Download - June 2016 NEWSLETTER - New Life Christian Life Christian Church 1705 SE Marshall Albert Lea, MN 56007 New


New Life Christian Church 1705 SE Marshall Albert Lea, MN 56007

New Life Christian is a family of believers who love the Lord, one another, and do our best to live and reveal the love of Christ to the world around us. We are devoted to the Word of God and claim its joy, power and authority. We know that through Jesus Christ we have forgiveness, fellowship, friendship and peace. We know that we are far from perfect, but we also know that God is at work in our lives and forgives our failures. We know that there are few things that bring greater joy in life than sharing God’s Good News of Salvation and making new friends as we come to know Christ better. We know that “church” is not about the things we say or ceremonies or traditions. Instead, we un-derstand that church is all about growing, loving, learning and caring. We know that worship is not supposed to be stuffy and boring but is at its best when it is vital, rele-vant and even fun. We know that we would love to meet you and share the joy that we have found at New Life Christian Church.


Lost and Found

by Vern Harris


To embrace all people, sharing the love, joy, faith, and

truths that we have come to know in Christ Jesus.

LEAD PASTOR: Vern Harris

Office 507-373-0814 [email protected]

ELDERS: Dave Anderson 402-6000

Richard Foss 369-5127 Kendall Langseth 373-2343

Ryan Shea 402-8468 Bob Snow 684-2010

Bob Hamberg 383-0271


Office 507-373-1533 [email protected]



Office 507-373-1533 [email protected]


New Life Christian Church


Our vision is to provide encouragement, connection,

and discipleship within Christ’s church as we reach out in love to witness to the world around us.

Getting lost is easy. You simply stray a step or two from the path that you know and soon you are in uncharted territory, often making it up as you go along. Staying lost is pretty easy as well. You simply continue to take the steps that look promising for the moment, or follow in the steps of so many of the lost souls that surround you and before long you are farther and farther away from the path that will take you where you want to go. Sometimes we might stray so far away that we don't even remember exactly what the path looked like. All we know for sure is that we are lost and there doesn't seem to be any certain way to be found. That is the lie that the enemy of God would have us all believe. The lie that to have strayed from the path and finding that we have lost our way is an all consuming condemnation from which there is no return. Here is the truth: If you stray from the path of God a thousand miles you can return to it with a single step. Amazing, but true. No matter how far away we've traveled or how dark the forest we find ourselves wandering aimlessly through, the right path of the Lord--to the Lord--with the Lord is as close as a single step. So, is this step an amazing adventure? Does it require an extraordinary feat of skill or daring? No, the step required the is the same one that put you on the path of God in the first place. It is the step that says, “OK Lord, I'm yours.” I think that this idea is very much related to the reality that we are invited, encouraged, and yes---even commanded, to give the entire weight of our worry, misery, & lostness to Jesus and He will gladly take the burden away. 1 Peter 5:7 is translated in various ways, here are some examples: Cast all your anxieties upon Him, because He cares for you. (NIV) Unload all your troubles on Jesus for He is looking after you (JB) Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. (KJV) Let Him have all your worries and care, for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you. (LB) and this from the Phillips version which I really enjoy: Throw the whole weight of your anxieties upon Him, for you are His personal concern. (Phillips) No matter how it is translated or interpreted the message is the same: You are the personal concern of Jesus Christ and He wants to help you with every burden. Jesus wants to personally carry whatever weighs heavy on your heart and to take your hand and steady you as get back on the path of God. Jesus loves you and that's a fact! If you have strayed or if you know someone who has and are too embarrassed or self conscious or simply lost to feel as though you will ever feel right again...NONSENSE! If you have strayed a thousand miles from the path of God the journey of recovery is a single step: Here I am Jesus; here is my burden Jesus; here is all my doubt and my shame Jesus; here I am. And Jesus will say, “Welcome home, take a load off, make yourself comfortable, come as you are for you are loved.”

June 2016 Serving Schedule

5 12 19 26

Communion Dave A Ryan Ken Jerry

Offering prayer Ryan Ken Jerry Richard

Inside Usher Nathan/Brian Jeremy/Scott Al S/Bobby Troy/Tyler

Outside Usher Philipp/Zech Louis/Jacob Mary/Sue F Jacob/Philipp

Smalls Bob N/Faith Naomi/Julia Bob N/Faith NONE

Prayer Room Pam & Rose Ryan & Jolean Ken & Kelli NONE

Communion prep

Pam & Melody

Instruments Robyn

Video/Sound Steve & Veronica

Worship Team Kendall, Marsha, Bob S, Meridian, Summer

Greeters Dave & Cindy Secure building: Sue F

The Neighborhood Prayer Walk is on June 13th at 3:30 pm. Hope you can join us as we pray for all of Albert Lea, one block at a time.

