Download - July - August 2017 - Missionary Oblates of Mary · as Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. It is worth reflecting

Page 1: July - August 2017 - Missionary Oblates of Mary · as Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. It is worth reflecting

"Your destiny is to be apostles, and so tend within your hearts the sacred fire that the Holy Spirit lights there..."

- St. Eugene de Mazenod -


July – August 2017 Volume 16 No. 4

Message from the Provincial

On a September the 8th, the Feast of the Nativity of Mary, most of us made our First Vows. This day marked the beginning of our lives as Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. It is worth reflecting back on those first few days, when we gazed into the future with uncertainty. We did not, however, lack in zeal or enthusiasm for totally sacrificing our lives to serve the poor, while protecting ourselves under the mantle of our Mother, the patroness of our congregation. My wish for you, and for myself, is that a return to our original zeal would strengthen our Oblate vocation.

September is a time when the new catechetical year and normal pastoral ministry begins, and parish groups resume their activities. Many of us are beginning these activities in new communities this year, which comes with the additional effort required to get to know a new place, and to evaluate the pastoral needs.

I wish you all the strength and enthusiasm needed for your everyday tasks. May our Mother, Mary Immaculate, strengthen your zeal.

Fr. Alfred Grzempa OMI


Scouting Jamboree - 2 Pilgrimage to Midland - 4 Feast of the Assumption - 7 Visit from Cameroon - 9 Pilgrimage to Rama - 11 St. Maximilian Kolbe - 13 Cottage Update - 15 Vocations Update - 16 Fr. Mendrela on Mission - 17 Youth Pilgrimage (Rome) - 18

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July – August 2017 Volume 16 No. 4

International Jamboree of the Polish Scouting Association

From July 28th to August 12th, 2017, Fr. Paweł Nyrek OMI and Fr. Paweł Ratajczak OMI ministered as chaplains to the 9th International Jamboree (“Zlot”) of the Polish Scouting Association active outside of Poland (“ZHP - Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego działający poza granicami Kraju”) that was held in Tamaracouta Scout Reserve north of Montreal, in Quebec. The Jamboree gathered around 1400 participants, who ranged from 6 to 80 years of age, and came from at least 9 different countries. As chaplains, the Oblates participated in camp fires, animated scouting rituals, accompanied young people on outings and kayak trips, blessed scouting camps, ran and judged competitions (such as the singing event of “Scouting Has Talent”), shared camp meals, gave talks on various topics, and were a constant presence to the scouts and their instructors. The chaplains also celebrated daily Mass for the Jamboree, and heard confessions. Fr. Paweł Nyrek OMI took his Scouting Oath (“Przyrzeczenie Harcerskie”) and received the Scouting Cross (“Krzyż Harcerski”) at the end of the jamboree, while Fr. Paweł Ratajczak OMI received his instructor’s rank of Deputy Scout Master (“Podharcmistrz”). The Polish Scouting Association, active in many Oblate parishes, has as its core principles service to God, to Poland, and to one’s country of residence, seeking to develop character and virtue in young people.

Field altar used to celebrate the main Jamboree Masses

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July – August 2017 Volume 16 No. 4

The ministry of scouting chaplain is a demanding one, but also affords an irreplaceable opportunity to accompany young people – both harcerki and harcerze (“guides” and “scouts”) – in their journey of faith. Frequently, this happens at camp, usually an environment of natural beauty. Moreover, a scouting chaplain has a unique chance to work with instructors – many of them young adults – who are discovering their vocation and place in society. Both of these activities fall squarely in the category of “Mission with Youth”, which the General Chapter of 2016 identified as a key component of Oblate identity.

