Download - KOLKATA 700032 INFORMATION BROCHURE FOR POST-GRADUATE PROGRAMMES … · 2017-06-14 · 1 jadavpur university kolkata– 700032

Page 1: KOLKATA 700032 INFORMATION BROCHURE FOR POST-GRADUATE PROGRAMMES … · 2017-06-14 · 1 jadavpur university kolkata– 700032










1 . A candidate can apply fo r M.E. /M.Tech . /M.Pharm./M.Arch Courses – 2017-18 onl ine through URL ht tp : / / juadmiss ion. in /pgEngg_admiss ion_2017 from 15

t h June, 2017 to 3

r d July, 2017.

Candidates are advised to download the In fo rmat ion Brochure and Pay - in-Sl ip o f State Bank of Ind ia to depos i t Appl icat ion Fee. An Applicat ion fee of Rs.1000/- is to be depos i ted through any branch of

State Bank of Ind ia by f i l l ing up the down - loaded Pay- in-s l ip . The Journal Number must be leg ib le in the pay- in-s l ip , and to be used in the Form & other re fe rences. The appl icants are ins t ructed to preserve the counte r fo i l o f the depos i t s l ip for fu ture refe rence. Candidates should carefu l l y read and fo l low the ins t ruct ions g iven in the In fo rmat ion Brochure before f i l l ing up the on l ine Appl icat ion Form.

Incomplete appl icat ion forms are l iable to be cancel led.

2 . Qual i fying degrees are indicated against each course in Table 1 of fered under FET and F ISLM (Parts I & I I for FET; Parts I I I to V for F ISLM). Against the same appl icat ion fee , a candidate can apply in al l the M.E/M.Tech/MMD courses l isted in the table , subject to having the qual i fying degrees as indicated.

3 . An appl icant can belong to any of the three categor ies, namely Category A – GATE/GPAT, Category B – Sponsored and Category C – Sel f sponsored as deta i led under Article 15 - ELIGIBILITY FOR P.G. COURSES IN ENGG./TECH./ARCH./PHARM COURSES.

The qual i f icat ion requi rements in each course are l is ted in Table 1 (Par ts I to V) .

Table 2 ind icates the dates, t ime and venue of Admiss ion Tests . Category A (GATE/GPAT) and Category C (Sel f -Sponsored) candida tes should appear in Admiss ion test i f appl icable and a l l Category B (Sponsored) candidates should appear in Admiss ion test .

Category-wise avai lab le seats and tu i t ion fee are l is ted in Table 3 fo r FET and Tables 4 to 6 for FISLM.

4 . Whi le f i l l ing ONLINE Appl icat ion Form/s a l l candidates (passed / appeared or due to appear in qual i fying examinat ion) are ins t ructed to up load se l f -a t tested and scanned copies of documents i r respect ive o f categor ies as l is ted under A) be low and depending on the category as l is ted under B) be low.

A) I rrespective of the category, a l l candidates must upload self -attested and scanned copies of

i ) mark-sheets of each semester o f Undergraduate degree examinat ion for Engineering courses (at least up to 6

t h, pre ferably 7

t h semester for 4 year UG courses and at least

up to 8t h

, preferably 9t h

semester in case of Archi tecture ; a cert i f icate f rom Control ler of Examiner in case the f inal year odd semester result is not avai lable )


Undergraduate and Postgraduate degree examinat ions in Sc ience courses (a l l the semesters for UG courses and at least up to 3

r d semester for PG courses ; a cert i f icate

from Control ler of Examiner in case 3r d

semester PG resul t is not avai lable ) ;

i i ) mark-sheets and cer t i f icates of Secondary and Higher Secondary examinat ions, as appl icable.

B) Depending on the category, respective candidates must upload self -at tested and scanned copies of

i ) SC/ST Cert i f icate issued by the Govt . o f West Bengal , PW D (Person wi th D isabi l i t y) Cert i f icate and Fami ly Income Cert i f icate issued by the competent author i ty, as appl icable

i i ) GATE/GPAT card cop ies for Category A appl i cants (as ind icated in Table 1)

i i i ) Relevant exper ience cer t i f icate and the la test Form -16 o r appropr ia te IT dec larat ion for

Category B appl icants and No object ion cer t i f i cate f rom the employer to s tudy the course fo r the ent i re durat ion .

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5 . Candidates are a lso requested to keep a photo copy of pr in t out o f System Generated On l ine Appl icat ion Form for fu ture reference.

6. A candidate, who requires to appear in Admission Test as indicated in Table 2) is requested to download their Admit -card us ing the l ink g iven in Ar t ic le 1 in Page 1 and to br ing h is /her admi t card

duly af f i x ing h is /her recent photograph wi th s ignature in the spec i f ied space at the t ime of respect ive Admiss ion Tests .

7. No admiss ion test w i l l be required for GATE/GPAT qual i f ied candidates for Automobi le Engg.

(under Mechanica l Engg.) , Bio -process Engg. (under Chemical Engg.) , Chemical Engg. , Civ i l Engg. , Computer Sc. & Engg. , Elect r ica l Engg. , Elect ron ics & Tele. Comm. Engg. , Food Tech. & Biochemical Engg. , I l luminat ion Engg. (under Elect r ica l Engg.) , Ins t rumentat ion & Elect ron ics Engg. , Mater ia l Engg. (under Meta l lu rg ica l & Mater ia l Engg. ) , Mechanica l Engg. , Meta l lu rg ica l Engg. (under Meta l lurg ica l & Mater ia l Engg. ) , Pharmacy, Product ion Engg. and Sof tware E ngg. (under I .T. Dept . ) as l is ted in Table 1. Al l o ther e l ig ib le candidates must appear for admiss ion test .

8 . I f an e l ig ib le candidate to appear for Admiss ion Test is unable to pr in t admi t card on- l ine he/she may

contact the respect i ve o f f ice of the FET or FISLM in person at least 3 days before the respect ive date of admiss ion test a long wi th the pr in t out o f system generated onl ine Appl icat ion Form and appl icant ‟ s par t o f Pay- in Sl ip .

9 . Provis ional Mer i t l is t in each course/spec ia l izat ion and the f i rs t l is t o f se lected candidates wi l l be put up on the Univers i ty websi te (g iven in Ar t ic le 1 in Page 1) on 10

t h July. The subsequent l is t o f

se lected candidates for the vacant sea ts f rom the p rovis ional mer i t l is t wi l l be put up in the websi te f rom t ime to t ime . Candidates are requested to track necessary instructions and information to be put up in the website from t ime to t ime.

10. As per ci rcular No. BC-16014/1/82-SC dt.06/08/1984 & BCD-I , D.O.12017/11/89-SCD(R.CELL) dt .08/01/1990 and let ter No. 1510 -SCW dt. 31/05/2007 from the Government of West Bengal , Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe Candidates of any State other than West Bengal are not enti t led for SC/ST seats in Educational Inst i tut ions in West Bengal .

