Download - Kellyville Public School · 2019-10-11 · Teachers resume school for Term 3 on Monday, 23rd July. Students will return on Tuesday, 24th July. On the Monday teachers from the Kellyville

Page 1: Kellyville Public School · 2019-10-11 · Teachers resume school for Term 3 on Monday, 23rd July. Students will return on Tuesday, 24th July. On the Monday teachers from the Kellyville Page 1

K e l l y i l l e P u b l i c S c h o o l N e w s l e t t e r Kellyville Public School A Tradition of Excellence and opportunity

35a Windsor Road, Kellyville NSW 2155 T 9629 1279 F 9629 3924 E [email protected]

Term 2 - Week 9 Tuesday 26th June 2018

Wednesday 27th July Kindergarten—Writing Forum @ 9am

Friday 29th July PSSA Winter Sport

Wednesday 4th July Y3-Y6 Assembly @ 12pm, K-Y2 Assembly @ 1.30pm hosted by 1M

Thursday 5th July School Athletics Carnival

Friday 6th July PSSA Winter Sport, Last Day of Term 2

Monday 23rd July Staff Development Day

Tuesday 24th July Students Return

Tuesday 24th July Year 1 Excursion—1B, 1G & 1S attending the School House Museum

Thursday 2nd August School Photos

From the Relieving Principal …..

Showcasing Kellyville Public School Synergy Performances Congratulations to our Stage 1 and 4-6 Synergy dance troupes under the direction of Mrs Trescott, Miss Borg and Mrs Gabriel. On Tuesday, 12th June, the children performed at the matinee performance at Evans Theatre, Penrith Panthers and on Thursday, 14th June they performed in the evening before a sell out crowd. Mrs Walker was part of the audience and she told me that she was extremely proud of students, teachers and parents. Thank you students and teachers for showcasing Kellyville Public School in such a special way.

Festival of Instrumental Music On Monday, 18th June, our students and staff were once again showcased at the Festival of Instrumental Music at the Opera House. This concert is an amazing experience for students and teachers alike. To be on stage playing the recorder at the Sydney Opera House is an experience that they will never forget. Mrs Walker attended this concert and she was extremely proud of students and their performance. Congratulations to Mrs Knight, Abrielle 6G, Shanice 6T, Noura 5G, Navya 5A, Mankaran 5A, Kylie 5A, Hasti 5B and Christian 5B. We are very proud of your achievement.

Band Camp Last weekend, our school band members attended the annual Band Camp at Vision Valley, Arcadia. The camp went from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon and the students attended tutorials and band rehearsals which culminated in a showcase performance for parents and friends on the Sunday afternoon. I was disappointed to miss the Sunday afternoon concert as it is a favourite of mine, however, I was sick with the flu. The next day I heard many parents commenting on how wonderful the performance was and how much the students had improved over the weekend. A huge thank you to Mrs Brice for organizing the camp and conducting the Junior Band and to Mr Clarke for his wonderful expertise with our Senior Band. Many thanks also to our fantastic parent and teacher helpers who assisted in many ways over the weekend. Mrs Walker stayed overnight on Saturday evening and Miss Emma Walker also gave up her time to assist over the weekend. Please see the article and photos on Page 6 of this newsletter.

Premiers Debating Team Congratulations to the Premier’s Debating Team, Annika, Aira, Vivian and Anusha and their teacher, Miss Thrift for your wonderful effort last Friday at Matthew Pearce Public School. It was a very close debate and Miss Thrift told me that she was very proud of her team. Please see the article and photo on Page 3.

Page 2: Kellyville Public School · 2019-10-11 · Teachers resume school for Term 3 on Monday, 23rd July. Students will return on Tuesday, 24th July. On the Monday teachers from the Kellyville Page 2

K e l l y i l l e P u b l i c S c h o o l N e w s l e t t e r


Congratulations to the following students

Yashika M KL, Ekam J KL, Darius L KP, Charlotte T KP, Brendan M KP, Sean K KR, Cooper C KR, Seeyou W KS, Derek L KS, Imogen K KS, Xavien B KW, Olivia D KW, Arnav S KW

