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  • 8/3/2019 Katrina and the Animals


  • 8/3/2019 Katrina and the Animals


    Dedicated to the plants and animals: I hope you werent too harmed

    in the making of this book.

    Katrina and the Animals

    Copyright 2010 Taiwo Odunsi

    All rights reserved.

    ASIN: B0033AHLW4

    ISBN: 1-4505-2398-6

    EAN13: 978-1-4505-2398-1

    Library of Congress: 2010902806

    ALSO BY TAIWO ODUNSIHereAfter, The Land of Intuit and the Quest for the Book of Destiny

    This paper is certied under the Forest Stewardship Council

    and the Sustainable Forest Initiative. Please visit

    for links on what you can do to heal Mother Earth.

  • 8/3/2019 Katrina and the Animals


    99 percent of human existence depends on 120 species of

    plant and animal.

    Robert McCredie May

  • 8/3/2019 Katrina and the Animals


  • 8/3/2019 Katrina and the Animals



    It started in the Cambrian Forest where I thought

    I heard a very bad thing. Strangemy ears had never

    deceived me before. It had sounded like someone



    These words began the end of my life. I know Im

    only nine years old and I tell myself that its not eavesdrop-

    ping because these forest folk are my friends. Though I

    could hear they were arguing, I couldnt for the life of me

    know why they had decided to call this town hall meeting.

    Since not much happens in the backwoods of Podunk

    Hollowin spite of all these trees blocking my view

    Ive gotta keep a listen. My heart leaped and I was nearly

    scared to death after Strix, the owl gave a loud hoot.

    Order! Order in the court! Whos who, control

    yourselves! Everyone else, please, quiet down. Look there!

    Phemus has returned from his task.

    Well, Phemus, I heard Mordax, the rat squeak, we

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    havent got all day. Did you bring it?

    Humph! replied Phemus, the gopher in what I

    imagine was tart frankness. Im perfectly ne, Mordax.

    Thanks so very much for asking!

    Dont start, Phemus! Everyones waiting. Did you

    nd the right thin tree or didnt you?

    I found it; got it here tucked under my belly. Its

    badly torn though. Better a mutilated piece of thin tree

    than my own fur, is what I say. Now whether its the right

    thin tree, thats for you to nd out, isnt it, Mordax?

    Gophers and their chittering. Well, dont dally. Give

    the thin tree to Strix so he can enter it in as evidence.

    Go for this, Phemus. Go for that, Phemus. Amenagerie of lousy ingrates, thats what you are. Here

    you are, Strix. One thin tree, safe and sound.

    Thank you, Phemus. You put your life in great

    danger to obtain this evidence and it may yet decide this

    case. We are all in your debt.

    Youre very welcome, Strix. At least someone around

    here appreciates my talents.

    If you two are nished, the rest of us would like to

    hear what is written on the thin tree, Anelm, the tree

    interjected with wisdom in her tone. Her true age is still

    a mystery to me; some critters say she has more inside

    rings than the planet Saturn has outside rings.

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    Anelm is right! Mordax, the rat eeked. Human-

    ity will answer for their crime and as lead prosecutor, I

    demand you summon the child to translate the human

    speech. Whos with me?

    Yes! came a chorus of bleats and caws and roars

    and growls. Read the thin tree!

    Order! Order, I say! Strix, the owl hooted. Katrina...

    Katrina? Are you there, little cubling?

    I was so nervous; my skin crawled before I could


    Is that you, Strix? I said.

    Yes, Katrina. You may come forth now. Ahh, he

    said as I stepped from the heavily wooded forest and intothe clearing, theres a good child. I hope we havent kept

    you waiting too long.

    It was no trouble, Strix. I passed the time counting

    butteries; there were so many.

    Grrr! Humans and their nonsensical games,

    Mordax, the rat squeaked.

    Patience, Mordax. Here child, step forward and

    remove this thin tree from my talons. Since we cannot

    read the markings, we of the Cambrian Tribunal ask that

    you translate the speech of your people.

    I removed the paper from his talons. I felt its tex-

    ture, all course and muddy, looking then at the words, all

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    seriffed and fancy, before reading the smudged paragraph

    to myself. Then, I stared dolefully at my audience before

    reading aloud.

    And God said, be fruitful and increase

    in number; ll the earth and subdue it:

    and let man have dominion over the sh

    of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,

    and over the cattle, and over all the earth,

    and over every creeping thing that creepeth

    upon the earth.

    There you have it! Mordax, the rat squealed, his furstanding on end. This means war! Whos with me?

    Yes! KILL THE HUMANS! the herds rawred and

    the packs growled.

    We dont creep do we mommy? a young filly

    neighed to ask.

    No dear, her mama mare neighed in reply. We


    And I hop! a toad croaked.

    And I inch, an inchworm bristled.

    Blast you all! Mordax, the rat squeaked to the jury

    of animals. How we move around isnt the point.

    E-a-s-y f-o-r y-o-u t-o s-a-y, a sloth droned on.

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    Yezzz! a bee buzzed. Iiit tizzz tooo meeee!

    Rye ragree riff Mordax! Grill da Wrrumans! a

    woodchuck chucked.

    Grill? No one said anything about grilling humans,

    a skunk hissed dramatically. They dont eat me and I

    most certainly will not eat them!

    Stop this kangaroo court! As plaintiffs, we animals

    speak for the Earth but who speaks for the accused?

    Without a defendant, it is unjust to put humanity on trial,

    Noel, the church mouse squeaked, though I could barely

    hear him, as it was always his habit to whisper.

    But the thin tree says that man shall have dominion

    over the animals. Surely these words account not only forwhat man has done to us but also for why he has done

    his crimes, Mordax, the rat squeaked shrilly.

    Yes, but we mustnt be rash! someone shouted.

    Objection! I will notbe made an ass! a donkey in

    the jury brayed scornfully.

    Loud bursts of bleating and tweeting, nking and

    clicking, screeching and gibbering, squeaking and squeal-

    ing, yipping and yapping, yowling and piping, humming

    and hissing, whining and wheeking, quacking and oinking,

    cheeping and chirping, clucking and cawing, cooing and

    mooing, snorting and grunting, bleating and bleeping,

    braying and naying trumpeted the forest.

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    Order! I must have silence, everyone! Strix, the owl

    hooted. Need I remind the town hall of our predicament

    and of why we have assembled?

    Humanitys technology is a growing threat and its

    effect on the Earth has driven our ancestors to near

    extinction. But now, after hearing a small sample of their

    sacred values, it is clear that humans do not share the

    same regard for our planet Earth. As demonstrated by

    their exploitation of our planet, humans believe they are

    a higher order of life, and thus we must conclude that in

    their eyes, non-human life is insignicant.

    Animals, plants, and organisms of the jury, youve

    heard the evidence from the thin tree as translated fromthe human speech. All humanity stands charged with

    despicable crimes against our home, and against all of

    us. We of the Cambrian Tribunal will deliver our ruling

    based on your decision. We ask you now, what is your


    Just then, the town hall went real quiet-like; a kind

    of quiet never heard by frisky forest folk. I was more

    nervous than ever before that I sat down to keep my legs

    from shaking.

    In the trial of Earth vs. Humanity, we the jury of

    animals, plants, and organisms deliver a sentence of


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    My heart sank, the silence ended, and the rabble

    erupted and Strix, the owl gaveled and gaveled until the

    frisky forest folk rabbled no more. His head twisted full

    around to address the Cambrian Tribunal.

    What say you, Anelm, leader of the Flora King-


    We all stared up at the great elm tree as she lowered

    her boughs in agreement.

    What say you, Gella, leader of the Protista King-


    We all gazed down into the dark pond as the single-

    celled organism swimming within glowed twice in agree-

    ment. Then, and for some odd reason, Strix, the owlglared directly at me before he spoke.

    In Earths four billion year history there have been

    ve mass extinctions. As leader of the Fauna Kingdom

    and judge of this tribunal, it falls upon me to sentence

    humanity to a similar fate. Mordax, you have my author-

    ity to carry outthe Operation. And Strix, the owl

    hooted solemnly. May history forgive what we are about

    to do.

    Cheers growled through the crowd and Ive never

    seen Mordax, the rat so angryandso happy. Though I

    suppose when someone resents mankind the way we

    do, certain revenge comes as good news. Mordax, the

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    rat climbed the highest branch before uttering sharp,

    triumphant squeaks.

    My animal, plant, and single-celled cousins: Human-

    ity has great power but even the ants alone outnumber

    humans a million to one; the green plants, ten to one; so,

    do not think our mission impossible. The Operationwill

    succeed if we but follow these rules.

