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KRSD Office of Curriculum and Instruction

Course Name: Art of Baking Grade Level(s): 9-12

Department: Family and Consumer Science Credits: 2.5

BOE Adoption Date: December 2018 Revision Date(s):


This course is designed to be a hands-on focus of the art and science of baking. Students will build upon the knowledge from Foods and Nutrition with a focus on a wide array of baked goods and confections. This course is a study of the fundamentals of baking including, dough, quick breads, pies, cakes, cookies. The student will apply the knowledge and skills of how basic ingredients function, baking/pastry vocabulary, and mixing techniques to produce baking/pastry products. Students will develop skills in basic bread and pastry techniques to produce breads, muffins, biscuits, pies, cakes, pastries, and specialized desserts. Attention to detail and artistic flair are key skills that begin to develop during this class. Plated desserts, international baked foods, and decorated cakes are highlighted in this semester course. Because in real life there are challenges to preparing meals, students will create food items from ingredients provided as well as recipes selected in a given period of time. The Food truck project will challenge students to create a concept and a menu for a food truck idea. Students will develop communication skills and leadership abilities by working in a kitchen group to select, plan and prepare foods in the lab. Food and Nutrition will serve as a pre-requisite for the Art of Baking and Global Cuisine semester courses to ensure students are adequately prepared for work in these courses from the start.

Kingsway Regional School District

Committed to Excellence

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Mission Statement Page 3

Curriculum and Instruction Goals Page 3

How to Read this Document Page 3

Terms to Know Page 3

Pacing Guide Page 6

Curriculum Units Page 9

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Mission Statement

The Kingsway Regional School District believes that this school district is responsible for developing and maintaining a comprehensive educational program that will foster the academic, social, and personal growth of all students. The Kingsway Regional School District provides a secure, supportive environment. It also provides high quality resources to challenge and empower each individual to pursue his/her potential, to develop a passion for learning in a diverse and challenging world, to encourage active citizenship, and to reach a high standard of achievement at all grade levels as defined by the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS).

Curriculum & Instruction Goals

To ensure the District continues to work toward its mission of excellence in G.R.E.A.T. Instruction, the following curriculum and instruction goals direct the conversation: Goal(s):

1. To ensure students are college and career ready upon graduation

2. To vertically and horizontally align curriculum K-12 to ensure successful transition of students at each grade level

3. To identify individual student strengths and weaknesses utilizing various assessment measures (formative, summative, alternative, etc.) so as to differentiate instruction while meeting the rigor of the applicable content standards

4. To improve student achievement as assessed through multiple measures including, but not limited to, state testing, local assessments, and ongoing progress monitoring

How to Read this Document

This curricular document contains both pacing guides and curriculum units. The pacing guides serve to communicate an estimated timeframe as to when skills and topics will be taught throughout the year. The pacing, however, may differ slightly depending upon the unique needs of each learner. The curriculum units contain more detailed information as to the content, goals, and objectives of the course well as how students will be assessed. The terms and definitions below will assist the reader to better understand the sections and components of this curriculum document.

Terms to Know

1. Accommodation(s): Accommodations are adaptations that do not alter the learning goal or standards being measured; accommodations

can be for all students.

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2. Differentiated Instruction (DI): The idea of differentiating instruction to accommodate the different ways that students learn involves a

hefty dose of common sense, as well as sturdy support in the theory and research of education (Tomlinson & Allan, 2000). It is an approach to teaching that advocates active planning for student differences in classrooms. Teachers can differentiate content, process, product, or environment. DI can be done according to students’ readiness, interest, or learning profile.

3. Enduring Understanding: Enduring understandings (aka big ideas) are statements of understanding that articulate deep conceptual understandings at the heart of each content area. Enduring understandings are noted in the alongside essential questions within each unit in this document.

4. Essential Question: These are questions whose purpose is to stimulate thought, to provoke inquiry, and to spark more questions. They

extend beyond a single lesson or unit. Essential questions are noted in the beginning of each unit in this document.

5. Formative Assessments: Formative assessments monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by (1) instructors to improve teaching and (2) by students to improve their learning. Formative assessments help identify students’ strengths and weaknesses and address problems immediately.

6. Learning Activity(s): Learning activities are those activities that take place in the classroom for which the teacher facilitates and the

students participate in to ensure active engagement in the learning process. (Robert J. Marzano, The Art and Science of Teaching)

7. Learning Assignment(s): Learning assignments are those activities that take place independently by the student inside the classroom or outside the classroom (i.e. homework) to extend concepts and skills within a lesson.

8. Learning Goal(s): Learning goals are broad statements that note what students “should know” and/or “be able to do” as they progress through a unit. Learning goals correlate specifically to the NJSLS noted within each unit.

9. Learning Objective(s): Learning objectives are more specific skills and concepts that students must achieve as they progress towards the broader learning goal. These are included within each unit and are assessed frequently by the teacher to ensure students are progressing appropriately.

10. Modification(s): Modifications are adaptations that alter the learning goals and grade-level standards. Modifications are warranted when

the learner has significant needs that impede his or her ability to access grade-level concepts. They are most appropriate for appropriate some students with IEPs and some English Language Learners.

