Download - Kettle Ball Workout


8/3/2019 Kettle Ball Workout 1/2

iI you’ve eyed the cast-iron kettlebells at yourgym and couldn’t imagine a use or them beyonddoorstop, keep reading. Researchers ound thatpeople who did a 20-minute kettlebell workouttorched almost 300 calories—and that’s just orstarters. When you actor in the muscle-sculptingimpact (the calories burned after you exercise asyour body repairs its muscle fbers), the totalexpenditure could increase by up to 50 percent.

Kettlebells also make traditional dumbbellmoves more challenging. Their weight isn’t evenlydistributed, so your stabilizer muscles have towork harder. Add defnition to your shoulders and back; tone your butt, core, and arms; and shed a ew dress sizes with this circuit rom SeanArmstead, owner o Phenomenal Fitness inChicago.

ThE WorkouTStrtng wth the rst move, omlete eh exerse bk-

to-bk wthout restng. Rest or one to two mnutes, then

reet or totl o two or three ruts. Follow ths routne

two or three dys week, usng 10- to 15-ound kettlebell.

Bent Row

Tke the kettlebell n your

rght hnd, squt slghtly,

nd bend orwrd rom

the hs untl your torso

s lmost rllel wth the

foor. Let the kettlebell

hng t rm’s length (a).

Kee your torso stll s

you ull the kettlebell to

the sde o your hest,

elbow lose to your sde

(b). Lower bk to strt.

Tht’s one re. Do 10 to

12, then reet on the

other sde.

DeaD Lift

Stnd wth your eet

h-wdth rt, the

kettlebell on the foor

between your eet.

Squt down nd grb

the hndle wth both

hnds, keeng your bk

ft (a). Bre your bs,

squeeze your glutes, nd

slowly ush down nto

your heels s you stnd

u, keeng your rms

extended (b). Tht’s one

re; do 10 to 12.

aRounD-the-BoDy Pass

Hold the kettlebell wth both

hnds n ront o your torso nd

stnd wth your eet h-wdth

rt (a). Relese the kettlebell

nto your rght hnd nd move

both rms behnd your bk (b).

Grb the bell wth your let hnd

nd brng t bk to the ront

(omletng ull rle round

your body). Tht’s one re. Do 10,

then swth dretons nd reet

wthout stong to rest.







You cansub in akettlebell  for almost any movethat calls for adumbbell.

all-in-onE fiTnEssWt te 20-p Wee ajtbe kettebe ($99, etpwebe.m), et b wet e. it me wt e-p e jtbe 2.5-p pte, t be etet ee eet wet— e mpt be.

quick TiPKeep your core engagedand avoid moving your hipsthroughout the entire move.

 Saved bythe Bell

Eight kettlebell moves to revyour metabolism and shape

your whole body—fast! 

 By Jen Ator /  P h O t O g r A P h s b y c h r i s s h i P m A n

   S   T   y   L   i   n

   G   :   T   H   e   a    p

   a   L   a   D ,   H   a   i   R    a

   n   D    m

   a   K   e   u   p   :   m   i   c   H   i   K   o    B

   o   o   R   B   e   R   G

1 w o m e n ’ s h e a l t h / whmg.c

8/3/2019 Kettle Ball Workout 2/2


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Q& AQ& A

haLf Get-uP

Le eu on the foor, legs strght, holdng the kettlebell n your

rght hnd strght bove your shoulder (a). Bend your let knee,

le your oot on the foor, nd ro yoursel u on your let rm.

Kee the weght dretly n lne wth your shoulder nd st u untl

your bk s strght (b). Reverse the movement to return to strt.

Tht’s one re. Do ve, then reet on the other sde.


Grb kettlebell wth bothhnds nd stnd wth your

eet wder thn h-wdth

rt. Squt down untl your

thghs re nerly rllel

to the foor. immedtely

stnd nd swng the

kettlebell u to shoulder

heght (a). as the kettlebell

begns to r bk down,

bend your knees nd squt,

swngng the kettlebell

between your legs (b).