    A moment later, for all the animals, plants, and organ-

    isms of the Cambrian Forest to see, Mordax, the rat dis-

    played a long thin tree of his own by xing the scrawled

    roll of parchment onto Anelm, the tree. I ran to the

    front for a closer look at what appeared to be a list of

    ve rules for:


    Rule #1

    Our worldwide attack will last seven days, infil-

    trating the habitats of all humans.

    Rule #2

    Our jungle law is a tradition that will lead us

    to failure. For the next seven days, predation,

    scavenging, and grazing are forbidden.

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    Rule #3

    Using human technology is forbidden, as the

    fallout from a doomsday device would damage the

    Earth, leaving her uninhabitable.

    Rule #4

    Animals must do as the humans do and agree to

    barter their talents. Your special task will be

    assigned based on ability.

    Rule #5

    As a matter of animal security, the Operations

    details must remain classified among the leadersof the Three Kingdoms. Only they will dispense

    your assignments accordingly.

    After seven days, we will return from the cradle

    of our ancestors to re-colonize our MotherEarth without humanity.

    At these last two words my heart sank as if hit by

    two torpedoes. My mind, having caught wind of what

    had happened to my heart, started running away with mewhen Strix, the owl, tripped it up.

    Katrina. Phemus, he said, gliding gently to the

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    ground. Come to me.

    I looked down at Phemus, the gopher and we made

    through the raucous menagerie for Strix, the owl. Up

    close, his deep, penetrating eyes told me all I had feared

    to know.

    Here are your assignments, he said, using his beak

    to give a crystal to me as well as another to Phemus, the

    gopher. We shall rendezvous at the cradle of our ances-

    tors in four days. Good luck to you both.

    From the beating of his gray wings into the blue sky,

    my hair had ung into my eyes. My old life had ended

    and just like that I had a very, scary job to do.

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    Nine years ago, my animal family had given me

    everything an abandoned baby could have ever needed.

    A feral child clothed in wool and ax, raised on fruits and

    vegetables, and sheltered by a tree, a gopher, and an owl,

    I would never know my birth parents, and I didnt care to

    know them. My real parents were the plants and animals,

    there for me through good and bad, thick and thin and

    it was time I grew up and repaid their loyalty. With each

    step nearer the heartland, I became courageous.

    Like I said, Podunk Hollow doesnt see much action.

    The annual Masquerade Parade is our towns only claim

    to fame but even that sorry excuse for socializing had

    been canceled on account of acid rain. Being a forest

    dweller myself, I dont care much for shindigs anyhow.

    Besides, I dont come into town all that much except to

    ransack the librarys dumpster. I read that fewer than two

    thousand people live hereevery one gossip-loving. If

    theres anything amiss, like good or bad news say, my,

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    how word travels fast. Just thinking about how hard it

    would be for simple Podunk folk to contain my wildre

    of a secret makes my head spin.

    How could I blame em? They dont have my years of

    practice being incognito. But with an assignment like the

    one I have now, where Im forced to visit town, if I see

    people, my instincts had already told me Id have to get

    used to keeping mums about big things. If I even so much

    as talk to other townspeople, itll be HI and BYE.

    Im gonna be as scarce as a tourist in lion country.

    One day, I almost got caught gawking at a polka-dot

    dress on Main Street before the shopkeeper looked at me

    as if I done up and escaped from the local orphanageve miles yonder. I was off my game that day but thatll

    never happen again. Today, Im striking window-shopping

    off the list; Phemus, the gopher and I have a bigger job

    to do. In seven days, the Three Kingdoms would rid the

    world of every last human being.

    How exactly would the plants and animals do it?I wondered

    as all manner of scenarios and their repercussions lled

    my mind.

    With all my might, I wished all humans didnt have

    to go. Maybe, after we start over, if there were only a few

    humans, my forest family wouldnt mind it so much. Oh,

    but to make more humans would mean....eww, no way!

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    Just the thought of having to kiss a boy...Yuck!

    Not if you were the last boy on Earth! I would

    shout if one ever tried to get fresh with me.

    But I amthe last boy on Earth! hed reply, rubbing

    his cheek.

    And Im the last girl on Earth, so you had better

    mind your manners, or else! Id say.

    Are you feeling okay? Phemus, the gopher asked,

    jostling through the opening in my bag. You seem


    Im ne, I said, not looking at him and not really

    knowing how to reply.

    I gured youd be cross, he said, sticking his headabove the zipper.

    How come?

    You know, he said tersely, about the town hall

    meeting and about the Three Kingdoms not wanting to

    have you there. You realize that your brief prohibition

    was the Tribunals decision? I voted against it and so did

    Strix and Anelm but we were overruled.

    I dont care about that.

    Then whats the matter? Weve been walking for a

    whole hour and you havent said a single word.

    I dont know, Phemus, okay. If youre my best friend,

    youll try to understand. This one time, youll just have

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    to let me be for now.

    Im sorry, Katrina. I guess its hard for me too. Im

    doing my best to understand how you must feel about the

    Operationespeciallywell, you knowwith you being

    a human and all.

    I stopped dead in my tracks. I knew those words

    would come before he had said them. I also knew he

    would feel bad for saying them. I started walking again.

    Hey Katrina, lets talk about something else, he said

    in a happier tone. Todays our anniversary. We should be

    making plans and not fussing about like those ingrates

    back at the Cambrian Forest. Can you believe its been

    nine years since I found you shivering in that snowbank?Your tiny hands were no bigger than the buttery comb

    which today keeps the fur on your head from dragging

    on the ground. My, what a shock that was! You were

    absolutely defenseless and I guessI guess Ive gotten

    used to defending you. But dash it if I dont know what

    its like to go unappreciated.

    Its not that either, Phemus, I said, knowing he

    couldnt stay on topic for long. Dont you think I real-

    ize not everyone in the forest accepts me? You and Strix

    and Anelm are practically all the real family Ive got. Back

    then, you taught me everything I had to know about the

    Cambrian Forest. How you ever knew to bring those

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    books in from town and teach me how to read and how-

    ever Strix and Anelm knew to teach me how to walk and

    climb treesgosh, Ill never know.

    So if its not about animal politics, or about your

    absence from the town hall meeting, or about the Opera-

    tion, then what is it about? he said. Dont tell me youre

    still upset with your human parents? Katrina, we dont

    reallyknow if they abandoned you. For all we know they

    Its not that either.

    What then? Come, you can tell me!

    Darn it, Phemus! I yelled. Aint it just like a gopher

    to keep on digging?His ears slanted and he read the apology on my


    Phemus, I sighed, what wouldyousay if you were

    about to become the last gopher on Earth?

    This time his expression slanted and his ears perked


    Youre not having second thoughts about going

    through with the Operation, are you Katrina?

    What? I yelled, opening my bag. Come out of

    there, Phemus! After all weve been through, you know

    Id do anything for my forest family. No one understands

    me like plants and animals do. Shoot, no one in the

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    Cambrian Forest would dare call me a tomboy for being

    strong. No one there makes fun of my shabby clothes or

    points at my messy hair, I said, adjusting my buttery

    comb which, as he had pointed out, was the only thing

    keeping my hair from touching the ground. All my life,

    Ive been a humanwithout really having to act like a human,

    yunno? But ever since

    Yes? he asked, peering from my bag again.

    Since, Ive been visiting town, I would kinda like

    to know what its like to wear a new dress, if only one

    time. I know one day I might wear one, but after this

    missions overgosh, well no one, and I mean no one

    would be around to tell me how pretty I looked in mynew dress.

    I would be, Katrina, he said, scurrying up my shoul-

    der. And Id be sure to tell you every single day.

    Aw, thanks, Phemus, I said in a high glow. Oh,

    and little papa?

    Yes, little cubling? he asked.

    A Happy Anniversary to you too.

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    As we broke past the Brier Patch and into Podunk

    Hollow, I felt like I had fallen into my own Wonderland,

    for only in the human worldwith its magic of cars,

    planes, phones, and trainscould high fantasy be made

    reality. Im willing to admit I wasnt as well-dressed as

    Alice, but I had been prepared just as she had been for

    the unexpected. Darn it if thats when what you least

    expect to happen actually happens.

    There she is! Get her!

    Oh shoot! I yelled to Phemus, the gopher. Its


    I told you we shouldve taken Tenmile River into

    town, Phemus, the gopher said as he bounced about

    my bag.

    But our assignment said we had to take the Brier

    Patch into town, I said, picking up speed.

