Download - Kendo Kata tutorial - Develop the 3D Animation Synthesiser


Hidetoshi Ochi

Registration number 100029968


Kendo Kata tutorial - Develop the 3DAnimation Synthesiser

Supervised by Dr Rudy Lapeer

University of East Anglia

Faculty of Science

School of Computing Sciences


In modern 3D computer graphics applications, skeletal character animation techniques

have been demanded to improve its reality particularity in the field of game and film

industries. However, those applications can be seen in more various field for instance

in educational and medical scenes. Although the techniques are spreading to more and

more area, the requirement for those applications have not changed: character animation

should be realistic and produce natural appearance in both graphical and dynamical. To

represent such a realistic animation, motion capture can be the way to obtain continuous

animations. However, employing those techniques could be challenge to understand and

apply to the applications. Therefore, this project main aim is producing a application

which join several form of animations to produce a set of sequence by employing some

theories for transition, also allows users to be interactive to the software. Particularly

the project focus on the martial art tutorial.


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my supervisor Dr Rudy Lapeer

who gave me such a great opportunity to do this project as well as Zelimkhan Gerikhanov

who helped me in doing a lot of research and gave me so many new theories, I am really

thankful to them. The project experience was the most attractive in my whole academic




1 Introduction 7

1.1 Aims and Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.2 Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2 Background 9

2.1 Model-View-Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.2 Kendo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.3 Theory reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.3.1 Character animation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.3.2 Quaternions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.3.3 Interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.3.4 Skeletal animation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.3.5 MD5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.4 Related works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.4.1 Parametrising Blends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.4.2 Motion Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.4.3 Footprint-driven animation authoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3 Implementation 19

3.1 Motion production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.1.1 EVaRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.1.2 Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.1.3 MotionBuilder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.1.4 Export MD5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.2 Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.2.1 Frameworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.2.2 GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.2.3 Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

4 Outcome and evaluation 38

4.1 Limitation and Improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

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5 Conclusion 42

References 43

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List of Figures

1 SLEARP and LERP in 2D representaion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2 Square Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3 Wand Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

4 Model Edit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

5 Skeleton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

6 Paint weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

7 Aligned actor and T pose motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

8 Characterise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

9 Mismatching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

10 Modify animation by control Rig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

11 Eliminating forward and backward movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

12 Vertices confusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

13 Youtube user interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

14 User Interface Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

15 Time-line structer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

16 Sliding problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

17 UML class diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

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List of Tables

1 User Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

2 Assigned keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

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1 Introduction

The main aim of the project is creating a tutorial like the professionals level, by syn-

thesising variations of animations to produce educational martial arts tutorial software.

Particularly, it should allow a user to choose a point of view: since there are many sim-

ilar tutorials on the Internet as a form of video, and generally they are of course much

realistic than 3D animations, however, the difference might be controllability for users.

For instance viewer might be able to learn the basics of some of the motion through the

tutorial video by playing round seekbar, however viewers are not able to observe the

tutorial from the different point of view: the camera is static and it is not dynamically

controllable. The viewers might be able to ask video producers to film some specific

motions to investigate more detail to master the motions. However, it is more possible

to be time consuming and costly.

Therefore, producing a software using computer graphics could solve the those issues.

Synthesising the animations refers that subdivided short period of motions form some

sequence should be able to set in any order to re-construct the sequence. Moreover, since

the scene is represented using computer graphics the users are able to edit the angle of

the camera for instance from the top of the character which is difficult to achieve in

real world. However, synthesising exclusive motions without coherence could be huge

objection to achieve, in terms of keeping the realistic and improving seamlessness.

The project covers several areas. The task of synthesiser development involved pro-

gramming and software development techniques. Yet some stages require several dis-

tinct applications, such as Autodesk 3DS Max and Autodesk MotionBuilder in mod-

eling 3D models and motions. Moreover capturing, editing and managing animations

involved working in motion capture laboratory; EVaRT, which handles animation pro-

duction, was mainly used in there. The practice of the project can help to obtain the

knowledge regarding not only software development, but also practical animation pro-

duction. This experience could be used in several fields, for instance game, film or any

other entertainment industry, education and communication. Particularly educational,

since the project involves traditional martial arts, it could help to diffuse certain anima-

tions to the world and to reserve techniques, which might be in danger of extinction, as

a digital format for the future.

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1.1 Aims and Objective

The main aim is as mentioned above: creating a synthesising application to synthesis

multiple motions in realistically and seamlessly with user’s controllability. Therefore,

objectives will be:


• Create a sequence of motions from the exclusive motions.

• A user must able to control camera or choose a position.


• The transition of different animations should be seamless and realistic.

• A user should be able to construct his own set of motion by adding motions to


• A time-line should be able to control to observe specific keyframe.


• A user could obtain the detail of the motion for learning uses.


• Real-time capturing will not be supported due to lack of time of development.

1.2 Structure

This report contains several section to discover how the project have implemented. In

the Background section will state the capturing target, some of the relevant literature,

and related projects. Theory reviews are mostly related to a character animations for in-

stance the skeletal animation basis and quaternions for storing rotation. Related projects

are focused on existing animation synthesise projects. Then next section will express

how this project has implemented from the two aspects: producing animations and pro-

gramming the application. Following section is going to evaluate the application if the

desired result has arisen and suggest some improvement for further research.

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2 Background

This section will cover fundamental principles of the project. For instance the program

design concept, the capturing target, several theories which will be involved in Imple-

mentation section and also given research of related projects especially synthesising


2.1 Model-View-Controller

A concept of Model-View-Controller(MVC) has introduced by Reenskaug (1979). The

MVC paradigm assigns objects in the software one of three roles: model, view, con-


• Model represents data or even activity. In this project model refers to the data of

3D character models, animations and its constructing OpenGL code. The model

does not depend on the controller or the view.

