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Kai-yu Hsu„.. 1922-1981

ourv&A friend and a noble spirit


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Why Has Japan 'Succeeded'?Western Technology and the Japanese EthosMichio MorishimaA prominent Japanese economist offers an interpretation of the fac-tors unique to Japan's history and culture that are responsible for itscurrent economic success. Among the points analyzed are Japan'sdualistic social structure (which corresponds to the division betweenlarge enterprise and medium to small enterprise), the relationshipbetween government and big business, the poor reception of liberal-ism and individualism, and the strength of Japanese nationalism.Morishima emphasizes the importance of the role played by ethicaldoctrines in the creation of Japanese capitalism, especially theConfucian tradition of complete loyalty to the firm and to the state.


A History ofChinese CivilizationJacques GernetJ.R. Foster, TranslatorThe grand sweep of Chinese civilization fromthe earliest times to the present is captured ina beautifully illustrated survey. Gernet writesan elegant, flowing narrative, synthesizing thesocial, political, religious, scientific, intellec-tual, and artistic trends that make up China'spast and present.

First published in French, this distinguishedbook was winner of the Prix Saintour of theInstitute of France and was enthusiasticallyreceived as one of the most comprehensive andreadable single-volume histories of China toappear.80 plates, 29 maps, 16 diagrams, many tables.


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CAMBRIDGEWho Shall Succeed? The Nan-ChaoAgricultural Developmentand Social Inequality on aPhilippine FrontierJames EderEder compares the experiencesof migrant farmers and finds theorigins of inequality not in thetime of arrival at the village,amount of starting capital, orother such factors, but in per-sonal characteristics. $39.50

Chinese Ritualand PoliticsEmily Martin AhernAhern explores the implicationsof the fact that in China, ritualaction often takes its logic frompolitical action.Cambridge Studies in SocialAnthropology 34 $24.95

Caste Conflict andElite FormationThe Rise of a Kafava Elite inSri Lanka, 1500-1931Michael RobertsA survey of social change inSri Lanka as reflected by theexperience of the Karava caste.Cambridge South AsianStudies 24 $59.50

Worship and ConflictUnder Colonial RuleA South Indian CaseArjun AppaduraiAn ethnohistorical study of a sin-gle South Indian temple in Mad-ras, from colonial days to thepresent. Cambridge South AsianStudies 27 $34.95

Kingdom and TangChina's SouthwesternFrontierCharles BackusThe first comprehensive accountof the frontier relations betweenChina and the Nan-Chao. Cam-bridge Studies in Chinese His-tory, Literature and Institutions


Organised Workersand Socialist Politicsin Interwar JapanStephen S. LargeLarge analyzes why a significantcross section of organized laborbegan in the 1920s with highhopes for a progressive, socialistreconstruction of Japan, only toabandon this politicalcommitment. $49.50Khotanese BuddhistTextsRevised EditionSir Harold W. BaileyThis volume contains Buddhisttexts in the language of theancient kingdom of Khotan,dated to the eighth and tenthcenturies. University of Cam-bridge Oriental Publications 31

Sijobang $550°Sung Narrative Poetryof West SumatraNigel PhillipsA detailed study of the sijobang,the poetic narrative sung aboutthe hero Anggun Nan Tungga.Cambridge Studies in Oral andLiterate Culture 1 $42.50

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Koreans in JapanEthnic Conflict and AccommodationChangsoo Lee and George DeVosForeword by Robert A. ScalapinoAn examination of the persistence of complex mechanisms of discrimination against ethnic Koreans inmodern Japan. After summarizing the long history of Korean-Japanese interaction, the authors considerthe political and educational institutions of the approximately 650,000 Koreans now living in Japan. Theirdocumentation of the psychocultural effects of discrimination includes ethnographic description, an examina-tion of the role of the mass media, and case studies of Korean youth. $32.50

New in paperback—

Political Women in JapanThe Search for a Place in Political LifeSusan J. PharrTracing developments that led to the grant of suffrage to women in Japan during the Allied occupation, Pharranalyzes the process by which young Japanese women today overcome numerous constraints to becomeinvolved in politics. She examines both the satisfactions of political volunteerism and the psychological andsocial costs associated with it. $6.95

New in paperback—

Japan Before PerryA Short HistoryConrad Totman"Totman, a Tokugawa historian, has turned his attention and considerable skill to a broad synthesis... .Thetext guides the beginning student or general reader through scholarly thickets with a sure hand and usesapt quotations to achieve integration of aesthetic and cultural materials with treatment of socioeconomicand political conditions. The result is a well-written and balanced introduction." —Library Journal $6.95

