Download - June Harvester 2015

  • Orchard HarvesterOrchard Harvester Monthly Newsletter of Orchard United Methodist Church

    June 2015June 2015

    JUNE THOUGHTS by Rev. Suzanne Goodwin

    J une the last day of spring and the first day of summer. June is the month that moves us from a season of planting to a season of blooming; from the tentative warmth of spring to the glorious heat of summer. June is a season of

    transition moving us from possibility into the realization of our

    potential. Our gardens have not fully revealed all the glory of July

    and August, but the colors and textures are starting to pop.

    In the life our church, we are experiencing a season of June. We

    have been planting and sowing seeds, carefully tending and caring

    for this growing Orchard. We have started to bud and are poised

    ready to bloom. We can see signs of budding and blooming

    throughout our church family in our people, our missions, and our ministry. Our season of realized potential is just ahead!

    In our own lives, June moves us into a season that offers

    opportunity to accomplish things that we couldnt do when we were weather-bound in winter, and the hope and promise of

    relaxing with friends and family. In these last days of spring and

    early days of summer, remember to appreciate and enjoy what

    God has done in you! And may you find precious moments of rest

    and renewal.

    Peace and June be in you!

    IN THIS ISSUE Borrowed? .................. 3

    Childrens Ministry....... 6 Collection Box ............. 4

    College Graduates ...... 2

    Confirmands ............... 2

    Funtastiks .................. 5

    Fusion Mission Trip ..... 4

    In the Life of Orchard .... 7

    LAF Potluck ................ 5

    Mark Your Calendar .... 8

    Memorial Garden ........ 3

    Ministry Opportunities ... 5

    Mission Updates.......... 4

    MOPS ......................... 5

    OOPS ......................... 5

    Opportunities .............. 5

    Orchard in Mission ...... 4

    Peanut-Free Zone ....... 6

    Prayer Concerns ......... 7

    Rev. Carols article ...... 3 Social Media ............... 8

    Spotlight Orchard ....... 2

    Summer Choir ............ 1

    Summer Office Hours ... 1

    Summer Worship ....... 1

    VBS ........................... 6


    W orshipnow through Labor Day weekend, we will have a casual worship service at 9 am and a more traditional service at 10:30 am*. Beginning June 15, our summer office hours will be 9 am to 1 pm.

    *Worship on June 14 will be at 9 am and 11 am for Rev. Carols last Sunday at Orchard.

    SUMMER CHOIR BEGINS 6/21 Sundays at 9:45 for the 10:30 service

    H ave you always wanted to sing with the choir but dont have time for a weekly commitment to rehearse? Now is your chance! Summer choir begins on May 24 at 9:45 to warm up and run through the music. Sit with your family until the time of singing. Contact Jamie Reed at (248) 626-3620, ext. 29, for more information.


    Each month we highlight a group, a friend, or member of Orchard to see how they are finding ways to shine Gods light out in the world. Contact Deanna Kohl if you have a suggestion for a future

    Spotlight candidate!

    NICHOLAS BONSKY G od be with you. Sounds like a blessing, right?

    Sometimes God is really with you and you find yourself doing things and going places you never anticipated. In 2006, fresh out of college and newly

    married, Nick and Lesley Bonsky found their way to Orchard, where, in typical Orchard fashion, they were welcomed and

    invited to become members of our family. It took all of about ten minutes for us to identify something special in Nick with his bright personality and his passion for all

    things right and just. Rev. Margo was the first to approach Nick about the possibility of becoming the leader for our Junior High youth ministry, and Rev. Suzanne was just behind her. Whether it was the relentless pursuit by the deacon team, or

    the gentle nudge of God pushing Nick down a path from which there will be no return, Nick enthusiastically took his first steps into spiritual leadership on a journey that has now brought him to the calling of ordained ministry.

    In the nearly ten years since Nick has been a part of this

    church family, he has led our junior high youth, served as

    a leader on 6 out the last 8 mission trips, served as the Senior High youth leader, made trips to college campuses to visit with our college students, served as an active participant and leader of Soul Connection, contributed his musical talent as a trombonist and a singer, and is now leading mens book and bible studies.