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11. Performance Assessments: (aka alternative or authentic assessments) Performance assessments are a form of assessment that requires students to perform tasks that generate a more authentic evaluation of a student’s knowledge, skills, and abilities. Performance assessments stress the application of knowledge and extend beyond traditional assessments (i.e. multiple-choice question, matching, true & false, etc.).

12. Standards: Academic standards, from which the curriculum is built, are statements that of what students “should know” or “be able to

do” upon completion of a grade-level or course of study. Educational standards help teachers ensure their students have the skills and knowledge they need to be successful by providing clear goals for student learning.

o State: The New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLSs) include Preschool Teaching and Learning Standards as well as K-12

standards for: Visual and Performing Arts; Comprehensive Health and Physical Education; Science; Social Studies; World Languages; Technology; 21st-Century Life and Careers; Language Arts Literacy; and, Mathematics

13. Summative Assessments: Summative assessments evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional time period by comparing it against some standard or benchmark. Information from summative assessments can be used formatively when students or faculty use it to guide their efforts and activities in subsequent courses.

14. 21st Century Skills & Themes: These elements emphasize the growing need to focus on skills that prepare students to successfully compete

in a global environment by focusing on the following: learning and innovation skills; information, media and technology skills; and life and career skills. These concepts are embedded in each unit of the curriculum.

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KRSD Office of Curriculum and Instruction

Proficiencies and Pacing Guide: Family and Consumer Science Course Title: The Art of Baking Prerequisite(s): Foods and Nutrition

Unit Title: Related Standards: Learning Goals: Topics and Skills:

Unit 1: Breads

8 weeks Power Standards: NJCCCS 9.2.12.C.3 9.3.12.AG‐FD.1 9.3.12.AG‐FD.2 9.3.12.AG‐FD.3 9.3.12.AG‐FD.4 National Family & Consumer Science Standards NFACS 8.2.1 NFACS 8.2.7 NFACS 8.3.1 NFACS 8.3.6 NFACS 8.4.3 NFACS 8.5.4 NFACS 8.5.1 NFACS 9.6.4 NFACS 1.2.4 NFACS 2.1.1 NFACS 13.5.1 NFACS 13.5.7 Supporting Standards LA.11-12.RL.11-12.4 LA.11-12.RI.11-12.7 LA.11-12.W.11-12.8 LA.11-12.SL.11-12.2 HPE.2.1.12.A.1 CAEP.9.2.12.C.3 TECH.8.1.12.B.CS2 TECH.8.1.12.C.CS1 TECH.8.1.12.C.CS4 MA.9-12.N-Q.A.3

Students will identify the basic functions of ingredients found in quick and yeast breads and be able to prepare a variety of bread products. Students will demonstrate the steps in the biscuit and muffin methods of mixing quick breads and be able to prepare a variety of quick breads. Students will define a sandwich and be able to create an original sandwich-based menu. Students will analyze and interpret a recipe; be able to list the food, measurements, equipment and time and be able to prepare recipe items. Students will demonstrate safe use of kitchen tools and equipment, especially knife usage and be able to prepare food items in a safe manner. Students will demonstrate personal sanitation habits when preparing foods. Students will show that they can work together as a team in the cooking and decision-making process.

Examples of breads from around the world. Define and compare Quick and Yeast Breads Classify the function of ingredients in baked products Compare and contrast leavening agents Identify mixing methods (biscuit, muffin, yeast) Uses of bread products (as a base of a meal, sandwich, as a dessert) Suggested Labs: Quick Breads:



Fruit breads

Fried Dough Yeast Breads:

Pepperoni bread


Soft Pretzels

Cinnamon buns

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Unit Title: Related Standards: Learning Goals: Topics and Skills:

Unit 2: Pastries: Pies and Cookies

8 weeks Power Standards: NJCCCS 9.2.12.C.3 9.3.12.AG‐FD.1 9.3.12.AG‐FD.2 9.3.12.AG‐FD.3 9.3.12.AG‐FD.4 National Family & Consumer Science Standards NFACS 8.2.1 NFACS 8.2.7 NFACS 8.3.1 NFACS 8.3.6 NFACS 8.4.3 NFACS 8.5.4 NFACS 8.5.1 NFACS 9.6.4 NFACS 1.2.4 NFACS 2.1.1 NFACS 13.5.1 NFACS 13.5.7 Supporting Standards LA.11-12.RL.11-12.4 LA.11-12.RI.11-12.7 LA.11-12.W.11-12.8 LA.11-12.SL.11-12.2 HPE.2.1.12.A.1 CAEP.9.2.12.C.3 TECH.8.1.12.B.CS2 TECH.8.1.12.C.CS1 TECH.8.1.12.C.CS4 MA.9-12.N-Q.A.3

Students will identify the basic functions of ingredients found in pastries and be able to prepare a variety of products. Students will demonstrate the steps in preparing crust and be able to demonstrate making decorative crusts for pies or turnovers. Students will analyze and interpret a recipe; be able to list the food, measurements, equipment and time and be able to prepare recipe items. Students will demonstrate safe use of kitchen tools and equipment, especially knife usage and be able to prepare food items in a safe manner. Students will demonstrate personal sanitation habits when preparing foods. Students will show that they can work together as a team in the cooking and decision-making process.

