

Russian and the Baltic countries are concerned, says


he says the company strategy will will be based

on three key fundamentals: partnership, growth and

development. Partnership means customer-orientation,

growth means advance and development refers to

company as well as products.

Finnish know-howThroughout their histories, both companies have been

deeply devoted to product development and research.

This will be a major focus also in the future business.

The new KiiltoClean aims to create a more responsible

and sustainable production chain and logistics systems

in Finland.

It is a fact that Finnish consumers want different

things from cleaning products than consumers in the

Middle Europe, for example. Clean water, more sustain-

able and purer raw materials can be used in Finland,

since surfaces here are in good condition and less

dirty. Our skin products are made of high-quality

ingredients, available for sensitive skin without

fragrance and colourants to relive stress caused by

climate or work, describes Vesa Nurminen. Juha

saarinen, ex-CEO of Farmos, CEO of the new integrated

company, says that his first few weeks in the new

company have been busy, and will be for the next few

months as the integration process is going on.

– We have been welcomed most warmly to Kiilto-

Clean. I have noticed that KiiltoClean’s employees

are very friendly and highly committed to their work,

smiles Juha saarinen.

Juha Saarinen Vesa Nurminen

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The very first concerts to be held in the new music centre will largely determine centre’s success among its users. The first no-tes will be played in the new centre on 5th August, 2011. What those notes will be is a well-kept secret.

– The centre’s acoustics will be unbeatable. The whole buil-ding will be superb. In terms of its functions, it has a perfect location bet-ween the Museum of contemporary art Kiasma and the Parliament House, rejoices Tuomo Hahl, the senior expert from Senaatti-kiinteistöt (the Se-naatti Properties).

From cityscape point of view, Hahl likes especially the new plaza sur-rounded by the Helsinki Music Centre and Kiasma. Also the new walk from Mannerheim-street via the Helsinki Music Centre and the Sanoma-house to the railway station appeals to him. The Helsinki Music Centre will not be pompous.

– Many have said that the house looks too plain, even eastgermanish. To me it is a manifest of harmonic Scandinavian architecture, describes Hahl.

Hahl has been involved in the Helsinki Music Centre -project already sin-ce 1997. At that time there was a fierce debate over the location of the cent-re. Over the years the music centre -issue has infuriated people for various reasons: There have been debates over the town use plan and the old VR wa-rehouses located on the site, tenders, the façade of the centre, the financing of the project and YLE’s role in the project.

– Not once did I doubt that the project will fail and the centre would not have been built. But, I must admit that some things could have run more smoothly though.

The centre will have three ownersWhen a national cultural monument like the Helsinki Music Centre has three owners and three clients, it is easy to believe that decision making won’t be easy. Under the construction period, the Senaatti Properties, Helsinki-city and YLE have worked well together. The main user of the centre will be the Sibelius Academy, occupying almost half of the facilities.




Construction symphony at Töölönlahti Bay, helsinki

The Helsinki Music CentreFloor area: 35 700 m2•

Total area: 38 500 bm2•

Completed: spring 2011•

The estimate of expenses during the construc-•

tion is 160 MEUR + 20 MEUR for movables and


Architect: lPR-arkkitehdit Oy•

Acoustics: Nagata Acoustic/Yasuhisa Toyota•

Construction planning: Vahanen Yhtiöt Oy•

Main constructor: sRV Group•

Client: helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, Finnish •

Radio symphony Orchestra and sibelius


A brand new music hall, the Helsinki Mu-sic Centre (Helsingin Musiikkitalo), is un-der construction in Töölönlahti, Helsinki. Construction men are now working with the interior of the centre, and the centre is set to be ready in spring 2011.

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subcontractors need to compriseThe helsinki Music Centre project employs ca. 140 subcontractors in all.

Flexibility is needed when original plans change and your work is controlled

by professionals. however, teamwork runs smoothly.