• View visualises the state of the model and sends user action to the controller.

• Controller offers facilities to change the state of the model. For instance, con-

troller provides tools to trigger appropriate change to the model and make the

view to display the updated state based on the user input

This concept can reduce unnecessary dependences, thus the codes will be less errors

and easier to maintain; the model is encapsulated so that is to say model classes have

become reusable without modification. Therefore we are going to borrow the concept

of MVC to increase the flexibility of the application.

2.2 Kendo

Kendo is a Japanese martial art which trains the mind and body and cultivates one’s

character through one-to-one combat using a bamboo sword while wearing traditional

clothing and protective equipment. In addition to that, kendo have some several se-

quences or forms of movement, which is known as Kata. Many martial arts have its

kata. As Miller (2011) statement from his book, Drills:

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Fighting is inherently conservative and this shows in martial arts. Fighting

is dangerous. People get hurt and killed. For everything that might work

there are a hundred things that seem like a good idea that can lead to a

messy death. We have kata and tradition NOT because people are stuck in

tradition but because when people consistently survived it was considered

imperative to remember how to model it.

Therefore, remembering kata could be one of the really important factor of learning

Kendo kata includes Uchitachi, who attacks first as a pupil, and Shitachi, who counter-

attacks as a teacher. Yet the main purposes of the kata is discussed above, there is one

more important factor which is the kendo kata is used to pass the kendo dan (rank) exam.

Hakudo (2013) claims that the techniques of simply flight is widely spread, however,

the importance of kata and its techniques seems underestimated. Therefore, the project

could help to learn kata and it might improve understanding of hidden aspect of the

martial art to learners.

2.3 Theory reviews

2.3.1 Character animation

According to B.J.H. van Basten (2010), generation human animation can be classified

into three classes and each having its own advantages and disadvantages. The first ap-

proaches is procedural; which create its movement from scratch by using algorithms

based on empirical and biomechanical concepts. The one of pros of the technique is

really useful for controllability. However, this type of animations are generally not

perceived as realistic. Second technique is physics-based; generate locomotion using

dynamics and physical properties of the body. This type of animations tend to more

realistic by applying realistic torques on the joints, yet it provides less control than pre-

vious techniques and it could be computationally expensive. Last but not least class

is example-based approaches; reuse existing motions to generate a clip of movement.

Moreover, B.J.H. van Basten (2010) mentioned that the example-based can be subdi-

vided into two main approaches: motion concatenation and motion parametrization.

The former stitch clips of motions together to generate and usually it yields more natu-

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ral animation. On the other hand, motion parametrization approach interpolate between

existing motions to generate motions corresponding to specific parameters and it offers

higher level of control than another.

2.3.2 Quaternions

Quaternions compose a set of four numbers that are used to represent rotation. There

are two components in each quaternions: first part is a vector component which consists

of three values x, y and z, and a scaler value which is usually represented as w. The

scaler value represent the angle of rotation in the form cos(angle/2).

There are several reasons that quaternions should be used in the project to rotate


1. Quaternions are not susceptible to gimbal lock, a phenomenon in which an object

loses the ability to rotate on one of its three axis. Gimbal lock shows its face when

tow axes point in the same direction. This causes all sorts of problems.

2. They have the ability to have smooth, interpolated rotation. It is much easier to

interpolate rotations using quaternions rather than matrices, resulting in smoother


3. They take less room than a rotation matrix, and some operations are cheaper to

perform on quaternions in terms of processor cycles.

Pipho (2003) mentions quaternions can be treated simply as four-dimentional vectors

for the purpose of addition, subtraction, and scaler multiplication.

q =[4 3 2 1

]p =

[9 8 7 6

]q+ p =

[13 11 9 7

]3q =

[12 9 6 1

]Importantly, the quaternion does not represent a rotation quaternion, unless it is a unit

quaternion; it is the same as a unit vector. The unit quaternion has a magnitude of the

vector, and unless it has a magnitude of one it does not represent a rotation.

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Multiplying two quaternions together has the same output as multiplying correspond-

ing rotation matrices, however it is computationally less. The multiplication for quater-

nion is shown in below. (· refers to the dot product, × refers to the cross product)

p = [m,u] q = [n,v]

qp = [mn− v ·u,nu+mx+(v×u)]

Moreover, quaternions can ve rotate vectors or other quaternions. The formula below

can be used for both rotating quaternions and rotation vectors by other quaternions. (p

can be a quaternion or a vector)

p′ = q(p)(∼ q)

Although discussed above, quaternions can be used for representing a rotation, how-

ever, it is not always feasible to specify a quaternion directly. Therefore, quaternions

should be converted to rotation matrices or a set of Euler angles in terms of calculating

rotation with quaternion from the programmers point of view. Thus, quaternions have

mainly used in the project to representing rotation of 3D character.

2.3.3 Interpolation

As we discussed about quaternions above, it might be time to talk about interpolation.

Interpolation is very important when working with 3D models. For instance, there if

some projects contains some enemies who patrol and area, back and forth. The enemies

patrol along to the path, which is given from a start point to an end point and the time it

should take for the enemy to get from one to the other. Since only the start and end points

have been specified, the positions of the enemy at any given time might not be found

easily. Using interpolation, the position could calculate where the enemies should be, no

matter how much time has elapsed since they stared patrolling. Interpolation means that

estimation of an unknown quantity between two known quantities: the start point and

the end point. This can help produce smooth animation since it can produce an unlimited

number of midpoints, allowing the moves between point to be very small value and it

should be imperceptible to users. There are two main types of quaternion interpolation:

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linear interpolation (LEAP) which interpolates in a straight line, and spherical linear

interpolation (SLEARP) which interpolates in an arc on the other hand. Main difference

between two interpolations is SLERPed animation will stay at a constant speed however;

LEARPed animation will tend to speed up in the middle and slow down the ends and

starts. Moreover, SLERP generally generates a smoother animation. The figure[1]shows

a 2D represntation of what SLERP and LEARP do.