    Katrina, we always take Tenmile River into town! But

    no one listens to ol Phemus, now do they? If Ive told

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    you once, Ive told you a thousand times

    Not now, Phemus! I huffed, running for my life,

    and determined, just as Alice had been, in my attempts

    at evading Bailey, the Queen of Hearts.

    In jungle law, I learned that when some ornery critters

    meet an outsider, they aim to get real territorial. Humans

    are no different and the worse of them all was Bailey.

    After I dealt her a few lessons in respect some time ago,

    Bailey knew never to tussle with me all by her lonesome.

    But Bailey wasnt as dumb as she had looked. Knowing

    I had to come back into town sometime, she had wised

    up quick and now, she brought along two greasy friends

    and before I knew it I was outnumbered and, like lambsto the slaughter, we were thrown to the lions.

    There she is! cried one of Baileys cronies as she

    spotted me skirt a tree.

    What the tweedle-dee said.

    Heyyydaggonit, tweedle-dum said. She done

    up and disappeared!

    From atop that same tree, I saw those pitiful excuses

    for females kicking up dirt like two brainless, blue-footed

    boobies. I couldnt spot where Bailey was hiding but I

    could sure smell her funky scent close by.

    Come out, come out wherever you are, they chanted,

    surveying the bushes. But try as they might to ferret us

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    out, Phemus, the gopher and I were quieter than Noel,

    the church mouse could have ever been.

    I made a slow thrumming to the tree. When tweedle-

    dee turned around to see where the noise had come from,

    the tree lowered her bough just in time to meet with

    tweedle-dees head. She was out like a light and I jumped

    to the ground with a feral snarl. When tweedle-dum saw

    the rage in my eyes she just about wet herself then and

    there. I just as assume she was marking her territory but

    thats when I remembered that humans dont usually pee

    on trees for that reason.

    Before I could relish the sight of her bolting away

    in complete terror, I felt a large pebble hit the side ofmy arm.

    Hey, wolf girl! Im over here! shouted Bailey from

    behind a tree. Bailey was a tomboy like methin, nimble,

    and agilebut I was a better one by far.

    No, Katrina, Phemus, the gopher said, pawing my

    arm. Lets go. Remember the Operation? She and all her

    kind will pay soon.

    I should have listenedbut that time I let my human

    emotions get the best of me. I picked up a stone and

    pitched it so fast, it smashed against a tall slab directly

    behind Baileys head, and the volley from its sharp frag-

    ments showered her cheek.

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    She rubbed the blood from her mouth and chafed her

    hands like a housey and, with a feral look of her own,

    took the stance of a ghting Irishman.

    I gonna wring your dirty little neck! she cried, run-

    ning to me at full steam.

    I threw up my bag to meet her challenge. In an eye-

    blink, I was on her windpipe and before she turned blue in

    the face, she cried uncle. Phemus, the gopher whooped at

    my victory. I could have let out a Tarzan roar of my own

    seeing as how Bailey, a female of fourteen, was beaten by

    me, a nine-year-old. Now she and the rest of her cronies

    would have to return to their tribes in bitter shame.

    Bailey looked up at me with hate, rubbing her neckearnestly. Then, with all her remaining strength, her lungs

    managed to shout:

    Now! Push it now!

    I heard a loud snapping of twigs and when I turned

    around, a boulder the size of a rams head barreled down

    the headland. Tweedle-dee, on her feet now, had pushed

    it and I turned to Phemus, the gopher. He was in the

    boulders path; but having opened the zipper just enough

    for his head had left little papa struggling for a way out

    of my bagandfor a way to avoid the boulder. I turned to

    rescue him when Bailey grabbed my legand that was all

    the time she had neededand that time, the entire Brier

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    Patch heard me wail.

    Thatll learn you, wolf girl. And Id better not catch

    you stepping foot in our town ever again, Bailey said as

    she and her friend escaped for the open streets.

    I sat paralyzed on my haunches. My best friend was

    dead and without Phemus, the gopher, I would have to

    carry on with my part in the mission alone. Whether I

    was successful or not the Operationwould go on, and a

    week from now, every human being on the Earth would

    be dead too; yet seven whole days was too good for

    Bailey and I was determined to give her a taste of her

    own medicine.

    After I tracked her funky scent to her usual hangout,I pounced on her quick-fast, leaving her cronies scattering

    this way and that way, hollering for help.

    Hair tore, blood spilled, and bones snapped before

    a man and a sheriff forced me off Bailey and on to the

    ground. It took a third man to hold me down but even

    he had to quit pawing at me to cover his ears at all the

    noise I was making. Between my cries, I saw the sheriff

    pull a small device from out his belt. He poked me with

    it and the last thing I felt was a zapping sensation before

    everything went black.

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    I was in the hands of the sheriff and much too young

    for jail so he delivered me to Mr. Mudgeon, head of the

    towns orphanage. If theres anything I hate more than

    teenage humans its grownup humans; though the round,

    stocky man eclipsed over me seem more grown out than

    grown up.

    There I was, trussed up in the drawing room and

    gawked at like some animal in a petting zoo. They seized

    my meager belongings and between the aching from the

    tazer and the questions from the sheriff, my headache

    worsened and I didnt know what to do.

    Baileys in the hospital on account of you! What do

    you have to say for yourself, young lady?

    I had tried telling him that Bailey started our feud

    a year ago when she snatched my buttery comb from

    off my head. He would claim that Bailey was just teasing

    about, but no one, and I mean no one, plays keep-away

    with my buttery comb. But seeing as how a million

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    combs could never bring back Phemus, the gopher, Bailey

    sure got what she had deserved. But to make matters

    worse, these grownups didnt seem to understand a word

    of what I was saying.

    Ive seen cases like this, Mr. Mudgeon whispered,

    taking the sheriff s arm along with a turn of his back fat

    in the hopes of concealing his next wordsthough with

    hearing like mine eavesdropping would be a cinch.

    Its called theMowgli Syndrome, he continued. Many

    of our orphans who have the condition are so illiterate,

    all they can manage for speech are babbling growls and

    grunts. You were right to bring her here. For the grace

    of God, there may be hope for this one yet.Well, Mr. Mudgeon, the sheriff said, xing his hat

    and sunglasses, shes in your capable hands now. Ive got

    to get back to preparing the town for Hurricane George.

    Ill be seeing you on Sunday. If she gives you any trouble,

    you give us a holler.

    When the sheriff had departed, Mr. Mudgeon

    approached me with a long syringe. As I thought on

    how these men would never actually seenext Sunday, I

    also thought on my home in the Cambrian Forest and on

    how Id never give away its location under any torture.

    After a few needle pricks, I licked the bruise on my arm

    and he led me to my sleeping quarters.

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    We need to perform some tests, he yelled in that

    slow, ignorant way some people address foreigners of

    another language. Do YOU understand?

    Yes, I understood. I understood I could gnaw clear

    through my wrist bindings and snap his chubby neck. But

    this wasnt the Cambrian Forest where killing is a natural

    part of jungle law. My biggest problem was guring out

    how I was going to escape the bindings of human law. So,

    I nodded calmly and when he had left the room for the

    sanitarium, I tore at my cuffs and then, using the latch of

    my buttery comb, I picked the lock of my window.

    My bag which had held the assignment etched in

    crystal was smashed along with Phemus, the gopher, andso it was important that I return to the Cambrian Forest

    before tomorrow so I could let my forest family know

    what had happened. Though I wasnt looking forward

    to this, it was a shameful speech I would have to deliver

    with my head held high.

    I thought Id better get to climbing out this window

    but thats when I saw him. The Man stoodhis tall gure

    waiting in the distance, as Death on a white horse

    watching over me. An hour later, the Man had matched

    my patience and counting butteries without the presence

    of actual butteries didnt help to pass the time. I could

    sense this was no ordinary predator. If only I had eyes

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    better adapted for the night, I could even the odds.

    Seeing no other choice but to stay put until daybreak,

    I glanced sleepily at my desk. Underneath a stack of

    books was Mr. Mudgeons afternoon newspaper, which

    as it happens told me exactly what I had needed to know

    about day one of the Operation:

    An overwhelming number of airline

    passengers from every city around the

    world are being treated for hypoxia and

    altitude sickness. The inexplicable thinning

    air and other oxygen related phenomena

    are responsible for hundreds of ightdelays and cancellations tonight

    I stopped reading the newspaper, feeling as though Id

    ingested a sleeping pill. I used my last bit of strength to

    shut the window before the waxing moon that told hour.

    Was this prison my punishment for being too impulsive?

