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  • 8/9/2019 Kansas Wing - Mar 2010


    S P R I N G , 2 0 1 0V O L U M E 1 I S S U E 5 the starsAd Astra


    Cunningham Composite SquadronSets Intense Pace

    The Cunningham Composite Squadronbased in Cunningham, Kansas is thefirst and only dual program squadronin the state. The Squadron has aunique program as the Civil Air PatrolKansas Wings model for public school

    based programs. The compositesquadron is composed of local seniormembers age 18 and older and cadetsin grades 6-12. The school basedprogram meets each school day as aclass with senior members acting asthe instructors. The senior member

    instructors are members of the school staff and from local communities. Thecadets are students from Cunningham Grade School and Cunningham High School.The Squadron also meets the second and 4th Thursdays of each month from 7 PMto 8:30 PM during which senior members and cadets from the general publicparticipate. Members and cadets participating in the Civil Air Patrol currently

    come from Cunningham, Kingman, Pratt, Turon, Nashville, and Anthony. Thesquadrons combined membership is at 15 Senior Members and 42 Cadets andgrowing.Since its inauguration Launching event last May that was celebrated with supportfrom the Kansas Civil Air Patrol Wing Headquarters staff, local EMS and lawenforcement personnel, the US Army Kansas National Guard and Reserves, andthe United States Air Force Reserves and Kansas Air National Guard; the squadronhas set fast pace of activities and training.The Squadron has donated over 100 hours ofcommunity service work to the area. Thecadets collected and transported over 3,000pounds of obsolete electronic equipment to a

    recycling center. They also continue tosupport the preparation and distribution of theCunningham Grade School Fresh Fruit andHealthy Snacks Grant program daily. Thecadets are also an integral part of the City ofCunninghams Safe Routes to School Grantprogram that has brought $60,000 in fundingto Cunningham in the first phase and will bringin $250,000 in the second phase.

    Continued page 2

    Cadets in AerospaceScience class at CurryWeekend in Salina.

    Maj. Glenn Fortmayer issues orders duringthe May 2009 Launch Event Drill Contest

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    P A G E 2

    Cunningham Continued

    In September of 2009 the Squadron visited a sister program, the USAF Junior Reserve OfficersTraining Corps, at Lyons High School and received their first drill instruction on parade columnmovements from cadets in that program. The cadets then traveled to tour the SmithsonianCosmosphere Museum in Hutchinson, KS. Staff there complimented as being one of the very bestbehaved groups to have come through the museum.Residents of Cunningham and the surrounding area may have observed the cadets and seniormembers in their camouflage uniforms conducting Ground Team Search and Rescue Training inSeptember and in October. Mock emergencies were presented to the cadets with clues distributedaround the area that led to manikins representing missing persons or markers set at final locations tobe found by the cadets. Business people and members of public assisted in the training operationsby relaying clues that had been distributed prior to the exercise to the cadets. The cadets had tocombine the information they learned with their training to conduct searches of the local area tofind clues and ultimately succeed in finding the mock missing persons.The First mission carried out by cadets Chase Ward, Steele Ward, Nate Albers, Timothy Patton, AidenCochran, Nathan Fortmayer, Devin Hargett, Sam Dorsey, Leeanna Dorsey, Chris Hansen, David West,Robert West, Cheyenne Hysom, and Luke McAdam was torespond to a mock bus crash scenario in which a fictitiouspre-school girl wandered away from the accident sceneand was missing. The two cadet search teams inter-viewed local business people and general public in thearea in order to gather information to begin the search.Using further clues both teams were able to successfullycomplete the exercise.