Tht’s one re. Do 15 to 20.

fRont squat

Stnd wth your eet h-wdth

rt nd hold the kettlebell

wth both hnds n ront

o your hest, elbows bent

nd lose to your body (a).

Keeng your bk strght nd

hest u, ush your hs bk

nd bend your knees untl they

orm 90-degree ngles (b).

press down nto your heels nd

return to stndng. Tht’s one

re. Do 10 to 15.

Work iTouT

• rachEl cosgrovE, The Female

Body Breakthrough

How long should I restbetween sets?

As a general rule, the heavierthe weight you lit, the morerest you’ll need. That ’s becauseyour muscles tire out asterand your body needs moretime to recover to maintainintensity during the sets. But

you can (and should!) shortenyour rest during high-repexercises. Here are some restguidelines to ollow: 90 to 120seconds or six to eight reps; 60to 90 seconds or 10 to 12 reps;and 30 to 60 seconds or 15 to 20reps. I you’re new to the gym orcoming back ater a signicanthiatus, lean toward the higherend o the rest range. In greatshape? Keep your breaks short.

 What’s the best move ormelting my mufn top?

The dreaded “mun top” ismade up o at, so you can’tex it away. Instead, ocus onull-body exercises that burnmore calories and get yourmetabolism revving long-term.One o the most efective is thelunge with single-arm press.Hold a dumbbell at your rightshoulder and stand with yourlet oot three eet in ront o your right. Lower into a lunge.As you stand, press the weightoverhead. Lower it back to yourshoulder and repeat. Do 10 to12, then repeat on the otherside. Holding a weight on oneside while doing a lower-bodymove makes your core workharder to stabili ze your body.The result: You’ll burn calories,rev your metabolism, and meltaway that mun top!

Q& A

quick TiPPractice withoutthe weight untilyou nail the orm.

quick TiPThe movementshould be slowand controlledbut fuid.





a b


quick TiPKeep yourknees over

(not in ronto) your toesat the bottomposition othe squat.

quick TiPI you have any backproblems, do this movewithout using a weight.

fiGuRe 8

Stnd wth your eet wder thn

h-wdth rt, knees bent nto

qurter-squt oston, bk

strght, nd hest u. Hold the

kettlebell behnd your let leg

wth one rm on eh sde oyour leg (a). Grb the bell wth

your let hnd nd swng t n

ront o your let leg, between

your legs, nd behnd your rght

leg (b). Grb t wth your rght

hnd nd swng t n ront o your

rght leg, between your legs,

then behnd your let leg. Tht’s

one re. contnue or 10 res.


Stnd wth your eet wder thn h-wdth rt, weght

n your let hnd. Rse t next to your let shoulder, then

ress t overhed (a). Rotte your hest to the let nd

look u t the kettlebell s you try to touh your rght

hnd to your rght oot (b). puse, then return to strt,

keeng your let rm extended. Do ve to 10 res beore

lowerng the weght, then reet on the other sde.

 Ask the Expert sEnd rachElyour fiTnEssquEsTions aT



  o  v  e  S  :  B  e  T  H   B  i  S  c  H  o  F  F ,  S  T  y  L  i  n  G  :  T  H  e  a   p  a  L  a  D ,  H  a  i  R  :  m  i  c  H  i  K  o 

   B   o   o   R   B

   e   R   G ,   m

   a   K   e   u   p   :   c   o   L   L   e   e   n    R

   u   n   n   e ,   n   i   K   e

   B   R   a ,   B   e   y   o   n   D    y

   o   G   a 

   c   a   p   R   i   S

 ,   L   i   j   a    B


   L   i   n   D   a    H

   i   p   p

   S   H   o   R   T   S

   (   i   n   S   e   T   ) ,   p   u   m   a    S

   n   e   a   K   e   R   S

2 w o m e n ’ s h e a l t h / whmg.c