Download - Kanwal Public School Newsletter · conference keynote speakers included: Professor Pasi Sahlberg - Pasi Sahlberg is a Finnish educator and author who has worked as schoolteacher,

Page 1: Kanwal Public School Newsletter · conference keynote speakers included: Professor Pasi Sahlberg - Pasi Sahlberg is a Finnish educator and author who has worked as schoolteacher,

Kanwal Public School Phone: 02 43923477 Fax: 02 43931621 ABN: 18 246 198 266 Email: [email protected] Craigie Avenue, Kanwal NSW 2259 Web:

Kanwal Public School Newsletter

22 May 2019 - Term 2 Week 4

Tuesday 28 May

Tuesday 28 May

Thursday 30 May

Friday 31 May


PSSA Netball Gala Day

Sorry Day Assembly Years 3-6 9.20am in Hall

AFL Paul Kelly Cup Gala Day

School Photo Day

Principal’s Report

New Resources

Our wonderful Librarian Mrs Hill, and our Instructional Leader Mrs Shaw have been busy purchasing some new resources for our school. Mrs Hill has found a collection of quality Aboriginal texts to support our ever-growing collection in the library. These books will be put into circulation shortly. Meanwhile, Mrs Shaw has been purchasing decodable texts to support literacy development in the Kindergarten to Year 4 range. This will free up some other aspects of our reading collection to further support all K-6 students in the school. These new collections cost the school just over $10 000, and will be used in all of our classes over the coming terms and years.

Page 2: Kanwal Public School Newsletter · conference keynote speakers included: Professor Pasi Sahlberg - Pasi Sahlberg is a Finnish educator and author who has worked as schoolteacher,

Master School Portraits (MSP – Photo Day) Our annual School Photo Day is approaching fast. When: Friday May 31 Please remember that all student envelopes need to be returned on the day. (31.5.19) Family/sibling photo envelopes can be collected from the office.

Semester 1 Reports

Semester 1 reports are currently being constructed by school staff. These reports take time to construct and reflect all aspects of school life. School reports are written to highlight where your child/ren are up to at a specific point in time. School reports focus on Effort, Curriculum Understanding, Social Development and Attendance. More information on our reporting process will be placed in the newsletter later this term. We are hopeful that the reports will be issued in Week 10 of this term.

Celebrate with our P&C All community members are welcome to attend our Term 2 P&C Meeting. At our P&C meetings you will hear the latest updates from members of our school executive team and have the opportunity to have your say in how our school runs. We have a wonderful dedicated team of members and we would like you to come and join the fun. Where: KPS Staffroom When: Wednesday 22nd May (Tonight) Special Presentation: An insight into how we teach Mathematics. The presentation will be include some theory and hands on activities and will be delivered by our Building Numeracy Leaders (BNL) team.

Instructional Leader – Mrs Michelle Shaw Assistant Principal - Mrs Alecia Harris Classroom Teacher – Mr Justin McPhan

Time: 6:30pm

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Principal’s Professional Learning

Late last week I had the privilege of attending the 2019 Connect Ed Principal’s Conference in the Hunter. I experienced two days of high quality professional learning with around 300 Principals and Directors in attendance. Some of our conference keynote speakers included:

Professor Pasi Sahlberg - Pasi Sahlberg is a Finnish educator and author who has worked as schoolteacher, teacher educator, researcher, and policy advisor in Finland and has studied education systems, analysed education policies, and advised education reforms around the world.

Emeritus Professor Thomas Guskey - Thomas R. Guskey is Professor Emeritus in the College of Education at the University of Kentucky where he served as Department Chair, Head of the Educational Psychology Area Committee, and President of the Faculty Council. He has been a Visiting Professor at ten universities in the U.S. and a Visiting Scholar at universities in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. A graduate of the University of Chicago, he began his career in education as a middle school teacher, served as an administrator in the Chicago Public Schools, and was the first director of the Centre for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning, a national research centre.

Ann McIntyre - Ann McIntyre is an experienced Principal, Superintendent and NSW state policy leader who is recognised for her work in quality teaching, leadership, and school and system improvement. She has received numerous national excellence awards, and while principal, the school was acknowledged as being “on the leading edge of best practices in teaching and learning.” As the Director of Professional Learning and Leadership in NSW, she designed system innovations and reforms that significantly influenced the work of teachers and leaders. Ann is the Australian researcher for the International Teacher Policy Study with the University of Stanford.