11. Reservation of Seats for SC/ST categories have been made as per Government of India norms. 3% PWD (Persons with disabi l i t ies) is reserved in Sel f -sponsored Category as a supernumerary intake .


a) Admit Card and Score Card o f GATE/GPAT ( i f appl icable) .

b) Mark -sheets and Cert i f icates f rom Secondary examinat ion to Undergraduate degree examinat ion

in Engineer ing o r to Pos tgraduate degree examinat ion in Sc ience courses.

c) SC/ST Cert i f icate issued by the Govt . o f W est Bengal , PW D (Person wi th Disabi l i t y) Cert i f icate and Fami ly Income Cer t i f icate issued by the competent author i ty .

d) For Sponsored Category candidates, a „No Ob ject ion Cert i f icate ‟ f rom the employer fo r the ent i re course per iod , relevant experience cert i f icate along with the latest Form-16 or appropriate IT declarat ion .

e) Bachelor course approval le t ter o f AICTE or COA or UGC-AICTE-DEC Joint Commit tee f rom the appropr ia te au thor i t y.

f ) Final year /semester appear ing cer t i f ica te issued by the Pr inc ipa l / Contro l ler o f Examinat ions of the Univers i ty has to be produced by the candidate, in case the resul t is not dec lared. These candidates must submi t the f ina l semester resul t by end of September 2017 or before applying for scholarsh ip in the respect ive por ta l whichever is ear l ier ; o therwise the admiss ion w i l l get cancel led.


a) Admit Card of Admiss ion Test . b) Score Card of GATE/GPAT ( i f appl icable ) . c) SC/ST Cert i f icate issued by the Govt . o f W est Bengal , PW D (Person wi th Disabi l i t y) Cert i f icate

and Fami ly Income Cer t i f icate issued by the competent author i ty , i f appl i cable .

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d) For Sponsored Category candidates, a „No Ob ject ion Cert i f icate ‟ f rom the employer fo r the ent i re course per iod, re levant exper ience cer t i f icate a long wi th la test Form -16 or appropr ia te IT dec larat ion a long wi th se l f -a t tested copy of each for submiss ion at the t ime of Admiss ion Test .


a) Each appl icant can apply in separate Course/s on l ine against the same receipt f rom S.B. I .

b) Each ind iv idual apply ing in a program wi th mul t ip le spec ia l izat ions and/or in mul t ip le courses ( re f Table 1, for the courses) should ind icate the avai lab le p references ser ia l ly f rom h ighest to lowest . For ins tance , an ind iv idual apply ing in courses A, B and C wi th B having f i ve spec ia l izat ions B1 to B5 and C(E) and C(I ) be ing of fered under FET and FISLM respect i ve ly may submi t the p reference as A= 3, B1=4, B2=1, B3=5, B4=8, B5=2, C(E)=6, C(I )=7, the las t number be ing the rank o f choice executed by a candidate .

c) Fai lure to appear a t the Admiss ion Test on the spec i f ied date wi l l cancel h is /her candidature wi thout any fu r ther correspondence.

d) Regis t ra t ion o f appl icat ion or fu l f i lment o f min imum el ig ib i l i ty cr i te r ia does not confer any r ight o f the appl icant to be ca l led for admiss ion test / in terview/admiss ion .

e) Submission of appl icat ion does not confer any r ight on the candidate for be ing issued Admit Card or Acknowledgement Receipt and also for being cal led for Admission Test/Admission. APPLICATION FEE IS NOT REFUNDABLE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

f ) The Admiss ion Commit tee reserves the r ight o f not se lect ing any candidate who is cons idered phys ica l ly unf i t o r o therwise unsui tab le.

g) Seats wi l l be f i l led fo l lowing the se lect ion a lgor i thm deta i led la ter .

h) Al l J .U. courses are non - res ident ia l . Hoste l seats are not guaranteed.


See CATEGORIES (A) to (C) ,

NOTES a. to i . and

ELIGIBIL ITY SCHEDULES (Table 1 – Parts I to V) be low.


Category (A) – GATE/GPAT: Obtained Bachelor ‟s degree in Engg. /Tech . /Arch. /Pharmacy o r M.Sc. /MCA (see NOTES and Table 1 - ELIGIBILTY SCHEDULE below) wi th at least average Grade point 6 .75 (60%)

for Genera l Candidate or Grade point 5 .25 (45%) for SC/ST/PW D Candidate and qual i f ied through GATE/GPAT having va l id GATE/GPAT Score.

Category (B) – Sponsored: Obtained Bachelo r ‟ s degree in Engg. /Tech. /Arch/Pha rmacy or M.Sc . /MCA (see NOTES and Table 1 - ELIGIBILTY SCHEDULE below) wi th at least average Grade point 6 .75 (60%)

for Genera l Candidate or Grade poin t 5 .25 (45%) for SC/ST/PW D Candidate & min imum 1 (one) year exper ience a f ter pass ing the B.E. /B.Tech/B/Pharm/B.Arch examinat ion ( for PG in Civi l Engineering course minimum 2 ( two) years) duly sponsored by Indust ry / Ins t i tu te / Govt . Depts .

Relevant exper ience shal l be counted af ter pass ing BE/B.Tech. /B.Arch/B.Pharm or M.Sc. degree and get t ing job, whichever i s la ter , t i l l las t date of on l ine submiss ion of Appl icat ion Form , i .e . , 3

r d Ju ly,


Relevant experience cert i f icate ( in origina l) a long with a self -attested copy of Form-16 or appropriate IT declarat ion should be submitted at the t ime of Admission Test (as given in Table 2) .

Category (C) – Se lf -Sponsored: Obtained Bachelor ‟s degree in Engg. /Tech. /Arch or M.Sc. /MCA (see NOTES and Table 1 - ELIGIBILTY SCHEDULE below) wi th at least average Grade point 6 .75 (60%) for

Genera l Candidate or Grade point 5 .25 (45%) for SC/ST/PW D Candidate. As per Govt . o f Ind ia ru les 3% PW D (Persons wi th d isabi l i t ies) seat is reserve d supernumerary .


a . M.Sc. in Phys ics / Chemist ry / Mater ia l Sc. / E lect ron ics Sc. c andidates are e l ig ib le for Master o f Mater ia l Engineer ing Course and MCA Candidates are e l ig ib le for Maste r o f Sof tware Engineer ing Course under Category (A) .

b . Passed Membership/Assoc iate Membership Examinat ion in the appropr ia te d isc ip l ine conducted by the fo l lowing profess ional bodies, namely Inst i tu t ion of Engineers ( Ind ia) / Ind ian Ins t i tu te of Arch i tects / Ind ian Inst i tu te of Chemical Engineers / Ins t i tu te of Elect ron ics Telecommunicat ion Engineers approved by Govt . o f Ind ia, wi th at least average Grade poin t 6 .75 (60%) for Genera l Candidate or Grade po int 5 .25 (45%) for SC/ST/PW D Candidate and qual i f ied through GATE

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having va l id GATE/GPAT Score are e l ig ib le for admiss ion to PG courses in Engg. /Tech. /Arch. /Pharm. under Category (A) , subject to product ion of a pproval f rom AICTE by the candidate for admiss ion to PG courses .

c. Self -Sponsored candidates (Category C) are not el igible to apply and only Sponsored

candidates (Category B ) should si t for Admission Test in the fol lowing courses

i ) M.E. in Automobi le Engineer ing (FET, under Mechanica l Engineer ing Dept ) i i ) M.E. in Chemical Eng ineer ing (FET) i i i ) M.E. in Civi l Engineer ing (FET) iv) M.E. in Computer Sc ience & Engineer ing (FET) v) M.E. in Elect r ica l Eng ineer ing (FET) v i ) M.E. in Elect ron ics & Tele -communicat ion Engineer ing (FET) v i i ) M.E. in Mechanica l Engineer ing (FET) v i i i ) Maste r in Pharmacy (FET) i x) M.E. in Sof tware Eng ineer ing (FET, under In format ion Technology Department ) Category (B) seats in these courses wi l l be f i rst f i l led according to the meri t l is t prepared on the basis of overal l score. Unfi l led Category (B) seats wi l l then be merged with the ava i lable seats under Category (A) to arr ive a t expanded Categor y (A) seat s and candidates wi l l be offered admission in Category (A) according to GATE/GPAT score and str ict l y adhering to reservation pol ic ies.