    Maybe wolf girl deserved her cage, but no matter what

    penalty Mr. Mudgeon had in store, I could never, ever

    forgive myself for allowing Phemus death. I also could

    have kicked myself for allowing this much time to pass

    without fullling my part in the Operation. Worse still was

    that after thinking over that newspaper article, I realized

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    that the rst stage of the Operationhad begun and that

    an unspeakable terror would grip the world in only a

    matter of time.

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    When I awoke, I wondered how much time I had

    before all the Earths oxygen was used up and if humans

    would get wise to what these green machines were capa-

    ble of and, instead of relying on plants for air, whether

    humans would use their technology to make more oxygen.

    I wondered, after the Operationwas all over, what my

    future would be like. I had grown used to being a soli-

    tary human among animals, but to be the only woman

    on Earth, an Eve without an Adam, added crushing

    weight to my already heavy burden. I wondered if the

    Man from last night was still waiting outside for me.

    When I discovered he had moved on, I went to wonder-

    ing who that was knocking at my door.

    Good Morning, young lady, Mr. Mudgeon said and

    raising his foot, giving a sudden stomp. When he raised

    it again I could hardly recognize the attened remains of

    Charlotte, my eight-legged roommate. He inspected the

    frayed pieces of plastic that had been my handcuffs.

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    Feeling better, are we? I see youve been busy today,

    though Im sure the sedative I gave you yesterday tamed

    that feisty spirit.

    Had it not been for our language barrier, I would

    have liked to tell him about the dream I had of him

    strung by the ankles just inches above a shark tank while

    I kicked, punched, and tazered himrepeatedlybut as I

    was starving I settled on pantomiming my more urgent


    Ah, yes! Breakfast will be ready momentarily. But

    rst, he said, guiding an equally burlier human into the

    room, this is Miss Harridan, our head nurse. She will

    wash you and tend to your clothes. After youve eaten,you will return to my ofce smelling of sweet carnations.

    We must be polished and presentable for the surprise Ive

    prepared for you.

    The so-called surprise had arrived as a pair of young,

    starry-eyed, neatly dressed humans straight out of a fairy

    tale book.

    Oh, shes absolutely precious, the woman beamed

    as her ngers dovetailed those of her husbands. When

    the woman reached out to pet my hair, I snapped my

    white fangs at her ngertips.

    Tut-tut, young lady, Mr. Mudgeon said, striking

    my ngertips instead. You mustnt bite the hand that

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    feeds you.

    Oh, its perfectly alright, the woman said nervously.

    No harm done.

    Shes got a bit of a temper, its true, but shes calmed

    down substantially since yesterday, Mr. Mudgeon said,

    brushing food crumbs from my chin. But, you had

    asked for our most challenged orphan and here she is,

    little miss

    He stopped short, realizing I was without a name

    though I was unable to correct him otherwise.

    Youll have to excuse me. Im so understaffed at the

    moment that we havent been able to process into our

    database what little information we have on this child.Mind you however that the discovery of her true identity

    is a matter we must leave for the sheriff s department.

    Rest assured well have her name soon enough. For now,

    she needs a good home with strong Christian values,

    so I thoughtwhy not give Mr. and Mrs. Makepeace a


    Youve certainly answered our prayers, she said.

    Taking me in their arms, they squeezed me tightly

    and Mrs. Makepeace beamed again.

    Well name herMary. Mary Lillian Makepeace.

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    Sweetie, Mrs. Makepeace asked her husband as he

    steered their eco-friendly sedan up Main Street, have

    you read that most fascinating column in this mornings


    I skimmed it before we had left for the orphanage,

    he replied, pulling into their driveway. Shame about all

    those airline passengers coming down with altitude sick-

    ness. But, if the good Lord really wanted man to y, He

    wouldve given him wings.

    No, not that column, she grinned, reaching around

    her seat in front to primp the new curls in my hair. The

    equally fascinating column below the one about the air-

    line passengers; the one about all the attacks on pets in

    the area. Apparently, several dogs, cats, birds, and even

    hamsters have been mauled by wild forest animals.

    You dont say? was his reply. I wonder what thats

    all about.

    So do I, she said with a tremble.

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    Oh, dont you worry, honey. Its a good thing we

    keep Jinni inside. Well, here we are, Mary, he said, open-

    ing the car door on my side. Welcome to our homebe

    it ever so humble, and all that.

    My bedroom, I discovered, had been anything but

    humble. Life-sized, hand-painted butteries lifted what

    little estimation I had of Mrs. Makepeace by leaps and

    bounds. She was more than the average housewife and

    more like a radiant spider: A creative, meticulous, dili-

    gent artisan who had been patient with all my behavioral


    Very good, Mary, Mrs. Makepeace said. Now try

    pronouncing the word once more without the growl.Them calling me Mary was strange at rstbut after

    hearing my alias a few hundred times during the day from

    Mrs. Makepeace, at which time Mr. Makepeace was away

    at his job in town, my ears perked at the mere mention

    of the name.

    Pay attention, Mary, Mrs. Makepeace said when she

    had caught me staring at their extra large quilt. I couldnt

    help it. The bright cloth greedily blanketed the entire

    living room wall. Written clear across in patchwork-style

    were the words:

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    YoU CaNt HuG WiTH NuCLeaR ARmS

    How corny can you be?I thought, returning to my gram-

    mar lesson, while deep down, I had really admired the

    couples tree-hugging lifestyle.

    After Mrs. Makepeaces ve-hour version of home-

    schooling, she told me I had to wash up because thered

    be a surprise for me when Mr. Makepeace got home. I

    sure didnt need anymore surprises and the last thing I had

    wanted to do (besides destroy an entire species) was take

    another showerbut I was expected to make a ready-fuss

    before that evenings cherished tradition.

    An hour later, Mr. Makepeace and Mrs. Makepeacecame knocking on my bedroom door. Mr. Makepeace

    entered, preceding his wife and when he had moved, I

    saw her holding a brand new, pink and green, polka-dot

    dress. I tried it on and turning me towards the full length

    mirror, Mrs. Makepeace said, My heavens, dont you

    look pretty.

    We sat for dinner and despite my lack of table talk

    and table manners we three had discovered that a laugh is

    still a laugh in any language. If only Phemus, the gopher

    were alive. If only he and Strix, the owl and Anelm, the

    tree could see memore of a human now as I had ever

    been before. Wolf girl had taken the bait, and in her place

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    had arrived another girl happy to conform to her new,

    gilded cage. Mary had taken over while I had remained

    trapped in the belly of the beast.

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    That night, under the moonlit sky, Mr. Makepeace

    tucked me into bed and even the Misses had kissed me

    goodnight. There I lay, Mary the traitor. Would Phemus,

    the gopher have called me a turncoat? I felt selsh; but

    how was I to know how good it would feel to actually

    experience just some of the things my books back home

    had promised.

    Anyhow, with day two nearing its end, I was certain

    that, polka-dot dress or no, Id have to nd my way

    back to the Cambrian Forest some way, some how. I

    locked my door, cased the bedroom, and wondered how

    I would plan my escape. From my window, I surveyed

    the backyard.

    It cant be, I thought. I couldnt believe my eyes. Across

    the driveway in the dark stood the Man, same as he had

    stood that night outside the orphanage.

    In jungle law, we predators know that anything stalked

    for this long surely reeked of death. Now that I was on

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    my own in their world, humans had become my predator,

    and I felt as defenseless as a kitten.

    Hours slipped away. In the distance, I heard a cat give

    a bone-chilling meow. I returned to the window, scanning

    the backyard. To my surprise, the Man had gone. I knew

    then that I had to chance my escape.

    When my feet met the wet grass, a gray cat without

    a tail darted between my legs followed by the approach-

    ing sound of rabid growls. I hooked a corner and before

    bite could meet bark, I brained the dog on the head with

    a stone. The German shepherd gave a loud yipe before

    turning tail. I called out to the gray cat:

    You can come out now, fraidy cat. That dog wontsic you no more.

    Thank you very much, the cat mewed, catching his

    breath, though now I could see that his reexes had been

    impressive for an old-timer. My human parents call me

    Jinni. You must be Mary.

    Mynameis Katrina, I said testily.

    Wait, he said, seeming to return to his senses. Did

    theysend you?

    They? I said, casting the stone from my hand.

    Who are they?

    The wild ones, of course, he meowed nervously.

    Blondies the neighbors dog but hes never attacked me

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    before tonight. You see we had an agreement, a truce, if

    you like. But now hes claiming to be carrying out some

    secret mission by order of the wild ones.

    A secret mission? I asked.

    Thats right. Before you drove him away, Blondie had

    said that on direct order from the wild ones, all domesti-

    cated animals must either join with their forest ancestors

    or die along with their human overseers. I cant express

    how relieved I am that you had happened along to stop

    him. I still havent the foggiest idea what he would gain

    from the wild ones by killing me.