Please keep the Decision America Tour 2016 in your prayers, that it will have an incredible impact. Pick up a 30 Day Prayer calendar. They are on the hall table.

The Decision America Tour will be at the capital in St. Paul MN, June 16th, from 12 - 1 pm. If you are interested in going, there is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. We will arrange to carpool.

Sunday in the Park is on June 26th. There will be worship, potluck, fellowship, and games. Please be in prayer for that service. It may be an opportunity to witness to others in the park.

Thomas Obadiah Chisolm (1866-1960) had a difficult adult life. His health was so fragile that there were periods of time when he was confined to bed, unable to work. Between bouts of illness he would have to push himself to put in extra hours at various jobs in order to make ends meet.

After coming to Christ at age 27, Thomas found great comfort in the Scriptures, and in the fact that God was faithful to be his strength in time of illness and provide his needs. Lamentations 3:22-23 was one of his favorite scriptures: “It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is Thy faithful-ness.”

While away from home on a missions trip, Thomas often wrote to one of his good friends, William Runyan, a relatively unknown musician. Several poems were exchanged in these letters. Runyan found one of Williams' poems so moving that he decided to compose a musical score to accompany the lyrics. Great is Thy Faithfulness was published in 1923.

For several years ,the hymn got very little recognition, until it was discovered by a Moody Bible Institute professor who loved it so much and requested it sung so often at chapel services, that the song became the unofficial theme song of the college. It was not until 1945 when George Beverly Shea began to sing Great is Thy Faithfulness at the Billy Graham evangelistic crusades, that the hymn was heard around the world.

Thomas Chisolm died in 1960 at age 94. During his lifetime, he wrote more than 1,200 poems and hymns including O To Be Like Thee and Living for Jesus.

PRAYER CORNER The Story Behind: Great Is Thy Faithfulness


Join us on June 23rd as we venture into unknown quilting territory. Our adventure will take us to New Ulm where there are several quilt shops. During our exploration we may even find a coffee shop and someplace unique for lunch.

Does this sound like fun to you? It is! Even if you have never made a quilt in your life, you are welcome to join us. Who may catch that Quilters Bug.

June Meetings Deacons: June 1st - 4:30 pm Elders: June 4th - 8:30 am Council: June 8th - 6:00 pm

Aim Hi: June 21st - noon Hospitality Team : June 7th - 6:00 pm

May Council Meeting Highlights

Minister's report: National Day of Prayer was a highlight. Much positive feedback from the community. State Convention board met. Not much interest in a convention at this time. The $3500 in the bank will go to Northern Light CC and Crossroads College. Vern will be writing two articles for the Albert Lea Newspaper. Plans to become part of the Ministerial Association. Sunday in the Park is June 26th.

Youth Director’s report: VBS is the week of August 14th. The last Wednesday Family Night is May 18th. Will have pizza and ice cream with a movie afterward.

Elders' report: Discussed youth programming. Jolean & Missy may ask for volunteers for VBS. No policy written for Facebook page yet. Reviewed serving list. Vern is on vacation June 15 - 24, Kendall and Bob S will do the preaching. Kendall spoke to Greg Gudal about future YFC projects. A building was moved to Prairie River Camp that needs work. Kendall explained Elementary programming that will be happening in the next 2-3 years. There have been good updates to our church building. Possible ideas to give a new look to the prayer requests on the wall. Motion was made and passed to give $100 a month to YFC.

Financial report: Expenses for this month included insurance, payroll taxes, Easter breakfast, and camp scholarships. Discussed the -$10,000 ending balance. We need to seriously pray about our finances.

Deacons'/Trustees’ report: Planning & dividing Live Nativity responsibilities at the June meeting. Inside jobs were done on Clean Up Day. Outside jobs will be done on May 14th. Sue F will paint exit doors. Al plans to get a bid for spray insulation. Bob H will talk to Jeff Hagen about sidewalk repair. Smart meter needs to be explained to a couple people. Sunday in the Park will be planned at the June meeting. Need estimate for mulch before purchasing. Summer meetings will be at 4:30 pm.

New business: Kendall thanked Cindy C, Mary, Marsha, and the other quilting ladies for all of the work, time, and money given to making quilts that have been given out at our church.

Church Bulletin Blooper

On a church bulletin during the minister’s illness; “GOD IS GOOD; Dr. Hargreaves is better.”

NLCC 2016 Graduates

and Their Plans for the Future

Faith Newton Riverland - Elementary


Tyler Cournoyer Riverland - Electrician

Rigel Fiscus Vermillion CC - Outdoor Leadership & Taxidermy

Madison Newton Riverland - Career working

with Children

Nadia Leal Riverland - Radiography

NLCC Community Services

Cleaning Service: Will clean your whole home or any space that you may need. Can schedule weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, or “as needed”. Can also do special projects. Call Veronica Morrow at 507-369-3049

Philipp Wagner MN State University

Moorhead - Construction Management