SLEARP interpolates along the arc of the circle, however LEARP goes straight line

from a start point to an end point.

Figure 1: SLEARP and LERP in 2D representaion

LEARP interpolates along a straight line, whereas SLEARP interpolates along arc of

the circle form a start point to an end point. The equation for linear interpolation of

quaternions can be written as:

LEARP(q, p, t) = t(p−q)+q

where q and p represents quaternions and using an interpolation vale of t which would

be between zero and one. On the other hand spherical linear interpolation takes shortest

route from start point to the end point. The formula for SLEARP is shown below.

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SLEARP(q, p, t) =q∗ sin(θ(1− t))+ p∗ sin(θ t)


2.3.4 Skeletal animation

As Pipho (2003) mentioned that in almost any new modern 3D game engines use skele-

tal animation system. According to Pipho (2003), one of the first popular games, which

used skeletal animation, was Half-Life. Skeletal animation is the use of ’bones’ to ani-

mate a model rather than editing and moving each vertex or face manually. Each vertex

is attached to a bone or in some cases multiple bones, A bone or joint is simply a control

point for a group of vertices. These are similar in concept to joints in our own bodies,

such as knee or wrist joint. When you move up right wrist, the position of right elbow

also moves: when the bone moves, every vertex attached to it moves as well, This helps

the model movement appropriately, since movement from some part of body affects

other parts of the body as mentioned above. Skeletal animation has many advantages

over the traditional vertex animation as Pipho (2003) mentioned. Firstly, it can increase

realism: skeletally animated characters tend to move much more realistically and often

appear to interact better with their surroundings than traditional models. If traditional

key-frame animation is used, the game will linearly interpolate between two poses, that

is to say however, in this case the joints do not actually rotate which can be problem

because living organism move in rotational ways. Secondly, skeletal animation take up

less storage space; rather than storing a set of vertices for each frame, all that needs to

be stored is the translation and rotation of the bones. On the other hand, there is dis-

advantages such as, the concept of skeletal animation can be harder to understand and

implement, than keyframed animation. When skeletal animation is applied, the vertices

of meshes from 3D character needs to be attached to the hierarchical bones with calcu-

lated weight. The weight represents how many vertices for the bone and how do they

affect their position and orientation by another bones movement. The skinning detail

will be discussed in the implementation section.

Pejsa and Pandzic (2010) have summarised when the skeletal animation is used, the

skeleton are hierarchically constructed with bones and joints. Joins stores transforma-

tion and the parameters which constructed with a 3D vector for the position and Euler

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angles or quaternion to represent the rotation of the joint.

2.3.5 MD5

As the importance of quaternions has discussed above, it might be time to talk about 3D

model format for the project. We have used MD5 model format which comes from first

person shooter game known as Doom 3 (2004). The format stores the mesh data and an-

imation data individually in separated files, and they are human readable as ASCII files.

David (2005) mentions that model’s geometric data are stored in *.md5mesh files and

animations are stored in *.md5anim files. The key features of the format are it supports

skeletal animation and orientation are calculated by quaternions. The .md5mesh files

stores geometric data of the 3D character. It should support one or multiple meshes and

.md5anim store information about skeletal animation of MD5 models David (2005).

David (2005) has produced a MD5 viewer application which handle both MD5 mesh

and its animations and the project can be download from his website as it is MIT licensed

and presented for educational uses. His framework contains over five classes which

represents MD5 model and the detail of classes are:

• Md5Object

It stores all the Md5Model. This class covers all information of meshes and ani-

mations loaded.

• Md5Model

Each Md5Model has a list of Md5Mesh and a list of Md5Animations.

• Md5Mesh

Md5Mesh class stores geometric data of the meshes. Each mesh have its proper

data, such as a shader name, vertex weight, triangle and vertices.

• Md5Animations and Md5Skelton

Skeleton hierarchy for each joint for motion, a bounding box for each keyframe of

animation, and a list of frames data are stored in this class. It contains Md5Skeleton

object which represents the baseframe skeletal hierarchy data and these data will

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be computed by Md5Animations class to produce the appropriate positions and

orientation of skeleton for the keyframe by using the list of frames data.

The main disadvantage of the application is that does not support applying multiple

animations seamlessly. Therefore we decided implement time-line features to achieve

creating the sequence of kata which is going to be mentioned in later section.

2.4 Related works

2.4.1 Parametrising Blends

Parametrised blending of captured examples techniques have been pioneered by Charles Rose

and F.Cohen (1998), which are known as verbs and adverbs system. Rose and his group

proposed a fundamental that allows interpolate between similar motions of verb and ad-

verbs. For instance, the verbs motion contains run and jump and the adverbs contains

happy and sadly which affect the verb actions. The basic of actions were dynamically

stored in data structure for seamless transitioning; the transition was constructed by

applying a radial basis technique and scaling some of the animation frames in terms of

time. This work has assumed that the example motions have been identified and cropped

from the original data set.

2.4.2 Motion Graph

Motion capture is a technique to seamlessly connect a motion in database using a tran-

sition. During the process, a graph structure will be produced which is called motion

graph. In the graph, edges correspond to motion clips and nodes represent as points that

connect to the clip. This technique is inspired by the video texture, which is used to

maintain the original motion sequences and pay back in non repetitive streams. Motion

capture is often used in real-time application and off-line sketch-cased motion synthesis

to produce character’s animation. One of the most influential work has been published

by Lucas Kovar (2002). In the paper, there are three research work that marked as the

original motion graph in the history of computer graphics. These three approached are

proposed by Arikan and Forsyth (2002) and Lee (2002). Those approaches share the

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same basic thought that is developed a graph from motion database and examine the

graph to generate a transition, although they have used different techniques in some

cases, such as generating transition, determining the distance metrics through the graph.

