Download - Kingdom of Bahrain Directorate of Curricula English ...

Page 1: Kingdom of Bahrain Directorate of Curricula English ...


Months Lessons Periods


Diagnostic test 1

First contact with students / Starter Unit 1

1a- Friends on the net 2

1b- The world over 2

Oxford readers introduction 1

1c- Pleased to meet you 1

1d- Tell me everything 2

Writing practice and feedback 1

Curricular Cuts 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 1) 1


Monthly quiz 1 1

Project introduction 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 2) 1

Monthly quiz feedback 1

2a- Family ties 2

2b- Families of the world 2

Oxford readers (Chapter 3) 1

2c- Family fun 2

2d- Camp active 2

Writing practice and feedback 1

Culture Clip 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 4) 1

Self-Assessment Module 1

Across the Curriculum 1

Monthly quiz 2 + Project follow-up 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 5) 1

Curriculum Guide

First Intermediate Level


Kingdom of Bahrain

Ministry of Education

Directorate of Curricula

English Language Unit

To Do List:

To Do List:

Page 2: Kingdom of Bahrain Directorate of Curricula English ...


Months Lessons Periods


Monthly quiz feedback 1

3a- Day by day 2

3b- School days 2

Oxford reader (Chapter 6) 1

3c- Careers day 2

3d- Job hunting 2

Writing practice and feedback 1

Culture Clip 1

Oxford readers (Chapter 7) 1

Monthly quiz 3 1

Project follow-up 1

4a- Fit for a queen 2

Monthly quiz feedback 1


4b- Home exchange 2

Oxford reader (Chapter 8) 1

4c- A new neighborhood 2

4d- Getting there 2

Writing practice and feedback 2

Curricular Cuts 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 9) 1

Self-Assessment Module 1

Across the Curriculum 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 10) 1

Project presentation week 2

Spring Break

N.B: 1- Teachers have the right to

modify this guide after consulting

their senior teachers.

2- The number of periods

allocated to each lesson is

approximate. Therefore, some

lessons may require more time.

Others, however, may require

only one period. It is the

responsibility of the teacher to

cover all the material and all the lessons.

In addition to the textbook

lessons, teachers have to take into

consideration the following:

Oxford Readers (Ten


Workbook check-up

Monthly quizzes

(including all the skills

and areas of


Project Preparation and

Presentation (Students

have to present their

works in class)

Portfolio Assessment

Page 3: Kingdom of Bahrain Directorate of Curricula English ...


Months Lessons Periods

January First semester exam feedback 2

5a- A matter of taste 2


5b- What's on the list? 2

Oxford reader introduction 1

5c- What's cooking 2

5d- What's in it? 2

Writing practice and feedback 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 1) 1

Curricular Cuts 1

Project introduction 1

Monthly quiz 1 1

6a- Weather blues 2

6b- In action 2

Monthly quiz feedback 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 2) 1


6c- Just my style 2

Oxford reader (Chapter 3) 1

6d- Another wonderful day 2

Writing practice and feedback 1

Culture Clip 1

Self-Assessment Module 1

Across the Curriculum 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 4) 1

Monthly quiz 2 + Project follow-up 1

7a- Charmed lives 1

7b- The way it was 2

Oxford reader (Chapter 5) 1

Monthly quiz feedback 1

7c- It's all in the past 2

7d- From rags to riches 2

The Examinations in Year


Event Date

First Semester


Sun 3rd Nov 2019

Thu 28th Nov 2019

First Semester



Thu 26th Dec 2019

Tue 7th Jan 2020


semester mid-


Wed 1st April 2020

Thu 30th April 2020


Semester Final


Tue 12th May 2020

Thu 21st May 2020



Mon 22nd June 2020

Sun 28th June 2020

Page 4: Kingdom of Bahrain Directorate of Curricula English ...


Months Lessons Periods


Writing practice and feedback 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 6) 1

Curricular Cuts 1

Monthly quiz 3 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 7) 1

8a- Once on planet Earth 1

8b- Animal hall of fame 2

Monthly quiz feedback 1

8c- Storyline 2

Oxford reader (Chapter 8) 1

8d- Feeling miserable! 2

Writing practice and feedback 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 9) 1

Literature Corner 1

Self-Assessment Module 1


Across the Curriculum 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 10) 1

Project presentation week 2

General revision for final exams 1















Event Date

Ashoraa Sun 8th Sep 2019

Mon 9th Sep 2019

Prophet Birth Sun 10th Nov 2019

National Day Mon 16th Dec 2019

Tue 17th Dec 2019

New Year Wed 1st Jan 2020

Labor Day Sun 2rd May 2020

Al-Fiter Eid Sun 24th May 2020

Tue 26th May 2020

The Holidays in Year


Page 5: Kingdom of Bahrain Directorate of Curricula English ...


