Download - King v. McKenna, Malone, Paradee Memo in Opp on Pleadings on Free Press Case Slams Defendants and Judge Robert B. Young


IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF DELAWAREIN AND FOR KENT COUNTYCHRISTOPHER KING, d/b/a KingCast/Mortgage Movies, ))CASE NO. K!C"#$"#%&P'ainti(,v. ) )*+GE ,O*NG-ETT, .O* MCKENNA, HO.., MA.ONE )and )OHN PARA+EE, ES/.+e0endants. )PLAINTIFFS AMENDED MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION TO SUMMARYJUDGMENT1I.Introd12tion, 3ie4 o0 t5e Pre6ises and 75ere t5e Co1rt8s Entire 9irst A6end6ent Ana':sis is Co6;'ete': O("Point, P1b'i2 Meeting .a4s and Cases are Ina;;'i2ab'e and t5e .a4 o0 t5e Case +o2trine +oes Not A;;':.T5e Co1rt 2annot ignore re'evant 2ase 'a4 and t5en ;oint and sa: , a servi2e des> at 45i25 +e0endant Ma'one stood a'one, and a ;1b'i2 5a''4a: 'eading to t5e ba2> roo6 45ere severa' ;1b'i2 >ios>s aresit1ated. As s125, i0 t5e Co1rt is at a'' interested in Tr1t5 and )1sti2e, it 4o1'd sto; 5iding be5ind 0a2ts not a''1ded to in t5e P'eadings. To 4it@ P'ainti( 4as not see>ing a22ess to ;eda'. $INote@ T5ere are no ;rivate 21bi2'es in P'ainti(8s i66ediate 2a6era vie4. So6e5o4 P'ainti( Gnds t5is signiG2ant b1t t5en 45at does 5e >no4@ A22ording to )1dge ,o1ng 5e8s F1st a . 75i'e t5e Co1rt at ;. N"A o;ines t5at P'ainti( 2o1'd get b: 4it5 a note;ad, t5e on': Co1rt in re2ent 5istor: t5at arrived at s125 a 2on2'1sion 4as Whiteland Woods, and a-ain that was the wron- conte0t accordin- to Defendants beca+se it is a p+blic %eetin- ar-+%ent and therefore 1inapplicable.=$Ot5er Co1rts 5ave s;e2iG2a'': 5e'd ot5er4ise, in2'1ding b1t not 'i6ited to t5e 2o'or M1ote t5at a;;ears be'o4. Ma: P'ainti( re;eat it 'est t5e Co1rt and +e0endants 0ai' to address it@$ And 01rt5er o0 2o1rse t5e ;oint is t5at a ;en and ;ad 4it5o1t a 9ine Art degree in dra4ing does not ;ortra: 45at P'ainti( 4ants to ;ortra: 4it5 t5ree"ti6e s122ess01' Candidate G1nn ;1''ing 1; dirt: do216ents.*n'ess s125 ;ortra:a' disr1;ts t5e oH2et5en b: go'': P'ainti( 5as a Constit1tiona', Stat1tor: and Co66on .a4 Rig5t to s5ootit. Period. SCOT*S 4i'' agree on2e 4e get o1t o0 +e'a4are.!S1;;ose, 0or eKa6;'e, t5at t5e B'o2a' ;1b'i2 bod:C 5ad atte6;ted to ;ro5ibit t5e 1se o0 ;en, or ;en2i' and ;a;er, at t5e sessions 5e'd b: t5e6O s125 a 6eas1re 4o1'd at on2e stri>e an:one as being an i6;ro;er 6eans o0 eKerting oH2ia' ;o4er, and t5e s1r;rise and dissatis0a2tion generated b: s125 an arbitrar: r1'e 4o1'd 1ndo1bted': 'ead to a ;ro5ibition b: t5e 2o1rts o0 s125 a 0oo'is5 atte6;t to eKer2ise govern6enta' ;o4er. BId. at !I, $I& A.%d %N EM1oting Nevens v. C5ino, %$$ Ca'. A;;. %d AA!, II Ca'. R;tr. !#, !% E+ist.Ct.A;;.?N!)).C T51s, over ti6e, M1i'' and ;ar256ent gave 4a: to ;en and ;adO a1dio re2ording devi2es s1;;'anted stenogra;5:.NDe2$*$&e Atto&ne+ Gene&$2 Opinion S%ppo&t P2$inti8,Thi i No Di8e&ent Then P2$inti8 Appe$&in7 *ith Pen 9 Repo&te& Note P$#.As P'ainti( as>s e'se45ere in t5is do216ent, 45: is t5e Co1rt going ba2>4ardsP T5is is ;arti21'ar': tr1e in 'ig5t o0 t5e ;re2ator: 'ang1age iss1ed b: State Attorne: Genera' -iden ERIP) on ;1b'i2 6eetings. 75i'e +e0endants tr: to 2'ai6 t5at t5ese 2o66ents ro'' in t5eir 0avor, t5e: are atte6;ting to read t5e 'a4 0ar too narro4': be2a1se t5e O;inion 5o'ds tr1e o0 so2iet: in genera' even t5o1g5 t5e AG8s oH2e on': 5as s;e2iG2 F1risdi2tion over ;1b'i2 bodies.As noted in )sorn&, in ?