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Stars are Born,

But legends are built.

This is JB.

You may or may not know who JB is

(aka Jehovah's Boy, aka Jonathon Baker),

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but you will. In Ohio, Pennsylvania and

other states he is well known. Has worked

with many gospel rappers and has done

work with various praise and worship

teams. Today I got the chance to catch up

with Jon, who I knew way back in the day.

On the brink of having a new project come

out, we discussed the past, the present,

and the exciting future:

Kingdom Lyfestlyee Magazine: What's

up man?

Jehovah Boy: Good man, blessed.

Kingdom Lyfestyle Magazine: You have

been doing this for a while. How long have

you've been doing Gospel Hip-Hop:

Jehovah's Boy: As far as being a

recording artist, for about nine years.

KLM: Wow! That's a long time. I knew

you back in the day and I did not see you

for a while, and all of sudden, I see you

doing videos and releasing mixtapes. And

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with the following you amassed it's almost


JB: To the normal christian rap follower, I

am not even out there. I am not Lecrae or

DA TRUTH, but I will say that I have my

own lane. It took me a while to groom

myself. I now feel like I am comfortable in

my own skin. I feel like it really took my

third album to reach my breaking point in

where I am comfortable with myself. At

that point I really knew what I wanted. It

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wasn't like in 2004, I just started rapping

and people were calling me to do shows.

It was a gradual thing. My first big show in

where I was actually sought after and I

actually got paid for my craft was probably

around 2011. So definitely was a gradual


KLM: Even with that, I noticed that you

have been able to mentor younger christian

artists. Have you noticed your impact with


JB: Absolutely, and my impact begins with

that really starts with before the music.

Somebody did that to me. Who wasn't

even artist. Alot of people think its just

music. But we this is more. We have to be

in the Word and make sure that we have

proper covering spiritually. So I have been

able to help in that. People ask me how

did I come up.

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Just because I am rapper, doesn't

mean that's all I do.

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I tell them, I spent time in church and

listening to different messages. And then

applying that to my life. Recently, the two

worlds [music and spirituality] have been

merging. People ask me production tips

and want to put together a project.

KLM: Even with that, you have a lot of

young Christian artist who struggle with

exposure. We don't have a SOURCE or

XXL magazine or 106 & Park. So what

was your advice for those trying to get

themselves out there?

JB: With me, it has been being consistent

with other avenues. Just because I am

rapper, doesn't mean that's all I do. I play

keyboard, so I may play for a particular

artists. Or since I play drums, I may play

drums for another artist. And with that,

people will be like “who is that?” Oh that's

Jonathan Baker, he also does etc. The

other assets helped me to branch out and

meet new people.

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KLM: So what can we expect with OFF MY

CHEST II? What can I expect? When is it

going to Drop?

JB: The target date is mid-September.

You expect a lot of honesty and

transparency. Alot of people may try to put

me in box. But this project, I am even

experimenting with different flow schemes.

People are not to expect that I can go into

other lanes, when they hear the project.

And also got good features on the project

as well. Yavez and Ellis is on there. Tre

Carter from Columbus OH is on there.

Jamar Night will be on there along with

others. You're gonna get good substance

and creativity as well. I hope people will

hear the truth and honesty in it.

KLM: Any singing on here? I know you

can blow a little. A hook a verse?


JB: [LAUGHTER] You know what, I

think..... a little bit. You may hear a hook

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here and there. Nothing major. I might

save that for a separate project.

KLM: thank you for your time. I appreciate

you even helping out the Kingdom

Lyfestyle Movement with your experience

and guidance.

JB: Aw man, its all love we Family. –


Food From The Kitchen

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OMC2 101: Professor JB



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Good Morning Class. Please pull out

your books to page 1. Today we are

going to review JB’s OFF MY CHEST.

WHAT!?! You haven’t done the pre-req?

No worries. Go to


OMC1 Is an wonderful mix of different

styles and quality production. This is

truly a Banger! Sick flows and many

quotables are the order of the day.

City On Our Knees tells a narrative of a

nation that only prays when tragedy hits.