Sonara P 1G, Nicholas W 1G, Aryan B 1G, Isobel M 1G, Mia C 1M

Lucy C 2A, Simar C 2A, Albert M 2A, Nakita C 2C, Benjamin O 2C, Lindsay L 2C, Levi M 2C, Sasha S 2M,

Manisha G 2M, Jennifer X 2M, Fanhan Y 2M, Abigail T 2M

Molly S 3N, Mia F 3N, Abbey K 3N, Lyra C 3N, Tiana C 3S, Emelyn S 3S, Ta-Grace M 3S, Ryan G 3S, Anish D 3T, Indi W 3T, Scarlet B 3T

Maddie M 4A, Jessica K 4A, Faaris S 4A, Mischa M 4A, Lavisha C 4A, Brandon M 4A, Mahlee H 4A, Aarush K 4A,

Gabby A 4D, Bronte L 4D, Kulpreeti S 4D, Sayudini D 4S, Jade S 4S, Zeta R 4S, Chloe C 4S, Jenna R 4S, Eunice Y 4S, Ria P 4S, Ashley T 4S, Amelia B 4S

Ethan Jenkins 5/6V, Molly W 5A, Ronan S 5A, Holly Chen 5A, Muditha J 5B, Raji D 5B

Deenah K 6G, Lucy N 6G, Vivian Y 6G, Jasleen B 6G, Liam C 6G, Isabella T 6T, Jordan K 6T, Rochelle Y 6T,

Jessica S 6T, Miria P 6T, Jade S 5/6V, Iestyn O 5/6V

These awards will be presented at the next assembly, Wednesday 4th July, 2018

Futsal Schools Championship Mr Luttringer and his girls and boys Futsal Teams also showcased our school during this week. Congratulations to all and please see the article and photos on Page 5 of this newsletter.

Ridges Debating Team On Monday, the Ridges Debating Team under the direction of Miss Thrift, debated against Kellyville Ridge Public School. Annabelle 5/6V, Bianca 5/6V, Zoe 5/6V and Holly 5A, we are very proud of your first debating effort. You performed Admirably on the day. For more information, please see the article and photo later in the newsletter.

Athletics Carnival A reminder that our Athletics Carnival is being held on Thursday, 5th July. All students are expected to attend the carnival as this

is a full school event. SDD Term 3 Teachers resume school for Term 3 on Monday, 23rd July. Students will return on Tuesday, 24th July. On the Monday teachers from the Kellyville Community of Schools will be participating in professional development at Rouse Hill Public School. The day will begin with the Keynote Speaker, Greg Mitchell on the topic of “Behaviour Ambulance” - Part 1. Greg Mitchell focuses his attention on teaching students who misbehave the strategies to change their behaviour. Teachers will then choose to attend specific workshop sessions for the rest of the day on topics such as Teaching and Writing, Literacy through Drama, Learning Difficulties and “The Behaviour Ambulance” - Part 2.

School Photos Please remember that School Photographs are on 2nd August and Sport and Group Photographs are on 9th August. Envelopes will be sent home in the first week of Term 3.

Petra Hocking Relieving Principal

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K e l l y i l l e P u b l i c S c h o o l N e w s l e t t e r

Premier’s Debating Round 2 The Premier’s Debating team completed their round 2 debate on Friday, 23rd June at Matthew Pearce Public School.

The team were given 1 hour preparation time to oppose the topic, ‘Parents and primary schools should cooperate to

limit children’s screen time to 1 hour per day’. The team did an exceptional job to prepare and present well thought

out speeches in the allocated time. The debate was very close throughout but unfortunately Matthew Pearce won

the debate. Our team should be very proud of their efforts.

From left to right: Annika C (5A), Aira P (5G), Vivian Y (6G) and Anusha H (5/6V)

Ridges Friendly Debate The Ridges Debating Team completed their first debate on Monday, 26th June against Kellyville Ridge Public School.

They presented an excellent case opposing the topic “Children should get paid to go to school” but unfortunately did

not win. The team should be commended for their performance.