&!, a Massa251setts 2o1rt, den:ing t5e rig5t to re2ord a ;1b'i2 6eeting, stated@ T5ere 6a: 2o6e a ti6e 45en so1nd 2a6eras 4i'' be so t5oro1g5': a22e;ted, and an: idea t5at t5e: 2o1'd distort or o(end de2or16 so ana25ronisti2, t5at to bar t5e6 4o1'd see6 t5e eM1iva'ent o0 ;ro5ibiting ;en2i' and ;a;er. )sorn&, ?$9.$d at !? EM1oting Wri-ht v. Lawrence, I&N N.E.%d !, !$"!I EMass. A;;. ?&!). )sorn&, in %##$, 0o1nd t5at ing notes. CONC.*SION@ T5e +O) s5o1'd advise its 2'ient ;1b'i2 bodies t5at to o1trig5t ;ro5ibit an: re2ording o0 ;1b'i2 6eetings is 5ig5': ris>:. T5e 'a4 is evo'ving in a 6ore ;er6issive dire2tion.So no4 t5en 2o6e +e0endants to arg1e t5at t5e AG O;inion is not re'evant, even t5o1g5 t5e: F1st 1sed t5e ;1b'i2 bod:/;1b'i2 5earing ana':sis to get P'ainti(8s Constit1tiona' 2'ai6s dis6issed and t5e Co1rt s;e2iG2a'': 'avis5ed ;raise 1;on t5e6 at ;. #, 9n ? o0 its %? )1ne %#! O;inion, Gnding t5e 2ase e a1dio re2ordingsUi6;a2ted 5o4 s5e 4as ab'e to obtain a22ess to and ;resent in0or6ation abo1t t5e Cit: Co1n2i' and its ;ro2eedings. See -'a2>ston v. State o0 A'a., $# 9.$d A, %# Et5 Cir. ??I).-ased on t5is re2ord, t5e Co1rt Gnds t5at a reasonab'e F1r: 2o1'd 2on2'1de t5at Ma:or GravittVs restri2tive ;o'i2: anno1n2ed at t5e A;ri' A, %#% 6eeting 4as BWW%Ca tota' ban on G'6ing in Cit: Co1n2i' 6eetings. I0 t5e restri2tion 4as a tota' ban, it b1rdens 6ore s;ee25 t5an ne2essar: to 01rt5er t5e Cit:Vs interest in 6aintaining I P'ainti( res;e2ts t5e State AG8s oH2es@ He 4as one. In 0a2t, 5e 4as t5e go"to g1: 0or A;;e''ate iss1es in t5e e6;'o:6ent se2tion. T5at abi'it: is 2'ear': borne o1t in t5isdo216ent.&order and eH2ien2: at its Cit: Co1n2i' 6eetingsO 2onseM1ent':, t5e restri2tion 4as not narro4': tai'ored to serve t5e govern6ent interest. -e2a1se P'ainti(Ut5e non"6oving ;art: 0or t5e ;1r;oses o0 +e0endantsV Motion 0or S166ar: )1dg6entU5as ;resented eviden2e t5at 2o1'd a''o4 a reasonab'e F1r: to 2on2'1de t5at Ma:or Gravitt anno1n2ed a tota' ban, t5e Co1rt 2annot 2on2'1de as a 6atter o0 'a4 t5at +e0endants did not vio'ate P'ainti(Vs 9irst A6end6ent rig5ts. To t5e eKtent t5at +e0endants 6ove 0or s166ar: F1dg6ent on gro1nds t5at no 2onstit1tiona' vio'ation o221rred, +e0endantsV Motion 0or S166ar: )1dg6ent 61st be +ENIE+.T5e 2ase t5en sett'ed 0or X%##,###.## J 6a>ing P'ainti(8s X%,!##.## o(er o0 Sett'e6ent see6 rat5er 6inis21'e indeed. 5tt;@//444.0ors:t5ne4s.2o6/ar25ives/%N??&/C*MMING U A X%##,### sett'e6ent 5as been rea25ed in a Ros4e'' 4o6an8s 0edera' 'a4s1it against t5e 2it: o0 C166ing over re;orted 0ree s;ee25 and sear25 and seiQ1re vio'ations.N:dia Tisda'e 2onGr6ed T1esda: t5at s5e 5ad re2eived t5e ;a:6ent.T5e 'a4s1it ste66ed 0ro6 an A;ri' %#% in2ident in 45i25 Tisda'e 4as dire2ted b: Ma:or H. 9ord Gravitt to sto; G'6ing d1ring a C166ing Cit: Co1n2i' 6eeting and as>ed to 'eave. S5e 'ater ret1rned and 2ontin1ed G'6ing4it5 a di(erent devi2e.T5e sa6e da: as t5e in2ident, Georgia8s revised O;en Meetings A2t 5ad goneinto e(e2t.Cr:sta' .ed0ord, ;1b'i2 in0or6ation assistant 4it5 t5e 2it:, said t5at t5e 2it:8s 'iabi'it: ins1ran2e ;rovider, P1b'i2 Ris> *nder4riters, 5ad sett'ed 4it5 Tisda'e.WWWWWWWWWThe De"en#$nt $&e F2$t O%t L+in7 to Thi Co%&t When the+ C2$i/ ;P2$inti8 C2$i/e# ;Ri7ht< $&e not