Examples of pastries from around the world. Define and compare types of cookies Classify the function of ingredients in baked products Compare and contrast pie crusts Demonstrate decorative techniques for crust and cookie preparation. Sweet vs Savory Garnishing and decorative presentation Suggested Labs: Pies

Crumb Crust

Sweet pie

Savory Pie

Pop-tart or Hot Pocket Cookies






Specialty or Ethnic

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Unit Title: Related Standards: Learning Goals: Topics and Skills:

Unit 3: Cakes and Cake Decorating

4 weeks Power Standards: NJCCCS 9.2.12.C.3 9.3.12.AG‐FD.1 9.3.12.AG‐FD.2 9.3.12.AG‐FD.3 9.3.12.AG‐FD.4 National Family & Consumer Science Standards NFACS 8.2.1 NFACS 8.2.7 NFACS 8.3.1 NFACS 8.3.6 NFACS 8.4.3 NFACS 8.5.4 NFACS 8.5.1 NFACS 9.6.4 NFACS 1.2.4 NFACS 2.1.1 NFACS 13.5.1 NFACS 13.5.7 Supporting Standards LA.11-12.RL.11-12.4 LA.11-12.RI.11-12.7 LA.11-12.W.11-12.8 LA.11-12.SL.11-12.2 HPE.2.1.12.A.1 CAEP.9.2.12.C.3 TECH.8.1.12.B.CS2 TECH.8.1.12.C.CS1 TECH.8.1.12.C.CS4 MA.9-12.N-Q.A.3

Students will identify the basic functions of ingredients found in cakes and be able to prepare a variety of products. Students will demonstrate the steps in decorating a cake and be able to demonstrate making decorative cake based products. Students will analyze and interpret a recipe; be able to list the food, measurements, equipment and time and be able to prepare recipe items. Students will demonstrate safe use of kitchen tools and equipment, especially knife usage and be able to prepare food items in a safe manner. Students will demonstrate personal sanitation habits when preparing foods. Students will show that they can work together as a team in the cooking and decision-making process.

Examples of cakes from around the world. Define and compare mixing methods of butter and foam cakes Classify the function of ingredients in baked products Cake decorating techniques using decorator icing, bags, tips and colors. Create an original design for a cake or cupcake Suggested Labs: Scratch Cakes


Foam Cake Decorating techniques

Character cake made from cake mix

Cup Cake Wars

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Unit: 1 Breads Recommended Duration: 8 weeks

Unit Description: Bread is a staple food prepared around the world from a dough of flour and water, usually by baking. Throughout recorded history it has been a prominent food in large parts of the world and is one of the oldest man-made foods. It may be leavened or unleavened. Bread may be leavened by chemicals or yeast. Doughs are usually baked, but in some cuisines breads are steamed, fried, baked on an griddle.

Essential Questions: Enduring Understandings:

How does baking differ from cooking? What are the differences between the muffin and biscuit methods of mixing? Why are leavening agents important in baked goods? Why is it important to measure foods in precise manner when preparing foods? What is essential to completing a recipe successfully?

To successful prepare a food, you need to be able to read and follow a recipe. Measuring accuracy and selecting the proper equipment is crucial for cooking success. The person handling food must do so in a manner ensure food safety. To not cross contaminate, cook food properly and store food at correct temperatures. Recipes provide precise measurements and proportions of ingredients to produce successful results. Cooking requires knowledge of a specialize vocabulary to interpret recipes and identify tools and equipment. Liquids, dry ingredients and fats each take a slightly different measuring method. Time management is critical for preparing foods.

Relevant Standards:

Learning Goals: Learning Objectives:

9.3.12.AG‐FD.1 Develop and implement procedures to ensure safety, sanitation and quality in food product and processing facilities.

9.3.12.AG‐FD.2 Apply principles of nutrition,

Students will identify the basic functions of ingredients found in quick and yeast breads and be able to prepare a variety of bread products. Students will demonstrate the steps in the biscuit and muffin methods of mixing quick breads and

Match the bread making equipment with the correct usage Define and compare Quick and Yeast Breads Identify mixing methods (biscuit, muffin, yeast)

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Relevant Standards:

Learning Goals: Learning Objectives:

biology, microbiology, chemistry and human behavior to the development of food products.

9.3.12.AG‐FD.3 Select and process food products for storage, distribution and consumption.

9.3.12.AG‐FD.4 Explain the scope of the food industry and the historical and current developments of food products and processing.

HPE.2.1.12.A.1 - Analyze the role of personal responsibility in maintaining and enhancing personal, family, community, and global wellness.

MA.9-12.N-Q.A.3 -Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limitations on measurement when reporting quantities.

CAEP.9.2.12.C.3 - Identify transferable career skills and design alternate career plans.

NFACS 8.2.1 Identify characteristics of major foodborne pathogens, their role in causing illness, foods involved in outbreaks, and methods of prevention.

NFACS 8.2.7 Demonstrate safe food handling and preparation techniques that prevent cross contamination from potentially hazardous foods and food groups.

be able to prepare a variety of quick breads. Students will define a sandwich and be able to create an original sandwich-based menu. Students will analyze and interpret a recipe; be able to list the food, measurements, equipment and time and be able to prepare recipe items. Students will demonstrate safe use of kitchen tools and equipment, especially knife usage and be able to prepare food items in a safe manner. Students will demonstrate personal sanitation habits when preparing foods. Students will show that they can work together as a team in the cooking and decision-making process.