d . All the appl icants under the fol lowing courses are t reated as Sel f -sponsored candidates

i ) M.E. in Bioprocess Engineer ing (FET, under Chemical Engineer ing Dept ) i i ) M.E. in Computer Tech (FET, under Computer Sc ience & Engineer ing Dept ) i i i ) M. Tech in Envi ronmenta l Biotechnol ogy (FISLM, under School o f Env i ronmenta l Studies ) iv) M. Tech in Laser Technology (FISLM, under School o f Laser Sc ience & Technology ) v) M.E. in Pr in t ing Engg. & Graphic Communicat ion (FET under Pr in t ing Engineer ing Dept) All the seats for these courses wi l l be f i l led str ict l y according to the meri t l ist prepared on the basis of performance in the Admission Test and, i f appl icable, In terview as wel l .

e . There are three NON-GATE courses under FISLM l is ted in Tables 5 and 6 in Page 20 wi th seats avai lab le under both Sponsored and Sel f sponsored Categor ies, which are i ) I l luminat ion Technology & Design (6 -Semester) (Table 5) i i ) W ater Resources & Hydraul ic Engineer ing (6 -Semester) (Table 5) i i i ) Mul t imedia Development (Table 6 )

f . In a l l o ther courses not l is ted against Notes c to e , Category (A) appl icants wi l l be g iven

preference over Category (C) appl icants , whi le f i l l ing the expanded Category (A) seats . The procedure of drawing the number of expanded Category (A) seats is expla ined la ter under Step 3 of Select ion Algor i thm in Page 13.

g . Candidates who have appeared/are due to appear at the qual i fy ing examinat ions (B.E. /B.Tech. /B.Arch. /B.Pharm./M.Sc ) may a lso apply.

h . I f se lected, Category (A) or (C) candidates may be provis ional l y admi t ted , provided they submi t a l l passed mark-sheet a t least up to 6

t h Semester , pre ferably 7

t h (8

t h Semeste r in case of

Arch i tecture , prefe rably 9t h

) o f the qual i f y ing examinat ion wi th requi red percentage of marks a t the t ime of admiss ion test . I f the f ina l resul ts are awai ted on the date o f in terview , such se lected candidates shal l have to sub mi t the mark sheet o f the qual i f y ing examinat ion by end of September or f i l l ing the deta i ls in appropr ia te por ta l for obta in ing scholarsh ip f rom the date of commencement of 1

s t semeste r c lasses , whichever is ear l ier . Fa i l ing th is , or i f the candidate is found to be

ine l ig ib le in terms of percentage of marks obta ined, h is /her provis ional admiss ion wi l l be cancel led.

i . Please note that the Addit ional e l ig ibi l i t y cri teria for specif ic courses mentioned next w ith in ELIGIBIL ITY SCHEDULE wil l supercede the minimum el igibi l i t y cr i teria ment ioned above. Candidates are also informed to read careful ly the addit ional e l igibi l i t y cri teria against each course mentioned next w ithin Table 1- ELIGIBILITY SCHEDULE before f i l l ing up ONLINE Appl icat ion Form for the session 2017 -18.

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I . 4-Semester (2 -years) Courses (AICTE APPROVED) under FET

Offered by the Department

Name of the Course

Fields of Special izat ion

Bachelor’s Degree required in

Addit ional El igib i l i t y Cri teria , i f any

1) Arch i tectu re Dept .

Arch i tecture Urban Design Arch i tecture /AI IA Passed cer t i f icate

El ig ib i l i ty as Ment ioned in Category A, B & C ( in i tem No.15 above) .

Admiss ion Test wi l l be he ld fo l lowing schedule g iven in Table 2.

2) Chemical

Engg. Dept .

Chemical Engineer ing

- - - - - - - - Chemical Engineer ing wi th 1

s t


El ig ib i l i ty as Ment ioned in Category A & B ( in i tem No.15 above) .

No Admiss ion Test fo r Category A qual i f ied candidates.

Admiss ion Test for e l ig ib le Sponsored candidates (category B) on ly wi l l be held fo l lowing schedule g iven in Table 2

Bioprocess Engineer ing

- - - - - - - - - - Bio-Technology / Chemical Engg. /

Food Engg. / Food Technology / Food Tech. & Biochemical Engg. /

El ig ib i l i ty as ment ioned in Category C ( in i tem No.15 above) .

Admiss ion Test o f Sel f -Sponsored (C) category wi l l be held fo l lowing schedule g iven in Table 2

3) Civi l Engg. Dept .

Civ i l Engineer ing

a) St ructu ra l Engg.

a) Civ i l Engg. /

Construct ion Engg.

El ig ib i l i ty as ment ioned in Category A & B ( in i tem No.15 above) .

No Admiss ion Test fo r Category A candidates.

Admiss ion Test for e l ig ib le Sponsored candidates (Category B) on ly wi l l be held fo l lowing schedule g iven in Table 2.

b) Soi l Mechanics

&Foundat ion Engg

b) - do -

c) Envi ronmenta l


c) Civ i l Engg. /

Chemical Engg. / Food Tech. & Bio. Chem. Engg / Construct ion Engg. / Envi ronmenta l Engg.

4) Computer Sc.

& Engg. Dept .

Computer Sc ience & Engineer ing

- - - - - - - - - - B.E. /B.Tech in Computer Sc. & Engg.

(* B .Sc. / M/Sc. / MCA not e l ig ib le)

El ig ib i l i ty as Ment ioned in Category A & B ( in i tem No.15 above) .

No Admiss ion Test fo r Category A candidates.

Admiss ion Test for e l ig ib le Sponsored candidates (Category B) on ly wi l l be held fo l lowing schedule g iven in Table 2.

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Offered by the Department

Name of the Course

Fields of Special izat ion

Bachelor’s Degree required in

Addit ional El igib i l i t y Cri teria , i f any

5) Elect r ica l

Engg. Dept .

E lect r ica l Engineer ing

a) Elect r ica l Power Systems

b) Elect r ica l


c) High Vol tage


d) Cont ro l System

e) Elect r ica l

Measurement &

Ins t rumentat ion.

a) Elect r ica l Engg. /

Power Engg.

b) Elect r ica l Engg. /

Power Engg.

c) Elect r ica l Engg. / Power Engg. / Elect ron ics &

Te lecomm. Engg.

d) Elect r ica l Engg. / Ins t rumentat ion & Elect ron ics Engg. / Elect ron ics & Telecomm. Engg

e) - do -

El ig ib i l i ty as Ment ioned in Category A & B ( in i tem No.15 above).

No Admiss ion Test fo r Category A candidates.

Admiss ion Test for e l ig ib le Sponsored candidates (Category B) on ly wi l l be held fo l lowing schedule g iven in Table 2.

Admiss ion Test for Sponsored candidates (Category B) on ly wi l l be held fo l lowing schedule g iven in Table 2.

I l luminat ion Engineer ing

Elect r ica l /Elect ron ics & Telecom/Inst rumentat ion Engg. o r equiva lent .

El ig ib i l i ty as Ment ioned in Category A & B ( in i tem No.15 above).

No Admiss ion Test fo r Category A candidates.

Min imum El ig ib i l i t y cr i ter ion of Average Grade poin t (%) in BE/B.Tech. for Sel f -sponsored (Category C) candidates:

Genera l : 8 .75 (o r 80%) averages o f a l l semester grade points SC/ST/PW D: 6.75(60%).

Admiss ion Test o f Category C candidates only wi l l be held fo l lowing schedule g iven in Table 2.

6) Elect ron ics &

Te le-Comm.

Engg. Dept .

Elect ron ics & Tele -Comm. Engg.

a . Computer

b . Communicat ion

c . Contro l

d . Microwave

e . Elect ron Devices

Elect ron ics & Tele -Comm. Engg.

(Can apply fo r a l l spec ia l izat ions) .

Ins t rumentat ion & Elect ron ics Engg.

(Can apply fo r a l l spec ia l izat ions except Microwave

Engg. and Communicat ion Engg.) .

El ig ib i l i ty as ment ioned in Category A & B ( in i tem No.15 above) .