New in paperback—

They Came to JapanAn Anthology of European Reports on Japan, 1543-1640Compiled and Edited by Michael Cooper"Fascinating—drama and humor, small details, and the broad sweep of history are all here... .a thorough-ly enjoyable book." —Choice "They convey a lively and full picture of 16th and 17th century Japan."—New Japanese American News $8.95

A Warbler's Song in the DuskThe Life and Writings of Otomo YakamochiPaula Doe _Eighth-century Japanese poet Otomo Yakamochi was the major writer of his day and the compiler of Japan'sfirst and perhaps greatest poetic anthology. This unique collection of material on Yakamochi's life andtimes, together with large selections from his work and the poetry he collected, enables us to see early Jap-anese poetry in context, and gain a clear understanding of Yakamochi's particular accomplishment. $28.50

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PRINCETON EXAMINES ASIAEssays on ChineseCivilizationDERK BODDEEdited and Introduced byCHARLES LE BLANC andDOROTHY BOREIThis collection of 21 articlesrepresents some of the majorwritings by one of the UnitedStates' leading Sinologists.Princeton Series of CollectedEssays. Cloth, $25.00. Paper, $9.95

New Urban ImmigrantsThe Korean Community in New YorkILLSOO KIM"Dr. Kim's study is not only thefirst full-scale description of theKorean community in New YorkCity since the relaxation ofimmigration controls in 1965; itis also the definitive work onthe subject." — Stanford M.Lyman, New School for SocialResearch. $26.50

The Origins of theKorean WarLiberation and the Emergenceof Separate RegimesBRUCE CUMINGSBruce Cumings maintains that theorigins of the Korean War mustbe sought in the five year periodpreceding the war, when Koreawas dominated by widespreaddemands for political, economic,and social change.Sponsored by the East AsianInstitute, Columbia University.12 illus. 20 maps. Cloth, $45.00.Limited Paperback Edition, $14.50

Encyclopedia of Indian PhilosophiesAdvaita Vedanta Up toSamkara and his PupilsEdited by KARL H. POTTERThe third in this series, thisvolume is a reference book ofsummaries of the main works inthe Advaita tradition during theprimary phase in the sixth andseventh centuries A.D. $45.00

The Monkey's StrawRaincoat and OtherPoetry of theBasho SchoolIntroduced and Translated byEARL MINER andHIROKOODAGIRIThis is the first English translationof The Monkey's Straw Raincoatin its entirety along with othermajor works of Matsuo Bash5(1644-1694) and his school.Illus. $30.00

The TenThousand LeavesA Translation of the Man'yoshu,Japan's Premier Anthologyof Classical PoetryVolume OneTranslated by IAN HIDEO LEVYPlanned as a 4 volume edition,this will be the first Englishtranslation of the Man'yoshu, thefirst and greatest anthology ofclassical Japanese poetry.Princeton Library ofAsian Translations. 'Winner of the 7979 TranslationsPrize of the U.S. -Japan FriendshipCommission. Illus. $25.00

The Zen Poemsof RydkanNOBUYUKI YUASA"Highly polished renderings thatsucceed in giving the reader anexcellent idea of Ryokln'sversatility and skill..." — HelenCraig McCullough, University ofCalifornia, Berkeley.Princeton Library of AsianTranslations. $20.00

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1THE INDONESIAN ECONOMY RURAL MALAY WOMEN INedited by Guslav F. Papanek TRADITION AND TRANSITIONExamines the policies, programs, and problems in- Heather Strangevolved in Indonesia's economy since 1965. Analyzes the position of women during a period of

464 pp., 1981, $28.95, 057429-3 increasing modernization.288 pp., 1981, $24.95, 052616-7


An Asian Case StudyFrederic C. DeyoPresents major theories and models of dependent in-dustrialization, development, and political demobi-lization in third-world countries.

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ASIAN ENERGY SURVEYAsian Development BankBased on data from the 26 developing countries ofthe Asian Development Bank.

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ASIA AND U.S. FOREIGN POLICYJames C. Hsiung and Winberg ChaiSystematically takes stock of U.S. relations withAsia from a regional-contextual perspective andlinks them with the bisuperpower competition.

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Mohammad A. QadeerShows that third world cities are not in disruptionand suffering from a lack of development throughpublic and private neglect.