For instance Arikan and Forsyth (2002) mentioned using a hierarchy of motion graphs

for searching randomly of motions with required features; motion duration.

Motion graph technique divide motions into several groups by similarity of behaviour,

and then use the groups to create interpolation and smooth transition. Kwon and Shin

(2005) has implemented semi-automated motion graph system for locomotion. Treuille

and Z.Popovi (2007) employed simplified graph structure to create real-time animation,

they divide animation into short clips and arrange them into nodes in graph and blend

them to generate locomotion in real-time. They have borrowed a low dimensional basic

representation to guide the virtual character to the given goal. The goal is drawn a sketch

of a path, and acting our a desired motion in front of the video camera.

Pejsa and Pandzic (2010) have done further research of parametric motion, especially

focuses on the example-based animation synthesising. They introduce a solution for

continuous motions by searching the most similar motions to be blended. However, the

produced sequence of motion might have some artefacts and be unsuitable because of

searching appropriate animations in the motion graph is computationally expensive.

2.4.3 Footprint-driven animation authoring

3D characters constantly move through highly constrained virtual environment in mod-

ern games. Particularly if the character walks in indoor environment, there might be

tables and chair in narrow corridors, and the it is crucial that there are no collisions

between the character and walls or furniture. In such case, a path-based locomotion

locomotion is not sophisticated enough because if the character collied the objects, an-

other motions need to be taken such as sidestepping or backward. B.J.H. van Basten

(2010) claim synthesise locomotion based on the actual placement of footsteps in the

environment, and this sort of problem is known as stone stepping. The popular strat-

egy is that provide user to author the character behaviours.Shawn Singh and Faloutsos

(2011) have create the application which takes the Center-Of-Mass, which refers to the

unique point ere the weighted relative position of the distributed mass sums to zero, tra-

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jectory and footprints locations as input then it produces an efficient strategy to calculate

the minimised energy expenditure duration for each footsteps. B.J.H. van Basten (2010)

also look into the strategy that, they have used an efficient nearest neighbour approach

and warp the resulting animation; it adheres to both temporal constraints and spatial,

which are generated by employing time warping and Inverse Kinematics techniques.

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3 Implementation

This section will explain how the project has been implemented. First part expresses

how we have produced the MD5 models and second part shows how the project has

been designed and implemented.

3.1 Motion production

3.1.1 EVaRT

Eagle Star Optical Motion Capture system was the hardware made available to this

project to capture motions. To obtain the data, EVaRT soft ware was used in conjunction

with the hardware.

• Calibration

This session will provide an overview of how to calibrate the MoCap system

using the software called EVaRT. The software was used in conjunction with the

aforementioned hardware.

There were a number of issues and complications occurred during the process

which will be discussed in this section later. The system uses 2 phase of calibra-

tion. The first stage is to define the system co-ordinate mapping scale with using

square frame which contains four markers on it. While the square calibration is

operating, other than four makers, reflective objects must not appear in camera

coverage area. In addition to that, during the process, since the square frame

needed to be placed at a defined distance above ground level, the frame was sat

on the chair. However, as the picture below [2]shows the material of the char ap-

pears as reflective objects therefore, unexpectedly some of unknown markers had

appeared in some cameras.

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Square calibration, some cameras are capturing unexpected marker.

Figure 2: Square Calibration

Second stage of the calibration used T posed wand tool. Similar to the previous

sequence, wand had three markers at pre-set distance. The purpose for this stage

of calibration is to determine the capture volume area scale.

Wand calibration and its result.

Figure 3: Wand Calibration

The figure above [3] shows that after the wand sequence completes and the ok

button was clicked in the frame report box, the wand processing status box ap-

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pears. Ideally the calibration should have between +/-0.5 deviation values and the

average of 3D residuals should have been less than at least 0.35. Otherwise the

amount of post process would be increased terribly. A number of trials with dif-

ferent configurations and camera setting is critical for satisfactory results. Once

the calibration has done, actual capture stage will be followed. However, since

the camera settings are really sensitive in terms of oscillation, it was worth to cap-

ture without vehement movements: if the actor jumps and the camera and tripod

moves even slightly due to the oscillation, the calibration would break down.

• Capturing

Actor wears costume with a number of makers to capture its set of motions. Fol-

lowing 3D modelling conversations, the first capture must be that of a T pose since

the pose will be used to assign maker names in the model edit stage. In terms of

length of each motion should be less than 10 seconds otherwise the possibility of

losing some data could be hugely increased.

• Post processing

The large amount of time has spent on this stage. Although the satisfactory result

of the calibration helps to reduce the time to spend, some errors such as miss-

ing data, scattering data and ghost makers tend to be happened. To check if the

specific maker data has been preserved properly, we needed to go through from

the beginning to at the end of motion, or specified area which might be used for.

When the data has been perfectly captured, the XYZ graph shows smooth curves

or lines, however, there were likely a break in the data signal of the selected

marker. The break of the signal could be completely missed or confused by the

system during capturing. If the data of marker in the break was missed the maker

would be disappear from 3D view, yet if the data was just confused to other mak-

ers data, the maker would stay in the view. In such case, by selecting the other

maker that has replaced the marker previously in place, the graph data show a

section of track that should be in the track of the marker. To replace, the switched

data need to be selected and choose the markers then exchanged the selected range

of data. After the process, missing data should be back to the marker signal and

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then we need to join the broken signal either Linear join or Cubic join depending

on the situation. Edit tools panel provides copy and past functions which reduce

the amount of time to do the interchanging. Moreover, there were still some other

case: the data of the marker was scattered. If the marker’s data was fragmented,

the data was collected from several undefined markers to reconstruct the broken

part of the signal. One of the collected data was sometimes just a dot. Although

the amount of data was very little from with the dot, we could join the signal

because of the dot which located in the middle of the break relayed two signals.