    The second mission consisted of a scenario in which afictitious resident wandered off from the nursing homeafter family members accidently lost track of him. Thecadets interviewed the nursing home director for initialclues and then broke into two search teams consisted ofcadets: Timothy Patton, Nathan Fortmayer, AidenCochran, Devin Hargett, Robert West, David West, JacobEarley, Stephanie Walsh, Cheyenne Hysom, and SteeleWard.The cadets utilized search and interrogation techniquesto locate clues and eventually the manikin for asuccessful find. The cadets were successful on bothsearch and rescue missions, even though one involvedbeing thoroughly soaked from having to operate all day inpouring rain.Twelve cadets and two senior members from the Squadron: Cadets Cody Gridley, Tommy Sutton,Leeanna Dorsey, Sam Dorsey, Nathan Fortmayer, Aiden Cochran, Timothy Patton, Jacob Earley,Brandon McNerny, Cheyenne Hysom, Steele Ward and Chase Ward braved twenty degree tempera-tures to attend the Kansas Emergency Services Academy (KESA) at Milford Lake near Manhattan.These cadets and senior members joined other Squadron members and cadets from across the stateto receive training towards their Ground Team Search and Rescue qualification. The trainingcovered a range of skills including search techniques, night vision goggle use, radio operation,electronic locator transmission finding equipment use, and working with K-9 units.The Cunningham Fire Department came to the High School to provide an orientation on being avolunteer fireman and the fire equipment. Hoses were rolled out, water was shot by each cadet,and hoses were taken up by the cadets. Fire Chief Harold Stark and Fireman Monte Rose led thepresentation and question and answer session for the cadets.

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    P A G E 3V O L U M E 1 I S S U E 5

    Veterans Day was an opportunity to recognize area veterans thathad served our country and service members who were currentlyserving. The Squadron hosted the Schools Veterans Day Assemblyin conjunction with the CHS band and members of the CHSMainstreet Singers, and support from Cunningham Grade Schoolstudents. The cadets from Lyons High School AFJROTC also joinedthe Cunningham Composite Squadron cadets for the presentation.The AFJROTC presented the colors, marched, and presented a rifledrill performance. The Cunningham cadets saluted the veteranswith a precision drill display by cadets Robert West, Chris Hansen,Stephanie Walsh, Brittany Fizer, Sam Dorsey, Nathan Fortmayer,Aiden Cochran, Timothy Patton, Leeana Dorsey, Cheyenne Hysom,Zach Stone, Jacob Earley, Steele Ward and Chase Ward a personalsalute and handshake to each veteran. CGS students thenpresented multiple handmade thank you cards to each veteran.

    The very end of November brought a bit of a surprise to sixteen ofthe cadets. They went to the Kansas Wing Civil Air Patrol

    Headquarters for what is called the Curry Weekend They did notknow that this weekend was an intense preview of what winterencampment training would be like, a military boot camp typeexperience. The cadets began two long days of constant and rapidindividual, small group, and large group training exercises. Higherranking cadets and senior members from around the state acted asdrill instructors barking orders, reinforcing and strengthening self-discipline and military customs and courtesies. The cadets learnedhands on performance tasks related to drill, uniform wear, barracksmaintenance, and military courtesies. They also receivedacademic training in regards to followership, leadership, andaerospace and aviation science and history. A side benefit was US

    Army Kansas National Guard members training for deploymentoversees allowed the cadets to examine and hold an M-4 assaultrifle and participate in a question and answer session with a seniornon-commissioned officer. All the cadets that attended the CurryWeekend were promoted at graduation. Cadets that completed theprogram were: Zach Stone, Nate Albers, Aiden Cochran, JacobEarley, Nathan Fortmayer, Sam Dorsey, Cheyenne Hysom, BrittanyFizer, Stephanie Walsh, Leeanna Dorsey, David West, Steele Wardand Chase Ward.

    The drill training the cadets received paid off in the month ofDecember. A cadet color guard composed of Cadets, Trenton

    Seipel, Chase and Steele Ward, and Brittany Fizer, performed inthe Anthony Christmas parade first. Next came the Kingmanparade, where cadets Aden Cochran, Nathan Fortmayer, LeannaDorsey, Ashley Abbott, Zach Stone, Cheyenne Hysom JacobEarley, and Trenton Seipel marched. A flight of cadetscomposed of: Tommy Sutton, Ashley Abbott, Stephanie Walsh,Jacob Earley, Brandon McNerny, Leanna Dorsey, Sam Dorsey,and Nathan Fortmayer marched in the Cunningham Christmasparade. Cadets Chris Hansen and Cheyenne Hysom werepressed into service with just a few minutes training to act asrifle guards for the American Legions Color Guard.

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    Ellsworth has New Name And New Commander

    The Ellsworth Composite Squadron is nowcalled the Rolling Hills Composite

    Squadron and in a Change of CommandCeremony held March 13, 2010, Lt Col

    Jerry Kobbeman becomes the New

    Commander. Special thanks to Capt KimTorkelson who had previously been in

    command. Congrats Lt Col Kobbeman!