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CHINESE MEDICAL MODERNIZATIONPolicy Continuity Across RevolutionaryPeriodsAn Ellssa LucasArgues that the uniqueness of the Chinesestate medical organization must be tracedback to the 1920s.

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AGREEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE'SREPUBLIC OF CHINAA Calendar of Events, 1966-1980edited by Hungdah ChluA useful research tool for the study of Chinesetreaty relations.

350 pp., 1981, $32.95, 059443-X

NEGOTIATING U.S.—CHINESECOUNTERTRADE AGREEMENTSJohn W. DePauwA practical handbook of countertrade agree-ments looking at the impediments faced byU.S. firms undertaking countertrade agree-ments with the Chinese government.

ca. 208 pp., 1983, ca. $21.95, 059472-3


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Sons of the MountainsEthnohistory of the Vietnamese CentralHighlands to 2954Gerald Cannon HickeyIn the first volume of his definitive studyof the ethnohistory of the VietnameseCentral Highlands, Hickey traces its historyfrom the prehistoric age to 1954. $45.00

Free in the ForestEthnohistory of the Vietnamese CentralHighlands, 1954-4976Gerald Cannon HickeyThis second volume of Hickey's ethno-history of the Central Highlands followsthe shifting fortunes of the highlandersfrom the Geneva Agreements of 1954 to theaftermath of the Vietnam War. $30.00

Court and Bakuf u inJapanEssays in Kamakura Historyedited by Jeffrey P. Mass

The Kamakura age was distinguished by theco-existence of two authority centers—theBakufu military government at Kamakuraand the civilian court at Kyoto. This bookcontains eleven essays on aspects of thepolitical, social, and institutional historyof the period, and shows why the newerregime was able to gain ascendancy overthe courtier system. $19.00

Han CivilizationWang Zhongshutranslated by K. C. Chang and collaborators

One of China's principal archaeologistshere synthesizes the latest archaeologicalresearch on the Han Dynasty, an era that isrelatively unknown because of the paucityof its written records. Wang discusses theHan capital cities, its agriculture, manu-factures, and burial customs, in a well-illustrated volume that is the most up-to-date source on this ancient civilization.

Early Chinese Civilizations Series, 2Illus. $35.00

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"A sumptuous survey of New Delhi, illus-trated largely with [Irving's] splendid photo-graphs."—Jan Morris, The Times (London)180 b/w illus.+ 93 color $39.95

GenocideIts Political Use in the Twentieth CenturyLeoKuper $15.00

Foreign Trade and EconomicControls in DevelopmentThe Case of United PakistanNurul IslamA Publication of the Economic Growth Center,Yale University $32.50

YaleYale University PressNew Haven and London

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YUAN THOUGHTCHINESE THOUGHT AND RELIGIONUNDER THE MONGOLSHok-lam Chan and Wm. Theodore de Bary, Edi-tors. Ten papers deal with the areas of thoughtand religion that reaffirm the classical heritage ofthe T'ang and Sung periods and that provide thebasis for further intellectual growth in the Mingand Ch'ing periods. $35.00

UKIFUNELOVE IN THE TALE Of GENIIAndrew Pekarik, Editor. Ten essays ranging fromtextual history to an appraisal of romantic ideal-ism examine this highly significant chapter nearthe end of the classic tale. $25.00 cl

AS THROUGH A VEILMYSTICAL POETRY IN ISLAMAnnemarie Schimmel. This new publicationcollects five important lectures by this Islamicscholar dealing with such topics as Arabic andPersian poetry, the life and work of Rumi, andfolk poetry. $27.50

THE KHILAFAT MOVEMENTRELIGIOUS SYMBOLISM ANDPOLITICAL MOBILIZATION IN INDIAGa/7 Minault. Based extensively on Urdusources, this study analyzes the creation of thisself-conscious Muslim political constituencywithin the context of the Indian nationalistmovement. $22.50


GENEROSITY AND JEALOUSYTHE SWAT PUKHTUNOF NORTHERN PAKISTANCharles Lindholm. An anthropological studybased on the author's residence with a Pukhtunfamily which explores the contrast between thePukhtun cultural emphasis on hospitality andfriendship and their everyday rivalries andhostilities. $24.00


THE FUTURE OFUS-CHINA RELATIONSJohn Bryan Starr, Editor. Commissioned, inte-grated essays explore what the substance ofrelations between the two countries is likely tobe over the course of the next several years.A UNA-USA Book. $25.00

THE GOVERNMENTAND POLITICS OF THEPEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINATHIRD EDITIONDerek Waller. Completely updated, this newedition of this standard account analyzes eventssince the death of Mao, notably the ascendancyof Deng and the great change in Sino-Americanrelations. $22.50 cl; $9.00 pa

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Edited, with an Introduction & Notes,by Dorothy Blair Shimer. The storiesand memoirs in this superb collec-tion offer unique insights into thecharacter and history of women inthe Orient—from cloistered depend-ence in the 7th century to contemp-orary efforts to break from the past.