• Model editing

Before exporting the MoCap data, the makers have to be named which can be

done by selecting a model edit panel in EVaRT. The names have been chosen ac-

cording to the body parts such as Elbow_R, refers to elbow right and Katana_Middle

refers to the middle marker of Katana (sword) as shown in picture below. Despite

the fact that the names can be anything, all the capture data should share the exact

same names and number of markers. Otherwise the markers will be confused and

will ruin the position of maker, because MotionBuilder automatically recognise

the assigned marker’s name, when T pause data has loaded and added as default

setting to a actor which is going to be discussed later in this report.

Two makers represent the sword as Katana_middle and Katana_Top. Since, al-

though several numbers have been used to trial such as between one to six marks,

after some trial, we have found that the movement of the sword can be represented

by at least two marks; they create a straight line between them and it store the ro-

tation of the sword. Adding names in the list first, then use quick-ID function to

assign the names by choosing appropriate maker. Another important feature of

model editing mode is linking, which represents connecting markers and they im-

prove visibility of assigning names. Then exporting the animation, which makers

have been named, as TRC format, Since it s ASCII text file and it is intelligible

by a human. While producing motions, we have realised that storing the data in

several stages reduce the actual work of capturing a lot. For instance in raw data;

before post processing, post processed data, and names are assigned data. When

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Twenty three names have been given as in right hand side. And Quick ID has se-

lected to assign the names to the certain marker.

Figure 4: Model Edit

some data has some problem which has arisen in after exporting the data which

names are assigned appropriately. However, some markers are not post processed

properly and although the signal looks fixed, the signal is mixed up and confused

with several markers. In such case, we needed to do the process from the begin-

ning, and we would have spent large amount of time to calibrate again and again

if the data has been overwritten after model edited.

3.1.2 Modelling

As the kendo kata need two character, we have planned to creates two 3D character to

represent each role for the sequence. Since the skeletal animation technique is used,

applying several 3D model refers to change the mesh of the character only; not altering

entire mesh and animation, as long as same conventional skeleton is used they can be

reused by several 3D characters.

• skeleton

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Since this project has employed skeletal animation, the 3D character need to have

a skeleton. The skeleton was one of the template skeleton from a software called

MotionBuilder. Since the template skeleton was used, we could able to charac-

terise the 3D model data easily. However, the skeleton does not contain hip joint

as default, therefore, an extra joint needs to be created to keep the convention.

The template skeleton from MotionBuilder which contains conventional names of


Figure 5: Skeleton

A OBJ file of model and the skeleton have different size and pose, the skeleton

needs to be aligned in terms of rotating joints and scaling to fitting into static OBJ

model character as closely as possible.

• Skinning Once the skeleton was aligned correctly to the static model the mesh

of the model need to be assigned to the skeleton which is known as skinning.

This could be done in the function of 3DS Max. Select the mesh which you

would like to perform and choose ’skins’ in the modifier panel, then the all the

bones of the skeleton needed to be chosen. When the initial skinning has done,

we should check the quality of the process; determine if the weight of bones and

Reg: 100029968 24


joins were correctly assigned or not. To check this, try to rotate each limbs, and if

the weight of the bone was wrong undesirable vertices of the mesh also affected.

For instance, when the right thigh bone was rotated to outside of the body based

on the hip joints, only the right leg of mesh should be affected, however, due to

the initial pose of the model stands upright with legs located closely, the other side

of the mesh also assigned to the right thigh bone and if the bone moves the mesh

also affected. Therefore, we had to modify the weight of each bones by painting

weight tool. The red dot on the vertex indicates strong dependency to the selected

bone, blue represents less dependency and the orange dot refers to blended. As

the picture shows the right thigh bone affects some of the vertexes of the mesh

around the left thigh which we do not desire.

Although the right thigh bone is rotated some of the vertexes of left thigh are influ-


Figure 6: Paint weights

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3.1.3 MotionBuilder

To export the captured data into Md5 format, they have to be applied to a 3DS Max

Skeleton and the MotionBuilder was used to connect the skeleton and the animations.

Motion builder’s features are mainly controlling over the animations and baking the

capture data into the skeleton. This session will discuss about processes.

• Activate Actor

First of all, maker data of motion needed to be imported into a new MotionBuilder

scene. Ideally the first data should perform standing in a T pose in terms of

mapping maker’s position to an actor. To create the actor drag an actor icon

from characters folder in the asset browser and drop it to main window. Then the

actor needed to be fitted to the maker cloud as closely as possible by scaling the

actor uniformly. Scale and rotate each of the actor limbs to match the performers

limbs using the makers as a guide. When aligning the arms, we did not lift their

shoulders slightly when their arms into a T pose, but rotate the collar segments

instead. After aligning the actor it is time to assign markers to the actor. Firstly

maker set needed to be created and then makers were dragged into the appropriate

actor’s body cells. The two makers for the sword were assigned in right hand.

Secondly, if all the makers were filled into the cells click active to activate the

mapping. If the alignment was not sufficient the actor will be messed up his

limbs. To check the quality of the mapping, we scrubbed along the time line to

see how well the marker data were assigned to the actor.

The picture above shows that the actor was aligned successfully and activated.

• Import 3D model with skeleton

After activate the actor, the 3D character model which includes the skeleton was

imported to the MotionBuilder scene. The skeleton joints were needed according

to the MotionBuilder joint naming convention, therefore, we could simply drag

character asset onto the skeleton in the 3D model to characterise. if any of the

required joints are missing from the skeleton or named incorrectly, ’Character

Definition Error’ was occurred. If not we decided to used a skeleton which joints

were conventionally named, we had to do manual character mapping to achieve

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An actor is aligned to maker data and activated.