    I, however, knew what Blondie, the dog had to gain.

    I lingered over his words, recalling the fear Mrs. Make-peace had shared with her husband during yesterdays car

    ride home. The talk of animal attacks stood fresh in my

    mind, followed by a realization from which the details of

    day two of the Operationbecame crystal clear. While the

    Flora Kingdom stopped producing oxygen on day one, on

    day two, the Fauna Kingdom was seeing to their distant

    cousins, the domesticated critters who, if discovered the

    wild ones mission, might be tempted to sabotage the


    Im guessing Blondie was chasing you cause you

    chose the side against the wild ones? I said rhetori-


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    Im on the side that feeds my belly, he said, snatch-

    ing a stray mouse by the tail.

    You really shouldnt eat him, I said as the mouse

    broke free and scuttled away with life and limb.

    And why not? he said, looking to recapture his

    prey. My human parentsthe Makepeacesare always

    trying to keep me indoors when they know mousing is

    my favorite game and mice are my favorite meal.

    I suppose a domesticated critter like you wouldnt

    understand jungle law, I boasted, suspecting I was being

    a hypocrite for breaking Rule #2 of the Operation. But I

    still dont see how eating pizza with anchovies counts as

    predation, scavenging, or grazing when the foods alreadycooked and prepared for you.

    Youre right; I wouldnt understand, he said, turning

    to walk away with a certain pedigree.

    Hey, where are you going? I asked.

    The same place you were going when you had

    jumped out of that windowhome.

    How did you know that I lived in

    The forest? he said, completing my sentence for

    me. Dont let this silver coat fool you, human. I may be

    old but I still have my instincts and so far I know you

    know the animal speechfar better than you know the

    human speech from the sound of things around the

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    house. You mentioned jungle law and youve the strength

    of a woman. You have the reexes of a cheetah and the

    dexterity of a monkey and the hearing of a batthough

    its a shame that at night, youre also as blind as one. In

    any event, I have already concluded that you were not

    raised by humans in our fair orphanage but in fact, were

    raised by the wild ones of the forest.

    I was ustered. In a minute, Jinni, the cat knew more

    about me than the Makepeaces could hope to know in

    a whole day.

    I also know that Im not the only one being hunted

    tonight. If youre truly keen on survival, then youll heed

    what your instincts are telling you about that Man outthere.

    You saw him too? I asked, looking more cautious

    than before.

    Saw him? Jinni, the cat said with a gleam of intel-

    ligence. I had all but tasted him. And from the smell of

    vodka in the air, hes surely waiting nearby. Id ask you

    not to bring any trouble to my human parents but seeing

    as how you saved my tail, or should I say my stub from

    Blondie, you stand true in my book. What does he want

    from you?

    I cant rightly gurebut Im not playing possum

    and Im not staying here long enough to nd out what

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    he wants.

    Katrina, I dont know what mess youve got yourself

    into but if you venture into the forest at this time of

    night, hell get you for sure. That Mans got implacability,

    something most humans aint got. I reckon hell see this

    through, alright. And from the look in his eyes, he wont

    quit till his job is complete.

    Thats mighty brave talk coming from a fraidy


    Its not brave to ght your enemies with force all

    the time, Katrina. Sometimes, and when its absolutely

    necessary, its best to ght with your reason, and think

    one step ahead.I pondered on this, thinking that if only I had gotten

    such advice beforemy fight with Bailey, that perhaps

    Phemus, the gopher would still be alive. But I suppose I

    still had some growing up to do.

    What should I do then? I asked.

    Stay the night. The Man would have gone by morn-

    ing and well have had this whole mess sorted out by then.

    How does that sound?

    I didnt like it but I agreed and we went inside through

    my window not too comforted by the cries of neighbor-

    hood pets and the howls of wild ones lling the midnight


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    Werent you going to say good-bye? Jinni, the

    cat meowed, watching me sneak through my bedroom

    window. A vigorous tongue-bathing did wonders for his

    fur, and he concluded the routine with a stretch-and-

    yawn combo.Its easier this way, Jinni, I said, pausing to warm

    my skin on the morning air. You were right about me;

    Ive gotten myself into one heck of a mess and it would

    probably be better for everyone if I just disappeared.

    Have it your way. Though its funny you know

    Whats that? I asked.

    That I was raised by humans and that you were

    raised by animals. Its as if were in some amusing plot

    out of a storybook.

    Yeah, I agreed simperingly. I wonder if it has a

    happy ending.

    Before he could answer, a goose-like honking

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    echoed from the front yard. We stuck our necks out the


    The coast was clear but just as I was about to repeat

    last nights landing, a green buggy pulled into the drive-

    way. It wasnt Mr. Makepeaces car and I could see from

    my window that the driver wasnt anyone Id seen in town

    before. Come to think of it, Mr. Makepeaces car hadnt

    left the driveway at all that morning.

    The doorbell rang, and I opened my bedroom door

    to let out Jinni, the cat. I peered from the landing to see

    who it was while Jinni, the cat scampered down the stairs

    for a closer look. A well-dressed man entered, greeted by

    Mrs. Makepeace.I recognize you, Mrs. Makepeace said, before he

    could return the greeting. Youre that journalist who

    writes those science columns in the Hollow Organon Hur-

    ricane George. Am I right?

    Thats right, maam. Though lately my science and

    weather columns have been overshadowed by those

    recent attacks on petsbut hey, thats Podunk Hollow

    for you. I hope youve stocked provisions just in case we

    nd ourselves in the eye of the storm. Is your husband

    around? What I have to say concerns you both.

    My husbands still in bed. He wasnt feeling well

    this morning and Im not certain I havent caught a little

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    of what hes come down with. Its been kind of hard to

    breathe lately. Can I offer you some tea?

    Gosh, I hope its nothing too serious, the journalist

    said as he sat beside Mrs. Makepeace. I have been feeling

    a little short of breath, too. And thanks, but Ill pass on

    the tea. Thisll only take a few minutes of your time.

    Your message said that you have some news con-

    cerning Mary?

    You couldnt uproot my feet from their spot above

    the stairs after I heard my so-called name.

    Yes, he said, mirroring her upright posture. You

    know what people have been saying about your daughter?

    Theyre saying that you folks have adopted the wolf girl.Yunnothe mystery child who in the past two years

    has been coming into town secretly and pilfering folks

    garbage like some raccoon. Im sure they dont mean any

    harmthe name-callings only because her real identity

    is so sketchy. But even people I respect are saying that

    Mary really is the girl raised by wolves.

    My husband and I dont care very much for town

    gossip. Youre the media. I realize its your business to

    keep your ear to the Podunk grapevine.

    You see, thats just the thing, he said, leaning for-

    ward to reveal some folded papers from his back pocket.

    It was last years acid rain which prompted my inves-

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    tigation. But Ive stumbled onto something else in my

    archives, and based on what Ive found, I think theres a

    kernel of truth to that gossip. Would you have a look at

    these clippings from our newspaper?

    I held the rails, peering over the banister where I

    could scarcely see the bold headlines:







    But these clippings are dated from ten years ago,

    Mrs. Makepeace said confusedly.

    Nine years to be exact. How old did you say your

    daughter was?

    I didnt say but shell be nine and three months

    tomorrow. But what does Mary have to do with

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    Dont you see, maam? Your Marys the Walker

    infant. Nine years ago, I suspect there had been a con-

    spiracy against Marys birth parents, the Walkers. Mary

    had to be almost three months old at the time the Walk-

    ers had quit working for Globex. I believe Globex had

    discovered the Walkers were planning to testify to the

    companys environmental crimes. I also believe that the

    Walker Disaster had been an elaborate cover-up of those

    crimes. When the ofce re at the research complex

    took the Walkers and their entire department, Globex

    had also accidentally destroyed any and all proof of

    their eco-crimes. Look hereGlobex had claimed that

    all six bodies were accounted for but that was a at-outlie. The crime scene investigators had found DNA on

    everyone butthe Walker infant. Now, I highly doubt the

    raised by wolves story, but all thisevidence clearly adds

    up to something. Youll have to humor me but I think

    there was a reason Globex didnt or couldnt kill Mary,

    and that somehow after nine years, the Walkers child has

    turned up in Podunk Hollow.