Classify the function of ingredients in baked products Analyze the leavening agents used in breads Identify breads from around the world Define a sandwich. Create a recipe and a sample for an original sandwich. Apply principles of safety and sanitation. Demonstrate how to measure ingredients correctly using the proper equipment. Analyze a recipe and prepare a list of ingredients, equipment and time line for completion in the lab. Participate in food lab experiences as part of a group. Taste and critique food in the lab.

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Relevant Standards:

Learning Goals: Learning Objectives:

NFACS 8.3.6 Identify a variety of types of equipment for food processing, cooking, holding, storing, and serving.

NFACS 8.4.3 Analyze food, equipment, and supplies needed for menu production.

NFACS 8.5.1 Demonstrate professional skills in safe handling of knives, tools, and equipment.

NFACS 8.5.4 Apply the fundamentals of time, temperature, and cooking methods to cooking, cooling, reheating, and holding of a variety of foods.

NFACS 9.6.4 Create standardized recipes.

NFACS 1.2.4 Demonstrate teamwork skills in school, community and workplace settings and with diverse populations.

NFACS 2.1.1 Apply time management, organizational, and process skills to prioritize tasks and achieve goals.

NFACS 13.5.1 Create an environment that encourages and respects the ideas, perspectives, and contributions of all group members.

NFACS 13.5.7 Demonstrate processes for

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Relevant Standards:

Learning Goals: Learning Objectives:

cooperating, compromising, and collaborating.

LA.11-12.RL.11-12.4 - Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words with multiple meanings or language that is particularly fresh, engaging, or beautiful. (e.g., Shakespeare as well as other authors.)

LA.11-12.RI.11-12.7 - Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem.

TECH.8.1.12.B.CS2 - Create original works as a means of personal or group expression.

Formative Assessments Summative Assessments: Performance Assessments: Major Activities/ Assignments (required):

Pre-assessment Do Now’s Notes in interactive notebook Exit tickets Written class work Teacher observation of lab performance Teacher Observation Class Participation

Where in the World am I from? Function of ingredients Leavening ingredient experiment Original sandwich recipe creation Interactive Notebook

Sandwich Shop menu and design All food labs Unit test

Sandwich Shop menu and design Food lab performance Unit test

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Possible Assessment Adjustments (Modifications /Accommodations/ Differentiation): How will the teacher provide multiple means for the following student groups to EXPRESS their understanding and comprehension of the content/skills taught?

Special Education Students English Language Learners (ELLs) At-Risk Learners Advanced Learners

Follow all IEP modifications/504 plan Recipe selection modifications Modified assignments and tests Written reflections can be oral responses Additional time Vary test formats Highlight key parts of the recipe Clarify test directions, read test questions

Modified assignments and tests Allow oral responses Use multiple choice format Read test aloud Provide definitions of key terms in native language Use native language for directions Single step directions

Follow all IEP modifications/504 plan Recipe selection choices Additional time Vary test formats Provide study guides or study opportunities

Recipe selection Tiered assessments Learning Menu(s)

Instructional Strategies: (List and describe.)

Teacher demonstration of techniques (measuring, following a recipe, techniques) Student practice in a lab setting Student demonstration and presentations Guided notes using the interactive notebook and Power point presentations Use of Google classroom Provide goals and scales Establish classroom and lab routines Identify critical content both verbally, written, and visually Scaffolding of techniques and methods

Modeling using teacher or video guided demos Provide visual examples

Cooperative learning between students on techniques

Direct instruction with individual students Check student and/or group progress individually and provide meaningful feedback and individualized instruction Help students reflect on learning through written reflections of lab experiences Help students revise knowledge through discussion and labs Provide resources and guidance for cognitively complex tasks

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Possible Instructional Adjustments (Modifications /Accommodations/ Differentiation): How will the teacher provide multiple means for the following student groups to ACCESS the content/skills being taught?

Special Education Students English Language Learners (ELLs) At-Risk Learners Advanced Learners

Preferential seating Hands on activities Movement around the room modified recipes Visual and verbal cues Large print measuring equipment match picture with measuring equipment Interactive notebook guided notes modified assignments re-teaching opportunities teacher/video demonstrations

Hands on activities Movement around the room Interactive notebook guided notes match picture with measuring equipment word wall modified recipes re-teaching opportunities; teacher/video demonstrations Visual cues and images Provide oral prompts Additional time on assignments

Hands on activities Movement around the room Interactive notebook guided notes Small group instruction Flexible grouping Tiered assignments

Hands on activities Movement around the room Interactive notebook guided notes Tiered assessments Learning Menu(s) Challenging recipes Leadership roles in class and labs

Unit Vocabulary:

Essential: Gluten; Yeast; Leavening agent; Preheat; Biscuit method; Kneading; Cut in; Fermentation; Muffin Method; Yeast Breads; Quick Breads; Proof; Window pane test;

Non-Essential: Recipe; Yield; Danger Zone; Cross contamination; salmonella; Kitchen aid mixer; Spatula (3 kinds); Pastry Blender; Cream; Tablespoon; teaspoon; Cup; Liquid measuring cup; Level; Time; temperature; ingredients; hot water and soap; Equivalents; Microwave; Stove; Bake;

Interdisciplinary Connections & Career Ready Practices (Note Applicable Standards):

Integration of Technology: (Note the SAMR Model elements used and how.)