    Cadet Spencer Kerfoot (right) sustained the 2ndLieutenant rank in front of Col Burgess Rennels (left).

    Lawrence Promotions

    1st Lt Paul Bayless (center) received the Captain rank

    from Col Burgess Rennels (right) and his wife Kimberly

    Bayless (left).

    By Maj Bob Wiggins On Tuesday, March 23, 2010, LawrenceComposite Squadron presented rank

    advancement/recognition for two CAPcadets and one Senior Member: Cadet Basic

    Christopher Blevins was promoted to CadetAirman, Cadet 2nd Lt Spencer Kerfoot

    sustained Cadet 2nd Lieutenant, and 1st Lt PaulBayless was promoted to Captain.

    Cadet Christopher Blevins (right) received the Airmanrank from Col Burgess Rennels (left).

  • 8/9/2019 Kansas Wing - Mar 2010



    Major Ron SchlesenerMajor Ron Schlesener first became aware of the Civil Air Patrolthrough his son when one of his friends invited the youngerSchlesener to attend a meeting. The Unit was extremely small andwas in need of help, so Major Schlesener joined as a senior memberApril 29, 1987. Schlesener says It was very cool to be able to put on theuniform of the Air Force and to help young people. I had always had aninterest in the military, outdoor activities and anything to do with planes andthis fit in with everything. Over the years, Major Schlesener has developedmany friendships with dedicated and inspiring people. Over time he hasworked his way up in rank and held various positions in the organization bothlocal and Wing level. Despite all the paperwork, Major Schlesener hasenjoyed his time with the organization. The best part has been getting toknow so many of the amazing people that are part of CAP.



    Upper Left: The Ground teamprepares to go to work.

    Lower Right: Cadets Pittmanand Sandoval working thebrush.

    Lower Left: Cadets Pittman,Sandoval and Flood receiveinstructions during KESA.

    Captain Sarah WildmanReceives Award

    Kansas Wing Safety Officer CaptainSarah Wildman has been chosen as theProfessional Pilot Outstanding Studentof the Year by the faculty of KansasState UniversitySalina.

    Congrats Captain Wildman!!

  • 8/9/2019 Kansas Wing - Mar 2010


    The Cadet Advisory Council (CAC) haselected new officials for the 2010-2011term. C/Capt Marah Carney, a cadet of

    five years from the 77th

    CompositeSquadron (Emporia), was elected to theposition of CAC Chair and will also serveas the North Central Region CAC primaryrepresentative from the Wing. C/1stLtBrandon Doubrava, a member for 3 yearsand new Wing cadet staff member, waselected to CAC Vice-Chair and will serveas the region alternate representative fromthe Wing. C/Maj Priscilla Temaat, a cadetof four and a half years and new Wing

    cadet staff member, was elected to CACRecorder. The last member of the team isC/2ndLt Spencer Kerfoot, a cadet of threeyears from Lawrence CompositeSquadron, was elected to CACParliamentarian. Good Luck to you all inthe coming year.

    Cadet Advisory Elects New Officers-C/Maj Priscilla Temaat

    Left to Right: C/Maj Temaat, C/1st Lt Doubraza, C/2nd Lt Kerfootand C/Capt Carney.

    St. John's prepares for AFI(Special Thanks to KSN News for coverage. The Howard Williams Squadron is made up primarily of St Johns Cadets.

    The Annual Formal Inspection, or AFI, is the most significant evaluation a military school receives. And at St. Johns Mili-tary School in Salina, cadets are working hard to achieve a high score -- something the school is getting used to.

    At times you could mistake St. Johns Military School for an Army base and with the AFI just one week away cadets havebeen working hard to impress the inspectors.

    It's very stressful and it's very important that we beat the year before, said Kyle Stuart, battalion commander at St.Johns. For other schools, a 990 would be a good score, but for St. John's, that would be unacceptable."

    It would be unacceptable because the school has received an average score of 997 the past 13 years. The maximumscore is 1000. The inspection is conducted by the Untied States Army Cadet Command, which evaluates cadets in allphases of performance, presentation and their demonstration of JROTC skills.

    "It means that we're doing what we're supposed to do here and that the cadets have actually done the work to get thatscore, said Chief Anthony Edwards. It means a lot to the cadets and their parents and the school and the community."