Fr. Pawel Ratajczak OMI

Group photo of one Jamboree group on main field

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July – August 2017 Volume 16 No. 4

Pilgrimage to Midland

On August 13, 2017, Polonia from Ontario, USA, and visitors from Poland gathered at the Martyr’s Shrine in Midland for the annual pilgrimage. According to the organizers, over 8,000 pilgrims attended the celebration. In attendance were three special pilgrims, who made the first journey (by train) to Midland 61 years ago, thus beginning the tradition of the Polonia pilgrimages to the Shrine. The gathered crowd of faithful applauded these three pilgrims: Maria Matys, Teresa Wolak, and Jenny Urbanowicz. This year’s guest of honour was Bishop Wieslaw Spiewak, a Resurrectionist who worked at the Vatican for many years before Pope Francis named him the Bishop of the Diocese of Hamilton in Bermuda in 2015. He came to Midland at the invitation of Fr. Janusz Blazejak OMI, who is the head of the Conference of Polish Priests in Eastern Canada. The pilgrims started to arrive at the Shrine as of Saturday. The majority of these pilgrims were the participants of the 35th annual walking pilgrimage, who departed for Midland on Monday, August 7 2017. Over 600 pilgrims were registered this year. After the hardships of the 140 km journey, one would think the pilgrims would rest upon their arrival at the Shrine. Instead, they formed a candlelit rosary procession on Saturday night, to prepare for the Sunday celebrations. The walking pilgrimage was joined by a bicycle pilgrimage from London on Saturday afternoon, which was led by Deacon Jaroslaw Witkowski and made the journey from London, Ontario. There was great satisfaction on the faces of all of the pilgrims, who rejoiced in the fact that they took up the challenge to reach this wonderful place on foot, carrying in their hearts the many intentions they gathered from loved ones. The majority of the faithful arrived on Sunday morning, including bus pilgrimages from: St. Maximilian Kolbe parish in Mississauga, under the direction of Fr. Jozef Wcislo OMI, St. Casimir’s parish in Toronto, under the direction of Fr. Kazimierz Kozicki OMI, Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish in St. Catharines, under the

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July – August 2017 Volume 16 No. 4

direction of Fr. Antoni Degutis OMI, and St. Stanisław Kostka parish in Hamilton, under the direction of Fr. Krzysztof Szkubera CR. As usual, most of the pilgrims arrived either individually, in groups of friends or with their families. Confessions began at 9:00 am, and at 10:45 the faithful prayed the rosary together. The Solemn Mass began at 11:30, with a procession that included pilgrims and the Knights of Columbus. Bp. Spiewak presided over the Solemn Mass, which was concelebrated by many priests: Fr. Janusz Błazejak OMI, pastor from Mississauga, Fr. Wojciech Stangel OMI from Mississauga - who was responsible for overseeing the walking pilgrimage - Fr. Paweł Pilarczyk OMI from Mississauga - leader of one of the groups of walking pilgrims - Fr. Sławomir Szwagrzyk from the Yukon - leader of one of the groups of walking pilgrims - Fr. Adam Słominski TChr from Scarborough - participant in the walking pilgrimage - Fr. Józef Wcisło OMI - director of the Oblate Seminary in Obra, Poland - Fr. Antoni Degutis OMI, pastor from St. Catherines - Fr. Jacek Cydzik CSSR, director of Radio Maryja, Canada - Fr. Marcin Rosinski OMI, army chaplain from Cold Lake, Alberta - who for many years was in charge of the walking pilgrimage - Fr. Krzysztof Szubera CR from Hamilton, Fr. Kazimierz Kozicki OMI from Toronto, Fr. Czeslaw Chmurzynski CR, and Fr. Bogdan Grabowski from Trzebnica. Two Oblates from Toronto were also present: Fr. John Szkodzinski OMI and Br. Tadeusz Orzechowski OMI, as well as a few religious sisters, namely Sr. Karolina Szymkowiak MChr, a participant in the walking pilgrimage.

During the Homily, Bp. Spiewak pointed out that the graces Mary received from God bore fruit in her life, in the form of love for those in need. That’s why, immediately after the Annunciation, Mary makes her way to her relative, Elizabeth, to be with her and to help her prepare for the birth of John the Baptist. According to the Bishop, this is the dimension of divine intervention. God the Father, in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, shortened the distance between Himself and man. Jesus became one of us, without ever ceasing to be God. Anyone who accepts Jesus is called to open up to others, shortening the distance that separates us. The most beautiful example of this was the Virgin Mary. The faithful were captivated, hanging on every word of the Bishop’s sermon. After the Mass, he gave personal blessings to the faithful who approached him and talked with him for over two hours. The line was so long that without intervention, the Bishop would never have gone to dinner, and the Divine Mercy service at