No Admiss ion Test fo r Category A candidates.

Admiss ion Tes t fo r e l ig i b le Sponsored cand idates (Category B) on ly wi l l be he ld f o l lowing schedule g iven in Tab le 2 . These cand idates mus t have m in imum semester Grade po in t o f 7 .75 (70%) in B .E /B . Tech. Exam inat ion.

7) Food Tech.

& Biochemical

Engg. Dept .

Food Technology & Bio-Chemical Engineer ing

- - - - - - - Food Tech. & Bio Chemical Engineer ing / Food Technology / Biochemical Engineer ing / Chemical Engineer ing

El ig ib i l i t y as ment ioned i n

Category A , B & C ( in i tem No.15 above) .

No Admiss ion Tes t fo r GATE qua l i f i ed cand idates .

Adm iss ion Tes t o f Sponsored (B) & Se l f -Sponsored (C) categor ies wi l l be he ld fo l l owing schedule g i ven i n Tab le 2 .

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Offered by the Department

Name of the Course

Fields of Special izat ion

Bachelor’s Degree required in

Addit ional El igib i l i t y Cri teria , i f any

8) In fo rmat ion Techno logy Depar tment

Sof tware Engineer ing

- - - - - - - BE/B.Tech in any d isc ip l ine /Mas ters o f Computer App l ica t i on (MCA) wi th GATE in CS&IT & E lec t ron ics

E l ig ib i l i t y as ment ioned i n

Category A & B ( in i tem No.15 above) .

No Admiss ion Tes t fo r

Category A cand idates .

Adm iss ion Tes t o f Sponsored category (B) wi l l be he ld as pe r schedule date g i ven i n Tab le 1 .

9) Ins t rumentat ion

& E lec t ron ics

Engg. Dept

Ins t rumentat ion

& E lec t ron ics Engg.

- - - - - - - Ins t rumentat ion & E lec t ron ics o r equ i va lent / E lec t ron ics & Communicat ion or equ i va lent / E lec t r i c a l Engg. o r equ i va lent / E lec t r i ca l & E lec t ron ics Engg.

E l ig ib i l i t y as ment ioned i n

Category A & B ( in i tem No.15 above) .

No Admiss ion Tes t fo r

Category A cand idates .

Adm iss ion Tes t o f Sponsored category (B) wi l l be he ld as pe r schedule date g i ven i n Tab le 1 .

E l ig ib i l i t y in Category C for Se l f -Spons ored hav ing a t leas t 8 .75 averages o f a l l semes ter grade po in ts (or 80% ave rage o f a l l semes ter marks ) in BE/B.Tech. exam.

Admiss ion Tes t o f e l ig ib l e Se l f -Sponsored category (C) wi l l be he ld as per schedule date g i ven i n Tab le 2 .

10) Mechan ica l


Mechanica l Eng ineer ing

a) Heat Power


b ) Machine Des ign

c ) App l ied Mechanics

d ) Produc t ion Engg.

e) F lu id & Hydrau l i cs Engg.

a) Mechanica l / Power Engg. / Chemica l / Aerospace

(Aeronaut ica l ) Engg.

b) Mechanica l Engg. /

Produc t ion Engg. /

Aerospace (Aeronaut ica l ) Engg. /

App l ied Mechanics &

Aerospace Engg. / Power Engg. / Automobi le Engg. /

C iv i l Engg. /

Meta l lu rg ica l Engg. .

c ) Mechanica l . / C i v i l / E lec t r i ca l . /Chemica l / P roduc t ion Engg. /

Aerospace (Aeronaut ica l ) Engg.

d) Mechanica l /

P roduc t ion Engg.

e) Mechanica l / Power Engg. / Chemica l / C iv i l / Aerospace (Aeronaut ica l ) Engg.

E l ig ib i l i t y as m ent ioned i n

a ) Category A and

Category B ( in i tem No.15 above) having a l l semes ter ave rage Grade po in t i n BE/B.Tech o f a t leas t 7 .25 (65%) for genera l cand idates & 5 .75 (50% ) for SC/ST/PW D candidates a long wi th

b) Category B scor ing m in imum of 50% in Admiss ion Tes t .

No Admiss ion Tes t fo r

Category A cand idates .

Adm iss ion Tes t fo r e l ig i b le Sponsored cand idates (category B) on l y wi l l be he ld f o l lowing schedule g iven in Tab le 2 .

Automobi le Engineer ing

Mechanica l / Automobi le Engg. or Equ iva lent .

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Offered by the Department

Name of the Course

Fields of Special izat ion

Bachelor’s Degree required in

Addit ional El igib i l i t y Cri teria , i f any

11) Meta l lurg ica l

& Mater ia l

Engg. Dept .

Meta l lurg ica l Engineer ing

Industr ia l Meta l lurgy

Meta l lurg ica l Engg. / Mechanica l Engg. / Product ion Engg. / Ceramic Tech. o r Engg / Chemical Engg. / Mater ia l Engg.

El ig ib i l i ty as ment ioned in Category A, B & C ( in i tem No.15 above)

No Admiss ion Test fo r Category A candidates.

Admiss ion Test o f Sponsored category (B) & Sel f -Sponsored category (C) wi l l be held as per schedule g iven in Table 2.

Mater ia l Engineer ing

…….. Meta l lurg ica l Engg. / Mechanica l Engg. / Product ion Engg. / Ceramic Tech. o r Engg / Chemical Engg. / Mater ia l Engg. / Elect r ica l Engg. / Elect ron ics & Tel t .Com. Engg. / Ins t rumentat ion.

Or M.Sc. in Phys ics /

Chemist ry / Mater ia l Sc. / Elect ron ics Sc.

El ig ib i l i ty as ment ioned in Category A, B & C ( in i tem No.15 above)

No Admiss ion Test fo r Category A candidates.

Admiss ion Test o f Sponsored category (B) & Sel f -Sponsored category (C) wi l l be held as per schedule g iven in Table 2 .

12) Pharm. Tech.

Dept .


Pharmaceut ica l Chemist ry

Pharmaceut ics


Pharmaceut ica l Biotechnology


Industr ia l Pharmacy


El ig ib i l i ty as Ment ioned in Category A & B ( in i tem No.15 above) .

No Admiss ion Test fo r Category A candidates.

Admiss ion Test o f Sponsored category (B) on ly wi l l be held as per schedule g iven in Table 2

Cl in ica l Pharmacy & Pharmacy Pract ice.

…….. Pharmacy. El ig ib i l i ty as Ment ioned in Category B & C ( in i tem No.15 above) .

Admiss ion Test o f Sponsored category (B) & Sel f -Sponsored category (C) wi l l be held as per schedule g iven in Table 2 .

13) Product ion

Engg Dept .

Product ion Engineer ing

Product ion Technology.

Product ion Management .

Product ion Engg. / Mechanica l Engg. / Industr ia l Engg. & Management / Manufactu r ing Sc.

El ig ib i l i ty as Ment ioned in Category A, B & C ( in i tem No.15 above) .

No Admiss ion Test fo r Category A candidates.

Admiss ion Test o f Sponsored category (B) & Sel f -Sponsored category (C) wi l l be held as per schedule g iven in Table 2 .

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Offered by the Department

Name of the Course

Fields of Special izat ion

Bachelor’s Degree required in

Addit ional El igib i l i t y Cri teria , i f any

14) Power Engg.

Dept .

Power Engg. - - - - - - - - - Power Engg / Elect r ica l Engg / Mechanica l Engg / Ins t rumentat ion Engg.

El ig ib i l i ty as ment ioned in Category A, B & C ( in i tem No.15 above)

Admiss ion Test o f Category A, B & C wi l l be held as per schedule g iven in Table 2.

15) Pr in t ing

Engg. Dept .

Pr in t ing Engg. & Graphic Communicat ion.