From left to right: Annabelle R (5/6V), Bianca B (5/6V), Holly C (5A) and Zoe W (5/6V)

Miss Danielle Thrift

Classroom Teacher

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Enrolment for Kindergarten 2019

If you have a child who is ready to come to school in 2019, enrolment forms will be available from 24th July at the school office. If you know of a child who is starting school next year, please inform their parents that we start the enrolment process in Term 3. To be eligible for kindergarten in 2019 your child must turn 5 years old by 31st July, 2019. You will need to bring the following documents to complete the enrolment application, The child’s birth certificate/Australian passport Immunisation certificate ( certificates available from Medicare only) 2 forms of Proof of Address Parent passport if both parents are born overseas There will be a Kindergarten Information Evening for parents to attend on Monday, 3rd September at 6:00pm in the School Hall. The evening will provide you with details of curriculum and school procedures. Parents will receive a package of information to assist you and your child in preparation for this important stage in your lives. Kellyville Public will host 3 transition days where 2019 Kindergarten students will participate in various school experiences. It is important for your child to attend all 3 sessions to assist in a smooth transition for their school journey.

Simone Burt Assistant Principal

Festival of Instrumental Music

What an amazing evening! Last Monday evening, members of Kellyville Public School Recorder Ensemble were privileged to play at the Sydney Opera House. They were joined by 700 other recorder players and over 300 string players. Along with their three pieces (which they practised to play off by heart) other amazing items were heard, performed by numerous public school groups. The standard of music was outstandingly high and inspirational.

The members of our wonderful Recorder Ensemble worked hard all day rehearsing and

were rewarded with dinner and gelato before the concert. I was so proud of our players who

were beautifully behaved and wonderful ambassadors for our school.

Congratulations on your amazing


Miss L Knight

Recorder Ensemble Coordinator

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K e l l y i l l e P u b l i c S c h o o l N e w s l e t t e r

Dear Parents and Guardians, Once again, Kellyville Public School is taking part in the Premier’s Spelling Bee. As such, children are able to access the word lists in order to prepare for the competition which will take place in Term 3. Please find below a link that will take you to the website that contains the words. The following instructions may assist you in accessing the necessary words: Go to the website stated Hover your mouse over ‘NSW Premier’s Challenges’ Go down and click on ‘Spelling Bee’ Click on ‘Word Lists’ Scroll down and select ‘Junior Word List Simple’ or ‘Senior Word List Simple’ Enter the password ‘dazzle’ Press ‘OK’ Please take note that these word lists are covered by copyright and cannot be reproduced, copied, shared or made available on the internet, via email, on an intranet or by any other means without written permission of the publisher. Children will be notified of the exact date of the competition later in the term.

Mrs Belinda Sutton Mrs T Gracie Year 3 & 4 Coordinator Year 5 & 6 Coordinator

Premier’s Spelling Bee

Writing Forum

Kindergarten parents are invited to attend a Writing Forum in KB on Wednesday 27th June between 9:00am and 9:40am. We will provide you with an overview of the process of learning to write. The forum will discuss the use of sounds to assist in spelling. We will address fine motor skills including handwriting. Examples of activities used in the classroom will be modelled so that you can these with your child at home. Parents are welcome to attend the session on the day. It would be helpful if you could let your child’s teacher know if you are planning to attend the session so we have an indication of those who are attending. We look forward to seeing you then. Please feel free to speak with Mrs McPhee or Mrs Burt if you have any concerns or questions in relation to the forum. Sonya McPhee Classroom Teacher

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29th June 2018

Rugby League Kellyville vs Sherwood Ridge PS @ Crestwood Reserve, Crest-wood

Soccer Kellyville vs Beaumont Hills PS @ Bernie Mullane, Kellyville

Newcombe Ball Kellyville vs Beaumont Hills PS @ Kellyville PS

Netball Kellyville vs various @ Kellyville Netball Complex, Wellgate Ave, Kellyville

AFL Kellyville vs Castle Hill PS @ Kellyville Park, Kellyville

Good Luck to our Teams!



6th July 2018

Rugby League Kellyville vs Beaumont Hills PS @ Crestwood Reserve, Crestwood

Soccer Kellyville vs Oakhill Drive PS @ Dural Park, Quarry Rd, Dural

Newcombe Ball Kellyville vs Oakhill Drive PS @ Oakhill PS, Oakhill Drive, Castle Hill

Netball Kellyville vs various @ Kellyville Netball Complex, Wellgate Ave, Kellyville

AFL Kellyville vs Murray Farm PS @ Kellyville Park, Kellyville

Good Luck to our Teams!