Re'o7ni=e# )+ An+ Co%&t.a2Q ended 1; G'ing s1it asserting, a6ong ot5er t5ings, t5at s5e 4as arrested in vio'ation o0 t5e 9irst A6end6ent reta'iation 0or 5er 6onitoring a2tivitiesEe6;5asis added so t5e +e0endants, Co1rt and Revie4ing Co1rt 2an see 45ere t5e: 5ave been 2o6;'ete': disingen1o1sto date).On t5e nig5t o0 O2tober A, %##%, on 5er 4a: to 7i'd4ood, Po6:>a2Q drove ;ast t5e boro1g5 61ni2i;a' b1i'ding and observed OH2er 9erentQ 4or>ing on renovations 45i'e s5e 4as on d1t:. .ater t5at nig5t, a0ter Po6:>a2Q 5ad ret1rned 0ro6 7i'd4ood, he photo7&$phe# O?'e& Fe&ent= in the po2i'e he$#:%$&te&. A Anot5er ;o'i2e oH2er andBW!#&CMa:or 9oK 4ere a'so ;resent in t5e ;o'i2e station at t5e ti6e. A22ording to Po6:>a2Q, Ma:or 9oK 2a6e o1t o0 t5e b1i'ding and began :e''ing at 5er. Po6:>a2Q 4a'>ed 5o6e 4it5o1t res;onding Ee6;5asis added so t5e +e0endants, Co1rt and Revie4ing Co1rt 2an see 45ere t5e: 5ave been 2o6;'ete': disingen1o1s to date).*.S. +istri2t )1dge )ose;5 E. Irenas noted, Po6:>a2Q 5as ;1t 0ort5 s1H2ient eviden2e t5at s5e 4as a 2on2erned 2itiQen 45o at ti6es s;o>e 5er 6ind to -oro1g5BW!$CoH2ia's and ot5er 2itiQens abo1t 5er 2on2erns regarding t5e oH2ia' 2ond12t o0 t5e ;o'i2e de;art6ent and t5e 6a:or. S125 s;ee25 is 2'ear': ;rote2ted b: t5e 9irst A6end6ent. I 3ee Mills v. 4laba%a,$&I *.S. %I, %&, &N S. Ct. I$I, N .. Ed. %d I&I E?NN) 5617ETa 6aFor ;1r;ose o0 Bt5e 9irstC A6end6ent 4as to ;rote2t t5e 0ree dis21ssion o0 govern6enta' #a(airs.T)O 8oth v. 9nited 3tates,$!I *.S. IAN, I&I, AA S. Ct. $#I,.. Ed. %d I?& E?!A) ETT5e ;rote2tion given s;ee25 and ;ress 4as 0as5ioned to ass1re 1n0ettered inter25ange o0 ideas 0or t5e bringing abo1t o0 ;o'iti2a' and so2ia' 25anges desired b: t5e ;eo;'e.T).So 2et &e(ie* the )o2# te@t then! to ee the De"en#$nt 2ie h$22 *e0A 2itiQen Fo1rna'ist too> ;i2t1res, re;eated':, at a ;o'i2e b1i'ding t5at deGnite': 4as NOT tied to a ste;.A 9o21s on t5e 4ord t5e: are 0oo'ingPN75ere0ore, given t5e T5ird Cir21it 2ase o0 Po%&'ac( v. 2oro+-h of W. Wildwood, I$& 9. S1;;. %d !#I E%##N) and no4 t5is 2ase, in addition to t5e ;re2ator: re6ar>s o0 +e'a4are AG +enn, it is ;atent': 2'ear t5at a )1r: is entit'ed to 5ear Constit1tiona' arg16ents on t5is 6atter. It is si6;': not as 2'ear as +e0endants and t5e Co1rt 5ave 'ed t5e 7or'd to be'ieve on .EDIS, .eag'e or on an: ot5er ;1b'is5ing 0or16.Moving on to )irelli v. Town of Johnston 3chool District, &?A 9.S1;;. NN$E??!)E2ited in ,li') t5e Co1rt in2orre2t': 5e'd t5at it 4as essentia' t5at )irelli 4as a ;1b'i2 e6;'o:ee@ing 4it5 govern6ent oH2ia's@ At an: rate, s125 4as not t5e 5o'ding in )irelli 5o4ever be2a1se t5e Co1rt s;e2iG2a'': 0o1nd t5at )irelli 4as on': entit'ed to r1n video in ;'a2es 45ere t5e 7ene&$2 p%)2i' 4as a''o4ed@75i'e I agree 4it5 ;'ainti( t5at t5e de0endants 5ave no 'egiti6ate interest in ;ro5ibiting t5e disse%ination o0 t5e 0r1its o0 ;'ainti(Vs 'abors, de0endants do 5ave a 'egiti6ate interest in restri2ting 1n2onditiona' access to t5e s25oo' b1i'ding. T51s, i0 ;'ainti( 4is5es to videota;e at t5ese ti6es, s5e 61st abide b: t5e a;;'i2ation ;ro2ess genera'': a;;'i2ab'e to ot5er 6e6bers o0 t5e ;1b'i2.)irelli at NN?.T5at is 2onsistent 4it5 t5e essen2e o0 Pic'erin-, to 45i25 t5e Co1rt 2ited at 9nIN be2a1se Pic'erin- 5e'd t5at t5e govern6ent e6;'o:ee 5as no 6ore or no 'ess rig5ts t5an t5e genera' ;1b'i2. P'ainti( re2a''s st1d:ing Pic'erin-, again 1nder t5e inesti6ab': bri''iant Ted Mearns, EsM. ERIP). 