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July – August 2017 Volume 16 No. 4

3pm would have been delayed. It is a tradition for many pilgrims to the Shrine to remain after Mass, and participate in the Divine Mercy service at 3pm, devoting themselves to the Mercy of God and pleading for the necessary graces for themselves and their loved ones. Fr. Jozef Wcislo OMI led the prayers, with music ministry for which Sr. Karolina Szymkowiak MChr was responsible. It is also worth noting that following the Mass, a few dozen people made a vow to the “Krucjata Wyzwolenia Czlowieka,” an annual commitment to abstain from alcohol in the intention of those struggling with alcoholism. It was amazing to see that many young people took on this petition. Some amongst the faithful committed themselves to the spiritual adoption of a conceived child.

Throughout the day, the presence of the Knights of Columbus and the accompaniment of the pilgrimage band and the Polonia Brass Band greatly added to the ceremony. There were also stands where the faithful could buy spiritual and devotional literature. Another very important factor contributed to the success of the day: the weather was great, and the people were all smiling and joyful. The Superior of the Midland Jesuit Fathers greeted the gathered pilgrims in beautiful words, and expressed admiration for the faith of all those who come to the sanctuary. Bishop Spiewak and Fr. Błazejak both thanked the faithful for their presence, and the organizers for the hard work that they put in every year so that Polonia can meet in this beautiful place and pray together. The only bad thing: we have to wait another year to experience it all again.

Fr. Józef Wcisło OMI

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July – August 2017 Volume 16 No. 4

Feast of the Assumption

On August 15th, the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate from the Toronto district of Assumption Province, their co-workers, Honorary Oblates, as well as parents of Oblates, gathered to celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption at Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre in Mississauga. Also present for the festivities were diocesan and religious clergy, as well as the Priests of the Sacred Heart, who were engaged in their spiritual exercises at the retreat house. Fr. Alfred Grzempa OMI, the Provincial Superior, wrote the following in his message for the Solemnity of the Assumption: “I pray that our Immaculate Mary, Mother of Oblates, covers us all with her mantle of love, and strengthens us on the road to living out our Oblate vocation.” Animating the Oblate gathering was Fr. Janusz Błażejak OMI, the superior of the Toronto district. Presiding the Eucharist was Bishop Wiesław Śpiewak of the Diocese of Hamilton in Bermuda, who was invited to Canada for the annual pilgrimage to Martyr’s Shrine. Bishop Śpiewak reminded those gathered that he came from Hamilton – but in Bermuda, not in Ontario. His simplicity and joy were an inspiration to all. Several Oblates were involved in preparing the liturgy, from the readings to the prayers of the faithful. Fr. Paweł Ratajczak OMI delivered the homily, and spoke of the toil necessary to spiritually bring Jesus to life in us. After the Mass, the Oblates and their guests continued to celebrate their patronal feast with a fraternal get-together and meal, for which they were warmly welcomed by Fr. Chris Pulchny OMI, Oblates and staff at the retreat house. Those celebrating their birthdays in August were also not forgotten. Overall, the gathering was a very good way to come together and celebrate the “Mother of Oblates” on the solemnity of her Assumption.

Fr. Paweł Ratajczak OMI

Top left: Mrs. Bernadette Malinowski, organist from St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish, enriched the liturgy with her singing and playing. Above: Fr. Wojciech Stangel OMI reads the Gospel while Fr. Janusz Błażejak OMI and Bp. Wiesław Śpiewak look on. Left: Fr. Paweł Ratajczak OMI preaches the homily

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July – August 2017 Volume 16 No. 4

Top left: the gathered Oblates, Honorary Oblates, coworkers, and faithful at the liturgy Above: Fr. Peter Nowak OMI with his parents, Zdzislaw and Zofia Nowak. Left: Fr. Mariusz Wilk and Fr. Tomasz Koscinski cut their birthday cakes.