Figure 7: Aligned actor and T pose motion

characterise the 3D model which is much more complicated than the simply drag

the character icon onto the skeleton. The picture below [8] expresses the dragging

the icon onto the skeleton to get characterised.

An actor is aligned to maker data and activated.

Figure 8: Characterise

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• Active input and plot animation

When the 3D models are characterised we can active the character by several

options, such as the actor input or control rig input. Firstly we tried to active the

actor input which perform quite well for T pose, however other animations tend to

get confused especially for arms. A potential reason why the vertices have been

get confused is the rotation data of sword are assigned in right hand, therefore,

when aligning the actor, the hierarchical rotation for the right shoulder, elbow and

wrist have might not been aligned properly. Therefore, when the sword move up

the head, the hierarchical joints also get affected which perform poorly. Which is

expressed as picture [9]

Modify animation at the key-frame.

Figure 9: Mismatching

• Control Rig

To modify the confusion of the animation, MotionBuilder has a function which is

called control rig. We can edit the each joints of position and rotation for desired

keyframe by applying control rig. When the joints are modified correctly, the

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modified skeleton information needs to save at the specific keyframe. Because of

the amount of modification with control rig was really large, we could not imple-

ment several character to choose; the same appearance of 3D character perform

both Uchitachi and Shitachi.

Modify animation at the key-frame.

Figure 10: Modify animation by control Rig

Moreover, the control rig could be applied to the motion to eliminate the loco-

motion for moving forward and backward to simplify the aspect of programming;

if the actual change of the location is eliminated, we could simply translate the

character to keep the movement. By elimination the actual locomotion of the

animation, the character appears for instance walking forward, but however the

actual coordinate of the character does not affect. As the picture below shows al-

though the actor moves forward, the character remains the same place as the start

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position. The elimination can be done by altering the position of the character to

the start potion at the end of the keyframe. Thus,even though the character tries

to move forward, the end position will be the same as the start position the loco-

motion is cancelled out. The figure [11] below shows the actor moves forward,

but the character remains at the start point.

Modify animation at the key-frame.

Figure 11: Eliminating forward and backward movement

After either activate the input from the actor or the control rig, the set of keyframes

needs to be plotted into the skeleton. Baking animation can be done by clicking plot an-

imation to the character button. These process needs to be done for each set of motions

except aligning the actor. Once the actor is aligned for T pose animation and activated it,

other animations can be simply merge to current scene, however, to bake each animation

to the skeleton needs to be done for each motion.

3.1.4 Export MD5

To export skinned model and its animated skeleton, we firstly open the 3DS Max file

which has a 3D scene of the character with the skeleton inside. Secondly import the

animation information which is baked to the 3D character skeleton in the previous sub-

section. When importing the file which is exported from the MotionBuilder, there is a

option that we are able to choose which motion to import and how those information

affect the current scene. Since there is already the 3D character in the scene, Update

scene elements needs to be chosen to update the current scene of the skeleton by the

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skeleton which includes the animations. The export format of MD5 is not built in the

3DS Max software, therefore we have borrowed a 3DS Max executable script which is

available at KatsBits (2015) website. The .md5mesh file needs to be exported only once

for the model and the .md5anim files have been exported respectively.

As mentioned in the background section the .md5mesh file should support the mul-

tiple mesh, therefore our initial 3D model is formed from number of meshes such as

leg, body, and the sward. However, probably the exporting script have some bugs for

.md5mesh file, when we have tried to implement the application, the vertices of the

model are got confused and messed up in figure[12]. Therefore we have decided to

merge the meshes into one mesh.

Vertices are got confused due to multiple meshes.

Figure 12: Vertices confusion

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3.2 Programming

The application is designed to users to be play the Kendo kata and show the tip for each

animation, and also user can change the point of view to help understanding of motions.

In addition to that, there is a another feature that users are able to create own set of kata

by synthesising several simpler animations into it. It is written by C++ and PpenGL to

display 3D environment and 2D user interface. There is a frameworks for this project

which is produced by Song (2010) which contains several classes to achieve the Model-

View-Controller(MVC) concept. The basic description of MVC is mentioned in the

Background section.

3.2.1 Frameworks

The frameworks of the project was presented by Song (2010) contains classes:

• Procedure and Controller class

Although Procedure is not the actual class, it detects user inputs and it triggers to

call some methods of the Controller class. For instance if user clicks left mouse

button in the application, Procedure detects left mouse button is pressed mes-

sage from Win32, then it calls lButtonDonw() method which updates ModelGL’s

mouse coordinates and left mouse button status.

• ControllerGL class

This class inherits from the Contoller class as you can see in class diagram. It have

methods which are overridden from the Contoller class and specified appropriate

reaction to the user input. Also it contains class pointers of ModelGL and ViewGL

to passing through user input to each class.

• ModelGL class

This class responses the application’s data such as detail of opengGL specific

code. It obtains pointers of GUI class and SceneModel class for instance MD5

model data. ModelGL handles rendering the scene by calling a method draw()

and the current scene data is stored in SceneModel and GUI separately. First

class SceneModel loads both .md5mesh and .md5anim data and it handle these

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data to represents the both 3D and 2D current scene. GUI class mainly draws the

elements of graphical user interface (GUI). All the texture of GUI are loaded from

PNG format pictures when the GUI class is created.

• ViewGL class

ViewGL handles to current rendering and device contexts. The swapBuffers()

method exchanges the front and back buffers of the display and it is triggered

if the draw() method in ModelGL is called throughout the ControllerGL class.