Parketti Romanoff has 12 men to build the floors of the stage and

auditorium of the 1700-seated concert hall and the floors of the sibelius

Academy’s rehearsal halls. The base was finished in the end of summer and

parquet laying started in August. Walnut and pine parquet is installed with


– Concert hall is technically challenging. To make a stage that goes up

and down faultlessly needs to be made precisely. It asks real carpentry


– To make things work smoothly requires a lot of cooperation and coordi-

nation. It is not always easy, says Tommi Romanoff, managing director of

Parketti Romanoff.

lTU-Urakointi uses Kiilto plasters for smoothing walls in the sibelius

Academy’s rooms.

– By August two thirds of our work was done. Our work comes after the

construction work, says supervisor Reijo Konttinen.

– Plans have changed several times along the project.

Konttinen says that the publicity over the Centre adds its own specialty

character in the whole project. A grand project like a national music centre

will be a good reference to any construction company.

Raision Puusepät (carpentry firm) with its ten workers planks the walls of

the concert hall and the lobby as well as the orchestra stands. For walls they

use Finnish birch, ca. 400 m3. The wood is glued by Kiilto-adhesives.

– Walls will have a significant impact on the acoustic performance, so we

are dealing with delicate matters here. Once a month a Japanese acoustics

expert comes here and counsels us, says Jarmo Yrjölä, managing director

of Raision Puusepät.

The public hype and criticizing experts do not disturb us or our work. We

are used to this kind of demanding projects. We, among other things, have

renovated the Parliament house in stockholm (Gamla Riksdagshuset) and

the Finnish Parliament house.

– Original plans were changed so that the rehearsal halls intended for the Sibelius Academy can also be used for concerts and recording pur-poses, says Hahl. These changes were not cheap, but they will make the centre more functional. The main contractor for the project, the SRV Group, was chosen in 2008. Two separate competetive biddings were or-ganized, but only two bids were received due to bad economical situati-on. Both the bids were rejected for being too costly.

– SRV was chosen after a negotiation process. We ended up in a pro-ject contract model where the plans can be altered during the building process. This enables to get the optimal balance between the quality and the costs, believes Hahl.

A lot of demanding subtletiesSRV moved its first crane on the building site in September 2008. The construction company and the builder were relived after getting a roof on the top of the centre before the pouring snow in last December.

Communication manager Maija Saastamoinen from SRV says that all contract projects are on schedule.

– We have 450 constructors here this autumn. We found them through our own field network.

The work requires strong expertise.– The centre has a great number of demanding constructions and

subtleties, such as the frame of the building and the ceiling of the con-cert hall.

Economic situation worked in our favour– Granite, wood, high-quality carpentry - Finnish quality costs and in a centre that is twice as big as the Finlandia-hall the costs easily double. Budgeted 140 MEUR has been exceeded by 20 MEUR by now.

– Recession in the building sector has helped us to get the best buil-ders and cost rises have remained reasonable, states Hahl. ■

Tuomo Hahl (below left) can be satisfied when looking at the ongoing building process of the Helsinki Music Centre. The Music Centre will be grand, but not too flamboyant. Kaido Kuskis, below in the middle.

Should I be more flexible? This is a ques-tion that every one of us has to think every now and then. But what’s for sure is that a floor material bearing vehicles weighing several tonnes must be flexible

and elastic. Newly opended Veho’s commercial vehicle

centre in Pirkkala has used modern flooring technique in its floors: The tiles in the exhibiti-on hall floor are fixed onto an elastic Kiilto Link -membrane layer with Kiilto Lattialaatta floor ti-ling adhesive.

Kiilto Link forms an elastic membrane layer between the concrete subfloor and tiling adhesi-ve. The elastic layer allows direct as well as twis-ting forces.

– We store several vehicles in the exhibition hall at the same time. They are driven to the hall through one door, so we have to adjust them back and forth to get them in place. This requires a lot from the floor constructions, says Pekka Helino, project manager from Team-Danielsson Oy who was responsible for the property planning.