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Eighth Voyage of the DragonA History of China's Quest for Seapower

By Bruce SwansonEmphasizing the unchanging nature of China's career on the sea,Bruce Swanson cites the fundamental conflict between the land-minded continentalists and those who sought to make their countryagreat seapower. Eighth Voyage of the Dragon reveals the key forcesand issues that for centuries have affected, and will continue toaffect, China's attitude toward the sea: the burden of extensive ,'bureaucracy, the naval-officer ethic, a preference for coastal-defensetactics, the failure of naval modernization, regional jealousies, andthe employment of foreign advisors. The use of previously classifiedU.S. naval attache reports provides further insight into the complexworkings of China's navy. A stunning collection of photographs,taken in China over the last hundred years, adds the finishing touchto what undoubtedly will be considered the definitive work on Its subject for many years tocome. 1982 (April). 400 pages. 45 photographs. 20 line drawlnga List price: *26.95.


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His Life and Times• 'by KEIJIFURUYA

Abridged English Edition by CHUN-MING CHANG

Published by St. John's University Press, 1981Will take mail orders only at US Dollars30.00 per copy. Surface mail postageincluded in U.S. and Canada.Send Order and Check to:Asian Studies CenterSt. John's UniversityJamaica, N.Y. 11439PLEASE ALLOW 4 WEEKS TO DELIVER.

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The Compelling ImageNature and Style in Seventeenth-Century Chinese PaintingJames Cahill

The seventeenth century was a remarkable period in Chinese painting.Artists began to reconsider their traditional relationship to nature, and to the works of

previous generations.The influence of Western pictorial techniques was being felt for the first time.In an elegant and readable book, Cahill focuses on the works of this period's brilliant

masters.Beginning with their common heritage, he illuminates their diverging paths of style

and approach.This unique book is more than a guide to the art of China's golden era, it reflects the

nature of Chinese painting as a whole. For China enthusiasts and art lovers alike."This book ranks among the most important works on later Chinese painting to appear

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Harvard University PressCambridge, Massachusetts 02138

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Chinese Elites and Political ChangeZhejiang Province in the Early Twentieth CenturyR. Keith SchoppaSchoppa examines the social backgrounds, public activities, careers, and deci-sion-making of local and provincial elites to reveal the common factors thatmake China a part of the worldwide story of reconstruction, reform, and devel-opmental change.Harvard East Asian Series, 96 $30.00

Osugi Sakae, Anarchist in Taisho JapanThe Creativity of the EgoThomas A. StanleyThis first Western-language portrait of Osugi Sakae (1885-1923), interweavesthe events of Osugi's tempestuous life with the development of his ideas.Harvard East Asian Monographs, 102 $20.00

Utilitarian ConfucianismCh 'en Liang's Challenge to Chu HsiHoyt Cleveland Tillman".. .a truly original pioneer work in the field of Chinese philosophy of history."

-Benjamin I. SchwartzHarvard East Asian Monographs, 101 $20.00

History of Vardan and the Armenian WarElisheTranslation and commentary byRobert W.ThomsonHere is a fully annotated translation of an Armenian literary classic, the firstmade from the critical Armenian text. Thomson's introduction places the workin its historical context, while extensive notes identify people and places,explain allusions, and clarify details of the account.Harvard Armenian Texts and Studies, 5 $30.00

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BuzkashiGame and Power in Afghanistan

Whitney AzoyOn the steppes of northern Afghanistan,hundreds of horsemen struggle over a muti-lated calf carcass in a game called"buzkashi"—arguably the wildest game in theworld. Azoy demonstrates how play and poli-tics can interpenetrate one another by specifi-cally focusing on this game which vividlyrepresents the dynamics of Afghan society.$17.50

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Individuals: $3.00; Institutions: $5.00. Order from John A. Lent, Journalism Depart-ment, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122. Make checks payable to John A.Lent.

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