Those classes represent main frame of the application. In addition to that Camera

class is used for handling camera; the view point of the user. When the user desire

to change the camera point by pressing specified keyboard or selecting by the GUI,

Procedure detects the input then methods in the Camera class are called.

3.2.2 GUI

The main functions of the application is playing the sequence of kata to learn. Users

should be able to play the sequence forward, backward and change the speed of the

movement from the several point of view. Also they can move around the seek-bar to

observe the detail of the motion at the keyframe.

Not only to achieve the functionalities but also to improve the appearance of the scene,

we have decided to implement the GUI in the same frame as 3D scene; the GUI textures

are more likely to float in front of the characters. Although We thought subdivide the

frames such as top frame for 3D scene and bottom frame for 2D scene might be more

clear for users to use the application, separating the frames implies the main frame

might be smaller, and that might be difficult to observe characters. Therefore, the both

3D scene and 2D scene are rendered in the same frame and using maximum window

size. The concept has come from a website called Youtube. There are so many tutorial

videos on the website and people tend to search the tutorial video when they would like

to learn something new, such as playing musical instrument, dancing, and even learning

martial arts Youtube (2015). Therefore, people might be get used to the structure of

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the its GUI such as move round the seek-bar to find the desired seen. The picture [13]

represent inspired concept of the GUI design.

GUI from Youtube (2015).

Figure 13: Youtube user interface

In comparison, our application GUI is following[14]. Despite the fact that the appli-

cation has more buttons and might be giving more information than the Youtube GUI,

there should be some similarities between two: such as to try not be complicated to

improve the usability.

Although the frame of the GUI is not separated, it can be subdivided into three areas.

First area is the most important area of the GUI and it represents the time-line of the

sequence and the user can play the time-line by clicking buttons which arranged below

the time-line. These buttons refer to play forward or backward and pause. And also this

section contains the control bar for changing the speed of the animations which located

in the right hand side of the time-line. Playing and pausing can be done by both clicking

perspective button or pressing space bar in the keyboard. Second section is placed in the

top left corner. There are two bars: the above shows the current position of the camera

and the second bar can be clicked and the list of animations are shown which can be

added to the time-line. Last but not least the third area is located in the top right corner

which can be clicked to open some tips for the current animation from the time-line.

The summarise of the GUI usage is in the table [1]. And the list of assigned key are

following [2]

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User Interface Design of this project.

Figure 14: User Interface Design

Table 1: User Manual

Play foward Click play button by mouse or press space bar.

Play backward Click backward button.

Jump to the begin Click double arrowed button which pointing left.

Jump to the end Click double arrowed button which pointing right.

Change the seed Click the blue ball and scroll it up or down.

Pause Click pause button by mouse or press space bar.

Move seekBar Click the time keeper above the time-line.

Open Tip window Click tip button which located in the top right corner. Click again to close.

Open animation list Click the animation list tab which located in the top left corner.

Change the camera Press the associated keys to change the camera position.

Move the camera Press the associated keys to change the camera position.

Drop the animation Choose the animation name from the list, drag and drop it onto the time-line.

Delete the animation Right click on the unnecessary animation on the time-line.

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Table 2: Assigned keys

W Move forward the camera position.

S Move backward.

A Rotate right.

D Rotate left.

Z Ascent along y-axis.

X Descent along y-axis.

Q Slop right.

E Slop left

U Look upward.

I Look downward.

1 From the behind of the left character and looking at opponent position.

2 Side view of the left character.

3 Top view of the left character.

4 Look at left character from in front.

5 From the behind of the right character and looking at opponent position.

6 Side view of the right character.

7 Top view of the right character.

8 Look at right character from in front.

9 Reset the view as start point.

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3.2.3 Engine

The UML class diagram is included to provide to support the explanation of the appli-

cation’s engine. The framework for handling MD5 files is produced by David (2005)

perform perfectly to handle single animation, however it does not support synthesis-

ing animations. Therefore we have modified the framework to perform the time-line

feature to achieve synthesising function. Before talking about the modification of the

framework, lets discuss about the principal of the framework. The basic structure of the

MD5 has been mentioned in Background section. When .md5mesh files are loaded, the

information of the mesh are represented by Md5Mesh class which contains the list of

vertices, triangles, weights for each vertices and triangles and weights vectors. And also

.md5anim data are stored in the Md5Animation class. Then the list of Md5Mesh classes

objects are stored in Md5Model object which have validityCheck() method to check if

the mesh data and the animation contains same skeletal data and they are compatible or

not. Last but not least, those Md5Model objects and list of Md5Animation objects are

stored in Md5Object.

Because the project is focus on the kata tutorial, the character needs to be trans-

lated to correct position according to the time. Theses features are implemented by

adding two C++ Map class and the map structure represents the time-line. The first

Map object stores the begin time of the animation as a key and second elements repre-

sent Md5Animation object. And the second Map object contains the starting time of the

motion again, and second element represent the start position of the animation. As the

picture [15] shows two Map objects represents the time-line: information for animations

and the positions. The Map objects are stored in Md5Object.

The way to perform animation is done by calling animateFinal() method which takes

current time and calculates the vertices and rotations of animatedSkeleton corresponded

to the time. Then render() Simultaneously timeBetweenCurrNextAnims() method is

called to determine if current time either in side of frameα to frameβ or between the

animation to animation; when the current time is in blank in the time-line. Eventually

prepare() method is executed to does the interpolation. It method calls timeBetweenCur-

rNextAnims() to compute how much of the distance between current animation and nexr

animation in time-line has passed, and according to the result of from the method, appli-

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Time-line structure.

Figure 15: Time-line structer

cation determines if the current time is in the frame to frame or animation to animation.