    Students grades sixth through twelfth are enrolled in the school and many go on to serve the country.

    I never thought I would be in the military, Stuart said. I never thought I would go to college. Now, because of St. John's,I'm going to Kansas State University and I'm doing ROTC and I credit all of the successful things I've done in the last fewyears to St. John's."

    A group of recruiters and inspectors will spend April 19th on campus grading the cadets and shortly thereafter the cadetswill find out whether they've received the coveted honor unit with distinction.

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    Eric Shappee figures he didn't have a wide range of careerchoices growing up in Lancaster, Calif."In that area it was an aerospace community," Shappeesaid. "My dad was an aerospace engineer and mom was acollege professor. The only thing you could do out therewas ride motorbikes or get involved in aviation."

    He chose the latter and as become well-grounded in thesky.Shappee, 41, is a master flight instructor at Kansas StateUniversity-Salina and is one of two instructors there whohas earned master flight instructor accreditation for a fifthtime, one of only 19 flight instructors worldwide to do so.He is among 21 master certified flight instructors in Kan-sas, six of whom are at Kansas State.The others are Kurt Barnhart, professor and head of the de-partment of aviation; William "Bill" Gross, chief pilot andprofessor of aviation; Bernard King, associate professor ofaviation; Troy Brockway, associate professor of aviation;

    and Andrew Smith, assistant professor of aviation and theaviation maintenance training program lead.He said so few earn the designation because the require-ments can be daunting. Every two years, applicants mustdemonstrate they have met set standards in, among otherareas, instructing, education and contributions to aviation."You have to have a minimum of 500 hours," Shappee said."When I submitted my packet, I had 960 hours."He applies for the certification not just for himself."I find it's very worthwhile," he said. "For me to get it,great, but it also helps the aviation community. It gives theschool a better image. It keeps me current in my field and it

    helps promote aviation to other folks through the service Iprovide to the community."One way he does that is his work with the Civil Air Patrol.Shappee's interest in aviation took off when he was a teen-ager."I got started flying when I was 15. I soloed in 1984 andgot my first pilot certificate in 1987," he said."I got the bug early. It was something to do. I tried icehockey when I was a kid. That was a lot of fun, but aviationis a lot more fun," he said.Shappee credits an Explorer Scout unit that specialized inaviation with introducing him to the wild blue.

    He worked at flight schools and eventually became an in-structor. That led to work as a flight test engineer on thePredator, the unmanned aerial vehicle used by the military.He was doing that when he came to K-State."Now I do a lot of stuff with the unmanned aerial systemshere at the college," he said. "Most of what I teach is avia-

    tion safety and unmanned aircraft systems."At K-State, the drones, with 10-foot wingspans, are much smallethan the 50-foot Predators, which are about the size of some of thsingle-engine flight trainers used by students.To work with the unmanned aircraft, students must also learn tofly, and the only place, he said, to do that is here."Anybody who wants to fly unmanned aerial vehicles at this poinhas to go through K-State," he said.The school's status as an unmanned aerial center increased lastweek with the announcement that the Salina Economic Develop-ment Incentives Council has approved a $200,000 grant to theprogram.Even before that was announced, Shappee was confident that the

    UAV program was no pie in the sky.In fact, he sees a bright future for aviation in general, despite whsome believe is a dying industry because of increasing cost offuel."People have been saying that for a long time," Shappee said."Every so often something comes around and aviation getsspurred on again. Right now, the unmanned aerial systems is an-other spur for aviation. I think it's going to create more jobs in thfield of general aviation."Besides military, UAVs have civilian uses, Shappee said.He used the May 2007 Greensburg tornado as an example of howcamera-laden UAVs can aid rescue efforts."Infrared cameras can actually pick up heat signatures of peopleburied in the rubble. We can video-feed that back to the emer-gency operation center and they can tell the ground crews."K-State uses dedicated land near the Smoky Hill Bombing Rangesouthwest of Salina as a training site for its UAVs.The aircraft doesn't require the massive 13,000-foot runway at thSalina Airport for take-offs and landings. It can get by with asmaller field. Much smaller."We can launch them off the top of a car," Shappee said.It is technology such as this that helps keep Shappee's spirits soaring."It was the coolest thing in the world," he said of his teenagedflying years. "I still think it's the coolest thing. Flying is just greaIt's fun, enjoyable and something not everyone else can do."