- - - - - - - - B.E. / B.Tech in any d isc ip l ine (Pr ior i ty may be g iven to B.E. in Pr in t ing) .

El ig ib i l i ty as ment ioned in Category C ( in i tem No.15 above) .

Admiss ion Test o f Sel f -Sponsored (C) category wi l l be held as per schedule g iven in Table 2

I I . 6-Semester (3 -years) Evening Courses (AICTE APPROVED) under FET

Offered by the Department

Name of the Course

Fields of Special isat ion

Bachelor’s Degree required in

Addit ional El igib i l i t y Cri teria , i f any

1) Computer Sc.

& Engg. Dept .

Computer Technology

- - - - - - - - - B.E. /B.Tech. in any d isc ip l ine.

El ig ib i l i ty as ment ioned in Category C ( in i tem No.15 above) .

Admiss ion Test o f Sel f -Sponsored (C) category wi l l be held as per schedule g iven in Table 2.Admiss ion test wi l l be taken on 80 marks and 20 marks will be given based on the valid GATE score. Minimum criterion for eligibility is at least average Grade point of 6.75 (60%) for General Candidate or Grade point of 5.25 (45%) for SC/ST/PWD Candidate

2) Elect ron ics &

Te le-Comm.

Engg. Dept .

VSLI Des ign & Microelect ron ics Tech.

- - - - - - - - Elect ron ics & Tele -communicat ion Engg. Engg / Computer Sc. & Engg. / Ins t rumentat ion Engg. Or equiva lent .

E l ig ib i l i ty as Ment ioned in Category B & C ( in i tem No.15 above) .

Admiss ion Test o f Sponsored (B) and Sel f -Sponsored (C) category wi l l be held as per schedule g iven in Table 2.

3) Elect ron ics &

Tele -Comm.

Engg. Dept .

In te l l igent Automat ion &

Robot ics .

- - - - - - - - - Elect ron ics & Tele -communicat ion Engg. / Elect r ica l Engg / Computer Sc. &Engg. / Ins t rumentat ion Engg. Or equiva lent .

E l ig ib i l i ty as Ment ioned in Category B & C ( in i tem No.15 above) .

Admiss ion Tes t o f Sponsored (B) and Se l f -Sponsored (C) category wi l l be he ld as per schedule g iven in Tab le 2

4) Const ruct ion

Engg Dept . .

Construct ion Engineer ing

Structura l Repai r Retrof i t

Engineer ing

Construct ion Engg / Civ i l Engg. o r equiva lent .

El ig ib i l i t y as Ment ioned i n Category B & C ( i n i tem No.15 above) .

Adm iss ion Tes t o f Sponsored (B) and Se l f -Sponsored (C) category wi l l be he ld as per schedule g iven in Tab le 2 .

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III. AICTE Approved 4-Semester (2-years) Courses affiliated to FET and offered

under FISLM:

Offered by the


Name of the


and Field of




Bachelor’s Degree required in

1) Bio Science &




M.E. B.E./B.Tech. in any discipline or Bachelor of

Pharmacy (with Basic Engg. subjects) or equivalent

2) Education


IT (Courseware


M.Tech. B.E./B.Tech. in any discipline or MCA or

equivalent or M.Sc. in Physics/Mathematics/

Electronics/Computer Sc./Information Tech.

3) Energy Studies Energy Science

& Technology

M.Tech. B.E./B.Tech. in any discipline or

M.Sc. in Physics/Chemistry/Bio -Chemistry/ Geology

with Mathematics as the subsidiary paper in the

Bachelor Degree or M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics

with Physics and Chemistry at the Bachelor level or

Masters in Economics with Physics and Mathematics

as the subsidiary subjects in the Bachelor level

4) Environmental




M.Tech. B.Tech. in Biotechnology /Civi l Engg. / Chemical

Engg / Food Tech. & Biochemical Engg. or Bachelor

in Pharmacy or 2-year M.Sc. in Environmental


Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics/Geology. All

Science candidates should have Mathematics in U.G.


5) Laser Science

& Engineering



M.Tech. B.E./B.Tech. in Mechanical/Production/

Materia l /Metallurgical /Chemical /Power/

Automotive/Electr ical/Electronics Engg/ Tech. or

M.Sc. in Optoelectronics/Computer Sc. & Engg./

Industr ia l Engg o r M.Sc. in Physics/Electronics or

any other re levant/ equivalent discipl ine.

6) Materia ls

Science &


Nano Science &


M.Tech. B.E./B.Tech. in Civi l/Electr ical/Electronics/

Mechanical /Ceramic/Metallurgical/Chemical /

Production/Power/Print ing Engg. /Tech. or M.Sc. in

Physics/Chemistry/Electronics/ Instrumentation Sc.

7) Mobile

Computing &

Communicat ion

Distributed &



M.Tech. B.E./B.Tech. in Computer Sc. & Engg. / Information

Tech./Electronics & Tele -Comm. Engg. or MCA or

M.Sc. in Computer Sc. / Electronics Sc.

8) Nuclear Studies

& Application



M.E. B.E./B.Tech. in Mechanical/Electr ical /

Power/Electronics/Instrumentat ion/ Metallurgy &

Materia l Sc./Chemical Engg./Tech. or i ts equivalent

9) Water




Resources &



M.E. B.E./B.Tech. in Civi l/Mechanical /

Agriculture/Chemical/Electr ical/Power/ Production /

Construct ion Engg./Tech. or M.Sc.(Tech.) in


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IV. UGC Approved 4-Semester (2-years) Courses affiliated to FET and offered

under FISLM:

Offered by the


Name of the


and Field of




Bachelor’s Degree required in

1) Education




M.M.D. ( M a s t e r i n

M u l t i m e d i a

D e v e l o p m e n t )

B.E. in any discipl ine or equivalent or MCA

or M. Arts or M. Com. or M. Sc. in any


V. AICTE Approved 6-Semester (3-years) Evening Courses affiliated to FET

and offered under FISLM:

Offered by the


Name of the


and Field of




Bachelor’s Degree required in

1) Il lumination


Engineering &


Il lumination

Technology &


M.Tech. B.E./B.Tech. in any discipline or B.Arch. or

M.Sc. in Physics/Electronics/Computer Sc. and

employed or self -employed professional.

Except Pharmacy.

2) Water Resources


Water Resources

& Hydraulic


M.E. In-service Engineers from Industry/

Insti tute/Govt. Dept. with B.E./B.Tech. in Civil

/Mechanical /Agriculture/Chemical/Electr ical /

Power/Production / Construction Engg./Tech. or

M.Sc.(Tech.) in Geology

Availabil ity of Scholarship: Subject to Release of Fund by UGC/AICTE or Other Funding


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(A) GATE/GPAT Candidates :

i ) NO ADMISSION TEST for PG courses

a) under FET in Automobi le Engg. (under Mechanica l Engg.) , Chemical Engg. , Civ i l Engg. ,

Computer Sc. & Engg. , Elect r ica l Engg. , Elect ron ics & Tele. Comm. Engg. , Food Tech. & Biochemical Engg. , I l lum inat ion Engg. (under Elect r ica l Engg.) , Ins t rumentat ion & Elect ron ics Engg. , Mater ia l Engg. (under Meta l lurg ica l & Mater ia l Engg. ) , Mechanica l Engg. , Meta l lurg ica l Engg. (under Meta l lu rg ica l & Mater ia l Engg.) , Pharmacy, Product ion Engg. and Sof tware Engg. (under I .T. Dept . ) l is ted in Table 1 Part I and

b) under FISLM in IT (Courseware Engineer ing) and Dis t r ibuted & Mobi le Comput ing l is ted

Table 1 Par t I I I .