Blackout is high energy and is bold in its

approach. So while you anticipate the

sequel, it is definite worth it to go back

and check out this underground classic.

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coming soon

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Visit WWW.NOTW.COM for more

Kingdom Fashions

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MUSIC The very best in

FREE urban Hip-


Free is good.

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Spotlight Eshon Burgundy

Blood Bought


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“Many classic soul

samples with real life

tales of redemption.”

Blood Bought is old, but still

undiscovered for many fans. Mr

Burgundy has been in the game for

a while and has worked with many. I

stumbled upon this jewel and it has

made me thirsty for more material

from the Philly Lyricist. The

production is reminiscent of Blueprint

where it fuses many classic soul

samples with real life tales of

redemption. Throw in a couple skits

of preaching over tight beats and

you have an instant classic.


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See You Later

Shai Boogie’s

Goodbye letter to his

friend, brother.

Adam Knable


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Dear Bro I want to write you

this letter to thank you for having such a

huge impact in my life in such a short time.

it’s not a day that goes by that we don't

hang out, laugh, hit the gym, attend church

services and hit up the hot tub club lol it's

crazy how we're from the same state n

even lived in the same city at once but

never crossed paths until we reached

Virginia not only the state of Virginia but

the same city Hampton. Two peas in a pod

we have not yet had a dull moment.

Sharing testimonies with each other is

something that we regularly do and seeing

the mess that Christ pulled us both out of

individually we realize that even though we

didn't know each other then we still have so

much in common. We always kept each

other strong and motivated to want to be

better men in Christ not only are you my

best friend but your my real life brother so

really hurt me when you moved away

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leaving behind more memories than I could

count now all the things that we used to do

together was extremely hard when I had to

do them for the first time by myself I'm also

left with having to answer the question that

people ask me all the time "where is that

big dude at that you're always with" and I

replied the same time every time he moved

on to a better place. The way that you left

was so abrupt no one could have ever

prepare themselves for it but one thing I do

know is that when it's time for me to move.

I'm going to have all of my bags packed

and we'll be able to pick up where we left

off laughing again smiling again and

sharing testimonies so you make sure you

get rid of your roommate before I get up

there. Love you bro I'll see you when I'm

called up

From your Bro Boogs,

Adam Knable 7777 Heaven ave The Upper, Room 77777

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My relationship with Jesus Christ is that it is the

most important thing in my life. So anytime I

get an opportunity to tell Him that I love Him or

am given an opportunity to shout Him out on

national TV, I'm gonna take that opportunity.''

Tim Tebow,


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"To this day I wish I could take it back,'' he said.

"Just knowing that I could have saved myself

for her, and there would have been nothing

impure about it ... I wish I could go back.'' (on

speaking about having sex before marriage)

Justin Tuck, NY


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"I think it helps to have a pretty good knowledge

of the way that Jesus spoke and taught and

interacted with people in the New Testament. He

cared about people, He spent time with people,

He cared about relationships, and that's kind of

my leadership style."

Aaron Rodgers,


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"I'll basically mandate that everyone goes to

chapel at least once because I want them to

have the experience of it," he said. "I'm not

going to force my beliefs on them, but it's

important for them to know it's not a bad

thing; it's a good thing. Then I'll leave it alone.



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They can't feel pressured. We want the

environment to be comfortable to them, but not

overbearing. They have a choice."

I have read the Bible many times. But after fasting,

and being baptized Orthodox, it's like reading a

whole new Bible. You see the depth behind the

words so much more clearly."



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The veteran said once he's lined up his kick, he

takes a short moment to be with God and

remind himself of the strength and confidence

the Lord gives him every day of his life.





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The bell rings, everybody is running around trying to get to class.

“Antonio, please report to Coach Williams’ office immediately.” The secretary announced over PA system.

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“I wonder what he wants.” Antonio wondered.

Antonio ran down as fast as he can all the flights of stairs to Coach Williams’ office. He peeked in the office, and he saw Coach talking to a police officer and Tyrone’s mother talking. Antonio knocked on the door.

