Download - Judaism Unit Presentation

  • Origin of Judaism Judaism begins with Abraham, who came to believe in one Supreme Being, Then his son Isaac, then Isaac's son Jacob, and then Jacob's 12 sons who were the twelve tribes of Israel. Later they were captured by the Egyptians and became slaves for many years until Moses, along with his family led the Children of Israel out of Egypt and to the Promised Land
  • Holy Writings & Core Beliefs The Torah is a holy book for all Jewish people, it contains the five books of Moses and a section called profits. The Rabbi reads from the torah during the Sabbath. The Mitzvot are the 613 commandments believed to be from God, but the ten commandments are the most important ones. Most of them are not laws the are rules to live by to make you a better person. Judaism believes there is one God who created and rules the world. This God is all powerful, all knowing and in all places at all times. God is also just and merciful. Each person is created in the image of one God. Therefore, all people are created equal. People have freewill and are responsible for the choices they make
  • Holy Places and/or Places of Worship
    • Jerusalem is very holy place. It is where the second temple was built and some of its remains are still there.
    • The Western Wall (previously call the wailing wall) got it name because Jews would go their to morn the loss of the temple. Many people still go their to visit and leave notes in the cracks of the wall.
    A Synagogue, is a place where they gather to worship, today some are also called a Temple. The rabbi is the leader and teaches the congregation about the torah in the Sabbath Services. It its followed by a cantor with singing and chanting.
  • Rites of Passage & Rituals
    • Bar & Bat Mitzvah
    • When a boy or girl reaches the proper age they are Mitzvahed and they become responsible from that day forward to follow the Torah
    • Preparing for this takes years of studying
    • They have to deliver a speech and read from the Torah
    • After the ceremony there is a festive meal
    • Kosher Foods
    • Jewish Laws that address what foods they can and cannot eat.
    • Kosher means proper or correct.
    • Fruits & veggies must be in their natural state.
    • Cannot mix meat and cheese
    • They can only eat certain kinds of meat.
    • Prepared foods must have Kosher symbol.
    • Shabbat
    • This is a day of resting that starts on Friday at sundown and ends on Saturday at sundown.
    • Light a candle to start
    • They say many prayers over the food and wine before they eat.
    • Cannot work on this day and it happens every week.
  • This is how much Judaism people live in the world, comparing to the other religions
  • Some Symbols & Their Meaning This is a Tallit, it is usually worn in a Synagogue. The strings at the bottom represent all of the Mitzvahs (commandments) and sometimes worn by some under their cloths' Star of David, the six pointed star, also called a Magen David (shield of David). The Shofar is a rams horn blown before and during the month before Rosh Hashanah (New Years), to remind people of their responsibilities and to wake them up.
  • Celebrations & Holidays Purim: Purim is one of the most joyous and fun holidays on the Jewish calendar. It commemorates a time when the Jewish people living in Persia were saved from extermination. A common treat at this time of year is hamentaschen (lit. Haman's pockets). These triangular fruit-filled cookies are supposed to represent Haman's three-cornered hat, or pointy ears. Chanukkah, the Jewish festival of rededication, also known as the festival of lights, and it is eight days long. A candle is lit each of the eight days. There is eating fried foods; playing with a dreidel (a top) and gift giving. Yom Kippur: Yom Kippur is probably the most important holiday of the Jewish year. The name "Yom Kippur" means "Day of Atonement," and that pretty much explains what the holiday is. This day is, essentially, your last appeal, your last chance to change the judgment, and to demonstrate your repentance and make amends.
  • Modern day vs. History. A judge brings Ten commandments to see at court, but the law says not to. The judge gets judged. He is a very religious Jewish man, And he really argues about them disagreeing, And hes fired.