    God be with you means that we often engage in a

    wrestling match with Gods vision for our life in contrast to the one we may have painted for ourselves. Nicks early calling one I believe was entirely the work of God was to become a secondary education teacher in the area of History and Economics. Nick thought that meant he was

    going to build a career as a teacher. God had other ideas. Combining Nicks gifts and graces for teaching with his passion for social and world issues, God has brought Nick

    to a place where his faith serves as the

    catalyst and drive for social justice in a very Wesleyan and Methodist calling to serve.

    Nick has just recently come to terms with his calling and has officially entered into the Methodist process of becoming a candidate for ordained ministry. He will be

    working with Rev. Suzanne for a while as he prepares for his first meetings with the various boards of ministry. Nick has also been accepted by Methodist Theological Seminary of Ohio (MTSO) to begin working on a Masters of Divinity a necessity for all ordained elders. Nick made his preaching debut in our pulpit on

    May 17 while Rev. Carol and Rev. Suzanne were at Annual Conference, and he did a fantastic job!

    Fun facts about Nick he grew up in Warren, and later graduated from Western Michigan University where he was in the Bronco Marching Band. Hes a dedicated sports enthusiast and avid Tigers fan a trait and passion hes now sharing with his son, Eli. He and his wife, Lesley, were high school sweethearts and have been together since they were 15. Lesley is the calm and cool to Nicks wild and crazy!

    God be with you in the days to come will mean that we Nicks Orchard family will need to be in prayer for and support of Nick during the lengthy and difficult journey ahead. Let us also be in prayer for Lesley, and for their son Eli, who will be traveling this path along with Nick, and who will also be experiencing a little God be with you!

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    This spring saw the college graduation of several of our young adults (Roots):

    Josh Gronlund, Michigan State University

    Kelsey Gallett, Michigan State University

    Brian Daniels, University of Michigan

    Kevin Daniels, University of Michigan

    Sarah Roeser, Grand Valley University

    Madelyn Moore, Michigan State University.

    Congratulations, Graduates!


    T en confirmands have just completed their journey of preparation to become the newest members of Orchard. They will be received into membership at the 10:30 worship service on Sunday, May 31. Confirmands prepare by studying basic Bible and theology, church history, and Methodist doctrine. One of the highlights of the confirmation service for the congregation is the sharing in the statement of belief written by our confirmands. One of the highlights for the

    confirmands is being able to lead worship during the confirmation service.

    Please extend a warm Orchard welcome to Griffin Davis, Rachel Fox, Madison Hales, Allison Harrison, Madelyn McSweeney, Jacob Price, Sarah Rinker, Carter Salley, Andrew

    Schultz, and William Tryon.


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    O rchards Memorial Garden is a sacred space for contemplation and prayer where individuals can come for quiet communion with God, drawing comfort in its peaceful surroundings. This designated site is intended to provide a tranquil setting for the celebration of life through funerals, baptisms, weddings, devotionals, private and collective moments of reflection, and a place to receive ashes of loved ones.

    You can remember a loved one by having a Memorial Brick placed in the garden. Orders are now being taken for bricks to be placed this summer/early fall. Order forms and information are available in the church office, on our website under About Us and Facility Info, or contact Betsy Stanis at (248) 514-4641 for more information.

    REMEMBER A LOVED ONE Memorial Bricks for the Memorial Garden

    If you have borrowed, stolen, begged, or taken a book from Rev. Carol, please return it!

    If she has borrowed, stolen, begged, or taken anything from you, please give her a call. She would love to return your item to you!

    O n Saturday mornings I buy a Detroit News paper to go with my donut. I like to

    read the religious page, but on

    this day the headline on the

    sports page captured my atten-


    Saying goodbye not easy for Babcock.

    Bob Wojnowski was, of course,

    referring to Mike Babcocks leav-ing as the head coach of the Detroit Red Wings, but it

    was almost as if he looked into my heart. He wrote:

    Even if its time to go, and your head and heart say its time to go, and your career clock says its time to go, that doesnt make it any easier.

    No one teaches us how to say goodbye.

