Download - KCL MUN 2012-02-07 Nuclear Weapons in North Korea

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KCL Model United Nations Society

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Today’s session

KCL MUN Simulation - UN Security Council:“Nuclear Weapons in North Korea”

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UN Security Council:

Nuclear Weapons in North Korea

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Structure of Presentation

Topic introduction

North-Korea and WMD’s

International Community involvement

Current situation

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Topic introduction

October 2006 – Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea tests nuclear weapon

2009 – another test (no intention to end program)

Anno 2012: North Korea in a period of transition Kim Il Jong’s death Renewed focus on economic development

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North Korea and Weapons of Mass-Destruction

Insecurities after Korean War led DPRK to develop nuclear weapons Technology for carriers developed with (reluctant) help of China

and USSR, weapons with Pakistani expert A.Q. Khan’s help North Korea ratified the NPT on December 12, 1985 1994: Clinton administration brokers deal with North-Korea

leading to end of unofficial nuclear development program 2003: Ostracized North Korea withdraws from

2006 onwards: the nuclear age North Korea tests a nuclear weapon amidst international

controversy on 09/10/2006 2009: second test

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International Community involvement

Most UN efforts have gone unheeded due to lack of consensus

North-Korean withdrawal from NPT makes sanctions/controls through IAEA impossible

Six-party talks (featuring the PRC, Russia, Japan, South Korea and the US) have been most fruitful, but have also failed in 2006

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Current situation

Still existing regional threat of North-Korea’s nuclear stockpile

North-Korea’s unusual interests have made it respond poorly to traditional enforcement mechanisms

Traditional UN Policy has failed Current situation is complicated by Chinese (be it at

times reluctant) allegiance to protecting its Communist neighbour