9ro6 Pic'erin-@To t5e eKtent t5at t5e I''inois S1;re6e Co1rtVs o;inion 6a: be read to s1ggest t5at tea25ers 6a: 2onstit1tiona'': be 2o6;e''edto re'inM1is5 t5e 9irst A6end6ent rig5ts t5e: 4o1'd ot5er4ise AenFo: as 2itiQens to 2o66ent on 6atters o0 ;1b'i2 interest in 2onne2tion 4it5 t5e o;eration o0 t5e ;1b'i2 s25oo's in 45i25 t5e:4or>, it ;ro2eeds on a ;re6ise t5at 5as been 1neM1ivo2a'': reFe2ted in n16ero1s ;rior de2isions o0 t5is Co1rt. &.ast':, in ,li' v. )+ni/e, Est Cir Ct. A;; %#) in So1t5 -oston 45ere P'ainti( 4as 'iving and r1nning video o0 ;o'i2e and vario1s Co1rt Tria's at t5e ti6e, t5e Co1rt indeed 2ited)irelli v. Town of Johnston 3ch. Dist., &?A 9. S1;;. NN$ E+.R.I. ??!) E5o'ding t5at tea25er 5ad a rig5t 1nder t5e 9irst A6end6ent to videota;e ;otentia'': 5aQardo1s 4or>ing 2onditions at s25oo', 45i25 4ere a 6atter o0 ;1b'i2 2on2ern). So 5ere 4e 5ave a 9edera' Co1rt o0 A;;ea's a;;':ing )irelli eKa2t': as P'ainti(a;;'ied it, 4it5 no 6ention o0 t5e bog1s 'i6iting 0a2tor t5at )1dge ,o1ng tried to i6;ose b: stating t5at Cire''i8s rationa'e a;;'ies on': to ;1b'i2 e6;'o:ees, a5e6.T5e 9irst Cir21it re'ied on its ear'ier o;inion in *acob+cci, as 4e'' as a ;'et5ora o0 de2isions 0ro6 ot5er 2o1rts, in 5o'ding t5at t5e 9irst A6end6ent rig5t to re2ord ;1b'i2 oH2ia's in ;1b'i2 s;a2es 5ad been 4e'' estab'is5ed. T5e Co1rt a'so dis6issed t5e s1ggestion t5at t5e dis21ssion o0 t5e 9irst A6end6ent rig5t to re2ord in Ia2ob122i 4as too 21rsor: to 2'ear': estab'is5 t5e rig5t. To t5e 2ontrar:, t5e Co1rt stated t5at 75at is ;arti21'ar': notab'e abo1t Ia2ob122i is t5e brevit: o0 t5e 9irst A6end6ent dis21ssion, a 25ara2teristi2 0o1nd in ot5er 2ir21it o;inions t5at 5ave re2ogniQeda rig5t to G'6 govern6ent oH2ia's or 6atters o0 ;1b'i2 interest in ;1b'i2 s;a2e. See S6it5, %% 9.$d at $$$O 9ord:2e, !! 9.$d at I$?. TBtC5e terseness i6;'i2it': s;ea>s to t5e 01nda6enta' and virt1a'': se'0"evident nat1re o0 t5e 9irst A6end6entVs ;rote2tions in t5is area.TSo t5e >e: in Po%&'ac( and ,li' is 45et5er or not t5e re;orter engaged in 1nne2essar: dis21ssion or 1n;ro0essiona'is6, not 45et5er t5e: 4ere a''o4ed to 5ave a 2a6era at a''. And re6e6ber t5at t5ose 2ases dea't 4it5 ;o'i2e, so o0 2o1rse it is 6ore i6;ortant t5at t5e: not be see>ing intervie4s 4it5 oH2ers 45o are on d1t:O b1t ot5er e6;'o:ees 6a: 2ertain': be s1bFe2t to REASONA-.E inM1ir:, 45i25 is a 2ase s;e2iG2 inM1ir: b1t t5is Co1rt is not to t5re4 t5e bab: o1t 4it5 t5e bat54ater and ;ro5ibit A.. inM1ir:be2a1se t5at is si6;': +ra2onian.P'ainti( 1nderstands t5is being a 0or6er 'a4 en0or2e6ent attorne: and so to do ??] o0 a'' inde;endent or 6ainstrea6Fo1rna'ists,?And M1ite 0ran>':, 0or t5e co+p de -ras, t5e T5ird Cir21it 1nderstands it as 4e'' so )1dge ,o1ng s5o1'd re2ogniQe t5at it 2ited *acob+cci and ,li' F1st t5is :ear J ;rior to P'ainti( G'ing s1it. T5e 0a2t o0 t5e 6atter is, i0 a 2itiQen in t5e T5ird Cir21it is entit'ed to ;o'ite': 2riti2iQe a ;o'i2e oH2er d1ring t5e ;rose21tion o0 5is or 5er d1ties, t5en P'ainti( 5ad dang 4e'' better be ;er6itted to as> a 2o1;'e o0 ;o'ite M1estions at t5e Co1nt: Re2order8s OH2e. See Mont-o%er& v. .illin-sworth, %#! *.S. +ist. .EDIS A!