PSSA Results

Friday 15th June 2018 Rugby League Kellyville vs Crestwood PS

Jnr won 16 vs 4 Snr lost 26 vs 10 Soccer Kellyville vs Sherwood Ridge PS

Jnr won 2 vs 1 Snr won 4 vs 1 Girls won 2 vs 0 Newcombe Ball Kellyville vs Sherwood Ridge PS Jnr lost 51 vs 58 Snr won 60 vs 49

Netball Kellyville Jnr 1 won 7 vs Samuel Gilbert 0 Kellyville Jnr 2 won 7 vs Baulkham Hills North 0 Kellyville Jnr 3 lost 2 vs Baulkham Hills North 4 Kellyville Snr 1 lost 7 vs Northmead 17 Kellyville Snr 2 won 13 vs Oakhill Drive 9 Kellyville Snr 3 won 13 vs Winston Heights 3

AFL Kellyville vs Baulkham Hills Nth PS Snr lost 13 vs 41 Jnr lost 1 vs 28

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K e l l y i l l e P u b l i c S c h o o l N e w s l e t t e r

On Sunday, 12th August 2018, some of the teachers of Kellyville Public School are participating in the City to Surf. The City to Surf is a 14km race that commences in the city centre and finishes at Bondi Beach. The teachers have created a team and will be raising money for Westmead Children’s Hospital and Bear Cottage. If you would like to support the teachers and assist with fundraising for Westmead Children’s Hospital and Bear Cottage you are able to donate at the following link or search K.P.S on the City to Surf fundraising page.

Thanking you for your assistance in advance.

Ashley Trescott Team Manager

The City to Surf Westmead Children’s Hospital and Bear Cottage

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K e l l y i l l e P u b l i c S c h o o l N e w s l e t t e r

Uniform Shop News

3rd July AM Tamarin PM Tracey 24th July AM Kim PM Stan If you would like to volunteer in the Uniform Shop or can help pack orders Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday mornings from 9.00-9.30am please see Wendy Quinlan at the uniform shop on Tuesday or the canteen on Monday and Wednesday. Back In Stock: Zip Jackets Important: The following items are currently out of stock and we are waiting for delivery from suppliers. Girls Track Pants size 12 Winter Jackets size 4 & 8 (No new stock till 2019) Winter Uniforms are now available for ordering online via Flexischools website. Once processed, orders will be delivered to children’s classrooms or can be collected from the Uniform Shop during normal hours on Tuesday. The Uniform Shop has moveed all ordering to online. Ordering is available 7 days per week @ Online orders can be picked up from the uniform shop on Tuesday (orders must be received by 4.30pm Monday) and second hand uniform sales and sizing. Delivered directly to the students through out the week. Uniform Shop hours are: Tuesday 8.30am-9am and 2.30pm-3.15pm

Enquiries can be made via email [email protected]

Wendy Quinlan

Uniform Shop Manager

Canteen News

Sushi Day

4th July and 1st August $3.20 each

Teriyaki Beef or Tuna & Avocado

Hot Dog Day

25th July & 8th August $3 each

Orders need to be received by 12.30pm on the Tuesday. Winter Treats: Monday— Garlic Bread, Tuesday— Noodles Wednesday — Surprise, Thursday— Hashbrowns, Friday— Pasta & Sauce

NO FRIDAY Lunch orders for Children in PSSA Teams This year the canteen will only be accepting Online Orders. To set up your flexischools account go to and follow the prompts. Samantha Baddock Wendy Quinlan Canteen Coordinator Canteen 9629 1279

Wed 27/6 Stephen & Jasmine

Thur 28/6 Stan & Greg

Fri 29/6 Diane & Novella

Mon 2/7 Jodie

Tues 3/7 Creamy

Wed 4/7 Chris & Monica

Thur 5/7 No Canteen Athletics Carnival

Fri 6/7 Linda & Nerina

Mon 23/7 Staff Development Day

Tues 24/7 Kim

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K e l l y i l l e P u b l i c S c h o o l N e w s l e t t e r


Kellyville Public School will, as a service to parents, advertise community news, events and services, which

may be of interest. Kellyville Public School does not necessarily endorse the events and services, and

accepts no responsibility for their management, organisation or quality.