Jane Caro - Jane Caro has a low boredom threshold and so wears many hats; including author, novelist, lecturer, mentor, social commentator, columnist, workshop facilitator, speaker, broadcaster and award winning advertising writer and Walkley Award recipient.

The common thread running through her career is a delight in words and a talent for using them to connect with other people. Today she runs her own communications consultancy. She has published eight books; “The Stupid Country: How Australia is Dismantling Public Education” co-authored with Chris Bonnor (New South 2007), “The F Word. How we learned to swear by feminism” co-authored with Catherine Fox (New South, 2008) “Just a Girl” her first novel (UQP, 2011) and “What Makes a Good School?” co-authored with Chris Bonnor (New South, 2012).

It is always an honour listening to inspirational educators and then sharing their thoughts with my educational community.

Quality Work with Mr Moxon

In the last two weeks I have been inundated with quality work samples coming through my door. I have even been requested into several rooms to see significant lessons or asked to pop in as I was walking past so that students could show me the great work they are doing in their classes. I enjoy nothing more than seeing my students succeeding and trying their best. Last week in particular almost 200 hundred students in Years 3 and 5 sat the NAPLAN assessments. I could not be more proud of these students as they listened carefully to the instructions and completed the assessment to the best of their abilities. I would also like to thank the team at KPS for their dedication and preparation in ensuring our students in Year 3 and 5 had every opportunity to succeed.

Keep up the great work Kanwal.

Mr Moxon

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Deputy Principal’s Report

Positive Behaviour for Learning

At our school assembly this week I talked about our social skills program with the students. The teachers provided lessons on these skills in Term 1 and we are following up in our Years 3-6 assembly. The following information was covered.

• At Kanwal P.S. we work hard to make our school a Safe and Happy place to play and learn.• We are a Positive Behaviour for Learning School : PBL. The PBL expectations are :• SAFE RESPECTFUL RESPONSIBLE• It is everyone’s job to make this school the best place it can be by behaving safely, respectfully and

responsibly.• You will help make our school a great place for learning and making friends.• Every person is important.• Be noticed for doing the right thing and earn “Craigies”.

We are learning that- • Everyone has the right to be Safe and Happy.• We use Nice talk.• We use Brave Talk.• Play the Game- Our School Motto• We agree to be friendly (not bully).• Stop Think Check and Do.• Say “ Yes O.K.”• Keep Your Problem Small• Be a winner and play the game safely, respectfully and responsibly.


A reminder that it is vital that students arrive at school ready to begin

learning, each day, on time. Students arriving at school after the bell

need to go to the office for a late note. When children are late the

school records it as a partial absence. Where possible an adult

needs to accompany the student to the office.

It is also important that all students who are walking or riding bikes

come directly to school in the morning and go straight home in the

afternoon without diverting. Younger students should be

accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.

Page 5: Kanwal Public School Newsletter · conference keynote speakers included: Professor Pasi Sahlberg - Pasi Sahlberg is a Finnish educator and author who has worked as schoolteacher,

Help Your Child Succeed in School:

Build the Habit of Good Attendance Early

School success goes hand in hand with good attendance!


• Starting in kindergarten, too many absences can cause children to fall behind in school.

• Missing 10 percent (or about 18 days) can make it harder to learn to read.

• Students can still fall behind if they miss just a day or two days every few weeks.

• Being late to school may lead to poor attendance.

• Absences can affect the whole classroom if the teacher has to slow down learning to help children catch


Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school—and themselves.

Health and Safety is everyone’s responsibility.

If there is an emergency and you are going to be late picking your child up after school please inform the office

during school hours.

If you inform the school too close to the bell, we may not be able to get the message to your child in time. Please

teach your child to always go to the office if you are late for pick up. A staff member will stay with your child in the

office area until you arrive. That way your child stays safe at all times.

When coming onto the school grounds please always use the pedestrian gates for your safety. Driveways are out

of bounds to pedestrian traffic. Please stay safe when entering and exiting our school.

Road Safety

Parking safely will help to keep young children safe - even if it means walking further to the school gate.

Never call to your children from across a road – teach them to wait until you cross and come to them.

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Cyberbullying – supporting your child online

Childhood bullying used to be face-to-face physical and verbal behaviour in the playground, classroom and on the

way to and from school. Now online technology and constant connectivity has allowed bullying to harm children

through often anonymous contact or actions. Cyberbullying can happen at any time and leave a child feeling unsafe

and alone.

Cyberbullying commonly occurs through:

* Comments posted in an open online environment such as Facebook.