% E)an1ar: %%, %#!).In *acob+cci v. 2o+lter, t5e 9irst Cir21it 2on2'1ded t5at t5e ;'ainti(, Ia2ob122i, 5ad a 9irst A6end6ent rig5t to G'6 'o2a' govern6ent oH2ia's 45o 4ere 2ond12ting ;1b'i2 b1siness in a ;1b'i2 b1i'ding. ?$ 9.$d I, %! Est Cir. ???). Ia2ob122i 4as arrested a0ter 5e re01sed to sto; G'6ing severa' to4n 2o66issioners 45i'e t5e: 4ere dis21ssing t5e ;ossib'e a;;rova' o0 an a;;'i2antVs b1i'ding ;er6it. *d . at &. C5arged 4it5 disorder': 2ond12t and disr1;ting a ;1b'i2 asse6b':, Ia2ob122i s;ent 0o1r 5o1rs in 21stod:, t5o1g5 t5e 25arges 4ere 'ater dis6issed. *d. Ia2ob122i initiated a \ ?&$ s1it in 45i25 5e 2'ai6ed 0a'se arrest and eK2essive 0or2e. *d. A0ter 'osing in t5e tria' 2o1rt, t5e arresting oH2er a;;ea'ed, 2ontending 5e 4as entit'ed to M1a'iGed i661nit: on t5ose 2'ai6s. *d . at %"%%. ReFe2ting t5at arg16ent, t5e 9irst Cir21it 5e'd t5at Ia2ob122iVs Trig5t to a2t as 5e did 4it5o1t being arrested 0or disorder': 2ond12tT 4as 2'ear': estab'is5ed at t5e ti6e o0 5is arrest. *d . at %I. In so 5o'ding, t5e 9irst Cir21it 0o1nd t5at TIa2ob122iVs a2tivities 4ere ;ea2e01', not ;er0or6ed in derogation o0 an: 'a4, and done in t5e eKer2ise o0 5is9irst A6end6ent rig5ts.T *d . at %!.Pea2e01' 2riti2is6 o0 a ;o'i2e oH2er ;er0or6ing 5is d1ties in a ;1b'i2 ;'a2e is a ;rote2ted a2tivit: 1nder t5e 9irst A6end6ent. As t5e Co1rt estab'is5ed in )it& of 5o+ston, Te0as v. 5ill, Tt5e 9irst A6end6ent ;rote2ts a signiG2ant a6o1nt o0 verba' 2riti2is6 and 25a''enge dire2ted at ;o'i2e oH2ers.T I&% *.S. I!, IN, #A S. Ct. %!#%, ?N .. Ed. %d $?& E?&A). T5is t:;e o0 s;ee25 is ne2essar: to ;rote2t and ;reserve be2a1se TBtC5e 0reedo6 o0 individ1a's verba'': to o;;ose or 25a''enge ;o'i2e a2tion 4it5o1t t5ereb: ris>ing arrest is one o0 t5e ;rin2i;a' 25ara2teristi2s b: 45i25 4e disting1is5 a 0ree nation 0ro6 a ;o'i2e state.T *d . at IN%"N$.A22ord ,a&%on v. 2oro+-h of )ollin-dale, %#! *.S. +ist. .EDIS ?$#I E)1': A, %#!). In 2ontrast, M1a'iGed i661nit: 4as reFe2ted 0or t5e re6aining 9irst A6end6ent 2'ai6 be2a1se T;ea2e01' 2riti2is6 o0 a ;o'i2e oH2er t5at neit5er obstr12ts an investigation nor Feo;ardiQes a ;o'i2e oH2erVs sa0et: 5as strong so2ia' va'1e, serving as a va'1ab'e 25e2> on state ;o4er, and is t5ere0ore ;rote2ted 1nder t5e 9irst %#A6end6ent.T Ki22in7*o&th! H41F U.S. Dit. LELIS 51FH! H41F WL HMDDG3! $t NM E2iting Genti'e v. State -ar o0 Nev., !# *.S. #$#, #$I,S. Ct. %A%#, ! .. Ed. %d &&& E??) ETT5ere is no M1estion t5at s;ee25 2riti2a' o0 t5e eKer2ise o0 t5e StateVs ;o4er 'ies at t5e ver: 2enter o0 t5e 9irst A6end6ent.T).5II. P'ainti(8s Rig5ts 7ere C'ear': Estab'is5ed Prior to +enia'.P'ainti( arrived in 0a'', %#I. Prior to 0a'', %#I G'i> 4as in t5e boo>s 0or% :ears and 01rt5er, a +e;art6ent o0 )1sti2e Me6o 4as 'i>e4ise in t5e boo>s 0or % :ears.T5at8s ;robab': 45: t5e Co1rt ignored ,li' F1st as s1re': as it ignored Po%&'ac( b1t 4e8re 5ere no4 so 'et8s not 6iss it again. 9ro6 Mont-o%er&@EKisting ;re2edent is not 'i6ited to T5ird Cir21it 2ase 'a4O 2ase 'a4 0ro6 ot5er 2ir21its is re'evant in ana':Qing 45et5er a reasonab'e oH2er4o1'd 5ave >no4n t5at 5is 2ond12tvio'ated t5e Constit1tion. See Ko;e2 v. Tate, $N 9.$d AA%, AAAJA& E$d Cir. %##I) Edis21ssing ot5er 2ir21it 2ase 'a4 in deter6ining a rig5t 4as 2'ear': estab'is5ed). I6;ortant':, t5is inM1ir: 0o21ses on': on t5e state o0 t5e 'a4 at t5e ti6e o0 t5e arrests@ )an1ar: %$, %#, 0or Montgo6er:, and )1': I, %#, 0or .oeb.! See Ke'': v. -oro1g5 o0 Car'is'e, N%% 9.