When the circumstance is determined, the interpolate factor is calculated accordingly

the value of how much time has passed between the frames or animations. The posi-

tion of each joint for skeleton are interpolated by applying LEARP and their rotation

are SLERP interpolated. Animation to animation interpolation also follow the process,

but the interpolateAnimations() method uses the end frame of the previous animation

and begin frame of the next animation and interpolates. As stored in the second map

object; the character’s positions are also interpolated by similar approach. However the

difference is the position interpolation is done by only using LEARP.

4 Outcome and evaluation

According to our aims and objectives, the application has achieved some of the ob-

jectives, but not all of them. Skeletal character with applying MD5 format produces

seamless animation. It allows users to change the position of the camera by choosing

from the GUI or pressing keyboards to move round wherever the user desired and GUI

provide a satisfactory usability. Users can delete some unwanted animation. In terms

of the seamless, the SLEAP function interpolates the two exclusive animations nicely

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in general. The speed of sequence can be modified from as fast as twice to as slow as

half of original speed. In addition to that, it allows to reconstruct the sequence for the

character in the left hand side by adding animations from the list of animation. The

kendo kata contains two characters and they updates their time-line perspectively, and

for the default, those two sequence synchronised quite attractively as a tutorial applica-

tion. And also users can obtain the tips of the current playing animation for learning

purpose. Although, if the user reconstruct the sequence of the kata another character’s

sequence does not synchronised at all, the project has focused on providing educational

tutorial of martial arts, therefore, the project could have achieved the main functionality.

However there are also many limitations for the application. Following subsections will

argue the limitations and potential improvement of the application.

On the other aspect, the project provided great opportunity to learn a lot of theories

and practical experiences of developing the application. The fundamentally knowledge

of C++ and OpenGL have improved. Particularly working in a fully equipped motion

capture laboratory will be an priceless experience.

4.1 Limitation and Improvement

• No synchronisation of two charactersEven if the one of the time-line has updated by reconstructing, another does not

updated automatically and users are not allowed to edit another character’s time-

line. Due to the lack of time, we could not implement the function to switch

over the displaying time-line. It could be improved if the automated system for

synchronisation has been implemented for instance, if one of the swing animation

is added into the time-line, the counter attack animation should be inserted in

the appropriate time. However, the main aim of application is creating tutorial

software users might not do not need to create a time-line by themselves. Rather

than modifiability of the sequence, the application could have real-time capturing

system to evaluate users movement associated the sequence; more interactive, the

users can learn by observing motions then try to imitate the motion which will

be evaluated by the application in real-time. As Jamie Shotton and et al (2011)

have introduced body part recognition application using hardware called Kinect

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to capture in real-time.

• Create motion graph databaseOnly the LEARP interpolation between two animation has limitation to improve

its realistic. Therefore we could create set of animations for transition. The data

could be produced by capturing extra motions which may takes extra cost. Thus

as we have researched, the techniques of the motion graph can be used to generate

a transition database.

• Sliding transition for position interpolationThe SLEARP interpolation performs quite well in some case for instance between

rising up sward animation to moving forward animation, although when there is

such a long gap between two motions, it seems really awkward. Because the

theory which we have borrowed interpolates whenever two positions, for instance

after left character’s swing there is a large blank, which does not contain any

animations, and the function interpolate the start position of the swing to the next

start position of next animation along the duration between them. Therefore, if

the character actually swinging and it is being translated it looks fine, however,

the interpolation is still on the middle of the way to finish even after the swing

animation has finished, thus it looks that the character has stepped forward with

swing and then it paused until next animation stars but position of the character is

increasing therefore it looks sliding. This problem could be solved by employing

the footprint-driven synthesis techniques, however , purely due to lack of time we

could not able to implement the concept. This functionality should improve the

reality of character movement.

• Adding different appearance of 3D modelDue to the lack of time for development of the application, we could not imple-

ment several 3D characters to play with. Since skeletal animation is applied in

the software even the mesh of the 3D character changed the skeletal animation

works as long as same the skeleton is used. Kendo kata needs two characters,

changing characters should help users to understand the difference between two

the textitUchitachi and Shitachi.

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The character is sliding after motion has done.

Figure 16: Sliding problem

• Collision detection between two charactersAs the result, the project does not consider any collision detection. It quite possi-

ble to happen one character’s sword come into the inside of other character if the

user reconstruct the time-line, unless other character’s time-line will also updated.

For further research, it might be worth to consider that having collision detection

and if some animation have possibility or actually collide to the outer sphere of

other object. And if its collide, a bypass of the animation along the collision area

to avoid colliding.

• Not instinctive GUIIn general, the application provides simply designed user interface which have

good usability. On the other hand, some functionalities are not instinctive ac-

cording to several usability testing involved colleagues. They have reported that

the move the seekbar, change speed, and changing camera position by pressing

keys functions are easier to understand. However, contorting the view point by

manually is not quite instinctive operation. Particularly controlling by keyboard

Reg: 100029968 41


appears to be difficult to some of them who have not got any experience to con-

trol in 3D environment, such as playing game or so. To improve the usability, the

determination of camera direction should done by mouse input probably. As a

lack of experience in 3D environment rises the difficulty to control the camera by

rotating by three axes.

5 Conclusion

This report described the project undertaken. The project produce the simple martial

arts tutorial software, particularly focus on the Kendo’s kata sequences. The background

section looked at relevant projects especially in the field of synthesising motions and de-

scribed several theories which involved in the development process. In implementation

section is mostly dedicated ot the producing animations and aspects of programming.

Moreover, evaluation of outcome and some potential improvement of the application is


Although the application has achieved the fundamental aims and objectives of the

projects, it should not be totally successful, since the application contains explicit prob-

lems such as low quality of transition in some case. However, we could use this project

for further research.

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UML class diagram.

Figure 17: UML class diagram

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