GATE/GPAT Score - - 100% weightage

i i ) ADMISSION TEST for PG courses of

a) under FET in Arch i tecture and Power Engg l i s ted in Table 1 Part I and

b) under FISLM in Biomedica l Engg. & Sc. , Energy Sc ience & Techno logy, Nano Sc. & Tech. , Nuc lear Engg. and W ater Resources & Hydraul i c Engg. (4 -Semester) l is ted Table 1 Part I I I

GATE Score - - - 70% weightage

Admiss ion Test * - - - 30% weightage

* Interviews wil l be conducted in Energy Science & Technology course and both the courses in Water Resources & Hydraul ics Engineering af ter Admission Test.

(B) Sponsored Candidates :

At least 1 year o f re levant exper ience ( fo r PG in Civi l Engineer ing course min imum 2 ( two) years re levan t exper ience) a f ter pass ing B.E. /B.Tech. /B.Arch. /B.Pharm./ M.Sc. degree and get t ing job, whichever is la ter , as on las t date of on l ine submiss ion of appl icat ion form , i .e . , 3

r d Ju ly, 2017.

Qual i f y ing Examinat ion Resul t - - 40% weightage


Admiss ion Test (and In terview i f requi red) - - 50% weightage

Relevant Exper ience - - 10% weightage

(1 mark per year o f re levant exper ience; Maximum Mark - 10)

* In Mechanica l Engineer ing Department a t least 50% of the Admiss ion Test as the min imum el ig ib i l i ty cr i ter ion.

(C) Self-Sponsored Candidates :

Qual i f y ing Exam. resul t - - 50% weightage


[or up to 4t h

y r . 1s t

Semester resul ts / 5 th year 1s t

semester in case of Arch i tecture , wi l l be cons idered for the those candidates whose f ina l resul ts are awai t ing ]

Admiss ion Test - - 50% weightage

(D) Passed / Appeared/ due to appear candidates must upload thei r scanned self -attested copies of a l l avai lable semester mark-sheets (at least up to 6

t h, preferably 7

t hsemester for 4 year UG

courses and at least 8t h

, preferably 9t h

semester in case of Archi tecture ; a cert i f icate f rom Control ler of Examiner in case the f inal year odd semester result is not avai lable ) and GATE/GPAT Card at the t ime of submission of ONLINE Appl icat ion and bring al l Original Semester Marks-sheet and GATE/GPAT Card at the t ime of Veri f icat ion of Documents dur ing Admission & Admission Test (schedule given in Table 2 ) .

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Selection Algorithm

During onl ine appl icat ion candidates wi l l execute the i r preferences onl ine in order o f the i r l ik ing for each spec ia l izat ion under a l l courses they have opted for (See Ar t ic le 14 a & b, Page 3 ) . Reservat ion for SC/ST and PW D students are there as per GOI not i f ica t ion.

Step 1 : In case of the courses exc lud ing the ones l is ted under Note d in Page 4 under Ar t ic le 15, the

e l ig ib le Sponsored category candida tes wi l l be ranked as pe r the i r overa l l score, as expla ined under (B) in Page 12 (cons ider ing cut o f f , i f any, in the admiss ion test ) , and o f fered admiss ion cons ider ing rank, prefe rence and avai lab i l i ty o f seats s tated in Tables 3 to 6 .

Step 2 : In case vacanc ies exis t in Sponsored category in courses deal t in Step 1 for the ones l is ted

under Note e in Page 4 under Ar t ic le 15 , then an expanded number of Category C seats wi l l be drawn up by adding the vacant seats in Category B wi th the or ig ina l number of Category C seats ind icated for these courses.

Step 3 : In case vacanc ies exis t in Sponsored category in courses deal t in Step 1 but not in S tep 2,

then an expanded number of Category A seats wi l l be drawn up by adding the vacant seats in Category B wi th the o r ig ina l number o f Category A seats ind icated for these courses. The number of reserved seats wi l l a lso be revised (as per Government ru le ) a t th is s tage of d rawing up the expanded number of Ca tegory A seats .

the se lect ion under Category A (GATE/GPAT) wi l l be of fered as per the mer i t l is t (p repared) .

Step 4 : I t invo lves three s tages to f i l l up the expanded vacancy l is ts prepared in Step 3. These s tages are as fo l lows.

Step 4a: Three mer i t l i s ts (ML-1, ML-2 & ML-3) for Category A cand idates are prepared [as expla ined under (A) ] in Page 12 fo r each specia l izat ion /course, one rank ing a l l (genera l+SC+ST) candidates (ML-1) , one for SC (ML-2) and the o ther for ST candidates (ML -3) .

Step 4b: F i rs t o f fer is made f rom ML-1. A reserved category candidate may get admiss ion under


Step 4c: Later , i f a reserved category s tudent f i nds bet ter opt ion f rom ML -2 or ML-3, he/she gets

updated of fer , s imul taneous ly of fe r l is t fo r genera l category f rom ML -1 is updated.

Step 5 : In case of Sel f sponsored candidates, the mer i t l is t prepared as expla ined under (C) in Page

12 and the of fe rs are made

i ) in the courses that have only Category C seats (as l is ted under Note d in Page 4 under Ar t ic le

15) as per the or ig ina l number of seats avai lab le in th is category

i i i ) in the courses deal t i n Step 2 to draw expanded Category C seats ,

i i I ) i f vacancy exis ts in the expanded Category A seats af ter execut ing Step 3 ,

Step 6 : At any se lect ion round, a candidate wi l l be of fered the h ighest preference seat he/she is

qual i fy ing at tha t s tage by fo l lowing Steps 1 to 5 . In subsequent se lect ion rounds, the candidate can keep the opt ion open for up l i f tment to on ly h igher preference seats against vacanc ies by tak ing admiss ion at th is s tage . For example, i f a candidate has executed preference l is t for 10 spec ia l izat ions, and is o f fered the 5

t h ranked spec ia l izat ion as per mer i t l is t , h is /her candidature for

the 6t h

through 10t h

opt ions wi l l s tand cancel led and h is /her candidature for 1s t

t i l l 5t h

choice remains open for subsequent up l i f tment as per vacancy generated la te r . Thus the seats are f i l led - in one af ter another .

The se lect ion l is t wi l l d isp lay against the name of the se lected candidate the p reference number ind icated by the candida te in the fo rm.

In case of t ie , the t ie break ing wi l l be exec uted wi th prefe rence to h igher ru le and h igher va lue (admiss ion rest score, CGPA, SGPA and/or age) wi th in a Rule fo l lowing three ru les as g iven next .

Rule 1 : admiss ion test score, i f appl icable

Rule 2 : semeste r per fo rmance of course/s ment ioned under Ar t ic le 4A [% or (CGPA-0.75)X10]

Rule 3 : semester per formance in order f rom pre - f ina l year even semester to f i rs t semester ment ioned under Ar t ic le 4A [% or (SGPA-0.75)X10]

Rule 4 : age.