Months Lessons Periods


Diagnostic test 1

First contact with students / Starter Unit 1

1a- Work day 2

1b- Round the clock 2

Oxford reader introduction 1

1c- Chill out 1

1d- Guess what 2

Writing practice and feedback 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 1) 1

Culture Clip 1


Monthly quiz 1 1

Project introduction 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 2) 1

Monthly quiz feedback 1

2a- History's Hall of Fame 1

2b- Reliving the past 2

Oxford reader (Chapter 3) 1

2c- Homes of the past 2

2d- Special days 2

Writing practice and feedback 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 4) 1

Literature Corner 1

Self-Assessment Module 1

Across the Curriculum 1

Monthly quiz 2 + Project follow-up 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 5) 1

Curriculum Guide

Second Intermediate Level


Kingdom of Bahrain

Ministry of Education

Directorate of Curricula

English Language Unit

To Do List:

To Do List:

Page 6: Kingdom of Bahrain Directorate of Curricula English ...


Months Lessons Periods


Monthly quiz feedback 1

3a- Holiday times 2

3b- Let's book now 2

Oxford reader (Chapter 6) 1

3c- Let's celebrate 2

3d- Greetings from 2

Writing practice and feedback 1

Culture Clip 1

Monthly quiz 3 + Project follow-up 1

Oxford Readers (Chapter 7) 1

Monthly quiz feedback 1

4a- Come rain or shine 2

Monthly quiz feedback 1

4a- Come rain or shine 2


4b- A world of wonders 2

Oxford reader (Chapter 8) 1

4c- The animal kingdom 2

4d- Help me! 2

Writing practice and feedback 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 9) 1

Curricular Cuts 1

Self-Assessment Module 1

Across the Curriculum 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 10) 1

Project presentation week 2

Spring Break

N.B: 1- Teachers have the right to

modify this guide after consulting

their senior teachers.

2- The number of periods

allocated to each lesson is

approximate. Therefore, some

lessons may require more time.

Others, however, may require

only one period. It is the

responsibility of the teacher to

cover all the material and all the lessons.

In addition to the textbook

lessons, teachers have to take into

consideration the following:

Oxford Readers (Ten


Workbook check-up

Monthly quizzes (including

all the skills and areas of


Project Preparation and

Presentation (Students have to

present their works in class)

Portfolio Assessment

Page 7: Kingdom of Bahrain Directorate of Curricula English ...


Months Lessons Periods

January First semester exam feedback 1

5a- Nature's attack 2


5b- Bad days 2

Oxford reader introduction 1

5c- News flash 2

5d- What a day! 2

Writing practice and feedback 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 1) 1

Culture Clip 1

Project introduction 1

Monthly quiz 1 1

6a- What's the matter? 2

6b- Doctor, Doctor 2

Oxford readers (Chapter 2) 1

Monthly quiz feedback 1


6c- Healthy lifestyles 2

Oxford reader (Chapter 3) 1

6d- All in all 2

Writing practice and feedback 1

Curricular Cuts 1

Self-Assessment Module 1

Across the Curriculum 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 4) 1

Monthly quiz 2 + Project follow-up 1

7a- Dinner time 2

7b- Shopping time 2

Monthly quiz feedback 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 5) 1

7c- Spend, spend, spend 2

7d- Dining in style 2

The Examinations in Year


Event Date

First Semester


Sun 3rd Nov 2019

Thu 28th Nov 2019

First Semester



Thu 26th Dec 2019

Tue 7th Jan 2020


semester mid-


Wed 1st April 2020

Thu 30th April 2020


Semester Final


Tue 12th May 2020

Thu 21st May 2020



Mon 22nd June 2020

Sun 28th June 2020

Page 8: Kingdom of Bahrain Directorate of Curricula English ...


Months Lessons Periods


Writing practice and feedback 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 6) 1

Culture Clip 1

Monthly quiz 3 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 7) 1

8a- Survival UK 1

8b- New members welcome 2

Monthly quiz feedback 1

8c- What's on? 2

Oxford reader (Chapter 8) 1

8d- Don't miss it 2

Writing practice and feedback 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 9) 1

Literature Corner 1

Self-Assessment Module 1

Across the Curriculum 1


Oxford reader (Chapter 10) 1

Project presentation week 2

General revision for final exams 1















Event Date

Ashoraa Sun 8th Sep 2019

Mon 9th Sep 2019

Prophet Birth Sun 10th Nov 2019

National Day Mon 16th Dec 2019

Tue 17th Dec 2019

New Year Wed 1st Jan 2020

Labor Day Sun 2rd May 2020

Al-Fiter Eid Sun 24th May 2020

Tue 26th May 2020

The Holidays in Year


Page 9: Kingdom of Bahrain Directorate of Curricula English ...