    We are taught how to make good first impressions,

    how to be responsible, dependable, and how to be

    helpful and kind. But no one tells us about goodbyes or that life continually presents us with a natural pro-

    gression of beginnings and endings. Change is one of

    the few common denominators that we all must strug-

    gle with! And at every turn in our lives, we are required

    to choose a direction.

    I have chosen to embrace the challenges of retirement.

    For the first time in my life, to conceive of the possibil-

    ity that God is calling me to something different than

    being a Senior Pastor. Since my days as a teenager, I

    have either been preparing for ministry or participating

    in ministry. This will be different. Yes, there is a natural

    excitement about purchasing my own condo (thank

    you, Jo Ann and Jack Cline), working part-time at the

    United Methodist Union, new people, new oppor-

    tunities to strength my skills, and test my faith. But

    how do you say goodbye especially to people you have shared your life with for 19 years? The tears, the

    memories, the laughter, even the disagreements tug a

    little bit at the corner of my heart. Life will be different!

    Farmington Hills is my home... and this congregation,

    in so many ways, has been my family.

    The only way I know how to say goodbye is to be sur-

    rounded by those we love as we:

    Remember together all the weddings, baptisms,

    funerals, meetings, trips, imagining the possibility

    groups, working together on a new building, can-

    dlelight Christmas Eve services, and other mo-

    ments weve shared in. My heart is full of stories that I will remember and tell for years.

    Give thanks for all the people who have entered

    into the ministry of Orchard with a smile, a chal-

    lenged, and a heart full of faith.

    Trust ourselves to the steady stream of Gods grace that has sustained us. A grace that will continue to

    be with us wherever we go.

    You have brought so many blessings into my life.

    Words cannot adequately express my appreciation for

    all we have shared in together. (Connection!)

    I thank God for each of you and hope that you will con-

    tinue to grow in the grace and wisdom of the Living

    Christ. Orchard is a great church!

    Blessings and joy.


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    Many thanks to all of the walkers and sponsors of this year's CROP Hunger Walk held on May 3, and to our own Chris

    Edwards who kicked the event off for us at Farmington First UMC! We raised close to $5,200. If you walked, please return your pledge envelopes to DyAnn St.Clair. If you sponsored a walker and have not yet paid them, please do so now. If

    you don't remember to whom you pledged, please get your donation in to DyAnn St.Clair so the money can start

    making a difference in the world. And if you did not get an opportunity to sponsor a walker, you may still contribute to Church World Service, whose goal is "to build a world where there is enough for all." All checks should be made out to CWS/CROP.


    What a difference a day makes! In one day, volunteer efforts helped over 37 homeowners by providing repairs, updates, yard clean-

    up and modifications. Thanks to the efforts of many, approximately$600,000 in market value services labor and materials were provided to the recipients.

    Many sponsors and over 1,000 volunteers partnered together to provide free home

    repairs and maintenance services to those in need. As one

    homeowner said, "It's truly overwhelming. I can't tell you how grateful I am There is no way I could even do the work or afford to have the work done I am flabbergasted Thank you!"

    The Missions Committee's next box collection will be June 14 and 21. We will be collecting for the Salvation Army. They are requesting snack items for their Summer Day Camp program and also paper products. Products such as fruit cups, cookie packs, granola bars and chip packs are suggestions.

    Paper product ideas are paper towels, tissues, toilet paper and cleaning supplies. Feminine hygiene products are also needed. All donations are greatly appreciated and

    cash contributions will also be put to good use. For more information, contact Sue or John Scott at (248) 737-2305.


    O n June 20, our Fusion Mission Team will be heading to Tahlequah, OK to serve as the hands of God helping our Native American neighbors in need. We invite you to join us as we will be sending them off with our prayers on Saturday, June 20 at 8:45 am.

    Showing Love to Our Mission Team

    One of the many highlights for our Mission Trip participants is receiving care

    packages from their Orchard family while they are away. We are collecting 41

    individually wrapped goodies or you can make a financial donation to help with

    mailing costs. Please drop off your donations in the church office by Tuesday,

    June 16.