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The fo l lowing schedule to be mainta ined regard ing receipt , process ing o f appl icat ions and admiss ion test o f the candidates fo r admiss ion to P.G. Courses in 201 7-2018 sess ion:

A) P.G. Appl icat ion s i te opens on : June 15 , 2017

B) Last date of on l ine Regis t ra t ion : June 29 , 2017

C) Onl ine submiss ion of appl icat ion : June 17- July 3 ( t i l l 5pm), 2017

After submission of registra t ion fees in bank and uploading chal lan detai l in the JU porta l , a candidate wi l l be a l lowed to f i l l in their remaining information after two bank working days for veri f icat ion of money being deposi ted

D) Admi t Card avai lab le for downloading : at least 4 days before Admission Test

E) Acknowledgement Receipt avai lab le for downloading

for candidates exempted f rom Admiss ion Test : July 10, 2017

F) Date of W eb-post ing of Mer i t l is t in each course /spec ia l izat ion

and 1s t

L is t o f Se lected Candidates : July 17 , 2017

G) F irst Round of Admission : July 18-21, 2017

H) Date of W eb-post ing of Mer i t l is t in each course /spec ia l izat ion

and 2n d

L is t o f Se lected Candidates : July 22 , 2017

I ) Second Round of Admission : July 24 & 25 , 2017

J) Date of W eb-post ing of Mer i t l is t in each course /spec ia l izat ion

and 3r d

L is t o f Se lected Candidates : July 27 , 2017

K) Thi rd Round of Admission : July 31, 2017

L) Date of W eb-post ing of Mer i t l is t in each course /spec ia l izat ion

and 4t h

L is t o f Se lected Candidates : August 2 , 2017

M) Fourth Round of Admission : August 3 , 2017

N) Date of commencement of c lass : July 24, 2017

* In case of any exigency, the revision of dates wi l l be noti f ied on the website (g iven in Ar t i c le 1 in Page 1) . An y lat ter round or closure of the admission process wi l l be duly noti f ied on the website depending on the seat posit ion after fourth round.

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Candidates are requested to download their Admit -card (avai lable under appl icat ion status l ink) and to bring his/her admit card after past ing his/her recent photograph

also with signature in the specif ied space at the t ime of admission test.

Sl. No Name of the Course

Admission Test on

Admission Test Time


1 Archi tecture (FET)

For GATE, Sponsored and Self sponsored candidates

Ju ly 10, 2017 12-30 pm Arch. Dept . , Main Campus

2 Automobi le Engg. (FET)

For Sponsored Candidates only

July 12, 2017 10-00 am Mech. Engg. , Dept , Main Campus

3 Biomedica l Engineer ing


For GATE, Sponsored and Self

sponsored Candidates

July 14, 2017 02-30 pm Mechanica l Engineer ing Dept . , Main Campus

4 Bioprocess Engineer ing (FET)

For Self Sponsored candidates only

Ju ly 10, 2017 04-30 pm Chemical Engg. Dept . , Main Campus

5 Chemical Engg. (FET)

For Sponsored candidates only

July 11, 2017 10-30 am Chemical Engg. Dept . ,

Main Campus

6 Civi l Engineer ing (FET)

For Sponsored Candidates only

Ju ly 12, 2017 12-00 hrs Civi l Engineer ing Dept . , Main Campus

7 Cl in ica l Pharmacy & Pharmacy Pract ice (FET)

For Sponsored and Self Sponsored Candidates

Ju ly 10, 2017 12-30 pm Pharmacy Dept , Main Campus

8 Computer Sc. & Engg. (FET)

For Sponsored candidates only

July 10, 2017 10-30 pm Computer Sc. & Engg. Dept . , Main Campus

9 Computer Tech. (6 -Semester - Evening) (FET)

For Self sponsored Candidates only

Ju ly 10, 2017 02-30 pm Computer Sc Dept , Main Campus

10 Construct ion Engg. (6 -Semester - Evening) (FET)

For Sponsored and Self Sponsored candidates

Ju ly 11, 2017 10-30 am Construct ion Engg Dept , Sal t Lake Campus

11 IT (Courseware Engg. ) (FISLM)

For Sponsored and Self Sponsored candidates

Ju ly 12, 2017 12-00hrs School o f Educat ion Technology, Jupi ter

Bui ld ing, Main Campus

12 Dis t r ibuted & Mobi le Comput ing (FISLM)

For Sponsored and Sel f sponsored Candidates

Ju ly 11, 2017 10-30 am School o f Mobi le Comput ing, Sal t Lake


13 Elect r ica l Engg. (FET)

For Sponsored candidates only

July 12, 2017 03-30 pm Elect r ica l Engineer ing Dept . , Main Campus

14 Elect ron ics & Tele . Comm. Engg. (FET)

For Sponsored Candidates only

Ju ly 12, 2017 02-00 pm ETCE Dept , Main Campus

15 Energy Sc ience & Technology (FISLM)

For GATE, Sponsored and Self sponsored Candidates

Ju ly 12, 2017 10-30 am Civi l Engineer ing Dept . , Main Campus

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Sl. No Name of the Course

Admission Test on

Admission Test Time


16 Envi ronmenta l Bio technology


For Self sponsored Candidates only

Ju ly 10, 2017 10-30 am TEQIP Bui ld ing , Main Campus

17 Food Tech. & Biochemical Engg . (FET)

For Sponsored and Sel f Sponsored candidates

Ju ly 10, 2017 12-30 hrs Food Tech. Dept . , Main Campus

18 I l luminat ion Engg. (FET)

For Self -sponsored Candidates only

July 10, 2017 10-30 am Elect r ica l Engineer ing Dept . , Main Campus

19 I l luminat ion Engg. (FISLM)

For Sponsored and Sel f Sponsored candidates

July 13, 2017 12-30 pm Elect r ica l Engineer ing Dept . , Main Campus

20 Inst rumentat ion & Elect ron ics Engg. (FET)

For Sponsored and Sel f Sponsored candidates

July 11, 2017 12-30 pm Inst rumentat ion & Elect ron ics Engg. Dept , ,

Sal t Lake Campus

21 In te l l igent Au tomat ion &

Robot ics (FET)

For Sponsored and Sel f Sponsored candidates

Ju ly 10, 2017 04-30 pm ETCE Dept , Main Campus

22 Laser Technology (FISLM)

For Self sponsored Candidates only

Ju ly 13, 2017 04-30 pm Mechanica l Engineer ing Dept . , Main Campus

23 Mater ia l Engg. (FET)

For Sponsored and Sel f sponsored Candidates

July 13, 2017 10-30 am Meta l lurgy Dept . , Main Campus

24 Mechanica l Engg. (FET)

For Sponsored Candidates only

Ju ly 12, 2017 10-00 am Mechanica l Engineer ing Dept . , Main Campus

25 Meta l lurg ica l Engg. (FET)

For Sponsored and Sel f sponsored Candidates

July 12, 2017 02-00 pm Meta l lurg ica l Engineer ing Dept . , Main Campus

26 Mul t i Media Development (FISLM)

For Sponsored and Sel f sponsored Candidates

Ju ly 13, 2017 12-30 pm School o f Educat ion Technology, Jupi ter

Bui ld ing, Main Campus

27 Nano Sc ience & Technology (FISLM)

For GATE, Sponsored and Self sponsored Candidates

Ju ly 13, 2017 02-30 pm TEQIP Bui ld ing , Main Campus

28 Nuclear Engineer ing (FISLM)

For GATE, Sponsored and Self sponsored Candidates

Ju ly 12, 2017 10-30 am TEQIP Bui ld ing , Main Campus

29 Pharmacy (FET)

For Sponsored Candidates only

Ju ly 10, 2017 12-30 pm Pharmacy Dept , Main Campus

30 Power Engg. (FET)

For GATE, Sponsored and Self sponsored candidates

Ju ly 11, 2017 10-30 am Power Engg. Dept , Sal t Lake Campus

31 Pr in t ing Engg. & Graphic Communicat ion (FET)

For Self sponsored Candidates only

July 11, 2017 02-30 pm Pr in t ing Engg, Sal t Lake Campus

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A) Once a candidate takes admission in any course/course with special izat ion, his/her select ion in al l courses of lower preferences wi l l be automatical l y cancel led .

B) First semester class wi l l commence from July 24, 2017.

C) Af ter a s tudent takes provis ional admiss ion, i f he/she dec ides to opt out , a swi tch wi l l be avai lab le to h im/her on l ine where he/she could express h is /her wi l l ingness to d iscont inue making way for candidates wai t ing to take admiss ion.