* Direct text, email or instant messages online or on a mobile phone.

* Private features on social networking services such as Snapchat and Facebook Messenger.

Children can manage cyberbullying with your support by taking the following action:

* Blocking the person cyberbullying and changing privacy settings. Retaliating or responding to the perpetrator only

gives them the attention and power they want.

* Reporting the bullying. Most websites have online safety centres and reporting facilities. Online abuse is in

violation of the Terms of Use of most social networking sites. The Office of the eSafety Commission can take

complaints and provide assistance in relation to serious cyberbullying material that is directed at a particular child

with the intention to seriously embarrass, harass, threaten or humiliate.

Collecting the evidence. Keeping mobile phone messages and printing emails or messenger conversations.

Talking to someone they trust like parents or a teacher.

* Visiting iParent for a list of sources of professional support including the Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800,

eheadspace on 1800 650 890 or parentline.

Parentline provides help through counselling, information and referral that is tailored to meet each callers' needs.


1300 1300 52 (cost of a local call)

Hours of operation:

9am to 9pm Monday - Friday

4pm to 9pm Saturday and Sunday

Or follow the link below:

Page 7: Kanwal Public School Newsletter · conference keynote speakers included: Professor Pasi Sahlberg - Pasi Sahlberg is a Finnish educator and author who has worked as schoolteacher,

Tell Them From Me Survey Results

Students in Years 4, 5 and 6 recently completed the Tell Them From Me survey. 238 students completed the survey between 12 Mar 2019 and 10 Apr 2019.

The Tell Them From Me student survey helps our school to understand students’ perspectives on critical aspects of their school experience, such as social, institutional and intellectual engagement, wellbeing and exposure to quality teaching practices.

Figure 6 shows the average scores on a ten-point scale for each factor for Kanwal Public School compared with NSW Govt. norms for students at the year levels assessed in this school.

Results indicate that students are close or equal to the government norms for student engagement.

When comparing results from last year there have been improvements across a number of areas.

Page 8: Kanwal Public School Newsletter · conference keynote speakers included: Professor Pasi Sahlberg - Pasi Sahlberg is a Finnish educator and author who has worked as schoolteacher,

Students have indicated an improvement in interest and motivation, positive behaviour at school and positive

relationships at school. Positive behaviour and positive relationships are showing as higher than the NSW Govt.

norm and interest and motivation has improved by 14% taking the school results closer to the Govt, norm.

A majority of students are indicating that they value school outcomes and effort. Whilst students’ sense of belonging

has improved it is still an area the school needs to focus on.

Students indicating that they are victims of bullying has decreased by 8% which is in line with the increase in

positive relationships and is just below the NSW Govt. norm. Relevance of learning, positive teacher-student

relations and positive learning climate have all increased and are close to or exceed the NSW Govt. norm.

Thank you

Melissa Mackay

Deputy Principal

Page 9: Kanwal Public School Newsletter · conference keynote speakers included: Professor Pasi Sahlberg - Pasi Sahlberg is a Finnish educator and author who has worked as schoolteacher,

What is a quality text?

A quality text can be a picture book that when read to the students:

Evokes emotion

Engages a broad range of readers

Has complex language structures

Contains illustrations that add to the meaning of the text

Is highly inferential

Allows for personal connections

Contains rich vocabulary

Allows for many teaching opportunities.

Students are then encouraged to discuss the ‘text’ with their peers to gain a deeper understanding of the text. They

are encouraged to justify and explain their ideas.

This then forms the shared experience for the writing process.

How you can help with comprehension at home.

After your child has done their home reading or read their library book, have a discussion by asking

‘Under the surface reading questions’.



What if…..?




News from Michelle Shaw - Deputy Principal Instructional Leader

Focus on Writing

Our teachers have been attending professional learning, with a focus on writing. They have looked at the writing

process and how it can be embedded into teaching and learning every day, across all classes from kindergarten to

year 6. All classes will be read a ‘quality text’, which will then be discussed to improve comprehension and


Page 10: Kanwal Public School Newsletter · conference keynote speakers included: Professor Pasi Sahlberg - Pasi Sahlberg is a Finnish educator and author who has worked as schoolteacher,

K-6 King News

A local community member visited K-6 King recently for a discussion about ANZAC Day. He was so impressed

by their attentiveness and respectful manner that he donated a greenhouse to them. After learning about

teamwork, the boys worked together to build the greenhouse. Hopefully K-6 King will use their construction to

grow some seedlings for the bush tucker garden.