Kiilto Link -system is newly launched on the tiling market. Originally Kiilto Link -elastic membrane was designed to reduce the risk of tile loosening caused by drying and shrinkage of con-crete. Veho’s commercial vehicle centre in Pirkka-la is one of the large buildings where Kiilto Link -system is used . Even though the product is tho-

roughly tested during the product development process, the actual benefits of the product won’t show until in use.

Hundreds of square meters to tile Markku Heino from RTV Lahti, who was res-ponsible for the floor work at Veho, agrees with the design team.

– It is a fact that when tiling large areas like this and knowing the hard wear it will be exposed to, an elastic layer between the subfloor and the ti-ling adhesive is a must. When the material is elas-tic, the tiles fasten more tightly onto the floor, ex-plains Heino.

– Only Kiilto has this kind of product availab-le. It is good that Kiilto Link -system includes all the products we needed for the tiling work: Kera-primer (primer), KiiltoLink (elastic membrane), Kiilto Lattialaattalaasti (floor tiling adhesive) and Klinkkerisaumalaasti (joint mortar for clinker.)

At Veho Kiilto Link is used for an area of 600 square meters. Tommi Helenius, sales manager at Veho Commercial vehicles, says that they have been very satisfied with the floor.

– It has worked perfectly. It seems that it is the optimal material for us. As you can see, here we have two big and two smaller vehicles, so resis-tance to wear and weight is really needed, says Helenius.

Veho commercial vehicle centre is no less than


Photos OssI AhOlA and sTIINA PAsANEN

Hard wear requires flexibility from the floor

5 500 square meters. Most of the area is occupied with facilities for van and truck service and main-tenance. ■

Read English summary:

Veho commercial vehicle center imports and •

sells Vito and sprinter vans and trucks by

Mercedes-Benz and Fuson Canter by Mitzubi-

shi. Apart from these brands, an authorized car

service offers service and spare parts also for

trucks by Renault and sisu.

Veho commercial vehicle center was opened •

in Pirkkala, Tampere, near the western highway,

in May 2010.

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Munksund sawmill, owned by SCA-forest group is located in Piitime, on the shore of Perä-meri. It is one of the biggest sawmills in Sweden. It occupies

some 100 workers and produces raw material, among other things, for SCA window compo-nent factory located nearby.

High quality standards The whole production of SCA window compo-nent factory is delivered to an international win-dow manufacturer abroad. Six-meters long win-dow components are made of clean and crack free wood pieces that are finger jointed. Customer’s quality standards are high, and factory’s quality manager Urban Wikström has worked hard to improve durability of components.

– Wear resistance and especially break resis-tance of finger joints must be tested and impro-ved constantly. One of the key factors for tight and durable joints is a high-quality adhesive. We

have chosen Kiilto-adhesives and used them for 18 months now, since they meet our needs and requirements best, says Wikström.

The pinewood comes from sawmill to SCA component factory for further processing: all four sides of wood piece are planed to right me-asure and 90 degree angles. After that the timber runs through a special scanner that indentifies all knots and cracks. Defects are removed and pieces finger jointed together to six-meter long compo-nents. In lamination they get different profiles de-pending on whether they will be used for a built-in frame or casement frame.

– Our semi-processed components are forwar-ded to our client that processes the material to va-rious types of windows. Since we have only one client, our cooperation is very close and our pro-ducts must be faultless, says Wikström.

Customer support is importantSCA window component manufacturer requires a lot from its subcontractors, especially from the

Adhesive’s quality defines window’s durability

< Finger joint's tightness is tested with a special ink test. Urban Wikström, quality manager of SCA window component factory, appreciates Kiilto's unbeatable customer service.

> Sandra Wågberg fastens a hose onto a new adhesive container.

Long tradition of sawmill industrysawmill industry was thriving on the shores of Norlann, from Gävle to luleå, in the 18th and 19th century.

swedish timber was exported all over the world, and hundreds of small sawmills in sweden were working

hard to meet the growing demand. sawmill-industry is still an important industry sector in sweden, even

though swedish sawmills are today usually owned by big companies, which are respectively owned by

global companies producing paper and pulp. At the moment sweden is number two exporter of pre-cut

timber in the world. Over 50 percent of sweden’s timber goes to mechanical wood industry. The production

value of swedish wood and timber industry is over 20 billion euros and it employs ca. 58 000 people.