    This is all very entertaining, she said, but do you

    have any solid proof that Globex actually caused the

    Walker Disaster? Any real evidence of eco-criminality

    which, having somehow slipped past the grand jury, could

    reopen a decade-old case? Whats more, the Globex Cor-

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    poration resides in the city some thirty miles north. If

    Mary were the Walker infant, and had somehow managed

    to survive an ofce re, she could not have possibly lived

    on her own all this time without

    I know its hard to believe, maam, but if youll just

    give me your permission to talk with Mary, I could ask

    her to

    What was her real name? Mrs. Makepeace said,

    dizzy from speculation.


    Perhaps I havent a detectives wit but if my daugh-

    ters birth name really were Mary, I would think such an

    event a mighty strange coincidence to be believed, Mrs.Makepeace said, arms akimbo.

    Oh, he exclaimed with embarrassment. If Im

    rightMarys real nameis Katrina.

    I let out a shriek from my insides and before I knew

    it I was gone.

    Goodness sake, what was that noise? he shouted.

    Oh my God, it came from Marys bedroom, she


    I had jumped from higher spots loads of times; but

    after overhearing what had really happened to my birth

    parents, I couldnt even so much as stick a seven foot

    landing from my window.

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    I didnt care about the pain in my ankle. I ran with

    all my might, ignoring the grownup shouts from out my

    bedroom window. Maybe Jinni, the cat was right and these

    lives of ours had been part of some storybook; but if

    they were, I hated the author, cause now, I could see no

    ending that would resemble any kind of happy.

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    I was so short of breath from my hike through Ten-

    mile River, I had nearly passed out twice. I had even

    gotten lost a few times and thats never happened before

    tonight. The rain grew heavy and the sun was setting and

    my eyes began tearing. Soon, it was raining buckets but

    I was too busy crying rivers to notice.

    At any moment, Hurricane George would fulll its

    threat on Podunk Hollow. I had to nd shelter and rest

    awhile. The Cambrian Forest was uncommonly bleak and

    Id all but given up the hope of running into my forest

    family when, after leaning my hand on a tree, it quivered

    in a tender, almost familial way. I looked up and to my

    relief it was Anelm, the tree.

    Katrina! she said, waking up from some type of

    hibernation. Where have you been?

    Oh, Anelm, I blubbered with heavy sobs. Phemus,

    the gopher and then Bailey and the sheriff and Mr. Mud-

    geon and the Man and Mr. and Mrs. Makepeace and Jinni,

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    the cat but then the journalist came and said my parents

    were murdered!

    Katrina! Katrina! she said, using her leaves to

    shield the rain from my face though in truth it had been

    soaked with tears. Please get a hold of yourself. I cant

    understand a word youre saying. Speak in the animal


    Wasnt I using the animal speech?I thought, rubbing my


    I was so distraught that I hardly noticed that I was

    rambling in a smattering of English. Anelm, the tree

    exhaled some air and I steadied my breathing after which

    I had told her everything as calmly as I could.Goodness me, Katrina. Im very sorry to hear this

    news. But everyone except the plants has departed for the

    cradle of our ancestors. You mustnt delay here with me;

    the Operationdictates that time is of the essence.

    The Operation! I said, remembering why I had left

    the Cambrian Forest in the rst place. No, Anelm! They

    needwe needI need more time!

    There are too many forces at work, child, Anelm,

    the tree said regretfully. Im afraid time is simply a luxury

    we dont have.

    My hair gave into the approaching wind. No sooner

    had I refastened my buttery comb when, through the

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    sound of pelting rain, I heard someone calling me.


    I heard it again.

    Katrina! shouted the journalist who was followed

    by Jinni, the cat.

    Katrina, the journalist said. We have to return

    to town. Hurricane George is almost here. We must

    get inside where its safe!

    He was groggy, barely able to talk. I drew him under

    Anelm, the tree, where we sat for a spell with Jinni, the

    cat, who lay curled on my lap.

    Katrina, he meowed, Mr. Makepeace was taken

    to the emergency room and since you left this morning,many humans have similarly taken ill. Before we left

    town to nd you, the mayor had announced a state of

    emergency. Katrina, theres no more room in the hospital

    for anyone!

    Mr. Makepeace? I said, recalling how gently he had

    tucked me into bed the previous night.

    Oh, Katrina, Jinni, the cat mewed. The towns an

    absolute mess. There are oxygen camps everywhere you

    turn and not enough veterinarians tending to injured pets.

    The humans have set up triage centers in the schools and

    in the post ofce. Katrina, whatevers happened, its as if

    some new plague has infected the entire world. Something

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    out theres making humans sick and they havent been

    able to nd a cure.

    We both turned to examine the journalist. His face

    was sallow and he was hunched over as his breathing

    became labored.

    Theres no hope for him, Im afraid, Anelm, the

    tree said. This morning, the Protista Kingdom had cre-

    ated a pathogen and, with help from the insects, have

    started spreading a diseased microorganism into the

    humans food and drinking water. Your antibodies make

    you partly immune, Katrina, but by day ve the Earths

    oxygen will run out. Day four will be upon us soon; you

    must evacuate the land now and join your forest family.Unfortunately, these are the steps all life must take if we

    are to survive mankinds destruction. Please go. Human-

    itys fate cant be helped.

    Steps? What are you talking about? Jinni, the cat

    meowed. But just as surely as cats land on their feet, in

    no time at all, Jinni, the cat had landed squarely on the

    elephant in the room.

    You have no right to do this! Jinni, the cat meowed

    loudly after he had connected the dots in his mind. What

    if we dont wish to follow you?

    Jinni, I said, stroking his thick fur, Im sorry but,

    truth is, this is how it has to be. You can still come with

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    me, right? We can still be friends and we can

    No, Katrina, Jinni, the cat said, leaping from my lap.

    Truths are well acquainted friends but lies have never

    known each other. You knew this was going to happen

    and yet you didnt tell me. ImIm sorry we ever met.

    But I suppose this makes us even.

    I bowed my head shamefully. More than once, I had

    asked myself how I could hate humanity when I myself

    was human. But as long as I could remember, I had always

    hated humanity. I hated what they had done to the Earth

    and I hated what they had done to my plant and animal

    family. And now, Ive come to hate them even more for

    what they had done to the Walkers, my human family.Then it had occurred to me: With their defense of the

    environment, my birth parents had tried topreventhuman

    extinction. And while I would grow up to share their

    passion for the Earth it was also ironic that in contrast

    with my defense of the environment, I had tried to hasten

    human extinction. Oh, if my birth parents could see me

    nowan accomplice to a global holocaust.

    Unlike some humans, the Walkers cared deeply for

    the Earth, enough to endanger those they had loved. And

    for their pains, they had been killed for doing what was

    right for the Earth and somehow they had managed to

    keep me alive. Yet, here I was, nine years later, ghting

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    the same ght to save the Earth from the stubbornness

    of humanitybut this time, my actions have turned a

    ght for the ecosystem into a war against all humankind.

    I wonder what my birth parents would have said to me

    if they were here.

    Maybe they would have me consider people like the

    Makepeaces and the journalist hoping I would understand

    that, despite our differences, humanity wasnt all rotten

    apples. They would also have me emulate brave, human

    leaders who, in times of great hardships, used non-violent

    means to enlighten the minds of their oppressors. Still,

    would the majority of humans care about plants and ani-

    mals as I had? Would they care that the fates of all livingthings were one in the same? Hadnt they every right to

    live in the circle of life too?

    These new feelings were all well and good, but what

    could one little girl do against an army of plants and

    animals? And how could I dare to turn my back on my

    forest family after all they had done for me?

    Like a page in a book, my thoughts turned from my

    animal rearing, to my parents legacy, and then to my

    uncertain destiny and presently, I felt caught in a love

    triangle between my past and my future. I rose to my

    feet, choosing then and there to follow neither. Standing

    arm-and-arm with my present faith, I started to walk away

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    when the journalist grabbed me.

    Katrina! the journalist gasped, gripping me as if I

    were about to run into a burning building for something

    of whose importance no longer mattered. Katrina,

    where are you going? Hurricane George is

    I pushed him away but he stood fast, rming his hold

    on me. I struggled to break free but my ankle throbbed

    with pain and without enough oxygen in the air we were

    evenly matched and at once the yelling had begun.

    What? Katrina, I cant understand what youre

    saying, he said in response to my pleas that he had

    better release me. Enough of this ghting! We have to

    return to town now!Jinni, the cat meowed and Anelm, the tree rustled for

    us to stop arguing though I couldnt rightly hear them

    over the howling wind and rain. I became so angry that

    the unexpected happened.


    The journalist froze and Jinni, the cat jumped behind

    him and for a second, I was just as stunned as they were.