21st Century Themes: (Check and explain how the connection is made.)

21st Century Skills: (Check and explain how the connection is made.)

E/LA: LA.11-12.RL.11-12.4 LA.11-12.RI.11-12.7 LA.11-12.W.11-12.8 LA.11-12.SL.11-12.2 Mathematics: MA.9-12.N-Q.A.3

S: Using Google classroom to access, complete and turn in assignments Write and print a professional looking menu A: Search for recipes using the

_x___ Global Awareness:

Foods and Cooking terminology are multi-cultural

How has bread changed in history?

____ Civic Literacy

__x__ Financial, Economic,

__x__ Creativity & Innovation:

Brainstorming ideas

Recipe development

Foods lab participation

Presentation of finished product

__x__ Media Literacy:

Google classroom

Recipe searches

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Interdisciplinary Connections & Career Ready Practices (Note Applicable Standards):

Integration of Technology: (Note the SAMR Model elements used and how.)

21st Century Themes: (Check and explain how the connection is made.)

21st Century Skills: (Check and explain how the connection is made.)


Visual and Performing Arts:

Health/PE: HPE.2.1.12.A.1 World Languages:

Social Studies:

Technology: TECH.8.1.12.B.CS2 TECH.8.1.12.C.CS1 TECH.8.1.12.C.CS4 Career Ready Practices: CRP1. CRP2. CRP3. CRP4. CRP5. CRP6. CRP7. CRP8. CRP9. CRP10. CRP11. CRP12. Library:

internet; Copy and paste formatted recipe with links and photos

Business, & Entrepreneurial Literacy:

Food and Kitchen equipment can be expensive. As a consumer, you need to make informed choices.

___x_ Health Literacy

Food provides nutrients and sustains life.

Food products must be handled in a way as to not cause cross-contamination or illnesses.

__x__ Critical Thinking & Problem Solving:

Working as a group in the kitchen; selecting recipes.

Writing kitchen rules

Recipe development

__x__ Life and Career Skills (flexibility, initiative, cross-cultural skills, productivity, leadership, etc.)

Interacting with kitchen group

Assuming different roles in the foods lab

Time management in the lab and classroom

Active participation in classroom and lab

__x__ Information & Communication Technologies Literacy

Use Chrome book or computers

Use Google Classroom and Google applications

__x__ Communication & Collaboration:

Foods lab participation

Recipe selection

Class participation

__x__ Information Literacy:

Access information from a variety of sources

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Texts/Materials: Food for Today [Glencoe: McGraw-Hill 2006]. Foods lab room and equipment, Food supplies; Chrome books or computers, Google classroom and Google drive.

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Unit: 2 Pastries: Pies and Cookies

Recommended Duration: 8 weeks

Unit Description: While the art of baking has come from Europe, the United States has taken ownership of pies and cookies to showcase our unique flavors. Even though pastries are defined as a mixture of flour, fat, and water which is used as a base or covering for other foods and baked, they are so much more. Students learn the different mixing, rolling and turning techniques required to make a variety of food products. Students will practice garnishing and decorative techniques for plating foods.

Essential Questions: Enduring Understandings:

How does temperature and the type of fat used in the preparation of a pie crust effect the final pastry? How can foods be used as garnish? How have pastries and cookies evolved from European bakeries to the United States?

The quality, taste and texture of a pie crust is directly related to the ingredients used in its preparation. The passing down of holiday traditions, rituals and foods is a universal practice that distinguishes one culture from another. We eat with our eyes before our mouth.

Relevant Standards:

Learning Goals: Learning Objectives:

HPE.2.1.12.B.2 - Compare and contrast the dietary trends and eating habits of adolescents and young adults in the United States and other countries.

9.3.12.AG‐FD.1 Develop and implement procedures to ensure safety, sanitation and quality in food product and processing facilities.

9.3.12.AG‐FD.3 Select and process food products for storage, distribution and consumption.

Students will identify the basic functions of ingredients found in pastries and be able to prepare a variety of products. Students will demonstrate the steps in preparing crust and be able to demonstrate making decorative crusts for pies or turnovers. Students will analyze and interpret a recipe; be able to list the food, measurements, equipment and time and be able to prepare recipe items. Students will demonstrate safe use of kitchen tools and equipment, especially knife usage and

Identify types of crusts and cookies prepared in the United States but also around the world. Create a flowchart of mixing techniques for pastries and cookies. Define the Mailard reaction and describe the importance of temperature in creating baked goods. Describe the function of ingredients and equipment necessary for pastries. Demonstrate how to prepare crusts for a variety of sweet and savory food products.

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Relevant Standards:

Learning Goals: Learning Objectives:

CAEP.9.2.12.C.3 - Identify transferable career skills and design alternate career plans.

NFACS 8.2.7 Demonstrate safe food handling and preparation techniques that prevent cross contamination from potentially hazardous foods and food groups.

NFACS 8.3.6 Identify a variety of types of equipment for food processing, cooking, holding, storing, and serving.

NFACS 8.5.1 Demonstrate professional skills in safe handling of knives, tools, and equipment.