D) Whi le tak ing the admiss ion, a candidate must g ive a dec larat ion that “ I , Full Name of the candidate ,

unders tand that my admiss ion is l iab le to get cancel led, i f I remain absent for two weeks or more at a s t re tch wi thout p rovid ing any pr io r in t imat ions over emai l to Department /School o f Name of the Department/School a long wi th up loading the scanned copy of the document that expla ins the reason

of poss ib le absence l ike ser ious heal th issue . I have noted the emai l ID to be used for the purpose, i f necessary. ”

E) GATE quali f ied candidates may apply for scholarship through AICTE /UGC Portal as and when advertisement issued by AICTE/UGC.

Sl. No Name of the Course

Admission Test on

Admission Test Time


32 Product ion Engineer ing (FET)

For Sponsored and Sel f sponsored Candidates

July 10, 2017 10-30 am Product ion Engineer ing Dept . , Main Campus

33 Sof tware Engg. (FET)

For Sponsored Candidates only

July 11, 2017 04-30 pm IT Engg. Dept , Sal t Lake Campus

34 Water Resources & Hydraul ic

Engineer ing (4-Sem. - Day)


For GATE, Sponsored and Self

Sponsored candidates

July 10, 2017 12-00 hrs Mechanica l Engineer ing Dept . , Main Campus

35 Water Resources & Hydraul ic

Engineer ing (6-Sem. -Evening)


For Sponsored and Sel f

Sponsored candidates

July 10, 2017 01-00 pm Mechanica l Engineer ing Dept . , Main Campus

36 VLSI Des ign & Micro Elect ron ics (6-Semester - Evening) (FET)

For Sponsored and Sel f Sponsored candidates

Ju ly 10, 2017 12-30 pm Elect ron ics Dept , Main Campus

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M .E. /M . Tech Courses


Sponsored / Sel f -Sponsored

Tui t ion Fees per Semester




(Rs. )

Sel f -Sponsor

(Rs. )


(Rs. )

1. Arch. 4 1 1 2 2400/ - 2400/ - 24,000/ -

2 . Automobi le Engg. 3 1 0 1 12000/ - 12,000/ - 30,000/ -

3 . B ioprocess Engg. 0 0 0 10

SS (Gen) - 7

SS(SC) – 2

SS (ST) – 1

24,000/ - 30,000/ -

4 . Chemica l Engg. 11 3 1 4 2400/ - 2400/ - 24,000/

5 . C iv i l Engg. 15 4 1 5 2400/ - 2400/ - 24,000/

a . S t ruc tura l Engg. 6 2 2

b . So i l Mechanics & Foundat i on Engg.

5 1 2

c . Env i ronmenta l Engg. 4 1 1

6 . C l in ic a l Pharmacy & Pharmacy Prac t ice

0 0 0 8

SS (Gen) - 4

SS(SC) – 1

SS (ST) - 1

Spon. – 2

Total course fee is Rs.300000/ -

Rs.1,50,000/ - payab le a t the t ime o f adm iss ion and remain ing f ees have to pay in equa l 3 semes ter i .e . Rs .50,000/ - in each semes ter .

7 . Compute r Sc . &


17 6 2 6 2400/ - 2400/ - 24,000/

8 . Compute r Tech.

(6 -Semes ter )

0 0 0 33

SS (Gen) -24

SS (SC) – 7

SS (ST) – 2

- - 22500/ -

9 . Cons t ruc t ion Engg.

(6 -Semes ter )

Non-G ATE Course

0 0 0 18

SS (Gen) - 10 SS (SC) - 2

SS (ST) – 1

Spon. – 5

- - 24,000/ - 30,000/ -

10. E lec t r i ca l Engg. 15 4 1 5 2400/ - 2400/ - 24,000/

a. Elec t r i ca l Power Sys tems

3 1 1

b. Elec t r i ca l Mach ines 3 1 1

c. High Vol tage Engg. 3 1 1

d. Cont ro l Sys tems 3 1 1

e . E lec t r i ca l Measurement & Ins t rumentat ion

3 1 1

11. E lec t ron ics &

Te le . Comm. Engg.

15 4 1 5 2400/ - 2400/ - 24,000/

a .Compute r 3 1 1

b .Communicat ion 3 1 1

c .Cont ro l 3 1 1

d .Mic rowave 3 1 1

e .E lec t ron Devices 3 1 1

12. Food Tech. &

B io -Chemica l

4 1 1 2 2400/ - 2400/ - 24,000/

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M .E. /M . Tech Courses


Sponsored / Sel f -Sponsored

Tui t ion Fees per Semester




(Rs. )

Sel f -Sponsor

(Rs. )


(Rs. )

13. I l lum inat ion Engg.

10 2 1 5 12000/ - 12,000/ - 30,000/ -

5 . 14. Ins t rumentat i on &

6 . E lec t ron ics

4 1 1 2 2400/ - 2400/ - 24,000/

15. In te l l igent

Automat ion & Robot ics (6 -Semes ter )

Non-G ATE Course

0 0 0 18

SS (Gen) -10

SS (SC) – 2

SS (ST) – 1

Spon. – 5

18,000/ - 30,000/ -

16. Mate r ia l Engg 10 2 1 5 2400/ - 2400/ - 24,000/ -

17. Mechanica l Engg. 15 4 1 5 2400/ - 2400/ - 24,000/

a .Heat Power 3 1 1

b . Mach ine Des ign 3 1 1

c .Appl ied Mec hanics 3 1 1

d .Produc t ion 3 1 1

e .F lu id Mechanics & Hydrau l i cs Engg.

3 1 1

18. Meta l l u rg ica lEngg. 5 2 1 2 2400/ - 2400/ - 24,000/

19. Pharmacy 15 4 1 5 2400/ - 2400/ - 24,000/

20. Power Engg. 10 2 1 5 12000/ - 12,000/ - 30,000/ -

21. Pr in t i ng Engg. &

Graph ic Communicat ion

0 0 0 10

SS (Gen) - 7

SS (SC) – 2

SS (ST) – 1

24,000/ - 30,000/ -

22. Produc t ion Engg 7 2 1 3 2400/ - 2400/ - 24,000/

23. Sof tware Engg 15 3 2 5 18000/ - 18,000/ - 30,000/ -

24. VLSI Des ign & Mic roE lec t ron ics .

(6-Semester )

Non G ATE Course

0 0 0 18

SS (Gen) -10

SS (SC) – 2

SS (ST) -1 Spon. - 5

- - 18,000/ - 30,000/ -

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Tuition Fees per Semester




SSP (Rs.)

SP (Rs.)



for PG



1 Energy Science &

Technology 7 2 1 3 2400/- 2400/- 24000/- UGC



Engineering &


3 1 1 6 2400/- 2400/- 24000/- UGC


Water Resources &

Hydraulic Engineering


10 2 1 5 2400/- 2400/- 24000/- AICTE

4 IT (Courseware

Engineering) 10 2 1 5 12000/- 12000/- 30000/- AICTE

5 Nano Science &



+2 2 1 5 12000/- 12000/- 30000/- AICTE

6 Distributed &

Mobile Computing 9 2 1 3 18000/- 18000/- 30000/- AICTE


Nuclear Engineering

10 2 1 5 12000/- 12000/- 30000/- AICTE

* Gen: General, SP: Sponsored, SSP: Self -Sponsored





M.E./M.Tech. Courses SSP SP Tuition Fees per



(Rs.) SP


1 Environmental Biotechnology 7 2 1 0 24000/- 30000/-

2 Laser Technology 7 2 1 0 24000/- 30000/-

3 Il lumination Technology & Design

(6-Semester) 10 2 1 5 24000/- 30000/-

4 Water Resources & Hydraulic

Engineering (6 -Semester) 10 2 1 5 27000/- 36000/-

However, Self -sponsored candidates having GATE Score may apply for AICTE Scholarship as and

when advertisement is issued by AICTE.





Other Courses SSP SP Tuition Fees per






1 Multimedia Development

16 5 1 3 12000/- 30000/-