    For the rst time in all my life, I spoke the human speech

    to another human. And from the glint of understanding

    in his eye, I knew now that all my previous attempts at

    speech were in fact as Mr. Mudgeon had proclaimed:

    Babbling growls and grunts. The journalist released me

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    and, hufng with baited breath, spoke to me as no one

    had ever spoken to me before.

    You wereraised in the forest by animals, werent


    I nodded.

    But because you were never raised around people

    you havent learned how to talk like we do?

    I nodded.

    But you understand what Im saying?

    I nodded, rolling my eyes at what I thought was stat-

    ing the obvious.

    And you overheard what I said to Mrs. Makepeace

    about your birth parents?I nodded slowly.

    Can I assume you came into town hoping to be


    I shook my soggy head vigorously.

    Then why did you come into town?

    Humans kill Earthso we kill humans.

    I wished there had been an easier way to say what I

    had just said. Upon adding two-and-two, the journalist

    looked at me and his eyes widened at the incomprehen-

    sible sum.

    KatrinaYOU? Are you saying thatyourecausing

    all this?

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    I half nodded, as I didnt know how to tell him that

    I wouldnt take the blame for Hurricane George, as the

    approaching storm was only a symptom of a much

    greater condition we had been trying to cure.

    But how? Whos helping you?

    Animals. Plants. They understandlike we under-


    The moment I had said this, the journalist squinted at

    Jinni, the cat, who after all, was not only using his pow-

    erful sense of smell when he had helped the journalist

    track me into the forest, but was also using his intellect

    when he had decided to initiate the search for me in the

    rst place.The journalist came to his senses with a look of one

    who came to realize he was no longer surrounded by petty

    trees and mere creatures, but had expressed a look as of

    one who, without warning, had found himself engulfed

    by a sentient animal farm of retribution.

    Them I talk to, I said, pointing to Anelm, the tree

    and Jinni, the cat, the latter of who meowed in conr-


    II cant believe this. I knowsomeanimals are intel-

    ligent but do you mean to tell me that you can actually

    TALKto animals.

    And plants, I added, scolding him, as Mrs. Make-

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    peace would scold me, for neglecting a crucial detail.

    He looked as though he were going to faint. Sensing

    this was the end of my interview, I caught him by the

    elbow, and returned him to his seat under Anelm, the


    Breathe now, I said, handing one of her branches to

    him as though it were a peace pipe. I thrummed her bark

    with my voice and the leaves of Anelm, the tree steamed

    air full over the journalists face like an oxygen mask.

    Thank you, Anelm, I said, knowing she would fully

    understand my recent change of heart.

    I feel a little better now, the journalist said, arching

    his shoulders with relieved inhalation.Glad I am, I said as Jinni, the cat rubbed across my

    leg with a forgiving purr.

    Well, the journalist said, looking up at Anelm, the

    tree, am I to take it that you and your friends no longer

    want to kill humans?

    I gave a hopeful nod despite the odds against my

    new intention.

    But how are you going to stop thisthischaos?

    he asked with a shared sense of overwhelm.

    I stood thinking, and recalling the last sentence

    decreed by the Operation, I looked to the journalist and

    then to Jinni, the cat and then to Anelm, the tree before

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    To the cradle of our ancestors we must go.

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    I realize now why the journalist had turned pale at my

    confession, for when I reect on the past three days, I too

    became amazed at the Three Kingdoms: Flora, Fauna,

    and Protista. They had accomplished their assignments

    with cunning subtly and to such an extent that human-

    kind, with all their creative imagination, would never in

    a million years have anticipated a war like this.

    The scope of the thought was so astonishing that

    it sent my head spinning. Plant life ceased producing

    oxygen, domesticated animals had either been usurped

    or had joined the wild ones, and as a nal measure to

    insure human obliteration, a pathogen was released into

    their food and water. So concluding, it didnt take long

    for me to unravel the remaining details of the classied,


    If what Anelm, the tree had said about day ve were

    true, thered be no oxygen left, and so, as I enter day four,

    I concluded that the air-breathing Fauna Kingdom had

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    to shelter themselves from this apocalypseand thats

    when I remembered that the cradle of our ancestors

    was no other than the sea, the place where life had began

    3000 million years ago.

    It was a dark morning when the forestland we had

    trod nally met the sea. I, alongside the journalist and

    Jinni, the cat, stood at the cliff of the ocean coastline,

    witnessing a sight beyond all reason.

    As it was with the Ark so it was with the Operation.

    Try as I might, I can nd no other comparison but this

    to describe what we had witnessed at what we assumed

    had been the end of our journeyand perhaps, the end

    of the world.An explosion as far as my eyes could see of birds,

    reptiles, mammals, and most of all insects choked the

    lines of coast and sky for miles in a vividly surreal exodus.

    Like lemmings to the ocean, millions of species from

    vertebrates to invertebrates took their shelter inside the

    biggest creature on the planet Earth: The blue whale.

    Once they had breached onto the sandy beach, these

    blue whales began taking into their huge mouths their

    share of the animal surge. When they had reached capac-

    ity they vanished like commuter trains transporting cargo

    to some unknown station below the deep sea. This cycle

    repeated as more blue whales arrived to take more cargo,

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    while the previous round of whales had slipped into the

    shadowy cradle below.

    The call of the wild had engulfed us and it had

    appeared that our animal evacuees were relying on a

    version of some world wide web: A digital signaling

    composed of loud rattling, bailing, and screechingall

    to a purpose know only to Jinni, the cat and myself. Even

    though the feedback from this global orchestration had

    dwarfed those of Hurricane Georges, I was yet able to

    pinpoint a familiar cry.

    My animal brethren, Mordax, the rat said, boasting

    to the masses from his position high atop a promontory.

    Humans have created a powder keg of the Earth. Wemust precipitate mankinds destruction and by doing so

    prevent our own. When the cock crows three times, that

    is the signal. How tting, indeed! Tomorrow, the human

    problem will be solved and by day six, the Flora King-

    dom will return its oxygen. On day seven, victory and the

    Earthwill be ours!

    A highway of weaver ants veered past my feet before

    yielding to an intersection of red crabs. I did well to avoid

    them, minding the journalist do likewise. Above us, the

    white storks carried the baby snakes, while beside us the

    bulls ran alongside the bears; yet from everywhere, the

    reies lit the night, as the roosters sounded the alarm.

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    From alpacas to zebras, we were elbow-to-elbow in every

    beast. I parted the zooey multitude, crisscrossing my

    arms in the air.

    Mordax! Wait! I shouted. We have to stop the


    Katrina! Strix, the owl hooted, flying in from

    behind me. What are you still doing here? And where

    is Phemus?

    Strix, please, I panted, unsure where to begin.

    That day, before the Cambrian Tribunal, it had been my

    translation of the thin tree which had convicted human-

    ity to death. But when I went into town, I had met other

    humans, good people like this one who explained to methat many humans dont literally follow what is written

    on that thin tree. There exist many thin trees containing

    many tales and despite these sacred beliefs most humans

    want to use their reason for sustainable progress and want

    to use their science and technology to heal the Earth.

    And I believe they can if we would only give them the


    Dont listen to her, Strix! Mordax, the rat said. She

    has disgraced us by bringing one of her own here to spy

    on us. I should have foreseen this treachery. Humans are

    greedy and opulent; their bellies are never full. She is a

    human and humanity is wicked!

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    Thats not true! I shouted. Let him talk to you


    Katrina, Strix, the owl hooted regretfully, what

    youre asking cannot be done.

    Strix, pleasefor Phemus, I said, and from the

    sorrow in my eyes he had learned that our subtle war

    against humanity had one beloved casualty. My trans-

    lation began this. Please, allow my translation to end


    Every ear had been lent to hear how Strix, the owl

    would respond.

    Let the human speak, Strix, the owl hooted against

    the unyielding reply of protests from Mordax, the ratand many others.

    I nodded to the journalist who approached with

    caution, still in disbelief that he was about to address

    an owl.

    Yes, well, um, mister owl, sir, the journalist stut-

    tered. I can assure you that human beings dont want a

    war anymore than you do. Listen, Im a journalist for the

    towns newspaper. I can report to our leaders on whats

    happened here todaybut not if Im dead. End your

    attacks on us, let me return to my people and convince

    them to meet with your demands.

    Demands? Strix, the owl replied to the journalist

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    after my translation of his words. Human, what we

    are doing isnt terrorismit is survival. For millennia,

    humans took only what was needed from the Earth. That

    is no longer the case. Our patience with mankind is at an

    end and your goodwill comes far too late.