    If you would like to send notes of love and encouragement, please mail them

    by Wednesday, June 17 at the very latest. They can be sent to the following address:

    Circle of Care Childrens Home c/o Erin Bianco Orchard UMC

    7 Mathes Park Drive

    Tahlequah, OK 74464

    Attn: Student Name

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    FUNTASTIKS FOR JUNE Wednesday, June 3 at 11:30 am

    Lunch & a movie at Orchard. Come and join your Funtastik

    friends as they watch Elsa and Fred, the story of two people who, at the end of the road, discover that its never too late to love and make dreams come true. Salad and dessert will be providedbring a sandwich if youd like. Sign up in the church office; contact JoAnn Cline at

    (248) 553-3686 for more details.

    NEW DATE & TIME! Friday, June 5 @ 6:30 pm

    Join LAF (Life After Fifty) for their second annual Kick Off the Summer potluck! This event is hosted by Donna and John Young. Bring your own drinks and side dish, and salad or dessert for eight (let Donna know what dish you intend to bring). Please bring $5/couple or $3/single to cover the cost of meat and paper products. RSVP by May 31 to

    (248) 489-0881 or [email protected].

    Mark your calendars for August 23 when OOPS (Orchards Open Perennial Scramble) will be played at Copper Creek

    Golf Club. Details and sign ups will be coming in July and August, but right now were looking for someone to assist on this years planning committee with Sara Moore. Three of the four members from last year are unable to help so Sara desperately needs three new members for her committee. If you are willing to help, please contact Sara

    at (248) 432-7594.

    MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers, and by preschoolers we mean kiddos from

    birth through kindergarten. Registration for fall 2015-2016 is now open. If you or

    someone you know is a mother with a child in Kindergarten or younger, this is the

    group for you! Email Missy Katcher at [email protected] for more info. God Bless

    and a Happy Summer to all!


    Sunday, May 17 was a special day for Orchard as we celebrated the promotion of approximately 70 children active in our

    Sunday morning childrens ministry programs! The children were called forward in worship to be congratulated and were presented with a gold pin to mark their accomplishment. They were then were greeted by some of the teachers and leaders for next year. It was a blessing to witness their sense of belonging and growing in faith here at Orchard.

    Sadly, two of our beloved childrens ministry staff have given us their notice as life takes them in new directions. Liz Beyer has served as a steady and friendly presence in the lives of our babies and toddlers over the past five years, and Stephanie Center has provided dedicated age-appropriate Bible teaching to our preschoolers for the past 2 years. We hate to see them go, but we know that God will use their gifts and graces in new ways as they move forward.

    And so begins the search for just the right people to help continue the work to be done with our children. Our nursery population is growing and we need a steady and reliable presence in the nursery to provide love and care to our youngest

    children. The ideal person will likely come from outside our church simply because the scope of the job encompasses all of Sunday morning. Therefore, we invite all members of Orchard to prayerfully consider if you happen to know just the right person!

    Likewise, we will be looking for someone who can assist Meghann Snyder with the overwhelming task of leading the

    childrens ministry preferably someone who has experience and interest in working with our preschoolers.

    If you are interested in either of these positions, or know of someone who might be, please contact Rev. Suzanne Goodwin at (248) 626-3620 for more information.

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    Its likely that most everyone has heard of the difficulties faced by families of children who have severe peanut allergies. Odd though it may seem, peanut allergies are becoming more and more common among children and the results can be devastating and life-threatening.

    Here at Orchard, we have several children of a variety of ages who have peanut allergies to varying degrees. Those who are in the

    youth group are old enough to self-monitor, and we have instituted a no-nuts policy for Mission Trip to avoid having nuts in enclosed areas such as vans. And we ask parents providing meals to be careful especially when it comes to cookies and other desserts.

    In the childrens wing, the situation is different and potentially much more dangerous. Little folks who are too young to resist the temptation of a cookie, are also too young to know what they can and cant have, and so its up to us to help keep them safe. And although we cannot entirely eliminate the risk, we can minimize it. For that reason, we are striving to make the Childrens Wing a Peanut-free Zone.