    Sky KingBy Gordon Fiedler, Salina JournalPhoto by Tom Dorsey, Salina Journal

  • 8/9/2019 Kansas Wing - Mar 2010


    Excellence in Action!

    Commit. Achieve. Promote.

    SCHEDULE OF EVENTS08000830 Registration

    08300845 Posting of the ColorsCunningham CompositeSquadron

    BenedictionChap (Maj) Randolph ColbyKSWG/HC

    Safety BriefingCapt Sarah Wildman

    08500920 NHQ BriefMarc HuchetteDirector of PublicAwareness and Membership

    09200930 Region BriefCol Steve Kuddes, NCR/CC

    09300945 NCLR BriefLt Col Mike PedersonNCLR/CC

    09451000 Break

    10001015 Wing CC RemarksColonel Regena Aye

    10151045 Awards



    DR & HLS Chaplain NetworkingCapt JD Spradling Chaplain (Major)

    Randolph Colby

    Professional Development AEO Professional

    Col Burgess Rennels DevelopmentCapt Michael Maynard

    1200 1300 Lunch on your own

    12001300 Commanders Lunch(For Commanders courtesy of Col Aye)

    1300 1700

    Aircrew Section Capt John Shelton(Pilots)


    CONCURRENT SESSIONSAward Write Ups Suicide PreventionCol Steve Kuddes Chaplain (Major)

    Randolph Colby

    How to Navigate the Wing WebsiteCapt Kyle Velasquez



    Communications Networking AE Workshop ToolsMaj Jon Holder Capt Michael Maynard

    Cadet Programs Maj Roger Eaton

    Safety Brief Capt Sarah Wildman



    Wing Staff Col Jerome Hanson

    Cadet Programs Roundtable Transportation/OP

    Maj Roger Eaton Col Hansen/Maj Laha

  • 8/9/2019 Kansas Wing - Mar 2010


    Please use a separate form for each CAP member (reproduce form locally)!

    Name: _______________________________Grade/Rank:_______________________

    Address:_____________________________City, State, Zip: _____________________


    Unit Name and Charter Number: __________________________________________

    Non-CAP member guest names(s): __________________________________________

    (Unit Commander or designee only):I plan to attend the Commanders Call luncheon, courtesy of Col Regena Aye, KSWG/CC:

    YES NO

    Name: _________________________________________________________________


    TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $____________________


    All CAP members must submit a separate registration form with accompanying checkMultiple attendees from the same family or CAP unit may submit one checkMail checks to: KSWG HQ CAP, 3024 Arnold Ave., Salina, KS 67401On-line registration is now available! Check it out at

    Early registration fees apply for envelopes postmarked on or before May 15th, 2010NO registrations will be accepted after Wednesday, May 26th, 2010SPECIAL NOTE: On-Site registrations for the Conference portion of the day are welcome, but due tocatering requirements will not be able to attend the Dinner.

    If you are in doubt about attending, we encourage you to pre-register as you may cancel your registration with full refund, up till noon Friday,

    May 28th. After Friday, May 28th, ALL payments are non-refundable due to contractual obligations. Wing Finance will process any refunds 30

    days after the Conference. If you have any questions, please contact June or Donna at Wing HQ, (785)825-0009, anytime between 8:00 a.m. and

    4:00 p.m., Monday - Friday.

    Please indicate your choice:

    Conference and Banquet --Cadet Registration $20.00 (after May 15th, $30.00)

    Conference and Banquet--Senior Registration $25.00 (after May 15th, $35.00)

    Banquet Only--Cadet, Senior, or Guest $15.00 (after May 15th, $25.00)

    Conference Only--Cadet or Senior $20.00 ($30.00 on site)

  • 8/9/2019 Kansas Wing - Mar 2010


    Kansas Wing

    Civil Air Patrol

    Annual Conference

    and Banquet

    Saturday, May 29, 2010

    NCO and Officer TrainingMay 28-30, 2010



    12-24 JULY 10!



    3024 Arnold Ave.

    Salina, Kansas 67401-8105


    FAX 785-825-1116

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    Kansas Wing

    Civil Air Patrol

    The Eyes of America's Skies