“Come in.” Coach instructed.

“What’s up, Coach?” Antonio asked.

“Sit down, son.” Coach demanded

Antonio took a seat very nervously as he looked on as Mrs. Williams and this police officer continued their conversation. The police officer got up and walked toward Antonio.

“Everything will be ok, kid.” He assured Antonio.

Antonio just sat there and wondered what he was talking about. He was scared, nervous, and anxious all at the same time. He didn’t know what to say or think. His mind was racing and his heart was beating. He was getting hot, and then followed by light headed. He eventually got enough courage to gather his thoughts.

“OK.” Antonio mumbled.

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As Mrs. Williams and the officer left, Coach turned his attention to Antonio. Antonio’s heart sunk to his stomach. He didn’t know why he was in the Coach’s office. All he could think about was why was I in here? Antonio was very clueless, and had not even the slightest clue why he was in the Coach Williams’ office. Basketball season has been over for more than two months. Antonio started to panic. He was sweating frantically. He didn’t know what to do, he felt like the walls were closing in on him. All he wanted to do is get up and run to his mother. Then, Coach started to talk, and Antonio was starting to get restless and was losing feeling in his legs.

“Well son, I called you down here for a multiple reasons. First thing, you had an excellent season. You have a God given talent to play ball. You should be very thankful that you are blessed with such talent. I’ve been going to church with your mother since before you were born. I even knew your father before he got involved in the horrible lifestyle that he got caught up in. I highly advise you to take yourself to church. You need to thank God for providing you with this talent. However, that’s not why I called you down here.” Coach Williams’ explained.

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Antonio was starting to feel a little better. He was still a complete nervous wreck. He just sat there and sweated his shirt off. He had no idea what he really wanted. He was ready for this day to be over. He completely had enough of this day. He couldn’t take any more. He was at his breaking point.

“What the heck is it, Coach?” Antonio yelled.

“Calm down, son.” Coach replied.

“I had a horrible day and even more horrendous morning.” Antonio continued to scream.

“That’s why I wanted to talk to you.” As Coach continued. “But before I do that please take a drink of this water, you look like you need it.” Coach examined.

Antonio chugged the water so fast. He finished a twenty ounce bottle in less than forty five seconds. Then he held his hands out for another one, and sure enough Coach gave him another bottle.

“Like I was saying you had an amazing season. You were first in the state of Michigan in scoring, assists, and three pointers made. The reason I called you down here is because you have been awarded with the prestigious

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award of Mr. Basketball for this whole state. Many greats before you have received this award and you should be extremely thankful. Secondly,” as Coach continued.

Antonio mind was little at ease but he had this horrible feeling that something worse was coming. He was suffering a horrible headache, followed by some sever nausea, and being light headed was getting worse and worse. He was for sure about to faint.

“Your friend, Tyrone Johnson….. He is fine. He was confused with his father. However, they found some type of drug paraphernalia in his possession. So he will have to go through the court system and deal with all that. If I were you, Antonio I would pray for him because he needs Jesus now more than ever. Secondly, you received many letters from multiple colleges. I am going to stop over your house after church to go through these letters so we can get that ball rolling. You will be the first student here at Martin Luther King Jr. High School to go to college on a basketball scholarship. You should definitely be thankful. And with that being said, you need to stay away from Tyrone until he clears his name from all this stuff he is going through. I don’t want you to lose this opportunity you were

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blessed with because of someone else.” Coach ordered.

Antonio felt so relieved. He was breathing fine and was no longer sweating frantically. All he could think was wow; I’m going to be the next Michael Jordan. My mother is going to be so proud of me. He was too excited, and couldn’t wait to go home and tell his Mrs. Fleetwood. Then he heard the phone ring and heard a voice on the other side asking questions.

“Is he there right now and if he is how long will he be there?” the voice wondered.

Who was this voice on the other end? And what did they want with Antonio? Was Antonio in danger? Did this have anything to do with Tyrone? Would Antonio be in trouble with Tyrone? And what did this have to do with Coach? Find all this out in the next issue of KL: The Magazine