    What does that mean? There are three things in particular we can all do to help keep our young children safe:

    Please do not bring or prepare snacks for the children which are made with peanut products. If you have any questions about what is safe, please contact Julie Updyke, who can advise you.

    Please do not offer food of any kind to young children who are not your own. Little kids might think they want a cookie or a piece of cake, but not know enough to realize that it could be harmful to them.

    If your child has been eating peanut items before coming to church, please have them wash their hands before playing with others. Some children experience severe allergic reactions through contact.

    We like to say that Orchard is an oasis of grace, and we stand by that. It means going the extra mile to take care of each other, even when it may be inconvenient. Let us strive to offer an extra measure of grace to our most vulnerable!

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    VBS COMING YOUR WAY! July 13-17

    I ts coming fast and with great G-Force! Vacation Bible School early registration is ongoing until June 15. Your $40 registration fee includes a logo t-shirt and a CD with all the exciting VBS music! Maximum family price will be $75. Late registration will be accepted after June 15, and will include a CD and a t-shirt transfer for you to make your own t-shirt. VBS is for children preschool (minimum age is 3 years) through 5th grade. You can register by going to (scan the code above) or by visiting our table in the Narthex.

    VBS Mission Project This years VBS mission project will be soles for souls. We will be collecting new and gently used shoes and socks to be donated through the Childrens Care Center which provides assistance to over 7,500 Wayne County children and their families. So clean out those closets and get ready to save some soles!

    Decorations Help us decorate the church for this amazing event! Theres a decoration wish list at the VBS table, at the Connection Point, and at the table outside of the WOW room. If you cant find a list, find Meghann Snydershell be happy to help you help us!

    Its time to fuel up and get ready for VBS!



    During our summer schedule we take a hiatus

    from Power Hour. However, WOW will continue

    and we will Worship Our Way throughout the

    summer as we review what we have learned, do

    crafts and get outside for some fun activities!


    Calling all current 6th, 7th and 8th graders! Hop to it and mark your calendar for our F.R.O.G. (Friends

    Reaching Out for God) Week on August 10-14. This is a high-energy week of middle school students performing local service projects and exciting activities. More information will be coming soon!


    Chuck Bayer Raya (Sohn) Bowles father-in-law, Jerry Bowles Glenna Callaghans cousin, Betty Mary Clarks friends son Ellen Cogsdills grandson and granddaughter Alyson Gays father-in-law, Stu Hammarens friends, Christie Little and her children, and Joe and his family Marcia Harmons great-niece, Jordan Allison Harrisons cousin, Ruth Daniels Barbara Hayters son, Paul Diane Holdens daughter, Linda Lisa Jacksons father, Larry Jackson Rev. Carol Johns cousin, Daniel Gualdoni Jean Joy Peggy Knuttilas aunt and uncle, Sue and Paul Norvath Anthony Kosibas mother, Pat Suzanne Kosibas friends,

    Nikki, Tyler, and Makayla

    Elaine Lafers brother, Darryl Robson Jim Lowe Bob Mark

    Missie McSweeneys family friend, Paul Hanosh Morells friends, Kate & Nick, & their unborn twins Nancy Passfields brother, Oliver Raymond Beverly Ragland Michelle Rosenblums sister-in-law and brother, Natalia and David Rob Rudnicks dad, Robert Rudnick Debbie Sakachs friend, Donna York Laurie and David Sarti John Scotts friend, Tom Sue Scotts nieces family

    Mary Slucter Brad Snider and family Susan Snider DyAnn St. Clairs mom, Jean Schlasner Cyndy Stannard and Kim Rogers friend, Judy De Graw Loren Tobeys son, Joshua Betsy Watson Mari Anne Wilks friend, Dave Verbeke & family


    Savannah Jean Snyder, born May 7, 2015 to Christina and Mike Snyder. Savannahs grandparents are DyAnn St. Clair and Bob Busser, Karen and Don St. Clair, and Marsha and Jim Snyder. Great-grandparents

    are Jean and Maury Schlasner, and LaVonne St. Clair.