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July – August 2017 Volume 16 No. 4

Visit of the Provincial of Cameroon

While spending some time in Quebec, Fr. Edouard Dagavounansou OMI, the Provincial of Cameroon (Cameroon-Chad-Nigeria) found the time to visit past missionaries from his Province. I was the treasurer of the novitiate in Ngaoundere, Cameroon, when the present Provincial was being introduced to religious life at the same novitiate. Accompanying him was Fr. Ali C. Nnaemeek OMI, an Oblate from Nigeria who works with the indigenous people of Quebec. He knew a few Oblates from our Province, and tried to get in touch with a few. However, due to holidays, many of

them were out of town. Finally, he got my phone number and left me a message, saying that the Provincial of Cameroon wants to visit the Oblates he knows in Toronto and the surrounding area. Due to my own holiday plans, I knew I had to act quickly. Two days later, they both arrived by train from Montreal. From Union Station, we took the subway to the Provincial House where I left my car. Brother Tadeusz Orzechowski OMI, a former “Cameroonian,” awaited us at Indian Trail. Despite the late hour (it was past 10:00 pm), he had prepared a warm dinner. We exchanged memories and questions about the development of the Cameroon province, and about the circumstances of the death of Brother Grzegorz Rosa OMI, who died suddenly of a heart attack on August 14th in Ngaoundere. After exchanging addresses and a joint photo, we departed on our way. Fr. Jacek Nosowicz OMI (the third “Cameroonian”) was already asleep at this time, since it was just before midnight, so we just drove by St. Casimir’s Church and made our way to Welland. We later caught up with Fr. Jacek on FaceTime. The parishioners in Welland had the opportunity to pray together with the guests during the Sunday Mass. Fr. Edouard was met with great applause, when he introduced himself to the community in Polish. The guests visited Niagara Falls, and Niagara-on-the-Lake. They also had the chance to discover for themselves the famous wines of the Niagara region. On Monday, August 21, on the way to the airport, we stopped by St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish to greet the local Oblate community and to see the church. We also had the opportunity to observe the sun’s eclipse there. It was a very nice and fraternal visit, with Oblates from the province to which we devoted the beginnings of our missionary lives and ministry.

Fr. Mirosław Olszewski OMI

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July – August 2017 Volume 16 No. 4

Rama - 76th Annual Pilgrimage

Historical Event Marked @ Rama at the 76th Annual Pilgrimage Over 1000 people gathered at the 76th Annual Pilgrimage at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine on August 14 & 15, The Feast of The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary. Little did Fr. Anthony Sylla OMI realize that through his inspiration in 1939, when he first decided to build a grotto in a small hill west of St. Anthony's Church that 78 years later, it would still be a spiritual attraction to so many pilgrims! He felt that when World War II broke out in 1939 that there was a need to pray for peace in the world so a grotto was the place where people could gather to pray. Summoning his parishioners that very evening, he asked that they haul their fieldstones so that the construction could begin. Thus, today, a beautiful Shrine, which is a replica of Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine in France, exists in the Village of Rama attracting thousands of visitors, not only on August 14 and 15, but throughout the entire year. However, this year was very special and significant as it marked another historical event at St. Anthony's Church. It began on August 14, the Vigil of The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary, with the unveiling of two new statues, St. Mother Teresa and St. John Paul II, created by world-renowned artisans in Italy. The unveiling was done by Marie Broda of Kamsack and her son, Gord Broda of Prince Albert. Archbishop Don Bolen of Regina had the honour of blessing the two statues which were placed in the same location as the statue of St. Gianna Beretta Molla, the pro-life saint who made her home at St. Anthony's churchyard in 2012. In addition to this historical moment, St. Anthony's was invited to host the "traveling" International Pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima. This was a great honour as this statue stopped at only a few locations in Western Canada marking the 100th Anniversary of Fatima, Portugal. To add to the beauty of the statue, the church was decorated by 100 white roses, and 100 white roses at the grotto. It was May 13, 1917 that Our Lady appeared to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal. The statue travels with two custodians who present the Fatima Message during each stop and is carried in procession with four volunteers. On August 14th, after the blessing of the two statues, it was carried in procession along with many priests, banner carriers, Knights of Columbus, altar servers, St. Anthony's Choir, relic carrier and Archbishop Don Bolen. The carriers of the statue were Gregory Parsons (Wadena), Desiree Nieckar (Yorkton), Juliette Franke (President of St. Anthony's Parish Ladies) & Joe Kowalyshyn (representing St. Anthony's Parish Council). Prior to Mass, the Filipino Choir (Yorkton) sang hymns of praise to Mary followed by a talk from Cameron Choquette representative of CCO (Catholic Christian Outreach-Saskatoon) followed by the Fatima Message delivered by Carl Malburg (Custodian-Chicago). After the Celebration of The Holy Eucharist, many participated in the Living Rosary in several different languages. The calm and quiet evening led to a magnificent candlelight procession. Adding to the significance of this year's pilgrimage was the veneration of the relic of St. John Paul II. His relic "ex sanguine" (drop of his blood) was received two weeks prior to the pilgrimage from Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz from Krakow, Poland who was the Private Secretary of Pope John Paul II over a number of years. All the faithful were invited for public veneration of the relic. Benediction of The Blessed Sacrament took place in the church with Eucharistic Adoration till midnight. In the stillness of the night the sound of a flute was heard adding to the beauty of the evening as candles burned along many places throughout the grotto!