    But the blame is equal. We turned a blind eye to

    the damage your wars have raged upon the Earth. We

    said nothing when you hunted Fauna to extinction. We

    deferred our objections to your deforestation of Flora

    after all, each of us exists as part of a system, one you call

    the food chain, and one we know as jungle law. But now,

    under your stewardship, the planet that sustains these

    vital systems is in decay and this we cannot tolerate. Canyou alone ensure our Three Kingdoms that the harmful

    actions of your species against the planet will cease?

    After my translation, the journalist didnt know how

    to respond. He was also too dizzy and too sick and too

    run-down and I shared his frustration. The winds, having

    sensed our defeat, forced us back and like Emperor

    penguins we had to huddle for warmth against the freez-

    ing rain. Unmoved, the evacuees continued their march

    toward the sea.

    Strix, I said wanly. You are my family. You taught

    me how to survive. But Mordax is right. I am not one

    of you. I am a human, yes, but a human with love and

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    compassion. I dont want to be against the world, I want

    to change the worldand Im going to start by chang-

    ing myself.

    Yesterday, I learned about my birth parents. They

    showed me that I could stand up for whats right even

    when it seems like the entire world is against you. And

    Jinni showed me that I could ght with my reason instead

    of with my hands. I realize now that the Operation is

    wrong! We mustnt solve our problems like this or else

    were no better stewards of the planet than those who

    are harming it. We should show compassion to those dif-

    ferent from us. I stand here today simply because, when

    Phemus had brought me into the Cambrian Forest nineyears ago, you had showed me the very same compassion.

    Havent you anymore to give?

    Just then a shot rang out. The journalist fell, grab-

    bing his shoulder in pain. Though they had protection

    in number, the animals surrounding us took ight at the

    gunshots. It was my rst time hearing Noel, the church

    mouse scream aloud as well as hearing gunre up close.

    You have something I want, little lady, the Man said,

    drawing his oxygen mask away from his face. The long,

    thick scars from third-degree burns made him appear

    more monster than man.

    He aimed his gun at Jinni, the cat and motioned for

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    me to come to him. When I was near enough to smell the

    vodka on his breath, the Man snatched me by the hair,

    and without a moments hesitation, yanked my buttery

    comb free.

    At last! he shouted, pushing me to the ground.

    Then, with a cracking sound, he had split the combs

    wings in two, the underside of one piece revealing the

    name KATRINAcarved in the plastic molding. Nowthat I had learned who my real mother was, I realized she

    had been the one who had written my name there and

    I welled with gratitude that she had never let me forget

    who I really was.

    The Man fumbled the remains on the ground as ifhis contact lens had fallen out and when he had stood, I

    could see a small ash drive shining in his hand.

    And you must be Katrina, he said, standing over me

    with his gun to my temple. I dont blameyoufor gettin

    caught up in this mess. Now your folks, the Walkers

    they were warned time and time again not to testify

    against Globex. But they had to go and take the stand,

    so I had to go and shut em up.

    I pawed his hand from my face so that I might check

    on the journalist. Immediately after I saw that he had been

    badly injured, the Man had pistol-whipped me.

    Frisky like your mom, eh? he said. Quit your

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    squirming! You wouldnt want me to shoot holes in your

    feline friend, now would ya? Ha, ha! Bless your heart,

    paperboy, he said, looking at the journalist. It mighta

    took nine years, but guess what I done up and found: The

    girl raised by wolves. You shoulda stayed in the woods

    where I couldnt nd that pretty little head of yours.

    You kill parents, I said with tears streaming down

    my face.

    Lord, I didnt so much as kill em as I watched their

    entire oor go up in ames, he said sarcastically. I was

    just about to high-tail it outta there too when I saw your

    mom put this ash drive in that stupid buttery on your

    head and throw you down a trash chute. I knew that but-tery comb was important but losing it was okay cause

    even if you had survived how were you to know what

    it was, right? Plus our county law has this thing called

    a statute of limitations that basically says that after ten

    years of being tried for a crime, you cant be tried for

    that crime no more.

    But just to be on the safe side, Globex rehired me

    to track you down like the runt you are. Aint life funny?

    The answer to my problem was sitting on your pretty little

    head this whole time. I guess I win and with this proof,

    Globex wont stand trial for eco-crimes ever again.

    Leave. Take proof. Go away, I said, rubbing the

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    bruise on my jowl.

    Nuh-uh, he said, shaking his head after taking a pull

    from his oxygen mask. I aint so fool enough to see that

    weve got ourselves a bigger problem here. And since I

    fully intend on laughing all the way to the bank with the

    money Im gettin for this here ash drive, Im just about

    aimingto solving that problem.

    The Man drew the muzzle of his gun, ignoring the

    sights and sounds of the coastline teeming with life.

    He aimed his gun at Strix, the owl, then at Jinni, the

    cat, before nally settling on the target most hated by


    You there, on that pedestal, he said, looking wrath-fully at Mordax, the rat. I was watching from the bushes,

    listening to what that paperboy was saying to you. I dont

    know how but Ill wager youre the one causing all these

    attacks. Say your prayers you lthy rat!

    No! I screamed, blindsiding the Man with the swift-

    ness I used to subdue Bailey.

    The Man knocked me away but not before his gun

    roared, missing Mordax, the rat by inches, and not with-

    out killing several sparrows in the process. The departing

    animals, who before had paid no heed to the hurricanes

    thunder, were now cowering from this unnatural thun-

    derclap. Their world wide web of communication had

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    crashed as it broadcasted waves of fear to every eeing

    creature. With nowhere to run the animals piled atop

    one another.

    Instantly, Strix, the owl swooped in, knocking the gun

    from the Mans grip. Before the Man could retrieve the

    weapon, Mordax, the rat leaped from his high promon-

    tory over a deep ravine, landing on the Man, and biting his

    ear with a eshy crunch. The Man let out a cry of pain,

    spinning and ailing with the agony one would expect

    from the scratching and gnawing of ones cartilage. The

    Man slipped backward, as both he and Mordax, the rat

    seem to plunge over the cliff.

    Mordax! I yelled, lunging for the coastal edge withmy last breath. Climb onto my hand!

    I stretched my arm over the cliffside but my cries

    of support were ignored. Kill or be killed, Mordax, the

    rat was determined to have his revenge. After holding

    fast to the Mans ear, Mordax, the rat scurried down his

    victims open neck. The Man gripped the cliff s edge for

    dear life but in an unconscious act of self-preservation,

    he had released the ledge, using his free hand to fend off

    the angry rodent.

    Die, human, die! Mordax, the rat squeaked, chomp-

    ing down on the Mans throat.

    Mordax, no! I screamed, watching the Mans eyes

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    grow dim with blood.

    My ngers were outstretched, and my body slipped

    forward from the deluge of rain. I remember peering

    down at the watery darkness far below, where the door

    to another world glistened to me.

    Suddenly the Man lost his grip, grabbing my forearm

    with a great yank. My body was free now and I was plung-

    ing toward the darkness below and all I remember was

    the sound of the ravines crashing waves. My pain, my

    cares, my worries, these were all behind me. The door of

    that world would slam shut and the animal in me would

    sleep forever.

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    SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2005


    --------------------------------by the Journalist


    Never in my wildest dreams did I think Id be alive

    to tell my side of the story. After months of physical

    and emotional therapy, this column is my rst attempt

    at coming to terms with what had really occurred on the

    coastline that dark morning. Though the facts revealed inthis column will certainly sound dream-like to my readers,

    I am still convinced my experience had been no dream.

    For what its worth to my career and to my reputation, this

    column will serve to not only end my denial but will also

    end months of rumor and speculation fueled by the fearof humiliation which had prevented me from admitting

    how I really came to obtain the proof which had nally

    brought the Globex Corporation to justice.

    You may recall part of the facts from my television

    interview just weeks after theNew Plaguehit the world:

    On day four, I was barely conscious when a cat named

    Jinni helped me track Katrina (the girl raised by wolves)

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    down into her forest home. The Man, who had ambushed

    us, had stolen the ash drive that was hidden in Katrinas

    buttery comb, but in a turn of fate caused by a rat, the

    Man had fallen from the cliff, taking Katrina with him.

    The rest you know. Hurricane George had subsided the

    next day, people had recovered from the virus, our trees

    had returned the oxygen, and the world had breathed a

    collective sigh of relief. After I had discovered the con-

    tents of the ash drive found in my pocket, I contacted

    the authorities. Weeks later, the Man who had shot me

    was linked to the Globex Corporation and the Walker


    What I hadnt fully admitted in my interviews wasthat the cause of it all, from beginning to end, had been

    theplants and animals.

    I must take you back to when Jinni and I had caught

    up with Katrina in the forest, where she had showed

    me how she spoke with plants and animals, w