”The demand for Kiilto adhesives is growing in sweden.”

SCA -companiesdevelops, produces and markets publication •

papers, sawmill products, tissue paper, packa-

gings and personal care products.

Turnover in 2009: 10.5 billion euros•

Employs ca. 50 000 people•

Products sold in over 100 countries•

Munksund sawmill employs over 100 people•

sCA window component factory employs 24 •


Solid wood window components require faultless wood and a lot of adhesive. Munksund’s sawmill in the Northern Sweden produces about five million running metres material for window frames and casements per year.

adhesive supplier. – We cannot use just any adhesive. Adhesive’s

viscosity and its absorbing properties are crucial to get a strong joint. We tested hundreds of dif-ferent types of adhesives and chose Kiilto’s PVAC adhesive; it suits us best. We also use Kestokol D 4400 - and Kestokol D4600 -adhesives from Kiilto.

In addition to adhesives, Wikström appreciates good relations with Kiilto.

– We want to work in close cooperation with our suppliers and we are more than satisfied with Kiilto’s customer service. We are regularly in con-tact with Kiilto’s technical support as well as the local sales agent in Sweden. Kiilto's sales agents are usually here with us when testing Kiilto adhe-sives. Adhesive plays a crucial role in our produc-tion process, so we want a long-standing supplier that listens to us and is able to produce adhesive

that meets our performance requirements.

Careful adhesive transportsErkki Niinimaa, Kiilto’s area manager in Nort-hern-Sweden, often visits SCA and meets Urban Wikström. He believes in close customer coope-ration.

– The demand for Kiilto adhesives is growing in Sweden, and especially newly established wood processing factories have found our adhesives, says Niinimaa.

Kiilto delivers some 90 tonnes of adhesive to SCA on a yearly basis. Adhesive is transported in 1 m3 containers. Since these adhesives are peri-shable, they are delivered to the customer accor-ding to the order book; normally twice a month.

- Temperature of adhesive must be right. In winter they are transported in thermo trucks. When arriving at us, we check adhesive’s viscos-ity and temperature, since temperature must be at least + 10 °C when using it. The temperature of timber must not fall under + 10°C either, says Wikström.

Testing joint’s strength with inkWindow components are tested regularly to ensu-re uniform quality.

– Finger joints must have certain breaking re-sistance, so when testing strength properties we also test component’s bending strength. One pan-el of every consignment is tested. We also test the tightness of finger joints by brushing ink to the joint. If the joint is not fully tight, ink penetrates into it. If this happens, we will sand off a piece from the component. If ink penetrates in 2 mm depth, the joint is too loose.

– Many people think that making window components is easy. The truth is that a tight and durable finger joint is a result of a complicated process, accurate work and reliable partners, em-phasizes Urban Wikström.

Text and photos WEsA lEhTO

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the house. – We wanted to have a warm colour, not too

bright. We are very satisfied with the choice; the texture of the wall shows nicely in the evening sun, says Pekka Pohjonen.

Apart from renders and coatings Kiilto Thin coat rendering system includes a wide variety of different accessories, such as meshes and plinth and corner battens.

– We have chosen partners that supply first-class accessories only, says Kari Poikulainen with content.

System is available in spring 2011Kiilto’s unmatched expertise in the dry mix segment has naturally been utilized in the development process of these new outdoor rendering products.

– Development process was quite straight-forward. We knew from the start, what kind of product we want, and most importantly, what kind of product our customers want, says product development manager Mika Ronkainen.

– We already had plasters for outdoor use. They worked as the starting point for the

product development work. New products are coarser than plasters for indoor use. In the

development we focussed on product’s application properties and durability.

Even though strong expertise and production capacity was at hand, Kiilto did not want to hurry. Production formulation and features were improved to the last detail; first on the grounds of own tests and then test users’ feedback.