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July – August 2017 Volume 16 No. 4

August 15, Feast Day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Early morning prayers in Polish ("Godzinki") began the celebration, with Mass in Polish - Main celebrant, Fr. Mitch Burdzy OMI (St. Henry's Parish - Melville) and homilist Fr. Marcin Mironiuk OMI (Rama). Divine Liturgy in The Byzantine Rite took place at the Shrine with main celebrant, His Excellency Bishop Bryan Bayda (Saskatoon) and con-celebrants, Fr. Joakim Rac (Canora) and Fr. Mehodius Kushko (Yorkton). Stations of the Cross and Anointing of the Sick followed. Final Mass, once again, with the procession as on August 14 took place. Carriers of the relic were Carol Hauber (CWL-Sturgis), Elaine Olson (St. Anthony's Council), Glen Tymiak (National Past President Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada-Yorkton) and Ken Rolheiser (Knights of Columbus-Canora). The Main Celebrant for the Mass was Fr. Mitch Burdzy OMI (Melville) with other con-celebrant priests including Fr. Anandan (India), Fr. Gerard Kooper (Saskatoon) Fr. Methodius Kushko (Yorkton) and Fr. Marcin Mironiuk OMI (Rama). Following the Plenary Indulgence, religious articles and scapulars given by the custodians from Fatima were blessed by Fr. Marcin. Lunch followed in the parish hall. St. Anthony's is very grateful to all who participated including the many priests who gave opportunity for private confessions throughout the two days, Many of the priests came from far distances, Saskatoon, Humboldt, Yorkton, Prince Albert, Verdin, MB, Wadena, Canora and even India. Also many came on the charter bus from Saskatoon with pick-ups in Humboldt. It was definitely a memorable and historic event that was a huge success!

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July – August 2017 Volume 16 No. 4

St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish, Mississauga

Summer is usually a slower time for many of us, and for the parishes. However, at St. Maximilian Kolbe parish, we kept busy with a big project: the replacement of the pavement in the parking area, which, after 30 years of use, was already completely destroyed by cracks, continual repairs, and new potholes after the winter weather. With the help of the Family of Faith funds, we were able to completely resurface the entire parking area, which is huge. The work took about three weeks, which was especially a challenge on weekends when it was impossible to access the parking lot, but now the parish has a beautiful, large parking lot and peace of mind with the repairs over the next few years.

Left: the Kolbe parking lot, torn up during the resurfacing project Bottom: the lovely and smooth new parking surface

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July – August 2017 Volume 16 No. 4