Months Lessons Periods


Diagnostic test 1

First contact with students 1

Starter Unit 1

1a- Heroes & Villains 2

1b- Actors wanted 2

Oxford reader introduction 1

1c- How often do you …? 2

1d- Have you got what it takes? 2

1e- Why don't you …? 1

Writing practice and feedback 1


Oxford reader (Chapter 1) 1

Literature Corner 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 2) 1

Monthly quiz 1 1

Project introduction 1

2a- Lifestyles 2

2b- Where and why? 2

Oxford reader (Chapter 3) 1

2c- Nothing compares 2

2d- Work & Play 2

2e- Job searching 1

Writing practice and feedback 1

Culture Clip 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 4) 1

Self-Assessment Module 1

Curricular Cuts 1

Monthly quiz 2 + Project follow-up 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 5) 1

Curriculum Guide

Third Intermediate Level


Kingdom of Bahrain

Ministry of Education

Directorate of Curricula

English Language Unit

To Do List:

To Do List:

Page 10: Kingdom of Bahrain Directorate of Curricula English ...


Months Lessons Periods


Monthly quiz feedback 1

3a- Earth calling 1

3b- Environmental issues 2

Oxford reader (Chapter 6) 1

3c- Good and bad news 2

3d- Animal welfare 2

Writing practice and feedback 1

Culture Clip 1

Monthly quiz 3 + Project follow-up 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 7) 1

Monthly quiz feedback 1

4a- Travel destinations 2

4b- Getting ready to go 2


Oxford reader (Chapter 8) 1

4c- What an experience! 2

4d- Enjoy your stay! 2

4e- A traveler's tale 2

Writing practice and feedback 1

Literature Corner 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 9) 1

Self-Assessment Module 1

Curricular Cuts 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 10) 1

Project presentation week 2

Spring Break

N.B: 1- Teachers have the right to

modify this guide after consulting

their senior teachers.

2- The number of periods

allocated to each lesson is

approximate. Therefore, some

lessons may require more time.

Others, however, may require

only one period. It is the

responsibility of the teacher to

cover all the material and all the lessons.

In addition to the textbook

lessons, teachers have to take into

consideration the following:

Oxford Readers (Ten


Workbook check-up

Monthly quizzes

(including all the skills

and areas of


Project Preparation and

Presentation (Students

have to present their

works in class)

Portfolio Assessment

Page 11: Kingdom of Bahrain Directorate of Curricula English ...


Months Lessons Periods


First semester exam feedback 1

5a- On offer 2

5b- Shops and products 2


Oxford reader introduction 1

5c- Dos and don'ts 2

5d- Out shopping 2

Writing practice and feedback 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 1) 1

Culture Clip 1

Monthly quiz 1 1

Project introduction 1

6a- An amazing journey 2

6b- Let's celebrate 2

Oxford reader (Chapter 2) 1

6c- Planning ahead 2

Monthly quiz feedback 1

6d- Making arrangements 2


Oxford reader (Chapter 3) 1

10e Time to Complaint 2

Writing practice and feedback 1

Culture Clip 1

Self-Assessment Module 1

Curricular Cuts 1

Oxford readers (Chapter 4) 1

Monthly quiz 2 + Project follow-up 1

7a- Eating out 2

7b- Preparing a meal 2

7c- Is that enough 2

Monthly quiz feedback 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 5) 1

7d- Restaurants 2

7e- Surprise, surprise 2

Writing practice and feedback 1

9a Going out 1

The Examinations in Year


Event Date

First Semester


Sun 3rd Nov 2019

Thu 28th Nov 2019

First Semester



Thu 26th Dec 2019

Tue 7th Jan 2020


semester mid-


Wed 1st April 2020

Thu 30th April 2020


Semester Final


Tue 12th May 2020

Thu 21st May 2020



Mon 22nd June 2020

Sun 28th June 2020

Page 12: Kingdom of Bahrain Directorate of Curricula English ...


Months Lessons Periods


9e On Screen 2

Oxford reader (Chapter 6) 1

Literature Corner 1

Monthly quiz 3 1

8a- Fit for life 2

Oxford reader (Chapter 7) 1

8b- On the field 2

Monthly quiz feedback 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 8) 1

8c- Been done before 2

8d- Express yourself 2

8e- The good and the bad 2

Writing practice and feedback 1


Oxford reader (Chapter 9) 1

Literature Corner 1

Self-Assessment Module/Curricular Cuts 1

Oxford reader (Chapter 10) 1

Project presentation week 1

General revision for final exams 1















Event Date

Ashoraa Sun 8th Sep 2019

Mon 9th Sep 2019

Prophet Birth Sun 10th Nov 2019

National Day Mon 16th Dec 2019

Tue 17th Dec 2019

New Year Wed 1st Jan 2020

Labor Day Sun 2rd May 2020

Al-Fiter Eid Sun 24th May 2020

Tue 26th May 2020

The Holidays in Year