– We wanted to keep our feet on the ground. That ensures that the customer will get high-quality products, says Poikulainen.

Both the product developer as well as the sales manager is happy with the new product system.

– Liima- and Kuitulaasti are ready to be packed. However, we will control the quality of the products over winter and will do control tests at our test houses and test our own applications as well, says Ronkainen.

Poikulainen says that the product system will be finished during the next few months, and appropriate marketing material and procedure guides will be prepared for the system.

– We can start delivering the product next spring, as soon as the weather allows rendering work, ensures Poikulainen. ■

From idea to product

Almost finished system for thin coat renderingLast summer several Kiilto test houses were rendered with Kiilto’s new thin coat rendering -products and the workmen had a change

to express their opinion on these new products. Text JAANA BEVERsDORF


Kiilto Thin coat rendering -system includes:

1. Kiilto liima- or Kuitulaasti

(Adhesive or Fiberrender)

2. Kiilto Rappausverkko 50 (Mesh 50)

3. Corner and plinth profiles + other accessories

4. Kiilto Julkisivuprimer (Façade primer)

5. Kiilto Julkisivupinnoite (Façade coating)

Kiilto's target was to develop a new product line inspired by craftsmen and plasterers themselves.

– We wanted to develop a user-friendly system for thin and

insulation rendering. The idea of our new system is that the base for thin coat rendering can be done by one product, describes sales manager Kari Poikulainen.

For a new house builder or a renovator Kiilto’s new thin coat rendering system is a domestic, safe and good choice. One of the houses that was tested was Pohjanen family’s house in Kangasala. Its brick walls got a new, beige render coat.

– We wanted to have a brick wall with light joints or rendering. When we heard of the possibility to try Kiilto’s new products, we decided to have rendering, says master of the house Pekka Pohjanen who has cooperated with Kiilto for years with his kitchen fixture firm.

– I knew that I can trust Kiilto-products, but I also knew that rendering 206 m2 in hot summer was not going to be an easy task. Fortunately our guy was a pro and managed to work in the shade, describes Pohjanen.

Façade coating is exposed to hard wearThe primary aim of the test rendering project was to get honest feedback from the experts.

– It is good that Kiilto tests its new products with us. Façades differ from traditional applications where mortar is used (e.g. bathrooms): application areas are bigger, schedules are usually tighter and weather conditions can vary a lot. Expected lifespan of facade is much longer than of bathroom walls, which are usually renovated several times during house’s service time, explains Jarkko Pakaslahti who carried out the rendering work at Pohjanen’s.

Pakaslahti had a chance to test Kiilto’s new thin coat rendering products for the first time in autumn 2009 in Lempäälä.

– Compared to the first tests, the render is now much easier to use. It is now easy to spread and it does not stick onto the trowel, describes Pakaslahti. Apart from good spreading properties, a plasterer appreciates render's good filling and bearing properties.

– Rendered surface must be faultless, since time schedules do not usually allow any patching work. Kiilto has collected feedback from several

craftsmen, since everyone seems to have his or her own likings.

– Our aim is to make a product that serves as many users as possible, says customer service engineer Kyösti Lahdenranta from Kiilto.

Cooperation with contractors is important during the development and launching phase.

– During the launching phase we will focus on direct customer service and training.

One system is all you needSuitable base for Kiilto thin coat rendering system is either Kiilto Liimalaasti (Adhesive render) or Kuitulaasti (Fibre render), depending on the substrate. The test renderings (two coat rendering) have shown that the consumption is ca. 10 kg render per 10 m2. Consumption naturally depends on how straight the substrate is.

System’s Façade coating is a high-quality product, silicone resin-based with good covering properties. It can be applied by a sprayer or by rubbing. Ready mixed Façade coating is available in 3 different grain sizes and in over 200 colours.

Choosing the colour was difficult: The architect chose light beige that matches the appearance of

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New dust-freeformulation!

Non-sagging and economical cementitious adhesive for setting ceramic tiles, glass mosaic, marble and natural stone. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.



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