$d %I&, %!$ E$dCir. %##) E v. C1nni(e, N!! 9.$d A& Est Cir. %#), as 4e'' as a %#% +e;art6ent o0 )1sti2e 6e6orand16, in arg1ing t5at t5is rig5t 4as 2'ear': estab'is5ed. -e2a1se G'i> and t5e +e;art6ent o0 )1sti2e 6e6orand16 2a6e a0ter Montgo6er:8s arrest, t5e 2o1rt disregards an: re0eren2e to t5e6 5e 6a>es in s1;;ort o0 5is M1a'iGed i661nit: arg16ent.91rt5er6ore, in ;1b'i2':"G'ed do216ents t5at 4ere 2ir21'ated t5ro1g5o1t t5e entire 2o1ntr:, and rig5t neKt door in Mar:'and, t5e Dep$&t/ent o" J%ti'e Atto&ne+ 'aid do4n t5e .a4@ In *.S. +ist. Co1rt M+ Gar2ia v. Montgo6er: Co1nt:, Civi' No. &@%"2v"#$!?%")9M@%T5e *nited States addressed t5e 2entra' M1estions raised in t5is 2ase J 45et5er individ1a's 5ave a 9irst A6end6ent rig5t to re2ord ;o'i2e oH2ers in t5e ;1b'i2 dis25arge o0 t5eir d1ties, and 45et5er oH2ers vio'ate individ1a's8 9o1rt5 and 9o1rteent5 A6end6ent rig5ts 45en t5e: seiQe s125 re2ordings 4it5o1t a 4arrant or d1e ;ro2ess J in a State6ent o0 Interest G'ed in S5ar; v. -a'ti6ore Cit: Po'i2e +e;t., et a'., No. @"2v"#%&&& E+. Md.), atta25ed 5ere as EK5ibit A. Here, as t5ere, t5e *nited States 1rges t5e Co1rt to ans4er bot5 o0 t5ose M1estions in t5e aHr6ative. 5tt;@//444.r20;.org/sites/de0a1't/G'es/do2s/%#$#$#A^$!I!^gar2ia.;d0So ,li' and t5e +O) Me6orand16 4ere a'' ;resent and a22o1nted 0or 45en P'ainti( a;;roa25ed t5e ven1e in 0a'', %#I.As s125, t5e 6e6o 4ritten b: +e0ense Co1nse'8s Mars5a'' +enne5e: bret5ren +ona'd Car6e'ite is o'd ne4s and no 'onger va'id, re'evant or on ;oint 45en 5e 2'ai6ed, in Mar25 %#@ ing ;1b'i2 oH2ia' 4it5 a 2a6era is t5e sa6e as sa:ing 5e does not 5ave a Constit1tiona' Rig5t to do t5e sa6e 4it5 a ;en and a note;ad.T5at ;ro;osition is o0 2o1rse 2o6;'ete': 1ntenab'e. As t5at Gnding 4o1'd be ;atent': *n2onstit1tiona' t5is Co1rt 61st a''o4 a'' C'ai6s to ;ro2eed to Tria'.&I3.+e0endants Parade o0 Horrib'es is a Co6;'ete': I6;'a1sib'e +e0ense.+e0endants 2r: at or aro1nd ;ara. %& t5at 45at i0 ever: 2itiQen 4o1'd start r1nning videos and as>ing M1estions o0 ;1b'i2 oH2ers, et2 et2R. T5is is ridi21'o1s. S1re': +e0endants 4o1'd 5ave to agree t5at ever: 2itiQen 2'ear': a'read: 5as t5e rig5t to ;oint a 2a6era at a ;1b'i2 oH2ia' on a side4a'> 0or eKa6;'e. -1t do 4e see s2ores o0 ;eo;'e des2ending 1;on t5e Re2order o0 +eeds or an: ot5er OH2e to s5oot ;1b'i2 oH2ia's be0ore or a0ter t5e: enter 4or>P Moreover, it is 'a401' to r1n video o0 Po'i2e oH2ers 45erever t5e: 6a: be, and ;o'ite': 2riti2iQe t5e6 in t5e T5ird Cir21itO see Mont-o%er& v. .illin-sworth, %#! *.S. +ist. .EDIS A!% E)an1ar: %%, %#!), and ,a&%on v. 2oro+-h of )ollin-dale, %#! *.S. +ist. .EDIS ?$#I E)1': A, %#!), s+pra. +oes t5at 6ean t5at ever: 2itiQen is going to start bo6barding ;o'i2e at ever: street 2orner or in t5eir sM1ad 2ars 4it5 2a6eras and M1estionsP.ast':, s1re': +e0endants 4o1'd agree in 6ost states t5at 6edia is a''o4ed in Co1rts Ea2t1a'': it is a''o4ed in +e'a4are too b: R1'e !!), b1t so6e5o4 t5ere8s never an: ;rob'e6 be2a1se o0 a t5ing t5e: 2a'' no4sbetter t5an to t5reaten to arrest P'ainti( 0or s5ooting in 5er *.S. Senate oH2es or an:45ere e'se 0or t5at 6atter. And o0 2o1rse, des;ite t5ose 6ani0est Rig5ts, t5ere 5asn8t eKa2t': been adebi'itating sta6;ede o0 2itiQen Fo1rna'ists Yo2>ing to Senator A:otte8s OH2esto r1n video. So t5at arg16ent 0ai's.In 0a2t, +e0endants 5ave a 5istor: o0 6o1nting insi;id arg16ents. To 4it, in tr:ing to stri>e P'ainti(8s R1'e !? Motion t5e: 2'ai6ed t5at t5e Motion 61st be Stri2>en as a tard: reM1est 0or rearg16ent be2a1se its;e2iG2a'': reM1ests t5e Co1rt Tre2onsider,T Trevie4,T T'oo> into,T Tiss1e a revised o;inion,T and Trevie4 its +e2ision in genera' . . . .T E+.I. _ ?