Join Us to Remember

Kanwal Public School would like to invite you to our Sorry Day assembly. The assembly will be held on Tuesday

28 May in the hall, commencing at 9.20am. Afterwards we would love for you to join us for a yarn and a light

morning tea in the 8 ways garden.

Maliga – 2019 Indigenous Arts and Culture Showcase

Some of our talented aboriginal students have their artwork displayed at Maliga, please find all the details below.

Thank you Mrs Lauren Peterson

Page 11: Kanwal Public School Newsletter · conference keynote speakers included: Professor Pasi Sahlberg - Pasi Sahlberg is a Finnish educator and author who has worked as schoolteacher,

The NRL Indigenous round is next week and the Newcastle Knights will take on the Sydney Roosters at McDonald Jones Stadium Friday 24th May.

This year we are excited to get involved in The Long Walk 2019 and would love our NRL School to Work Participants and community join in and walk with us. (Could you please send through the following information to any students & community members who would like to get involved and attend the game.)

The Long Walk, is a charity inspired by Essendon Legend Michael Long’s walk to Canberra to get the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people back on the national agenda. The Long Walk raises awareness to improve and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island health, wellbeing and life opportunities. The charity achieves this through its awareness raising events and its education programs Walk the Talk and The Long Walk Cultural Exchange.

In 2019, the NRL and the AFL’s Indigenous Rounds fall on the same weekend. NRL Legend, Preston Campbell with join forces with AFL Legend, Michael Long to bring The Long Walk to Newcastle.

Event Details: (This event is being organised by the NRL & The Long Walk)

Where: Kentist Oval, Womboin Rd, Lambton

When: Friday, 24 May, 2019

Time: Registration from 4.30pm, Formalities from 5.15pm, The Long Walk departs 6.15pm

Walk: The Long Walk will depart from Kentist Oval and finish on the field at McDonald Jones Stadium

Participants must register from 4.30pm. The first 100 to register for the walk will receive a ticket to the Knights V Roosters game, The Long Walk Tshirt and wristband which allows them to participate in the walk and enter on to the field. (Only the first 100 will be able to continue the Walk on to the field). The next 200 to register for the walk will receive a ticket to the Knights V Roosters game and a Long Walk t.shirt.

Find out more

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Library News

Thank You!

A huge thank you to illustrator Sally Heinrich who has kindly donated a class set of One Step at a Time, which

was shortlisted with honours for Picture Book of the Year by the Children’s Book Council of Australia in 2016.

The book contains a powerful message, in both the text by Jane Jolly and illustrations by Sally Heinrich, and will

be a valuable resource in our school.

Mrs Hill & Mrs Gallagher

Office News

School Payments

Please note that you have many options when making payments at Kanwal Public School.

Our preferred payment method is online through our Kanwal School website. However, we do have eftpos

facilities available in the Office, and for your convenience, you can also send in the correct cash amount clearly

labelled and place it into the money slot on the Office counter.

Year 5 & Year 6 Camp Payments

Just a friendly reminder that camp payments can be made at any time, both online or in person at the Office.

School Photo Envelopes

Our school photo day is fast approaching! If you require a sibling envelope, you can collect one from the

Office. All photo envelopes must be returned on photo day next Friday 31 May and not before. If you

have misplaced your photo envelope we can issue you with another one and provide you with your

child’s individual shoot key number, which you will require when ordering.

Year 6 Jackets

Just a friendly reminder that we still have a few Year 6 jackets awaiting collection in the Office. If you have

already paid the initial $10 deposit, the remaining balance is $54.95.

Woolworths Earn & Learn

We are collecting the stickers in the Office, just drop them into the money slot on the counter. We have so many

already so keep them coming……every little sticker helps!

Page 13: Kanwal Public School Newsletter · conference keynote speakers included: Professor Pasi Sahlberg - Pasi Sahlberg is a Finnish educator and author who has worked as schoolteacher,

Thank you to everyone who came and supported the KPS Election Day BBQ. We raised over $1,000 for our school!

A special thank you to Matt Smith of McGrath Toukley and Lew from Kanwal Meat Market for their generous donation of

ALL of the sausages, bacon and eggs!

A massive thank you to Mrs King, Ms Atchison, Mrs Mackay, Mr Moxon, Mrs Baigent and Mrs Harris as well as all of the

P&C members who gave up their Saturday to come along and run this fantastic community event. We received lots of positive comments

from past students and local families about KPS and really enjoyed the day.

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MAY 22nd