NFACS 8.5.4 Apply the fundamentals of time, temperature, and cooking methods to cooking, cooling, reheating, and holding of a variety of foods.

NFACS 1.2.4 Demonstrate teamwork skills in school, community and workplace settings and with diverse populations.

NFACS 2.1.1 Apply time management, organizational, and process skills to prioritize tasks and achieve goals.

NFACS 13.5.1 Create an environment that encourages and respects the ideas, perspectives, and contributions of all group members.

be able to prepare food items in a safe manner. Students will demonstrate personal sanitation habits when preparing foods. Students will show that they can work together as a team in the cooking and decision-making process.

Create a cookbook of recipes. Apply principles of safety and sanitation. Demonstrate how to measure ingredients correctly using the proper equipment. Analyze a recipe and prepare a list of ingredients, equipment and time line for completion in the lab. Participate in food lab experiences as part of a group. Taste and critique food in the lab.

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Relevant Standards:

Learning Goals: Learning Objectives:

NFACS 13.5.7 Demonstrate processes for cooperating, compromising, and collaborating.

LA.11-12.RI.11-12.7 - Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem.

LA.11-12.SL.11-12.2 - Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) in order to make informed decisions and solve problems, evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source and noting any discrepancies among the data.

TECH.8.1.12.B.CS2 - Create original works as a means of personal or group expression.

TECH.8.1.12.C.CS1 - Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others by employing a variety of digital environments and media.

TECH.8.1.12.C.CS4 - Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.

Formative Assessments Summative Assessments: Performance Assessments: Major Activities/ Assignments (required):

Pre-assessment Do Now’s Notes in interactive notebook Exit tickets

Mixing Technique chart Where in the World am I from? Personal Cookbook Interactive Notebook

Best Plate competition All food labs Unit test

Best Plate Food lab performance Unit test

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Formative Assessments Summative Assessments: Performance Assessments: Major Activities/ Assignments (required):

Written class work Teacher observation of lab performance Teacher Observation Class Participation

Possible Assessment Adjustments (Modifications /Accommodations/ Differentiation): How will the teacher provide multiple means for the following student groups to EXPRESS their understanding and comprehension of the content/skills taught?

Special Education Students English Language Learners (ELLs) At-Risk Learners Advanced Learners

Follow all IEP modifications/504 plan Recipe selection modifications Modified assignments and tests Written reflections can be oral responses Additional time Vary test formats Highlight key parts of the recipe Clarify test directions, read test questions

Modified assignments and tests Allow oral responses Use multiple choice format Read test aloud Provide definitions of key terms in native language Use native language for directions Single step directions

Follow all IEP modifications/504 plan Recipe selection choices Additional time Vary test formats Provide study guides or study opportunities

Recipe selection Tiered assessments Learning Menu(s) In-depth research on project

Instructional Strategies: (List and describe.)

Teacher demonstration of techniques Guided notes using the interactive notebook and Power point presentations Use of Google classroom Provide goals and scales Establish classroom routines Identify critical content both verbally, written, and visually Scaffolding of techniques and methods

Modeling using teacher or video guided demos Provide visual examples

Cooperative learning between students on techniques

Direct instruction with individual students Check student and/or group progress individually and provide meaningful feedback and individualized instruction

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Instructional Strategies: (List and describe.)

Help students reflect on learning through written reflections of lab experiences Help students revise knowledge through discussion Provide resources and guidance for cognitively complex tasks

Possible Instructional Adjustments (Modifications /Accommodations/ Differentiation): How will the teacher provide multiple means for the following student groups to ACCESS the content/skills being taught?

Special Education Students English Language Learners (ELLs) At-Risk Learners Advanced Learners

Preferential seating Hands on activities Movement around the room modified recipes Visual and verbal cues Large print measuring equipment match picture with measuring equipment Interactive notebook guided notes modified assignments re-teaching opportunities teacher/video demonstrations

Hands on activities Movement around the room Interactive notebook guided notes match picture with measuring equipment word wall modified recipes re-teaching opportunities; teacher/video demonstrations Visual cues and images Provide oral prompts Additional time on assignments

Hands on activities Movement around the room Interactive notebook guided notes Small group instruction Flexible grouping Tiered assignments

Hands on activities Movement around the room Interactive notebook guided notes Tiered assessments Learning Menu(s) Challenging recipes Leadership roles in class and labs Web-quests

Unit Vocabulary:

Essential: Mailard reaction, Flute, Cut-in, Spritz, Molded Non-Essential:

Interdisciplinary Connections & Career Ready Practices (Note Applicable Standards):

Integration of Technology: (Note the SAMR Model elements used and how.)

21st Century Themes: (Check and explain how the connection is made.)

21st Century Skills: (Check and explain how the connection is made.)

E/LA: LA.11-12.RL.11-12.4 LA.11-12.RI.11-12.7 LA.11-12.W.11-12.8 LA.11-12.SL.11-12.2

S: Using Google classroom to access, complete and turn in assignments. Research plating ideas

__x__ Global Awareness

Foods and Cooking terminology are multi-cultural

Food products are found

__x__ Creativity & Innovation

Brainstorming ideas

Recipe development

Foods lab participation

Plating demonstration

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Interdisciplinary Connections & Career Ready Practices (Note Applicable Standards):

Integration of Technology: (Note the SAMR Model elements used and how.)