The parish also celebrated its Feast Day on August 22nd, 2017. The celebrations were presided over by Bishop Wieslaw Spiewak from Bermuda. As usual, this gathering attracted many faithful and visitors from other parishes. Bp. Spiewak explained, in a beautiful way, what a true plenary indulgence is in each of our lives by tracing the origin of the word, and explained the meaning of Divine Mercy. For the first time, the Bishop also proclaimed the Word of God at all of the English language Masses, which was a pleasant surprise for the English-speaking parishioners. Aside from the local Oblate community, the following also attended the celebration: Fr. Chris Pulchny OMI, Fr. Rudy Nowakowski OMI, Fr. Paweł Ratajczak OMI, Fr. Jacek Cydzik, Fr. Jozef Wcisło OMI - director of the Oblate Seminary in Obra, Br. Tadeusz Orzechowski OMI and Fr. Paweł Pilarczyk OMI - who was just beginning his pastoral ministry at St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish. A week later, on August 27, 2017, Fr. Paweł Pilarczyk OMI presided over the 11:00am Mass, his First Mass at the parish, and gave the gathered faithful the first blessing. The parishioners, the Knights of Columbus, and the children greeted Fr. Paweł with flowers and a beautiful poem.

Fr. Janusz Błazejak OMI

Fr. Pilarczyk’s First Mass at St. Maximilian Kolbe parish

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July – August 2017 Volume 16 No. 4

Cottage Update Summer is a time of rest, a time for relaxing at the Oblate cottage. This year it was an especially quiet time, as there were no extra guests at the cottage. But, as always, there was something to be done around the house. This time, it was an unexplained leak in two places - one in the downstairs hallway by the laundry machine, and one in the bathroom. The leak was small but lasted for months, and the walls took on a lot of moisture. It was when the water started to come out from the floor that we were able to see that there was a bigger problem. As a result, the entire bathroom and corridor had to undergo a major renovation. All of the furniture was removed, as well as all of the walls. After repairing the pipes, this part of the cottage had to dried, and the bathroom and corridor renovations began. After the renovations, the bathroom looks wonderful! May it continue to serve for many years to come.

Fr. Janusz Błazejak OMI

Above: Fr. Janusz Blazejak OMI working hard on the cottage renovations Below: The completed bathroom and laundry area

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July – August 2017 Volume 16 No. 4

Vocations Update - Jonasz Lalik On August the 1st 2017, I embarked on my path to respond to Jesus' call. It was on this day that I started my prenoviciate experience in Obra, Poland with the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. I arrived a day early as I got a ride with the novice master, Fr. Krzysztof Jamrozy OMI. With this extra day I got to sightsee the Obra seminary grounds and the surrounding area. The prenoviciate started on August 2nd 2017, after dinner. At the prenoviciate there were 11 of us prenovices, 8 of which are discerning priesthood, and the remaining 3 discerning the brotherhood. Our 10 days of prenoviciate consisted of writing psychological tests, doing work around the Obra seminary, meeting with the novice master, the Provincial Fr. Paweł Zajac OMI, and with the psychologist, and forming the foundation for what will become our community. Our prenoviciate was accompanied with a daily schedule that was always different. There were days where we went on walks or outings and days when we had meetings. One of these outings was a trip to MRU German fortification base, the statue of Jesus in Świbodzin, and a tour of the diocesan seminary in Paradyż. But one thing that never changed was that we spent time with Jesus in morning prayers, meditation, daily Eucharist, and communal prayer. This was the foundation of our prenoviciate, whilst forming community with Jesus. My time spent in Obra went by very quickly. I got to know my brothers from Poland and my brother from Ukraine. I got to connect with my brothers through shared conversations over coffee, moments of laughter, shared experiences. Most importantly I rediscovered the presence of the living Christ within the Oblate community. I look forward to the next chapter which is the noviciate on Święty Krzyż, and I pray that the Lord may lead me with the help of St. Eugene on this next stage.

Jonasz Lalik

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July – August 2017 Volume 16 No. 4

Missionary Work of Fr. Antoni Mendrela OMI Earlier this year, from March 2 to April 1, 2017, Fr. Antoni Mendrela OMI went to the Bahamas for mission work. Below is his description of his time there: “I was placed on the small Islands (Eluthra, Bimini, Andros) often lacking water and electricity. I had to do my own cleaning, cooking and laundry. At one point I got sick with a bladder infection. Despite all that, I am very grateful to God that at my age (78 years old!) I was able to provide pastoral services to the people and the communities without any resident priest, especially during the Lenten season. All the work that I have provided to the people of the Islands was charity work and without any pay. I have done this upon the invitation of my good friend the Archbishop of Nassau, Most Reverend Patrick Pinder, S.T.D.”

