Download - KISD E-Rate Overview

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Understanding E-Rate

KISD Technology Department

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◦What is E-Rate?◦How is E-Rate related to KISD’s

Technology Plan?


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The E-Rate Program known as the Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism provides ◦ discounts to obtain affordable

telecommunications and Internet Access.

What is E-Rate?

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Telecommunications services Internet access Basis maintenance of internal connections Internal connections other than basic


Four categories are funded

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◦KISDpart of a consortiumcertified approved Technology Plan

follows the “No Child Left Behind Act.”

Who is Eligible for E-Rate?

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Check out this website: Universal Service Administrative Company


Detailed information on E-Rate

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Districts must complete the Texas Teacher STaR Chart Assessment ◦ Visit for more information.

Technology plan is based on data gathered from the StaR Chart

STaR Chart Technology Plan E-Rate

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The Texas Teacher STaR Charts is an assessment tool developed around the four key areas of the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology: ◦ Teaching and Learning ◦ Educator Preparation and Development ◦ Leadership Administration and Instructional

Support ◦ Infrastructure for Technology

Purpose of the STaR Chart

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JH STaR Chart Assessment Results 2009-2010

Teaching & LearningEducator Preparation & DevelopmentLeadership, Instructional SupportInfrastructure

Junior High STaR Chart Assessment Results

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KISD STaR Chart Summary

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6 campuses 3,700 students62 % economically disadvantaged

493 faculty members

Summary of the District’s Long-Range Technology Plan

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Vision Statement ◦ It is our vision that the community served by

the Kaufman Independent School District will benefit from technology in the school system.

Summary of the District’s Long-Range Technology Plan

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Mission Statement for Kaufman ISD◦ It is the mission of the Kaufman ISD Technology ◦ Department to provide students and educators with

leadership, infrastructure, technical support and staff development to gain the knowledge and attitudes necessary to function successfully in our changing society.

Summary of the District’s Long-Range Technology Plan

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GOAL 1◦Teaching and Learning - Instructional

systems technology will be implemented to increase and enhance student learning, instructional management and community usage.

Summary of the District’s Long-Range Technology Plan

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GOAL 2◦Educator Preparation and Development -

The instructional staff will have access to staff development and to a variety of resources to address the individual needs of students.

Summary of the District’s Long-Range Technology Plan

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GOAL 3◦Administration and Support Services -

Kaufman ISD support systems will continue to provide skilled personnel, training, and resources required to support ever changing technologies.

Summary of the District’s Long-Range Technology Plan

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GOAL 4◦ Infrastructure for Technology - Kaufman ISD

will provide and maintain an infrastructure for communication with parents and community members.

Summary of the District’s Long-Range Technology Plan

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Budget = 854,173.80. $230.86 for every student. One computer per seven students. 100% of the classrooms have direct.

connection to the Internet and network.

Summary of the District’s Long-Range Technology Plan

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KISD is meeting the goals set by the Long-Range Technology Plan and thus receives discounts for the district through E-Rate.

Summary of the District’s Long-Range Technology Plan