21st Century Themes: (Check and explain how the connection is made.)

21st Century Skills: (Check and explain how the connection is made.)

Mathematics: MA.9-12.N-Q.A.3 Science:

Visual and Performing Arts:

Health/PE: HPE.2.1.12.A.1 HPE.2.1.12.B.CS1 HPE.2.1.12.B.1 HPE.2.1.12.B.2 World Languages:

Social Studies: T TECH.8.1.12.B.CS2 TECH.8.1.12.C.CS1 TECH.8.1.12.C.CS4echnology:

Career Ready Practices: CRP1. CRP2. CRP3. CRP4. CRP5. CRP6. CRP7. CRP8. CRP9. CRP10.

A: Search for recipes using the internet; Copy and paste formatted recipe with links and photos. Create a Cookbook M: R:

worldwide and have traveled to the USA.

____ Civic Literacy

__x__ Financial, Economic, Business, & Entrepreneurial Literacy

Food labeling is required on all food packaging.

__x__ Health Literacy

Food provides nutrients and sustains life.

Food products must be handled in a way as to not cause cross-contamination or illnesses.

__x__ Media Literacy

Google classroom

Recipe searches

Cookbook creation

Garnishing research

__x__ Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Working as a group in the kitchen; selecting recipes.

Recipe development

__x__ Life and Career Skills (flexibility, initiative, cross-cultural skills, productivity, leadership, etc.)

Interacting with kitchen group

Assuming different roles in the foods lab

Time management in the lab and classroom

Active participation in classroom and lab

__x__ Information & Communication Technologies Literacy

Using Google to create, share and print cookbook

Google Classroom

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Interdisciplinary Connections & Career Ready Practices (Note Applicable Standards):

Integration of Technology: (Note the SAMR Model elements used and how.)

21st Century Themes: (Check and explain how the connection is made.)

21st Century Skills: (Check and explain how the connection is made.)

CRP11. CRP12.


_x___ Communication & Collaboration

Foods lab participation

Recipe selection

Class participation

__x__ Information Literacy

Access information from a variety of sources


Texts/Materials: Food for Today [Glencoe: McGraw-Hill 2006]. Foods lab room and equipment, Food supplies; Chrome books or computers, Google classroom and Google drive.

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Unit: 3 Cakes and Cake Decorating Recommended Duration: 4 weeks

Unit Description: Cakes are used in celebrations throughout our lives. Being able to bake and decorate a cake for various occasions is a budget friendly way of expression and sharing one’s talents. Students will learn about the different types of cakes and equipment. Decorating techniques will range from the simple to the complex using professional equipment.

Essential Questions: Enduring Understandings:

What are the functions of ingredients in cakes? How are shortened and foam cakes prepared? How do shortened and foam cakes differ? How do you prepare frosting and frost cakes? How can you make a cake with less fat? What are some ways to decorate a cake, from the simple to the complex? Why is it important to identify and use proper tools to accomplish a given task?

Cakes are an important part of celebrations. Measuring and following a recipe is critical for success in baking. Each ingredient has a specific purpose. Shortened cakes differ from foam cakes in both ingredients and technique. There are specific tools and techniques used for frosting and decorating cakes.

Relevant Standards:

Learning Goals: Learning Objectives:

9.3.12.AG‐FD.3 Select and process food products for storage, distribution and consumption.

CAEP.9.2.12.C.3 - Identify transferable career skills and design alternate career plans.

NFACS 8.2.7 Demonstrate safe food handling and preparation techniques that prevent cross contamination from potentially hazardous foods and food groups.

Students will identify the basic functions of ingredients found in cakes and be able to prepare a variety of products. Students will demonstrate the steps in decorating a cake and be able to demonstrate making decorative cake-based products. Students will analyze and interpret a recipe; be able to list the food, measurements, equipment and time and be able to prepare recipe items.

Research examples of cakes from around the world. Define and compare mixing methods of butter and foam cakes Prepare a butter and foam cake Classify the function of ingredients in baked products Demonstrate cake decorating techniques using decorator icing, bags, tips and colors.

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Relevant Standards:

Learning Goals: Learning Objectives:

NFACS 8.3.6 Identify a variety of types of equipment for food processing, cooking, holding, storing, and serving.

NFACS 8.5.1 Demonstrate professional skills in safe handling of knives, tools, and equipment.

NFACS 8.5.4 Apply the fundamentals of time, temperature, and cooking methods to cooking, cooling, reheating, and holding of a variety of foods.

NFACS 1.2.4 Demonstrate teamwork skills in school, community and workplace settings and with diverse populations.

NFACS 2.1.1 Apply time management, organizational, and process skills to prioritize tasks and achieve goals.

NFACS 13.5.1 Create an environment that encourages and respects the ideas, perspectives, and contributions of all group members.

NFACS 13.5.7 Demonstrate processes for cooperating, compromising, and collaborating.

LA.11-12.RI.11-12.7 - Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to

Students will demonstrate safe use of kitchen tools and equipment, especially knife usage and be able to prepare food items in a safe manner. Students will demonstrate personal sanitation habits when preparing foods. Students will show that they can work together as a team in the cooking and decision-making process.

Create an original design for a cake or cupcake

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Relevant Standards:

Learning Goals: Learning Objectives:

address a question or solve a problem.