    Brooklyn Elizabeth Moore, born May 10, 2015 to Emily and Eric Moore. Brooklyns grandparents are Ruth and Dennis Buckwalter, Ramona Smith, and Dwayne Moore. Her great-grandfather is Richard Buckwalter.

    Benjamin Beckham Scott, born

    May 14, 2015 to Mya Zukic and

    Chris Scott. Benjamins grandparents are Sabina and Samir

    Zukic, and Sue and John Scott.

    Harper Olivia Noble, born May 24,

    2015 to Lisa and Sean Noble.

    Harpers grandparents are Nancy and Bobby Ellis, and Linda Noble.


    (April 26) Connor John Philip

    Maguire, born January 18, 2015.

    Connor is the son of Shannon and

    Ian Maguire. His grandparents are Donna and John Young, and Lecia

    and Paul LaFortune. Connors great-grandparents are Dorothy and

    Ronald Folkes, Marjorie and

    Alexander Young, Linda Feamster,

    Evelyn and Bill Maguire, and Marilyn

    LaFortune. His godparents are

    Melissa and Michael Stafiej.

    (May 24) Elijah Ekom Davis, born

    September 3, 2014. Elijah is the son of Ime Ubom and Ronald Davis. His

    grandparents are Brenda and Victor

    Ubom, and E. Michele Davis-Price

    and Charles Price. His godparents

    are Linda and LeBaron Collins.


    OF ORCHARD Connecting people to God to each other

    and to the best parts of themselves!

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    In the life of Orchard, we believe in the power of prayer. Join us in intercession, thanksgiving, celebration, and remembrance.

    Let us pray...


    A big "Thank You" to my Orchard family for all the prayers, cards and expressions of support on the loss of my sister. They helped turn what was a long week into a time of joy and celebration. Thom Parker

    The year is winding down for MOPS, and on behalf of all the moms who participate in this wonderful ministry, we would like to thank Orchard United Methodist Church for all your

    support. Thank you also to Lisa Rowley and all the volunteers who help with Moppets, we couldn't do this without your ministry!

    Missy Katcher, MOPS


    Marcia Harmons aunt, Pat (May 5, 2015)

    Beverly Browns aunt, Alice Jones (May 7, 2015)

    Flo Nauman (May 8, 2015)

    Yes! Karen Porter gets

    the winning bid on the

    parking spot at Orchard!

    Working on a Rebuilding Together day is fun!

    Jake Hume & David Brooks of JAM having end-of-year

    fun at Adventure Park!

    Childrens Ministry Promotion Sunday

    End-of-year dressy dance

    gathering of Fusion youth

  • Orchard United Methodist Church

    30450 Farmington Road

    Farmington Hills MI 48334-1939


    The Orchard Harvester is the newsletter of Orchard United Methodist Church. The combined July-August Harvester deadline is June 15, 2015.

    E-mail articles may be directed to Deanna Kohl at [email protected]

    Pastors: Rev. Carol J. Johns and Rev. Suzanne K. Goodwin Summer Worship Hours are 9:00 & 10:30 am until September 13, 2015

    Phone 248 626-3620 Fax 248 626-6836 Web Site: Samaritan Counseling Center 248 474-4701

    Non-Profit Org.

    US Postage


    Farmington, MI

    PERMIT No. 216

    Page 8

    MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Friday, May 29 Toast to Rev. Carol @ Glen Oaks (adults only reception) Sunday, May 31 Confirmation

    Friday, June 5 Blood Drive (from 1 pm-7 pm) Sunday, June 7 New Member Sunday Sunday, June 14 Rev. Carols Last Sunday Fusion Mission Team Commissioning Celebration of Ministry for Rev. Carol (All-Church in the Sanctuary and MAC) Saturday, June 20 Prayer Send-Off for Mission Team June 20-27 Youth Mission Trip Sunday, June 28 Lay Leader Sunday Sunday, July 5 Rev. Amys first Sunday July 13-17 Vacation Bible School

    August 10-14 F.R.O.G. Week Thursday, August 13 Cass Community Picnic Sunday, August 16 Mission Team Worship Celebration

    Find us, like us, share with us, and share us with others on Facebook,

    Twitter, and Instagram!