Page 18: July - August 2017 - Missionary Oblates of Mary · as Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. It is worth reflecting


July – August 2017 Volume 16 No. 4

Youth Pilgrimage to Rome In the days of August 27th to September 6th 2017 members of the youth groups of St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish participated in a pilgrimage to Rome to end their formational year “coming to know the Credo”. The pilgrimage group consisted of 69 youth members. The program was very intense, but it let the youth truly live it out as a pilgrimage in the footsteps of saints. Each one of the 10 days had its theme, which was a stepping stone in the faith. It was organized in an historical way as well as divided by spiritual themes. The goal was to strengthen and renew the faith of our youth, but at the same time to show them the universality of our faith as well as the call we all have to holiness, to be saints. On the first day the youth visited St. Peter’s square and the first parish of Rome – Santa Maria in Transtevere. We saw the old sacristy with the list of pastors of the church including, symbolically, St. Peter, but after St. Clement, the fourth pope. Next we woke up at 2:00 am in order to walk in pilgrimage to the train station in order to go to Assisi. There we met St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi. We had the chance to pray at their graves, coming to know their stories and roles in the church. A very special moment was a Mass in the private chapel of the Franciscans in their motherhouse as well as visiting the Sanctuary of Saint Mary of the Angels: the house where, according to tradition, Mary fell asleep before her Assumption. We also met the Oblates of the Italian province there, since to our surprise they were having their provincial retreat. We met many of the priests and brothers who studied or worked with Father Marcin Serwin in Rome. After returning to Rome we had supper and had a moment of reflection at St. Peter’s Square. The following day was also very unique, because we woke up at 4 am in order to prepare for Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica. The basilica was still closed but our youth received special permission to have a private Mass at the grave of St. John Paul II. This was a very emotional moment for many of us who remember St. John Paul II or have grown up with stories about him. After the Mass we were able to walk through the silent Basilica of St. Peter’s coming to know it as the symbolic home church of St. Peter and his successors. We had a chance to pray by the upper level of the Tomb of St. Peter and then after a short reflection we had a long time to meditate upon where we are in our own faith and what God is calling us to do during this pilgrimage. After this wonderful time we had a very exciting moment because as we exited the basilica in order to make our way for the General Audience with Pope Francis we were directed to the papal entrance where we were saluted by the Swiss Guards and taken to the first sector. During the audience, the Holy Father gave a special blessing to our youth and directed a message to us saying: “Dear youth, be courageous in your faith, remember to give witness to Christ in every reality of your lives.” The youth yelled out their joy when our group was presented as the “youth from St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish in Canada”. After the audience with the pope we made our way to the Vatican Press Office, where we had a private meeting with the director of the Vatican Press Office. It was a great way to find out how the Vatican works and how important a role it has in the world. The director had many jokes to tell us, and anecdotes about the Pope, but also gave us a lot of information about the Holy See. Each day of the pilgrimage was very busy, full of walking and with a lot of emotions. We saw the catacombs and had Mass for all of those who passed on the faith to us. We visited 20 basilicas, 22 saints. We were able to have Mass right on the tomb of St. Peter in the second level and saw the Vatican, as well as went on the dome of St. Peter. In the 10 days we walked over 240 km, so many of us had blisters, but that was all part of the pilgrimage. We also had many moments of “Italian Joy” – pasta or pizza every day and, of course, lots of Italian ice cream – Gelato. We were very thankful for the pilgrimage; we miss Rome already and hope that this will become a tradition with Fr. Marcin and other Oblates that will continue with us for many years to come.

Justyna Armatowicz and Kacper Bronowicki

Kolbe Youth Groups

Page 19: July - August 2017 - Missionary Oblates of Mary · as Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. It is worth reflecting


July – August 2017 Volume 16 No. 4

Above: A highlight of the pilgrimage for the youth was getting to meet and spend time with Fr. Superior General, Louis Lougen OMI at the Oblate General House.

Above: Fr. Marcin Serwin OMI with the lively group in front of the Gregorian University in Rome.