Download - Know your rights

Page 1: Know your rights

Michael Rodriguez A LYRASIS Webinar | June 12, 2015

Know  Your  Rights:    Copyright  in  Digital  Environments  

Page 2: Know your rights


Michael  Rodriguez,  MLIS  E-­‐Learning  Librarian  @HodgesU  Social  Media  Manager  @ALA_LITA    Twi;er  @topshelver  [email protected]  

Page 3: Know your rights

What  is  Copyright?  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Lucille  Pine,    CC  BY  NC  ND  

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The  exclusive  legal  right  to  reproduce,  distribute,  modify,  and  perform  

original  works  of  authorship  fixed  in  a  tangible  medium  of  expression*  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  John,    CC  BY  NC  ND  

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“To  promote  the  Progress  of  Science  and  useful  Arts,  by  securing  for  limited  Times  to  Authors  and  Inventors  the  exclusive  Right  to  their  respecUve  

WriUngs  and  Discoveries.”  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Stephen  Melkisethian,    CC  BY  NC  ND  

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Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Yuri  Samoilov,    CC  BY  

Copyright  DuraEon  

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Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Giulia  van  Pelt,    CC  BY  NC  ND  

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What  is  covered  by  copyright?  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Divya  Thakur,    CC  BY  SA  

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What  is  not  covered  by  copyright?  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Gerard  Stolk,    CC  BY  ND  

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Patents.  Trademarks.  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Alexandre  Dulaunoy,    CC  BY  SA  

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The  Public  Domain  

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Non-­‐copyrighted  works  Government  works  Pre-­‐1923  works*  Dedicated  works  

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Marcel  Duchamp  (1919),  LHOOQ,  CC0  

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Context:  “It  depends”  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Kevin  Jones,    CC  BY  

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Due  Diligence  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  _wrdh,    CC  BY  

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Good  Faith  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Penn  State,    CC  BY  NC  ND  

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Four  Factors  of  Fair  Use  

1.  Purpose  and  character  of  the  use  that  is  claimed  to  be  fair  (educaUonal  use?  criUcism  or  commentary?  parody?  transformaUve  use?  

2.  Nature  of  the  copied  work  (factual  or  creaUve?)  

3.  Amount  and  substanUality  of  the  porUon  used  (-­‐10%?  the  heart  of  the  work?)  

4.  Effect  of  use  on  potenUal  market  for  the  work  

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“Blurred  Lines”  of  DerivaEve  Use  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Kevin  Dooley,    CC  BY  

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TransformaEve  Use  

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Authors  Guild  v.  HathiTrust  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Ken  Lund,    CC  BY  SA  

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Nature  of  the  Copied  Work  

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Amount  and  SubstanEality  of  PorEon  Taken  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Marco  Klapper,    CC  BY  

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Market  Impact  

Katy  Perry  image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Huntley  Paton,  CC  BY  SA  

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Works  for  Hire  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Todd  Lappin,  CC  BY  NC  

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Library  Gaps  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Julie  Kertesz,  CC  BY  NC  ND  

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SecEon  108  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Adam  Koford,  Laugh-­‐Out-­‐Loud  Cats  #826,  CC  BY  NC  ND  

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 InterLibrary  Loan  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  GotCredit,  CC  BY  

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Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Maik  Meid,  CC  BY  SA  

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Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  r2hox,  CC  BY  SA  


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Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  gabitogol,  CC  BY  


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Orphan  Works  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Max  Braun,    CC  BY  SA  

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Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Thomas  Hawk,  CC  BY  NC  

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Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Jonas  Tana,  CC  BY  NC  ND  

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Digital  Millennium  Copyright  Act  (DMCA)  

Image  courtesy  of  Tech  Dirt.  All  rights  reserved.  

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Digital  Locks  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Troy,  CC  BY  SA  

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Who  Owns  This  Tractor?  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Norbert  Schnitzler,  CC  BY  SA  

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Electronic  Reserves  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Jason  Pucke;,  CC  BY  NC  

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Streaming  Videos  

Image  courtesy  of  Biblioteca  de  Arte  Fundação  Calouste  Gulbenkian,    CC  BY  NC  ND  

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Image  courtesy  of  snappa2006,    CC  BY  

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Open  Access  

Image  courtesy  of  biblioteekje,    CC  BY  NC  SA  

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CreaEve  Commons  

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Open  Images  

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Open  Texts  

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Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Christopher  Dombres,  CC  BY  

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Copyright  Futures  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  eskimo_jo,    CC  BY  NC  ND  

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Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Paolo  Mazzoleni,    CC  BY  

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You  Have  the  Right  to  NegoEate  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Adam  Bartle;,    CC  BY  

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You  Have  the  Right  to  Ask  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Mauro,    CC  BY  SA  

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You  Have  the  Right  to  Link  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Aaron  Concannon,    CC  BY  NC  ND  

<iframe  width="420"  height="315"  src="h;ps://;showinfo=0"  

frameborder="0"  allowfullscreen></iframe>  

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You  (May)  Have  the  Right  to  Share  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Alan  Levine,    CC  BY  

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Know  Your  Copy  Rights!  Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Todd  Shaffer,    CC  BY  NC  ND  

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What  You  Can  Do  

Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Ma;hew  W.  Jaclson,    CC  BY  SA  

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Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user,    CC  BY  

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Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user,    CC  BY  

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Resources  Guidance  @CopyrightOffice:  


Copyright  Tools  @ALALibrary  


Copyright  @Columbia  University  


Fair  Use  Checklist  @Columbia  


Scholarly  CommunicaEons  @DukeU  


 Copyright  Law  by  Kenneth  Crews  

•   Image  courtesy  of  Flickr  user  Alan  Levine,    CC  BY  SA  

Page 59: Know your rights  [email protected]  Twi;er  @topshelver  

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This  work  is  licensed  under  a  CreaUve  Commons  A;ribuUon-­‐ShareAlike  4.0  InternaUonal  License.