TECH.8.1.12.B.CS2 - Create original works as a means of personal or group expression.

TECH.8.1.12.C.CS4 - Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.

Formative Assessments Summative Assessments: Performance Assessments: Major Activities/ Assignments (required):

Pre-assessment Do Now’s Notes in interactive notebook Exit tickets Written class work Teacher observation of lab performance Teacher Observation Class Participation

Technique demonstration Following a box mix Interactive Notebook

Character cake Cupcake wars All food labs Unit test Self-evaluation

Character cake Cupcake wars Food lab performance Unit test

Possible Assessment Adjustments (Modifications /Accommodations/ Differentiation): How will the teacher provide multiple means for the following student groups to EXPRESS their understanding and comprehension of the content/skills taught?

Special Education Students English Language Learners (ELLs) At-Risk Learners Advanced Learners

Follow all IEP modifications/504 plan Recipe selection modifications Modified assignments and tests Written reflections can be oral responses Additional time Vary test formats Highlight key parts of the recipe Clarify test directions, read test questions

Modified assignments and tests Allow oral responses Use multiple choice format Read test aloud Provide definitions of key terms in native language Use native language for directions Single step directions

Hands on activities Movement around the room Interactive notebook guided notes Small group instruction Flexible grouping Tiered assignments

Recipe selection Tiered assessments Learning Menu(s)

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Instructional Strategies: (List and describe.)

Teacher demonstration of techniques (measuring, following a recipe, techniques) Guided notes using the interactive notebook and Power point presentations Use of Google classroom Provide goals and scales Establish classroom routines Identify critical content both verbally, written, and visually Scaffolding of techniques and methods

Modeling using teacher or video guided demos Provide visual examples

Cooperative learning between students on techniques

Direct instruction with individual students Check student and/or group progress individually and provide meaningful feedback and individualized instruction Help students reflect on learning through written reflections of lab experiences Help students revise knowledge through discussion Provide resources and guidance for cognitively complex tasks

Possible Instructional Adjustments (Modifications /Accommodations/ Differentiation): How will the teacher provide multiple means for the following student groups to ACCESS the content/skills being taught?

Special Education Students English Language Learners (ELLs) At-Risk Learners Advanced Learners

Preferential seating Hands on activities Movement around the room modified recipes Visual and verbal cues Large print measuring equipment match picture with measuring equipment Interactive notebook guided notes modified assignments re-teaching opportunities teacher/video demonstrations

Hands on activities Movement around the room Interactive notebook guided notes match picture with measuring equipment word wall modified recipes re-teaching opportunities; teacher/video demonstrations Visual cues and images Provide oral prompts Additional time on assignments

Hands on activities Movement around the room Interactive notebook guided notes Small group instruction Flexible grouping Tiered assignments Leadership roles in class and labs

Hands on activities Movement around the room Interactive notebook guided notes Tiered assessments Learning Menu(s) Challenging recipes Leadership roles in class and labs

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Unit Vocabulary:

Essential: Foam, Pastry bag, decorating tips, paste colors,


Interdisciplinary Connections & Career Ready Practices (Note Applicable Standards):

Integration of Technology: (Note the SAMR Model elements used and how.)

21st Century Themes: (Check and explain how the connection is made.)

21st Century Skills: (Check and explain how the connection is made.)

E/LA: LA.11-12.RL.11-12.4 LA.11-12.RI.11-12.7 LA.11-12.W.11-12.8 LA.11-12.SL.11-12.2 Mathematics: MA.9-12.N-Q.A.3 Science:

Visual and Performing Arts:

Health/PE: HPE.2.1.12.A.1 HPE.2.1.12.B.CS1 HPE.2.1.12.B.1 HPE.2.1.12.B.2

World Languages:

Social Studies:


Career Ready Practices: CRP1. CRP2.

S: A:

__x__ Global Awareness

Cakes are eaten around the world

____ Civic Literacy

__x__ Financial, Economic, Business, & Entrepreneurial Literacy

Calculate time, ingredients and supplies to price a cake creation

__x__ Health Literacy

All foods we eat need to be good for our health and body.

__x__ Creativity & Innovation

Cupcake wars

Character cake

Foods lab participation

__x__ Media Literacy

Google classroom

Recipe searches

__x__ Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Cake decorating plan

Cupcake wars

Working as a group in the kitchen

__x__ Life and Career Skills (flexibility, initiative, cross-cultural skills, productivity, leadership, etc.)

Time management

Interacting with kitchen group

Assuming different roles in the foods lab

Active participation in classroom and lab

__x__ Information & Communication Technologies Literacy

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Interdisciplinary Connections & Career Ready Practices (Note Applicable Standards):

Integration of Technology: (Note the SAMR Model elements used and how.)

21st Century Themes: (Check and explain how the connection is made.)

21st Century Skills: (Check and explain how the connection is made.)

CRP3. CRP4. CRP5. CRP6. CRP7. CRP8. CRP9. CRP10. CRP11. CRP12.


Google Classroom __x__ Communication & Collaboration

Foods lab participation

Cupcake wars

Class participation

____ Information Literacy


Texts/Materials: Food for Today [Glencoe: McGraw-Hill 2006]. Foods lab room and equipment, Food supplies. Chrome books or computers, Google classroom and Google drive.
