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Big Pond kids website

Objectives:Turn Big Ponds kids website from a very dull and uninspiring site to be more visual and appealing to kids with engaging content from video downloads to ‘wicked’ interactivity.

Idea:Children have an amazing imagination let’s create a ‘kids world’ where their imagination can run wild.

Results :Increased interaction by an extra 5 minutes on the site, video views increased and at launch had over 100,000 hits, repeat visits have increased tenfold. Even big kid’s loved this site especially the Marketing Director from Big Pond.

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Big Pond kids website

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ANZ Saver Campaign

Objectives:• Acquire Online savings customers• Expand base for cross-sell• Source cheap loan funding

Strategy:• Target mature, affluent savers who

were already users of the internet• Use online and direct channels• Create an attention-grabbing,

resonant theme for the demographic

• Back it with a substantial proposition

• Measure and track conversion

Incredible Results:• Within 4 weeks of launch over 1,600 new accounts were opened, generating nearly $100M in deposits

• Has since attracted $2B in deposits• Completely outperformed direct

mail, with 500% more funds under deposit.

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Ciba Vision Facebook application

Objectives:Create a fully Facebook integrated campaign. Which targets 16-19 year old girls about using contact lenses based around the Global campaign thought that wearing Ciba Vision Dailies you can: ‘Say it with your eyes’.

Idea:The idea is based around the thought that girl’s love to gossip so by using their friends facebook pictures they can carry on that gossip by suggesting what they think their friends eyes are saying. Over time the user could build up their own friends mosaic eye and share. So far we have over 1000 ‘sexy’ eyes and 3000 ‘cool’ eyes.

Results : This campaign has just launched but all the signs are the audience are still gossiping and sharing with their friends, and the campaign hasn’t tired just yet.

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Ciba Vision Facebook integration

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Blackmores – Sydney Running Festival 09

Objectives:For everyday Australians to associate Blackmores with fitness and wellbeing and no matter who you are Blackmores will support you in the build up, during and after the event.

Idea:You’ll be amazed at what you can do with the right support from Blackmores and the community.

Results:First in Aus a runner live Tweeting the race.32,000 runners.80,000+ unique hits.450 Twitter followers.1200 Facebook friends.40,000 views of crossing the line webcast.10,000 online training programs created.10 Flash mob training runs.

Awards:ADMA – Bronze Best Effectiveness Campaign.AIMIA – Finalist Sports Website.

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Blackmores – Connecting with the community

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Morphy Richards new product launch

Objectives:Raise brand awareness for Morphy Richards in Australia, by introducing the market to the new Illuma Kettle & Toaster range.

Idea: The campaign introduces the products which also plays to people’s fascination with celebrities. In your dreams which of your favourite celeb in Australia would you most like to have tea and toast with? So far Hugh Jackman is neck and neck with The Wiggles.

Results:So far:11,724 visits.4,581 fans on facebook.108 comments.101 'likes‘.1,794 entries.1,687 emails to friends.933 unique guest suggestions.

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Morphy Richards new product launch

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Australia Sports Commission – Viral

Objectives:Bring attention to young Australian’s that the Australia Sports Commission have training programs and a support centre they can visit they also wanted to highlight their online assessment tool and get take up and hopefully uncover Australia’s next Olympic champion.

Idea:Play to the rivalry between Australia and England by sending a personalised message of ‘support’. We used a cocky Pom that poked fun at these young Australia’s and suggested in his most charming way they ‘aven’t got what it takes to win gold at the London 2012 Olympics.

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Australia Sports Commission – Viral

Results:The results was staggering in 8 days the viral generated over $4 million dollars of prime time media coverage here and abroad appearing on all the TV breakfast shows from Channel 10 to Sky Sports.

It appeared on the BBC in the UK, and had major coverage in all national newspapers from the SMH to The Telegraph, and from the UK featured in The Times, The Mirror and The Sun.

The ASC site had over 400,000 hits within 3 days (This doesn’t include any uploads on various YouTube sites which generated another 30,000 hits. It featured on 50 different blogs, sports discussion boards and even had MP’s here and in the UK discussing the viral.

First Gold for Aussie Aussie Aussie .

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VW– Viral

Objectives: Showcase that the VW Golf is small car that’s reliable around town and still punch above its weight.

Idea: When a breakdown truck breaks down you can rely on a VW Golf to come to its rescue.

Results:Cinema ad that went viral across the internet; were people asked did the VW Golf really tow the breakdown truck? Appeared on YouTube, car websites, featured on Top Gear UK, and appeared and discussed thousands of times on blogs and forums on the web, not bad for an ad that cost 500 pounds.

Awards: DA&D 97 Best Demo and Best ad under 5k also appeared as the No:1 Viral in the viral charts for two weeks running.

Involvement:Creative direction, concept creation and art direction. Kevin Ferry.

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Blackmores Main website redesign

Objectives: Build a website that will become Australia’s No 1 health and wellbeing community.

Idea: The traditional ‘one-size-fits-all’ website was been replaced one that is personalised to each member. We’ve achieved this using dynamic personalisation technology, i.e. we build a profile of each member based on the preferences they enter and by tracking their interactions on the site. This ensures that, although the interests of our members may change, we will still be offering them relevant content.

Results:Since launch 2,184 editable wellbeing goals an average of 32 goals a dayOur two women-focused Communities (Women and Pregnancy/Preconception) alone have attracted 10,552 active members in just eight weeks (with no formal media spend) with each Community organically gaining an average of 70 daily posts since launch, with our Fitness and Energy group being the most popular with 83 posts

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Blackmores Main website redesign

Results Continued:One Community group is just under 3,000 with an average of four discussions taking place a day. Content is also showing with a total of 1,004 pieces of content from the site being rated by our Community members. The length of stay on the website has increased by 35% to an average time of 3 minutes 18 seconds and people are spending 20 seconds less time searching for content. The indications are people are getting relevant content straight away and spending more time reading and interacting by posting comments and ratings. From just April to May this year Blackmores’ product page views have notched up a massive 20,221 eyeballs with 196,364 new visitors.

Awards: ADMA Finalist 10Global Sitecore Award Best Website 10IAB Runner Up July 10

Involvement:Creative direction, concept creation and art direction. Kevin Ferry.

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Hitachi –IT tales

Objectives: Engage with a conservative market of IT Managers within SME businesses

Idea:I undertook a brand awareness campaign with a viral twist based on the core insight: “Every IT Manager has a Horror Story”. “Share your Horror Story” section (User Generated Content) and Whitepaper Downloads.

ResultsThe target outcome for this program was to have in excess of 2,000 unique visitors to the site generating 50 leads that would result in $300,000 incremental revenue and $120,000 incremental Gross Margin. The campaign has generated over 5,000 unique visitors, $587,000 in incremental revenue and $233,000 in gross margin. This represented an 86% return on investment.

Involvement:Creative direction, concept creation and art direction. Kevin Ferry.

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Hitachi –IT tales

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Zoos Victoria website

Objectives: Educate the general public on the great work zoos do in supporting endangered species – show your support visit our zoos

Idea:After visiting the zoos I found all the sites had a very open and natural feel about them, it was the nearest an animal could get to living in the wild. I wanted that same experience to have the same feel as their website so I proposed to the client we will design a website without boxes.

Results:• Increased usability &

engagement• Converted browsers to customers:

• 25% more sales, 40% lift in traffic • Built a membership database• Promo showcases and online purchasing

Involvement:Creative direction, concept creation and art direction. Kevin Ferry.

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