$) +e0endants, as t5e: and t5e Co1rt are 4ont to do, e'i6inated :et anot5er >e:;5rase 0ro6 t5e Pro;osed OR+ER t5at reads@;P2$inti8 Motion $#e:%$te2+ #et$i2 the &e$on *h+ thi Co%&t ho%2# &e'oni#e& o& /o#i"+ the J%#7/ent ente&e# on J%ne HD! H41F. s:n E`ab) ET4it5T) and ono6a Ecbdef) ETna6eT).6odgig0:h6idjk0l/ verb. 6a>e ;artia' or 6inor 25anges to Eso6et5ing), t:;i2a'': so as to i6;rove it or to 6a>e it 'ess eKtre6e.Ts5e 6a: be ;re;ared to 6odi0: 5er vie4sTs:non:6s@ alter, 25ange, adF1st, ada;t, a6end, revise, res5a;e, re0as5ion, rest:'e, reva6;, re4or>, re6ode', reGneO More Ee6;5asis added) So t5at 4as :et anot5er 0e2>'ess atte6;t b: +e0endants to avoid'iabi'it:.75et5er t5is Co1rt a''o4s it or not, P'ainti( is t5oro1g5': satisGed 4it5 t5e Re2ord in t5is 2ase.3I.+e0endant Paradee is Not I;so 9a2to Entit'ed to +is6issa'.The De"en#$nt $n# Co%&t b'an>et ;rono1n2e6ent t5at +e0endant Paradee 2o1'd not ;ossib': be 'iab'e 1nder I% *.S.C. \?&$ is 'ega'': in2orre2t. T5e Co1rt8s 2itation to Pol' )o+nt& v. Dodson I!I *.S. $% E?&) in 1navai'ing be2a1se )1sti2e -'a2>6on dissented and t5ese 2'ai6s are ver: 0a2t s;e2iG2, b1t 4e 2annot >no4 t5e 0a2ts be2a1se +is2over: 4as tr1n2ated 4it5o1t +e;ositions and 4it5o1t +e0endants even ;roviding an: ans4er as to45at a1t5orit: t5e: be'ieved t5e: 5ad to den: P'ainti( t5e rig5t to r1n a 2a6era.-1t t5is is not s1r;rising t5at t5e Co1rt over'oo>ed it, seeing as t5e Co1rt so6e5o4 'ost 5is 3o'1ntar: +is6issa' o0 5is Tort 2'ai6s EP'ainti( noted t5at t5e do2>et entries are no4 6issing) and t5e Co1rt 5as a'so i6;ro;er': %&5e'd t5at R1'e !! did not a;;': to tria' 2o1rts. See)1ne %#! Ora' Arg16ent ETR.!"N, "%)?As P'ainti( 5as noted on ;rior o22asion 5e 4or>ed 0or Constit1tiona' S25o'ar Ed4ard .. ETed) Mearns ERIP) so 5e a'read: >ne4 t5at ;1r;orted': ;rivate ;arties 2o1'd be 0o1nd 'iab'e 1nder I% *.S.C. \?&$ so 5e is not 2ertain as to 5o4 t5e Co1rt 2o1'd over'oo> t5is 2r12ia' 0a2t o0 .a4.91rt5er, 2onsider t5e .earned Treatise o0 Pro0essor o0 .a4 )a2> M. -eer6an and Ri25ard .. God0re: 9a21't: Resear25 S25o'ar, -oston *niversit: S25oo' o0 .a4 in T75: do P'ainti(s S1e Private Parties *nder Se2tion \?&$ CardoQo .a4 Revie4 3. %N E#/?/%##!).CONC.*SION@ PROSPECTS 9OR S*CCESS IN SECTION ?&$ .ITIGATION AGAINST PRI3ATE +E9EN+ANTS T5e vo'16e o0 se2tion ?&$ 'itigation against ;rivate de0endants is s1bstantia' eno1g5 0or t5ere to 5ave been signiG2ant do2trina' deve'o;6ents in t5e area, 'arge': 2on2erning state a2tion and i661nities 0or ;rivate de0endants. Are t5e ;ros;e2ts 0or s122ess in s125 'itigation great eno1g5 to F1sti0: t5e vo'16e o0 'itigationP In genera', ;'ainti(s s5o1'd be 'ess 'i>e': to ;revai' in se2tion ?