Download - Julius Caesar Act II Scene II, III and IV Q&A

  • 8/9/2019 Julius Caesar Act II Scene II, III and IV Q&A


    Act II Scene 2: Why is Calpurnia concerned about Caesar going to the senate?

    She has a dream about blood coming out of Caesar and people rejoicing, bad omens,and arguers can't find heart in eamination!

    Act II Scene 2: What is "ecius's interpretation of Calpurnia's dream?

    #e'll bring good, re$i$al, rene%al blood to &ome!

    1. Why doesnt Caesar fear death?

    Answer: It comes to everyone. It is inescapable.

    2. Why does Calpurnia obect to Caesar !oin! to the capitol?

    Answer: "he had a bad dream about Caesar

    #. $escribe the dream she had.

    Answer: "aw a statue of Caesar bleedin! and the %omans were bathin! in his blood.

    &. 'ow many ploys does $ecius use to !et Caesar to !o to the "enate? ()plain each


    Answer: 1 * 'e reinterprets the dream as %omans see Caesar as their bloodlife and

    they need him

    2 * 'e is playin! with Caesars emotions by tellin! him the "enate may see

    him as a coward.

    +. Why do thin, Caesar is more ready to believe $ecius than Calpurnia?

    Answer: Caesar already wants to !o to the capitol and $ecius !ave him the perfect

    e)cuse to !o.

    Act II Scene : Why is Artemidorus %aiting for Caesar?

    #e's going to gi$e him a letter %arning him about the conspirators!

    1. In scene iii- what seems to be the one remainin! hope that Caesar may yet besaved?

    Answer: hat Caesar reads the letter/petition Artemidorous wrote warnin! him of the

    !roup that wants to ,ill him.

    2. Accordin! to Artemidorous- what is it that allows others to plot assassination?

    Answer: 0ealousy

  • 8/9/2019 Julius Caesar Act II Scene II, III and IV Q&A


    #. In the followin! uote from Artemidorous- what or who does !oodness3 stand for?

    What or who does ealousys envious fan!s3 stand for?

    4uote: 5y heart !rieves that !oodness cannot live out of reach of ealousys envious


    Answer: 6oodness * Caesar is the symbol

    0ealousys (nvious 7an!s * he !roup of conspirators who want to ,illCaesar

    &. What evidence is there that 8ortia is startin! to lose control?

    Answer: 8ortia is startin! to hear thin!s that arent there. "he ,nows deep down that

    somethin! is wron! with 9rutus. "he is also actin! paranoid and panic,y.

    +. 9rutus shows himself to be a poor ud!e of character. 'ow? 'e has also made

    several ,ey mista,es. What are they?

    Answer: 9rutus is a poor ud!e of character because he trusts the wron! people suchas Cassius and Casca. 9rutus also believes the notes that are thrown into his house

    instead of his own mind. 'e also does not trust his own wife.

    ne maor mista,e he has made is decidin! to ,ill his friend- Caesar. 'e also ma,es

    the mista,e of not tellin! his wife the truth. he third mista,e is decidin! not to ,ill

    5arc Antony.

    Names of the conspirators Brutus, Cassius, Casca, Caius Ligarious,

    Decius, Cicero, Cinna, Trebonius, Mettelus Cimber,

    Act 3

    1)What is the significance of Caesar's dying words, "Et tu, Brute? Then fall,


    The conspirators gather around Caesar and he sees his trusted friend Brutus

    among them. tunned that Brutus is among his assassins, Caesar cries out,

    "and you too, Brutus?" This famous line is important ecause it sets Brutus

    apart from the other conspirators. There is no dout that Brutus's selfser#ingand amitious accomplices ha#e committed an indefensile act, ut with

    Caesar's final utterance we recogni$e that the selfsacrificing and nole

    Brutus has perpetrated the same heinous crime % his moti#ation is rendered

    immaterial. &or this moment, Brutus the idealist ecomes Brutus the


  • 8/9/2019 Julius Caesar Act II Scene II, III and IV Q&A


    2)Who turns the people of ome against Brutus?

    (fter Brutus addresses the )leeians, successfully assuring them that

    Caesar's murder was necessary to preser#e their freedoms *+..-++/,(ntony deli#ers his cle#erly crafted speech in defense of Caesar. While

    ma0ing sure not to condemn Brutus and the conspirators, he argues that

    Caesar had no plan to turn ome into a dictatorship. 1e reminds the crowd

    that Caesar was offered a "0ingly crown" *+..-2/ three times and refused

    each time.

    3)3escrie the encounter etween Brutus and Caesar's ghost.

    Cassius retires for the e#ening and Brutus calls two of his ser#ants, Claudio

    and 4arro, to stay with him through the night. The oys 5uic0ly fall asleep and

    Brutus starts to read. With the flic0er of the candle Brutus's eyes are

    distracted upward, to see the ghost of Caesar standing eside him. The ghost

    tells Brutus that they will meet again at )hilippi and #anishes.

    Act 2

    1)1ow does )ortia pro#e she is worthy to hear the plans of her husand,


    )ortia cuts herself in the thigh and suffers the pain of oth the wound and the

    infection it causes in silence. 1er show of ra#ery and selfcontrol con#inces

    Brutus she is "stronger than her se6" *.-.78/ and he agrees to confide in

    her, only to e interrupted efore he has a chance.

    2)(fter an ominous dream, Calpurnia egs Caesar to stay away from the

    senate and, at first, he agrees. What changes his mind?

    3ecius, a conspirator whose role it is to guarantee Caesar is in the Capitolthat day, fa#oraly interprets Calpurnia's dream and then chides Caesar for

    yielding to his wife's whims. 3ecius adds that the senate is planning again to

    offer Caesar a crown, and Caesar gi#es in to #anity. 1e lea#es Calpurnia and

    accompanies 3ecius to the Capitol.