&$ 2ases against ;rivate de0endants t5an in 2ases against state oH2ia's be2a1se o0 t5e additiona' ;ossibi'it: o0 'osing d1e to a Gnding o0 no state a2tion or no a2tion 1nder 2o'or o0 'a4. In ;rivate entit: 2ases t5at do get ;ast t5e state a2tion/1nder 2o'or o0 'a4 51rd'e, t5e ;'ainti(8s ;ros;e2ts 0or s122ess s5o1'd 6irror 5is or 5er ;ros;e2ts in state oH2ia''itigation 1n'ess ot5er iss1es t1rn 1;A ;rivate a2tor 6a: a'so a2t 1nder 2o'or o0 state 'a4 1nder 2ertain 2ir216stan2es.9or eKa6;'e, it 5as been 5e'd t5at a ;5:si2ian 45o 2ontra2ts 4it5 t5e state to ;rovide 6edi2a' 2are to in6ates a2ts 1nder t5e 2o'or o0 state 'a4.See 7est v. At>ins, I&A *.S. I% E?&&)@Here is anot5er eKa6;'e, in W&att v. )ole !#I *.S. !& E??%)@I661nit: 0or ;rivate de0endants 4as not so Gr6': rooted in t5e 2o66on 'a4 and 4as not s1;;orted b: s125 strong ;o'i2: reasons as to 2reate an in0eren2e t5at Congress 6eant to in2or;orate it into \ ?&$. See, e. -., =wen v. )it& of *ndependence, II! *. S. N%%, N$A. Even i0 t5ere 4ere s1H2ient 2o66on 'a4 s1;;ort to 2on2'1de t5at ;rivate de0endants s5o1'd be entit'ed to a good 0ait5 and/or ;robab'e 2a1se de0ense to s1its 0or 1nF1stiGed 5ar6 arising o1t o0 t5e 6is1se o0 ? See 9n, s+pra.%?govern6enta' ;ro2esses, t5at 4o1'd sti'' not entit'e res;ondents to 45at t5e: obtained in t5e 2o1rts be'o4@ t5e t:;e o0 obFe2tive': deter6ined, i66ediate': a;;ea'ab'e, M1a'iGed i%%+nit& 0ro6 s1it a22orded govern6ent oH2ia's 1nder, e. -., 5arlow v. >it(-erald, I!A *.S. #, and Mitchell v. >ors&th, IA% *. S. !. 3II.T5e Cons;ira2: C'ai6s S1rvive +is6issa' as 4e''.9irst o0 a'', t5e +e0endants are a'' being s1ed individ1a'': and Paradee does not te25ni2a'': 4or> 0or Kent Co1nt: so 2ons;ira2: 2'ai6s s1rvive at t5is ;oint. Se2ond, t5e Cons;ira2: 2'ai6s 4ere 6irrored 0ro6 Po%&'cac( and P'ainti( >no4s t5e6 to be 2o66on in Pra2ti2e on 5is o4n a22ord. At 'east Po%&'ac( got 5er Motion to Co6;e' granted so s5e 2o1'd dis2over 45at t5e ;o'i2ies and s125 4ere,as o;;osed to P'ainti( in t5is 2ase. 3III. Con2'1sion.T5ere is a 45o'e Ne4 7or'd be:ond +e'a4are, 45et5er )1dge ,o1ng and t5e +e0endants a;;re2iate it or not. And it is P'ainti(8s )ob to eK;ose it, 45i25 5e 4i'' be doing 4it5 a'a2rit: in t5e 2o6ing da:s, 6ont5s and :ears. And in S16, T5o6as Paine is sti'' ro''ing in 5is grave, abated ever so s'ig5t': 4it5 t5e ;ro6ise t5at P'ainti( 4i'' stir so6e Co66on Sense into t5e +e'a4are7a:.## So6e45ere in eit5er t5eir Me6orand16 in O;;osition to R1'e !? Re'ie0 or in t5eir Motion 0or )1dg6ent on t5e P'eadings t5e +e0endants state a4a: no4, so 4e are 5eaded to SCOT*S 45i'e P'ainti( 2o66en2es 2'assroo6 dis21ssions abo1t t5is 2ase in Seatt'e and be:ond.$#Res;e2t01'': S1b6itted,PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPCHRISTOPHER KING! J.D.>ing2ast?!!mi2'o1d.2o66ortgage6ovies##Amg6ai'.2o65tt;@//a(ordab'evideode;o.2o65tt;@//6ortgage6ovies.b'ogs;ot.2o6NA.!I$.&!6%#N.%??.?$$$0$CERTI9ICATE O9 SER3ICEI, t5e 1ndersigned, s4ear t5at a tr1e and a221rate Co1rtes: 2o;: o0t5is do216ent 4as sent via e6ai' and via Tra2>ed *.S. Mai' to@)ose;5 S2ott S5annon, EsM.Art C. Arni''a, EsM.%%# Nort5 Mar>et Street!t5 9'oorP.O. -oK &&&&7i'6ington, +E ?&??"&&&&and to@)o5n A. E'Q10on, EsM.Peter M2Givne:, EsM.$## +e'a4are Aven1e,S1ite A##P.O. -oK N$# 7i'6ington, +E ?&??T5is %t5 +a: o0 A1g1st, %#!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^CHRISTOPHER KING, ).+.$%APPENDIL A$$$IA$!$N$AAPPENDIL Khttp,--***.+o%t%)e.'o/-*$t'h0(1&23tS4W5R'65tt;s@//444.:o1t1be.2o6/4at25Pv[F.S#N^5H"22Here one o0 5er 2onstit1ents said t5at A:otte